𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓲~austin moon

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Aria, Austin & Ally' follows the exploits of the title characters, polar opposites who combine their talents... Daha Fazla

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I woke up this morning it was so tiring I had my first job at Sonic boom which is basically a store that sells different types of equipment and stuff and my best friend Ali works there so it's probably not that great of of a loss. But I hate having to wake up this early look what happens I blew up a boat and in order for me to stay out of jail I had to find a job and luckily my best friend's father owns a store near the mall and in the mall so that's the perfect job. I applied and I got in and also because I was the only one.

But anyways still have to go to work cuz if I didn't I will still get arrested and sent to juvie for a long amount of time so this is technically my community service does it feel like we need a service it just feels like a whole entire afternoon hang out with my bestie and sometimes Trish but that's only when he's not working or she just gets fired and tries to blame it on them for no particular reason. I went into the shower and started to sing nwa it's a rap group that I really like and they broke and barriers throughout their time so why wouldn't I want to watch it my parents don't like it they say it and they also said that the group calls me to blow up the boat.

After my shower I went to the bathroom and started to do my makeup I was going to do my makeup and it would be full way but I didn't have that much time like I had planned before. I put on a pink crop top with black baggy pants with rips in them and then put on my choker and white tennis shoes. I then put my hair up in a ponytail with it being separated from the bangs that I already had. I took my skateboard and skated down to the mall so I wouldn't be late.

“what have I told you about skating in this shop? You could really destroy the merchandise” said Ally complaining once more if I didn't want her to get mad at me so I just stopped and put the skateboard behind the counter.

“for once nothing is going to happen would you just have faith in me?”

“no you blew up a ship” she said.

“no I didn't I blew up a boat and that doesn't mean that I'm going to destroy the store you know I have to pay for it”

“and you asked me why I don't trust you” she said. I rolled my eyes she always wants to get a rise out of me and that's what we love about each other we always get a rise out of each other.

“forgive me for trying to being wild while I still have the chance”

“I am wild remember yesterday when I threw a velvet cupcake on a customer just for getting on my nerves?” she said.

“I remembered when you apologized after that and offered him a coupon to a free corn dog in the mall.”

“well forgive me for being a good person” Ally said.

“I can't forgive but I can't forget”

“Hey Ally! Aria! Guess who got a job at Cupcake City?!” said Trish as she entered. Great another job how many has she had in the last past days? Probably five each day of the week.

“Thanks Trish, but there's no eating in the store... But I do like cupcakes, gimme that.” said Ally as she grabbed a cupcake from the box and started to eat it.

“Yeah, they give us all the rejects, that one I dropped on the floor.” Trish said which met me with laughter and funniness. And Ally well she spit in the trash but before she could said anything she had to go outside and take a call.

“Well that's what I get for breaking the rules. Hey, do you want to go to the movies Sunday?” said Ally as she cleaned the frosting off her.

“Oh, I'd love to go to the movies!” said the lady.

“Oh..um, great, because you're exactly the person I was asking.” said Ally.

“It's a date!”

“No Aria! Don't encourage her!” she said as she yelled at me.

“Can't wait, lady.. I never met!” said Ally as she yelled back to her which was now gone. We turn around to see Trish.

“Yeah, oh, where did you go?”

“I was on the phone. That was work. Apparently, being there is part of the job! Gotta go!” said Trish as she left the store.

“Hey Mr. Dawson!”

“Guess who found 37 more cents?” Mr Dawnson said to us.

“Dad, stop taking money out of the mall fountain. Those are people's wishes!” said Ally.

“Well my wish came true. I have 37 more cents!” said Mr Dawnson said as she showed it to both me and Ally.

“Oh, and speaking of wishes, Dad, is there any way I can put a piano upstairs in my practice room? The one I'm using is older than the lady I'm dating Sunday. ” said Ally. Lester had a confused face towards Ally

“Long story.”

“Honey, I know you love music, but the odds of making it in the music biz are like a bazillion to one. Come here.” said Lester

“Boom!” Ally & Lester both said as they finished there handshake

“I have to go upstairs to finish cleaning the practice room” said Ally as she put away her pen as Lester leaves

“Ok” I said and started to read at the counter.

And then at the corner of my eye I see these two boys one blonde haired and one a redhead I think maybe Brown enter from back of store.

“And action!” said the brown/redhead boy as he held up the camera. But I just went back to reading Ali did say that somebody was going to come and film the store to jump up to my business but then I heard somebody playing drums and look up to see a blonde boy playing the drums with corn dogs. I stopped reading and walked over to them. I yelled but they didn't hear me so I had to whistle

“Did you not see the 'Please do not play the drums' sign?”

