D part 2 (SPN fanfic, super-d...

Da BambiDarlingSPNfan

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part two of the story that came to me during a manic episode. Getting sappier and more ridiculous! Sorry! Altro

D part 2

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Da BambiDarlingSPNfan

The next morning

D: [sleeping, sitting at his end of the couch, his arms crossed across his chest and his head laying in the pillow on the back of the couch, stirs, then jerks awake with a sharp inhale]

B: [asleep, curled up at her end of the couch, starts awake and looks at him] "Dean? Are you okay?"

D: [looks quickly at her and reaches his hand toward her, then quickly plops it between them on the couch] "Yeah. Are you?"

B: [meets his gaze questioningly] "....Yeah...."

D: [holds her gaze for a brief moment] (disoriented and concerned, then realization and relief) [looks away, closes his eyes and raises his hand to rub his eyes with his fingers]

B: [watching him in confusion and concern, slowly shifts to sit up, facing him] "Dean–"

D: [glances at her with a small wry smile] "You sure? You did have a monster beat you unconscious yesterday."

B: [watching him, hesitates] ".... So did you...."

D: [meets her gaze with a bigger wry smile] "All in a day's work for me, sweetheart."

B: [searches his eyes] "... Dean, are you–"

D: [stands] "I need coffee."

B: [watches him] (confused and slightly concerned)

D: [smiles down at her] "And bacon."

B: [holds his gaze] (confusion, then reluctant acceptance) "I guess I wouldn't say no to some bacon.... If you're sharing, that is."

D: [smiling] "I might."

B: [shakes her head] "I have to take L out." [stands]

D goes to the kitchen and D and B takes L outside then comes back and goes to the kitchen

D: [standing at the stove, cooking bacon and eggs, glances at her over his shoulder as she walks it] "Coffee's brewing."

B: [glances at the coffee pot, then smiles at him and shakes her head] "So domestic..."

D: [rolls his eyes and focuses on the food]

B: [smiles at him in amusement] "Anything I can do to help?"

D: [glances at her again with a small amused smile, gestures toward her and opens his mouth to speak]

S: [steps into the doorway, holding a white dress shirt, looks at D] "Dude!"

D and B look at S

S: [looking at D] (slight frustration and irritation) [holds up the dress shirt] "What the hell? Again?"

D: [looking at him] "Morning to you, too."

S: [looks at him with an irritated expression]

B: [looks between them] "What...?" [bites both lips]

D: [looks at her]

S: [looks at her]

B: [looks at S questioningly]

S: [walks over to her and holds out the shirt] "Smell this."

B: (slight surprise, then confusion) [slowly leans forward and smells the shirt in his hand, then looks up at him] (different surprise and confusion) "That seems out of character."

S: [nods] "Yeah, because it is." [looks at D in irritation] "Dean keeps ironing my shirts with beer."

D: [grins at S]

B: [looks at D in surprise] "You iron?"

S: [looks at her in surprise]

D: [meets her gaze with a slightly offended expression] "Yes, I iron."

S: (slightly exasperated) [looking at her] "That's what surprises you?"

B: [looks up at S, then shrugs] "I guess... I mean..." [looks at the shirt in S's hand] "....given the new information...." [looks at D with a slight amused smile] "....it seems completely in character."

D: [looks at her in amusement]

S: (slightly irritated and frustrated)

D: [looks at S] "Come on, Sammy. Learn to take a joke."

B: [looks at S]

S: (slightly irritated and frustrated) "Whatever, Dean. Just because you're an alcoholic doesn't mean you have to convince everyone I am, too."

B: [raises her eyebrows and looks at D]

D: [glances at her, then looks back at S and gestures to the coffee pot] "Drink some coffee. You'll feel better."

S: [frustrated look at D, then looks at B with "help me out" expression]

B: [raises her hands defensively] "I don't take sides in beer-soaked-clothing battles." [grins at them] "Especially between brothers."

S: (slightly frustrated)

D: [sarcastic smile at S and nods toward B] "She's smarter than she looks."

B: [looks at him and narrows her eyes] "However..."

D: [meets her gaze] (slightly uncomfortable and nervous)

B: [holds his gaze] (determined and bold) "I do have to wonder exactly what family roles are being played out by an older brother who relies on sarcastic humor and practical jokes to try to protect and simultaneously control a younger brother who constantly seems to allow such bad behavior."

D: [holds her gaze and swallows hard]

S: [looking between them with a small smile]

B: [tilts her head slightly, holding D's gaze] "Who are you, Dean? Are you the hero?... Or the clown?... Or the scapegoat?....We know Sam's the enabler..."

S: [looks at her] (surprised and slightly confused and defensive)

B: [holding D's gaze] "And you're definitely not the victim.... So who are you....?"

D: [holds her gaze] (uncomfortable and uncertain) [flashes a sarcastic smile] {lowly} "I guess at this point I'm just the domestic help." [flips the eggs in the skillet without looking at them]

B: [looks at the skillet] "Uh-huh...." [meets his gaze again] "...And I think you're smarter than you look...." [small smile] "Which is saying something."

D: (slightly surprised and subtly pleased and confused)

B: [turns to S] (calm and open) "Coffee?"

S: (slightly taken aback) "Uh, yeah, sure."

B: [smiles at him and walks toward the coffee pot, gets two cups and and fills them with coffee, then adds sugar to one and stirs it]

D: [watches her] "Hey, smarty pants, what about the hired help?"

B: [turns, holding both cups of coffee, holds the sugarless cup out toward S, then meets D's gaze] "Do I look like an enabler to you?"

D: [holds her gaze]

S: [hesitates, then takes the cup of coffee from her hand, looking between them]

D: [looks at S] (slightly flabbergasted and surly) [frowns] {mumbles} "She likes you better than me."

B: [watching him, raises her cup to her lips with a small amused smile, takes a sip of coffee, then nods toward the stove] "Your bacon's burning."

D: [meets her gaze, small wry smile] "Sure as hell feels like it."

B: [amused smile and shake of her head]

D: [switches off the burners and brings the food to the table, then pours himself a cup of coffee]

S and D and B sit around the table and start eating breakfast

B: [looks at S] "How'd you sleep, Sam?"

S: [glances at her in slight surprise] "Uh, fine. You?"

B: [smiles and glances down at a bite of egg on her fork] "Good...." (flash of confusion, then slightly perplexed) [blinks and shakes her head]

D: [sips his coffee and watches her]

B: [glances up at D and smiles] "And I'm not even gonna ask you."

D: [raises his eyebrows at her] "Rub it in, sweetheart."

B: [meets his gaze] (slight teasing irritation) "Only because I was there."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: (flash of shy uncertainty) [looks down at her fork and takes a bite of eggs]

S: [looks between them with a small amused smile]

B: [deep breath, looks up at D with a smile] "Even slightly burned, these eggs are way better than anything I've ever made."

S: [looks at her] "Really? You don't even do scrambled eggs?"

B: [looks at S, rests her arm on the table and leans toward him] "Let me put it this way, Sam.... The only way I could ever cook anything, was if I just... [nods and blinks dramatically, then smiles] .... And it simply appeared."

D: [takes a drink of his coffee, watching her]

S: [looks at her] (slightly confused)

D: [smiles over the rim of his coffee cup] "Jeannie magic? That's your idea of cooking?"

B: [looks at him in slight surprise and smiles] "Dean Winchester, you constantly surprise me! Your taste in television is so eclectic!"

D: [smiles at her]

S: [looks between them in confusion]

D: [glances at S impatiently] "Come on, Sam! I Dream of Jeannie."

B: [looks at S] "Only one of the best shows ever made."

D: "It's frickin hilarious."

B: "And full of wonderfulness."

D: [pointed look at S] "And Barbara Eden is super hot."

B: [looking at S, smiles and nods] "And one of the most adorable humans ever created!"

S: [looks between them in amusement]

D: [looks at B] "....One of...." [takes a sip of coffee]

S: [glances at D]

B: [smiles and looks at her fork and takes another bite of eggs] "I love that show. It's so much better than Bewitched..." [looks between S and D pointedly and gestures with her fork] "... which is a femenist nightmare by the way." [shakes her head] "I can't even get through it.... But Jeannie.... it would be great if that show was on Netflix...." [smiles at D] "I could fall asleep to that show, with pleasure."

D: [meets her eyes and raises his eyebrows]

B: [clears her throat and looks down at her plate] "Speaking of rubbing things in..." [clears her throat again]

S and D glance at each other in amusement

B: [looks up at them] "There's something I seem to have forgotten in the midst of all the rugaru action." [small awkward smile] "The tattoo on my back. It's probably all dried up and ugly at this point."

D: [takes another sip of coffee] {dryly} "I doubt there's a dried up or ugly molecule in your body, princess."

S: [glances at D in slight surprise]

B: [meets D's gaze, hesitates] "...Well, maybe I'll just go grab the tattoo goop, just in case.... Excuse me." [stands and quickly walks out of the room]

D: [looks down at his coffee cup]

S: [watches B, then looks at D with a knowing smile]

D: [stares at his coffee cup for a moment, then] {lowly} "So what do you think, Sammy? Do you enable me?"

S: (surprised) [stares at D] (awkward acknowledgment) "Uh, yeah, Dean. All the time."

D: [stares at this coffee cup for a moment, takes a drink, then looks at the cup again] {lowly} "Well, I'm sorry. I'll try not to be such a dick to you all the time."

S: [looking at D] (very surprised, then hesitant acceptance) "Okay.... Does that mean you won't iron my shirts with beer, anymore?"

D: [takes another drink of coffee, then meets S's gaze] {matter of factly} "No. That will never stop."

S: [slightly frustrated expression]

B: [chuckles from down the hall]

D: [holds S's gaze and shakes his head] "She has got to be doing this on purpose."

B: [walks into the room, smiling] "I swear I'm not."

S and D look at her

B: [walks up to them and holds out the tube of aquaphor] "Who wants to do the honor?"

S: [looks at D]

D: [looks at S and nods] "All you, champ." [glances at B, then looks back at S] "Check her stitches while you're at it." [stands] "And while you two play doctor," [grins at them and knocks a knuckle on the table] "I'm gonna make a supply run."

B: [smiles at him in amusement]

S: [looks at D in slight confusion] "We don't need anything."

D: [slightly vexed expression] "Beer, Sam. We always need more beer."

B: [smiles] "And pie."

D: [glances at B, holds up a hand with his palm toward her]

B: [smiles at him, then raises her hand and high-fives him, her hand flinching slightly as she does so]

D: [looks between S and B] "Be good, kiddos." [walks out of the room]


A while later

D: [comes into the bunker, carrying several bags of supplies and other items, looks around the war room and main room, setting the bags down on one of the tables in the main room, takes off his canvas jacket and drapes it across the back of one of the chairs]

D goes to the living room, then goes to the kitchen and looks around, then the training room, and finally the shooting range, finds S and B there

S: [standing with his back to D, facing B and standing close to her]

B: [standing close to S, slightly blocked from D's sight by S's body]

D: [looks at them as he walks into the room] (Unreadable) {gruffly} "Hey."

S: [turns to D and looks at him with a slightly worried expression] "Hey."

B: [looks at D]

D: [glances at B, then looks at S]

S: [hesitates] (slightly nervous) "It's not a big deal."

D: [stands by S and looks at him] (Unreadable) "What's not a big deal?"

S: [hesitates again, then glances at B and shifts away from her slightly]

D: [watches S, then looks at B]

B: [meets his eyes, small smile, holds up her hand that is wrapped in a gauze bandage] "Small training accident. My fault."

D: [looks at her hand, then meets her eyes and clenches his jaw, turns to S] (slightly angry) "What the hell happened?"

B: [watches him] (slightly frustrated) "Dean..."

S: [meets D's gaze] "Dean, she asked me to show her some knife throwing techniques–"

D: ["excuse me?" expression] "What?"

B: [watching D, who has his back turned slightly away from her as he talks to S] (slightly frustrated) "Dean."

S: [holding D's gaze] "It's not a big deal–"

D: (angry) {gruffly} "Not a big deal?"

S: (slightly agitated) "It's just a couple of stitches–"

D: ["what the hell" expression] "Stitches?!" [gestures to B without looking at her] (angry) "Sam, this woman can't even cut an onion, and you're giving her a damn blade and expecting her to throw it?"

B: [raises her eyebrows at him] (frustrated and irritated) "Excuse me?"

S: [glances at B, then looks back at D] "Dean–"

D: [turns to B and meets her gaze, holds out a hand toward her] {gruffly} "Let me see."

B: [holds his gaze for a moment] (frustrated and irritated and defiant)

D: [holds her gaze, reaches for her bandaged hand]

B: [jerks her hand away, holding his gaze] "Dean, this is none of your business. Sam was just–"

D: [drops his hand, holds her gaze] (angry) "Oh, I don't care what Sam was–"

B: [holds his gaze] (angry) "--doing what I asked him to do. If I'm going to start going on hunts–"

D: [holds her gaze] (angry) {gruffly} "You're not going on any hunts any time soon, Sun Seto. Not until I can trust you to–"

B: [holds his gaze] (angry and aghast) "Trust me? What the hell, Dean? What can't you trust me with?" [narrows her eyes at him] "That I won't follow your orders? Or that I won't toe the line and be a good little trooper who does what she's told and checks in with you every step of the way? Is that how this works?" [looks at S and gestures to him, then meets D's eyes again]

D: [holds her gaze for a moment] (angry) {lowly} "Pretty much."

S: [watching them, looks at D in frustration] "Dean, come on–"

D: [holds B's gaze and steps closer to her] {lowly} "Face it, sweetheart. I'm in charge here."

B: [trembles, eyes flash with defiance]

D: [holds her gaze] "It's my job to keep you safe–"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (angry) "No, it's not, Dean! You can't! Not all the time! That's why I have to learn to take care of myself!"

D: [looks at her injured hand] (frustrated) "And that's what this is? You taking care of yourself?"

B: [trembling, watches him] (angry and frustrated) "How did you learn, Dean? How many scars do you have?" [reaches for his hand, flinching slightly as her hand nears his, then she drops her hand]

D: [looks at her hand, then meets her gaze] (Unreadable) {gruffly} "That's different."

B: [trembling, meets his gaze defiantly] "Why? Because you're a hunter? Because you grew up this way?" [looks at the counter next to her and picks up a medium sized knife that is laying there, a slight blood smear on the blade]

D: [watches her] (Unreadable)

B: [trembling, meets his gaze and holds up the knife] "Because you learned to use this when you were a child, so you feel somehow more entitled to it?" [narrows her eyes at him] "Or maybe you don't really want me to go on hunts with you?... Maybe you don't trust me to have your back?" (frustrated) "How am I supposed to have your back if I don't know how to do anything?!"

D: [holds her gaze] "It's not your job to–"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (angry and bold and defiant) "So whose job is it? Sam's? Because that's a full time job, and he's very good at it, but why is it so hard to let someone else–"

D: [holds her gaze, leans toward her slightly] (angry) {loudly} "I'm not worried about you having my back! Or Sam's!"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (frustrated and confused) {forcefully} "Then what, Dean? You don't want me to feel trapped or imprisoned, but you don't want me to be free to make my own choices, either! You're so damned confusing and this emotional roller-coaster is getting nauseating!"

D: [holds her gaze] (frustrated) {loudly} "Oh, I'm confusing?!"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (bold and defiant and frustrated) "Yes!"

D: [holds her gaze, clenches his jaw] (Unreadable) [holds out his hand] {lowly} "Give me the knife."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze defiantly for several moments]

D: [holds her gaze] (frustrated and agitated) [reaches for her wrist]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze and pulls her hand away, holding the knife out to her side]

D: [holds her gaze, clenches his jaw] (angry) {lowly} "I'm not asking."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze defiantly, then slowly leans around him and holds the knife out toward S]

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [trembling, hold his gaze] (defiant and bold)

S: [looks between them, hesitates, and then takes the knife from her hand]

B: [trembling, holds D's gaze, lowers her hand]

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable) {gruffly} "You're done."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze and nods] "Damn right, I am." [steps around him and walks out of the room]

S: [watches D] (concerned and subtly confused)

D: [stares at the place where she was standing, then clenches his fists and kicks the wall hard]

S: [flinches slightly] "Dean..."

D: [whirls around and stalks out of the room]

A few minutes later

D goes to look for B and finds her in the kitchen

D: [stands in the doorway, silently, watching her]

B: [her back to him, standing at the sink, splashing her face with water and talking quietly to herself] "I can't do this.... God damn son of a mother fucking bitch!" [turns off the faucet and places her hands on the sides of the sink, shakes her head] "What the hell am I supposed to do?... I can't... This is fucking impossible!..." [shakes her head and turns, sees D, jumps slightly, then closes her eyes] "Shit!"

D: [watches her from the doorway]

B: [opens her eyes and meets his gaze] (angry and frustrated) "You need to leave me alone."

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable) "I can't do that."

B: [holds his gaze and shakes her head in frustration] "Damn it, Dean...."

D: [holds her gaze, then walks over to the coffee pot, pours coffee into a cup, then adds a lot of sugar and stirs it, then turns and walks toward her]

B: [watches him, meets his gaze] (frustrated and irritated)

D: [stops a few feet in front of her and holds out the cup of coffee]

B: [holds his gaze] "No."

D: [holds his gaze] (flash of uncertainty and subtle frustration)

B: [holds his gaze] "I will not play this game with you, Dean. You can't just come in here with some little peace offering and sweep everything under the rug and hope it goes away. Not with me."

D: [holds her gaze and lowers the cup and holds it in front of him] (flash of confusion and regret, then slight doubt and frustration) {gruffly} "Then what?"

B: [holds his gaze for a moment, then shakes her head] (frustration and uncertainty) "I don't know, Dean."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of worry and doubt, then subtle apology) {quietly} "I'm sorry."

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of irritation) "It's not me you should be apologizing to. It's your poor brother who has to put up with your narcissistic controlling behavior."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of pain and vulnerability, then unreadable)

B: [holds his gaze] (instant regret) [closes her eyes tightly, takes a deep breath, then opens her eyes and meets his gaze] (apologetic and caring) "I'm sorry, Dean.... That was unnecessary and cruel.... and untrue...."

D: [holds her gaze] (subtly searching)

B: [hold his gaze] (caring and searching and subtly pleading) "You're not narcissistic.... I know that.... And I don't know what's behind.... Fear, maybe?.... Or loss?..."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of pain and vulnerability)

B: [searches his eyes] "... I just don't know what to do...."

D: [holds her gaze] {quietly} "Talk it out."

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of surprise, then conflicted) [bites bottom lip and shakes her head slightly] "... I can't... I don't know..."

D: [holds her gaze, small pleading smile] "Help me out, here."

B: [searches his eyes] "...I ..."

D: [holds her gaze] "I'll wait."

B: [holds his gaze, bites her bottom lip, then takes a deep breath and nods, raises a hand and absently starts twirling her hair] "Okay....right. Okay. So... [looks away] ...start with the goal.... What is the goal?..."

D: [watches her] (Unreadable)

B: [absently twirling her hair and looking past him] "... it's hard to identify the goal when you don't know the problem... so, what is the problem?.... [deep breath, closes her eyes] ....start with the feeling... what is the feeling?...." [opens her eyes and meets D's gaze] (searching and subtly pleading) "What is the feeling?"

D: [holds her gaze, swallows hard, shakes his head]

B: [searches his eyes] "What is the body saying?.... Mine is telling me I'm.... [swallows hard and bites her bottom lip] ....confused.... And ...." [lowers her hair twirling hand to hover by her stomach and looks down at it as it trembles slightly]

D: [watches her] (flash of pain and subtle fear)

B: [looking at her hand, takes another deep breath] ".... Frustrated, I guess...."

D: [watches her] (Unreadable)

B: [lowers her hand and closes her eyes and rolls her shoulders] "And feeling...." [opens her eyes, looking past him] "...stuck...."

D: [watches her] (flash of pain and worry)

B: [meets his gaze] (searching) {quietly} "What are you feeling, Dean?"

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment] (Unreadable)

B: [searches his eyes]

D: [holds her gaze, swallows hard] {quietly} "Fear."

B: [holds his gaze] (slight surprise, then confusion and searching) "Fear of what?"

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [holds his gaze] (searching and slightly pleading) "I need accurate information if I'm going to figure out the appropriate response...."

D: [holds her gaze] (hesitant and uncertain and subtly vulnerable)

B: [holds his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze] (confliction and doubt, then slight reluctant acceptance) {gruffly} "Something happening."

B: [continues to search his eyes]

D: [holds her gaze, small sad smile, shrugs] {lowly} "Bad things happen in this kind of life. A lot."

B: (slight understanding and caring) [holds his gaze, nods] "And you worry about that.... That makes sense...." [looks away]

D: [watches her] (subtle relief)

B: [nods, twirls her hair] "So... I guess the goal would be to not let bad things happen..."

D: [watches her] (Unreadable)

B: [bites her bottom lip and looks past him, twirling her hair] "But that's not a realistic goal, because bad things are going to happen.... We can't stop that.... Especially since this life is dangerous... as you've said... which is accurate.... So.... we need a new goal.... We can't stop bad things from happening... but we can mitigate the risk as much as possible.... Which, I guess... [deep breath, meets his gaze] ...is what you're trying to do...."

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [searches his eyes, then slowly shakes her head] "But that's not a completely realistic goal, either, Dean.... We can't always avoid risk... [small smile] ...you should know that better than anyone...."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of pain and subtle fear)

B: [holds his gaze] "And Sam knows that, too....

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of subtle confusion)

B: [holds his gaze] "Risk is part of life... any life....and maybe this life especially... but we can't just live in a bubble of self-protection... you can't.... [smiles at him] ...I know that.... And I can't.... And Sam can't.... No matter how much you want to protect him... and the truth is.... he can make his own decisions..."

D: [holds her gaze] (slight confusion)

B: [holds his gaze] "And I know that he trusts you... and you're the big brother, and you're in charge... I get that.... But part of being a leader is letting other people do their thing and trusting that they'll make it work and be okay... and the same goes for Sam...."

D: [searching her eyes] (confused)

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "As hard as that is to accept.... He has chosen this life, too... and he has the right to choose his own path... including who he lets in his life and on his team.... [swallows hard] (slightly uncertain and subtly pleading) ".... and I know I'm not trustworthy yet.... But I want to learn and grow... so that I can help..."

D: [holds her gaze] (subtle realization)

B: "And so that I can eventually have your backs, and be an asset.... So that you don't have to carry this all alone–"

D: [holds her gaze] {gruffly} "I'm not worried about me."

B: [holds his gaze, hesitates, then nods] "I know.... You don't worry about you.... [small smile] ...which is problematic, in and of itself... but that's an issue for another day–"

D: [holds her gaze] {lowly} "Or Sam."

B: [holds his gaze, tilts head slightly] (confused and searching)

D: [holds her gaze, hesitates, swallows hard] {lowly} "I'm worried about you."

B: [holds his gaze] (confused, then understanding) "Dean, it's not your job to–"

D: [holds her gaze] {gruffly} "It's not my job. It's my life."

B: [searches his eyes for a moment] "I know.... Saving people, that's what you do... but you've saved me already, Dean.... The rest is up to me.... And I want to be part of the team.... [shrugs with a slightly sad smile] ... maybe all I can do is be a prophet...."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of pain and confusion, then subtle denial and caring)

B: "Maybe that's my main contribution.... But maybe I can also help in other ways.... And we won't know that until we try.... [small smile] ...even though it's risky...."

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [holds his gaze] (subtly searching and pleading) "But sometimes it's not about avoiding the risk..... Sometimes it's about accepting the risk... the fear.... and learning to cope with it, as best as you can... [small smile] ....And you probably already know that....but I understand it's different when it's your brother."

D: [holds her gaze] (Slightly conflicted)

B: [holds his gaze] (calm and accepting and subtly confident) "So, I understand that you're in charge, Dean... you call the shots in the field.... That's what keeps you and Sam and other people alive... and you're great at that, and it works.... But on my time.... I get to choose.... And if Sam is willing to help me learn and grow....then maybe.... [shrugs with a small smile] ....maybe someday I'll be trustworthy enough so that you can let me be a part of your team, too."

D: [searches her eyes] "You... I don't..."

B: [holds his gaze] (subtle pleading) "I'm not a threat to you, Dean."

D: [searches her eyes] "You sure?"

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "I don't want to be."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of very subtle longing)

B: [holds his gaze] "To you, or to Sam."

D: [holds her gaze, clenches his jaw] "Right. Sam."

B: [holds his gaze] "I want to help.... I need to... do something..." (searching and subtle pleading, then calm determination) "But I need you to make up your mind. Either I hunt, or I don't hunt...."

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [holds his gaze] "If you don't want me with you on cases, I understand. And I can accept that.... That's your call.... But figure it out. You can't keep jerking me around..... [small smile] ....the whip lash is worse than the stitches."

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [smiles at him, then looks down at his hand and reaches out with her unbandaged hand and takes the cup of coffee from his hand, her fingers flinching slightly as they brush his]

D: [watches her, swallows hard]

B: [looks up and meets his gaze, taking a sip of the coffee, then blinks] "Whoa! Damn!" [licks her lips with a smacking sound] "Yep. That's sweet." [nods] "Well done. Perfect."

D: [small smile]

B: [smiles up at him]

D: [meets her gaze, then glances down at her other hand, wrapped in the bandage] {lowly} "Let me see that." [holds out a hand toward her hand]

B: [looks down at her hand, then raises it toward his, flinching slightly as her hand nears his]

D: [hesitates, then lowers his hand and looks at her face] "Looks like Sam did a good job." [slight smile] "You should be battle ready in no time."

B: [looks up and meets his gaze] (questioning)

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] "We'll get you trained up and ship-shape, then you hunt."

B: [searches his eyes, then slow smile] {quietly} "Yes, sir."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze]

S: [steps into the doorway, carrying the grocery bags of supplies] "Dean?"

B: [blinks and looks away, stepping backward, away from D]

D: [watches her, then turns to face S]

S: [holds up the grocery bags] "You left all this stuff in the other room. The beer is warm and the eggs are probably bad. And what the hell is–"

D: [steps toward S and grabs one of the bags] {gruffly} "Yeah, I'll take that one." [looks at S and gestures to the rest of the bags] "You got that? Great." [pats S on the shoulder and walks out of the room, carrying the other bag]

S: [looks at B questioningly]

B: [meets S's eyes, small smile, then lifts the coffee cup to her mouth and takes a sip, blinks] "Damn, that's sweet!" [looks at the coffee, then goes to the sink and pours it down the drain]

S: [watches her in curious amusement]

B: [turns to him and smiles]

They put the groceries away


A while later

D: [goes into the main room, carrying the other grocery bag]

B: [sitting at one of the tables, reading a giant book]

D: [stops and looks at her, wry smile] "I thought you weren't a bookworm."

B: [looks up at him questioningly] "When did I....?" [shakes her head and smiles] "Please stop listening to me."

D: [small smile] "I'm working on it."

B: [shakes her head in amusement]

D: [plops the bag on the table] "In the meantime, it's time to get you over your freaky fear of board games."

B: [rolls her eyes] "First of all, it's not freaky. And second of all, it's not fear. It's an avoidance response based on childhood small-t trauma and uncomfortable feelings that have been unaddressed...." [trails off, looks away, bites bottom lip]

D: [watches her]

B: [looks up at him with a slight smile] "So.... I guess, fear...."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "Shut up."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile]

C: "Hello, Dean–"

D: [whirls around, fist raised, poised]

B: [jumps slightly] "Holy shit!"

D: [sees C and closes his eyes briefly and lowers his fist, then opens his eyes and looks at C in frustration] "Cas! Man! You gotta stop doing that!"

C: [looks at D slightly apologetically] "Sorry."

D: [deep breath and looks at B]

B: [looks from C to D and smiles, raises a hand and twirls her hair]

D: [looks back at C, walks over to him and pats him on the shoulder] "Good to see you, man. What's going on?"

C: [looks at D] "I just came to inform you that the spell worked." [looks at B] "It was very useful and saved many lives. Thank you, again."

B: [smiles at him, twirling her hair] "Of course."

D: [glances at B then looks back at C] {dryly} "Yeah, you're about a week late with that headline, buddy. Where have you been? It's been radio silent."

C: [looks at D] "I'm sorry. I have been preoccupied with the conflict going on between my angel brethren."

B: [looking at C, lowers her hair twirling hand and leans forward slightly] "How is that going, Cas?"

D: [glances at her]

C: [looks at B] "It is still... unresolved."

B: [nods empathetically] "Sounds...maybe... overwhelming?"

C: [looking at her, hesitates, glances at D, then looks back at B and nods] "That word would be appropriate."

B: [small smile and nods] "Well, if there's anything you need..." [hesitates, then glances at D]

D: [meets her eyes, then looks at C] "Yeah, man, obviously, we're here for you."

C: [looks from B to D, nods] "Thank you."

S: [comes into the room, looks at C] "Hey, Cas. How are you doing?"

C: [turns to S] "Hello, Sam. I'm fine. How are you?"

S: [smiles at him and nods] "Good."

D: [looks between C and B and S, then claps his hands together] "Awesome. The scooby-gang's all here."

B: [looks at D in amusement]

S and C look at D

D: [smiles at them all] "So, how about a little family game night?"

S: [looks at D] (surprise and confusion and slight curiosity)

B: [looking at D] (flash of surprise and amused affection, then curiosity)

D: [looks down at the grocery bag on the table and pulls the edges down to reveal a stack of freshly-bought board games]

S: [walks over to the table and reaches over and opens the bag more, looking at the games, then looks at D] (amused curiosity and confusion) "You bought all these?"

D: [looks at him] (Slightly awkward) "All we had was Chess and an ancient game of Scrabble."

S: (amused and curious) "So you went with....Operation and Battleship?"

D: (awkward and defensive) "I wanted a variety. You got a problem with that, Mr. Rogers?"

S: [raises his hands] (amused) [glances down at the games again, then up at D with a grin] "They didn't have candy-land?"

D: [frowns at him] "Shut up."

B: [watches them in amusement]

D: [looks between S and C and B and raises his eyebrows] "Everybody in?"

They all look at each other and nod

D: [smiles, then looks at B] "Lady's choice." [gestures to the stack of games]

B: [looks at him] (slight surprise) "Really?"

D: [nods]

B: [looks at S and C]

S and C nod

B: [bites both lips, then looks between them] "Honestly, it doesn't matter to me. These all look great. I'm okay with–"

D: [clears his throat, looking at her]

B: [looks at him, bites her bottom lip, then takes a deep breath and smiles] "Fine..." [stands and leans over the table, looking at the games]

D: [watches her]

B: [looking at the games] "Hmmm.... Well, I really like Taboo... but right now I'm feeling more... [glances up at D with a smile] ... Sorry."

D: [meets her gaze, slight smile] "Your choice."

B: [smiles and nods] "Sorry, it is." [glances at S and C] "If that's okay with everyone?"

S: [nods and shrugs] "Yeah. Sure."

C: [nods] "I haven't played a board game since I was human. It will probably be a different experience now."

B: [looks at C] "Wait!... you were human?!"

D: [amused smile as he watches her]

B: [looking at C] "How is that even possible? Was this recently, or eons ago? Did you start out as human and then become an angel? Is that how it works? How did you become an angel? Are you–"

D: [waves a hand] "Yeah, yeah. We can tell you the whole long story, after I kick all your asses at Sorry."

B: [looks at D in conflicted amusement]

D: [meets her eyes with a mischievous grin] "You ready for that, sweetheart?"

B: [holds his gaze and narrows her eyes with a playful smile] "Yeah... we'll see..."

C: [glances at S in slight confusion]

S: [glances at C in amusement]

They all sit around the table and play Sorry for a long time, smiling and laughing and teasing and joking as they play multiple rounds

B: [grins as she looks at the board] "Castiel, my friend, I am so sorry, but I'm gonna have to send your little dude back to his home base." [exuberantly uses one of her pieces to knock over one of C's pieces and then picks up his piece and puts it back at his Home space, smiling at him]

C: [looks at her] "I have no emotional attachment to 'my little dude' or his home base."

B: [smiles at him and reaches out and squeezes his arm] "Which is what makes you absolutely adorable... and which is also why you're gonna lose, sweet angel." [grins at him] "Sorry."

C: [glances down at her hand on his arm]

D: [watching B with an amused smile] "You are cutthroat at this."

B: [looks at him and pulls her hand back, smiling] "Does that surprise you?"

D: [meets her gaze, small affirming gesture] "Yeah. I figured you'd be more...."

B: [holds his gaze, raises her eyebrows with an amused smile] "Nice?"

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile]

B: [holds his gaze, leans toward him slightly with a small teasing expression] "I hate to tell you this, Dean, but I'm not alway nice."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of uncertainty, then humor and teasing) "Wait till we try something a little more Taboo."

D: [raises his eyebrows with an amused smile]

B: [hesitates, then looks at S] "You're turn."

S: [watching them] (fascinated) [looks at B and nods] "Right."

They continue playing the game, laughing and joking and teasing as they play

B wins a game

B: [raises her hands over her head and grins] "The dragon slayer is victorious!"

S: [grins at her and shakes his head in amusement]

C: [smiles at her]

D: [watches her with a smile] (amused and subtly affectionate)

B: [lowers her arms, winces slightly]

D: [watching her] "Alright, dragon slayer, don't celebrate too hard. What do you say we take a break and check all your multitude of stitches?"

B: [meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze]

S: [watches them]

C: [looks between D and B and S in confusion]

B: [small accepting smile at D] "I suppose you're right. I should take L out, anyway."

S: [looks at her] "And clean your tattoo."

B: [looks at S] "Right. I keep forgetting about that... [smiles] ....don't want to be dried up and ugly." [glances at D, then away]

D: [watches her]

B: [raises a hand and twirls her hair, smiles at them] "I guess I'm a little high-maintenance." [glances at D again]

D: [meets her eyes] (Unreadable)

B: [clears her throat, then looks between them and smiles] "I think I'll start with L, then grab a quick shower before I get all gooped up." [glances at D again, then quickly looks at S and C, nods] "Gentlemen, it's been a pleasure." [focuses on C with a smile] "Cas, sometime soon, you and I are gonna have coffee and you can tell me all about your.... [gestures toward her vaguely] ....angel-ness. If you want."

C: [looks at her] "I would like that."

B: [smiles and nods, looks between them all] "Okay, you boys have fun without me." [turns and walks out of the room]

D: [watches her]

S: [watches D]

D: [glances at S, clears his throat] "So, Sammy, how's it feel to be beat by a girl?"

B: [from down the hall] "Dragon slayer!"

D: [closes his eyes and shakes his head with a small amused smile]

S: [grins at D]

S and D and C talk for a little while, then C leaves. S and D get their laptops and look for cases

A little while later

B walks into the main room where S and D are talking about a possible case, hesitates and starts to turn back around

D: [looks at her] "What?"

S: [looks at B]

B: [hesitates again, then looks at D] "What?"

D: [rolls his eyes] (Slight frustration and subtle amusement) {gruffly} "Just spit it out, woman!"

B: [looks at him with a "really?" expression] "First of all, bossy! Second of all–"

D: [meets her gaze, almost imperceptible smile] "You are such a pain in the ass. Would you just say what you gotta say?"

B: [glances at S]

S: [looks at her] (open and interested)

B: [deep breath] "Right. Right. Okay. I was just wondering....how do you guys get mail?...for like packages and...stuff...."

S: (confused) "You mean like from amazon?"

B: ["kind of" face] "Kind of..."

D: [watches her] (subtly amused and curious) "You got a porn subscription you don't want us to know about?"

B: [looks at him] (surprised and offended) "No! That's just..." [pauses, tilts head slightly] (thoughtful) "I mean, actually, women do tend to enjoy porn, as well, just –"

D: [rolls eyes] "Would you, please, just–"

B: {blurts} "It's for my hair, okay!"

S and D look at her, surprised

B: [deep breath, looks at them] "I use a special, individualized, shampoo and conditioner formula that is created uniquely for my hair. And then there's the assorted creams, leave-ins, and gels that are just...hard to come by at gas stations and Wal-Mart."

They stare are her

B: [rolls her eyes] (slightly exasperated and subtly self-conscious) "Crack cocaine for the fingers is not a naturally occurring phenomenon, guys!"

S: [watching her] (confused) "What the–"

D: [watching her, smiles at her] {lowly} "Oh, I highly doubt that."

B: [meets his gaze, hesitates] (conflicted, then humorous acceptance) "Well, it needs a little enhancement, anyway."

S: (still confused) [looks between them]

D: [smiling at B] "We'll get you the PO box and a credit card."

S: (surprised and interested)

B: [blinks, then looks at him] (surprised and grateful) "Oh! Okay... thank you. That's....really amazing...."

D: [realization expression] (realization) "That reminds me. Hold that thought." [he goes to his canvas jacket, which is draped over the back of one of the chairs, grabs something out of the pocket, walks over to her and places 5 bottles of prescription medication in her hand]

B: [looking down at 5 bottles of Wellbutrin XL, 300 mgs] (stunned) [stares at the bottles] "Uhh.... This is ...."

D: [smiles gently at her]

B: [looks up at him and meets his gaze] (questioning and searching) "How did you...?

D: [holds her gaze with a gentle smile] "That first night, before we got to the bunker. You gave us the heads up."

B: [searches his eyes] "I don't.... You...." [looks down at the bottles in her hand] "This is so..."

D: [watches her]

B: [tilts head slightly to the side] {matter factly} "A lot....actually." [looks up at him in confusion] "This is a lot of pills, Dean."

D: [nods] "Didn't want you to run out. And..." [reaches for the bottles in her hand, ignoring her hand flinching slightly, takes two of the bottles back from her and holds them up with a smile] "I thought we could keep some in the car in case you need them when we're out on the road." [shakes the bottles playfully, then looks at her] "Do they go funky?"

B: [shakes head] (awed) {quietly} "Not for a while."

D: [grins at her]

B: [studies his face for a long moment, then] {breathlessly} "Dean Winchester....I have....I don't even....I....(gratitude and acceptance and subtle affection) ...Thank you."

D: [meets her gaze, nods]

B: [looks down at the three pill bottles still in her hand, then without looking at either of them, turns and starts walking awkwardly to the door] "....Okay....thank you.....as you were." [leaves the room]


A little while later

B: [goes into the kitchen and finds S, sitting at the table on his laptop]

S: [looks up at her]

B: [smiles at him] "Just the man I was looking for." [holds out the bottle of aquaphor]

S: [smiles and stands, gets paper towels and helps her wash and dry her tattoo and apply the aquaphor]

B: [glancing at him over her shoulder as he gently rubs the aquaphor onto her skin] "How much more do we have to do this?"

S: [looking at her back] "You're probably fine after this. It's looking good." [lowers the hem of her shirt with a smile]

B: [smile of relief] "Thank god!" [looks at him] "Not that I haven't enjoyed our little ritual. But it will be nice to be free."

S: [nod of understanding] "Of course." [gestures to his plate on the table, which is holding what's left of a mostly eaten sandwich] "You hungry?"

B: [smiles at him] "I'll just have a bowl of cereal, if that's okay?"

S: ["of course" expression] "Sure."

B: [gets cereal and milk and pours it in a bowl]

S: [sits back down at his laptop, glances at her] "We might have another case."

B: [looks at him] "Okay." [smiles] "That sounds fun."

S: [looks at her questioningly]

B: [gets her bowl of cereal and holds it in front of her, looks at him] "I have a phone now, so you can call me from the road." [smiles]

S: [meets her gaze] (flash of relief, then questioning)

B: [holds his gaze] "When you get back, you can show me how to do karate, or whatever you guys do. And maybe Dean will approve more onion chopping." [small amused smile]

S: [small smile] "Yeah." [glances at the doorway] "I don't know where he is. Probably watching porn in his room or something." [hesitates, then glances at her with an awkward expression]

B: [chuckles and looks down at her cereal bowl] "Well, maybe he'll get some sleep tonight."

S: [small smile]

B: [looks up at him and holds up her cereal bowl] "I think I'll just..." [nods toward the door]

S: [nods with a smile]

B: [smiles at him] "Good night, Sam."

S: "Night."

B: [leaves the room and goes to the living room, stops in the doorway]

D: [reclining slightly on his end of the couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table, which has been positioned closer to where he is sitting, his head leaning against a pillow on the back of the couch, his arms crossed over his chest]

L is laying next to the coffee table, by his feet, and B's pillows are stacked at her end of the couch

B: [looks at him for a long moment]

D: [looks at her]

B: [meets his eyes, shakes her head] {whispers} "Son of a bitch...."

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile]

B: [holds his gaze] "You're supposed to be in your room watching porn."

