Lust & Resentment

Від XXrogueXlucyXX

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Book 2 Більше



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Від XXrogueXlucyXX

02. Demon Initiation


DEMONS DON'T OBEY ANY HUMAN LAW MADE. THIS INCLUDES DRINKING age. When Riane gave me a drink I wasn't expecting to cough.

"Never had a drink before?" Riane asked with a grin.

"I'm not twenty-one yet." I glared at her.

Riane smiled. "You humans and your stupid little alcohol laws, I can get you something softer if you want. You don't look like you hold your liquor well either." Riane teased.

I wanted to fight her on that but getting intoxicated at this club when negotiating with a demon isn't smart. I looked back over to the elevated stage where Akor had gone.

This place matches the similarity of dive bars mixed in with what I thought clubs would be. The vibrant lights and bodies dancing everywhere. There is no way I could do this daily so unorthodox jobs here I come.

The stage Akor sits in has a few other people with him. Most of them were men besides two women and one of them was dancing on a pole so I assumed her to be one of the dancers.

Being here is going to be hell. But I'd take it over the streets where anyone could attack me. I miss the cabin so much.

And when I figure out how to kill demons those fuckers are the first ones to go.

I wanted to shoot them with the gun I had fought in my dad's safe, but they were gone by the time I had everything organized.

"Here's a non-alcoholic beverage. Enjoy." Riane left me at the bar, and I sighed.

I just have to get through this until Akor is finished and we can talk in private. I took a look at my phone to check the time. I could just drink and wait around. Easy enough.


By the time Akor's club was ready for closing time I wanted to smash my head into a wall. This place is open so late, and more people flooded in throughout the night. Both demon and human.

Sex demons frequent here the most. They are fairly easy to spot as they tend to have a more human form than the rest of the demons. They have demon aspects but remain in demon form more.

The most I see is the addition of horns and on occasion a tail will come out. Rarely there will be a skin color/texture change.

I hadn't been bothered by any of the demons here thankfully. I didn't have it in me to deal with demons. When the club finally began to close I was ready to sing prayers at that point.

Akor just closed the door before he came over to me with this cocky smile on his face. If he isn't the best bet, I have I'd of just left this fucker right here and gone back to the R.V. instead. Alas he is the best option I have.

"You can come to my office, and we can discuss." Akor said.

He turned to Riane who was wiping off the counter.

"One last drink Riane and then you close down and go home." He told her.

She went quickly into making him a drink. Akor accepted it before waving for me to follow after him. His literal body language and movements irritated me. He walked in ways of knowing people obeyed and respected him.

Those were two words I didn't like.

He motioned me into an office that smelled of floral scents. He closed the door behind us and sat down at a desk and motioned to the chair in front of it.

Okay, now I am here and ready to discuss jobs with him.

After this I'd be going home, drowning myself in a shower to get rid of the smell of the club and icky feeling on my skin.

"So, Olympia what type of talents do you have?" Akor asked.


"Yes, like things your good at. I know some humans have a lot of strength, others are good at not being detected, you know things that make you stand out compared to others." Akor explained.

"Well, I was in school to be a lawyer. I do a lot of reading and know a lot about the law system." I told him.

"Darling, I doubt anyone here is going to need a lawyer I need something that would be useful. Unless you intend to do all my paperwork, I don't think being a lawyer is very useful or helpful in this society." Akor mused.

Of course, it wouldn't. My one big brag is useless here.

"Is there anything else of use, if not I'm sure I can get you a bartending job or if you really like I could have a cute little thing like you doing all my paperwork and keeping my office clean." Akor told me with a smile.

And like that I felt threatened. The thought of losing this upset me. I mean keeping his office clean would be easy.

It's a good way to keep my head down and draw no attention to myself. But at the same time my pride didn't like that. It'd be so easy to do though. I mean his office isn't that big and I could just spend most of my time hidden away in it.

But I let something slip out in a desperate last-ditch effort to make sure his attention stays on me. I can't not work for Akor.

"I have a resistance to most demon's powers. I can resist them."

It would've been better to keep that a secret. I don't know how demons view humans who can resist their powers. Or angel hybrids. I don't know if Gadreel is correct on that. I didn't like the thought of it.

A smile lit Akor's face.

"So, you can force a little bit of free will, that's not exactly a flex of any type." Akor noted.

"I can fully resist it. It doesn't affect me long before the feeling completely goes away."

I had already told him, so it was best to just explain it. Of course, I struggled explaining it. The only experience I have with it is when I was with Emerson, Lawson, and Reese.

"Give me your hand." Akor said.


"Give me your hand Olympia, now."

Hesitantly I offered my hand to him. I felt as if he might bite it off. Instead, he grabbed it and smiled at me.

It was like a flashback to before all of this happened. Akor's hand on my wrist.