“It's OK, I'm an awesome drummer!” the blonde boy said and then he started to play with corn dogs one more time.

“Okay, what you just said has nothing to do with what I just said, are those corn dogs?” I asked him as I stopped him once more.

“Yup.” he says the boy bites a corn dog and moans such a weird kid. “mhm...” he says in satisfaction.

“Ew, uh, do you know how dirty these drums are, and how unhealthy corn dogs are, and there's no food allowed in here!” said Ally as she jumped in as she walked down the stairs.

“I'll handle this Austin. Ma'am! We are making a music video, I am the director, although I prefer the term, filmmaker.” the other boy said as he flips his phone in the air, and drops it. “And cut!” he yelled loud.

“We're gonna need a lot of instruments! I can play anything, piano, drums, guitar, harp! I can even play a trumpet, through another trumpet!” he said as he ran around the store. He plays trumpet through another trumpet. Everyone in store claps for him. I have to say that he's talented

“Okay, okay, well I can play a harmonica, through a sousaphone.” the other boy said as puts a harmonica in the sousaphone, blows into sousaphone. Harmonica fly’s out into the Old Lady's mouth. “Prepare to be Heimlich-ed!” he also said while gives the Old Lady the Heimlich maneuver

“Here's the thing about the instruments-” he stated to said.

“You don't have any money!”

“What if, I pay you back when I get rich and famous?” he said as he came over to the counter with us.

“Great! Just have your butler fly over on your private jet and drop off a sack of shiny gold coins!”

“Really?!” he said.

“No.” said Ally as the old lady's false teeth fly out onto table with harmonica.

“Got it!” the other one said. Ally picks up the teeth and puts it in the blonde boys hand.


Right now we're basically in the practice room just working on some songs Ali and I wrote the songs together and we kind of sing it together but most of the time I sing it for the both of us. Ally started to play the piano and I started to sing.

♫You don't know, know, know
My name, name, name
Gonna make, make,
make you do a double take ♫

But Ally stopped playing the panio and when I turned to where she was looking at it was the costumer from downstairs.

“Ah! Uh, how long have you been standing there?”

“I was wondering if I could get a discount on this harmonica. Ya know, because it's been in the Old Lady?” he said.

“Uh, this is my private practice room, do you not see the "Keep Out" sign?” said Ally as she standed up from her bar.

“Hey, I like that song. But if you wanna make it really catchy, you gotta speed it up!”
♫ You don't know, know, know♫
My name, name, name
I'm gonna make, make, make 'em do a double take ♫” he singed as he played the harmonica.

“Cool, there's still some OLD LADY spit in here!” he said as he blows the spit out on me. So disgusting!

“Ew!” Ally said. Ally starts to pull him out of her practice room.

“Goodbye and in the future please obey signs!” I heard him plays harmonica from outside while I kicked the door before walking away.


“Guess who got a job at, the Magic Store?!” said Trish throws a smoke bomb at a group of teens.

“What about your job at Cupcake City?”

“Apparently being a horrible employee is grounds for termination. Isn't that shocking?” Trish said and we started to be shocked. “Magic shock finger. Oh, I better go, I started my five minute break two hours ago.” said Trish as she left she started to sing a song. How does she know that?
♫ They wanna know, know, know
Your name, name, name ♫

“Wait, hey!” said Ally.

Trish started to dance back to us and still kept saying the song.
♫ They want the girl, girl, girl
With the game, game, game ♫

“Where did you hear that song?”

“It's all over the internet.” she said how could it be all over the internet we didn't even release it heck nobody knew about the song.

“The internet?!”

“Uh, that place people go on their computer to look at stuff and shop and-” said Trish

“I know what the internet is!” Said Ally

“You seriously haven't seen this video?” said Trish. We shook our head no until she finally showed us and what we saw shocked me. It was the cute boy...


“That's my song, how could he just steal my song like that! He messed with the wrong girl!”

“That's right! Get angry! Me likey!” Trish said that she was trying to profit off our anger.

Grabs Trish's phone and taps the screen “There! Allycat88 doesn't like this video! Take that Austin! Whoo! Yeah!” said Ally as she was feeling happy about herself.

“Calm down before you type a frowny face and really hurt his feelings! Come on, we're gonna give him a piece of your mind!”

“Alright, let's go!” Ally said hyper as we exited the store.