D: [blinks, then holds her gaze] (surprised and confused, then extremely awkward and uncomfortable) "Uhh...I... Wh- What?"

B: [hold his gaze, small amused smile, then walks over and sets her bowl on the coffee table and glances around]

D: [watches her]

B: [looks around, sees the TV remote sitting by the TV, and goes to pick it up, then notices it's sitting on top of new set of DVDs, hesitates]

D: [watches her]

B: [looks at the DVD set of the show I Dream of Jeannie, her hand hovering over it, then looks at D]

D: [meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] (questioning and slightly confused, then understanding and gratitude, then amusement and affection) "Looks like Sam's not the only enabler around here."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] {lowly} "Must run in the family."

B: [holds his gaze, slight smile] "I guess I won't complain..."

D: [holds her gaze, raises his eyebrows]

B: [holds his gaze] "...as long as it benefits me." [small smile]

D: [holds her gaze, smiles]

B puts in the first disk of I Dream of Jeannie and curls up on her end of the couch and eats her cereal while they watch the show

B: [sets her bowl on the table and takes a deep breath, shifting to get more comfortable, smiles at the TV] "He's so cute. And I love how much he honestly loves her."

D: [looks at her in the light of the TV]

B: [watching the TV] "From the very beginning. She's such a pain in the ass and so much trouble, but he truly loves her, just as she is. And she really loves him."

D: [watches her]

B: "And they just enjoy it. They're so cute."

D: [watches her, nods] {quietly} "Super cute."

B: [glances at him with a smile, then lays her head down on one of the pillows and watches the TV]

D: [watches her for a moment, then lays his head back against the pillow behind him and closes his eyes]

They fall asleep as the TV plays


The next morning

B is curled up at the end of the couch, sleeping with her head on the pillow, and D is sleeping at his end of the couch, feet propped up and arms crossed over his chest, head resting on the pillow

L gets up and goes to B and looks at her and whines softly

B: [wakes and looks at L]

D: [wakes and looks at B]

B: [deep breath, then glances at D, meets his gaze, small smile] "She's better than an alarm clock.... Good morning."

D: [holds her gaze] "Morning."

B: [holds his gaze for a moment, then smiles] "Duty calls." [looks at L and stands] "Motherhood can be such a chore..." [takes L outside]

D: [gets up and goes to the kitchen]

S: [sitting at the kitchen table with his laptop, looks at D as D walks in] "Dude, you look like–"

D: [hold up a hand groggily] "Don't say it. I know."

S: [watches him] (amused and curious) "Are you ever gonna sleep in your bed again?"

D: [grunts and goes to the coffee pot and pours two cups of coffee, pouring sugar into one and stirs it, then sets that cup on the table and takes a drink from the other cup, glances at S's computer] "You still thinking of heading out today?"

S: [looks at his computer] "Yeah, this is definitely a case."

D: [glances at S and takes another drink of coffee] "You thinking witch? Demon?"

B: [walks into the room, L following happily]

D: [without looking at her, picks up the sugared cup of coffee and holds it out to her]

S: [glances at her and then looks at D] "Actually, I was thinking it might be a siren."

B: [smiling and reaching for the coffee cup, pauses and looks at S in curiosity] "A siren? Really?"

D: [looks at her] {gruffly} "Yeah, you're not coming."

B: [looks at him with slight irritation and takes the cup from him, her fingers flinching slightly as they move close to his] "I know, Dean. I'm just interested...." [take a sip of the coffee, then approving expression and meets his eyes with a small smile] "Better."

D: [holds her gaze and a slight smile]

B: [looks at S] "So siren's are real? Aren't they in the sea?"

S: [shakes his head] "No,that is the most popular myth about them, but actually they can be just about anywhere."

D: [watching her] {gruffly} "And they're not all hot chicks, either."

B: [glances at him] "...huh... disappointing."

D: [meets her gaze] (slightly surprised and amused) [slight smile]

S: [looking between them] "Yeah, they take the form of whatever your desire is, then they make you do crazy things."

D: [looking at her] {gruffly} "So you're not going."

B: [meets D's eyes, small teasing smile] "What's the matter, Dean? Are you afraid I'll do crazy things?.... Or are you afraid of my desire?...."

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [blinks, swallows hard, looks away and bites bottom lip, then small smile] "I don't even know what my desire would be...." [looks at S with a curious expression] "....Ryan Gosling?"

S and D look at her: "Really?"

B: [looks between them with an amused smile] "Maybe...? I mean, he was my first celebrity crush...."

They look at her

B: [shrugs] (slightly self-conscious) "He played Young Hercules."

D: [watching her] (slightly curious and confused) "What is it with you and Hercules?"

B: [meets his gaze] (surprised, then thoughtful) "...huh...."

D: [small smile, then questioning and suspicious expression] "Kevin Sorbo?"

B: [expression of slight disgust] "Ew!"

D: [approving and amused expression]

S: [looking between them] "Anyway, the point is, they're dangerous because they lure people to do their bidding by mimicking the person that the victim desires most."

D: [looks at B pointedly] "Yeah, so you're definitely not coming."

B: [looks at him with subtle curiosity]

D: [looks at S and hesitates] "And maybe you shouldn't come, either...."

S: [looks at D] (surprised and very confused, then understanding and amusement)

D: [looks away and shakes his head] "On second thought, maybe none of us should go."

S: (surprised again, and very amused)

D: [looks at S] "Call Peter, or Johnny."

S: [smiles and stands, holding his computer with a small smile] "Sorry, Dean, this one's on us."

D: (slight confliction)

S: (more serious) "People are dying. We gotta go."

D: [looks at S and nods] "Fine." [looks at B] "You gonna be okay?"

B: [meets his eyes and smiles] "Of course. Go take care of business."

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then nods, looks at S and nods] "Alright, little brother, let's gear up and hit the road."

S: [nods, then looks at B and goes over to her, leans down and kisses her head, then looks at her face with a small smile] "We'll call you from the road."

B: [smiles up at him] "Be safe."

D: [watches them]

S: [leaves the room]

B: [looks at D]

D: [meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze with a small smile]

D: [holds her gaze, then nods, turns and walks out of the room]

B: [watches him, opens her mouth to say something, then closes her mouth and takes a deep breath]

S and D leave to go on the hunt

New Life

Two days later

B is sitting in the library, reading, and her cell phone rings

B: [picks up the phone and answers] "Hello?"

S: [on the other end of the phone] "Hey."

B: [smiles] "Hey. Thanks for checking in again. I worry about you guys.... Not that that's your responsibility, to assuage my worry.... I mean, I suppose it's a sign of caring on both our parts–"

D: [on the other end of the phone] "Focus."

B: [smiles more] "Sorry.... How's it going?"

S: "It's done. We're on our way home."

B: "Oh, good! How'd it go?" [teasing smile at the phone] "Any scary desires?"

S: [hesitates] "Actually, it got a little complicated...."

D: {warning tone} "Sam."

S: "Kind of a Jack Sparrow's compass situation...."

D: {loudly} "Sam!"

B: [looks at the phone and hesitates] "Okay... sounds interesting.... But I'm glad you're both okay."

S: "Yeah, we should be back later tonight."

B: [nods]

D: "Yeah, so rest up, sweetheart, cuz tomorrow you officially start training."

B: [smiles] "Yes, sir."

S: "Okay, see you later."

B: [nods] "Drive safe. I'll keep the light on."

S: [audible smile] "Thanks." [ends the call]

B: [stares at the phone for a while, then goes back to reading]

Later that night, S and D get back to the bunker and B meets them in the main room, they talk briefly about the case, then S goes to bed and D and B go to the living room and watch I Dream of Jeannie and fall asleep at their respective ends of the couch. The next morning, they all wake up and eat breakfast, then S and D start training with B


Training montage (obviously over many different days over a period of time): [set to "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" by Pat Benatar]


S and D and B in the training room, D gestures around the room and says something with a wry smile and looks at B, and B laughs, S watches them with amused fascination

S teaching her how to pick a lock

D teaching her how to use the EMF

[1st verse]

S and D teaching B to punch the punching bag and their hands

D teaching her how to hot-wire a car

S teaching her how to do research and search the lore

D holding a knife out to her, handle toward her, and B smiles and says something, and D laughs

D teaching her how to load and shoot a shotgun


S and D showing her about salt, holy water, silver, iron, and other monster fighting tools

S and D teaching her first aid and how to pop joints back into place and sew up wounds

B in the bunker doing research on the lore and talking to S and D on the phone about the lore while they are on a case

They take B on a hunt with them, D watches her in the rearview mirror as he drives

[2nd verse]

B and D in the kitchen, laughing, and B playfully slaps D on the arm. D glances down at his arm, then looks at her with a questioning smile

B shoots and kills a werewolf who is about to attack a man, she stands and looks at the dead werewolf for moment as S and D watch her with concern, then she smiles and high-five both the guys

D teaching B to break into a car, and when he touches her she flinches away and D closes his eyes tightly and clenches his jaw, then smiles at her and continues teaching her

[chorus and instrumental]

B starts taking pictures on her phone of them on the road and at the bunker, the guys think it's weird and awkward, and B shrugs

S and D and B sitting in a bar, eating and talking and laughing

S and D showing B how to paint sigils and do warding

S and D and B fighting a monster

B about to be grabbed by a ghost, and D hits it with crow bar and it disappears

D and B sleeping in the same bed in a motel room while S sleeps in the other bed, then B rolls toward D in her sleep, and D opens his eyes and looks at her, then closes his eyes again

D about to be attacked by a monster, and B distracts the monster and D kills it

S and D and B cooking, playing board games, talking and laughing

D standing close behind B and shows her again how to shoot his gun, and she trembles as she shoots and misses the target, D puts his hands on her shoulders and gently moves her a little bit, and she takes a deep breath and shoots again, his hands still on her shoulders, and misses again. D looks at her, then steps back a few feet and says for her to try again, B nods and shoots again, and hits the target fairly accurately. B turns to D with a smile and D smiles tensely at her and nods.


S and D come back from a hunt and D brings B a black moonstone palm stone, B smiles and takes it from him, trembling when her fingers brush his, and says thank you

D teaching B how to punch, gestures for her to hit him in the face, B grins and hits him in the face, then freaks out and apologizes, and he laughs and high-fives her


D and B talking heatedly about something, D gesturing to her in frustration and B holding his gaze as she responds, then he turns and stalks out of the room, and B takes a deep breath, trembling. Later D finds B reading in the fireplace room while staring off and twirling her hair while a book rests in her lap, and he says something with a slightly apologetic expression, and B smiles and says something with her own small apologetic expression, then D nods and sits down and grabs a book and starts reading it while B watches, then B smiles and goes back to her own reading

[chorus and end of song]

B help S and D dig up a body and salt and burn it, the ghost dies, and they all high-five each other

B shooting fairly accurately at the shooting range and D watching her (impressed with subtle longing)

B cutting some vegetables and cuts her finger, D stands close to her and grasps her hand, and she flinches slightly, looks up at him. D hesitates, then lifts her hand between them and looks at it, then meets her gaze, gently touching her hand, holds her gaze. Trembling, B smiles and says something and slowly pulls her hand away. D smiles and nods


Living and learning

B and D are in the main room of the bunker. B is sitting in a chair at one of the tables, a book open in front of her. D is sitting on the table, a few feet away from where she is sitting, watching her

B: [eyes closed, concentrating] "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, idoramus te–"

D: [watching her] "Adiuramus."

B: [slaps a hand on the table] {animatedly} "Shit! God damn fucking mother fucker shit fuck damn!" [opens her eyes and looks down at the book] "Son of a bitch!"

D: [watching her] (amused) "Do you go off like that in front of your clients?"

B: [looks at him quickly] (Surprised) "What?! No!"

D: [meets her eyes with an amused expression]

B: [holds his gaze, smiles teasingly] "I am a professional, Dean. I am always calm, cool, and collected. Or hadn't you noticed?"

D: [looks at her with a "really? come on..." expression] ]

B: [smiles,shakes her head] "No, of course not. My clients don't get to see that side of me...."

D: [quizzical expression]

B: "I mean, don't get me wrong....I have slipped up here and there....nothing like that..." [smiles]

D: [watching her, small smile]

B: [smiling] (contemplative) "And....you know....when a person tells me something....really hard....or I get excited about their amazing progress....But you know....I never have those instant, extreme feelings in session."

D: [questioning expression]

B: [shrugs] "It's a very controlled environment....and I'm the one in control....and I have to stay in control....at all times." [smiles gently at him] "I'm the one who keeps my clients safe...."

D: [nods] (thoughtful)

B: [smiling gently] "Mentally and emotionally, at least.....[shrugs] It's my job...." [looks up at him] (thoughtful) "I imagine you can understand that...."

D: [holds her gaze, swallows hard, nods]

B: [holds his gaze, then looks back down at the book] "Okay.... I can do this...[raises a hand and starts twirling her hair] ...It's just a little demon exorcism.... In latin... which is no big deal... I'm smart... I have a master's degree.... which I obtained using English.... But I can do this.... [deep breath, continues to twirl hair] ...I have to be able to do this..."

D: [watches her]

B: [closes her eyes] "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis logogio–"

D: [watching her] {quietly} "Legio."

B: [opens her eyes] (exasperated) "Go damn it! I should be able to do this!" [covers her eyes with her hands, shakes her head]

D: [watching her, slowly reaches to touch her shoulder]

B: [covering her eyes with her hands, shakes her head] {quietly} "Right. Don't should on yourself."

D: [lowers his hand and raises his eyebrows] "Excuse me?"

B: [looks up at D as if surprised, then smiles] "Oh, that's something my supervisor used to say all the time. Don't should on yourself."

D: [curious and amused expression]

B: [smiling, nods] "Should. It's a cognitive distortion... a distorted way of thinking that's not based in truth and it sets you up for failure.... The word 'should'...implies something that's supposed to happen a certain way, a guaranteed result if you do a certain action, almost like the expectation of a perfect outcome if you manage to do this thing.... But that's not based in truth." [shrugs] "Because one, no one knows the future, so how can we know what action is the right action in the moment?... We just can't...not for sure.... We can gather information and make an informed decision and follow through with the best action we can ascertain. But there's never a real guarantee..."

D: [watches her]

B: [takes a deep breath] "...and second.... 'Should' implies that a perfect outcome is possible.... If we can predict the perfect outcome, we should be able to achieve the perfect outcome." (thoughtful) "Although, you're really not supposed to use the word in the definition of the word because that's a logical fallacy... [shrugs] ...but I feel like accurate communication is happening even if there are flaws in the wording." [looks at him with a smile] "Do you agree?"

D: [meets her gaze, nods] "I do."

B: [hold his gaze, nods, then blinks, looks away] "Anyway.... Should... it's a trap.... Not based in truth and sets you up for failure.... Makes you believe that you have more power than you really have, and then you feel bad about yourself when you don't get the outcome that you want.... For instance, given the fact that I have a semi-functioning human brain..."

D: [watching her, small questioning frown]

B: [looking away] "I SHOULD be able to compute complex algebraic equations. However, in this moment I'm having trouble even remembering the answer to seven times seven."

D: [looks up with a confused "what is that?" expression, then looks at her again]

B: [looking away] "Or, given that I have two legs and can stand upright... most of the time..."

D: [watching her, small "yeah, kinda" expression]

B: [looking away] "I SHOULD be able to ice-skate and perform a triple lux....whatever-whatever-whatever–"

D: [watching her, slight affectionate smile]

B: [looking away, small shrug] "-- win an olympic gold medal. However, most days I have a hard time even walking in a straight line." [looks off for a moment, then deep breath]

D: [watches her]

B: [blinks, then meets his gaze, small smile] "So you have to be brave and..." [shrugs] "Just do the best you can with what you've got in the moment, and figure it out."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [looks away and smiles] "You know, I tell my clients all the time... all the time... that you can't create change without doing the work.... It's hard, it's scary, it's frustrating... and sometimes you don't get the results that you want, but you have to do the work, because otherwise you get stuck."

D: [watches her]

B: [looks up and meets his gaze] "Which is...just part of the human condition, I suppose...." [looks away and twirls her hair] "....I mean, we all have denial, blindspots, areas of our lives we haven't worked on yet, for one reason or another.... or just choices we make to keep living incongruently....so we do the whole 'do what I say and not what I do' pattern.... Everyone does it..." [glances at him] "Some more than others." [smiles]

D: [meets her gaze, slight smile]

B: [holds his gaze, then deep breath] "So, anyway, that's a super long way of explaining don't should on yourself."

D: [holds her gaze] "Sounds like your supervisor was pretty cool."

B: [holds his gaze, grins] "Oh my gosh, she was the absolute best! A truly incredible, remarkable person. Changed my life...really....just... helped me change my life... more than anyone else...really. Except maybe my own therapist."

D: [holds her gaze] (surprised)

B: [holds his gaze, tilts her head and smiles]] "Yes, Dean, I also went to therapy. I'm not that hypocritical."

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile]

B: [looks away, shrugs] "It's part of the requirement to get your Masters in marriage and family therapy." [looks down at the book] "But I would have eventually gone anyway... [deep breath] ...I guess it's all about timing."

D: [watches her]

B: [looks up at him and meets his gaze] "You only have to go to 25 sessions for the graduate program, but I ended up going for about 4 years."

D: [holds her gaze, surprised expression]

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "In school they tell you that you can't take another person somewhere that you haven't been or aren't willing to go.... So, you do the work. For your clients....but also for you."

D: [searches her eyes for a moment] (questioning and subtly vulnerable] {lowly} "How do you do the work?"

B: [blinks] (surprised) [then softens and shrugs, holding his gaze] "It's different for every person.... I mean, there are obviously so many tools and theories and techniques and interventions...but they apply to every person differently because every person is unique...on their own journey..."

D: [holds her gaze] (searching and subtly vulnerable)

B: [holds his gaze] (caring) {gently} "...and they have to create their own path."

D: [swallows hard, nods] {softly} "I guess some folks just need a little help with that."

B: [smiles softly at him, holding his gaze] {softly} "I know I did...." [looking at him] (thoughtful and caring) "But people are resilient, Dean.... If all you can do is the best you can with what you've got.... and you don't have a therapist or a supervisor...[shrugs] ...a lot of people will find other ways to help themselves heal and be the best possible version of themselves...."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] {gently} "Maybe it's a good brother...."

D: [holds her gaze] (subtle surprise)

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "Or a Bobby...."

D: [holds her gaze, swallows hard] (subtle vulnerability)

B: [holds his gaze] {softly} "Or just a brave heart that can help you... [swallows hard] ....do what you need to do."

D: [holds her gaze, swallows hard, nods]

B: [searches his eyes] {softly} "I don't know your story, Dean.... Not really.... Not as much as I'd like to....that's not up to me....But it seems to me that... from what little I do know...you've done a great job of.... just living this life."

D: [holds her gaze] (vulnerability and searching)

B: [holds his gaze, soft smile] {softly} "We don't get to choose where we start out.... Or a lot of the things that happen to us along the way.... But we do get to choose..." [shrugs] "what we do with what we've got...."

D: [looks away]

B: [watches him] (flash of sadness and longing, then searching) {gently} "And I don't know who you've been... not fully, not yet."

D: [meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze, gentle smile] "But I see who you are now.... And I can infer from context."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of doubt and fear and longing, then Unreadable)

B: [holds his gaze] (caring and slight pleading) {gently} "I know it's been hard, and I know it's been scary."

D: [holds her gaze, a tear comes to his eye]

B: [holds his gaze, smiles softly] {softly} "But you're here.... You've made it this far.... And you're a good person."

D: [holds her gaze, clenches his jaw] (flash of doubt and fear and longing)

B: [holds his gaze, soft smile and shakes her head] {softly} "You can't fool me."

D: [holds her gaze, tears in his eyes]

B: [searches his eyes] (caring and hope and longing and pleading) {softly} "You're a real person, Dean.... Maybe one of the realest people I've ever met...."

D: [holds her gaze] (doubt and subtle fear and longing)

B: [holds his gaze, smiles softly] "You let me lecture you... you make difficult decisions... all the time..."

D: [holds her gaze, swallows hard]

B: [holds his gaze] {softly} "And I know....that you have always done the best you could with what you've had...."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of doubt and pain)

B: [holds his gaze] {whispers} "You'll never convince me otherwise."

D: [searches her eyes]

B: [holds his gaze, deep breath] (caring and calm and subtle longing) "So I don't need to know your story, Dean.... I mean, I want to...I really want to....and I hope to...."

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [holds his gaze and shakes her head] {gently} "But I don't need to....[smiles gently] ....Because you're living it out in front of me."

D: [glances away]

B: [watches him, small smile] {gently} "Thank you for that."

D: [meets her gaze again]

B: [holds his gaze for a long moment, then small smile, then looks back down at the book] "Okay.... Again...."

D: [watches her]

B: "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii..."


S and D and B are on a hunt. S is out doing footwork, and D and B are sitting on opposite edges of the bed, watching FRIENDS on cable.

D: {gruffly} "Damn, Ross is such a douche! I hate that guy."

B: [chuckles] (amused and accepting) "A lot of people do."

D: [looks at her] (surprised and interested) "Seriously?"

B: [meets his gaze] (amused) "Oh, yeah. It's a thing."

D: [hesitates] "Huh. I thought you were gonna fight me more on that. You know, defend him or whatever." [gestures]

B: [raises hands in sign of defense] "Hey, everyone's entitled to their own opinion." [smiles] (thoughtful) "I actually really used to dislike Ross, too....Until I realized that I am him."

D: [looks at her] (surprised) {lowly} "I'm sorry, what?"

B: [smiles at him] "Oh, yeah. You know... the things we hate most about others are usually the things we hate most about ourselves."

D: [looking at her] (surprised then curious, then suspicious) "How in the hell are YOU a Ross?"

B: [shrugs] "When you think about it, it makes perfect sense....I mean... (contemplative) I am constantly getting myself into ridiculous situations that I don't know how to get out of...."

D: [nods in amused agreement]

B: "I definitely talk too much...." [amused look at him]

D: [holds up hand in defense] "I'm not saying a damn thing."

B: (amused, then contemplative) "I obsess about things I care about....Including my hair." [grins at him]

D: [nods] (amused agreement)

B: (contemplative) "Sheltered....Finds most of my identity in my work.....I am totally in my head...the body is awkward and clumsy...."

D: [watches her]

B: "I'm the esoteric intellectual who tries to understand and categorize everything in order to control it.... When I do make decisions based on my heart, they always seem to turn out wrong... .and I can't seem to form healthy relationships to save my life..."

D: [watches her] (flash of confusion and subtle searching and longing)

B: [small thoughtful smile] "...huh....I guess L is my Marcel.... now that I think about it...." [meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile]

B: [holds his gaze] "....And the only healthy relationships I've ever had are..... with friends." [smiles at him]

D: [searches her eyes] (Subtle questioning and caring and almost imperceptible longing)

B: [holds his gaze, shrugs] "Ross."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [smiles and looks at the TV]

Silence as B watches the show and D watches her

B: [glances at D and sees him looking at her, raises her eyebrows questioningly]

D: [blinks] (awkwardly) "Uh... okay, Doc, which one am I?"

B: [meets his gaze] (surprised, then curious, then amused) "Really? {teasingly} Are you asking me to analyze you?"

D: (cautious) [holds up a pointer finger] {lowly} "One time only offer."

B: [holds his gaze, leans toward him slightly] (amused and slightly teasing) "Don't make promises you can't keep, Dean."

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile]

B: [studies him contemplatively] "Hmmmm....who are you, Dean Winchester?..."

D: [looks at her with a sarcastically open and curious expression]

B: (realization) "Ohhhh...you're Joey."

D: (surprised and curious) "Really? Do tell."

B: [holds his gaze, smiles] "Oh, come on, Dean. It's so obvious, now that I think about it.... I mean...you're so...kind.... and gentle–"

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of doubt and pain)

B: "--even though you don't want people to see that about you because you're also a super macho dude..."

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile]

B: [holds his gaze] (contemplative) "You have such a big, big heart....that a lot of people don't see because you hide it behind goofiness and humor...."

D: [holds her gaze] (slightly conflicted)

B: [holds his gaze] "....and you're such a great friend....a great friend...."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: "You're self-sacrificing....brave... you are always taking care of others, even when you don't know that's what you're doing....so strong....a great non-verbal communicator."

D: [holds her gaze] (subtle surprise and acceptance)

B: [holds his gaze, smiles teasingly] "You love the ladies, and the ladies love you...."

D: [holds her gaze] (slight surprise and subtle searching)

B: [holds his gaze, grins] "And you love food!.... Joey!"

D: [hesitates] (uncertain, then hesitant accepting) [gestures] "I guess I'll take it."

B: [teasing smile] "And maybe a little Rachel."

D: [frowns] {gruffly} "You shut your damn mouth."

B: [laughs]

D: [watching her, small smile] (subtly amused and longing)

They watch Friends for a minute

D: [glances at B] "Which one is Sam?"

B: [meets his eyes] (thoughtful)

Simultaneously: "Gunther."

They grin and high five each other, and continue watching FRIENDS.


S and D return to the bunker after a long hunt

B: [watching TV on the couch, hears them come in, glances at L] "Daddies are home." [gets up and goes to the war room to meet S and D]

S and D look at her as she enters, they both look very tired and bedraggled and stiff and sore

B: [looks between them, smiling tiredly] "Welcome home."

D: [looks down at his duffle bag and sets it on the table] {gruffly} "Thanks."

S: [looks at her and smiles, goes over to her and kisses her head] "It's good to be back."

B: [smiles up at him and reaches up to squeeze his upper arm]

D: [looks at them, then gestures to them] "Hey, be careful with that shoulder. I just popped it back in."

S: [glances at D in irritation]

B: [looks at S's shoulder, then up at his face] (concerned and caring) "Are you okay?"

S: [smiles down at her] "I'm fine." [glances at D in irritation] "Dean's just being dramatic."

D: [rolls his eyes]

B: [looks between them] (slightly concerned) "You both look..."

S and D look at her

B: [hesitates, bites her bottom lip] "Exhausted."

D: [looks at her] "You're one to talk." [gestures to her face] "What's with the racoon eyes?"

B: [looks at him questioningly]

S: [searches her face] "Still not sleeping?"

B: [looks up at S and shrugs] "Sometimes I can. Sometimes I can't. I have yet to figure out the deciding factors."

D: [watches her, then looks away]

B: [looks between them] "But it's not about me right now. What do you guys need?"

D: [deep breath and rubs the back of his neck] "A hot shower and some sleep."

B: [nods, looks at S]

S: [looks at her, small smile] "Same."

B: [nods and smiles] "Well, I can't really help you with either of those things..." [glances at D]

D: [glances at her and meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze for a brief moment, then looks away] "But you have my complete emotional and moral support."

S: [smiles at her, then looks at D]

D: [looks at S and raises his eyebrows] "You smell worse than I do."

S: [raises his eyebrows with a small smile] "Dude, you still have booze and bar and whatever that waitress smelled like all over you."

B: [glances at D]

D: [irritated look at S and holds out his hands] {gruffly} "Hey!" [looks at B and meets her gaze] "Nothing happened."

B: (flash of surprise) [smiles and shrugs] "It's none of my business."

D: [holds her gaze] {lowly} "I just talked to her for the case."

S: [watches them]

B: (flash of almost imperceptible relief, then subtle confusion, then calm acceptance) [holds his gaze and smiles] "You don't owe me an explanation.... For anything... Honestly, Dean, what you do on your time has nothing to do with me."

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment] (Unreadable) [looks at S with an open and accepting expression] "Well, since I'm worse off than you, I'll use up the hot water and you can have whatever's left." [teasing smile]

S: [rolls his eyes and nods] "Whatever, dude."

D: [glances at B, then grabs his duffle bag and leaves the room]

B: [looks at S] "Do you need an ice pack or heating pad or something?"

S: [smiles at her] "I'm really fine. I think I'll just grab some food."

B: [smiles tiredly] "There's still a green smoothie in the fridge..." [tilts her head slightly] "Although it's probably not good anymore... how long have you guys been gone?"

S: (slightly amused and subtly concerned) "About five days....."

B: [nods] (thoughtful) [shrugs] "The time just runs together."

S: [watches her] "Yeah. I guess so."

B: [yawns, then smiles at him] "You want company while you eat?"

S: [smiles gently and squeezes her arm] "I think I'll just eat in my room. You should get some sleep."

B: [smiles again] "If I knew how to do that.... [tilts her head slightly] "How have you been sleeping? I know life on the road...."

S: [shrugs] "Fine. Normal."

B: [smiles tiredly] "I seem to sleep better on the road.... Don't know why...."

S: [looking at her, nods, then leans over and kisses her head] "See you in the morning."

B: [nods and smiles at him] "Good night, Sam."

S: [smiles at her] "Night." [leaves the room]

B: [takes a deep breath, looks down at L] "You want to go out one more time before we go back to our show?"

L looks up at her

B: [smiles and nods]

B takes L outside then returns to the living room and curls up at the end of the couch, watching her show

D: [walks into the living room, hair damp, wearing pajamas, walks toward the couch]

B: [looks up at him in surprise]

D: [glances at the TV] "Finally restarted The Walking Dead, huh? No wonder you aren't sleeping." [sits down on his end of the couch and stretches out, resting his feet on the coffee table] "Oh, yeah. That's the stuff." [lays his head on the back of the couch and crosses his arms over his chest and closes his eyes]

B: [watches him] (surprised and confused)

D: [opens his eyes and glances at her] "So, do Beth and what's his face end up together, this time around?"

B: [looking at him] (even more confused) "What?"

D: [meets her gaze, slight smile] "You said that's what you wanted...." [raises a hand and gestures vaguely]

B: [stares at him] (befuddled, then understanding) "How the hell do you remember that?"

D: [smiles and closes his eyes again] "What can I say? I'm a frickin genius and my mind is a vault." [opens his eyes and looks at her again] "So do they?"

B: [meets his gaze, small confused smile at him] "I don't know.... I haven't gotten that far yet...."

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then takes a deep breath, closes his eyes again] "Here's hoping...."

B: [watches him in confusion]

D: [opens one eye, and looks at her, then opens both eyes and turns his face to look at her sleepily] "What?"

B: [shakes her head in confusion] "What are you doing?"

D: [meets her gaze] "Wishing you'd put on FRIENDS or Jeannie or some shit like that, cuz I can't sleep to zombie noises."

B: [holds his gaze] (confused) "Why the hell are you sleeping here?"

D: [holds her gaze, then shifts his head back to a sleeping position and closes his eyes] "I always sleep out here. You know that."

B: [stares at him] "Dean, you're exhausted."

D: [without opening his eyes] "You bet I am. So shut up and change the damn show."

B: [watches him for a long moment, then shakes her head with a small smile, picks up one of her pillows and hits him in the chest with it] "So bossy...."

D: [opens his eyes and grins, grabs the pillow and arranges it behind his head]

B: [picks up the remote and switches from netflix to DVD and plays I Dream of Jeannie, then looks at D]

D: [sleeping, his head on the pillow on the back of the couch, his arms crossed over his chest]

B: [watches him for a long moment, then shakes her head] {whispers} "I will never understand you...." [looks at the TV and watches the show until she falls asleep]


 The next morning

S: [steps into the doorway of the living room and looks at them as they sleep on the couch, small smile, shakes his head, then turns around and walks away]

A little while later

D: [stirs awake, blinks, then look at B]

B: [curled up on her end of the couch, sleeping deeply]

D: [watches her for a long moment, then lays his head back on the pillow and shuts his eyes]

A little while later

B: [stirs awake, blinks, glances around, then looks at D, watches him for a moment]

D: [eyes flutter open and he looks at her]

B: [meets his gaze, small smile] "Good morning."

D: [slight smile] "Morning."

B: [amused smile as she looks at him, nods toward him] "How do you sleep like that?"

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] "Fair's fair."

B: [blinks] (befuddled) "I know, but.... I.... and you...." [smiles and shakes her head] "Damn it, Dean...."

D: [grins at her]

They get up and B takes L outside, D goes to the bathroom then goes to the kitchen

S: [sitting at the table, on his laptop, looks at D with an amused smile]

D: [glances at S] {gruffly} "Morning, sunshine."

S: [watches him with an amused smile] "Sleep well?"

D: [pours himself a cup of coffee] "Well enough."

S: [watches him in amusement]

D: [turns and faces S] {gruffly} "What?"

S: [grins at him] "How many nights have you slept in your bed in the past two months? Two? Three?"

D: [looks at him] {gruffly} "What's your point?"

S: [shrugs and smiles at him in amusement] "Just an observation."

D: [looking at him, gestures toward the living room] {gruffly} "That couch is damn comfy, Sam."

S: [raises his eyebrows] "More comfy than your memory foam mattress?"

D: [grunts and takes a drink of coffee]

S: {teasingly} "Does the couch remember you, Dean?"

D: [looks down at his coffee cup] "Don't knock it till you try it."

S: [smiles in surprised amusement] "Really?"

D: [looks at him in slight irritation]

S: [smiling in amusement] "Okay, maybe I'll try it, since it's so great."

D: [looks at him] (surly) {gruffly} "Shut up–"

B: [walks into the room] "It is comfy."

D: [closes his eyes and shakes his head]

S: [looks at B]

B: [looks between them with a smile] "But I don't know if there's room for three...."

S: [raises his eyebrows and looks at D in amusement]

D: [looks at S] {gruffly} "Sucks for you."

S: [grins] "We could always flip a coin."

D: [rolls his eyes] "Shut up, Sam."

B: [smiles and makes herself a cup of coffee]

D and B get cereal and sit at the table and eat

S: [looking at his laptop] "I think I found us another case."

D: [pauses, looks at S in surprise] "Already?"

S: [looks at D] "Yeah, Dean."

D: [glances at B, then looks at S] "Don't we get a little down time? We're pretty banged up."

S: [looking at D, glances at B, then looks at D with a small smile] "What about 'we're hunters. We do a job, then we do another job'?"

B: [looks up from her cereal bowl and looks between them]

D: [looking at S in irritation] "Yeah, but we've been on the road for almost a week."

B: [bites both lips and and looks down at her cereal again]

D: [glances at her] "What?"

B: [looks up at him] "Nothing." [bites both lips]

D: [rolls his eyes, then looks at her pointedly]

B: ["okay, fine" expression] "Okay... it's just that... I haven't."

D: [watching her] (confused) "Haven't what?"

B: [shrugs and looks down at her cereal] "I haven't been out on the road..."

D: [watches her] (understanding) [looks at S]

S: [looks at D, shrugs]

D: [looking at S, nods toward him] {gruffly} "Fine. What you got?"

B: [quickly looks up at them] "No!"

S and D look at her

B: [looks between them] "Don't go out on another hunt because of me.... I mean, if you want to work another case, that's one thing.... But you guys deserve to rest."

D: [watching her, wry smile] "It's okay, Doc. We can rest when we're dead."

B: [meets his gaze] (surprised and frustrated denial) [opens her mouth to speak]

D: [looks at S] "What's the case?"

B: [closes her mouth and narrows her eyes at D]

S: [looks at D, then at his laptop] "It's a little town in Wyoming. Three women were found buried outside of town, their throats ripped out."

D: [nods, raises a hand and rubs his fingers over his eyes] "So vamps?"

S: [shrugs] "Probably."

D: [lowers his hand and looks at S] "Any connections between the victims?"

S: [looking at his laptop] "Uh, yeah, actually. They were all homeless and staying at the local catholic mission." [looks up at D] "It's attached to a church."

D: [nods thoughtfully] "So we better bring the priest crap."

B: [looks at him questioningly] "Priest crap?"

D: [looks at her] "Yeah, sometimes we go undercover as priests when there's weird churchy stuff going on."

B: [looking at him] (slight surprise) "Oh!...I mean, I knew you do the fish and wildlife thing when... but okay... that makes sense...." [bites both lips]

D: [watching her] {annoyed tone} "What now?"

B: [meets his gaze] (slightly irritated) "Tone."

D: [small smile and raises his hands defensively] "Just say what you want to say, would you?"

B: [holds his gaze, then bites her bottom lip, glances at S] "I don't have to be a nun or anything, do I?"

S: [smiles at her] "No."

B: (relief) [glances at D]

D: [meets her gaze]

B: [looks back at S]

S: [nods to her] "You can be a social worker or something like that."

B: [nods and smiles] "Okay, I like that much better.... Not that I wouldn't be willing to take one for the team, if need be.... Just... ew!"

D: [small amused smile as he watches her]

S: [looks at D] "What do you think?"

D: [meets S's gaze, nods, then looks at B] "You road ready?"

B: [meets his gaze] "I am if you are." [small smile] "Fair's fair."

D: [small smile, nods, looks at S] "Meet at the car."

They get ready and drive to Wyoming


They drive to the small town in Wyoming at around 9:30, check into a cheap, pet friendly motel, leave L in the room, and then go to an all-night diner for dinner

D: [slides into one side of the booth, facing the door]

B: [slides into the other side of the booth and scoots over]

S: [slides in next to B]

An attractive waitress comes to give them their menus and take their drink orders, looks at D flirtatiously, while she takes S and B's drink orders

D: [looking at his menu, glances at the waitress] "Just coffee, thanks."

Attractive Waitress: [smiling at him] {flirtatious} "Gonna be up late?"

D: [looking at his menu] "Might be."

Attractive Waitress: [smiles flirtatiously] "Big plans?" [glances at S and B]

S: [watches D] (interested and amused and subtly curious)

B: [watches them] (curious and slightly amused and subtly hesitant)

D: [glances at Attractive Waitress again, sees her expression, glances quickly at B, then focuses on Attractive Waitress] "Not really."

Attractive Waitress: [smiling flirtatiously at D] "Well, I could show you the best place in town to get a good drink, if you want. I get off at eleven."

D: [looking at her, then glances at B]

B: [meets his eyes, then looks away]

D: [looks at Attractive Waitress and smiles casually] "Good to know."

Attractive Waitress: [smiles at him and walks away]

S: [watching D] (amused and slightly curious)

D: [looks at S] "What?"

S: [raises his eyebrows] "Good to know? Come on, Dean, normally you'd be–"

D: [frowns at him] {gruffly} "Shut up, Sam." [glances at B]

B: [meets his gaze and small smile] "She likes you."

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then looks back down at his menu] "Too easy."

B: [watches him] (amused and conflicted)

S: [watching D] "Since when is easy a bad thing for you, Dean?"

D: [looks at S in irritation] "You're an ass."

S: [grins at him]

B: [looking at D, smiles] "There's nothing wrong with easy."

D: [meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze with a small shrug] "As long as everybody involved is into it...."

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of confusion, then subtle uncertainty and hesitancy, then calm) "Her choice. Your choice."

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then looks over his shoulder at Attractive Waitress serving another table, then looks back at his menu] "Not my type."

S: [looks at D in obvious surprise]

B: [smiles at D in curious amusement] "Smoking hot waitresses aren't your type?"

D: [meets her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [holds his gaze] (slight surprise, then uncertainty, then hesitancy) [bites both lips, then] "Sorry.... That just.... surprises me...."

S: [watching them, looks at D with an amused smile] "Yeah, Dean, since when?"

D: [looks at S] (irritated and frustrated and defensive) "Since today, Sam, okay? I'm tired."

S: [raises his hands defensively]

D: [looks down at his menu] {mumbles} "If you're so interested, why don't you get her number?"

S: [shakes his head with a small smile, looks at his menu]

Attractive Waitress comes and takes their order, smiling flirtatiously at D, then walks away

S: [watching D]

D: [looks at S] "Can we just talk about the damn case, please?"

S: [shrugs] "Sure. I guess we can make a game plan for tomorrow. I think one of us should go talk to the local sheriff and get the run-down on that end. And the other can go with Beth to the shelter and see what we can find out there."

D: [nods] "Awesome." [eyes S] "Who gets the badge and who gets the collar?"

S: [meets his gaze, holds up his hand in readiness for rock, paper, scissors]

D: [rolls his eyes and plays rock, paper, scissors with S, throws scissors]

S: [throws rock, grins]

D: [looks at S] (irritated) "Best two out of three."

S: [shrugs]

They play again two more times as B watches them, S wins

D: [looks down, shakes his head] {lowly} "Son of a bitch." [looks at S pointedly] "We're never playing this stupid game again."

S: [grins and shakes his head]

B: [looks between them] "Wait.... What does that mean?"

D: [looks at her and meets her gaze, small wry smile] {sarcastically} "It means I'm your daddy."

B: [holds his gaze] (slight surprise, then flash of subtle confliction, then slightly offended) "Not MY daddy."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of surprise, then hesitancy)

B: [looks around the room] "You can be someone else's daddy." [focuses on Attractive Waitress serving another table, then blinks and meets his gaze again] "Not mine."

