Settled Heart {Gaz X Reader}

By snobbybastard

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─┈‌┈ִ┈─┈︪︩┈ׂ┈─┈‌┈┈ִ─┈‌┈ִ┈─┈︪︩┈ׂ┈─┈‌┈┈ִ┈─┈‌┈ִ She finds his eyes once more, completely oblivious to the pathet... More

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°' Chapter 5 '°
[NSFW?] °' Chapter 6 '°
°' Chapter 7 '°
°' Chapter 8 '°
°' Chapter 10 '°
°' Chapter 11'°
°' Chapter 12 '°
°' Chapter 13 '°
°' Chapter 14 '°
°' Chapter 15 '°

°' Chapter 9 '°

1.7K 59 94
By snobbybastard

You took the child back to the cabin until you could get the care he needs, you didn't normally take victims back to your bases,you swear you broke more than ten rules by doing this, but he had nowhere else to go- and he'd probably wouldn't have made it if it weren't for you.

He was scared of Ghosts mask and big figure, (understandably), Soaps blabbermouth and the weird faces he pulls to try make him laugh, he just doesn't like Gaz and Price is quite fatherly in a sense, but says not to get too attached as he'll have to go someplace he'll be safe.

That means he would only speak to you, even so it took at least four hours trying to get the child comfortable enough to talk. Only giving small nods or one worded sentences, you cant blame him, he went through and saw a lot of what a child should be sheltered from.

You learned his name was Elijah, and as you guessed, he was barely a month over four years old. After you got a small damp cloth and cleaned his face from the mud and grime that had found itself there, he was tired enough to immediately fall asleep on the couch, waking up not even an hour later, but in that hour you managed to have a shower and clean yourself up, Aswell as stitch up the cut on your cheek. Hard part was trying to entertain the kid after going through lists upon lists of games that would help him take his mind off what happened, he decided on hide and seek. -You weren't gonna question it.

He gradually got more playful, as a child should be, and was quickly warming up to the team, even letting Johnny join in-who was surprisingly good with kids; hiding in plain sight, next to a lamp, behind curtains, etc, etc, all the while making Elijahs chest erupt into tight, coiled giggles.

Having a child at the base was a change in the atmosphere, energetic and bonding, as well as touching.

It was his turn to be the seeker, hearing him count down from 20- skipping nearly every second number, you ducked behind a counter where Price and Ghost were discussing what they found from Hassans ally. You had to cover your mouth from laughing as you hid behind your Captain and Lieutenant, soon enough you heard the echoing laughter of Soap as he darts through the house, light footsteps tapping after him. You move slightly as he rounds the corner, making sure to avoid being seen.

"He's gonna see you," Ghost mumbles down to you,
"Yer' going to lose," Price adds with a smirk, which makes Ghost shake his head as he flicks his eyes towards a bedroom, giving you a hint of where to go next.

You look up at him and nod, you wait for the perfect time to make a run for it, Elijah had found Soap and you know for sure he'll rat you out, the young boy moves his head side to side, looking all around the cabin for where you could be, you think you can conceal your hiding spot a little longer- that is until Price motions to Elijah and points to where you were.


You fake a gasp at the betrayal and before he had time to spot you, you ran towards the bedroom. Kyle was relaxing on the bed, his hat pulled down just over his eyes and arms crossed, he was half asleep when you bolted in, the sudden movement waking him up. You put a finger to your mouth, trying to get him to be quiet, the confused look on his face sending you into silent giggles that rack your chest.

You can hear the pitter patter of feet on the wood floor getting closer to the bedroom, you look at Gaz with a pity me look, asking for him to not betray you like Price, just as Elijah and Soap were entering the room you snuck yourself into a small closet, you had no room to move but you managed to stay put as the pair searched around.

You peered out through the closest,the two interrogated Gaz, you find yourself unable to reel back a recusant smirk. Your silent laughing nearly gave you away but they went to search somewhere else just as quick as they came in, not wasting any time.

Once they left you slowly opened the closet, not wanting to make it creak.
"Thanks," You smile brightly towards the dozing man, eyes still fighting to stay awake.

" 'Course." He props himself up, wanting to stay awake and watch how this plays out.
"You should join in," You suggest, eyes trailing from the doorway to Kyle.

"Should I?"

"Sure." The moment you realize the laughter had returned, giving you little to no time to get back into the closest,
hall, you decide to maintain your hidden nature a while longer and briskly crouch to the side of the bed, hoping they didn't see you. It's a long, collective breath before a giddy child yells ; "I see you!"

You throw your hands up in surrender, getting to your feet. It was your turn to be the seeker now. You turn to Gaz, "You gonna play?"

Offering Kyle to join in the game of hide and seek was probably one of the worst choices you've made, he found every. single. one. of your hiding spots. And on top of that, Elijah and Gaz were teaming up, making it ten times harder for both you and Soap to try last long enough for you to be considered winners.

There was also nothing you loved more than watching a burly bear of a man interact with something so small and delicate.

While the four of you lay out of breath, stretched out on the floor Kyle turns to Elijah, "Hungry, bud?" he says warmly with a comforting smile when Elijah gives a nod.
"Yes," he responds, and the four of you get up and pad down the hall's hardwood floor towards the kitchen.

"What d'you want?" Soap asks as he carefully pours himself a mug of coffee with one hand.

"Toast?" You ask.

"No..." The child whimpers musingly, pursing his lips.

"How 'bout, um-" Kyle begins to offer his thoughts, searching the cupboard for possible food he'd want.

He nods curtly, resting his cheek on the heel of his hand and yawning a moment with his eyes drooped closed.