“Yeah!” said Trish and then touches Ally's shoulder and accidentally shocks her.

“Sorry, magic shock finger!” she says.

“We just need to find out where he lives.”

“Uh, the internet, you know, that place where people go on their computer to look at stuff and shop-” said Trish.

“I know what the Internet is!” said Ally.


We finally found this jerks house and no I wanna give him the most epic beating I was thinking about blowing his house up but they said that was too extreme.

“Hey! It's Ally and Aria from the music store.” said Ally as all three of us entered and the boy named Dez  takes Austin's sweatband off of Austin's head.

“Hi, I'm Trish. Big fan. ” Trish says which left Ally glares at Trish and a fake sorry that came from her mouth.

“Look, I'm here to...” I said but then stopped to sees Dez making the cologne. “What are you doing?”

“I'm making my own cologne. It's called Austin.” Austin said.

“Austin, Austin, Austin.” Dez says as he echoed him back.

“The secret ingredient is my sweat.” he said.

“Wanna try some?” Dez said while Dez sprays the "cologne" on Trish

“I don't like you.” she says as she starts to cough.

“Since Austin's famous, we figure people are gonna want some Austin merchandise.” said Dez as he put it down.

“Here's some stuff we've come up with. Austin...” he said.

“Lunchbox!” said Dez as he grabbed the lunchbox

“Austin...” he said.

“Pillow!” Dez said while grabbing a pillow

“Austin...” he said.

Grabs two jars and hands Austin one “Peanut butter!” said Dez.

“Chunky...” he said.

“Or smooth.” Dez said as they both digged into the peanut butter.

“Mmhmm!” Austin and Dez both said as they moan and smile at each other

“And an Austin Action Figure.” Austin said and he pulls the string on the figure

“I'm awesome! I like pancakes!” the Austin Action Figure said.

“It's true, I do like pancakes!” he said.

The two do their handshake. “What Up?!” they both said as they finished

“And my personal fave, the Austin Foam Spitter!” he said.

“Why would anyone need a foam spit-” said Trish and then Dez sprays Trish with the foam spitter. She shocks Dez with her magic shock finger

“Magic shock finger. Me likey!” said Trish.

“Look, I'm not here to see your junky Austin junk! You stole our song; you heard me playing it at the music store!”

“That's where the song came from? I thought I made it up! I guess that makes much more sense since I've never actually written a song before. I've tried but they're all terrible.” said Austin

“We wrote that song, and you have to tell everybody the truth!” said Ally.

“I can't! Do you know how embarrassing that would be for me?!?! Consider my feelings. Are you really that selfish?” he said.

“Based on that ridiculous response, I'm guessing you're not gonna do anything?”

“No, I wanna make this right. How about... A life-size chocolate Austin!” said Austin as he helped up a weird project.

“What up?!” they both said and he holds out wrapped chocolate in the form of Austin as Ally walks out, still irritated and aggravated.

“Is that milk chocolate or dark chocolate?”

“Trish! Aria!” Ally said.


I can't believe this he actually stole the damn song and he won't do anything about it we were too hard for him to take everything that we weren't getting.

“Tonight on The Helen Show, overnight Internet sensation Austin Moon, live! That's right! Live, live, live!” said Helen on the tv.

“I am so sick of that guy!” she said as she turned off the tv.

The Austin Action Figure Trish pulls the string. “I'm so talented!” It said and she nods her head in agreement

“How can he steal our song like that?”

Austin Action Figure was getting on my nerves. Trish pulls string again “I'm an overnight sensation!” she said and one more time Trish nods head again

“Stop pulling that string.”

“I'm unstoppable! Ha ha ha...” said Trish as she pulled the string one more time. Ally squeezes the head of the doll and drops it on the counter

“Ugh.” she said.

“Hey, he's gonna be on "The Helen Show" tonight, right? I say we crash his interview and tell the whole world the truth.”

“On live television? In front of people?” she said as she got more confident but then drops the phony excitement. “I can't do that.”

“You have to! That guy's a low-life, song-stealing thief.” she said and then her phone starts ringing; ♪they want to know know know... ♪) “It's a catchy song.” she said

“That's it@ Dad, I'm taking my break. I've got to go interrupt a live television broadcast.” said Ally.

“Okay, have fun!” said Lester

“Come on, Trish. We're gonna be the surprise guests on today's Helen Show.” said Ally. Trish's phone rings again; ♪they want to know know know...♪

“Do you want to get that?”

“No, it's just work.” said Trish as she turned off her phone.