D: [holds her gaze] (subtle searching, then unreadable) [slight smile] "Yes, ma'am."

B: [holds his gaze] (subtle searching, then flash of subtle relief, then calm acceptance and amusement) "Okay, then."

Attractive Waitress brings their food and checks on them as they eat, continuing to flirt with D. After they eat, D pays and they leave and go to the motel

At the motel, S and B take L for a walk, then they return to the motel room

D: [laying on his side of the bed, eyes closed, arms crossed over his chest, opens his eyes as they walk in]

B: [smiles at him, then looks at L and takes off her leash, then glances at D again, bites both lips]

D: [watching her] {lowly} "What?"

S: [watches them]

B: [glances at the alarm clock on the night stand next to D, then meets D's gaze] {quietly} "It's 10:45."

D: [holds her gaze] "And?"

B: [shrugs and smiles] (slightly teasing and subtly uncertain) "You don't want to try the best drink in town?"

S: [looks at D, raises his eyebrows]

D: [holds her gaze for a moment] "Not tonight." [shifts on the bed and closes his eyes] "Too fried."

B: [watches him and nods]

S: [looks at B]

B: [glances at S and meets his eyes, then looks quickly away, grabs her bag and goes into the bathroom]

S: [looks at D for a long moment, then] "Dude..."

D: [without opening his eyes] "Shut up, Sam."

S: [small smile]

After a little while, B comes out of the bathroom and S goes into the bathroom

D: [lays still on the bed, his eyes closed and arms crossed over his chest]

B: [watches him for a moment, then goes to her side of the bed, arranges the pillows, and crawls into bed, her back to D]

D: [opens his eyes and looks at her]

A few moments later, S comes out of the bathroom

D: [turns his face away from B and closes his eyes]

S: [looks at them, then gets into bed and shuts off the lamp]

B: {quietly} "Good night."

S and D: "Night."

They go to sleep


Sometime in the night, B rolls over in her sleep, facing D, and breathes deeply

D: [opens his eyes, watches her for a long moment, then closes his eyes and goes back to sleep]

Sometime later, D rolls over in his sleep, facing B, one arm under his pillow and the other hand resting on the mattress between them

B: [stirs awake and opens her eyes, looks at D]

D: [breathing deeply in his sleep]

B: [watches him for a long moment, then searches his face in the dim light, then closes her eyes and goes back to sleep]


The next morning

D: [stirs awake, blinks, looks at B in slight confusion, then lifts his head and glances around the room, then looks back at B]

B: [sleeping deeply, facing D]

D: [lays his head back on the pillow and watches her]

S: [sits up and looks at D groggily] {quietly} "Dean?"

D: [lifts his head and glares over his shoulder at S, lifts a finger to his lips]

S: [looks at D in slight confusion]

D: [looking at S over his shoulder, points at B] {mouths} "She's sleeping!"

S: [looks over D at B] (slight relief and acceptance)

D: [gestures to S, then to L laying by the door, then outside]

S: [follows D's gestures with his eyes, then looks at D in irritation]

D: [pointed look and gestures to B]

S: [rolls his eyes and stands, clicks L's collar on her and takes her outside]

D: [looks at B, lays his head back on his pillow and watches her]

B: [deep breath]

D: [watches her for another moment, then slowly starts to shift to lay back on his back]

B: [stirs awake]

D: [watching her, goes still]

B: [blinks, looks up at him]

D: [meets her eyes, small smile] {quietly} "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you."

B: [smiles sleepily at him] "That's okay. If it's time...." [starts to stretch, then stops, then lifts her head and glances around the room] "Where's L?"

D: [watching her, shifts to a sitting position, resting his back against the headboard] "Sam took her outside."

B: [shifts to a sitting position near the middle of her side of the bed] "You should have woken me."

D: [small smile] "Don't should on me."

B: [looks at him] (surprise, then confusion, then understanding, then amusement) [smiles and reaches out and playfully pushes against his knee] "Seriously, stop listening to me."

D: [smiling, glances quickly at his knee, then looks back at her with a bigger smile] "You can't make me, sweetheart."

B: [smiling, meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [smile fades, searches his eyes]

S: [walks in the door with L]

B: [blinks and looks away, biting her bottom lip]

D: [watches her, then looks at S]

S: [looks between them] (slight questioning)

B: [looks at S and smiles, petting L when she comes over to her] "Thank you, Sam. You don't have to do that, you know?"

S: [smiles at her, glances at D, then looks at her and nods] "I don't mind."

B: [smiling at him, looks at L and smiles at her and pets her] 'What a good girl! Did you have a nice walk with your uncle Sam?"

D: [grins, looks from S to B] "Hah! Uncle Sam.... He [points to S then to B] wants you."

S and B look at him

D: [awkward expression] {mumbles} "Not like that.... Perverts."

B: [chuckles]

S: [smiles and shakes his head]

D: [stands and looks between them] "Okay, team. Let's get this party started."

S: [looks at D curiously] "You're in a better mood."

D: [looks at S] "Yeah, Sam. Why shouldn't I be? I just got...what? Seven hours sleep? That's like twenty for a hunter."

B: [looks at him] "Which is problematic, actually, and something I've been meaning to talk to you–"

D: [waves a hand dismissively toward her] "Yeah, yeah, whatever, Doc. We can gab about that later."

B: [looks at him in slight conflicted amusement]

D: "Right now, we've got a case to solve." [nods toward S] "Suit up."

S gets ready in the bathroom then goes and sits at the table at his laptop, then B gets ready in the bathroom then goes and sits with L on the bed, then D gets ready in the bathroom

D: [comes out of the bathroom, wearing black clothing with a clerical collar]

B: [sitting on her bed, petting L, looks at him, pauses, bites both lips]

D: [stops and looks at her curiously] "What do you think?"

B: [hesitates, looking at him] "I have mixed...no, not mixed... [meets his gaze] I don't like it."

S: [looks at her in surprise]

D: [holds her gaze] (surprised and confused and slightly offended) "What? Why?"

B: [hesitates, looks at his clothes, meets his gaze, hesitates again, then] {matter of factly} "Just.... nope."

D: [small conflicted expression] (curious and amused)

S: [looks between them, then stands from his place at the table] "Okay, so you guys can drop me off at the Sheriff's office then head to the church."

D: [looks at S and nods] "After breakfast, workaholic."

S: [rolls his eyes]

B: [smiles at them, looks at L] "You have to stay here and be good, baby girl. It's too cold outside for you to be in the car for too long."

L: [wags her tail and licks B's face]

B: [smiles]

They leave and go to breakfast, then D and B drop S off at the Sheriff's office and head to the church

D: [driving the impala, glances at B in the passenger seat] "You got your story set for when we get there?"

B: [looking out the window and twirling her hair, turns to him] "I think so. I'm Beth...." [hesitates]

D: [nods] "Smyth."

B: [amused smile] "Smyth? Really?"

D: [glances at her] "With a Y."

B: [amused smile and nod] "Okay.... That makes it better."

D: [rolls his eyes] "Just go with it, Murder She Wrote."

B: [grins] "Okay.... Beth Smyth, with a Y. A social worker who is contracted with the catholic diocese for work with vulnerable populations such as the homeless and at-risk youth, and I'm accompanying you...." [glances at him, grimaces] "Father...."

D: [watching te road, small amused smile] "Walton."

B: [looks at him] "Walton? As in Walton's Mountain?"

D: [awkward expression] {mumbles} "It seemed wholesome."

B: [amused smile] "Alright, but I'm not calling you John Boy..... or Daddy...." [glances out the window and twirls her hair]

D: [grins as he watches the road]

B: [turns to him again] "Okay, so, refresh me on vampires. That's what you think we're dealing with, right?"

D: [nods] "That's what the cards are showing. And they don't sparkle, just so ya know."

B: [amused look at him] "I didn't think they did...."

D: [different awkward expression] "And they don't turn people by biting them, and they don't–"

B: [looking at him] "Wait!..."

D: [watches the road, small amused smile]

B: [looking at him] "Then how do they turn people?"

D: [glances at her] "They make you drink their blood."

B: [disgusted expression] "Ew!.... I think I prefer being bitten...."

D: ["agreed" expression] "You're not wrong. And they don't sizzle in sunlight, but it's really not their happy place."

B: [nods]

D: "And they don't bite it with steaks through the heart. Their head's gotta roll."

B: [raises her eyebrows] "Intense."

D: [nods] "Yeah. Oh, and crosses don't bug 'em."

B: [nods] "Which makes sense why one might be hunting out of a catholic mission...."

D: [nods] "Right."

B: [nods thoughtfully] "Okay...."

They pull into the mission parking lot and park, going inside the main church building

A priest walks up to them and introduces himself as Father Roberts

D: [nods] "Afternoon, Father, I'm Father Walton and this is my associate, Beth Smyth, and we're here from the district diocese to do a routine check of your mission and the work you're doing here."

B: [smiles at Father Roberts] "We have a great deal of confidence and faith in what you're doing here, and we are hoping to speak to some of the individuals you serve in order to get a better idea of the types of interventions that might help other vulnerable populations at other locations throughout the district."

D: [glances at her with a small smile]

Father Roberts: [smiles at them] "Of course. Follow me." [leads them through the church and to the mission part of the building, talking about the building and the services they provide]

D: [listens distractedly as he looks around with subtly focused attention on their surroundings]

B: [listens with focused attention to Father Roberts, nodding as he speaks]

They arrive at the soup kitchen portion of the mission

D: [sees two women sitting at a table in the cafeteria, glances at B and catches her eye, nods toward the women]

B: [nods, smiles at Father Roberts] "I really want to hear more. Father, but if you don't mind, I would love to speak with some of your patrons. Get first hand knowledge of what people are expecting and experiencing from the resources you provide."

Father Roberts: [smiles and nods] "Of course. Go right ahead, Miss Smyth."

B: [smiles and walks over to the table where the two ladies are sitting and talking]

D: [watches her]

Father Roberts continues talking about the church and the neighborhood and the history of the area and the work that church has done to better the community

D: [nods distractedly while glancing frequently at B] "Uh-huh. That's awesome."

Father Roberts: [pauses, watching D, then glances at B, then looks back at D with a small smile] "Sometimes the temptations of the world can be very distracting, isn't that right, my son?"

D: [glances at him, then focuses on him awkwardly] "Uh, what's that?"

Father Roberts: [smiles and looks at B] "Your associate seems very good at her job."

D: [looks at her with an awkwardly admiring smile] "Yeah, she's actually kind of a pain in the ass."

Father Roberts: [looksat D in surprise]

D: [focuses on Father Roberts with an awkward back-tracking expression] "I mean... said with all respect and... holiness.... Father."

Father Roberts: [looks at D uncertainly] "Uh, yes, of course...." [goes on to talk about the sunday mass services and other aspects of the church]

D: [nods, glancing at B]

Flash to B, talking with the two women: Clarissa and Shirley

B: [focused on the women] "So do you ladies feel pretty comfortable and safe here at the mission? I mean, I've heard there have been some disappearances. Some women who were staying here were found...."

Shirley: [nods] "Dead. Dead as a door-nail. And not in a pretty way, either, from what I hear."

B: [looking at her, nods sadly] "I've heard that, as well. Is that concerning to you ladies?"

Shirley: "I won't lie, the thought has crossed my mind that it might be something going on around here."

B: [nods] "And have you seen anything suspicious or had any experiences that made you feel unsafe?"

Shirley: [looks at B, leans over and touches her arm] "Sweetie, when you've led a life like mine, nothing much bothers you anymore."

B: [smiles and nods] "I can only imagine."

Shirley: [squeezes B's arm] "Oh, honey, you really can't."

B: [smiles kindly at her, then focuses on Clarissa] "What about you, Clarissa? Have you had any gut feelings or weird experiences that you can think of? Any red flags?"

Clarissa: [hesitates] "Well, the new janitor gives me kind of a creepy vibe." [she nods toward a man standing in the kitchen, barely visible from where they're sitting]

Janitor Guy: [changing a garbage liner in a large garbage can]

B: [looks at him, then back at Clarissa] "Anything in particular he's done, or just a vibe?"

Clarissa: "Mostly just a vibe. But sometimes the way he looks at me....like he's hungry or something...."

B: [nods thoughtfully and looks back at Janitor Guy] "I see...."

Clarissa: "Some of the other girls have mentioned it, too."

B: [looks back at Clarissa] "You wouldn't happen to know how long he's worked here, would you?"

Clarissa: [shakes her head] "I've only been staying here a week."

B: [nods and smiles at her]

Shirley: "I've been here longer. The first I remember seeing of him was about a month ago. But he's here mostly in the evening."

B: [nods thoughtfully, smiles at Shirley] "Okay, thank you. Is there anything else you ladies can think of that I should be aware of? Anything at all? Any difficulties with power outages or weird smells or strange sounds? Anything like that?"

Shirley: [smiles sarcastically] "Sweetie, this is an old catholic church building. We got all that going on."

B: [smiles and nods] "Of course. Is there anything else I can do for you ladies before I head on my way?"

Shirley: [smiles at B] "Actually, honey, do you happen to have an extra hair tie? I lost mine and this rat's nest is getting hard to handle."

B: [smiles at her] "You know what? I don't have an extra on me, but you can have this one, if you want. I have more back at my motel." [reaches for the hair tie in her hair]

Shirley: [looks at B's hair] "Are you sure, darlin'? I don't want to put you out."

B: [shakes her head with a smile] "Honestly, it's so cold outside, it will probably be better to have my hair down. Keep warmer that way." [pulls her hair tie out of her hair and hands it Shirley] "It's not new or clean, but–"

Shirley: [takes the hair tie] "It's perfect, sweetie. Thank you."

B: [smiles and stands] "It was lovely to meet both of you ladies, and I hope you have a wonderful day."

Clarissa and Shirley smile and say goodbye

Flash to D, still half-heartedly listening to Father Roberts

D: [watches B]

B: [starts walking toward him, runs her fingers through her lose hair and shakes it out a little]

D: [watching her] (uncomfortable attraction, slight exasperation) "Oh.... don't do that."

Father Roberts: [pauses and looks at him] "Excuse me, son?"

D: [looks quickly at Father Roberts] (awkward) "Uh, I mean, don't give up the good fight, Father. You guys are doing awesome work here. God's work. I'm sure he's rooting for ya." [gestures awkwardly] "Go team...."

Father Roberts: [watches him] (hesitant and uncertain) "Uh-huh.... How long did you say you've been in the ministry, Father Walton?"

D: [awkward smile] "Not long."

Father Roberts: [nods] "I see..."

B: [walks up to them] "How's it going?"

D: [looks at her] (awkward and distracted and slightly rushed) "Great! I think we've picked up everything we need. Time to head out and... write those reports for the big guys upstairs... I mean...[glances at Father Roberts] ...not THE big guy upstairs... but–"

Father Roberts: [nods patiently] "I know what you meant."

B: [looks at Father Roberts] "Just one quick question, Father. Your janitor. What can you tell us about him?"

D: [glances at her, slight questioning expression]

FatherRoberts: [looks at B] "Why do you ask, dear?"

B: [smiles at Father Roberts] "It's just nice to understand how the workings of such a well-run ministry operate. And no job is unimportant, you know?" [glances at D]

D: [meets her gaze, then looks at Father Roberts] (faking confidence) "And just in case we need to ask him for advice on hiring other folks like him... you know...."

B: [smiles, looks at Father Roberts] "In other parishes around the district." [glances at D, then back to Father Roberts] "It's always nice to know how to find good people."

Father Roberts: [nods] "His name is Ned Lassiter. He's a recent hire. I don't know much else about him."

D: [smiles at Father Roberts] "Awesome. Thank you, Father."

B: [smiles at Father Roberts] "Thank you so much. You're been wonderful."

Father Roberts: [smiles and nods] "You folks have a nice day."

D and B leave and go out to the impala

B explains to D what she learned from Shirley and Clarissa as they drive back to the police station to pick up S

D: [tugs at his collar as he drives] "Okay, so Janitor Ned has been hanging around in the evenings since around the time the three women went missing."

B: [nods] "And Clarissa said she gets a bad feeling from him...."

D: [nods] "Like he's hungry."

B: [nods] "Those were her exact words."

D: [tugs at his collar] "So our hungry custodian might just fit the bill."

B: [shrugs, then glances at D with a small amused smile] "Undercover work isn't so bad, Father Walton."

D: [glances at her, then back at the road and tugs on his collar again] "Easy for you to say, Doc. You get to run around in your cute little cardigan, and I gotta wear this crap. It's basically a damn straight jacket."

B: [amused smile] "So take it off."

D: [glances at her, raises his eyebrows]

B: [slight awkward expression] "Not like that.... Pervert."

D: [looks at the road and grins]

They drive to the police station and D parks the impala in the parking lot, then checks his phone

D: [irritated expression] "Sam says the Sheriff wants to talk to us."

B: [looks at him in slight surprise] "Is that normal?"

D: [shakes his head and tucks his phone back in his pocket] "Not really."

B: [looking at him, questioning expression] "Did Sam say what he wants?"

D: [shakes his head again] (slightly irritated) "No." {sarcastically} "Why would he do that?" [tugs at his collar]

B: [looks at him] "Well, you need to stop doing that or they'll get suspicious."

D: [glances at her in slight irritation]

B: ["don't look at me" expression] "You're supposed to be used to that thing! They'll know something's up if you keep bothering with it."

D: [pops open the car door] (slightly frustrated and irritated) {mumbles} "Bother with it... well, it bothers me...."

B: [amused smile and shakes her head, then gets out of the car]

They go into the police station

S: [standing in the open office area by table with a coffee pot on it, talking with two officers, sees them walk in and nods to them]

D and B walk over to S

S: [nods at D, then gestures toward an older man with a Sheriff's badge] "Sheriff Abramson, these are my colleagues...." [looks at D with a leading expression]

D: [looks at Abramson and smiles, holding out his hand] "Father Dean Walton."

Abramson: [shakes D's hand]

D: [gestures to B] "And this is–"

B: [smiles and holds out her hand to Abramson] "Beth Smyth. With a Y." [glances at D with a small amused smile]

D: [glances at her]

Abramson: [shakes B's hand, then looks between D and B, gestures to the other officer standing there] "And this is Deputy Damill. He's the lead on the case you're investigating."

D: [nods at Damill, then glances at S questioningly]

S: [looks at D with a "not my fault" expression]

B: [smiles at Damill] "Nice to meet you, deputy."

Damill: [nods at B and looks her up and down] "Ma'am."

B: (slightly uncomfortable) [looks away]

D: [looks at Abramson] "What case are you referring to, Sheriff?"

Abramson: [looks at D] "The case your partner here is investigating."

Damill: [looks at D with a slightly contemptuous expression] "You know? The case of the three female bodies found buried outside of town. The ones with their throats ripped out."

D: [glances at Damill, then looks at Abramson] "I wasn't aware our [nods toward B] interest in that case was common knowledge."

Abramson: [turns slightly and pours coffee into a cup] "It isn't. But I got a call from my good friend, Father Roberts, saying some folks from the diocese were poking around, and it got me wondering..." [turns and offers the cup of coffee to D]

D: [looks at the cup and makes a "no thank you" gesture]

Abramson: "Seemed like strange timing, considering the FBI showing up on the same day." [looks at B and offers her the cup of coffee]

B: [smiles and takes the cup and holds it in front of her, watching Abramson]

Abramson: [looks at D] "Small towns, you know. Everybody knows everything about everything before anything's even happened."

D: [tense smile] "I get it."

Damill: [watching B, grabs a small container of cream and sugar packets and offers it to her]

B: [glances at the container, then smiles at Damill with a "no thank you" gesture]

Damill: [small suggestive smile, sets the container back on the table]

B: [focuses on Abramson, again]

D: [watching that interaction out of the corner of his eye, speaks to Abramson] "No offense intended, Sheriff. We just didn't want to go into the mission and cause trouble. No use scaring people for no reason."

Abramson: [holds D's eyes for a moment, then nods] "I suppose I can understand that. So, Father... is it Father... or agent?" [glances at S, then looks back at D]

D: [meets Abramson's eyes again, controlled smile] "It's agent, actually. But officially, while we're here, we'd like to maintain our cover so as not to arouse suspicion."

Damill: [scoffs] "If that's even possible."

D: [glances at Damill, then focuses on Abramson]

Abramson: [pauses, then nods] "I suppose we can help you boys out with that."

D: [controlled smile] "We appreciate it."

S: [watching them] "The Sheriff and Deputy Damill have been very helpful and have given us access to the case files." [holds up some file folders in his hands]

D: [glances at the folders, then looks at Abramson again, nods] "Much obliged."

Abramson: [nods] "Not a problem. We can use all the help we can get. Our priority is keeping our citizens safe."

Damill: [glances at D, then looks at B] "No matter who they are."

D: [glances at Damill]

B: [glances at Damill, narrows her eyes]

Damill: [meets B's gaze with a small provocative smile]

B: [looks away, glancing at D]

D: [meets her gaze]

B: [looks back at Abramson] "Is there anything you can tell us about a man named Ned Lassiter? He's working as a janitor at the mission."

Abramson: [looks at her, seems to think for a moment] "Not off the top of my head, Ms....?"

B: [smiles at him] "Smyth."

Abramson: [nods] "Smyth. He's not a local boy, as far as I know. Must be new to town."

D: [looks at Abramson] "So you haven't had any trouble with him?"

Abramson: [looks at D and shakes his head] "Not that I'm aware of."

Damill: [looking at B] "The cleaning guy from the mission?"

B: [looks at Damill and nods]

Damill: [looking at her, then looks at D] "Yeah. Seems like a loser. He likes to hang out at the local dive bar."

D: [controlled smile at Damill] "I bet you've seen him there."

Damill: [narrows his eyes at D]

Abramson: "We can run a background check, if you want."

D: [holds Damill's gaze]

S: [looks from D to Abramson] "That's okay, Sheriff. We can handle that. Is there anything else you can think of that we should know before we head out?"

Abramson: [shakes his head] "Nothing we haven't already told you, Agent. Everything should be in the file."

Damill: [looks from D to B with a suggestive smile] "Unless y'all want to get some coffee and talk about the case in more detail."

B: [meets Damill's eyes, small smile, holds her coffee cup up slightly] "That's okay, Deputy. I've had about all the coffee I should have for one day."

Damill: [slight leer at her and takes the cup from her hand, sets it on the table] "Well, now you can have some more."

D: [watching Damill] {gruffly} "I think we're good."

Damill: [looks at D with irritation]

D: [holds Damill's gaze with a controlled smile]

B: [glances between D and Damill, then looks at S]

S: [meets her gaze, then looks at Abramson] "Sheriff, thank you so much for your assistance. We'll be in touch." [shakes Abramson's hand]

Abramson: [shakes S's hand] "Agent."

D: [still holding Damill's gaze]

Damill: [looks away]

D: [continues to watch him]

B: [looks up at D's face, touches his arm] "Dean...."

D: [looks down at her, meets her gaze, nods, then looks at Abramson and nods]

They leave the station

D: [walking to the car] "What's up with Deputy douche-bag?"

B: [nods] "He clearly doesn't care about the murdered women. He should not be the one on this case."

D: [nods and opens his car door] "Or any case." [gets in the car]

S: [opens B's door for her] "Sheriff Abramson seemed like a pretty straight arrow."

B: [smiles at S and squeezes his arm as she gets in the backseat of the impala]

S: [smiles at her and shuts her door, then gets in the passenger seat]

D: [drives the car out of the parking lot] "I can't believe Father Roberts ratted us out."

B: [confused expression] "How did he even know something was off?"

D: [hesitates, glances at her in the rearview mirror] "You know small towns."

B: [meets his gaze in the rearview mirror]

D: [looks at the road] {gruffly} "I need a beer. I say we check out that dive bar deputy douche mentioned."

S: [looks at D] "Dean, you're a priest."

D: (irritated expression) [watching the road, reaches up and takes off the clerical collar, throws it at S, then unbuttons the top two buttons of his shirt] {gruffly} "And now I'm not."

S: [rolls his eyes]

B: [watches D, then looks out the window and twirls her hair]

They drive to a bar on the outskirts of town, park, and go inside

D: [starts to walk up to the bar and talk to the male bartender]

S: [puts his hand on D's arm]

D: [stops and looks at S]

S: {quietly} "Dean, I should talk to the bartender. I'm the FBI agent, remember?"

D: (slightly irritated) "Sam–"

S: [looking at D] "Just because you took off the collar doesn't mean people might not recognize you and ask questions. Small town, remember?"

D: (irritated) [glances around the room and the several other people in the bar, then rolls his eyes] "Fine." [steps aside and gestures at B for her to walk in front of him to a booth] "Come on, Ms. Smyth. Super Agent Sam has work to do."

B: [small amused smile, then hesitates] "Wait..."

D: [rolls his eyes]

B: [looks between S and D] "Small town...."

D: ["so what?" expression]

S: [watches her]

B: [looks between them] "What if the bartender knows Ned? What if he tells Ned that the FBI is asking questions about him?"

S and D hesitate, look at each other

S: ["good point" expression] "She's got a point."

D: [shrugs] "Okay, I'll do it." [starts to walk toward the bar]

B: [grabs his arm, then flinches slightly and quickly drops her hand, looking at his face]

D: [stops and meets her gaze]

B: [small impatient expression] "That won't be any different, Dean. If some macho dude goes up to the bar and starts asking questions about another dude, it will be weird."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of pleased, then conflicted)

B: [holds his gaze] "Let me do it."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of doubt and denial)

B: [holds his gaze] "I'll just say that I'm staying at the mission and that I saw Ned and thought he was cute."

D: [holds her gaze, quick frown, hesitates, then looks at S]

S: ["possibly" expression]

D: [hesitates, then meets her gaze] "Fine." [nods toward a booth against the far wall] "We'll be over there."

B: [small impatient expression] "I think I can handle asking a few questions without needing a babysitter, Dean."

D: [small amused smile] "We'll see about that, Undercover Boss."

B: [rolls her eyes and turns toward the bar]

S and D go and sit in the booth against the wall, perpendicular to the bar, both of their sides toward the bar

D: [sits slightly sideways in the booth, slightly turned toward the bar, watching B talk to the bartender]

S: [watches D] "So I looked at the case file. It definitely looks like vamps. The bodies all had their throats ripped out, all the blood drained."

D: [watches B] {absently} "Uh-huh."

S: [watches D] "The coroner said they all died around the same time. About three weeks ago."

D: [watches B] {absently} "Yeah."

S: [watches D] "All three women. All around the age of thirty-five, all staying at the mission at the time they were killed."

D: [watches B] {absently} "Cool."

B: [at the bar, smiling and talking to the bartender]

S: [glances at B, then watches D] "The Sheriff said that they get a lot of folks passing through town, so most of the time no one really notices when folks at the mission just disappear. They usually just assume that they've moved on."

D: [watching B, nods distractedly] "Good work, Sammy."

B: [at the bar, smiles as the bartender turns away from her to grab some beers for another customer, runs her fingers through her hair and shakes her hair out a little bit]

D: [watching her, swallows hard]

S: [glances at B, then looks back at D] "And then a dancing unicorn showed up and said that vampires aren't actually real and Val Kilmer was the best Batman."

D: [watching B] {distractedly} "Awesome...."

S: [rolls his eyes] "Dean."

D: [blinks and looks at S] "What?"

S: [slight amused expression] "You might wanna pick your jaw up off the table."

D: [looks at him in confusion] "What?"

S: [small amused smile, points to the side of his mouth] "You got a little something right here."

D: (confused) [wipes his mouth, looks at his hand, then looks at S in irritation] "Shut up."

S: [grins at him] "Dude...."

D: [rolls his eyes] "Would you stop noticing crap! Your dumb ass is worse than Where's Waldo."

S: [hesitates, amused smile] "Actually, Waldo is the one hiding, not the one looking–"

D: [irritated expression] "Don't make me kick you ass."

S: [grins] "Why don't you just tell her...." [glances at B and trails off]

D: [looks at S questioningly] "What?"

S: [nods toward B at the bar] "Looks like you're not the only one with that train of thought."

D: [looks at B] "Oh, hell no!" [slides quickly out of the booth]

B: [at the bar, smiles as the bartender turns to wait on someone down the bar, feels a hand on her shoulder, turns]

Sleazy Stranger Dude: [hand on her shoulder, sidles up to her at the bar with a lustful smile] "Hey, little lady–"

B: (flash of fear) [trembles, steps backward]

Sleazy Stranger Dude: [slides his hand down her arm and holds her elbow, steps close to her again, lustful smile] "--I couldn't help but overhear. If you're looking for some company–"

D: [walking up to them, looking at B's face, then looks at Sleazy Stranger Dude] {gruff and loud} "Hey, asshole–" [grabs Sleazy Stranger Dude's shirt collar and jerks him backward violently, steps between him and B, facing him] "Hands off!"

Sleazy Stranger Dude: [stumbles backward, glares at D] "Look, pal, I don't–"

D: [looks at Sleazy Stranger Dude] (angry and protective) {gruffly} "Oh, I'm not your pal." [points at him emphatically] "And you need to walk away. Now."

S: [walks up and stands behind B, staring intensely at Sleazy Stranger Dude]

Sleazy Stranger Dude: [looks between D and S, then looks at B with a sneer] "You're not worth it, skank."

D: (serious and angry and protective) [steps toward Sleazy Stranger Dude]

Sleazy Stranger Dude: (flash of fear) [steps backward, raises his hands defensively] "Okay, okay." [backs up and then turns and walks away]

B: [trembling, watches him walk away]

S: [raises his hands and rest them on her shoulders]

B: [jumps slightly]

D: [turns to her and looks at her intently] {lowly} "You okay?"

B: [trembling, looks up and meets his gaze] (vulnerable and subtle residual fear)

D: [searches her eyes]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze for a moment, then slight smile] {quietly} "I'm okay."

D: [searches her eyes for a moment, then nods] "What do you say we go back to the room and we'll show you how to ice a vamp?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze for a long moment, then deep breath, slight smile and nod] "Okay."

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then small smile] "What? No feminist rant?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, small smile, shakes her head] {quietly} "Not this time."

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then looks up at S, nods]

S: [meets D's gaze, nods, squeezes B's shoulders]

B: [trembling, looks at S over her shoulder and smiles, lifting a hand to squeeze one of his hands]

S: [smiles down at her]

They leave the bar and go to the impala

S: [opens B's door for her]

B: [smiles at him and squeezes his arm as she slides into the backseat]

S: [shuts her door then gets in the passenger seat]

D: [gets in the driver's seat and glances over his shoulder at B] "What do you do to these ass-clowns?"

B: [looks at him in surprised confusion] "Excuse me?"

D: [starts the car and starts to drive away] "First Deputy Douche, then that jackass. If you carried a purse or that kind of crap, I'd suspect you're hauling around some kind of love potion and hexing them." [glances at S with a grin] "Like Becky."

S: [glances at D with an agitated expression]

B: [looks between them] "Becky?"

S: (agitated) [warning look at D] "Dean..."

D: [grins at S then watches the road] "Mrs. Becky Winchester."

S: (frustrated and agitated) {emphatic warning tone} "Dean!"

B: [leans forward in her seat, looks between them]

D: [watching the road and smiling] "Sam's biggest fan-girl."

S: (frustrated and agitated) [looks out the window]

D: [smiling and driving] "She used a love potion on our Sammy, here."

B: [looks at S in amused curiosity] "Really?"

S: [glaces at D in frustration, then looks out the window again]

D: [glances at B over his shoulder with a grin] "Yep. And he married her. In Vegas."

B: [looks at D in surprise, then back at S in curious amusement] "Really?"

S: [stares out the window]

B: [amused smile at S] "Any kids we should know about?"

S: [glances over his shoulder at her in frustration] "It wasn't like that. She basically roofied me and brainwashed me." [glares at D]

D: [watching the road, raises a hand in defense] "Hey, I tried to stop it."

S: [shakes his head at D]

B: [watches S, then smiles in sympathy and reaches up and squeezes his shoulder] "That is very uncool, Sam. I'm sorry that happened to you."

S: [smiles at her, then dirty look to D]

B: [looks at D and slaps him playfully on the shoulder] "And how dare you insinuate that I would do that to someone!"

D: [watching the road, grins] "Did you at least get anything from the bartender, Super Slooth?" {mumbles} "I'm guessing he probably hit on you, too."

B: [slaps his shoulder again, then sits back in her seat] "He was a perfect gentleman."

D: [rolls his eyes]

B: [looks out the window] "Not that there's anything wrong with a person hitting on another person in a respectful way..."

D: [looks at her in the rearview mirror]

S: [looks at D with a small amused expression]

B: [looks at them] "He said that he knew Ned and that he comes in several times a week, usually around 7pm, I guess before he goes to work at the mission."

D: [looks the road, nods] "Awesome. So we head back there tonight and hope we get lucky. In the meantime, Mr. Becky Winchester and I will teach you how to chop off a vamp's melon."

S: [irritated look at D]

B: [nods and looks out the window, twirls her hair]

D: [looks at her in the rearview mirror]

S: [watches D, irritation turns to amused knowing]

D: [glances at S, then looks at the road] {mumbles} "Shut up, Waldo."

S: [amused smile and looks out his window]

They drive back to the motel

B walks L, and S and D change clothes, D gets a machete from the trunk and brings it into the motel room

B: [walks into the motel room with L, unhooks L's leash, looks between S and D]

S: [sitting at the table, looking at the case file that he got from the police, shakes his head] "This file is shit. Just shoddy police work, plain and simple."

D: [holding the machete and looking at it] "Not surprising."

B: [goes over to S and looks over his shoulder, resting a hand on his shoulder] "I wonder if that's indicative of all of the deputy's investigations, or just this one?"

D: [looks at her] {gruffly} "Would it matter?"

B: [thoughtful expression, then shrugs, turns toward him and runs her fingers through her hair absently]

D: [watches her for a moment, then nods, looks at the machete in his hand, and flips it so that he is holding the blade, holds it out toward her, handle side toward B] "How bout you take this beauty for a test drive."

B: [looks at him, then at the machete, then meets his gaze] (fascinated) "Do that again."

D: [holds her gaze] (surprised and confused) "Uhh...what?"

B: [gestures toward his hand holding the machete] "That thing you just did... with the knife..."

D: ["what did you say?" expression] "It's called a machete, sweetheart."

B: [rolls her eyes] "Fine. Machete... just do the thing...." [gestures again]

D: (still confused) "What thing?"

S: [watching them] (amused)

B: [gestures to his hand again] "The thing!... The flippy thing!"

D: (super confused) "What the hell are you talking about?"

B: (getting frustrated) "The thing! Where you flip the knife – machete..."

D: [stares at her]

B: (impatient) [walks over to him, takes the machete from him, then turns it around and places it back in his hand so that he is holding the handle, her hand trembling as it nears his, then steps back and meets his gaze] "Now, hand it to me again."

D: [holds her gaze for a second, then looks down at the machete and flips it in his hand, then holds it out to her, handle side toward her]

B: [watching him, small smile] "Damn." [meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze] (so confused)

B: [holds his gaze, bigger smile] "You have amazing kinesthetic intelligence."

D: (incredibly confused) "I'm sorry, what?"

B: [holds his gaze, chuckles] "....Kinesthetic intelligence. It means that you understand the movements of the body and how to use your body to accomplish complex physical goals."

D: [holds her gaze, still holding the machete out toward her]

B: [holds his gaze, small shrug] "It's very impressive. I mean, obviously I've been aware of this for a while... pretty much always...it just...." [trails off]

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] "....hit me... just now...."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [swallows hard, looks down at the machete in his hand] "....how incredible...." [clears her throat, meets his gaze again with a smile] "Incredibly skilled you are. It just comes natural to you.... You don't even think about it...." [trails off again]

D: [holds her gaze]

S: [watches them] (fascinated)

B: [holds his gaze, then blinks] "Both of you!" [reaches out and takes the machete from D, turns to S and hands it to him, handle side toward him] "Do the flippy thing."

S: (amused) [takes the machete from her, flips it in his hand, holds it out toward her, handle side toward her]

B: [smiles at him] "See! So easy! But if I were to try to do that...." [reaches out and takes the handle of the machete, then tosses the machete lightly up in the air and moves to catch it, fumbles and the machete falls to the floor]

D: [watching her] (instant surprise and frustrated concern) "Alright, Danny Trejo!" [steps close to her and leans down and picks up the machete] "You don't need any more friggin' stitches!" [straightens and meets her eyes] "What happened to you being afraid to chop off fingers?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (slightly confused, then dismissive) "I was trying to prove a point."

D: [holds her gaze] "Which is?"

B: [trembling, looks down at the machete in his hand and gestures toward it] "Your level of kinesthetic intelligence is exceptionally high. The way you handle weapons, the way you move, in general, it's –" [looks up and meets his gaze] "-- fascinating...."

D: [holds her gaze] {lowly} "Fascinating?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, swallows hard, steps backward] "Yes."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [blinks] "Both of you!" [looks at S]

S: [meets her gaze with an amused expression]

B: [looks quickly between S and D] (slightly awkward) "It must be genetic...." [glances at D and meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze, then blinks] "Spatial intelligence, too!"

S: [amused smile]

B: [holds D's gaze, reaches a hand out toward him, her hand trembles slightly] "Give me a bullet."

D: [looks down at her hand, then at her face] (surprised and confused) "What?"

B: [rolls her eyes, turns to S, hand outstretched] "May I have a bullet, please?"

S: [meets her gaze] (amused and slightly curious) [leans forward and pulls his gun out from behind his back, slides the clip out, takes out a bullet, and hands it to her]

D: [watches]

B: [takes the bullet, then holds the bullet out to S] "Could you please throw this into the garbage can?" [gestures toward the garbage can by the door]

S: (amused and curious) [takes the bullet back, looks at the garbage can, tosses the bullet into the garbage can with ease]

B: [watches S and smiles, then meets his gaze and nods, then goes to the garbage can, picks it up, carries it across the room between the beds, and sets it against the wall, gets the bullet out, walks back over to S, and holds the bullet out to him again] "Again, please, if you don't mind."

S: [amused smile, takes the bullet, tosses it easily into the garbage can]

B: [smiles at him]

D: [watching] (impatient) "Alright, can we not toss around live ammunition?"

B: [looks at him, meets his gaze] "Right. Sorry. You're right. My bad..."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [blinks, then looks away, goes to the dresser and grabs a take-out menu from the top of the dresser, wads it up, then walks over to D and holds it out to him, hand trembles, meets his gaze] "Now you."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [trembling slightly, holds his gaze for a moment, then rolls her eyes] "Would you just throw the thing into the damn can?"

D: [small smile, takes the wadded up paper and tosses into the garbage can without looking away from her]

B: [looks at the garbage can, small smile] "So incredible...." [shakes her head] "Kinesthetic and spacial intelligence.... Skills like those of a professional athlete or dancer...."

D: [watching her, frowns] (slightly surprised and offended) "Dancer?"

B: [meets his gaze] (impatient) "Yes, Dean. Have you ever seen a professional dancer move? Graceful and powerful and controlled. The agility and balance and strength it takes to maneuver your body in the exact minutia of detail to create the precise movement desired.... Every muscle ready and able to do exactly what you want it to do.... "

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] "The genius necessary to understand and move in a way to create the specific desired effect.... And to do it so....fucking.... naturally.... and ... instinctually.... without even.... needing...." [trails off]

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile] "And you think I'm all that?"

B: [holds his gaze for a moment] "Both of you are."

S: [watching them] (fascinated and amused)

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] {lowly} "So, you're saying I'm basically a damn ballerina?"

B: [holds his gaze, small amused smile] "....More like a prima ballerina....."

D: [holds her gaze, small amused smile] "And what does that make you?"

B: [blinks, then holds his gaze, amused shrug] "....Just a distant admirer...."

D: [holds her gaze] {lowly} "Not too distant."

B: [holds his gaze, then blinks] "Right. Yes. So. Okay. All of that to say, well done." [looks away, then at S]

S: [smiles at her in amusement]

B: [looks away, then down at the machete in D's hand] "Okay, so, show me how to use the thing..."

D: [watches her, small smile] "Machete."

B: [nods] "Right. Machete. Right." [meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze, small smile, raises the machete] "You basically just get a good angle, then swing it at the vamp's neck with everything you got." [swings the machete at a medium speed]

B: [watches him, looks at the machete, nods] "Right.... Sweet and simple."

D: [watches her] (suddenly serious) {gruffly} "You would think."

B: [meets his eyes] (understanding) "Right." {quietly} "Right...." [nods] "Okay..."

S: [watching them, glances at his laptop] "Anyway, guys."

B: [looks at S]

D: [watches for her a brief moment, then looks at S]

S: [gestures toward his laptop] "I've been trying to find more info on Ned Lassiter."