After getting him to eat some food, the rest of the day ended with the four of you, somehow all squished onto the couch covered with blankets. With your luck, you ended up planted next to Kyle. Johnny definitely planned this.

You can feel the solid warmth of him beside you. And when you gingerly turn, your head is resting on his side of his chest, he sighs softly through his nose, his light snoring tells you that he's indeed blissfully asleep. Facing him on your side, your petal-soft eyelids shuttered with your flattened hands finding their way to rest on his clothed chest.

Your not sure why, but after the day you had, his presence is some kind of antidote to the plaguing thoughts that play on repeat.

It was dark, midnight even, when
Price had told you that he had found someone that could take Elijah in, give him a home, a new start. They were only an hours drive away, you agreed to bring him since you needed a break from the cabin anyway.

Sometime when you were sleeping Kyles hand had draped around your figure, like it always belonged there, and you wish it did.

Delicately getting up from Kyles grasp, you lift the blanket off and promptly turn to tuck it back in near him to stifle the rush of chilled air towards his body. Moving slightly towards where Elijah was passed out on the couch, snoring away to himself next to Johnny, you nudged Soap awake first and while he was stretching you carefully put your hands under Elijahs arms, picking him up, trying your best to not inspire him to stir. "Is he leaving already?" Johnny asked, sounding sad. You sighed, "Say your goodbyes,"

Soap got up off the couch and lightly ruffled the kids hair, "You know where he's going?"

"Not much, foster system most likely"

He nodded, "See ya, kid."

With that you grabbed the trucks keys and slowly but surely made your way outside,
placing him comfortably into the backseat, taking a moment to make sure his belt is on properly, you went to get into the drivers seat, a raspy voice comes from behind you "Can I come?" you turn, only to be met with Kyles tired eyes, he must've just woken up.
"Need something to clear my head," he continues, you agree and softly smile before turning back to get into the car.

You flick on the engine, waiting patiently as the passengers door opens and the man gets in, a quiet sigh passes through his lips
as you begin to drive.

"What really happened anyway?" He asked, moving his eyes towards you, gaze softening.

"Parents were killed, poor probably watched it happen too," You looked back at the peaceful child who was soundlessly asleep. It was nice to see him in such a way, but sooner or later the harsh reality is gonna set in.

"..What happened before that?"
You look at him, a bit confused.
His gaze dances around your face before falling to your cheek, "-Oh, just got caught up with some guys, nothing too bad."

"They spot you?"
Gaz was cursing himself for asking so many questions, but he couldn't help it, he was worried for you when you said you had a run in over comms.

"Well, no. I kind of intervened -but they were rounding up civilians, they were going to kill them, so I stepped in" You rambled trying to make it sound better than it was.

Beautiful and carrying a kind, selfless heart, even in bad situations.

The ride was quiet save for the low music coming from the cars radio and the occasional tossing and turning from the backseat.

"You did a good job," Kyle says, breaking the silence. Your eyes never left the dark, never-ending highway but a flattering smile found its way to your face.
"What did you find out any way?"

"That he'll be attending some masquerade ball soon enough," Gaz responds. "A masquerade ball?" You chime, raising a brow.

"Somewhat, a party, full of criminals, hence the masks, it's being hosted by the man himself,"

"Is it a set up?"

"No-well, I hope not."

"Then why would he throw a party when he's being tracked?"
It did sound a little ridiculous, a man being hunted down by special forces hosts a big fancy party? Sounds like a poorly made trap.
"He wants more protection, he's going to make trades with them."

"Drugs for protection?"

Kyle hummed.

You bite back a sneer. Coward.

You begin to pull up where you'll be meeting the people who will take Elijah, parking the car next to the building you look back at the boy, still adrift in sweet slumber, like Price said, don't get too attached, but thats exactly what happened.

A hand being placed on top of your thigh makes your eyes drag up to his. Kyles eyes were gentle and reassuring "He'll be alright," he voice is consoling, soft even. And his thumb rubbed across your leg in a circular motion.

His soothing voice has excitement burning behind your cheeks, it was just a friendly gesture, but to you it felt like a whole lot more. A thumping intensifies but it's hard to decipher if its the one in your chest or the lewd one between your thighs. You give him a thankful smile, despite your needy state.

You see two people walk infront of the truck, must be who Price was talking about, Gaz draws his hand away from your knee as you step out and go get Elijah out of the car. You carefully nudge him awake,
you watch him open his eyes and yawn, he tucks the side of his chin inward, and arches his back a bit to stretch.
"Hey," you whisper with a sweetly lilting tone. "You're going someplace safe, alright?"

He only squints with a puzzled look as you unbuckle the belt and take him out of the car and putting him down lightly "-Elijah, right?" One of the women speak, coming up beside you.

"That's right,"
A small hand fits itself into one of yours and it melts your heart "And you must be Y/N L/N," You look up and give a nod "John told me that you'd be the one to drop him off." She adds as she saw your uncertain look. "We'll find him a nice home with a lovely family, don't worry."

They talk as if you were a child having to give your dog away. You shot Gaz a nervous glance, brows knitted together as you were already growing frustrated.
You kneel beside the boy, "You're gonna go with these kind ladies, alright?- they're gonna take good care of you."

He has a small pout on his face, and it makes doing this so much harder. You give him a smile and was going go get up before he wrapped his arms around your neck, you were suprised but didn't hesitate to pull him in for a hug.
"I'll miss you, kid"


posting 2 chapters to (hopefully) keep you guys busy and make up for the late upload, i had to rearrange the whole plot and i still do, but ill probably be posting chapter 10 either today or tomorrow



-2064 words

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