“Oh! Okay, the only thing standing between us and telling the world the truth about Austin is that guard. The trick is to act like you're supposed to be here. You gotta exude confidence.” said Ally

“Can I help you ladies?” the security guard said

“No!” she yelled. “Yes, we're looking for the kitchen. Or bathroom! We're friends with Bernie. Or Lulu?” Ally said as she panicked.

“We're going to The Helen Show. We're musicians in Austin Moon's band.”

“Look, you Austies have been trying to sneak through here all day. He's dreamy, that song's catchy, I get it! Sorry, ladies. If your name's not on my list, you're not getting in.” said the security guard

“Did we say musicians? No, see, I meant, magicians!” said Trish throws a smoke bomb and we ran away.


“Hey, welcome back! Our next guest is overnight internet sensation, Austin Moon!” said Helen. He waves to the audience

“It's go time.”

“I can't do this. There's a stage out there; you know I have stage fright.” said Ally

“I know it's scary, but you can do it! I'm here for you. You just take all the time you need.”

“Thanks guys, I really appreciate-” she said.

“Time's up!” said Trish as she pushes Ally into a studio


“Hold everything! We're here to tell you the truth! And not like a cute weasel you want as a pet; more of a lying, evil weasel who steals music!” she yelled and Ally turns to Trish while the camera crew moves the cameras.

“Here's never even written a song before, because he can't!” she said and Ally turns back at the camera crew

“ And... this isn't The Helen Show.”

He acts like he has just heard important news. “This just in: The Helen Show tapes next door!” said the Male Newscaster Security guard enters to take us out of the studio


“Guess who got a job at the pet store” Trish said as she did her signature pose imitating a dog and then a cat “Roof roof meow!” she said. It's officially better than next day and they still took her song in the attempt last night did not work but hopefully something else would happen and it would be a miracle.

“You didn't even work at the magic shop two days. That's gotta be a new record!”

“I plan on being better at this job...after this. Has anyone seen a giant snake about yey big?” said Trish. shoppers in the store start freaking out.

“Oh, he's probably not poisonous.” I said to calm them down and the shoppers relax.

“But there's a really good chance that he's totally poisonous.” said Trish.

“Aria, I need your help.” Austin said as he entered in with Dez

“Speaking of giant snakes.”

“I need a new song by tomorrow!” he said.

“Ha! Why don't you just write a song?”

“You know I can't. I've tried.” Austin said as he grabs a guitar Listen. He sings Song Song which was the worst song ever

“I wrote that last part.” said Dez. He tries to get Trish to high-five him, but he fails

“Okay, uh, how about this? ♪ I'm not helping you with your song, get out of my store! ♪” said Ally.

“That doesn't rhyme.” said Dez

“♪ There's the door! ♪” I singed as I pointed to the door.

“That's better.” said Dez

“I know you're mad. I didn't mean to steal your song. Then I acted like a weasel. Not a cute cuddly weasel, but a jerky, no-credit-giving weasel. I'm sorry. Who am I kidding? My dad always said music was a waste of time. He said I had a bazillion to one chance of making it.” said Austin

“That's exactly what my dad said to me.”

“Do you know what my dad said to me?” said Dez and starts to quoting his dad. “Dez, stop texting the dog!” he says.

“I guess my 15 minutes of fame are over. I just wanted to prove my dad wrong.” said Austin as he exited.

“Austin, wait! I'll help you write one more song.”

“You will? Yes! Whoa! Thank you, thank you!” said Austin

“But first you have to do something for us each!”

“Anything. Name it.” he says.

“Uh, yh, I want a... a... I... I want a... a ham!” said Ally. What?

“Did you just say a ham?”

“Apparently I did.” she said.

“What about you?” said Austin.

“credit on that song”

“deal” he said.

“Here, you can give her my ham if you want.” said Dez as he pulled it out of his back pack.


“Okay, we have 18 hours to write the greatest song ever. Go!” said Austin

“It's not that easy.”

“I'll get you started.” he says and he plays a note on the piano. “There. That's the first note. That helps, right?” he says.

“Gee, are you sure you've never written a song before?”

“What do you normally do?” he says.

“Well, there isn't a "normally."” Ally said

“Sometimes, I get a tune in my head. Sometimes I think of a lyric and write it down.” Austin wants to take the songbook but Ally stops him.

“Never. Touch. Her. Book.” she said.

But he touches the songbook but Ally turns him down. “What do you got?” he said.