D: [looks at the laptop] "Anything?"

S: [shakes his head] "Strangely little. He's not on any social media, never has been. I found some random W2's spattered throughout the past couple of years, but only a month or two at the same job, then he seems to move on. He's stayed around this area, but it's hit and miss. His birth certificate says he was born a few towns over, and he graduated high school in that same town. But there's not even any pictures except an old DMV picture from when he was seventeen." [pulls up the picture on his laptop] "And I can't find a recent address or any recent financials. Whatever he's been doing, either he's doing it under the table, or there's no paper trail."

B: [steps over S and rests her hand on his shoulder as she looks at the laptop]

D: [nods] "So basically, he's a loser."

B: [looks at D in slight irritation] "Why, Dean? Because he doesn't have an online presence or a stable job?... Do you?"

D: [meets her gaze] (slightly uncomfortable)

B: [looks back at the laptop, studies the picture] "Yeah, he looks nothing like that now."

D: [nods toward the laptop] "Dollars to donuts, that's our blood-sucker."

B: [looking at the laptop, nods] "It could fit...."

S: [looks at D] "So what's the play?"

D: [looks down a the machete and tosses it absently in his hand]

B: [looks at him and watches him, bites her bottom lip]

D: [flips the machete absently] "Same plan. We steak out the bar tonight and see if this asshat shows. Then we shake him down. See if he's our fang."

B: [watching him] "How do we know if he's really a vampire?"

D: [looks at her, stops fiddling with the machete] "We'll have to check his teeth."

S: [looks at B] "Vamps don't respond to silver like werewolves or to iron like ghosts. The only real way to know is to see if they have fangs."

B: [looks at S, nods] "That sounds like it might get complicated..."

D: [scoffs] "Yeah. We might have to knock him out first.... Which reminds me." [looks at S] "We're out of dead man's blood. You might have to flash your badge at the morgue and sneak us out some more."

B: [looks at him] "Wait... what?"

D: [meets her gaze] "Dead man's blood. It acts like a tranquilizer to vamps."

B: [stares at him] "....Well, that's interesting!"

D: [small smile and "yep" expression] "That's one word for it."

S: [cell phone rings, and he looks at it, then answers] "Agent Page."

D and B watch him

S: [on the phone] "Uh, sure, Deputy. I understand....Of course.... Sounds good..... I'll see you then." [clicks the phone off, looks at D]

D: [raises his eyebrows] "Deputy?"

S: [nods] "That was Deputy Damill. He says he has new information regarding the case, and he wants to meet."

D: (slightly suspicious and hesitant) "Did he say what kind of info?"

S: [shakes his head] "No. Just that I should bring the case file."

D: [nods suspiciously] {gruffly} "I don't trust that smarmy creep."

S: [looking at D] "Well, what do you want to do?"

D: [pauses, then nods at S] "You go to the morgue and get us some fang tranc, then meet up with Deputy Douche and see what he wants. Me and Beth will head back to the bar and see if loser Ned shows up."

B: [rolls her eyes]

S: [looking at D] "And what if he does?"

D: [flips the machete in his hand] "If he's a vamp, we handle it."

S: "And if he's not?"

D: [shrugs] "Then we start from scratch."

S: [looking at D with slight impatience] "Dean, if he is the vamp, you might want to ask him a few questions before you just lob off his head."

D: [slightly impatient expression]

S: "What if there's a nest?"

D: [hesitates, then grins] "Cool. Then maybe I can finally try out the grenade launcher."

S: [rolls his eyes]

B: [small amused smile]

D: [looks between them with a smile, tosses the machete from one hand to the other, catching the handle with ease] "Alrighty, team. Let's get crackin'."


At the bar

D: [walks over to a booth in the corner and slides into the side facing the bar and the front door]

B: [slides in across from him, glances around the bar] "Too bad there's not a pool table."

D: [looks at her in slight surprise]

B: [looks at him and smiles] "We have no idea how long we're gonna be here, or if he'll even show at all. Besides, it never hurts for a girl to work on improving her hand-eye coordination."

D: [shrugs with an "okay" expression]

B: [glances around again] {absently} "And pool is another activity that requires good kinesthetic and spatial intelligence...."

D: [watches her, small amused expression] "Does your brain ever quit?"

B: [looks at him in surprise] "Excuse me?"

D: [meets her gaze, shrugs] "Just the way you think about stuff.... It's..."

B: [small amused smile] "Weird? Strange? Annoying?"

D: [holds her gaze and casually shakes his head] "Just different."

B: [holds his gaze, then looks away, raises a hand to twirl her hair] "I suppose people do have different ways of relating to the world and their surrounding environment.... You, for instance..."

D: (slight surprise, then subtle interest) [watches her]

B: [glancing around the room as she talks, twirls her hair] (slightly distracted) "You are always alert and focused, scanning your environment and understanding it as something that needs to be assessed and controlled.... Usually in order to keep yourself and the people around you safe..... You are exceptionally comfortable in your own skin and confident with your ability to interact with any situation that presents itself....You rely on and listen to your gut, and your lighting fast reflexes and acute intelligence allow you to trust your instincts and make fast decisions that help you to lead and command a situation.... But that also takes a lot of energy and it weighs on you...."

D: [watches her]

B: [absently watches some other patrons at the jukebox, twirls her hair] "People around you naturally trust you and do what you say because you always seem to know what to do.... and you exhibit a natural air of authority and will..... But that causes you to have to be responsible and on guard all the time, which is why you're often surly and recalcitrant...." [pauses, looks at him] "No offense...."

D: [meets her gaze, small "no problem" expression and gesture] {lowly} "None taken."

B: [holds his gaze, lowers her hair-twirling hand, small smile] "But when you lower your guard, you're actually quite easy going, and you enjoy your surroundings quite a bit..... You have a great sense of humor... which makes you very relatable and causes other people to appreciate you and trust you even more...."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [looks down, raises her hand and twirls her hair again] "And your childlike nature comes out and allows you to focus your natural energy on things that bring you pleasure and excitement.... Like food...." [looks up at him, meets his gaze, smiles] "...or weapons.... or TV... or the impala...."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze, lowers her hair twirling hand, smiles at him] "When you feel safe and comfortable and don't feel the need to control everything, you allow yourself and just let things be what they are, and you have this goofy... joy in life...."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of vulnerability and searching)

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "That's the part of you that few people get to really see."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [hold his gaze, then blinks, looks down, clears her throat, raises her hand and twirls her hair again and glances around the room] "Sam, for instance, constantly watches you for direction and guidance, and trusts you wholeheartedly." [glances at him with an amused smile] "Even when he doesn't."

D: [meets her gaze, slight smile]

B: [looks away again, twirling her hair] "He interacts with the world with a more sensitive, steady energy.... Less controlled and more compassionate, which is why people open up to him more.... He seems to have a more consistent nature. Less intense, unless he's triggered.... He doesn't feel the need to make split second decisions as often, so he thinks things through more thoroughly and listens to his heart more.... He's just as intelligent, but less witty and more thoughtful and sincere."

D: [watches her]

B: [meets his gaze, lowers her hair twirling hand, smiles] "You make a great team."

D: [hold her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [holds his gaze with a small smile] (flash of vulnerability, then slight searching and very subtle affection)

D: [holds her gaze] {lowly} "Your brain...."

B: [looks down] "Yeah, well...." [meets his gaze again and shrugs] "I'm just me."

D: [holds her gaze] {lowly} "No 'just' about it."

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of surprise) [looks away, bites her bottom lip]

D: [over her shoulder, notices three women walk in the door to the bar]

Attractive Waitress from the diner is among them. They go up to the bar and sit down, ordering drinks

D: [watches B, shifts to sit more casually in his seat] "Do you do that with everybody?"

B: [looks at him] (slight surprise and confusion) "What?"

D: [meets her gaze, slight smile and gestures toward her] "That thing.... Do you just... get people like that?"

B: [holds his gaze] (slight confusion, then slight denial) [shakes her head] "Hell, no. It takes time...." [holds his gaze, small smile] "Although some people are easier to read than others...."

D: [small smile, over her shoulder notices Attractive Waitress eyeing him]

Attractive Waitress: [sees D notice her, starts to walk over]

D: [straightens in his seat] {quietly} "Oh, shit."

B: [looks at him in confusion, then glances over her shoulder and sees Attractive Waitress coming toward them, looks back at D]

D: [meets her gaze for a brief moment, then focuses on Attractive Waitress]

Attractive Waitress: [walks up to their table and stops, looking down at D with a smile] (flirtation) "Hey."

D: [smiles at her awkwardly] "Hey."

Attractive Waitress: "You never came back last night."

D: [glances at B, then focuses on Attractive Waitress] (uncomfortable and slightly apologetic) "Yeah, sorry 'bout that."

Attractive Waitress: (flirtatious and slightly annoyed) "I waited for you."

D: (uncomfortable and slightly defensive) {gruffly} "I was busy."

Attractive Waitress: [glances at B] "Uh-huh...."

D: [glances at B, then looks back at Attractive Waitress]

B: [watching them]

Attractive Waitress: [looks back at D with a flirtatious smile] "Well, you busy now, or you want to buy me that drink?"

D: [glances at B]

B: [meets his gaze, small accepting smile]

D: [looks back at Attractive Waitress] "I'm kinda in the middle of something."

B: [watching him] (slight surprise)

Attractive Waitress: (surprised and confused) "Really?" [glances at B, then back to D] (flirtatious) "Cuz I've got the night off. And you seem like you might need to blow off a little steam..."

D: [glances at B, then back to Attractive Waitress, small sarcastic smile] "I'm good."

Attractive Waitress: [looks him over] "I bet you are."

D: [looking at Attractive Waitress] (slightly surprised, then uncomfortable)

B: [watches Attractive Waitress]

Attractive Waitress: [smiles flirtatiously at D and leans her hands on the table]

D: (uncomfortable) [leans back slightly]

Attractive Waitress: {seductively} "Come on, handsome. Let me show you a good time."

D: [swallows hard, glances at B]

B: [watching Attractive Waitress with a slightly tense and irritated expression]

D: [looks back at Attractive Waitress] "Look, I think maybe you've had a little too much to drink and–"

Attractive Waitress: "I'm sober as hell, baby. But we can fix that if you want to get out of here."

D: [tense smile] "I'm really not interested."

Attractive Waitress: (flash of surprise, then seductive and determined) "Come on.... You're not busy...." [glances at B, then focuses on D] "You're hot. I'm hot. And I'm game for whatever you want."

D: [nods with an "I'm done" expression] "Okay, you need to just walk away, lady."

Attractive Waitress: (flirtatious mixed with slight disdain) "You gonna come with me?"

D: [smiles sardonically at her] "Pass."

Attractive Waitress: (surprise, then confusion, then disdain) "Are you for real?"

D: [nods] "Real as it gets."

B: [glances at him with a small smile]

Attractive Waitress: [stares at him, then] "You're a dick."

B: [eyes shoot to her] {assertively} "Excuse me?"

D and Attractive Waitress look at B

Attractive Waitress: [straightens]

B: [looking at Attractive Waitress] (slightly angry) "Look...[gestures to Attractive Waitress] ...whoever you are.... First of all, he's not a dick."

D: [watches her]

B: (bold and slightly angry) "Second of all, do you have a problem with consent?"

Attractive Waitress: (surprised and confused) "What?"

D: [slight smile as he watches B]

B: [looking at Attractive Waitress] "You know, the concept that a person has the right to freely and willingly choose what experiences they do–" [glances at D]

D: [meets her eyes]

B: [looks back at Attractive Waitress] "-- or do not want to be a part of?"

Attractive Waitress: [looks at D]

D: [looks at Attractive Waitress and shrugs with a "well?" expression]

Attractive Waitress: [looks back at B] (confused) "What the hell are you talking about?"

D: [looks back at B]

B: [raises her eyebrows at Attractive Waitress] "For instance, are you a dick when you turn down people who hit on you?"

Attractive Waitress: (surprised and offended) "No!"

B: [nods] "So, then, don't you think that he [looks at D] deserves the same respect?"

D: [meets her gaze]

Attractive Waitress: [looks between them then focuses on B] (angry and defensive and accusatory) "What are you, his girlfriend?"

B: [looks back at Attractive Waitress and meets her eyes, tilts head slightly] {matter of factly} "If I were, how would you feel about that?"

D: [watches B with a small smile]

Attractive Waitress: [hesitates]

B: [holds her gaze] "Are you comfortable being a homewrecker?"

D: [watching B] (surprised, then subtly impressed and pleased)

Attractive Waitress: (surprised, then offended and defensive) "Whatever, bitch!"

B: [looks down at the table] "Yeah, well, takes one to know one..."

D: [watching her] (even more surprised, then conflicted)

B: [looks back up at Attractive Waitress and meets her gaze boldly]

Attractive Waitress: [looks between D and B] (angry and haughty) "Screw you both."


D: "No, thanks."

B: "No, thank you."

B: [meets D's gaze, small amused smile]

D: [holds her gaze, small amused smile]

Attractive Waitress: [looks between them, then shakes her head and starts to walk away] "Whatever. You guys deserve each other."

B: [looks over her shoulder at Attractive Waitress walking away] "Have a good night!" {mumbles} "Maybe find some self-respect... and some therapy...." [turns back and meets D's gaze]

D: [small smile at her] (amused and impressed) {lowly} "Damn."

B: [looks away, deep breath] "Yeah, talk about not taking no for an answer...." [hesitates, bites her bottom lip,meets his gaze] ".... Sorry...I couldn't help butting in...."

D: [raises a hand slightly with a "go right ahead" expression] "No, you Judge Judy-ed her ass. Quick and clean."

B: [holds his gaze, nods] "Well, no one has the right to talk to you like that."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of searching, then slight affection)

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of uncomfortable and uncertain) "Because.... You know... feminism."

D: [raises his eyebrows in amusement] {humorous} "Feminism?"

B: [rolls her eyes, then meets his gaze] "Yes, Dean, feminism benefits both women and men. It's about equality, remember?... Fair's fair? If a guy at the bar can't harass me, then no girl gets to harass you, either." [raises a hand with a "and there you have it" gestures] "Feminism."

D: [smiles at her in amusement] "Whatever you say, sweetheart."

B: [shakes her head with a small smile]

D: [glances past her, grows serious] "Head's up."

B: [starts to turn]

D: [looks at her and reaches across the table and gently grasps her arm laying on the table] "Don't look."

B: [arms flinches, starts to tremble, and she turns back and glances down at his hand on her arm]

D: [looks down at his hand on her arm, slowly pulls his hand away, then looks at her again]

B: [meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze for a brief moment, then looks past her again] {quietly} "Don't look until I say, but is that our guy?"

B: [watches his face]

D: [looking past her for a moment, then nods and looks down]

B: [looks over her shoulder, sees Janitor Guy at the bar, looks quickly back at D] "Yep. That's him." [hesitates, bites her bottom lip] "....Maybe I should go talk to him?"

D: [meets her gaze] (slight surprise and confusion)

B: [shrugs] "You know, draw him out? Set him up? Bait the hook?"

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [rolls her eyes] {quitly} "Whatever you want to call it!.... Just... See what he does?"

D: [watching her] (flash of amused admiration, the serious) {lowly} "Okay, A:... no."

B: [narrows her eyes and opens her mouth to speak]

D: [glances past her] "And two: looks like that ship has sailed."

B: [glances over her shoulder, sees Janitor Guy talking to Attractive Waitress at the bar] {quietly} "Shit!" [looks back at D] "What do we do?"

D: [meets her gaze, shrugs with a "well..." expression] "I say we just let nature take its course."

B: [kicks him under the table] {quietly} "Dean!"

D: [flash of a smile, then turns serious again, looking past her] {lowly} "Shit, they're headed out."

B: [looking at his face] {quietly} "Already?"

D: [meets her gaze] {quietly} "I told you it'd be too easy!"

B: [rolls her eyes] {quietly} "Dean! Focus!"

D: [nods] "Okay, okay." [looks past her again] {quietly} "Looks like they're going out the back. There's no time. " [reaches in his pocket and pulls out his keys, meets her gaze] (serious and focused) {lowly} "Go to the car, get a machete from the trunk, bring it to me in the alley." [holds the keys out to her]

B: [holds his gaze] "We don't have any dead man's blood...."

D: [holds her gaze] "I'll hold him off till you get there."

B: [holds his gaze, hesitates] "Dean..."

D: [holds her gaze, leans toward her slightly] {sharply} "Do you want that girl to die?"

B: [holds his gaze, then shakes her head and takes the keys, her fingers flinching as they brush his] {whispers} "But you don't die, either."

D: [small smile, nods] "Deal."

B: [nods, stands and start to walk toward the door, holding they keys]

D: [stands and walks toward the back door] (serious and focused)

B: [walks toward the front door, then stops, her whole body shudders with a terrible dark feeling] "....Damn it!" [whirls and rushes towards the back door and slips outside, looks around]

D: [standing by a large dumpster, looking around the dumpster, poised and ready, just about to move]

B: [quickly goes to him] {whispers} "Dean...."

D: [turns quickly and looks at her]

B: [grasps his arm, trembling, meets his gaze] {whispers} "....Don't."

D: [hesitates, searching her eyes in the dim light of they alley]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (serious) [shakes her head]

Voices down the alley

Voice 1 [male]: "Damn it, Gretchen, I told you not to do that here. It's too high profile."

D: [turns toward the voices, listening]

B: [trembling, drops her hand from his arm, listening]

Voice 2: [Attractive Waitress]: "And I told you, Ned–"

D: [looks at B in surprise]

B: [meets his gaze, equally surprised]

Attractive Waitress: "--it's none of your business what I do or where I do it. You didn't turn me. You're not the boss."

D: [turns back slightly toward the voices, listening]

B: [listening]

Ned: "Oh, yeah? And what does Curtis have to say about your little extra curricular activities?"

Voice 3 [male] "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

D: [looks at B] (concerned)

B: [meets his gaze, bites her bottom lip] (worried)

Ned: "Oh, hey, Curt, didn't see you there."

Voice 4: [male] "You should pay more attention. What if we'd been hunters?"

D: [closes his eyes]

B: [watches D] (more worried)

D: [opens his eyes, and meets her gaze, listening]

Ned: "Hunters? Shit. They ain't got nothing on us. We'd take out anybody who comes at us."

Curtis: "You're too cocky, Ned. You're going to expose us. It's bad enough you got sloppy with those stupid women. You keep that up, you may be too high a risk for us to keep around."

Ned: "What? Are you kidding me? What about Gretchen and her trolling for dudes at the diner? How's that not risky?"

Attractive Waitress: "Shut up, Ned! He was hot."

D: [holding B's gaze in the dim light, slight "true" expression]

B: [rolls her eyes]

D: [turns his face back toward the voices, listening]

Attractive Waitress: "And anyway, I wasn't gonna drink him and dump him like you do. I was gonna turn him."

B: [looks at D] (surprise and concern)

D: (slight surprise)

Curtis: [audibly angry] "That's not a decision you get to make, you little slut!" [audible slap]

Attractive Waitress: [gasp]

Curtis: [audibly angry] "Now, listen to me, all of you. I don't give a rat's ass what you want. You do what I say, when I say it. No more going off on your own. Or else. Do I make myself clear?"

3 Voices: "Yes, sir."

Curtis: "Good. Now, let's get the hell out of here. The stench of garbage and urine is overwhelming."

Footsteps walking away

Voice 4: "Uh-uh-uh. You two go that way. We don't need to be seen with you."

Ned: {mumbles} "Whatever, kiss-ass."

Footsteps walking away

Footsteps coming toward the dumpster

Voice 4: "Damn newbies."

D: [whirls toward B and grasps her arms, pressing her back toward the wall of the building]

B: [trembles, moves willingly, looking up at him]

D: [presses her back to the wall and stands very close to her, his body pressed lightly against hers, moves his hands to brace against the wall on either side of her shoulders]

B: [trembling, pressed against the wall, her arms at her sides, presses her palms against the wall, stares at D's chest]

Footsteps come close to them

D: [closes his eyes and lowers his head, lightly pressing the side of his face to the side of her head] {almost inaudible whisper} "Don't move."

B: [her whole body shivers, then trembles more, her body pressed between his body and the wall, his hands on either side of her against the wall, his face pressed lightly against the side of her head, she swallows hard]

D: [opens his eyes, listening, his body lightly pressing B's body against the wall and the side of his face pressed lightly against her hair]

Footsteps walk toward them, then past them

One vamp hesitates, turns around

D: [whole body tenses, the side of his face pressed against B's hair, ready]

Vamp 4: [looks at D and B] "Hey!"

B: [trembling, tenses, the side of D's face still lightly pressed against her hair as his body presses against her]

D: [lowers one hand from the wall and gently grasps her arm while simultaneously lowering his face next to hers and hovers his mouth close to her throat right under her jaw, blocking her face from the vamp's view]

B: [small gasp, trembling]

Short silence

Curtis: "Chill out. Can't you see they're distracted?"

A moment passes

D: [body tense, one hand braced against the wall beside her while the other hand grasps her arm and his body lightly presses her body into the wall, breathes against her throat]

B: [trembling, inhales shakily]

Footsteps walk away and disappear around the corner


D: [slowly leans back, looks down at B]

B: [trembling, looks up and meets his gaze, swallows hard]

D: [holds her gaze in the dim light] (searching)

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (searching and vulnerable and uncertain)

D: [holds her gaze] (searching and hesitant and subtle caring and almost imperceptible longing)

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (searching and confused and hesitant) [looks away]

D: [swallows hard, watching her, lowers his hand from her arm] {lowly} "We should...uh... probably follow them. See if we can find out where the nest is."

B: [trembling, nods, looks up at him with a small smile] "Smart. As always."

D: [meets her gaze]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze]

D: [nods, steps backward, wry smile] "Four vamps. That could have got ugly. Thanks."

B: [deep breath, small shaky smile] "Prophet of the lord. Gotta use what I have to bring to the table."

D: [holds her gaze] (more serious) "You saved my ass."

B: [holds his gaze, small smile, shrugs] "Fair's fair."

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then nods, turns and starts to walk down the alley after the two vampires]

B: [deep breath, then follows him]

They turn around the corner and almost run into Deputy Damill

Damill: [holds out a hand as he almost walks into D] "Whoa! Where ya going, buddy?"

D: [stops] (startled and surprised) [looks at Damill] (confused, then suspicious) "Deputy?"

B: [looks at Damill in surprised confusion]

Damill: [looks between D and B, then glances at the alley, then looks at D with a slight sneer] "Or maybe I should ask where you're coming from?" [nods at B suggestively]

D: [clenches his jaw as he looks at Damill] "Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be meeting with my partner?"

Damill: [glances at B, then meets D's eyes, casual shrug] "Something came up. Couldn't make it."

D: [holds his gaze] (serious and subtly worried and suspicious) "So where's my partner?"

Damill: [holds D's gaze] (serious and calm) "How should I know?"

D: [holds his gaze] (serious and slightly worried) "You were the last one to see him."

Damill: (flash of confusion, then irritated denial) "I told you, we didn't meet."

D: [holds Damill's eyes, then glances down at B] (serious and slightly worried)

B: [looks up at D and meets his gaze] (slightly suspicious and worried, then understanding) [nods, steps away and pulls out her phone from her coat pocket, starts to dial]

Damill: [watches them with a slightly confused expression, then looks at D with slight contempt] "So, Agent Walton.... Or should I say Father Walton?"

D: [meets his gaze] (Unreadable)

Damill: "Do you always hang out in allies behind dive bars with pretty young co-workers?"

D: [holds his gaze] (Unreadable) {lowly} "What I do is none of your business, Deputy."

Damill: [small sneer] "Is that so?" [looks past D at B with a slightly lustful expression, licks his lips] "Can't say that I blame you. When you get a chance at a sweet little thing like that–"

D: [watching him] (angry and protective) [grabs Damill's coat collar and jerks him forward slightly] {low and forceful} "Don't you look at her!"

Damill: [looks at D's face in slight shock, then narrows his eyes and pushes against D's chest] "Look, jackass, just cuz you're a fed doesn't mean you get to roll into my town and –"

D: [drops his hand from Damill's coat and watches his face] (slightly angry and suspicious) "And what? Solve murders? Do my job? Do you even want these murders solved, Deputy?"

Damill: [meets D's eyes] (surprised and defensive) "What is that supposed to mean?"

D: [steps close to Damill and holds his gaze] (serious and focused and angry and accusatory)

Damill: [steps back and a flash of fear]

D: [holds Damill's gaze] "It means that your police work is shit. You obviously don't care about those dead women. And you're here, hound dogging a woman who thinks about you like a Kardashian thinks about duck hunting, when you're supposed to be across town talking about your case with my partner." [steps toward Damill again] "And you have the balls to ask me what I'm doing?"

Damill: [holds D's gaze and squares his shoulders] (slightly defiant and subtly nervous) "Well, Agent, I guess we've both got some inconsistencies going on."

D: [holds his gaze] {gruffly} "What the hell are you–"

Damill: [sneers at him] "Oh, you'll see soon enough, asshole."

D: [holds his gaze] (furious)

B: [lightly touches D's arm] "Dean..."

Damill: [looks at her]

D: [watches Damill]

B: [looking at D's face] "I talked to Sam. He's waiting for us to pick him up at the police station."

D: [watches Damill for another moment, then looks down at B]

B: [meets D's gaze] {quietly} "He's fine."

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then nods, looks at Damill again]

Damill: [looks from B to D, hesitates, then small tense smile] "Well, you folks have a good night. I'll be seeing you soon" [looks at B with subtle desire and nods] "Ma'am."

D: [clenches his jaw]

Damill: [turns and walks away]

D and B watch him walk away for a moment

B: [watching Damill] "Does that seem suspicious to you?"

D: [watching Damill] (tense and subtly angry) "You mean that Deputy dick-head showed up at the exact moment that we were coming out of that alley, following two blood-suckers? Or that he stood-up Sammy on a date that he set up? Or that he knows Ned Lassiter and happened to be at the bar that the creep hangs out at at the same time he figured we'd be here?"

B: [nods] "Yeah. All that."

D: [looking after Damill] "Or the way he looks at you?"

B: [looks up at him in slight surprise]

D: [looks down at her and meets her gaze] "Like he's hungry?"

B: [holds his gaze] (slight understanding)

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment, then deep breath] "Let's go get Sam."

B: [nods]

They go the impala and drive quietly to the police station

S: [waiting in the parking-lot for them, walks up to the impala as D puts it in park]

B: [sitting in the passenger seat, opens her door]

S: [holds up a hand as he walks up to the car, smiles at her, closes her door, then gets in the backseat] "Hey. What happened?"

D: [glances over his shoulder at S] "We could ask you the same question. What the hell? Deputy Douche an-affair-to-remembered you, then pops up across town and ambushes us?"

S: [shrugs] "I guess."

D: [starts driving back to the motel] "That guy is the devil. I'd bet good money that he's working with our vamps, if not one of them. Probably protecting the nest."

S: [leans forward in his seat] "There's a nest? You're sure?"

D: [glances at him over his shoulder, then looks at B] "You didn't tell him?"

B: [looks at D and shrugs] "I was a little distracted. You were about to start a fight in the middle of the street and I was just worried about Sam and wanted to make sure he was safe."

D: [irritated expression] "I wasn't gonna throw down in the street, Drama Queen. Besides, Deputy Devil started it...."

B: [rolls her eyes] "Okay, first of all, I'm not a drama queen, and second of all...." [turns and looks at S] "...yes, it would appear that there is a nest of vampires somewhere in town."

S: [looks at her] "Lassiter told you this?"

D: [glances at her] "God, you didn't tell him anything."

S and B look at D: simultaneous: "Shut up, Dean."

B: [grins at S and holds her hand up toward him]

S: [smiles and high-fives her]

D: [rolls his eyes] "Fine. I won't tell you how our little prophet saved all our bacon."

S: [looks at D] "She saved you again?"

B: [smiles affectionately at S]

D: [slightly annoyed yet affirmative expression] "There were four vamps." [holds up four fingers] "Four, waiting in the alley. Loser Ned was one of them. Oh! And that pushy chick from the diner is a blood-sucker, too. No surprise there."

S: [looks at D questioningly] "The hot waitress?"

D: [glances quickly and B, the back at the road, slightly awkward negative expression] "Not hot."

B: [glances at him with an amused and doubtful expression]

S: [sits back in his seat] "So, I guess it's a good thing you didn't go meet her last night, huh, Dean? Beth saved your ass, there, too."

D: [irritated look at S over his shoulder]

B: [looks at S] (confused) "I did?"

D: [clears his throat] "So, what have you been up-to all this time? Twiddling your thumbs at the morgue?"

S: [slightly irritated expression] "No, although I did get us more dead man's blood."

B: [holds her hand up to S again]

S: [high-fives her]

D: [rolls his eyes]

S: [looks at D] "Actually Sheriff Abramson found me and we talked for a bit. He seems like an honest guy. He was asking me about our background and what experience we have with missing persons cases. He seems to genuinely care about the murdered women."

D: [pulls the impala into the motel parking lot and parks] "Yeah, well, someone in this god-forsaken town should. Deputy Dick has nothing better to do than catfish you and stick his nose into things that are none of his damn business."

S: [looks at D with an amused expression] "You really don't like that guy."

D: [pops open his car door, glances over his shoulder at S] "He's either a vamp, or he's their Renfield. Either way, the guy's a tool." [gets out of the car]

S: [looks at B with an amused expression]

B: [amused expression and shrugs]

They all go into the motel room. B and S walk L while D gets cleaned up in the bathroom, then B returns to the room and goes to get cleaned up in the bathroom

D: [piles three pillows on B's side of the bed, then lays down on his side of the bed with his head on a pillow, arms crossed across his chest, and closes his eyes]

S: [looks at D as he gets pajamas out of his duffle bag] "Well, at least now we know there's a nest."

D: [grunts]

S: "And at least four vampires."

D: [without opening his eyes] "At least five."

S: [looks at D] (slightly impatient) "Dean, what evidence do you have that Damill is a vamp? Besides that he's a tool?"

D: [opens his eyes and sits up, looking at S] "Okay, A: there's beaucoup evidence, including the catfishing. And two: Sam, you should see the way he looks at Beth. It's freakin' creepy!"

S: (impatient) "People look at her all the time, Dean! Hell, you've basically been accused of kidnapping her, what? Eight times?"

D: [slightly uncomfortable expression] "Seven and a half..."

S: [looks at him with a "really?" expression]

D: (defensive) "The guy in Missouri never actually said anything!"

S: [rolls his eyes] "My point is, people look at her. What makes this guy any different?"

D: [stands and looks at S] "Because, he wasn't just looking. He was practically LEERING at her, Sammy. I'm telling you, it's gross. He's gross. The whole thing is gross."

S: [small knowing expression] "Uh-huh... More gross than earlier when you–"

B: [opens the bathroom door and steps out]

D: [irritated expression at S] {matter of factly} "You do this on purpose. Just admit it."

S: [grins and shakes his head, goes into the bathroom]

B: [puts her clothes in her bag, then goes to her side of the bed and arranges her pillows]

D: (slightly awkward) [lays back down on his side of the bed, crosses his arms across his chest]

B: [glances at D] "I just have one question..."

D: [looks up at her, hesitates] "Okay...."

B: [meets his gaze] "You've seen An Affair to Remember?"

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of relief, then awkward and slightly uncomfortable) "It's a classic."

B: [amused smile] "True... plus, Cary Grant."

D: [holds her gaze] (slightly amused) "What's your deal with that guy? You bring him up a lot."

B: [holds his gaze, tilts her head slightly] "I do?"

D: [holds her gaze] (amused) "Yeah."

B: [looks away, shrugs] "He's classy. And charming, and funny, and..." [smiles at D] "Sometime I'll show you his movie Arsenic and Old Lace. Best halloween movie ever, and one of my top ten favorites of all time. It's funny as hell."

D: [raises his eyebrows] "A funny halloween movie?"

B: [amused look at him] "Yeah...."

D: [looking at her] {matter of factly} "You're weird."

B: [chuckles and hits him with a pillow]

D: [grins, blocking the pillow with his hands]

B: [crawls into bed and lays with her back to him]

S: [comes out of the bathroom and gets into his bed]

B: [her back to them] {quietly} "Good night."

S and D: "Night."

S clicks off the lamp


Sometime in the night

B: [rolls over in her sleep, facing D, deep breath]

D: [laying on his back with his arms crossed over his chest, opens his eyes, looks at her for a moment, then closes his eyes and falls asleep]

Sometime later

D: [rolls over in his sleep, facing B, one arm under his pillow and slightly outstretched toward B, the other resting on the mattress between them]

Sometime later

B: [stirs in her sleep, then slight gasp in her sleep]

D: [stirs awake, blinks, looks at her, then raises his head and looks around in the dark]

B: [sleeping, jerks with a small cry]

D: [looks at her] (slightly confused and concerned)

B: [sleeping] {whispers} "No!"

D: [watches her ] (concerned)

B: [jerks again] "No!"

D: [starts to reach for her]

S: [stirs awake and looks at them]

B: [jerks awake with a cry, reaches for D frantically and grabs his shirt] "No!"

D: [gently grasps her shoulder, looking at her] (worried) "Hey, easy. Beth, it's okay..."

B: [trembles, gripping his shirt, meets his gaze] (fearful and sad) "No... it's not..."

D: [searches her eyes in the dark, moves to sit up and gently grasps her shoulders with both hands as he does so, moving her to sit up]

B: [trembling, sits up as D moves her, dropping her hands from his shirt]

D: [grasping her shoulders gently, searches her face] "What's wrong?"

S: [sits up, clicks on the lamp, and watches them]

B: [trembling, meets D's gaze] "It happened again..."

D: [searches her eyes] (very concerned) "What?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] "Ned Lassiter.... Another woman...."

D: [holds her gaze] (serious and focused) [grips her shoulders] "Where? Do you know where? Let's–"

B: [trembling, shakes her head and reaches a hand up to rest on the outside of his arm, eyes fill with tears] "It's too late.... It's done...."

D: [holds her gaze, gently holding her shoulders] (confusion, then sadness and worry and caring)

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, tears in her eyes] "It was Clarissa.... From the mission.... I just talked to her today.... [looks away] ...She was afraid... and now...." [a tear falls down her cheek] "....She died... terribly...." {whispers} "....I felt it...."

D: [watches her]

B: [trembling, closes her eyes]

D: [watches her, then slowly scoots close to her, leans toward her and gently wraps his arms around her]

B: [trembling, opens her eyes and leans against him, the hand that was on his arm slides up and softly grips the back of his shoulder, and she curls the other arm between them, against his chest] {quietly} "... she screamed... no one answered...."

D: [closes his eyes, pulls her closer]

S: [watches them] (sad and caring)

D: [opens his eyes] {quietly} "We'll find him."

B: [trembling, shakes her head against his chest] {quietly} "That won't help Clarissa..."

D: [closes his eyes again]

B: [trembling, subtly stiffens, then pulls away and looks in his face]

D: [pulls back, drops his arms to his sides, meets her gaze]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (apologetic and concerned and caring) "Dean, that's not what I meant... You and Sam have done absolutely everything–"

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile and nods] {gently} "I know..." [hesitates, then raises a hand toward her face]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, leans back slightly]

D: [holds her gaze, clenches his jaw, clenches his hand into a fist, then drops his hand] {gently} "What can we do?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (flash of pain and subtle brokenness) [slight shake of her head] {whispers} "Nothing...."

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment, then nods] "Okay....We'll figure it out in the morning."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze]

D: [searches her eyes] "Will you be able to sleep?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, then glances past him, at S]

S: [meets her eyes] (concerned and caring)

B: [trembling, meets D's gaze again, nods, slight smile] "Of course."

D: [searches her eyes]

B: [trembling, small smile, then lays down, her head on the pillow, facing D's side of the bed]

D: [watches her for a moment, then slowly shifts to lay on his back on his side of the bed, glances at S] (serious and concerned)

S: [meets D's gaze] (caring and concern) [nods, clicks off the lamp]

D: [lays his head on the pillow, crosses his arms across his chest, stares at the ceiling in the dark for a long time, then looks at B's face]

B: [eyes closed, a tear falls]

D: (flash of caring and concern and sadness) [watches her for a long time, then closes his eyes]


Early the next morning

B: [opens her eyes, looks at D]

D: [eyes closed, laying on his back next to her, his arms crossed over his chest, his face toward her, breathing deeply]

B: [watches him for several moments, then takes a deep breath, slowly moves to sit up]

D: [opens his eyes, watches her]

B: [meets his gaze, shifts to a sitting position on the bed, facing him]

D: [holds her gaze for a moment] {quietly} "Did you sleep?"

B: [holds his gaze for a moment, then small smile] {quietly} "Of course."

D: [laying on his back, arms crossed across his chest, holds her gaze] {quietly} "Don't 'of course' me."

B: [hold his gaze] (flash of confusion)

D: [holds her gaze] {quietly} "That's basically your code-word for 'please give me some spaghetti.'"

B: [holds his gaze] (confused, then subtle understanding) [slight shake of her head] {quietly} "Dean, I–"

D: [holds her gaze] (searching and concern and subtle caring) {quietly} "Hey."

B: [holds his gaze, hesitates, then shrugs with a sad smile]

D: [holds her gaze, slowly sits up, facing her on the bed] (serious and caring) {quietly} "We're gonna get this bastard, okay? We won't let this happen to anyone else."

B: [searches his eyes for a long moment, then nods] {whispers} "Okay."

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then nods, turns and looks at S] {gruffly} "Sammy!"

S: [jerks awake]

D: {gruffly} "Wake up. We got monsters to kill."

S: [rubs his face sleepily] "Yeah."

D: [turns back toward B and meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze, small smile]

B gets up and takes L outside while D gets ready in the bathroom. B returns as D is walking out of the bathroom, wearing a flannel and his jeans. S's phone rings

S: [glances at his phone on the nightstand, then looks at D]

D: [meets S's gaze, then a slight "here we go" expression, look at B]

B: [staring at S's phone]

S: [glances at B, then looks at his phone and picks it up and answers it] "Agent Page." [listens for a moment, then meets B's gaze] (flash of sadness and concern) "I understand. Thank you. We'll be right there." [hangs up the phone]

B: [holds S's gaze with a sad knowing expression]

S: [holds her gaze] "They found the body."

B: [holds his gaze, absently raises a hand and wraps her fingers around her throat]

D: [watching her, then looks at S] "Where?"

S: [looks at D] "Outskirts of town, near where the other bodies were found."

D: [holds S's gaze, then clenches his jaw and kicks the side of the bed forcefully] "Damn it!" [raises a and hand and rubs his fingers over his eyes]

B: [lowers her hand from her throat, looks at D] "Dean...."

D: [lowers his hand and meets her gaze] (slight pain and sadness and subtle caring)

B: [holds his gaze] (sadness and caring and empathy) "We knew this was coming...."

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then looks at S] "I'm gonna grab us some coffee while you two get ready, then we'll head out."

S: [nods]

D: [glances at B, then walks out the door]

S: [looks at B] (caring and concerned and sad)

B: [meets S's gaze] (sad and caring)

S: {gently} "You okay?"

B: [holds his gaze, sad smile, small shrug] "You?"

S: [holds her gaze, then walks over to her, cups her shoulder in his hand, and leans down at kisses the top of her head]

B: [small sad smile and reaches a hand to cover his on her shoulder]

S: [looks down at her]

B: [looks up and meets his gaze]

S: [holds her gaze] {gently} "We're gonna get this vamp. And all the rest."

B: [holds his gaze, small smile, nods] {quietly} "I know."

S nods, then goes into the bathroom and gets ready, emerges wearing his fed suit. B gets ready. D returns with coffee, and they get in the impala and drive to the crime scene. Once there, they get out of the car, wearing coats in the cold

They start to walk toward the path in the direction where voices can be heard

Down the path, they see yellow crime scene tape and several law enforcement officers milling around, taking pictures and processing the scene

D: [walking next to B on the path, looks at her, then quickly moves to block her path and stops, looking down at her in concern]

B: [stops and looks up at him questioningly]

D: [searches her eyes] {lowly} "This isn't gonna be pretty."

B: [holds his gaze for a moment, then small sad smile] {quietly} "I've already seen it."

D: [searches her eyes, then steps aside]

B: [looks at the yellow crime scene tape and walks toward it]

D: [watches her, follows]

S: [walks up to one of the officers and flashes his FBI badge, then nods toward D and B] "They're with me."

B: [walks up the crime scene tape and looks down at the body]

D: [stands next to S, watches B]

Male officer: [looks at D in slight confusion] "Aren't you a priest?"

D: [looks at the officer, sardonic smile] "It's my day off."

S: [quick impatient look at D, then looks at Male officer] "He's consulting on the case."