It only resembled theirs for a moment before it hit me like a truck going 90 at a brick wall. With Lawson and them the charm talk had been a buildup and I never struggled too much to resist it.

The only time I did is when Emerson did it to make me run. I was half exhausted around that time as well and he put his whole body into that.

Akor just seems amused as if he isn't trying.

But the feeling washed over me quickly like a wave taking me over before I could react. All of the panic disappearing and the relaxed elated feeling returning.

Akor smiled at me. He's very attractive. In a cocky way. His lips are also very full.

"Mm, not really good at resisting now are we babe?"

His teasing and taunting words sounded so sweet from his tongue. It was like honey. I was under it way longer than with any of the three. And it felt much more intense. I felt as if I would melt at his feet especially if he gave me the word to.

I'm clinging to every word he says as if my life depends on it.

Then the familiar panic seeped in, and it got worse upon realizing minutes had passed. He had me under his control for minutes.

I snatched my hand out of his grasp and backed up.

His relaxed and amused face evaporated when I did that.

"So, you weren't lying about the whole resistance thing." Akor commented.

"Why would I lie about it?" I held my hand to my chest while watching him.

"Humans are liars by nature. And none of you have any form of natural resistance unless a demon already has you under their powers. Much less a borderline immunity. Especially not to mine." He seemed both interested and bothered by it.

"I don't know what you're saying."

Akor forced a smile to his face.

"I assumed you were just making shit up in fear of not being useful. Humans don't exist with resistance."

This conversation had gone incredibly tense and awkward. Maybe I should've kept that ability to myself. I've already told him though so all I can do is ride out this awkward wave and hope no bad repercussions come.

And hey I can run decently well if it comes to it.

Akor looked over at me and tapped his fingers against the desk. He has a lot of rings on his fingers and his index finger and ring finger have light pink nail polish painted on.

"It took me longer to get out of it." I murmured.

"Hm?" Akor glanced up at me.

"Your powers, the charm talks I'm assuming that's what it was. It never lasted long. Yours lasted for minutes. It rarely even lasts a minute."

Even if I'm hesitant on breaching the subject curiosity had wormed its way into me.

"My charm touch exceeds the level of any sex demon out there. Not even a succubus or incubus has one compared to it. You most likely experienced some average sex demon using charm touch."

Charm touch. I didn't know the name for it. Emerson had referred to it mostly as charm talk. Seduction could be another good word for it.

"I experienced it with humans turned into demons."

Akor looked up. "That's not exactly a flex. Lots of humans get corrupted in hell and turn into demons when they die. Especially when they sell their soul or fool around with demons frequently." Akor responded.

"They were murdered by a cult in a sacrifice and then came back right after it."

That caught his attention but only for a moment.

"I'm not lying either."

"I didn't say you were lying. So quick to defense. I know exactly what you're talking about. There isn't a lot of them as their making isn't predictable. And they do have more intense powers than the average demon of the species they are from." Akor responded.

"Yours was different though. I broke out of their charm touch easily enough, I didn't with yours." I repeated myself once more.

Akor smiled. "As I said my charm touch will exceed any demon out there. I'm not just your average run of the mill sex demon. I was born a demon for one and my mother is Lilith a primordial she-demon and one of the first ever demons, and my father is one of the seven kings of hell. I'm more than just some sex demon like the ones in my club. You're lucky you even broke out of that hold. The only beings to ever resist it were angels and the king of hell."

Angels. The word reminded me of the one I saw that fought Gadreel. Michael.

"Angels are resistant to demonic powers?" I asked.

"They are immune to demonic powers. A low tier angel would be resistant. Higher tiers wouldn't even be affected by it. Angels were made before demons were."

Akor stared at the wood of his desk in thought before smiling.

"Consider yourself hired for these unorthodox jobs."

I looked up.


"Yes, really. You can come in tomorrow after hours. Riane can let you in. We'll talk more about what you'll be doing tomorrow. Have a nice night, Olympia."

He dismissed me with a wave of his hand after that.

I didn't hesitate to take that option to flee towards the car and return back to where I am staying. Despite the uneasy feeling in me I had done it.

I have a job and a chance of survival in this world. Now all I have to do is show up tomorrow.

1959. I have some fun plans with Olympia and charm touch. But let's talk about Akor a little bit. Akor is a very powerful for a sex demon. It's why Olympia struggles to break out of his charm touch. He's like a doped up sex demon to the point just his presence can cause humans to act out. Olympia is 'untrained' so she does feel it. But Akor is one of the main characters. He's a fun character and the eldest of his siblings. I have artwork of him on my instagram for both writing and art. Writing: @/a.l.rogue Art: @/lynnsartbook I also have his sister as well. But I hope you guys are exciting and enjoying this. Merry Christmas! ***

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