“♫The tears of your heart cry...♫” I said as I started to sing while she played the piano.

“Too depressing.” he said

“Okay.” Ally said she flips through the book for another lyric.

“♫The midnight sadness...♫”

“That's even more too depressing. This song should be fun, like a splash of sunshine. You're like a drizzle of darkness. We need to get you to relax. You know, get your creative juices flowing. Shut your eyes.” said Austin

“I'm not going to shut-”

“Just shut your eyes.” he says.

“Okay, I will.” said Ally. I didn't know if I wanted to or not but I just did it anyway because it could help me

“ Don't touch my book.”

“Okay, imagine you come home... and your living room is full of cheerleaders.” said Austin.

“Uh, that's not really my idea of fun.” said Ally

“Okay, pretend you're on stage performing...” said Austin.

“Oh, no way, I have horrible stage fright.”

“Then imagine you're on the beach!” said Austin.

“Ugh, sand is getting everywhere... Ew, is that guy really wearing a thong?”

“Okay! Forget the beach; what do you like?” said Austin.

“I like pickles!” said Ally as she turned around and smiled.

“Great! Pretend you're eating a pickle!” said Austin.

“There's no eating in the store.” said Ally

“what do you like?” he asked me.

“If you're trying to find out you're going to get too dark by looking inside”

“Alright! Why don't we try this; I'll close my eyes, and you tell me to imagine stuff.” Austin said as he sits on the piano bench and closes his eyes

“Uh, okay, imagine I'm giving up, I quit!” said Ally.

“Got it!” Austin says as he smiles. “Are there cheerleaders there?” he asked.

“Austin! What I'm saying is maybe we should just forget this whole song writing thing.”

“Whoa, whoa!” he said as he pulls my  shoulder and sits me back on the bench. “Not so fast.” he says. Ally on the other hand ran out the door.


“Okay.” said Austin.

“Um, what are you doing?”

“Funning you up. Oh yeah!” he says and he starts dancing

“Uh, no!”

He grabs my hand and pulls me back. “Come on, dance!” he says to me.

“No, I'm okay! This is silly!” Austin blows a whistle and Trish and Dez walk out of the practice room and dance for a while. Ally smiles and claps

“Okay!” she says as she claps

“Come on!” said Austin.

Austin, Trish and Dez all tell Ally to dance; she agrees and starts dancing

“Wee! Whoo! There, I'm dancing!” said Ally

“Are you sure?”

“That was like the worst dancing!” said Trish. We all moan at Ally

“Okay, fine!” she said and she dances again; the rest of us join in.

“I think it worked; I feel like I can do anything! Watch, I'm gonna do a cartwheel!” she said and gets into the position; she then reclines.

“You can't do a cartwheel.”

“Well, don't waste the creativity! Come on!” he said and we both sit by the piano.

“Let's write a song!”

It was a rollercoaster. The thing that happened is we were playing the piano. The thing that happened Ally writing in our book on the counter as Austin plays on the piano; he writes the tunes down and then looks negatively; he crumples the paper up and throws it away. The next thing is me working at the piano until Austin plays an attention-catching instrument. I still worked at the piano while Austin now sits at a stool and plays the guitar; we share a smile. Later on, Austin falls asleep on the counter; Ally pops up and bashes two hand cymbals together; Austin is shocked as he wakes up and falls off of the counter. Next, Ally is asleep on the piano; Austin uses Trish's magic shock finger to wake her up. I started sitting on the counter and writes in her bok; Austin turns as throws another crumpled paper at Ally. It does not reach her; he turns back around and falls off of the piano bench onto the floor. Later, they work at the piano and I smiled at Austin as he plays the guitar. Our hands touch as they play the piano later on. Finally, it is morning and we have finished the song.

“♫Break down the walls♫” Austin & I singed.

“It only took all night, but we did it!”

“Whooo!” said Ally

“This song is awesome!” said Austin and  we high-five each other

“Yeah, well, you better hurry; you only have one hour to get to The Helen Show.” I said and starts pushing Austin to the entrance of Sonic Boom

“You mean we better hurry; I want you to be there with me.” he says.

“Really? You mean it?”

“I wouldn't be going to The Helen Show at all if it wasn't for both of you... Thank you.” said Austin. We both try to hug and high-five at conflicting times; they give up as Trish and Dez enter.

“We did it!” said Austin.

“Ah, we knew you could do it! Here, we got you this. Guess who got a job at the mug store?” said Trish as she holds out a mug and hands it to Ally

“Aw, congrats, we knew you could do it.” said Ally as she read the quote

“Aw, thanks!”