Male officer: [looks between them with a slightly doubtful expression, then nods]

S: [nods] "Tell us what you know so far."

Damill: [walks up to them] "Yeah, Partridge, fill us in."

S: [looks at Damill in slight surprise]

D: [looks at Damill] (slight surprise and subtle disdain) {gruffly} "You're a little late to the party, aren't you, Deputy?"

Damill: [stands next to D, looks at him with a slightly irritated expression] "I just got the call."

D: [eyes his suspiciously] "Uh-huh..." [glances at S with a "yeah, right" expression]

S: [slight impatient expression at D, then focuses on Partridge]

Partridge: talks about the body and the victim, saying things they already know

D: [listens absently, looks at B]

B: [stands at the edge of the crime scene tape, looking down at Clarissa's pale, dead body, then she slowly ducks under the tape and stands next to the body, looking down at it]

D: [watches her]

B: [looking at Clarissa's dead face, slowly crouches down next to her, swallows hard, looks at her dead face for a long moment, then looks at her bloodied and butchered throat, stares at it for a moment, then slowly reaches a hand out toward the ripped skin]

D: [watches her] (pain and sadness and caring)

Partridge: [glances at B] "Hey! Don't touch the body!"

B: [jumps slightly and pulls her hand back, looking at Partridge apologetically]

D: [glances at Partridge in slight irritation, opens his mouth to speak]

Damill: [watching B] {snaps} "Leave her alone, Partridge."

D: [closes his mouth and looks at Damill] (slight surprise and frustration)

B: [looks at Damill, slight smile, then looks back at Clarissa's body, raising a hand and lightly wrapping her fingers around her own throat]

Damill: [watching B with an expression of subtle curiosity and desire]

D: [glances at B, then looks at Damill]

S and Partridge continue talking about the crime scene and the lack of evidence

B: [slowly stands, lowering her hand, looks around the area] (sad)

Damill: [watches B, an expression of interest and desire on his face]

D: [watches B out of the corner of his eye, stares at Damill]

Damill: [glances at D] (subtle contempt, then quickly covers with calm professionalism) [nods toward B] "Is this her first crime scene?"

D: [meets Damill's gaze] (stoic and serious) "First one like this."

Damill: [looks at B again] (flash of desire) "Poor little thing."

D: [watches Damill] {lowly} "She's tougher than she looks."

Damill: [watching B, nods] (curiosity and desire) "No doubt..."

D: [clenches his jaw, stares at Damill]

S: [talking with Partridge, glances at D, then looks at Damill, then looks at B, then looks back at D] "Uh, Dean..."

D: [looks at S]

S: [meets D's gaze] "Why don't you and Beth go on back to the motel? I'll finish up here and meet up with you and fill you in later."

D: [holds S's gaze] (confliction, then reluctant acceptance) [nods] "Yeah. Awesome." [looks at B, then looks at Damill with a subtly contemptuous expression]

Damill: [looks at D and meets his gaze with his own subtly contemptuous expression]

D: [holds Damill's gaze] {calls out} "Hey, Beth. You good?"

B: [looks at D, then at Damill, then rolls her eyes, looks back down at Clarissa's dead face and studies her face for a moment] (sad and apologetic) {quietly} "I'm so sorry...." [closes her eyes for a brief moment, then raises her face and opens her eyes, turns and walks toward D]

D: [still holding Damill's gaze]

Damill: [looks at B as she walks up]

B: [looks at D] "That's not the word I would use, but...."

D: [looks at her]

B: [meets his gaze, slight smile] "I'm ready to go, if that's what you mean?"

D: [searches her eyes for a brief moment, then nods] "Yeah, let's go."

B: [small smile, then looks at Damill and nods] "Deputy."

D: [looks at Damill]

Damill: [smiles at B with a subtle desirous expression, nods] "Ms. Smyth. You let me know if you need anything. Anything at all."

B: [smiles at him]

D: [looking at Damill, clenches his jaw] {gruffly} "We will." [steps toward B and gently grasps her arm, turning her and ushering her toward the path]

B: [flinches at D's touch and looks up at his face in confusion as she goes with him]

Damill: [watches them walk away]

S: [watches Damill while absently talking to Partridge]

D: [ushers B quickly up the path with his hand gently grasping her arm]

B: [trembling, walks with him a little ways, then pulls her arm away and looks at his face] "What is going on with you?"

D: [hesitates and meets her gaze, then looks back at Damill]

Damill: [still watching them from down the path]

D: [clenches his jaw and grasps her arm again, meets her gaze] {gruffly} "Just go to the car."

B: [trembling, hold his gaze] (confused and subtly concerned) "Dean, what–"

D: [turns and starts walking up the path again, pulling her with him]

B: [trembling, stops and pulls her arm away] (irritated) "I can fucking walk on my own, Dean. You're not the secret service and I'm not in fucking danger." [walks past him on the path]

D: [pauses, watching her for a brief moment, then turns and looks back at Damill, again]

Damill: [watching them from down the path]

D: [turns and follows B up the path back to the car]

B: [walks up to the passenger side of the impala and starts to reach for the back door]

D: [catches up with her and steps close to her, reaching for the front passenger door]

B: [leans slightly away from him, looks up at him questioningly]

D: [pops open the passenger door and opens it, looks at her]

B: [looking up at him] (questioning) "What about Sam?"

D: [meets her gaze] "He's gonna meet up with us later."

B: [holds his gaze] (confused) "Then why...?" [deep breath, gets in the passenger seat]

D: [closes her door, then walks around the front of the car and gets in the driver's seat, starts the car]

B: [watches him] "Did we find out what we need to know?"

D: [starts driving] "Nothing new."

B: [watches him, deep breath, looks out the window] "So, where to, next?"

D: [watching the road] "Back to the motel."

B: [looks at him in surprise] "What else do we have to research?"

D: [watching the road] "Not a damn thing."

B: (confused) "Then why are we going back to the room? Shouldn't we go... knock on doors.... Or .... Why did we have to leave out of there like–"

D: [watches the road] "Cuz of Deputy Dick-face."

B: [watches him] (confused, then slightly irritated) "Dean–"

D: "I could just see the creepy little wheels in his head turning. Makes me wanna puke. We had to get out of there before I went all Liam Neeson on his ass."

B: [rolls her eyes] "Maybe his wheels were turning because he's doing his job."

D: [looks at her in surprise] "Are you seriously giving that giant bag of dicks the benefit of the doubt?"

B: [looks at him, shrugs] "Why shouldn't I?"

D: [stares at her] "Because!" [hesitates, looks at the road]

B: [raises her eyebrows with a "well?" expression]

D: [looks at her again] "Because he's a giant bag of dicks!"

B: [rolls her eyes] "You're just saying that because you think he wants to eat people."

D: [looks at the road, then back at her] "Because he wants to eat you!"

B: [meets his gaze] (slightly impatient) "You don't know that, Dean."

D: [raises his eyebrows] "Oh, I know."

B: [holds his gaze, "oh, yeah?" expression] "How?"

D: [holds her gaze, blinks, then looks back at the road] (slightly uncomfortable) {gruffly} "I can tell."

B: [sighs, then rolls her eyes] "You're just sensitive because I'm a prophet and you think it's your job to protect me."

D: (surprised) [looks at her] "What?"

B: [meets his gaze] "You do it all the time."

D: [blinks, looks at the road]

B: [watches him] "Dean, it's okay. I understand....You take your job seriously, and I really appreciate that... but there's nothing special about ME...."

D: [glances at her in surprise]

B: "You're so hypervigilant that you see danger and creepy guys around every corner.... But you can relax. No one is paying attention to me. You should take all that paranoid energy and focus it on hunting the real monsters...." [looks away]

D: [gawks at her] "Are you kidding me, right now?"

B: [meets his gaze] "What?"

D: [hold her gaze with a slightly dumbfounded expression] "Seriously? You never noticed all the dudes eye-balling you?" [looks at the road] "How is that possible?"

B: [watches him] (slightly confused) "Dean, no one is–"

D: [looks at her] "All the damn time, woman!" [looks at the road] "I swear, it's like you're... [gestures vaguely] ....catnip to these creeps."

B: [watches him, opens her mouth to speak]

D: [looks at her pointedly] "All. The. Time."

B: [holds his gaze, closes her mouth] (confused, then conflicted, then confused again) "Really?"

D: [glances at the road, then meets her gaze again] (slightly exasperated) "Yeah!"

B: [holds his gaze] (thoughtful) "...huh...." [then shrugs and looks away] "Maybe it's a prophet thing...."

D: ["ehh... I don't think so" expression] "Yeah, that's not it."

B: [looks at him, slightly amused smile] "No?..."

D: [looks at the road] (slightly awkward and uncomfortable) "None of our other prophets had that... but they were all dudes, so...."

B: [nods] "So maybe you just didn't notice cuz of all your macho don't-pay-attention- to-other- guys-unless-they're-an-enemy-or-a-rival crap...." [hesitates] "No offense..."

D: [uncertain expression as he watches the road]

B: [looks away, shrugs again] "But seriously, I've always been invisible...."

D: [looks at her] (surprised denial) "Oh, come on, Beth! You know that's not true."

B: [looks at him with an amused smile] "No offense, Dean, but you didn't know me before all the magic god shit.... I don't know...." [looks away] "...I've never been noteworthy.... Nobody's ever paid attention to me.... I could always just fly under the radar cuz I've never been anything special.... As far as I'm concerned, I'm still not...."

D: [watches her in between looking at the road]

B: "....I guess, in fairness, I never really went anywhere before....Not to bars or clubs or...." [shrugs] ".... and there were a few clients who I felt were maybe a little too interested.... But that's pretty common in therapy.... I mean, we're kind to them and we know them and help them and care about them... so they get attached... and they know next to nothing about us, so we're mysterious and it's easy to idealize us...." [shrugs again] "...but other than that..." [looks at him with a small smile] "...I've always been pretty dull..." [looks away again] "And I'm okay with that.... I wasn't put on this earth to be attractive or desirable.... Or to be chased...."

D: [watches her]

B: "I just want to help people, and..." [looks at him, meets his gaze and smiles, small shrug] "....I'm just me."

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then looks at the road] {lowly} "You're full of shit, is what you are."

B: [watching him] (surprised, then amused)

D: {mumbles} "If you're the Invisible Woman, then I'm Mr. fucking Fantastic...."

B: [watches him with a small amused smile] "Okay, first of all: Did you just make a comic book reference?"

D: [awkward expression as he watches the road]

B: [amused smile] "And second of all: are you implying that you want to stretch and grow... Mr. Fantastic?"

D: [rolls his eyes] "No. And gross."

B: [chuckles with amused affection] "And thirdly: Who are YOU to talk?"

D: [looks at her in slight surprise]

B: [raises her eyebrows at him] "Girls look at you constantly. CONSTANTLY!"

D: (awkward and slightly uncomfortable) [looks at the road]

B: [watches him with an amused smile] "You can't tell me you don't notice, Dean... Mr. hypervigilant.... You see everything.... And I've seen you notice them...."

D: [looks at her in surprise] "No, you haven't!"

B: [amused smile, shakes her head] "It's not a bad thing! And don't think I'm oblivious–"

D: [looks at the road and scoffs] "Yeah!"

B: [rolls her eyes] "My point is..." [looks at him] "You don't need god magic for people to pay attention to you!... And fair's fair.... So if girls can look at you–"

D: [looks at her] "You shut your mouth!"

B: [meets his gaze and raises her eyebrows]

D: [looks at the road] {mumbles} "It's not the same, and you know it."

B: [watches him] "Why? Just because I've never been accused of kidnapping you doesn't mean...." [trails off]

D: [glances at her] "What?"

B: [looks away, hesitates] "All I'm saying is.... It's not a big deal...."

D: [looks at the road, squeezes the steering wheel] {lowly} "It's a big friggin' deal when the asshat looking at you might be a blood-sucking vampire who wants to rip out your throat."

B: [looks at him again] "And why is it a bigger problem that a guy who MIGHT be a vampire looks at me than when a girl we KNOW is a vampire tries aggressively to pick you up, multiple times?"

D: (slightly agitated) [glances at her] {gruffly} "Because I can take care of myself!"

B: [meets his gaze] (surprised, then slightly offended) "Okay, first of all, that's offensive... if not mostly true..."

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile]

B: [holds his gaze] "And second of all: can we at least check the guy's teeth before we chop off his head?"

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then looks at the road] {lowly} "I'll be the one checking his teeth, and you'll be far, far away from him."

B: [rolls her eyes] "Fine, Dean. Do what you have to do... just do it cuz it's the right thing..." [looks away] "....not because of me."

D: [looks at her and watches her for a moment, then looks back at the road] {gruffly} "Fine."

B: [not looking at him] "Fine."

They get to the motel, quiet and avoiding each other's eyes. D gets the weapons bag out of the trunk and brings it into the room while B walks L. D goes to the window and opens the curtain slightly and watches B as she walks around with L in the grass by the motel. B starts walking back to the room and D closes the curtain and goes to the weapon's bag on S's bed, pulls out a leather container holding multiple large syringes containing dead man's blood

B: [opens the motel door and walks into the room, glances at D]

D: [glances at B]

B: [looks quickly away]

D: [looks back at the syringes and takes one out to examine it]

B: [unhooks L's leash, glances at D again, then focuses on the large syringe] "Is that...?"

D: [glances at her]

B: [meets his eyes, then quickly looks away]

D: [slight smile, the looks at the syringe] "Dead man's blood. Ketamine to vampires. We're gonna hunt this son of a bitch down and pump him full of this stuff."

B: [looks at him] {slightly sarcastic} "You're not just gonna behead him, no questions asked?"

D: [meets her gaze] (serious) "Normally I would. But we need to know where the nest is."

B: [holds his gaze] (calm understanding and subtle defiance)

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then looks down at the weapon's bag, puts back the syringe, pulls out a machete and holds it up, looking at it] "After we get what we need, then I Paul Bunyan the blood-sucker." [flips the machete in his hand]

B: [watches him] (slightly suspicious) "You're talking about Ned Lassiter, right?"

D: [glances at her, slight sarcastic smile] "Who else?"

B: [meets his gaze, then rolls her eyes]

L stands from where she was laying by the bathroom door, looks at the motel door, growls low in her chest

D: [looks at L]

B: [looks at L in confused curiosity] "Well, that's new...."

D: [looks at B, then looks at the door, slowly sets the machete on the bed, then pulls his gun out from behind his back]

L: [looking at the door, barks softly]

B: [looks at the door, then at D, then quickly grabs L's collar and shoves her into the bathroom and closes the door]

A knock on the motel room door

D: [gun drawn, hesitates, glances at B]

B: [meets his gaze]

D: [looks back at the door] (serious and focused) [goes to the door, raises his gun in one hand and holds the muzzle to the door at chest height, rests his other hand on the doorknob, then looks through the peephole] {gruffly} "Speak of the devil!"

B: [watches him]

D: [looks at her quickly] "Get the dead man's blood!"

B: [looks quickly at the syringes on the bed, starts to move toward the bed]

The door busts open violently, ripping off the door frame by the knob, knocking D backward and knocking the gun out of his hand and onto the floor

Ned Lassiter steps into the doorway

D: [stumbles backward, then steadies himself and looks at Ned] (serious and focused) {gruffly} "I think you got the wrong room, pal." [reaches for the machete on the bed]

Ned: [looks from D's face to the machete, then back to D and leaps toward D]

D: (serious and focused) [dives for the machete]

Ned: [grabs D before he can get the machete and whirls him around, slamming him into the dresser with great force]

D: [body slams into the dresser and he falls to the floor]

B: [watching in fear, looks at the machete and moves toward it]

Ned: [looks at her, jumps toward her]

B: [grabs the machete and swings it toward Ned]

Ned: [easily dodges with a sneer]

D: [on the floor, dazed, shakes his head, then looks up] (serious and focused) [sees Ned and B, jumps up]

Ned: [grabs B's wrist that is holding the machete, then grabs her hair and yanks her head backward, lowers his face toward her throat]

D: (serious and focused) "Hey!" [rushes over to Ned and lifts a foot and kicks him in the side of the leg powerfully]

Ned: [falls sideways and stumbles]

B: [lurches over with Ned, she falls to the floor as he releases her and drops the machete, which slides under the bed]

D: (serious and focused and angry) [reaches for Ned and grabs his shirt, jerking him back upright and punches him hard in the face]

Ned: [head jerks sidesway at the force of the blow, then he straightens and looks at D, grabs D's hand on his shirt and twists]

D: [body bends as Ned twists his hand]

Ned: [shoves D backward, then lunges on top of him, punching him in the face]

B: [watching, sees D's gun laying on the floor, then looks at the dead man's blood syringes on the bed]

D: [blocks another punch from Ned]

Ned: [grabs D and lifts him up off the floor, then drops him hard on his back on the floor, leans over him]

B: [quickly slides across the floor and grabs the gun]

Ned: [leaning over D, holding him down with a hand on his chest, raises a fist over D's face, smiles, showing his fangs]

D: [looking at Ned's face, raises his hands to protect his face]

B: [points the gun at Ned and shoots him in the back]

Ned: [hesitates, then straightens and slowly turns toward B]

D: [laying on his back on the floor, looks at B, hands still raised to protect his face]

B: [sitting on the floor, gun pointed at Ned, shoots Ned in the chest]

Ned: [jerks backward slightly with the force of the bullet]

B: [jumps up, grabs a syringe, and throws it to D]

D: [catches the syringe]

Ned: [shakes his head, focuses on B]

D: [plunges the needle into Ned's thigh and pushes the plunger]

Ned: [looks down at D and kicks him in the face]

B: [watching] "Dean!" [looks at D and steps toward him]

Ned: [refocuses on B, sneers at her] "You're dead, bitch!"

B: [meets Ned's eyes]

D: [shakes his head slowly, trying to focus]

Ned: [takes a step toward B]

D: {shakily} "No!" [reaches out and grabs Ned's ankle]

Ned: [pauses, looks down at D again, then raises his fist above D's head]

B: {shouts} "Stop!" [jumps forward and shoves Ned backward]

Ned: [stumbles backward, falls against the wall, and sinks to the floor, unconscious]

B: [watches Ned, then looks down at D]

D: [watches Ned, then looks up at B]

B: [meets D's gaze, breathless]

D: [holds B's gaze, breathless, then rolls over onto his back and groans]

B: [drops to her knees next to D and leans over him slightly, raising her hands to touch his chest, then hesitates, searching his face]

D: [laying on his back on the floor, looking at the ceiling, blinks several times and winces] {gruffly} "Son of bitch!"

B: [trembling, watches his face with concern, her hands hovering over his chest] "Are you okay?"

D: [closes his eyes and groans, then opens his eyes and rolls onto his side, toward her] "I've been better."

B: [trembling, drops her hands and scoots back slightly as he rolls toward her, watching him]

D: [blinks and rubs his eyes with the fingers of one hand] "I've been worse..."

B: [trembling, watches him, small relieved smile, exhales audibly]

D: [looks up at her and blinks] "Are you okay?" [raises a hand and lightly touches her shoulder, then quickly moves the hair from the side of her neck and gently touches her throat] "No bite marks?"

B: [trembling, flinches at his touch, small smile at him] "Not this time."

D: [looking at her throat, lightly touches the tiny scar on her throat from the demon's knife]

B: [trembling, flinches]

D: [meets her gaze, lowers his hand] {gruffly} "Let's keep it that way, shall we, Xena?" [moves to sit up, blinks again]

B: [trembling, watches him] (concerned) "Dean, how many head injuries have you had in your life?"

D: [looks at her and blinks again] "What?"

B: [trembling, studies his face, nods] "....Yeah, that's concerning...."

D: [small smirk] "Alright, Florence Nightingale, this is pretty par for the course for a hunter, so don't get your panties in a twist."

B: [trembling, amused smile at him] "You either have a concussion or you're in shock, cuz you're mixing your idioms even more than usual...."

D: [looks at her in surprise] "What did you just call me?"

B: [trembling, chuckles] "I said IDIOMS.... It means a word or phrase that means something other than the actual words imply.... For instance, when you tell Sam to 'can it' or 'keep his eye on the ball.''"

D: [nods, then hesitates] "Sam. We should probably call him and have him haul his ass over here. We gotta find out what we can from this damn vamp so we can take care of the nest and get the hell out of dodge." [starts to stand]

B: [trembling, watches him and stands next to him]

D: [straightens, then sways slightly]

B: [trembling, reaches out and presses her hands on his side and his chest, steadying him] "Whoa, there, cowboy!"

D: [wraps an arm lightly around her shoulders and steadies himself, blinks again, then looks down at her and grins] "You called me cowboy."

B: [trembling, meets his gaze with a smile] (concerned and slightly amused) "Okay, you need to sit down."

D: [smiles down at her, then shakes his head, raises his arm from her shoulders and rubs the back of his neck, looks at unconscious Ned] "I will, but after I truss this fucker up. The last thing we need is him coming-to and trying to eat you again." [lowers his hand and smiles down at her]

B: [trembling, meets his gaze, then rolls her eyes] "Dean–"

D: [grins at her] "Just shut up and help me."

B: [trembling, meets his gaze again, tilts her head slightly] "Okay, I'm going to let that one go because you just got kicked in the head, but that's your only freebie."

D: [holds her gaze, smiling] "Yes, ma'am."

B: [trembling, rolls her eyes with an amused smile, then meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, smile turns slightly more serious, and he glances down at her hands, still on his chest and side]

B: [trembling, looks down at her hands, pressed against his body, swallows hard, steps backward and lowers her hands, then looks up and meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze for a moment, then blinks, small smile] "Besides, there's no time like the present when it comes to learning to truss a fucker up...."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile]

S: [steps into the doorway, holding his gun, tense] (worried and questioning) "Dean? Beth?"

D and B turn and look at S

D: [wry smile] "Just in time, Sammy. We caught one of the bad guys."

S: [looks at Ned's unconscious body against the wall, then looks around the room] "Looks like he almost caught you."

D: [small "probably true" expression] "Yeah, well.... Come help me with this ass-clown."

S: [looks at B and meets her gaze questioningly]

B: [holds S's gaze, small smile and nod]

S: [small nod, steps into the room and closes the door awkwardly behind him as it hangs from two hinges and doesn't seal due to the frame being busted]

S and D drag Ned to a chair and set him in the chair, then S gets duct tape from the weapons bag and they duct tape Ned to the chair securely.

L whines from inside the bathroom and scratches at the door, and B goes to the door and lets her out

L: [walks over to Ned's unconscious body, sniffs him, then looks at him and growls deep in her chest, then barks deeply]

B: [watches L and shakes her head] "You are so weird..."

D: [glances at L then at B questioningly] "Pooch doesn't usually do that?"

B: [watching L, shakes her head] "Never. If she barks at someone it's usually as she's trying to run away from them in terror." [small smile, then tilts her head slightly] "...huh... come to think of it.... She did that with the rugaru, too...."

D: [faces B, looking at her face, gestures to L] (slightly indignant) "Are you telling me that this dog has been able to sense monsters this whole damn time?!"

B: [meets his gaze] (slightly defensive) "I don't know, Dean. Two instances does not indicate a pattern. And we always leave her in the car or in the room."

D: [holds her gaze] "Well, we coulda used her earlier! Kujo here might have helped against the fucking fang, if you hadn't tossed her ass in the damn bathroom!"

B: [holds his gaze] "Oh, and I should leave her out here to be brutalized and who the hell knows what by some monster that she doesn't know anything about? How is that fair?"

D: [holds her gaze] (exasperated) "She's a damn dog! What the hell–"

S: {loudly} "Guys!"

D and B look at S

S: [looks between them] "Maybe you could stop bickering for two seconds and pay attention?" [nods toward Ned]

Ned: [nodding in the chair, raises his face and looks around, blinking]

D: [looks at Ned, clenches his jaw and his fists]

B: [looks at Ned, hesitates, then looks between S and D]

D: [looking at Ned] (serious and focused and angry) {lowly} "Time to guantanamo this son of a bitch." [slowly walks toward Ned and stands in front of him, looking down at him]

S: [stands by the motel room door, arms crossed watching] (serious and focused)

B: [watches D, then looks at Ned]

Ned: [blinks again, looks around, then jerks against his bonds, looks up at D, goes still]

D: [stares down at Ned] (tense and serious and focused and angry)

Ned: [sneers up at D] "Well, looks like you might be a little more than a priest." [glances past him to S] "More than FBI, even? Hunters?" [looks at B, curls his lip] "Or maybe hunter pimps?"

D: [glares down at him, clenches his fists] (serious and angry) {lowly} "Nah, we're not the ones who prey on helpless, innocent girls.... That would be you and your sick buddies."

Ned: [meets D's gaze contemptuously] "Hey, I gotta eat. Why not pick off the easy ones that no one will miss? What's it to you?"

D: [glares down at Ned] "It's people's lives, that's what. Innocent people."

Ned: [scoffs]

D: [glares at him] "Like that woman you slaughtered last night. Clarissa. She would have had a long life ahead of her, if is wasn't for you, douche bag."

Ned: [scoffs again] "Yeah, what a life. Worthless whore got off easy, if you ask me."

D: [steps toward Ned and punches him hard in face]

B: [watching, flinches]

D: [glances at B, straightens, clenches his jaw]

B: [stares at Ned, then looks up and meets D's gaze]

D: [holds her gaze, then nods for her to come over to the motel door]

B: [walks over to the door]

D: [walks over to her, watching her face]

S: [watching them and watching Ned]

B: [meets D's gaze]

D: [stands close to her, holds her gaze] {quietly} "You might not wanna be here for this."

B: [trembles, searches his eyes]

D: [holds her gaze, clenches his jaw] {quietly} "It's gonna get ugly."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (serious and understanding) [nods slightly] {quietly} "I'll leave if I need to."

D: [holds her gaze, hesitates, then] {quietly} "Beth."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] "Dean...." [swallows hard] "...I felt him kill Clarissa... I need to see this through."

D: [searches her eyes, hesitates] (flash of serious and uncertainty and very subtle vulnerability) {quietly} "You won't like what you see..."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (serious and understanding) {quietly} "Don't hold back because of me."

D: [searches her eyes] {quietly} "You sure?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, nods]

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then looks up at S]

S: [meets D's eyes]

D: [holds S's gaze, nods] (serious and focused and very subtly worried)

S: [holds D's gaze] (serious and focused) [glances at B, then meets D's gaze again, nods]

D: [clenches his jaw, turns to Ned] "Alright, Ned... It is Ned, isn't it? Ned the cowardly vampire... who drinks helpless women...."

Ned: [watches D with a look of disdain]

D: [walks over to Ned, watching his face] "I tell you what, Ned... you tell me what I want to know, and I'll kill you quick... a mercy that you failed to offer the women you butchered...."

Ned: [watches D, sneers] "I ain't telling you a goddamn thing."

D: [leans over and looks in Ned's face] "Oh, you're gonna tell me. I guarantee it. It's just a matter of time. See, this isn't my first rodeo, and I've cracked way tougher bastards than you." [straightens, looking down at Ned] "You're a loser, Ned. And a dumbass. Leaving a trail like that. Dead bodies that you thought no one would notice. But we noticed. And now it's time you faced someone your own size."

Ned: [looks away, meets B's eyes, curls his lips]

D: [watching Ned] (serious and focused and angry) "Where's the nest, Ned?"

Ned: [looks up at D with a sneer] "Why should I tell you?"

D: [holds out his hands] "Why not? None of your buddies are here to save you. What have you got to lose?"

Ned: "What have I got to gain, asshole?"

D: ["well..." expression, then leans over and punches Ned hard in the diaphragm, then grabs his hair and jerks his head backward, looking into his face] "How about avoiding being pummeled to death, for one?"

Ned: [groans] {breathlessly} "Go to hell. I ain't telling you nothing."

D: [glares at Ned, then releases his hair, punches him in the face again] {forcefully} "You sure about that?"

B: [watches stoically]

S: [watches, glancing at B periodically]

Ned: [spits blood onto the floor, then glares at D] "You're getting nothing from me, dick-head."

D: [straightens, looking down at Ned] "You think you're tough, huh, Ned? Well, I don't think you're as tough as you think you are. Especially without somebody else covering your tracks for you, watching your back." [walks over to the machete and picks it up off the floor from under the bed, looks at it]

Ned: [watches D]

D: [looking at the machete, walks back over to Ned] "You might as well spill your guts, pal. Or I'll spill 'em for ya."

Ned: [sneers at D] "You don't scare me."

D: [looks down at Ned] "And why is that? Because you're expecting your cop buddy to come running in here any second and rescue your ass?"

Ned: (confused) "What?"

D: [lowers the machete and slices Ned's arm]

Ned: [screams]

B: [flinches slightly]

D: [watches Ned] "Tell me about Deputy Dick-face."

Ned: [breathing heavily, looks from the slice on his arm up to D's face] "Who?"

D: [moves the machete to Ned's opposite shoulder and slices]

Ned: [screams]

D: [watches Ned's face] {forcefully} "Deputy Damill!"

Ned: {painfully} "I don't know what you're talking about!"

D: [leans over Ned] "Oh, yeah? And who would? Curtis?"

Ned: [looks at D in surprise] "How do you know that?"

D: [sarcastic smile] "I've got my sources. Just tell me where to find Curtis and I'll leave you alone."

Ned: [sneers] "Yeah, right. The second you get what you want from me, my head's coming off."

D: [nods] {angrily} "Oh, your head's coming off, either way, my friend. It's just a matter of now or later."

Ned: [sneers] "I choose later."

D: {angrily} "You sure about that?" [slices Ned's chest with the machete]

Ned: [screams]

D: {loudly} "Tell me where the nest is!"

Ned: {yells} "Kiss my ass!"

D: [punches Ned hard in the diaphragm]

Ned: [folds slightly at the force of D's blow] {breathlessly} "You're gonna die, you hunter scum!"

D: [sarcastic smile] "Oh, yeah? And who's gonna do that? You? Curtis? Your deputy for hire?"

Ned: {breathlessly} "I told you, I don't know anything about any damn cop!"

D: [leans over him again] {loudly} "Don't lie to me!"

Ned: {loudly} "I'm not lying!"

D: [punches him in the face]

S: [steps forward] "Dean."

D: [raises his fist over Ned's face again]

S: "Dean!"

D: [hesitates, looks at S]

S: [nods for D to come over to him]

D: [clenches his jaw, lowers his fist, and looks down at Ned] "Don't get too comfortable, douchebag." [sets the machete on the bed and walks over to S]

B: [watches S and D, listening]

S: [looks at D] "I think he's telling the truth."

D: [looks at S in surprise] "What?"

S: [meets D's gaze] "About Damill. I did some checking on him. He's been on the force for almost fifteen years, only taken one two week vacation about five years ago. Been faithful at attending work and no misconduct or incidences on his record. He's lived in the same house for five years and all his neighbors say he's polite and consistent. Plus he was out today in the sunlight with no signs of discomfort. Does that sound like a vampire to you?"

D: ["what the hell?" expression] "So?"

S: (impatient) "So, I don't think he's our guy."

D: (impatient and frustrated) "Maybe he's not a vamp, but that doesn't mean he's not working with them. Covering for them. How else do you explain the fact that an entire nest has been feeding in this little town with no one noticing until now?"

B: [steps toward them] "Actually, the transient population could account for some of the missing persons not being reported–"

D: [gestures toward her] {gruffly} "Can it, Doctor Phil!"

B: [looks at him] (surprise, then slight anger)

D: [focused on S] "Something is off about that guy, and you know it, Sam! He's Jack-The-Ripper with a badge."

S: [rolls his eyes] "Just because he's a dick doesn't mean he's in league with the nest, Dean! And besides, he's a human! We don't hurt people!"

D: [focused on S] "He's hiding something, I can tell. And I'm not gonna let this go until I find out what it is."

S: (frustrated) "Dean, you're like a dog with a bone. You gotta let this one go."

B: [watches them] (angry, then frustrated) [looks at Ned, watches him while S and D talk] (seething anger, then frustration, confliction, then thoughtful, then confliction, then calm acceptance)

D: [shakes his head] "I can't just drive away knowing that an asshole like that is wandering around–"

S: "He's just a guy, Dean!"

B: [walks to the dresser and gets plastic cup, then goes to the bathroom sink and fills the cup with water from the faucet]

D: "He's a bad guy, Sam! We stop bad guys!"

S: "We stop monsters, Dean! Bad humans are not our business!"

B: [brings the cup of water out of the bathroom and carries it slowly over to Ned]

Ned: [watches her]

D: "I don't know why you guys are so hell bent on blocking my play against this douche bag."

S: "Maybe because you're acting obsessed over something that we don't know is true!"

B: [stops and stands in front of Ned, looking down at him]

D: [hesitates, looks at her]

Ned: [meets her gaze]

B: [hold Ned's gaze, small smile] "I thought you might be thirsty...."

D: [watching her] (confused and angry) "What the–"

B: [starts to reach out to Ned with the cup of water, then pauses and tilts her head to the side] "Do vampires drink water?"

Ned: [lunges at her, lurching against his bonds violently]

D: [jumps toward her] "Okay!" [grabs her shoulder and jerks her backward, focused on Ned's face, steps between B and Ned]

B: [trembles and stumbles backward, into S]

S: [catches her and steadies her]

D: [quickly leans over Ned and punches him hard in the face] "Don't!--" [punches him again] "--look at her!" [grabs his shirt and leans over him] (angry and intimidating) {forceful} "You will never hurt anybody, ever again, you empty-headed, black-souled freak!" [holds his shirt with one hand and punches his face hard with the other, then punches his face again]

B: [standing in front of S, watches]

S: [his hands on B's shoulders, watches]

D: [looks angrily at Ned's bloodied, beaten face, then slowly straightens and shoves him backward slightly with the hand that was gripping his shirt, then turns and looks at B]

B: [meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze] (angry and frustrated and subtly confused) [steps toward her and grabs her upper arm, holding her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze, flinches at his touch, then trembles]

D: [holds her gaze] {low and gruff} "Can I talk to you?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze]

D: [pulls her away from S and over to the dresser, then stops and turns her toward him, looks at her face intensely] (angry and focused and confused and frustrated) {quiet and forceful} "What the hell are you doing?"

B: [trembling, jerks her arm away from his grasp, meets his gaze] (slightly angry and frustrated and bold and defiant) "What? I can't offer him a drink of water?"

D: [holds her gaze] (angry and exasperated and dumbfounded) "A drink of– No!"

B: [trembling, narrows her eyes, opens her mouth to speak]

D: [holds her gaze, reaches out and grabs her upper arm again] "That monster wants to drink YOU, dummy! What are you, suicidally nice or something?"

B: [trembling, jerks her arm away from his grasp again] (slightly angry and frustrated) "Stop doing that!.... I'm not suicidal, Dean. I'm just trying to be kind."

D: [holds her gaze] (aghast) "To him?!" [gestures to Ned]

S and Ned watch them

B: [trembling, holds D's gaze, tilts her head slightly] "Well, you didn't want me to be part of the conversation, so I thought I'd try to be helpful some other way...."

D: [holds her gaze] (frustrated and confused and irritated) "Helpful–" (flash of angry realization) [steps close to her and leans over her, holding her gaze, gestures to Ned] "Is this your way of getting revenge for me telling you to shut up?"

B: [leans away slightly, trembling, holds his gaze] (frustrated denial and subtle defiance) [narrows her eyes] "You think I'm being passive aggressive because I can't handle being told to be quiet?... [pointed look] ...even though the way you said it was incredibly rude and control–"

D: (exasperated and frustrated and aghast) [whirls away from her and puts his hands on the back of his head] "God, you are such a pain in the ass!"

Ned: [sadistic smile at them] "Trouble in paradise?"

D: [looks at Ned and points to him] "You, shut up."

Ned: [sneers] "I thought you wanted me to talk."

D: [walks over to Ned and looks down at him] "Yeah, about the nest. Where is it?"

Ned: [looks up at D with disdain] "You want me to betray my home? My family? You're cracked, dude."

D: [reaches over and grabs the machete off the bed] "You want to see cracked?"

Ned: [holds D's gaze defiantly] "Go ahead."

D: [hesitates] "Don't tempt me, freak."

Ned: {loudly} "Just do it, you bastard!"

D: [clenches his jaw, raises the machete] "You got it."

B: [watching] "Wait."

D: [hesitates, looks at her]

B: [meets his gaze] "Let me talk to him."

D: (surprised and questioning) [lowes the machete and turns to her] {gruffly} "Why?"

B: [holds his gaze, pauses, then small smile and shrugs] "It's what I do."

D: [holds her gaze] (slightly frustrated and conflicted) "It's what you–" [shakes his head]

B: [holds his gaze] (calm)

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment, then] {lowly} "You can't save this one."

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "I can't save anyone.... I just want to talk.... Please."

D: [searches her eyes, then looks at S]

S: [meets D's gaze and holds it for a moment, then shrugs]

D: [meets B's gaze again, clenches his jaw, steps aside and gestures for her to go ahead]

B: [holds his gaze, nods, looks at Ned and smiles] "Okay, Ned. It's Ned, isn't it?" [pulls a chair from the table and sets it down a few feet away from him, then sits, facing him]

D: [watches her] (Unreadable)

Ned: [sneers at B] "You ain't gonna get me to talk. I'll never tell you where my nest is, bitch."

D: [grips the handle of the machete tightly]

B: [smiles at Ned] "I know. I'm not really interested in that. That's more their thing." [nods toward S and D]

S and D glance at each other, then look back at B and Ned

B: [smiling at Ned] "I'm more interested in that fascinating mind of yours."

All are surprised

B: [smiling and looking into Ned's eyes] "I'm new to this whole.... [gestures vaguely] .... situation, and I would love to pick your brain about your life and experiences. If that's okay with you?"

Ned: [eyes her suspiciously]

B: [shrugs] "What have you got to lose? Your other option is...." [glances at the machete in D's hand]

Ned: [glances at the machete, then looks back at B derisively] "Fine. But I aint' telling you nothing about my nest."

B: [shrugs] "That's fine. I'm more interested in you." [smiles at him] "So, first of all, I guess I should tell you that some of my questions might sound a little dumb. I'm new to all of this and don't really get it. But you seem like someone I could learn a lot from. So, for starters, I guess.... Has your name always been Ned?"

Ned: (surprised and mocking) "Yeah. Duh."

B: [smiles and shrugs] "Sorry, like I said, I'm kind of ignorant about all this. But super curious. So, Ned.... do you know why your parents chose that name for you?"

Ned: (surprised again, then confused and uncertain) "uh...I don't know."

B: [smiles and nods] "I'm named after a family member. I never really was too attached to that. Who cares about family, right? At least, that's how I feel."

S and D watch her

Ned: [scoffs] "You're right about that. My old man used to beat the shit out of me every damn day."

B: [looks at him with compassion] "That's horrible! That really sucks. I'm sorry that happened to you, Ned."

Ned: [watches her, seems to soften slightly]

B: "It's no wonder you are so attached to your new family. They probably take better care of you than that."

Ned: [scoffs again] "Yeah, right." [straightens in the chair and looks at her suspiciously] "But I ain't gonna talk about them."

B: [nods] "Right. I don't care about them. Only about your experience."

Ned: [softens slightly]

B: [watches him] "So, did you grow up around here?"

Ned: [shrugs] "A couple towns over."

B: [nods] "And is that where you went to school?"

Ned: (slightly uncomfortable) "Yeah."

B: [small smile] "Not a fan of school? [shakes her head] Me neither." [leans toward him slightly with a smile] "I just did it for the money."

S and D glance at each other, then look back at B

B: [leans back in her chair again] "School sucked ass, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. I imagine you understand that feeling."

Ned: [hesitates, then nods]

B: [smiles at him] "So, after school, what did you do?"

Ned: [shrugs] "Just bounced around. Odd things here and there."

B: [nods] "Surviving. Because you're a survivor. You're strong."

Ned: [sits a little straighter in his chair]

B: [smiles at him] "Sounds kind of freeing, just going wherever you want."

Ned: [shrugs] "You'd think. But it actually kinda sucked."

B: [watches him] {gently} "Is that when Curtis found you?"

Ned: (uncomfortable) "I don't want to talk about him."

B: [nods] "Me neither. I'm only interested in how he has affected you. You're the important piece, for me."

Ned: (slightly please) [nods]

B: [smiles, leans toward him slightly] "What was it like, the change?"

S and D watch her, surprised and interested

Ned: [looks at her] (slightly surprised)

B: [shrugs] "I mean, I've been human.... Forever... I imagine an experience like that would be very fascinating. Life changing."

Ned: [hesitates, then nods] "You could say that."

B: [smiles sympathetically] "Was it painful?"

Ned: [swallows hard, nods]

B: [compassionate expression] "I'm sorry you had to go through that." [hesitates] "This may sound a little weird, call it a strange curiosity... maybe even a fetish..."

S and D look at her, surprised

Ned: (slightly curious)

B: [smiles shyly at Ned] "What did his blood taste like?"

S and D look at each other, surprised, then watch her again

Ned: [hesitates, then] {breathlessly} "Amazing."

B: [smiles and nods]

Ned: "At first it was awful. Kinda metallic and gross. But then... then it was all I wanted. So sweet. Like a drug."

B: [nods] (fascinated) "Sounds intoxicating."

Ned: [nods] "Yeah. Better than any drug I ever tried before."

B: [nods] "And it satisfied you."

Ned: [hesitates] "At first."

B: [nods in understanding] "Then you needed more."

Ned: [nods, focused on her] "And more."

B: [nods] "Your needs are so important, Ned. And you're a smart guy, so I imagine you figured out a great way to meet those needs."

Ned: [nods] "I did. I started out just eating whatever Curtis brought back to the nest. But that wasn't enough. I got so hungry...."

B: [nods] "And I bet you couldn't just order delivery, could you? Eat the pizza guy?" [small smile]

Ned: [scoffs] "Yeah, right. Out there in the boonies, nobody comes out there."

S and D glance at each other

Ned: "Not that Curtis would let me, even if I could. He's always so [sneers] careful. Pussy."

B: [shakes her head] "He doesn't care about your needs."

Ned: [nods] "Damn straight."

B: [watches him] "So you figured out another way."

Ned: [nods] "A perfect way. I figured at the mission, there's tons of piles of wasted human flesh that nobody would miss."

B: [small smile, nods] "Genius."

S and D watch her

Ned: [looking at her, leans toward her slightly] "Exactly! And it was working perfect, too! Until one night, I got super hungry cuz Curtis wouldn't let us hunt. So I did a little... binge eating.... Ended up drinking three chicks, then got lazy and sloppy and put them all in the same place."

B: (sympathetic) "And that's when Curtis found out?"

Ned: [nods] (irritated) "The damn cops started asking around. And Curtis got paranoid. Shut me down."

B: (sympathetic) "Sounds like Curtis is kind of a controlling asshole."

D: [slight smile of amusement]

Ned: [nods] "You have no idea."

B: "Just because he turned you, doesn't mean he has the right to control you."

Ned: [nods, sitting up straighter under his restraints]

B: {boldly} "You are smart, and strong, and capable. Who does he think he is?"

Ned: "I don't know. The Alpha."

B: [scoffs] "Like he's all that. Just cuz he's been around for way longer–"

Ned: [scoffs] "He hasn't! That's just it. He was only turned about twenty years ago."

S and D glance at each other, then watch B

B: [raises her eyebrows] "So he's only a little older than you! And he thinks he can treat you like that? What the hell?"

Ned: [nods] "Exactly! Just cuz this is his turf, or whatever. And he's such a pussy. Always sneaking around at night, in the shadows, scared of being seen. At the nest he's all high and mighty like he's a fucking god, but in town, he's a scared little pussy."

B: [tilts her head] "Why is that?"

Ned: [shrugs] "He's scared somebody will recognize him."

S and D, glance at each other again, then watch B

B: [nods] "Sounds like he's not fit to lead. Why don't you just take over for him?"

Ned: [scoffs] "Yeah, right."

B: [gestures toward him] "Why not? You're twice as strong and smart as he is. You would be a great leader."

Ned: [nods] "Yeah, but where would we go? We can't stay at Curtis's place. The neighbors would get suspicious if they don't see him anymore." [sneers] "He's always out in the garden.... Like he's still a fucking human. We don't even eat plants! But all cares about are his stupid flowers. That's more important to him than we are."

B: [shakes her head] "Asshole."

Ned: [nods] "Damn right. If I could, I would take him out back, to that damn big tree that he loves so much, and lob off his head, right where his folks are buried, so they could watch. Little bitch."

B: [nods] "Shame him in front of his folks. So brilliant." [smiles at him] "Then what would you do?"

Ned: [shrugs] "Burn the place down. The house, the barn, the stupid tree house that he always stares at like he fucking misses it."

S and D glance at each other again, then watch B

B: [nods] "Burn it to the ground, start fresh. Smart."

Ned: [nods] "Yeah, I'd find us a better place. Closer to town. Somewhere where we could just stop at the mall and grab a teenager for dinner. No thirty minute drive with a squabbling human in the backseat begging for their life. Someplace simpler. With fewer nosy neighbors."

B: [watches him] "The neighbors are a problem, huh?"

Ned: [nods] "Hell, yeah. That old bitch next door, always watching us. She'll narc on us eventually, but Curtis won't let us touch her. Apparently she was nice to him when he was a kid."

B: [shakes her head] "Sentimentality. Such a weakness. What about the other neighbors?"

Ned: [shrugs] "They're not so bad. The only problem is the teenage girl next door... she smells so good... every night I have to fight the urge.... The craving...."

B: [watches him] "But Curtis won't allow it?"

Ned: [nods in frustration] "Damn wimp says that it will bring too much heat down, with that being the sheriff's grandkid." [hesitates, then opens his eyes wide, looking at her]

B: [looks up at D]

D: [meets her eyes, nods]

B: [nods] "Is that enough?"

D: [nods again] "More than."

B: [nods again, turns to Ned] "Ned, thanks so much for the talk. It's been very educational. Happy hunting in purgatory." [stands and moves to stand by the door]

D: [watches her]

Ned: (panicking) "No. Wait! We were talking! I know more! I can tell you everything!"

D: [looks at Ned] "What else do you know, Ned?"

Ned: [stares at D, swallows hard] "The address?"

D: [raises his eyebrows] "Of the nest?"

Ned: [nods] "If I tell you, you'll let me go?"

D: [looks at his machete, flips it in his hand, then looks at Ned] "Why would I do that? We can find the place easily enough."

Ned: [stares at D] "I...uh..."

D: [raises his eyebrows at Ned] {gruffly} "You got anything else? Like, maybe, how many vamps are in the nest? What times are they most vulnerable? How well armed are they?"

Ned: [watches D] (fear) "Then you'll let me go?"

D: [hesitates]

B: [watches D]

D: {lowly} "No. But I'll make it quick."

B: [swallows hard, looks back at Ned]

Ned: [looks at D for a moment then nods] "It's the old farm on county road 214. There's seven of us, including Curtis. Not many guns, but they're all mean sons of bitches."

D: [holds his gaze] "And Damill?"

Ned: [shakes his head] "I don't know anything about that guy."

D: [holds Ned's gaze for a moment, then nods]

Ned: [looks at B]

B: [meets Ned's eyes, nods] "Thank you, Ned."

Ned: [holds her gaze, then sneers] "Whatever, you lying slut."

D: [raises the machete and brings it down hard across Ned's neck]

B: [gasps and looks away]

Ned: [head rolls onto the floor]


S and D look down at Ned's head

D: [looks at B]

B: [standing by the door, face turned away, eyes closed]

D: [watches her] (Flash of pain and guilt and vulnerability)

S: [looks at D, then at B]

B: [deep breath, opens her eyes, looks at D and meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [holds his gaze, then looks at Ned's headless body and all the blood, then at his head on the floor]

D: [watches her]

B: [stares at Ned's head, swallows hard]

S and D watch her

B: [another deep breath, meets D's gaze] "What next?"

D: (flash of surprise, then Unreadable) "Now we take out the nest."

S: [watching B] {gently} "We couldn't have done that without you."

B: [looks at S and meets his eyes]

D: [watching her] {gruffly} "Yeah. You played him like a fiddle."

B: [looks back at D and meets his eyes]

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [holds his gaze] (subtle sad and vulnerable, then flash of subtle calm and very subtle searching and bold) "Is that what I did?"

D: [holds her gaze for a moment] {gruffly} "You're damn good at it."

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of pain and vulnerability, then calm) "And how do you feel about that, Dean?"

D: (flash of surprise, then subtle uncertainty and confliction, then unreadable) [holds her gaze, shakes his head] {gruffly} "It's not about how I feel. I don't need therapy to understand what happened here."

B: [holds his gaze, nods slowly] "And what happened here?"

S: [watches them]

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment] {gruffly} "You had a goal."

B: [holds his gaze for a moment, then slowly nods] (calm and subtly searching) "And sometimes we do whatever we have to do to reach our goal...."

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [holds his gaze] (calm and slightly vulnerable and sad and subtle grief) {quietly} "I'm sorry if that makes you trust me less, Dean."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of surprise, then confusion, then confliction, then hesitates) {lowly} "I didn't say that."

B: [holds his gaze] (searching and vulnerable and subtly hurting)

D: [holds her gaze] (searching and subtly confused and conflicted)

B: [deep breath and looks down at Ned's head on the floor, then glances quickly and S and then quickly at D, then away] {quietly} "I just need a minute..." [walks to the bathroom and goes inside, closes the door behind her]

D: [closes his eyes]


D: [raises a hand and rubs his fingers over his eyes]

S: [watches D] (empathetic and slightly concerned) {gently} "Dean...."

D: [lowers his hand and looks at S] (Unreadable) {gruffly} "Let's get this mess cleaned up so we can deal with the nest."

S: [hesitates, then nods]

S and D pull the sheets off the beds and wrap the body and the head in the sheets]

B: [opens the door to the bathroom and steps out, her face wet]

S and D pause and look at her

B: [looks at them, then at the body wrapped in the sheets]

S and D watch her

B: [looks up at them with a small smile] "How can I help?"

D: [watching her] {lowly} "You've done enough."

B: [meets his eyes] (flash of pain and guilt and vulnerability and sadness)

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of pain and guilt) {lowly} "That's not what I meant–"

B: [looks away quickly, then meets his eyes again, nods, small smile] "I know...."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze for a moment, then looks away]

D: [looks at the body] {gruffly} "Sam and I will handle this, then go handle the nest." [looks at S]

S: [meets D's gaze, nods]

D: [nods, then looks at B] {lowly} "It's too dangerous. You–"

B: [meets his gaze with a small smile] "I'll stay here and hold down the fort."

D: [holds her gaze, nods]

B: [smiles, nods, looks away]

D: [watches her for a moment, then looks at S]

S and D load the body and the head into the impala as discreetly as possible then go back into the motel room

B: [sitting on the now bare bed, petting L, looks at them as they enter]

S: [steps into the room and looks at her with slight concern]

D: [stands in the doorway, looking at her] (Unreadable)

B: [looks between them, small smile] "Be safe."

S: [looking at her in concern] "Are you okay?"

B: [meets his eyes and smiles] "Of course."

S: [searches her eyes, opens his mouth to say something, then closes his mouth and nods]

B: [holds S's gaze] {quietly} "Just come back."

S: [holds her gaze, nods]

B: [looks at D and meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze, nods]

S and D leave


In the impala

D: [drives stoically]

S: [glances at D] (slightly concerned) "You okay?"

D: [stares at the road, then glances at S] "Yeah. You?"

S: [watches D] (uncertain) "Yeah... I just..."

D: [glances at S again] "What?"

S: [watches D] "Do you wanna talk about what just happened?"

D: [stares at the road] "What's to talk about? We needed info, we got it, then we killed a vampire. It's kinda what we do."

S: (uncertain) "Yeah, but–"

D: "And now we're gonna go kill a nest full of blood-suckers so that we can blow this pop-cycle stand. Am I missing anything?"

S: [watches him] "Uh, yeah, Dean, a lot, actually."

D: [stares at the road] "Like what?"

S: ["are you kidding me?" expression] "Like, how you went full-out on that vamp. Or killing him in front of Beth like that."

D: [stares at the road] "She's seen us kill monsters before. Hell, she's killed monsters before."

S: [nods] "Yeah, but not like that. Not cold. Not torture, Dean. You've got to know that's gonna mess with her."

D: [stares at the road and squeezes the steering wheel] "I told her to walk away."

S: [nods, watches him, then looks out the window] "I'm kinda glad she didn't. We wouldn't have any idea where the nest is if she had. I've never seen anybody play good-cop quite that way, before."

D: [small smile] "Yeah, she was pretty brilliant, wasn't she?"

S: [looks at D] (slightly searching) "Dean, why don't you–"

D: [staring at the road] "Do you think Loser Ned was telling the truth about our good friend the deputy?"

S: [hesitates, then nods] "....I do. Why would he lie? He told us everything else."

D: [stares at the road] "Well, we have to make sure. When we take out the nest, I want to talk to the head vamp. Curtis is mine."

S: [watches D for a moment, then looks out the window again] "...yeah...."


S and D go to the location of the nest, get their machetes, and go into the nest. Lots of violence and danger and action, and they kill all the vampires. D finds Curtis and beats the hell out of him and asks him about Deputy Damill, and Curtis says he doesn't know Damill. D kills Curtis. S kills Attractive Waitress

S and D, back at the impala, get Ned's body out of the car and dump it with the others in the nest, then start to drive back toward town

D: [driving, wipes blood from his face]

S: [gingerly touches a cut on his cheek from where a vamp punched him, glances at D] "What did you find out from Curtis?"

D: [glances at S] "He basically dittoed Ned's story. Damill is clean, according to our fanged friends."

S: [looks at D] "Do you believe them?"

D: [stares at the road] "I don't know, Sammy. There's something wrong with that guy. If he's not a vamp, or a rent-a-pig for them, then what?"

S: [watches D] "Maybe Curtis lied? Or it's possible the dude's just a dick. Beth is good at reading people. What does she have to say about it?"

D: [rolls his eyes] "Oh, she's gotta be all sweet and defend the douchebag. But she didn't see the way he looks at her... [impatient expression] Of course she says she doesn't think anybody looks at her...."

S: (surprised) "Seriously?"

D: [glances at S] "Thank you! Yes! The little dumb-ass can see into the souls of everybody around her, but she's Hellen Keller when it comes to how other people see her." (subtle frustration)

S: [watches D] (thoughtful and understanding) "Yeah. You're right. It's weird."

D: [glances at S] "Shut up." [glances in the rearview mirror]

S: [knowing smile] "So what are we gonna do about Damill?"

D: [looking in the rearview mirror] "Whatever we do, we better decide quick. He's on our ass."

S: [looks over his shoulder out the back window, sees a police car following them]

The police car flicks on its lights and sirens

S and D look at each other

D: [frustrated expression as he pulls the impala over to the side of the road]

S: [watching D]

D: [glances at S, touches the machete in the sheath on his hip, nods]

S: [nods, touching his own machete on his own hip]

They both get out of the car and turn toward Damill

S: "What seems to be the problem, Deputy?"

Damill: [getting out of his police car, looks at S and D, quickly draws his gun and holds it on them] "Freeze!"

S and D hesitate, raising their hands in the air

S: [watching Damill] "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's going on?"

D: [watching Damill] (serious and focused)

Damill: [holding his gun on them with one hand, raises the other hand to his radio and presses the speaker button] "Dispatch, this is Deputy Damill. I need backup to my location, pronto."

D: [watching Damill, hands raised] "What's the fuss, Damill? We're all on the same side, remember?"

Damill: [focuses on D] "The fuss is that you two have been flashing fake badges, poking around town, and now here you are, covered in blood."

S and D, hands still raised, glance at each other, then look back at Damill

Damill: [meets D's eyes] "Where's Beth?"

D: (surprised and confused) "I'm sorry, what?"

Damill: [gestures with his gun] "Ms. Smyth. Where is she? Is that her blood?"

S and D look at each other, confused, then back at Damill

D: [meets Damill's eyes] "What the hell are you talking about?"

Damill: [steps toward D, gun pointed at him] "We know that you're not who you say you are. And she's not who you said she is. Where is she? And whose blood is that?" [gestures with his gun toward D's clothes]

D: [glances down at his clothes, then glances at S]

S: [looks at D with a shrug and a "what the hell...?" expression]

D: [looks back at Damill seriously] "Beth is back at the motel. And this is vampire blood." [watches Damill closely]

Damill: (surprised and confused, then really confused, then befuddled) "What?"

S: [watches Damill closely]

D: [watches Damill closely] "You're right, Deputy, we're not who we said we are. My name is Dean Winchester, and this is my brother, Sam. We're not FBI. We hunt monsters."

Damill: (surprised and suspicious) "Monsters?"

S: [watching Damill] "Yeah."

Damill: [looks at S]

S: "Real life monsters. Like vampires. That's what's been killing the people in your town. That's what killed those women. We're here because that's what we do."

Damill: [looks between S and D] "You're telling me... you boys hunt... monsters... vampires...?"

S and D look at each other, then back at Damill

D: [takes a step toward Damill] "That's right."

Damill: [steadies his gun on D]

D: [raises his hands higher] (serious and focused) "We're the real deal."

Damill: [meets D's gaze, hesitates, then] "You're crazy."

S and D glance at each other, then look back at Damill

Damill: [gun trained on D] "You're telling me that you boys rolled into town to kill vampires, and that's the blood that's all over you? Vampire blood?"

S: [takes a step toward Damill] "That's right, Deputy."

Damill: [focuses on S and turns his gun on S] "And what's to stop me from thinking that you didn't just kill Beth the same way those other women were killed and buried her body somewhere out here like the others?"

D: [watching Damill] (surprised and confused) "What?"

Damill: [looks at D and turns his gun on D] "We know she was taken from her home, probably by you. And I saw you with her, jackass. Last night, and this morning. She's terrified of you. What did you do to her?"

D: (very confused) [steps toward Damill] "You've got this all wrong, Deputy–"

Damill: [hold the gun more steadily on D]

D: [pauses, hands raised]

S: [watching Damill] "We would never hurt any human, especially Beth." [takes a step toward Damill]

Damill: [focuses on S and turns the gun on S]

D: [lunges toward Damill and grabs the gun, twisting it out of his hand, then punches Damill in the face]

Damill: [falls to the ground]

D: [kneels over Damill and points the gun at his face] (serious and focused and slightly angry) {gruffly} "Show me your teeth!"

Damill: [looks up at D] (stunned and afraid and confused) "What?"

S: [stands over them, looking down at them]

D: [leaning over Damill, gun pointed at his face] {forcefully} "Let me see your teeth!"

Damill: (afraid and confused) [slowly raises his shaking hands and pulls his lips away from his teeth, showing D his teeth]

D: [looks at Damill's teeth, holding the gun with one hand, reaches with the other hand and pressed on Damill's gums, then pulls his hand back and looks up at S, shakes his head]

S: (serious and focused) [nods]

D: [looks back down at Damill] (serious and focused) "And you don't know anything about the vampires? About the nest? About Ned or Curtis or the chick from the diner?"

Damill: [laying on his back on the ground, looking up at D and S] (genuinely confused and afraid) "What the – you guys are nuts! What are you even talking about?"

S: [glances up as the sound of an approaching car comes around the corner] "Dean!"

D: [looks up as another police car comes racing up and screeches to a stop near them] "Son of a bitch!"

Damill: [grabs the gun and twists it out of D's hand, points it at D] "Back up, wacko!"

D: [looks at Damill in surprise, raises his hands, and scoots back]

Abramson and Partridge jump out of the other car, guns pointed at S and D: "Freeze!"

S: [looks at them and raises his hands]

Damill: [looking at D and pointing the gun at him, sits up and then quickly stands, gestures with the gun for D to stand]

D: [holding Damill's gaze, slowly stands, hands raised]

Abramson: [looks at Damill] "Good work, Deputy. Where's the girl?"

Damill: [holds D's gaze] "They say she's back at the motel."

Abramson: [looks at S and D] "That's a lot of blood."

Damill: [holding D's gaze] "Yeah. They think it's vampire blood."

Abramson: [visibly surprised] "Vampire? Well, that's one I haven't heard before..... Partridge and I will take these loons back to the station. Why don't you drive their car back to the motel and see if the girl's really there. Hopefully that parts true, at least."

S and D look at each other

Damill: [sneers at D] "Happy to, boss."

D: [holds Damill's gaze and clenches his jaw]

Abramson holds his gun on S and D while Damill and Partridge search them and remove their weapons and put handcuffs on them

Damill: [pulls D's keys out of his pocket and jingles them, smiling at D in disdainful pleasure] "Don't worry, pal, I won't scratch her up, too much."

D: [holds Damill's gaze] (seething anger)

Damill: [holds D's gaze] "And I'll take good care of Beth, too."

D: [holds Damill's gaze] (furious) {forcefully} "If you fucking touch her–"

Damill: [holds D's gaze] "It's not me she has to worry about, asshole. Now get in the car." [gestures to the back of Abramson's police car]

S and D look at each other, then allow Damill and Partridge to roughly put them in the back of the police car

Sitting in the backseats of the car, S and D look at each other

S: [meets D's eyes, slight "okay, then..." expression] "This makes nine."

D: [rolls his eyes and looks out the window] {mumbles} "Eight and a half."


At the motel

B: [kneeling on the floor, scrubbing blood from the carpet, hears the impala drive up, looks at the door, then gets up and goes to the window, sees Damill getting out of the driver's side of the impala] "What the hell?" [looks down at L] "I think your daddies are in trouble, baby girl..."

Damill: [starts to walk up to the motel room door]

B: [glances at the giant blood stain on the floor, then quickly looks out the window at Damill, then quickly goes to the door and steps outside, smiling at Damill] "Hello, Deputy. This is a surprise." [glances at the impala] "What can I do for you?"

Damill: [walks up to her and stands in front of her, smiling down at her] "Ms. Smyth, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to come with me to the station."

B: [looks up at him] "May I ask what's going on?"

Damill: [stands too close to her, looking at her] "We've got your boys in custody. They're telling some wild tales, and we need to get your side of things. The Sheriff sent me to fetch you."

B: [looking up at him, nods] (thoughtful) "Okay...." [hesitates] "I, uh... need to bring my dog... she can't be left alone in the room for too long or she gets nervous.... Makes messes... is that okay?"

Damill: [smiles at her] "Sure, I don't see why not."

B: [smiles at him, nods] "Thank you. I'll just grab her real quick...." [turns and goes back into the motel room, quickly runs around the room and grabs S and D's things and tosses them into their duffel bags, then grabs her bag and their bags, clicks L's leash on her, and walks with L and the bags out to meet Damill]

Damill: [leaning on the side of the impala, straightens as she walks up, smiles at her and reaches for the bags] "Let me help you with those." [takes the bags from her]

B: [smiles at him and glances down at L]

L: [looks up at Damill calmly]

B: {whispers} "Okay, so probably not a vampire..."

Damill: [glances at her as he opens the back door] "What's that, darlin'?"

B: [smiles at him] "Nothing, deputy. Just talking to myself." [puts L in the backseat after he puts the bags in]

Damill drives the impala to the police station, with B in the passenger seat and L in the back seat. They are quiet the whole way there. Damill parks the impala in the parking lot and escorts B into the station

Damill: [holding B's upper arm and ushering her into the desk area]

B: [looks quickly around the room, sees S and D in the holding cell behind the desk area]

S and D look up and see B, then both stand, looking confused and worried

B: [meets D's gaze] (flash of concern)

D: [holds her gaze] (worried)

Abramson is sitting alone at Damill's desk

Damill: [ushers her to his desk and turns her toward the desk] "She came willingly and has been cooperative, so far." [glances down at B with a slight warning expression and drops his hand from her arm and goes to stand by the jail cell]

B: [looks at Abramson] "Sheriff, what, exactly is going on?"

Abramson: [stands and looks at her] "I was going to ask you the same question, little lady." [leans over his desk and slides a black and white surveillance photo across the desk toward her]

B: [looks down at the photo and goes still]

S and D watch from the cell (subtly confused and concerned and worried)

B: [looking at the photo, picks it up, then looks at Abramson] "What is this about?"

Abramson: [nods toward the photo] "That picture was taken at a gas station in Utah on November 6th. The day before one of your colleagues reported you missing."

S and D glance at each other, then look back at B and the sheriff

B looks down at the black and white photo of her, standing in the gas station parking lot, looking toward the gas station while the impala sits at the gas pump.

B: [looks back up at Abramson] "How did you–"

Abramson: [nods toward S and D in the cell] "New folks roll into town asking questions, I do my homework. Turns out your boys here have been using fake names and false credentials, asking questions about single young women that have gone missing."

S and D glance at each other again, worried, then look back at them

Abramson: [looking at B] "And then there's you. I ran your prints. Turns out you're not who you say you are, either."

B: [nods, looks down at the picture, then up at Abramson, nods toward the jail cell] "So why am I standing out here while they're in that cell?"

Abramson: [meets her eyes] "Cuz I figure you're as much a victim in this as any of those other girls."

S and D look at Abramson in surprise

B: [holds Abramson's gaze] (flash of surprise, then understanding) [nods and looks down at the picture] "You're very good at your job, Sheriff."

S and D look at B in surprised confusion

Abramson: [gestures for B to sit in the chair at the desk, and he sits in the office chair behind the desk]

B: [sits in the chair]

Abramson: [watching her] "Ms. Aislynn, you've been missing over eight weeks."

B: [looking down at the photo] {quietly} "Has it been that long?"

Abramson: [nods] "You've got people worried about you. From what law enforcement in your town described, seems like up and disappearing is pretty unlike you. And when they investigated your house, there were signs of a struggle."

B: [looks at him in confusion]

Abramson: "Door busted in, things missing, a hole in the wall."

B: [nods in understanding]

S and D glance at each other, worried

Abramson: "And then there's that." [nods toward the photo] "You seem a little distressed, there."

B: [glances down at the photo, bites her bottom lip] {quietly} "I guess I probably was. I don't really remember...."

D: [watches her from the cell]

Abramson: [nods] "Not uncommon with trauma victims. In the heat of everything, stuff gets fuzzy."

B: [looks up at Abramson] {quietly} "Trauma brain."

Abramson: [smiles gently at her] "You'd probably know about that."

B: [holds his gaze and nods] "I guess I would."

S and D glance at each other, concerned

Abramson: [holds her gaze] "I don't know what's been going on, or what these boys have done to you, Ms. Aislynn, but you're safe now."

B: [holds his gaze, nods] "I know."

Abramson: "They can't hurt you anymore."

D: [watches her from the cell]

Abramson: "You don't have to cover for them or cooperate with them, anymore. Whatever Stockholm syndrome or anything else they've got over you, you're gonna be okay."

B: [holds his gaze, nods] "Thank you."

S: [from the cell] (Concerned) "Sheriff, you've got this all wrong–"

Damill: [slams his arm into the cell bars, glaring at S] "Hey! Shut up!"

S: [looks at Damill]

D: [glares at Damill in anger]

B: [glances at them, then looks back at Abramson] "So what do we do now, Sheriff?"

Abramson: [gentle smile and nods] "I'm gonna go to my office and make some phone calls. See if we can get a handle on these two jackasses." [nods toward S and D]

D: [looks at him with a slightly offended expression]

Abramson: [looking at B] "And deputy Damill–"

D: {mumbles} "More like deputy dumb-ass."

Damill: [glares at D and puts his hand on his gun] "I'm warning you, freak."

D: [meets his gaze] (bold and angry)

B: [looks at them, then back at Abramson]

Abramson: "Deputy Damill will take your statement." [smiles at her] "Then we'll get you back home."

B: [small smile at him] "That sounds great. Thank you, Sheriff."

Abramson: [nods at her, stands, looks at Damill and nods, then goes to his office]

S and D watch B

B: [siting it the chair, looks down at the photo, takes a deep breath and closes her eyes]

S and D watch her

Damill: [watching her, slight creepy expression]

D: [glances at Damill] (worry and subtle fury)

B: [opens her eyes and looks at Damill] "Deputy...."

Damill: [smiles at her] (pleased and slightly desirous)

B: [looks at S and D in the cell] "Can I talk to them?... [looks back at Damill] ....before you take my statement?"

Damill: [glances at S and D, meets D's gaze, slight sneer] "Sure. Nothing they can do, at this point."

D: [holds Damill's eyes and clenches his fists]

B: [nods and stands, walks over to the cell]

S: [watches her]

D: [looks at her, moves to stand close to the cell wall by her]

Damill: [looking at D, moves to stand next to B]

D: [glances at Damill in frustration, then looks back at B]

B: [meets D's gaze] "He's right. You can't do anything else to me."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of surprise and confusion)

B: [holds his gaze] "I'm safe now. Finally."

D: [searches her eyes] (confused and concerned)

B: [looks down] "These past weeks have been so miserable.... You've basically tortured me...."

S: [watching her in confusion] "Beth, what are you talking–"

Damill: [looks at S] {loudly} "Hey! No comments from the peanut gallery."

D: [watches B]

B: [small smile at Damill] "Thank you, deputy."

Damill: [smiles down at her] (pleased and slightly desirous)

D: [watches her in confusion]

B: [looks down] "I never wanted this... it's been hell... it's unfair and I'm glad it's over...."

D: [watches her]

B: [meets his eyes for a brief moment, then looks down] "I don't understand why you did what you did to me.... Or why you made me do those things.... Or why I cooperated with you...." [sniffs]

D: [watching her]

B: [looking down] {quietly} "And for a minute I hated myself for it... but now I realize.... The person I should hate... is you..." [a tear falls down her cheek and she wipes it away]

D: [watches her] (Unreadable)

Damill: [sneers at D]

B: [looks up and meets D's gaze, tears in her eyes] "I trusted you."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of pain, then unreadable)

B: [nods, looks down again] "And you've done nothing but hurt me.... Over and over...." [small sob] "...but thank god that's done now... and I'm going to enjoy watching you pay for what you did...." [another small sob and wipes away another tear]

Damill: [smiles down at her with subtle satisfaction]

D: [watching her] {gruffly} "Is that how you really feel?"

Damill: [glares at D and puts his hand on his taser] "You wanna get tased, asshole?"

D: [watches B]

B: [looking down, nods] "Of course.... I can't do this anymore... I've been so scared and helpless... and now I'm finally safe..." [sobs and turns to Damill, pressing against him and crying on his chest]

D: [watches her] (flash of surprise and pain)

Damill: [sneers at D, then wraps his arms around B] "It's okay. You're safe now."

B: [sniffs and nods against Damill's chest] "Thank you. I know."

D: [watches her]

S: [watches them] (confused and worried)

Damill: [watching D, squeezes B's body and runs his hand down her back to her hip]

D: [meets Damill's eyes] (controlled rage)

B: [takes a deep breath, leans back and looks up at Damill with a smile]

Damill: [looks down at her] (slightly pleased and desirous) "You've got nothing to worry about, darlin'. I've got you, now."

D: [clenches his jaw and looks at B]

B: [smiles at Damill, nods] "I know." [steps backward]

Damill: [looking at her, drops his hands]

B: [meets Damills gaze questioningly] "Deputy, do you have any concerning heart conditions or anything like that?"

Damill: (flash of confusion) "Uhh... no–"

B: {matter of factly} "Good." [raises his taser and tases him]

S and D watch in surprise

Damill: [twitched and falls to the floor]

B: [watches him fall] (subtle satisfaction) "Turns out, I got you."

D: [watches her] (astounded and impressed)

B: [looks up and meets D's gaze, tears on her face, slight smile]

D: [holds her gaze] (astounded and impressed and slightly hopeful) "Give him one more, just for giggles."

B: [small smile, pulls the trigger again]

Damill: [twitches and writhes on the floor]

D: [small smile]

B: [looks down at Damill, then crouches next to him, sets the taser down on the floor, and grabs the keys off his belt]

S and D watch her

B: [stands and carries the keys to the cell door and unlocks the door, meets D's gaze]

D: [holds her gaze] "You're awesome."

B: [grins at him and pulls the door open]

S and D walk out of the cell

S: [smiles at her] "You almost had me convinced."

B: [smiles at him]

D: [turns toward her, his back to the desk area, watches her] "Academy-award level lying."

B: [meets his gaze and grins] "Hardest thing I've ever done."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze for a brief moment, then looks past him] (flash of surprise and worry)

D: [looks over his shoulder and sees Abramson walking toward them, then quickly looks down at Damill, leans over and grabs Damill's gun, straightens and points the gun at Abramson]

Abramson: [looks at D and freezes]

D: (serious and focused) "That's far enough, Sheriff."

Abramson: [meets D's eyes]

D: {gruffly} "We don't want any trouble. We're just gonna walk out of here. And you're gonna let us."

Abramson: [looks at B]

B: [meets Abramson's eyes] (understanding and empathy) "It's okay, Sheriff.... You're a good man... and you're great at your job, truly.... And if you'd asked me on that day... [glances at the surveillance photo on the desk, then meets Abramson's eyes again] ....I might have wanted your help."

D: [glances at her, then focuses on Abramson]

B: [smiles at Abramson] "But now..." [nods toward S, then D] "...I'm with them."

D: [slight smile]

S: [looks at B with a smile]

D: [gestures with the gun toward the jail cell] "Sheriff, if you don't mind."

Abramson: [hesitates, then nods and goes into the jail cell while D holds the gun on him]

S: [takes Abramson's belt and all his equipment, then drags Damill into the cell, then closes the cell and locks it, tucking they keys into his pocket]

B: [smiles at Abramson] "Thank you, Sheriff. Keep up the good work."

D: [nods toward Damill] {gruffly} "And fire deputy douche-bag."

S and D and B leave the building and get into the impala

D: [adjusts the seat, glancing at B in the rearview mirror] "You okay?"

B: [holds his gaze for a moment, then looks out the window and twirls her hair] "Of course."

D: [watches her for a moment, then puts the car in gear and starts driving out of town]

They drive silently

D: [looks at B frequently in the rearview mirror]

B: [stares out the window and twirls her hair]

S: [watches D out of the corner of his eye, then looks over his shoulder at B] {gently} "How you holding up?"

  B: [looks at him in slight surprise, smiles] "I'm fine...." [glances at D, then looks at S] "How are you guys? You're the ones who had to tackle a nest of vampires and then get arrested."

D: [watches her in the rearview mirror] {lowly} "We're good."

B: [meets his gaze the rearview mirror and holds it for a moment, then looks at S]

S: [smiles and nods] "We're good."

B: [holds S's gaze for a moment, then smiles] "Good. So we're all good." [glances at D again, then looks down at L with a smile and pets her] "And you're good, too, huh, baby girl?" [glances up and meets D's gaze in the rearview mirror, then looks at S with a smile, then looks back out the window and twirls her hair]

S: [looks at D in slight concern]

D: [meets S's gaze with a "yeah..." expression, then looks back at the road]

They drive silently for a long time, until late at night

D: [pulls the impala over at a rest stop and parks, then looks at B in the rearview mirror]

B: [looks between S and D and smiles, then pops open her door and slides out of the car, L following happily on her leash]

S and D watch her from the car as she walks L around on the grass

S: [looks at D]

D: [watches B for a long moment, then, without looking away from her] {gruffly} "You do it."

S: [small smile at D] {quietly} "It will mean more coming from you."

D: [deep breath and rubs the fingers of one hand over his eyes] {whispers} "Son of a bitch...."

S: [watches him with a sympathetic smile]

D: [lowers his hand and looks at B, then nods] "One cough means I need rescuing."

S: [small amused smile, nods] "Yeah."

D: [another deep breath, then opens the car door and slides out, closes the door behind him, and walks over to B]

B: [focuses on L]

D: [stops a little way from her, puts his hands in his pockets, watches her]

B: [focuses on L for several long moments, then takes a deep breath, looks at D]

D: [meets her gaze] {lowly} "I'm sor–"

B: [holds his gaze] "I'm sorry."

D: [holds her gaze] (surprised) "What?"

B: [another deep breath, holds his gaze] "Dean, I'm sorry."

D: [searches her eyes] "For what?"

B: [holds his gaze, hesitates, then shrugs] "For lying."

D: (surprised) [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze, tears fill her eyes] "I said I wanted to hunt, but I didn't know how hard that would be..."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze, shrugs] "It's one thing when it's a ghost, or when I'm trying to save some kids, or when a violent monster is attacking someone... those decisions are easy... but today... in that room... that was fucking hard...."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of pain and caring)

B: [looks away] "When I looked at him, all I could see was Clarissa.... Dead.... Her blood in his body, because he took it from her... and I just wanted...." [closes her eyes and shakes her head]

D: [watches her]

B: [opens her eyes and looks at him, holding his gaze] "And you make those decisions all the time.... And I thought I understood that... but I didn't... and then today... what I did to that guy.... How I played him like a fiddle..."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of pain and guilt)

B: [holds his gaze, tears in her eyes] "...and deceived him... even though I know it was the right thing and it had to be done... it just... it just hurts, you know?"

D: [holds her gaze] (subtly caring and concerned and searching)

B: [holds his gaze] "I try to use my words... myself... to help people... and I know that's what I did with that vampire.... I helped people... but I didn't help him... and I didn't help you..."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of surprise and confusion and searching)

B: [holds his gaze] "I mean, I know I helped you do your job... you found the nest and we saved people... but you..." [a tear falls] ".... and with the deputy... the things I said.... None of those things were true... and I know it hurt you... but I was lying...." [another tear falls] "...and now I feel like you can't trust me... and you've seen how I can use the things I do to manipulate and hurt people–"

D: [holds her gaze] {gruffly} "Shut up."

B: [blinks] (surprise, then searching) [holds his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze, steps toward her]

B: [holds his gaze, flinches backward]

D: (flash of pain) [closes his eyes, then opens his eyes and meets her gaze] {lowly} "I'm sorry... I just....I don't know how to friggin' talk to you."

B: [tears in her eyes, small smile] "Fair's fair."

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment] {lowly} "Don't do that."

B: [blinks, then holds his gaze] (surprised and confused) "Excuse me?"

D: [holds her gaze] "Don't let me off the hook. Don't smile and say you're okay when you're not. Don't lie."

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of pain and guilt and grief) {quietly} "That's what I do."

D: [holds her gaze] (searching and caring and concern) "Maybe....sometimes. But not right now."

B: [holds his gaze] (slightly confused and uncertain)

D: [holds her gaze] "What you did today. That was incredible."

B: [holds his gaze] (surprise and denial) "Dean–"

D: [holds her gaze] "You saved people, Beth. A lot of people. Me and Sam, included. That's not hurtful. Not to me."

B: [searches his eyes] (vulnerable and hurting) "Dean... I–"

D: [holds her gaze, steps toward her again]

B: [holds his gaze, flinches back slightly]

D: (flash of pain, then determination) [holds her gaze] "You were brilliant. And it cost you something. You did what you had to do. And that don't make me trust you less, Beth. It makes me trust you more."

B: [searches his eyes] "But... Dean..." [bites both lips]

D: [holds her gaze] (searching and subtle vulnerable caring and longing)

B: [holds his gaze] (uncertain and hesitant, then reluctant acceptance and sadness) "How can you say that? I just.... How will you ever know if I'm doing that to you?... How can you ever trust–"

D: [holds her gaze] {lowly} "I know."

B: [holds his gaze, hesitates, then] {quietly} "You say that now... but what about the next time I'm therapizing you?... Or the next time I call you a controlling narcissist?.... Or the next time I try to set a boundary?.... How will you know if it's real, or if I'm just trying to play you like a fiddle?"

D: (flash of pain, then serious and caring and calm confidence and determination) [holds her gaze, slowly reaches out toward her]

B: [trembles, looks down at his hand and watches as he touches her arm and she flinches slightly]

D: [watches her and gently grasps her arm with his hand]

B: [trembling, looks up at him in confusion]

D: [meets her gaze] "How do you know I'll never hurt you?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (surprised and confused)

D: [gently squeezes her arm] "You watched me beat the shit out of that vamp today. You watched me Icabod Crane his fucking head off. You saw the blood, saw his face. You saw me–"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (concerned and caring) "You did that because you had to–"

D: [steps close to her, gently holding her arm and looking down into her eyes] "Exactly."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, looking up at him, swallows hard]

D: [holds her gaze, still gently grasping her arm] "You watched me... how do you know I'll never do that to you?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] "I just do."

D: [nods, drops his hand] "Yeah. You watched that violence, and yet here you stand, in the dark, in the middle of nowhere, shaking, looking me in my face, and trying to take care of me. Me. After what you saw today. After everything...." [swallows hard, holds her gaze] "Fair's fair."

B: [trembling, searches his eyes] (confused) "Dean, I–"

D: [holds her gaze, touches her arm gently with his finger tips]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, flinches at his touch]

D: [holds her gaze] "You trust me. How dare you not expect the same?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (conflicted) [bites bottom lip]

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile] "Feminism."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (conflicted) {quietly} "But what if I'm not trustworthy?"

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] "Fair's fair."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, shakes her head in frustration] "Stop saying that like it's a cure all–"

D: [raises his hands defensively, holding her gaze] "Hey. Your rules, not mine."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (confused and conflicted and slightly sad) {quietly} "I just don't know how to do this...."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of pain, then caring) [slowly lifts his hand toward her face]

B: [trembling, looks down and leans away]

D: [pauses, watching her, clenches his fingers into a fist, then drops his hand] {gently} "We'll figure it out."