“We also got you this one.” said Dez and gives Ally another mug

“Sorry you failed. You did your best?”

“No, we got you two mugs just in case. Dez wasn't supposed to show you that one.” said Trish and his face light up as Dez turns as he finally understands.

“Come on, we gotta go!”

“Let's go!” said Ally excited.


“Ok, up next we have Austin Moon with his new song” said Helen as the crowd startd to clap.

“Millions of peple are about to hear our  song!”

“It was so worth quitting my job at the mug store for this!” said Trish excited.

“Ally the piano player is sick! You have to play piano for me!” said Austin.

“nope can't do it” said Ally.

“Fine Aria the piano player is sick! You have to play piano for me!” said Austin as he repeated one more time.

“Uh uh I cant go on there, you know I have stage fright!”

“What if they turn off the cameras and the audience goes like this” said Dez as he Puts hands on eyes

“NO! No, I'm sorry, I cant do this!”

“No it's really easy just go left and then right, left and then right” he says and does the sequence again with his hands

“Look it's like you said in the song, Take a chance, break down the walls.” said Ally

“I'm sorry”

“Wait! I have the perfect solution!” said Austin.


“Okay, we're live in 30 seconds” the set manager said.

“See Ally nobody can see you. It's just like your not on stage!” Austin said.

“I'm trying really hard not to freak out here!

“Your going to be great, trust me.” said Austin and he winks at me and then goes Helen Show Resumes

“Hey, and welcome back, here to sing his brand new original song is AUSTIN MOON!” said Hellen as she started to dance. I starts to play the piano

“Thank you. This song was written by an incredible song writer Aria Dawson!” he yelled in the microphone. It changed to me smiling before we see Austin again.

“She kinda wrote my first song too...Ladies and gentlemen.....HERE SHE IS!” he says and Austin points with his hand as the curtains draw back, showing a shocked me as she played a different last note. “See! You're facing your fear, that was my plan. Your welcome!” said Austin.

I suddenly panics as I slides off the piano bench and onto the floor as I crawls away from the spotlight, But it follows me, I then crawls away but into the drums, as a drum gets caught on my head I stands up, grabbing onto the curtains but pulling them down, and then tumbles into a stand for the set. Like dominos, they knock over each other, as I eventually ruins the whole Helen Show set. I takes the drum off of my head and sees what I had caused.

“Uh, let's hear it for Aria everybody..?” he says t he sign for the show falls; I was so embarrassed enough to put the drum back on my head as she crawls away


“How was your date with the old lady?”

“She slept through the whole movie and I had to explain the whole thing to her on the bus ride home.” said Austin they both nod together as we opens the practice room door and enters.

“My practice room! o- What is all this stuff, what are you guys doing here”

“PICKLES!” said Ally walks to the pickles and then to a new piano

“But look at that piano!”

“I used all my money I got from being on The Helen Show to pay for all this.” said Austin

“I-I can't believe you did this, thank you!”

“I figured we'd be spending a lot of time in here so we should probably make it as comfortable as possible.” said Austin

“Um, We?!” said Ally.

“I want you both to be my partner.” said Austin as he smiled.

“Spend more time with you?”

“You're a songwriter with stage fright; You're a songwriter who's shy; I'm a singer who loves being on stage. We're a perfect match! What do you say?” said Austin.

“We're partners.” We both attempt to high-five and hug at opposing times; they give up once more.

“Guess who got a job as Austin's Manager ?!” said Trish.

“She has so much work experience, her resume was about eight pages!!” said Austin

“Oh, I promised the fans you'd put up the songs on the website every Friday. Oh and also I don't work Fridays or any other week day.” said Trish walks off.

“Wait we have to write a new song every week?”

“Trish for the first video we need ten thousand monkeys and a big wedding cake!” said Dez

“You can have a turtle and a doughnut.” said Trish.

He Turns to a box and pulls out a doughnut on a turtle's neck. “But I already have that!” he said and chased after her.

“Aw man my video just got put to number two!” said Austin.

“What's number one?”

“You on the Helen Show! Hey look they're even showing the part where you threw up on Helen! You're famous! Thanks to me!” said Austin.

“Thanks to you, well, lemme show ya something” I said and puts arm around Austin and takes him in front of the Foam Spitter. “Okay.” Foam squirts onto Austin as he starts to defend himself

“Oh me too, me too!” said Dez as he ran up to Austin and get foamed too.

Okumaya devam et

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