B: [looks up at him and meets his gaze] "We?"

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] "Yeah."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (conflicted and subtly sad) "That feels weird."

D: [holds her gaze] (serious and certain) "Feelings aren't facts."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, bites her bottom lip, then] "You know I didn't mean anything I said at the police–"

D: [holds her gaze, raises a hand and gently grasps her arm]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze] "You meant one thing."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (flash of guilt and worry)

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile] "You looked me in the eye and said you trusted me."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (confused) "I did?"

D: [small smile, nods] "Yeah."

B: [trembling, searches his eyes] "How do you know that was real–"

D: [squeezes her arm, holding her gaze] "How do you?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze for a long moment] (searching, then hopeful and grateful and accepting and subtly affectionate) "Damn you, Dean Winchester...."

D: [small smile, drops his hand and steps back] "Now that that's settled." [lifts a hand to his mouth and coughs]

B: [watches him in confusion]

S: [opens his car door and gets out, walks toward them]

B: [looks at S]

S: [looks between them with a slightly concerned expression] "Everything okay?"

D: [watching B, steps back, then looks at S and gestures toward B] "Your turn."

B: [looks between them in confusion] "What is happening?"

S: [looks at D, small smile and rolls his eyes, then looks at B]

B: [looks up at S and meets his eyes] (confused)

S: [smiles at her] "You okay now?"

B: [holds his gaze] (understanding) [small smile] "I guess so. For the most part." [glances at D]

D: [meets her eyes]

B: [looks back at S]

S: [smiles and nods, steps close to her and wraps her in a hug]

B: [smiles and hugs S]

D: [watches them] (subtly conflicted)

S: [kisses the top of her head] "You did great today. You saved a lot of people. You saved our asses."

B: [smiles up at S]

D: [watching them] {gruffly} "Yeah, we're all big damn heroes. Can we get back on the road now?"

B: [leans away from S and looks at D] "Is this you being bossy again, or are you actually asking–"

D: [rolls his eyes] "Just get your ass in the car."

B: [watching him] (surprised and irritated) "I will not!"

S: [looking down at her, smiles]

D: [meets her gaze around S's back, slight smile] "God, you're a pain in the ass."

B: [holds D's gaze, small smile and raises her eyebrows] "Fair's fair."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile, gestures to the car with an "okay, you win" expression]

B: [smiles, looks up at S, then goes to the car]

S and D look at each other, nod, then get in the car

They drive back to the bunker


About a week later

S and D come back to the bunker after a hunt. They have food and beer with them. They drop their duffle bags on the war room table and looks around, D is holding the beer and S holding the bag of food

S: [looks at D questioningly, shrugs]

D: [looks at S, then glances around] {calls out} "Beth?"

S: [looks around, then a "what is that?" expression and listens] "Is that music?"

D: [listens, then looks at S with raised eyebrows]

S: ["okay, then" expression, takes the beer from D's hand, and flashes a smile at D, then goes to the kitchen]

D: [watches S walks away, then turns toward the faint sound of music, slowly walks toward the sound, a curious expression on his face]

D walks toward the sound of the music and it gets louder and louder until he gets to the old computer room

"I'm a Believer" by Smash Mouth is playing in the old computer room

D: [amused expression, hesitates outside the doorway, then surreptitiously looks around the doorframe and into the room]

B is in the old computer room, holding her phone in one hand and dancing exuberantly to the music, bouncing around, swinging her shoulders and hips and moving her body smoothly and playfully along with the beat, at the end of the song she pushes a button on her phone and the song restarts

D: [watches her with an amused and affectionate expression]

B: [dancing around to the song, raises her hands in the air and shimmies her body to the beat, bouncing and swinging her head around, obviously enjoying herself]

D: [watches her] (pleased and amused and affectionate)

L is laying against the far wall, watching B

B: [smiles at L and goes into The Swim]

D: [small grin as he watches her]

B: [dancing into The Twist, shimmying to the music, then raises her hands in the air and dances exuberantly, swinging her hips and shoulders and flipping her hair playfully]

D: [watches her] (pleased and amused and affectionate and slightly conflicted)

B: [looks at L, leans over and grabs the dog's paw and lifts her up onto her back feet and dances with her playfully, singing along to the music with a smile] "I'm in love, I couldn't leave here if I tried..."

D: [watches her]

B: [drops L's paws and dances around, spinning with her arms in the air and then shimmying her shoulders and hips and body, singing along with the music] "I thought love was more or less a giving thing, the more I gave, the less I got, oh yeah..." [continues to sing and dance along to the song]

D: [watches her]

L looks at him and wags her tail

B: [glances at L, dancing and singing] "Then I saw that face..." [turns and sees D, jumps slightly] "Oh, jeeze!" [hits a button on her phone and the song stops]

D: [steps into the doorway, watching her]

B: [presses a hand to her heart] "God damn, mother of fucking shit nuggets!"

D: [walks into the computer room, watching her with an amused expression] "Hey."

B: [looks at him] "God damnit, Dean, you scared the fuck out of me!" [deep breath, pressing her hand to her chest]

D: [small smile] "Sorry..... What the hell are you doing in here? Aside from... [gestures toward her with an amused expression] ... this...?"

B: [rolls her eyes] (self-conscious and slightly amused)

D: [raises his eyebrows at her] "Smash Mouth? Really?"

B: [meets his gaze with a slightly defiant expression] "Hey, they're still relevant!"

D: [amused expression]

B: [narrows her eyes at him] "Don't hate."

D: [raises his hands defensively, then smiles at her] "Why are you doing your little jam sesh in here?"

B: [hand pressed to her chest, shakes her head and takes a deep breath, then meets his gaze] "I was just curious. Trying to see if I could find the magic." [smiles at him]

D: [looks at her with a quizzical expression]

B: [grins, nods toward the giant, ancient computer] "In the computer..... I wanted to see if I could see the magic.... I've never seen real magic.... Yet, I guess...." [tilts her head slightly, then blinks and shakes her head]

D: [watches her] (amused and subtly affectionate)

B: [small sheepish smile] "And I guess I got distracted..."

D: [small amused smile, then nods and glances around] "Yeah, that reminds me...I probably should have told you this a while ago, but be careful poking around here. There's all kinds of spells and cursed objects and shit like that laying around in the bunker." [meets her gaze, wry smile] "I would hate to come home and find out you honey-I-shrunk-the-kidded yourself, or some crap like that."

B: [amused smile, then hesitates] "Wait... Can that actually happen?"

D: [amused smile, shrugs] "Wouldn't surprise me. The last time something around here got accidentally knocked over, it let out the Wicked Witch."

B: [stares at him] "Wait...."

D: [holds her gaze, grins] "Oh, yeah."

B: [holds his gaze] (slightly stupified) "Which Wicked Witch?"

D: [holds her gaze, grinning] (amused and pleased and slightly excited) "THE Wicked Witch... .[nods] From Oz."

B: [holds his gaze] (dumfounded) "Wait!.... WAIT!....Oz is REAL?!"

D: [ginning, nods]

B: (slightly doubtful and suspicious) "OZ?.... As in–"

D: [grinning, nods] "Yellow brick road, flying monkeys, the whole shabang. And Dorothy.... Nothing like the books. She's a real badass.... Kinda reminds me of you, actually."

B: [holds his gaze] "Wait...."

D: [holds her gaze] (amused and affectionate)

B: [holds his gaze] ".... you met Dorothy?!"

D: [smiling, nods]

B: [holds his gaze] "Dorothy?....So.... you went to Oz? You've been there?!"

D: [hesitates, smile fades slightly] "Well, not us, exactly.... But our friend, Charlie."

B: [holds his gaze, hesitates, watching him]

D: [looks at the giant, ancient computer] "She's actually the one who figured out this gizmo." [meets her gaze again] "She was a tech-head. Kind of a nerd."

B: [holds his gaze, searching his eyes] {gently} "A tech-head nerd who went to Oz. She sounds amazing."

D: [looks away, small sad smile] "She was."

B: [watches him] {gently} "She was special to you...."

D: [pauses, then nods] "She was."

B: (flash of very subtle jealousy, then caring and empathy and sadness) [watches him]

D: [looking away] "She was family."

A moment passes

D: [looks at B and meets her gaze, small sardonic smile] "Aren't you gonna ask me what happened to her?"

B: [holds his gaze] {gently} "Only if you want to tell me."

D: [holds her gaze, slowly shakes his head] "You are the weirdest shrink, ever."

B: [holds his gaze] (caring) {gently} "I'm not your shrink, Dean."

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment, then looks away] "She died.... She was butchered...."

B: [watches him] (pain and sadness and caring and empathy)

D: [looking away] ".... trying to save me. And we couldn't get there in time...." [meets B's gaze] (guilt and sadness and pain and grief) "Charlie did more for me and Sam than I could ever...."

B: [holds his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze] "She was like a sister to me."

B: [holds his gaze] (fast flash of almost imperceptible relief, then caring and empathy and sadness)

D: [holds her gaze] "And she got dragged into this life, against her will. But then she dove in, too hard. And it cost her everything.... And I couldn't save her...."

B: [holds his gaze, searching his eyes] (caring and sadness and empathy)

D: [holds her gaze] (pain and guilt and shame and grief and sadness and slight desperation and pleading) [looks away, rubs the back of his neck with his hand] "I'm just so tired of people I care about dying on my watch.... Because of me...."

B: [watches him] (caring and empathy and sadness and searching)

A moment passes

D: [meets her gaze again, sarcastic smile] "But, hey, no chick-flick moments, right?... Play through the pain."

B: [holds his gaze] (caring and empathy and subtle pleading) {gently} "Maybe you play through the pain.... But that doesn't mean you don't feel it....."

D: [holds her gaze] (pain and sadness and grief)

B: [holds his gaze] {gently} "Or that it isn't valid...."

D: [looks away]

B: [watches him] {gently} "Charlie sounds like an incredible person.... and she deserves to be grieved...."

D: [meets her gaze again]

B: [holds his gaze] "And you deserve to be able to grieve for her.... Whatever that looks like for you, Dean."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze for a long moment, then gentle smile] "I'm glad you've had people who care about you, Dean.... I'm glad to be one of them...."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] {gently} ".... and I'll be careful.... I promise...."

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment] {softly} "She reminds me of you, a little, too."

B: [holds his gaze] (conflicted, then subtly sad acceptance) [small smile] "I guess I'd rather you see me as a sister than as a therapist...."

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable) "Mhmmm..."

B: [holds his gaze for a moment, then tilts her head slightly] "So... if Oz is real.... You wouldn't happen to know if you guys have a wardrobe portal to Narnia stashed around here, would you?...."

D: [holds her gaze, slight amused smile] "Not that I know of."

B: [holds his gaze] (thoughtful) "Hmmm..... Mixed feelings...."

D: [small amused smile] "Come on, Tinkerbell, we brought food, and it's getting cold."

B: [nods, then slight disgusted expression] "Tinkerbell? Ew!" [shakes her head] "So needy...Not that there's anything inherently wrong with being needy, I guess...."

D: [watches her with a small amused smile]

B: [smiles, nods, steps forward, then hesitates and looks at him] "Wait!..."

D: [meets her eyes, grins at her]

B: [holds his gaze] "....Is Neverland real?!"

D: [laughs, then shakes his head] "Sorry, sweetheart, not that I've heard, but fairies are definitely real as hell. I nuked one, one time.... After she hit me."

B: [stares at him] {loudly} "What?!"

D: [laughs again, nods toward the door] "I'll tell you all about it over burritos, Curious George."

B: [shakes her head and walks toward the door] "How do you guys find time to do all this shit?...."

D: [chuckles and follows her]

They go to the kitchen and find S there, laying out Mexican food on the table

S: [looks at them curiously as they enter] "Hey. What's up?"

B: [glances at D]

D: [glances at her, then looks at S] "I was just telling our little rock-star here about fairies."

B: [rolls her eyes, then smiles at S and walks over to him, reaches out and squeezes his arm] "Hey, Sam."

S: [smiles down at her, leans over and lightly kisses her cheek, then straightens] "Hey."

B: [smiles at him]

D: [watches them]

S: [looks at D] "So, fairies, huh? That's quite a story." [slightly hesitant expression]

D: [meets S's gaze, slight nod] "No need to get into too many details. But the fun parts are pretty entertaining."

S: [slight nod]

D: [looks at B, claps his hands together] "But grub first!"

B: [watching them, hesitates, then looks at the food] "Okay... Mexican! Yay! I'm starving!" [smiles at the food, then looks between S and D and smiles at them] "Have I told you guys that you're my favorite people in the world?"

S: [grins at her] "No, but it's good to hear."

B: [smiles at S]

D: [watches her, small amused smile] "You're just staying that cuz we feed you."

B: [meets his gaze, hesitates, then small teasing smile] "That may or may not be one of the deciding factors...."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile]

B: [looks away, goes to the fridge and pulls out a glass jar of cheesy jalapeno-queso dip]

S: [sits down at the table and starts to unwrap a burrito]

D: [watches B]

B: [tries to open the jar of queso, then tries again, grunts, then walks over to D and holds the jar out to him, meets his gaze] "Can you open this, please?"

D: [holds her gaze with an amused expression]

B: [rolls her eyes and gestures with the jar] "Just open the damn jar, Dean!"

D: [grins and takes the jar from her] "What happened to feminism? I thought women can do anything a man can do?"

B: [rolls her eyes again] "Feminism is not about every person being able to and wanting to do the exact same things. It's about everyone being able to be their authentic selves and have their honest needs met.... It's about equity.... Every person doesn't need the same resources or abilities... some need more and some need less, and everyone is unique....and the goal is that we all accept that and work together, bringing our strengths and resources so that every person has an opportunity for an equal outcome...."

D: [watches her, pops open the queso jar] "Uh-huh...."

B: [meets his gaze] "I bring my strengths and you bring yours, and hopefully we work as a team to even the playing field so that everyone has what they need...." [holds out her hand]

D: [holds her gaze, hands her the jar]

B: [holds his gaze, flinching slightly as his fingers brush hers, then looks down at the jar] "So.... you guys save people's lives and open queso jars... and I..." [tilts her head thoughtfully, then shrugs, grabs a burrito and sits at the table]

D: [watches her]

S: [watches her, then looks between her and D, chewing on his burrito, focuses on B] "You help. And you save people's lives, too."

B: [meets S's gaze and smiles] "And I want to hear about fairies. So, please, tell me!" [pours some queso over her burrito]

D: [small smile at her] "Yes, ma'am."

B: [glances up at him with reluctant amusement]

D: [goes to the fridge and pulls out some left-over chili-fries, pops them in the microwave] "So, the time I microwaved a tinkerbell. She was naked... and hot...."

B: [smiles at him in amusement] "Hot before she went into the microwave, or after?"

D: [sideways smile at her] "Before.... Cuz after... well, there wasn't much left after..."

B: [smiles and shakes her head, takes a bite of her burrito]

S: [watches D] "Dean, are you sure you want to eat that? It was old before we left for this last case..."

D: [pops the microwave open and grabs the chili-fries, looks at S with a slightly impatient and dismissive expression] "Come on, Sam. You worry too much. When are chili-fries ever a bad thing?"

S: [hesitates] "Uh, how about always?"

D: [sits down at the table and takes a bite of the chili-fries, looks at S defiantly] "Hey, if food is what kills me, I win, little brother."

S: [impatient expression]

D: [grins and grabs a burrito]

B: [rolls her eyes] "Okay, fairies!"

S and D look at her in surprised amusement

B: [laughs] "Not you!... Just tell me!"

They all sit around the table, eating and smiling and talking. S and D tell B about their first encounter with fairies and how D was abducted and went to jail for attacking a person he thought was a fairy, and how S tricked a leprechaun and reversed the spell and sent the fairies back to the fairy realm. Then they tell her about the time they freed a fairy from a controlling LARPer who was using her to kill people, with the help of Charlie

B: [sits back in her seat and smiles gently at S and D] "Charlie sounds incredible. I wish I'd gotten to meet her."

D: [watches her] "You'd have loved her."

B: [meets his gaze, small smile]

S: [looks at B] "And she would have really liked you."

B: [looks at S with a curiously amused expression]

S: [nods at her] "She was into chicks."

B: [raises her eyebrows and smiles] "Well, that's flattering!"

S: [smiles at her questioningly] "Really?"

B: [smiles and nods] "That a girl like that would be interested in a girl like me....huh...." [pleased smile] "What a compliment!... I feel honored."

D: [watching her, shifts in his seat] {mumbles} "A girl like you... whatever that means..."

B: [glances at him] "Well, it's not like I can compete with beautiful fairies, Dean.... Even with god magic..."

D: [meets her gaze, shifts in his seat again, presses on his stomach] "I told you, there's no god magic!"

B: [holds his gaze] "Well, then, I definitely can't compete....[looks away] Not that it's a competition.... Attraction doesn't really have rules... but research has indicated that there are definitely characteristics that an individual can possess that increase the likelihood that others will find them–"

D: [presses on his stomach] "Just shut up, you giant pain in the ass!" [stomach gurgles]

S: [watching D] "Dean, are you okay?"

B: [looks at D]

D: [clearly uncomfortable] "Yeah. I'm golden." [small gagging movement]

S: [looks at D uncertainly] "Really? Cuz you look a little.... Green...."

B: [watches D in concern]

D: [thumbs up] "I'm great. Just a little–" [jumps up and runs over to the sink, bends over the sink and throws up]

B: "Dean!" [jumps up and goes over to him, standing next to him and watching him] (concerned and caring)

S: [stands, watching D] "It told you not to eat those chili-fries."

D: [bent over the sink, glances at S and points at him] {gruffly} "Not helping!" [lurches forward and throws up again]

B: [watches D, then gags slightly, takes a deep breath] "Are you okay? What do you need?"

D: [takes a deep breath, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand] "I'm fine." [gags, then pauses, then throws up again]

S: [watches D] (slightly impatient and subtly worried)

B: [watches D, reaches to touch his back, then hesitates, gags slightly, lowers her hand] "Dean, what–"

D: [closes his eyes and leans his hands on the side of the sink] "Just go away, would you?"

B: [looks at him] (slight surprise) "No!"

D: [glances at her in frustration] "I'm fine!"

B: (slightly irritated and impatient) "You are not! You're clearly in physical distress–"

D: [lurches over the sink and throws up again]

B: [watching him] (concerned) "Oh, god...." [steps closer to D, then gags and covers her mouth with her hand]

D: [spits into the sink, wipes his mouth with the back of one hand, then reaches out and pushes her gently away with the other arm] "Back up, princess. The last thing we need is another mess to clean up."

B: [trembling, steps backward, watching him]

S: [walks over to D and pats him on the shoulder] "Come on, Dean. You're–"

D: [pushes S away, then braces his hands on the side of the sink] "Just leave me be."

S: (slightly frustrated) [steps back with his hands raised defensively] "Dean, don't be a stubborn ass."

D: [pushes away from the sink and turns, leaning against the sink and looking between them] "I said I'm fine."

B: [looking at his face] (concerned) "You are not!" [steps toward him and lifts a hand toward his face] "You're sweating...." [fingers flinch slightly as she almost touches his face, and she drops her hand, trembling] "And you're shaking.... Dean, you've got food poisoning."

D: [meets her gaze] {gruffly} "You shut your mouth."

S: [irritated expression] "It's not her mouth that's the problem."

D: [irritated expression at S] "Really, Sam?"

S: [shrugs with a "it's true" expression]

D: [rolls his eyes]

S: [phone rings, he hesitates, then gets the phone out and checks it] "I gotta take this." [walks out of the room and answers the phone]

D: [watches S, then sarcastic smile] "My doting little brother." [looks at B and meets her gaze, clearly uncomfortable]

B: [trembling slightly as she stands near him, holds his gaze] (concerned and caring) "Dean, you're sick...."

D: [holds her gaze, wry smile] "Chill, Mother Theresa. I have the stomach of an ox. I don't get sick. I'm a hunter. Hunters, we get shot, or stabbed, or get the shit beat out of us. We don't get sick."

B: [trembling slightly, rolls her eyes] "Alright, Monica, calm down."

D: [slight amused smile, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, then rubs the back of his neck, meets her gaze] "Listen, sweetheart, at no time in history has anyone ever calmed down when someone else told them to calm down."

B: [trembling slightly, holds his gaze, hesitates, then nods] "Good point. Okay, then....sorry."

D: [amused smile, then gags again, covering his mouth with a fist]

B: [trembling slightly, watches him with concern, opens her mouth to speak]

S: [comes back in the room, holding his phone]

D and B look at S

S: [looks at D] "That was Claire. She's in South Dakota on a hunt, and needs help."

D: (flash of worry) [pushes away from the sink] "Okay, then–" [stumbles slightly]

B: [trembling slightly, looks at him] "Whoa!" [reaches out and steadies D with a hand around his arm and the other hand pressed against his chest, trembles]

S: [steps forward and grips D's shoulder with one hand and the other hand presses against his chest] "Hey! Dude!"

D: [pauses, grips S's arm with a hand, steadies himself, shakes his head] "I'm good. Let's go."

S: [watches D's face] "You're not going anywhere, Dean."

D: [meets S's gaze] (surprised and frustrated) "Sam, this is Claire! And she needs help!"

S: [holds D's gaze, nods] "And she'll get it. But not from you. I'll go. You can't help anybody right now."

D: [holds S's gaze, frowns] "I said I'm–"

S: (irritated) "Fine. I know. Except you're clearly not!"

D: (frustrated) "Okay, so you drive, and I'll be back to warp speed by the time we get there! It's no big deal!"

B: [trembling, watching his face] "Dean, we don't know how sick you are. This could be a quick bug or it could last a while.... And you're going to need lots of fluids.... And you don't want to puke all over Baby, do you?"

D: [looks at her, hesitates]

B: [trembling, meets his gaze, small smile]

D: [holds her gaze, then frowns] "Whatever. I'm fine, and I'm going." [steps forward and walks toward the door, then swerves and quickly sits on a stool at the table, blinks]

S and B watch D, then look at each other

S: [looks at D] "Dean, come on. I can handle this. Claire just needs a little support and guidance. We'll be fine. Beth is right. You should stay here and rest up, drink fluids. Other than beer." [small smile]

B: [watches D]

D: [looks up at S with a small glare] {gruffly} "Rest up? Like I'm some puny little panty waist who needs to be coddled and nursed back to health. Who are you talking to, Sam?"

B: [rolls her eyes impatiently] "Look, Dean–"

D: [looks at her]

B: [meets his gaze] "--having physical limitations, including food poisoning, doesn't make you any less of a manly-man. So would you please just shut up and let me take care of you and let your brother go help your friend?"

D: [holds her gaze] (frustrated and defensive) "Whoa, crabby, much? Is it that time of the month? Do I need to get you some cookie-dough ice cream or something?"

B: [raises her eyebrows] (bold and slightly offended and defiant) "Okay, first of all: wow. Second of all: don't be petulant.... Thirdly: don't think I don't know that you're deflecting right now..... Fourthly: a woman doesn't have to be on her period to show emotion, Dean. And lastly, not that it's any of your business, but no, I am not bleeding from my vagina right now!"

D: (slightly shocked, then very uncomfortable)

S: [surprised expression, then amused smile]

B: [holds D's gaze] "Although I could use some cookie-dough ice cream, so why don't you go get me some, since you offered so sincerely.... That will accomplish two goals: I can boost my dopamine levels with sugar, and you won't be here anymore."

S: [raises his eyebrows at her] (impressed and amused)

D: [holds her gaze] (subtly surprised and flustered and conflicted)

B: [holds his gaze] (bold and defiant)

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment, then sardonic smile] "Well, like you said, I'm sick. So I guess you'll have to wait, sweetheart."

B: [holds his gaze] "I guess you will, too."


S: [looks between them, then quick "okay, then" expression, goes over to D and pats him on the shoulder] "Okay, Dean, feel better."

D: [holds B's gaze]

B: [holds D's gaze]

S: [looks at B, then between them] "So... Good luck, you two, and don't kill each other while I'm gone. I'll call you when I get there." [looks between them, then turns toward the door]

B: [looks at S] "Be careful, Sam."

S: [smiles at her over his shoulder, then glances at D] "You, too."

B: [small smile] "Just come home safe."

S: [smiles and nods, leaves]

B: [meets D's gaze again]

D: [looks away] {mumbles} "You like him better than me..."

B: [sighs] "If that were true, could you blame me, right now?"

D: [meets her gaze again]

B: [hold his gaze, deep breath] "Come on, grumpy-goose. Let's get you comfortable and start replenishing those fluids..." [goes to the cupboard and grabs a large mixing bowl, then grabs a bottle of water from the fridge, looks at it] "Gatorade or ginger-ale would be better... but this will have to do for now..." [looks at D]

D: [watching her, cleary not feeling well]

B: [walks over to him and stands by him, raises her eyebrows] "Bed or couch?"

D: [holds her gaze stubbornly]

B: [holds his gaze for a long moment] (subtly determined and defiant) [slowly moves and sits on the stool across the table from him, setting the bowl and bottle of water on the table between them]

D: [holds her gaze] (subtly determined and defiant)

B: [holds his gaze, tilts her chin up slightly]

D: [holds her gaze, then gags slightly, grabs the bowl and throws up into the bowl]

B: [watches him, then swallows hard and looks away, takes a deep breath]

D: [spits into the bowl, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, looks at the contents of the bowl, then looks up at B]

B: [looks at D and meets his gaze, slowly reaches over and takes hold of the bowl, then stands, carries the bowl to the sink and pours the contents down the sink, rinses out the bowl and the sink, then turns and carries the bowl back over to D, stands by him and looks down at him]

D: [looks up at her and meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze] {lowly} "I choose the flick."

B: [holds his gaze, slight smile] "Deal."

D: [deep breath, stands, and walks shakily down the hall and to the living room]

B: [follows him closely]

D: [plops down breathlessly on his end of the couch]

B: [places the bowl and bottle of water on the table in front of him, grabs the remote and holds it out to him, her hand trembling slightly]

D: [meets her gaze and takes the remote]

B: [holds his gaze for a brief moment, then goes and curls up on her side of the couch]

D: [opens netflix and searches for Cary Grant]

B: [looks at D in slight surprise]

D: [clicks on Arsenic and Old Lace]

The movie starts to play

B: [watches D]

D: [glances at her] {gruffly} "A movie with poison in the name seemed apropos...."

B: [amused smile and shakes her head]

They watch the movie, laughing as they watch. D throws up several times into the bowl, and each time B pauses the movie, takes the bowl to the kitchen and cleans it up, gets a clean towel and wets it with cold water, then brings it and the bowl back and gives them to D along with the water bottle from the table; D drinks some water and puts the cold towel on his face or neck, then they restart the movie

The movie ends

B: [looks at D and watches him]

D: [still obviously uncomfortable and not feeling well, still sweating and shaking slightly, glances at her]

B: [meets his gaze] {gently} "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said I didn't want you around.That's not true."

D: [holds her gaze, tense and sweating slightly, slight sardonic smile] "No?"

B: [holds his gaze, small smile, shakes her head] "No.... Turns out I'm actually kind of getting used to you."

D: [holds her gaze, small amused smile] "And familiarity turns to fondness, right?"

B: [holds his gaze, raises her eyebrows in surprise] "What?"

D: [holds her gaze, tense smile] "That's what you said."

B: [holds his gaze] (confused) "I did? When?"

D: [looks away, tense amused smile] "I don't know. A while ago."

B: [watches him] (conflicted and slightly concerned) "Okay, well.... I'm still sorry.... I guess you weren't the only one being petulant..."

D: [meets her gaze again] "Yeah... I don't really know what that means...."

B: [holds his gaze, small amused smile] "It means childish and sulky."

D: [small "okay, agreed" expression]

B: [holds his gaze, small affectionate smile] "Also.... I'm sorry....I never used to be so sarcastic.... Ever...."

D: [holds her gaze, raises his eyebrows] "Ever?... You mean you've been suppressing your inner Hugh Laurie this whole time?"

B: [amused smile, reaches over and gently and playfully pokes his arm with a finger, hand trembling slightly] "Either that, or you're rubbing off on me."

D: [raises his eyebrows at her]

B: [meets his gaze, shakes her head with an amused expression] "Not like that.... Pervert."

D: [amused smile, swallows hard and winces]

B: [watches him, then slowly scoots closer to him and slowly raises a hand toward his face, trembling]

D: [watches her]

B: [trembling, gently touches his forehead with her hand, then meets his gaze, slowly lowers her hand to his cheek] {softly} "You're still hot."

D: [holds her gaze, small amused smile] "Tell me something I don't know."

B: [trembling, amused smile and lowers her hand, holds his gaze] "Is that an honest request, or more sarcasm?"

D: [holds her gaze, wry smile] "Lady's choice."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze for a moment] {gently} "You're a good man, Dean Winchester...."

D: [holds her gaze] (slight surprise)

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] "I hope you know that, but sometimes I feel like you need to be reminded...." [deep breath] ".... I didn't know Charlie.... And I don't know this Claire that you're worried about.... But you have such a giant heart.... and it's obvious how much you care about people.... especially the people you choose to care about... And I'm sorry you've lost so much... maybe I'll never know how much... but I just want you to know that I see how good you are... how special you are...."

D: [holds her gaze] (conflicted and slightly doubtful and subtly vulnerable)

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] {softly} "And there is nothing weak about taking care of yourself when you need to... or letting someone else take care of you when they need to...." [deep breath and searches his face] "You are so strong, Dean.... You have nothing to prove.... Not to anyone..." [holds his gaze] "And especially not to me."

D: [holds her gaze] (searching and conflicted and subtly vulnerable and longing)

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, small smile] {softly} "Now drink some more water and choose another movie."

D: [holds her gaze] {softly} "Who ARE you?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, chuckles] "Hey, you said for me to tell you something.... [shrugs] Make an honest request, get an honest response...."

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment] (subtly confused and conflicted and almost imperceptible longing) "I seriously don't know how to talk to you, Beth."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, small smile] (caring and slight searching) "I honestly don't know how to help you with that.... Except to say that... [small shrug] ... you don't have to... if you don't want to...."

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment] {softly} "You are so weird...."

B: [trembling, chuckles, "agreed" expression, holds out the remote toward him] {softly} "Choose something that will make you happy, Dean."

D: [holds her gaze, slowly reaches out and softly wraps his fingers around hers around the remote]

B: [holds his gaze, whole body visibly trembles at his touch]

D: [holds her gaze, his fingers softly wrapped about hers, then slowly takes the remote from her hand]

B: [trembling, looks away and slowly scoots back to her end of the couch]

D: [watches her, then looks at the TV]

B: [glances at him, then looks at the TV]

D: [puts on "I Dream of Jeannie"]

They watch the show until they both fall asleep


Some time later

B: [stirs awake, looks at D]

D: [sleeping deeply, slouched at his end of the couch]

B: [watches him, takes a deep breath] {whispers} "I wish you'd sleep in your comfortable bed, Dean Winchester..." [glances at L, then slowly and carefully gets up and takes L outside, calls S on her phone to check on him, then returns several minutes later to the living room]

D: [still sleeping deeply at his end of the couch]

B: [walks to his end of the couch and stands, looking down at him, watches him for several moments, then slowly leans closer to him and reaches out a trembling hand and gently touches his forehead]

D: [eyes shoot open and he grabs her wrist with his hand, looks at her face]

B: [meets his eyes, trembling] (caring and concerned and apologetic) {quietly} "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to.... I just wanted to... I'm sorry...."

D: [holds her gaze, looking up at her, releases his grip on her wrist slightly, takes a deep breath, then small smile] "No problem."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, slight smile]

D: [holds her gaze, absently strokes her wrist with his thumb]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, flinches slightly]

D: [holds her gaze, slowly releases her wrist and lowers his hand]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, lowers her hand and swallows hard, hesitates, then slowly crouches next to the end of the couch and raises her hand to steady herself on the arm of the couch, watching his face, small smile] {gently} "You look like you're feeling better. Want to try some soup?"

D: [turns his head and watches her face as she moves, meets her gaze, slight amused smile] "I don't know... are you gonna make it?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, amused smile] "If by 'make it,' you mean open the can and heat it up on the stove, then yes."

D: [small smile] "Okay then, sure, Master Chef."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, amused smile and shakes her head, then stands and gently shoves his shoulder]

D: [grins at her]

B goes to the kitchen and heats up some soup, pours the soup into a bowl, gets a spoon, and brings it to D in the living room

D: [sitting on his end of the couch, watching a Three Stooges movie, laughs]

B: [smiles at him and hands him the bowl]

D: [takes the bowl, his hands brushing hers as he does so]

B: [flinches at his touch, then goes curls up at her end of the couch and watches the movie with him]

They watch the movie and laugh. D finishes his soup and sets the bowl on the table. They both eventually fall asleep again before the movie ends

They spend the whole next day sitting on the couch, watching Three Stooges movies, eating easy foods like soup or ice cream

D: [eating some vanilla ice cream] "Do chicks really do the whole cookie dough ice cream thing?"

B: [eating vanilla ice cream, nods] "Sure. It's a simple reward system for the brain. Comfort food increases serotonin and dopamine levels and gives the sensation of physical pleasure and emotional satisfaction." [smiles at him] "It works for women and men.... Just so you know." [raises her spoon of ice cream toward him]

D: [raises his spoon toward her]

They watch Anger Management, and talk about their pet peeves

B: [curled up at her end of the couch] (thoughtful) "My top pet peeves would have to be.... People who don't put their shopping carts away.... Bicyclists who don't follow traffic rules.... People who steal pens and don't return them.... Media that doesn't accurately portray mental health professionals.... [grins at him] ... and bossiness."

D: [rolls his eyes with an amused expression]

B: [lightly kicks his leg with her foot, then pulls it back] "What about you?"

D: [nods] "Easy. Witches, hippies, burnt popcorn, dudes who think they know a lot when they don't, guns that jam, dick-head angels, Nicholas Sparks, kale, and... [grins at her] ... dogs in the car."

B: [laughs, then meets his gaze] "What is wrong with hippies?"

D: [laughs]

D tells B about some of his cases, including the time he basically became a dog, the time he met a witch's familiar that was also a dog, the time he and S had to deal with a rabbit's foot that made them very lucky then almost killed them, the time they worked a case with a psychic who made the world around him operate like a cartoon, and when they worked a case in an alternate reality where they were TV stars on a show called Supernatural. B is excited and asks lots of animated questions as they talk.

They watch Caddyshack, then they watch What About Bob, and B talks about working with eccentric clients and setting healthy boundaries with people who have none, and about having balance between professional and personal life, making jokes as they talk, and they both smile and laugh

They both get tired

Eventually, the movie Backdraft is playing on the TV. D is sitting and sleeping at his end of the couch, and B is dozing, curled up on the other end. The move ends and the room goes silent.

B: [falling asleep]

D: [suddenly jerks upright, gasping]

B: [instantly wakes, looks at him] (concerned) "Dean?"

D: {whispers} "Son of a bitch!"

B: [sits up and scoots toward him, searching his face in the dim light of the TV] (concerned) "Are you okay?"

D: [glances at her and forces a smile, trembling slightly] "Aces. Go back to sleep."

B: [searching his face, shakes head slightly] "No, you're not... Dean, you had a nightmare. This is a PTSD response." [slowly reaches out and places her hand gently on his wrist with a slight tremble]

D: [slightly breathless, looks down at her hand, then meets her gaze and wry smile at her] {gruffly} "I thought you didn't touch your clients."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (open and sincere and slight pleading) {gently} "You're not a client, Dean....You never—" [shakes head slightly then looks at him gently] "...Stop deflecting."

D: [face turns serious and he looks away]

B: [trembling, continues to search his face] {gently} "Let me help you, Dean.....I don't want to therapize you... I want to help... as a friend... if you'll let me...." [gently squeezes his wrist] {breathlessly} "....Please."

D: [looks down at her hand on his wrist, then up at her and meets her gaze in the dim light] (stoic and serious and subtle pleading and vulnerability)

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] {gently} "You don't have to go through this alone...." [studies his unmoving face for several moments, then slowly starts to lean back and pull her hand away] (still concerned, still searching)

D: [clenches his jaw and covers her hand with his own, covering his other wrist] (Stoic and serious and slight vulnerability and subtle pleading)

B: [trembling, looks down at his hand that's covering her own trembling one, which is gripping his other wrist, then looks into his face] (compassion and concern and caring and searching) {gently} "What does it feel like, Dean?... What does it feel like in your body?"

D: [meets her gaze, lips quiver slightly, a slight shrug]

B: [trembling, nods slightly, holding his gaze] {gently} "Pressure in your chest?...heart palpitations?...breathlessness?... muscle tension?....stomach churning?....racing–"

D: [holds her gaze, slowly picks up her hand and pulls it toward his chest, pulling her gently closer]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, scoots closer to him on the couch]

D: [clenches his jaw and places her hand over his solar plexus and presses her palm firmly there]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, nods gently]

D: [holds her gaze] {soft and low} "It feels like a giant hole, and a boulder, at the same time."

B: [trembling, searches his eyes, nods slightly] {softly} "Emptiness and overwhelmed simultaneously?..." [slight smile] ".... Layered and complex."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of sudden subtle relief, then intense pain) [continues pressing hard on her hand against his body]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] {softly} "This next part is hard. Please be brave...."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of fear, then stoic and serious, slightly vulnerable and subtly pleading) [nods slightly]

B: [trembling, swallows hard, holding his gaze] "What's the feeling?... The emotion?"

D: [swallows hard and glances away]

B: [trembling, watches him] {gently} "Stay with me.... Please....I know it's hard...so hard... .but if you push it away now, it will come back when you don't want it to...and if you can just sit with it...just for a moment...it might be a little less....next time..."

D: [closes eyes tightly then looks at her]

B: [trembling, meets his gaze] {gently} "Pain?.... Fear?.... Anger?... Grief?... Sorrow?.... Confusion?.... Powerlessness?--"

D: [holds her gaze] {breathless} "Yeah. All that shit."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, nods] (caring and understanding and empathy) {gently} "And probably more....That's a lot...."

D: [holds her gaze, clenches his jaw]

B: [trembling, searching his eyes] {gently} "This is the hardest part.... I think....can you... can you tell me about the nightmare? You don't have to if you don't–

D: [holds her gaze] {soft and breathless} "It was my mom."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, her fingers curl softly into his body for just a moment] {softly} "You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to... .if you don't it might not...if you do... there's a chance that... maybe...next time it won't be as strong."

D: [tears fill his eyes as he holds her gaze, and he squeezes her hand tightly on his solar plexus]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (caring and empathy, and subtle concern) {gently} "She died bad...?"

D: [sucks in a breath of air] {softly} "It was...I was just a kid, only four... but I remember it all, every second, every sound..."

D proceeds to tell her softly about his mom, her violent death at the hand of a yellow-eyed demon and how she burst into flames while pinned to the ceiling above S's crib, his nightmares, his dad's reaction to his mom's death and how that got them started with hunting, briefly about his relationship with his dad, about taking care of S all through his life, and other related experiences, such as seeing his mom's ghost. It pours out of him like water from a pressure washer, and tears fall down his face as he talks

B listens, caring and empathetic and encouraging, mostly quiet, trembling, until he finishes

D: [looking away from her, still pressing her trembling hand into his solar plexus, tears on his face] "It's always there, in the back of my mind, like TV static. It's why I do what I do. So no one else will ever have to go through something like that... so no monster will ever get away with that shit with anyone else..." [wipes his face with his free hand] "I miss her... She was a great mom."


B: [trembling, watches him] {softly} "Wow.... That is...intense..."

D: [small tense smile without looking at her]

B: [trembling, watching him] "....Thank you for sharing that with me...." (caring and empathetic and comforting) [slight smile]

D: [meets her gaze, tears on his face, slight relieved smile]

B: [trembling, searching his eyes] (caring and compassion) {softly} "What is it like now?... In your body?"

D: [pauses, holds her gaze, then gently lifts her trembling hand off of his solar plexus and places it gently on his heart] {lowly} "It's pounding like a son of a bitch."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, slight smile] {softly} "I can feel it."

D: [holds her gaze, pressing her hand to his heart, slight relieved smile]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] {tenderly} "It's because this....[presses slightly more on his chest] ...is so much stronger."

D: [looks away, lips quiver, very soft sob]

B: [trembling, searching his face, she turns her hand around over his heart and grips his hand that still covers her own, pressed against his body] "It was the movie, wasn't it?... The fire?"

D: [clenches his eyes closed and tears fall down his cheeks]

B: [trembling, watching him, very slowly and tenderly, with one hand still holding tightly to his hand and pressed against his heart, reaches her other arm around his shoulder, and she pulls him gently toward her trembling body]

D: [softly leans into her, pressing his face against the base of her throat, and cries softly, the fingers of the hand she still holds over his heart subtly trembling]

B: [trembling, swallows hard, closes her eyes tightly, one arm around his shoulders, slowly and gently uses her other hand that is still pressed against his heart and gripping his hand, pulls his hand away from his chest, and moves his hand until his arm is wrapped around her waist, then releases his hand and places her's tenderly on his shoulder]

D: [sobs and squeezes her body strongly with his arm, crying softly into the base of her throat]

B: [trembling, holds him tenderly, until he stills]

D: [slowly leans back and looks into her face, tear stains covering his cheeks, meets her gaze in the dim light]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] {softly} "Your mom loved you, Dean....I don't know how I know... I just know."

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile] {gruffly} "Is that your professional opinion?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] {gently} "No."

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then glances down at her throat and collar bone, covered in his tears]

B: [trembling, watches him, her arm still around his shoulder and her other hand resting on his other shoulder]

D: [slowly reaches his hand up and softly touches her throat with his fingers, softly touching his thumb to the tiny scar on her neck from where the demon's blade sliced her that first day]

B: [trembles more, watching his face]

D: [with his hand still gently touching her throat, meets her gaze, slight smile] {gently} "I got my face goop all over you. Sorry."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] {softly} "Don't be.... Please."

D: [holds her gaze for another moment, then looks down at her lips, then quickly looks away and slowly pulls away from her]

B: [trembling, leans back slowly]

D: [glances at her again, slight smile] {lowly} "Friends?"

B: [trembling, meets his eyes, slight smile] {gently} "Your new favorite show."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] "Ross is awesome."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, small smile] {gently} "I've always really liked Joey."

D: [holds her gaze, lips quiver almost imperceptibly, then small smile] {softly} "He's growing on me."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, smiles] {softly} "I'm glad." [pauses a moment, holding his gaze, then gets up and puts FRIENDS in the blueray player, then goes to her end of the couch and curls up]

They sit on the couch and fall asleep watching the TV.


The next day

D: [finds B reading in the fireplace room and hands her his Dad's journal]

B: [smiles at him and takes it, looks at it, then looks up at D questioningly]

D: [meets her gaze and holds her gaze for a moment, then turns and walks away]

B reads the journal, a tear falling down her cheek

A long time later

B: [goes to D's room and knocks gently on the door]

D: [from inside the room] "Yeah."

B: [slowly opens the door]

D: [sitting on the floor next to his bed, leaning against the side of his bed, looks up at her]

B: [meets his gaze, slowly walks into the room, over to him, then slowly crouches next to him and holds the journal out to him]

D: [holds her gaze, takes the journal] (Unreadable)

B: [holds his gaze] {gently} "Any time you want to talk..... You don't have to... but I'm here.... not as a therapist... just as a–

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable) "Friend."

B: [holds his gaze, small smile, nods]

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze, slowly stands and leaves the room]


About a week later

At a bar, after a hunt, S and D and B are all sitting around a table, eating

B: [smiles at S and D] "I really like when we get to celebrate our victories after we finish a case. It makes it seem so much more joyful."

S: [smiles at her] "It's a nice change of pace, I have to admit."

D: [takes a drink of beer, looks between them] "Whatever, dorks...."

S: [looks at D with conflicted amusement]

B: [looks at D with a small amused smile]

D: [looks between them] "Not to monday morning quarterback this thing, but how come whenever we're hunting ghoul, I'm the one who has to go underground and get the freak?" [brushes some dirt off of his jacket sleeve]

S: [slight impatient expression]

B: [amused smile at D] "I offered to do it."

D: [scoffs] "Yeah, right!" [takes another drink of beer]

B: [raises her eyebrows at him] "Why?.... Because I'm a woman? So I'm too delicate to–"

D: [meets her gaze and leans toward her slightly, slight amused smile] "And what would you have done when you got to the end of that tunnel, sweetheart?" [pointed look] "There were three of them."

B: [holds his gaze, slight amused smile] "What did you do?"

D: [holds her gaze, amused and curious expression] "Really? You think you could have taken on three ghouls, by yourself?"

B: [holds his gaze, hesitates, then slightly defiant look] "All I'm saying is don't bitch about having to do something when you had an opportunity to get out of it and you didn't take it."

D: [holds her gaze, sits back in his seat casually] "So damn sassy...." [takes a drink of his beer]

B: [holds his gaze, slight "so what?" expression]

S: [watches them] (amused and fascinated)

D: [holds her gaze, leans forward again] (slightly amused and subtly serious) "How about you don't bitch about my bitching when you're making spaghetti offers that are gonna get your ass killed."

B: [blinks, then holds his gaze] "You think that was a spaghetti offer?"

D: [straightens, holding her gaze, nods] "Damn right, I do."

B: [holds his gaze] (slightly defiant) "How so?"

D: [holds her gaze] "You make these dumb ass decisions out of... obligation... or [seems to search his mind for a moment, then gestures toward her] ...I don't know why the hell you Spock from Wrath of Khan yourself all the time!" [leans forward slightly, holding her gaze] "Why do you clam up and do things you don't want to do when it's your ass on the line?"

B: [holds his gaze, hesitates, then] (bold denial) "Like you never do the same thing."

D: [holds her gaze, leans back in his seat again] "It's not the same. I don't do it just to be nice."

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of defiance, then hesitation, then conviction) "...I..." [quizzical expression]

D: [holds her gaze, takes a drink of beer, then sets the beer on the table] "What would you have done if I'd have said yes?"

B: [holds his gaze] (slight surprise, then flash of confused hesitation, then confliction, then reluctant acceptance) "...I... don't know...."

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile]

B: [holds his gaze, then shakes her head with a small amused smile] "Shut up, Dean."

D: [chuckles, then glances past her at the pool table, where some guys are playing pool and talking raucously] "While you contemplate that little mystery..." [stands and leans over the table, mischievous expression] "I'm gonna go hustle us up some lunch money." [knocks a knuckle on the table]

S: [shakes his head in reluctant amusement]

B: [watches D with slight amused affection]

D: [looks at B and winks playfully, then looks at S pointedly and nods toward B] "You, watch her!... I can't focus on pool if I'm worried about some slime-ball making a play for our prophet."

S: [shakes his head] "Whatever, dude."

B: [rolls her eyes and tosses a napkin at him] "Dean, just go!"

D: [grins at them, then turns toward the pool table, runs his hands through his hair and tousles his hair, picks up his beer, then walks toward the pool table with a slight stagger] "Hey, fellas, whatcha... you want some competition?"

B: [watches him, small smile] (amused and subtly affectionate)

S: [watches D with a small amused smile, then glances at B and watches her] (subtle fascination and curiosity)

B: [watches D for several moments, then glances at S, meets his gaze, raises her eyebrows] "What?"

S: [shakes his head] "Nothing."

B: [hold his gaze for a moment, then glances at D, then looks back at S] "You don't hustle pool?"

S: [glances at D] "No, that's more Dean's thing. He enjoys it too much, if you ask me." [smiles at her]

B: [glances at D] "You're not wrong..." [looks at S with an amused smile, then glances past him to the bar, where a pretty young woman is watching him] "How about that? There's something that might interest you..."

S: [glances over his shoulder at the young woman, then starts to turn back, then hesitates and looks at her again]

Pretty Young Woman: [smiles at S]

S: [small smile at her, then turns back to B] "That's okay. There'd be no point."

B: [raises her eyebrows at him] "Oh, I think she'd find a point for you."

S: [amused look at her]

B: [rolls her eyes in amusement] "You know what I mean!...." [glances at Pretty Young Woman again] "Come on, she's cute!" [pointed look at S]

S: (slightly awkward) "I'm not really the 'hit on girls at the bar' kind of guy. That's more Dean's thing."

B: [flash of hesitation, then blinks and smiles at S] "Are you really not interested?"

S: [glances over his shoulder at Pretty Young Woman again, hesitates, then turns back to B]

B: [smiles and scoots her chair back] "I tell you what, my friend.... I'm going to go check on L in the car, and while I do that, why don't you be a gentleman and get me another drink from the bar?" [stands, small playful smile at S]

S: [watches her uncertainly] "Beth, hold on a sec." [glances at D]

B: [glances at D]

D: [playing pool and pretending to be slightly drunk with the guys at the pool table]

B: [looks back at S and raises her eyebrows] "It's okay, Sam. You can live your own life while I go to the car.... No demons will get me, and you deserve to have a little fun.... Besides...." [glances at Pretty Young Woman, who is watching S] "....I'm not the one who's going to need protection...." [looks back at S]

S: [looks at B in surprised amusement]

B: [playful smile at S] "Good luck." [walks to the door and out of the bar, goes to the impala and gets L out of the backseat and walks her around the edge of the parking lot for a few minutes, then puts L back in the backseat of the impala, then shuts the door and turns back toward the bar]

Two unfamiliar men approach her, then stop a little ways away from her

Unfamiliar man 1: [looks at her] "Hello, miss."

B: [hesitates, looks at them] (slightly nervous) "Hello....Can I help you?"

Unfamiliar man 1: [looking at her] "Mind if we talk to you for a minute?"

B: [hesitates again] "Uh... actually, I've got friends waiting for me inside–"

Unfamiliar man 1: "You're Beth her last name, aren't you?"

B: [hesitates again] (uncertain and slightly nervous) ".... Do I know you?"

Unfamiliar man 2: [looking at her] "No, but we know who you are."

B: [looks between them] (nervous)

Unfamiliar man 1: [looking at her] "I'm Hank and this is Gerald. We're hunters."

B: [looks between them, relaxes slightly, nods]

Hank: "We just wanted to talk to you for a minute."

B: [looks between them] (slightly nervous, but also slightly curious) ".... About what?..."

Gerald: "We heard about you from the hunter grape vine."

B: (slightly surprised) "Really?"

Hank: [nods] "The new prophet. Word gets around. Especially with you hanging around with the Winchesters."

B: [hesitates] (uncertain) "... Okay...."

Hank: "Cute little thing like you, new to this whole crazy life. We figured there's some things you ought to know."

B: [looks between them] (uncertain) "...Okay..."

Gerald: [watching her] "Do you know the kind of fellas you're cruising around with?"

B: [meets his eyes] "I do."

Gerald: [holds her gaze, shakes his head] "All due respect, but I don't think you do, ma'am."

Hank: [watching her] "If you did, you wouldn't be spending your time with the likes of them."

B: [looks between them, opens her mouth to speak]

Gerald: "They can't be trusted."

B: [closes her mouth, meets Gerald's eyes]

Hank: "They're killers."

B: [meets Hank's eyes, opens her mouth to speak]

D: [walking up behind Hand and Gerald] {gruffly} "Is there a problem here?" (serious and focused)

S: [walking behind D] (serious and focused)

Hand and Gerald turn toward S and D

Hank: "I don't know. Is there?" [glances at B]

D: [walks up and stops a few feet away from B, faces Hank and Gerald, hands in his pockets] (serious and slightly impatient) "Look, guys, I know she seems all cute and helpless, but I promise, she's here of her own free will. No one is –"

Gerald: [watching D] "Is she, Dean?"

Hank: [watching D] "You sure about that?"

D: [hesitates, looks between Gerald and Hank] "Excuse me?"

S: [standing a little ways from D, looks between Hand and Gerald]

Gerald: [watching D] "Don't you think Beth deserves to know the kind of men she's hitching her wagon to, before you get her killed, or worse?"

B: [watches them all as they talk]

D: [stares at Hank and Gerald, clenches his jaw] (serious and slightly angry)

S: [looks between Hank and Gerald in frustrated confusion] "Who the hell are you guys?"

Hank: [looks at S] "That's not as important as who you are, Sam Winchester."

S: [looks at him, hesitates]

Hank: [looks at B, nods toward S] "Has he told you about how he let Lucifer out of the cage? Started the apocalypse?"

S: (flash of uncertainty and guilt and worry)

Gerald: [looks at S with subtle fury] "A lot of good people died because of you. A lot of good hunters."

Hank: [looks from B to S] "A lot of friends."

D: (frustrated and protective) {gruffly} "Hey, you guys need to back off. You're sticking your noses into things you don't understand–"

Gerald: [look at D with seething anger] "And you're no better, Dean. We know all about you. You're a killer. A cold blooded killer."

D: [looks at Gerald and clenches his jaw]

Hank: [looks at B] "Have they told you what happened to the last couple prophets? Have they told you about the last kid who trusted them, and how he died right–"

D: [looks at Hank] (angry and defensive) "Hey!" [steps toward Hank]

Hank: [looks at D angrily] {loudly} "She has a right to know!" [steps toward D]

B: [steps between them] (calm) "Stop."

They all stop and look at her

B: [deep breath, then looks at D, meets his gaze for a brief moment, then turns toward Hank and Gerald, looking between them] (calm) "Look, guys, I appreciate what you're trying to do.... I really do... I know your hearts are in the right place...."

They all watch her

B: [meets Hank's eyes] "But it's okay...." [meets Gerald's eyes] "I'm okay...." [looks between them and gestures toward S and D] "I know these men–"

Gerald: "Are you sure? People die around them. A lot of people."

S: [slightly frustrated and guilty expression]

D: [clenches his fists angrily]

Hank: [looking at B] "Maybe you don't know them as well as you think you do. They're bad news. They're killers."

B: [meets Hank's gaze] (calm and confident) "No, they're not."

They all look at her, surprised

B: [holds Hank's gaze, small shrug] "They kill things, yes.... I know.... They may even kill people, sometimes.... And maybe some people do die around them..... But that's not who they are."

Gerald: [looking at her] "No offense, miss, but you don't know–"

B: [meets his gaze] "I know what I need to know."

They all watch her

B: [looks between Hank and Gerald, gestures toward S and D] (calm and confident) "These are good men.... The best men I've ever known.... And I trust them...."

They all watch her uncertainly

B: [looks between Hank and Gerald] (calm and empathetic and compassionate) "....I'm so sorry that you have lost people... friends.... And I'm sorry for your pain, I truly am.... And I honestly hope that someday you can find.... whatever it is you need in order to be okay... to have peace and to let go of that pain...."

Hank and Gerald both seem to soften slightly as they watch her

B: [looks between them] (calm and confident) "And I genuinely appreciate your concern.... I can tell that you are both good men... and maybe someday we can talk more about your experiences... because I would really like to know you both better.... But for right now.... Please trust that I am okay... and if anything happens to me, it's because of decisions that I've made... not because of anyone or anything else."

Hank and Gerald watch her uncertainly

B: [smiles at them] "I hope you both can walk away from this moment and be okay, too... You deserve that."

Hank and Gerald both hesitate, then look at S and D

D: [looks at them, small "okay, then" expression] (serious and subtly accepting)

S: [watches them] (wary and subtly hopeful)

Gerald: [nods seriously at S and D, then looks at B and nods] "Ma'am."

B: [smiles at him]

Hank: [watching S and D, reaches into his coat pocket]

S and D tense, watching him

D: [steps closer to B, watching Hank]

Hank: [looks at D, hesitates, then slowly pulls a business card out of his pocket]

D: [relaxes slightly, watching Hank]

Hank: [looks at B and holds the business card out to her] "You need anything, you give me a call." [looks at D] "Anything."

B: [glances up at D, then looks at Hank and takes the card] "Thank you, Hank."

D: [holds Hank's gaze seriously, then slight nod]

Hank: [holds D's gaze, slight nod, looks at B, then turns and walks away]

S and D and B watch them walk away and get into a pick-up truck and drive away

S: [looks at B] "You okay?"

D: [looks down at B]

B: [looks between S and D and small smile] "I am. Are you?"

S: [shrugs] "Yeah, I guess so."

B: [smiles compassionately at him]

D: [glances between S and B] (serious) {gruffly} "Let's get out of here." [starts to walk to the impala]

B: [watches him] "Dean...."

D: [hesitates, then stops and turns to her, meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] "If you really want to go, that's fine....but those guys don't have the right to take your celebration from you."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] "They don't get to have that power over this moment... if you honestly want to leave... just let it be because it's what you really want...." [small smile and small shrug]

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment, then takes a deep breath] "You do need more practice at your pool game."

B: [holds his gaze, small amused smile] "And who better to teach me than a professional pool hustler?"

D: [small amused smile, looks at S]

S: [meets D's gaze, small amused smile and shrugs]

D: [nods and walks back toward the bar]

They all walk back toward the bar

S: [glances at D] "I think this counts as number ten."

D: [glances at S in slight irritation] "Nine and a half."

B: [looks between them in confusion]

S: [amused expression] "Come on, Dean, the last time we were arrested cuz they thought we kidnapped her. I think that more than makes up for the guy in Missouri."

D: [small "ehh, maybe" expression]

B: [looks between them in confusion] "What the hell are you guys talking about?"

D: [opens the door and gestures for her to walk in front of them into the bar] "You, sweetheart. And it's none of your damn business." [smiles at her teasingly]

B: [looks at him with a confused expression as she walks past him into the bar, then stops and rolls her eyes at him] "Whatever, pool shark. Did you win any money off those poor guys?"

D: [grins at her] "Two hundred bucks."

B: (impressed) "Nice!" [raises her hand toward him]

D: [high-fives her hand]

B: [smiling, hand flinches slightly at his touch, then she lowers her hand and looks at S] "And did you get that girl's number?"

S: [looks at her in slight surprise, then looks at D with irritation] "Almost."

B: [looks from S to D and then slaps D's arm playfully] "You should give him the two hundred dollars for babysitting money, you grouch!"

D: [raises a hand defensively and grins at her] "Why? He didn't do the damn job!"

S: [rolls his eyes in amusement and walks past them, toward the pool table]

B: [rolls her eyes and amused smile, then follows S] "We'll find you someone else, Sam. Someone who doesn't scare so easily."

D: [follows her, amused smile] "Yeah, right. That's just what we need."

They go to the pool table and play pool, laughing and joking and having fun


B: [in the main room, practicing drawing sigils while also throwing L's toy for her]

S and D come through the door of the bunker

B: [looks up with a smile, then hesitates]

L: [holding her toy in her mouth, looks at S and D and wags her tail]

D: [walks down the stairs, not looking at B or L] (Serious and subtly agitated)

S: [following D] (subtly upset)

B: [stands, watching them]

D: [walks past the war room table and drops his duffle bag on the table, then walks into the main room, not looking at her, gestures toward her as he walks past her] {gruffly} "Don't."

B: [watching him] (concerned) "Don't what?"

D: [not looking at her, walks past her] {gruffly} "Just don't." [walks out of the room]

B: [looks at S] (concerned)

S: [walks up to her] (hesitantly upset)

B: [watches his face] "Are you okay?"

S: [looks at her] (tense) "It's not me I'm worried about." [looks in the direction D went]

B: [follows his gaze, then looks back up at him] (concerned) [reaches out and rests her hand on his arm] "Are you okay?"

S: [looks down at her and meets her gaze, softens slightly, small tense smile] "I'm good." [leans over and kisses her head while he squeezes her arm with his hand, then straightens]

B: [looks up at his face searchingly] "Are you?"

S: [meets her gaze, small smile] "Yeah."

B: [searches his eyes]

D: [walks back into the room, not looking at them] {gruffly} "You two want some alone time?"

S: [looks at D]

B: [looks at D]

D: [walks over to the liquor cabinet and pours some whiskey in a glass]

S and B watch him

S: [looks down at B] "I'm gonna go take a shower." [squeezes her arm]

B: [meets his gaze, searches his eyes]

S: [holds her gaze, small tense smile, nods] "Later."

B: [searches his eyes, then nods]

S: [glances at D, then leaves the room]

D: [not looking at her, walks down the stairs into the war room and sits at the table, takes a drink of his drink]

B: [walks down the stairs into the war room and stands at the bottom of the stairs, watching D]



D: [not looking at her] {gruffly} "You don't know what I've done..."

B: [watching him] {gently} "I know."


D: [staring down at the drink in his hand] {lowly} "It's bad. It's ugly...dark."

B: [watches him] {gently} "I know."

D: [looks at her] (flash of surprise, then flash of confusion and subtle pain and guilt)

B: [meets his gaze] (serious and caring) {gently} "I don't care."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of confusion, then subtle vulnerability and searching) {quietly} "How can you say that?"

B: [holds his gaze] "Because I know you."

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable) [looks down and takes a drink] "You don't know anything, sweetheart."

B: [watches him]

D: [stares at his drink for a moment, then glances at her with a tense and sarcastic smile] "What? No witty comeback? No sass?"

B: [meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then looks down at his drink again] "No lecture or lesson about self-esteem or any of that bullshit?"

B: [watches him]

D: [stares at his drink for a long moment, then takes another drink, then stares at the drink again] {lowly} "I've done things you can't imagine."

B: [watches him for a moment] {gently} "And maybe someday you'll trust me enough to tell me....and I would be honored.... honored... to know that part of you, Dean.....but I don't need to know your story to know who you are..... I've seen it...."

D: [looks at her] (flash of slight pain and fear)

B: [holds his gaze] "....I've felt it....I've been there, Dean.... I've watched your violence....and I am more than thoroughly convinced....that your heart's not in it...."

D: [clenches his jaw and looks away]

B: [watches him] "I know it's not what you want, Dean....Not really....it's what your instincts and your brain tell you you need to do in that moment... and they're usually damn right....with your physical reflexes and skills....and your split second decisions....no time to check in, so you just act... because in that millisecond you know that's what you need to do....but you don't want to....you shut your heart down in those hard moments because if you listened to it, you wouldn't want to do what you need to do....."

D: [stares the drink in his hand]

B: [watches him] {gently} "...Your heart is in the moments when you hesitate...."

D: [closes eyes for a brief second, then opens them again and stares at the wall]

B: [watches him] "To me....those moments of the briefest hesitation....that's your true self... because that's when you're in your body and your mind.... and you're connected with your heart...and you make a conscious choice based on the information you have at that second.... and then you either choose to follow your whole self.... and wait....or you turn off your heart so that you can act..."

D: [continues to stare at the wall]

B: [watches him] "Maybe you don't believe me, and that's okay.... But I see it....That's your sacrifice, Dean....."

D: [looks down at his drink]

B: [watches him] {gently} "You shut down a piece of yourself everytime you hurt someone else... whether it be a person, or a monster, or even a demon.... everytime you make a decision that you later question or regret... you go against your true desire because you believe....you know... that's the right thing to do in that moment....and your desire to do the right thing is stronger than your desire to save yourself...to save your heart...so you torture yourself....You do violent things that you truly don't want to do because...in that brief second... you don't believe you have a choice....and that kills you....because you feel it....all the time.... you carry that with you in your heart....and you choose to continue..."

D: [takes a drink]

B: [watches him] "You continue to do the hard things and make the scary decisions.... even though it hurts every damn part of you... all the time....but you keep going....you could walk away...but you keep killing yourself... Not your body...that's too easy... you'd give that up in a heart beat...because you have..."

D: [stares down at his drink]

B: [watches him] "...And not your mind, because that's the part that knows you did the best thing you knew how to in the moment....you torture your heart....and that's your sacrifice... you've always thought it would be your death...but it's your life..."

D: [shakes his head slightly, stares at his drink]

B: [watches him] "That's the piece of yourself that you don't want me to see....because if I see it, then I might try to show it to you....and that is petrifying....because if you look at that part of yourself....you'll connect to your heart and have to feel all that pain and shame and regret and fear.....and those feelings are so terrifying... so you never allow anyone to connect with part of you....the vulnerable part."

D: [clenches his jaw, looks up and stares at the wall]

B: [watches him] (serious and subtly pleading) "You think you're a piece of shit because you've made flawed choices....done things out of hate or fear or anger...Because you have things inside of you that are hard and scary?... Because you haven't always been the most perfect version of yourself or who you think you should be? ....Well, if that makes you a bad person, then I am, too, Dean.... Fair's fair."

D: [stares at the wall] (Unreadable)

B: [watches him] (caring and subtle pleading) "I know who you are, Dean Winchester..... Maybe it's arrogant, or presumptuous, or unprofessional, or even unhealthy.....But I'm going to say it because it's my truth..... I see you, Dean.... It's what I do..... And what I see in you is....love...and bravery.... and hope...and fear...and strength....and so many damned good things. The only shitty thing about you is that you won't see who you really are...."

D: [stares at the wall, clenches his jaw]

B: [watches him] (caring and pleading) "All of you... That's it....that's the only thing that I would change about you.... So you could own the good, the bad, and the ugly..... You're fine with the bad and the ugly... you can focus on those things about yourself all day long...you've done it enough.... But you can't look at the good.... Because that makes you vulnerable.... Being seen is your worst fear, Dean.....That's why you won't look me in the eye right now....because you know I'm seeing you right now and that I'm telling the truth....And that terrifies you...that someone might actually know you..."

D: [subtle head shake, stares at the wall]

B: [watches him] "I've never seen you not be able to face your fear, Dean... Every other fear.....If I was standing here with a gun on you or if I was a monster...you'd be looking me dead in the eyes...becauses you know how to handle that fear....if I were calling you out on shit you already believe about yourself or something you are willing to see....something you're willing to change....you would be looking me in my eyes and taking it...because that's what you've always done before...If I was telling you something you believed was bullshit, you'd look me in my face and call me out.....you've done that before, too....but for some reason you can't look at me right now...and I think it's because you know that I see who you really are...and that is so scary that you can't face it....not head on, in this moment....and that's okay."

D: [looks down at his drink] (subtle pain and desperation)

B: [watches him] (caring and pleading) "You can keep people at arms length that way.... by not letting them see that you're also gentle... and sweet... and caring...and kind....[slight smile] etcetera. You only want people to see the strong, courageous, self-sacrificing side.... because then you won't be vulnerable.... But guess what, Dean.... I've been around for a minute now, and I've seen it all....You've made me laugh and you've made me safe and you've cared for me.... And you've done that and more for so many others....but you refuse to see that... And I don't know why that is... and I hope to find out some day, but I don't have to know why you are.... to know who you are."

D: (Serious, subtly vulnerable and pleading) [still not looking at her ] {gruffly} "You don't know all of me."

B: [watches him] {gently} "Why? Just because I don't know about all of your mistakes... or regrets.... or fears.... or darkness....? Those are just facts, Dean, and I don't need to know the facts to know the truth.... The truth is so much bigger than just facts.... And so are you.... You are more than just your thoughts, feelings, or behavior....Those are just facts....things we can quantify, annalyze, research, and report on.... Those are facts but they're not the truth.....Not the whole truth. ...And they're not the whole you..... Otherwise you would have driven me away."

D: (surprised) [meets her eyes] (confused and hesitant)

B: [holding D's gaze] (calm and confident and caring) {gently} "That day....after the school bus...after I yelled at you like a crazy mother fucker....You said you'd drive me anywhere I wanted to go....and I was going to let you... but you didn't.... "

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] "Because you are more than just a big stong body, or you would have driven me away just to get rid of me....And you are more than just a soft, strong, compassionate heart...or you would have driven me away...because you knew that I needed to be free..... And you are more than just a keen mind that thinks things through.... or you would have driven me away.... because you knew that I was a pain in the ass......[slight smile] ....But you didn't, because you are more than just a strong, capable body....or a big, brave, loving heart... or a sharp, witty, brilliant mind....you are all those things....and more. And that's the truth. And you know it....because you're looking in my eyes."

D: [continues to hold her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] (caringa and pleading and slightly desperate) "Complete and authentic.....You've got the complete part, Dean.... Now you just need the authentic part.... Please SEE yourself...your whole self... your good self....and accept it.....You don't have to be vulnerable with me because I haven't earned that....and even if I had....that would be your choice... but please, please, please.....know and accept yourself....be brave....one of your most core parts....Be you.....All of you."


D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [holds his gaze, then smiles gently and caringly, then turns around and walks out of the room]


Later: D finds B in the fireplace room

B: [glances and sees D, slowly stands and faces him]

D: [meets her gaze] {gruff and low} "I've done things."

B: [holds his gaze] {gently} "Dean, you don't have to tell me–"

D: [holds her gaze] {softly} "I want to."

D and B sit on the floor and D talks emotionally with B about hard things that's he's experienced and things he's done that he regrets, such as being in hell for what was 30 years in hell, about how he ended up torturing souls in hell and breaking the first seal to start the apocalypse; about being in purgatory and then killing his vampire friend Benny in order to save S; about getting the mark of Cain and the awful things he did when he had the mark, and then when he was a demon and the terrible things he did as a demon, and then about what he did after he became human again but still had the mark of Cain

D: [sitting on the floor, leaning his back against a chair, looking away from her, deep breath] "And then there's Kevin."

B: [watches him for a long moment, then] {gently} "Who's Kevin?"

D: [not looking at her, pauses for a long moment, then] {lowly} "Kevin was a prophet."

B: [watches him] (slight surprise)

D: [not looking at her] "He was just a kid. A good kid. A smart kid." [small smile] "An honor student, before he got sucked into all this shit."

B: [watches him]

D: [not looking at her] "He trusted me." [looks up at the ceiling and takes a deep breath, then back down] "It was after the trials. Sam was dying, and there was no way to save him. So I made a call.... I prayed, and an angel answered. I tricked Sam into letting the angel possess him, so he could heal him from the inside out. It was the only way Sam would survive. But that angel conned me. He wasn't who said he was. His name was Gadreel. And he killed Kevin." [closes his eyes]

B: [watches him]

D: [eyes closed] "He used my brother's hands, and he murdered Kevin, right in front of me." [opens his eyes and looks toward the door] "Burned him out, from the inside. Right in this bunker. Where the kid were supposed to be safe." [looks at her and meets her gaze] "Kevin died, pointlessly. And that's on me. I'll burn for that."

B: [holds his gaze, searches his eyes]

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [holds his gaze] (calm and caring) "You planned that?"

D: [holds gaze] (surprise and shock and denial) "No!"

B: [holds his gaze] "You knew it would happen?"

D: [holds her gaze, clenches his jaw] "No."

B: [holds his gaze, nods] {gently} "You wanted it to happen?"

D: [holds her gaze, tears come to his eyes] "No."

B: [holds his gaze, slight sad smile] "And I'm guessing you tried to stop it...."

D: [holds her gaze, tears in his eyes, shakes his head slightly] "I couldn't."

B: [holds his gaze, shakes her head slightly] "That doesn't make it your fault...."

D: [holds her gaze, a tear falls]

B: [holds his gaze] "Did you raise Gadreel's hands and force him to kill Kevin?"

D: [holds her gaze] "Stop it."

B: [holds his gaze] "Why?"

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of confusion, then subtle confliction)

B: [holds his gaze] (calm and caring and pleading and slightly desperate) "Why, Dean? Because you want to torture yourself?... Because you think you deserve it? Or you think it will somehow make things better if you blame yourself for something that you didn't do?.... That's not the truth, Dean!"

D: [holds her gaze, another tear falls] "You weren't there."

B: [holds his gaze] "So?!..." [swallows hard] "....Was it Sam's fault, too?"

D: [blinks, another tear falls, holds her gaze] "No!"

B: [holds his gaze, nods] "So... if neither of you planned it, or wanted it, or controlled it.... how is it either of your faults?"

D: [shakes his head and looks away] "You don't get it."

B: [watches him] (caring and pleading) "I do get it, Dean....You are making a choice."

D: [meets her gaze again] (slight surprise)

B: [holds his gaze] "You are choosing to believe something that is not true..."

D: [holds her gaze] (surprised, then doubtful and conflicted)

B: [holds his gaze] (caring and calm and confident) "And that's your choice to make.... But if you choose to live a lie, at least face the fact that that's what you're doing."

D: [holds her gaze] (conflicted)


D: [searches B's eyes]

B: [holds his gaze] (serious and caring and determined and subtle pleading)

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment, then slight wry smile] "You're sure chill for a prophet who just found out I let another prophet die, right here in this damn bunker."

B: [holds his gaze] "Did you let him die? Cuz you just said that you tried to stop it..."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] "You are relentless."

B: [holds his gaze for a long moment, then slight smile] "I'm right.... And you know it...."

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment, then] {gruffly} "Damn you, Beth."

B: [holds his gaze for a long moment, then slowly scoots closer to him and gently places her hand in his and trembles, smiles softly at him] {softly} "....You are so very brave....in everything you do..."

D: [looks down, squeezes her hand softly]


B: [trembling, watches him] (awkward and questioning) {gently} "I don't want to make this about me, but can I just say one more thing?"

D: [smiles shakily and rolls eyes] {softly} "Pain in the ass." [meets her gaze, nods] (vulnerable and searching and very subtly hopeful)

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, smiles softly] {softly} "In my personal opinion...it's not the choices we've made in the past that define us....we all just do the best we can with what we have in that exact moment....and sometimes in that moment all we have is fear....or ignorance....or false hope....or even weakness...."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of pain)

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, squeezes his hand tighter] {fervently} "But none of those things are bad, Dean....They just are.....They exist and they're real and they're human and they're honest..... and it's the honesty we have after those experiences....and the choices we make based on those experiences....in this moment... that really matter....."

D: [holds her gaze] (subtle questioning and pleading)

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, smiles tenderly] "People grow, Dean....it's why I live my life....because of hope that people can grow.....We learn, we change, we figure out how to do things better....it's our experiences....whatever they may be....that bring us to this moment so that we have the opportunity to be the best complete authentic selves we can be right now... being brave enough to not let the past define you and make you stagnant.... having the honesty and fortitude and resilience to make different choices based on what you've learned.... that's a lot of what makes you a complete and authentic person, in my book...." [squeezes his hand tightly]

D: [holds her gaze, lips quiver softly]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] {tenderly} "Living in the past makes you a victim....growth makes you a hero.....And Dean Winchester....you are a goddamn hero."

D: [holds her gaze, squeezes her hand] (subtle vulnerability and gratitude and affection)

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, squeezes his hand again] (caring and calm and confident and subtle affection)

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment, then small awkward smile] "I don't really know what to do now...."

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, small smile] "What do you want to do?"

D: [holds her gaze, then glances over her face, then meets her gaze again] (flash of conflicted desire and longing)

B: [trembling, holds his gaze] (flash of confusion, then confliction and uncertainty and almost imperceptible desire) [fingers flinch slightly in his hand, bites her bottom lip]

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then slowly pulls his hand away from hers, small wry smile] "I want a shower and some sleep. I'm beat."

B: [trembling, smiles at him, scoots back slightly] "Is that pun intended, Mr. King-Of- Head-Injuries?"

D: [chuckles, stands] "Don't worry, sweetheart, no concussion this time around."

B: [smiles up at him] "Good." [stands, then stumbles slightly]

D: [reaches out and steadies her with both hands on her arms]

B: [flinches at his touch and grasps his arms, looks up and meets his gaze, trembling]

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of searching and longing)

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, bites her bottom lip, hesitates, then lowers her hands from his arms]

D: [holds her gaze, lowers his hands from her arms, steps backward]

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "I'll let you pick the show tonight."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] "Anything but The Walking Dead.... Unless Beth and what's his name end up happily ever after, then I'd be cool with it."

B: [holds his gaze and smiles, shakes her head slightly] "If I've learned anything in the last couple months, it's that anything is possible...."

D: [holds her gaze, then slight smile, nods, and walks out of the room]

B: [watches him for a moment, then walks out of the room and goes to the living room]


After a hunt, S and D and B are in a motel room at night, sleeping. S is in his bed. B is laying on her side of the bed, her back toward S and D. D is on his side of the bed, laying on his back, arms crossed across his chest.

At some point in the night

B: [rolls over in her sleep, facing D, deep breath]

D: [opens his eyes and looks at B, watches her for a long moment, then closes his eyes and goes back to sleep]

Sometime later

D: [sleeping, rolls onto his side, facing B, one arm under his pillow and stretched out toward B, the other resting on the bed between them]

The next morning

D: [stirs awake, blinks, looks at B, watches her]

B: [sleeping deeply, slight smile in her sleep, deep breath]

D: [watches her] (caring and vulnerable and longing)

B: [sleeping, small smile "Hmmm...."

D: [watches her] (curious and caring and longing)

B: [deep breath, smiling, stirs awake, blinks, looks at D, meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze] (curious and subtly caring)

B: [holds his gaze, smiles sleepily] {quietly} "Good morning...."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] {quietly} "Morning." [slight searching expression]

B: [blinks and searches his face for a moment, small smile] {quietly} "I was having the best dream...."

D: [raises his eyebrows questioningly] {quietly} "Sweet or sexy?"

B: [small amused and affectionate smile] {quietly} "I dreamt it was your birthday..."

D: [blinks] (surprised) [meets her gaze again] {quietly} "That's your good dream?"

B: [chuckles, affectionate smile at him] "I guess so...."

D: [searches her eyes] (slightly affectionate and subtly confused and conflicted)

S: [stirs awake, rubs his face and sits up]

D: [rolls over and looks at S] "Morning, sunshine."

S: [nods sleepily]

They get up and S and B take L outside while D gets ready in the bathroom. S and B return with L and S goes into the bathroom and gets ready

D: [glances at L, who is sitting by the foot of the bed] "I gotta say, Pooch did us a solid yesterday, picking out that skin-walker from the other dogs at the shelter. Saved us a lot of hassle." [leans down at pats L on the side]

B: [watches him] (pleased and affectionate) "I think that's the first nice thing you've ever said to her."

D: [glances at B and straightens] "Not true. We talk all the time when you're not around." [looks down at L] "Don't we, Pooch?"

B: [laughs]

S comes out of the bathroom

D: [glances at S while he folds his pajamas and puts them in his duffle bag] "Don't you agree Pooch here did good, Sammy?"

S: [glances at D with confused amusement, then glances at L] "Uh, yeah, she did great. We should put her to work more often."

B: [smiles at S, then smiles down at L] "Did you hear that, baby girl? Your daddies are proud of you!"

S: [looks at B with conflicted amusement]

D: [looks at B] (slight surprise and confusion) "Daddies? What happened to uncles?"

B: [glances at D, hesitates, then small shrug] "She promoted you."

S: [amused expression as he watches them]

D: [looks at B] (very conflicted) "I don't think I want to be Kujo's.... daddy...."

B: [meets his gaze, grins] "Well, I'm afraid she's your only option. In this room, at least...." [glances at S]

S: ["absolutely" expression]

D: [looks between them uncomfortably] {mumbles} "This is making me uncomfortable...."

B: [laughs, then smiles at him] "Okay, you can be demoted, again." [looks at L] "Looks like you only have one daddy, now, baby girl.... Daddy Sam..." [glances at S]

S: [amused expression at her]

B: [looks at D with an amused smile] "And uncle Dean...."

S: [looks at D and raises his eyebrows with an amused smile]

D: [looks between them uncomfortably] "Shut up."

S and B both laugh

B: [sets her bag on her side of the bed and starts to grab some of her things out of it, then looks up at S curiously] "Sam, when's your birthday?"

S: [standing at the foot of his bed, putting things into his duffle bag, glances at her in surprise] "Uh, May second."

B: [nods thoughtfully, then looks at D questioningly]

D: [putting things in his bag on the other side of the bed, glances at her, then quickly back down]

B: [watches him suspiciously] "Dean?"

D: [glances at her] {quick and casual} "Yeah?"

B: [narrows her eyes] "When is your birthday?"

D: [focuses on his duffle bag and fiddles with something inside]

B: [watches him suspiciously] "Dean....?"

D: [not looking at her] {mumbles} "January twenty fourth."

B: [stares at him] "What?"

D: [hesitates, then looks up and meets her gaze] "January twenty fourth."

B: [holds his gaze] (confused, then befuddled) "That's today!"

D: [looks down]

B: [looks at S] "Isn't it?"

S: [hesitates] "Yeah, I guess it is...." [glances at D]

B: [looks at D and stares at him for a moment] (surprised, then slightly miffed) "And you weren't going to tell me...."

D: [fiddles with something in his bag]

B: [grabs a bottle of her medication from her bag and throws it at D] "Were you?!"

D: [catches the bottle, small amused expression at her]

B: [looks at S, raises her eyebrows] "And neither were you!"

S: [hesitates, glances at D, then back to B] "Yeah....We don't really do birthdays...."

B: [holds S gaze for a moment] (clearly conflicted) "You don't...."

S and D watch B in subtle amused curiosity

B: [looks between them] "Well, I.... you....it's...." (confused, then conflicted, then different conflicted, then doubtful, then reluctant acceptance) [deep breath, rolls her eyes, then grabs her things and goes into the bathroom]

D: [glances at S, small amused smile]

S: [meets D's gaze, small amused smile]

D: [tosses B's medication back in her bag]

Several minutes pass, S and D pack their stuff in their bags

B: [comes out of the bathroom, ready to go, stops and looks at D]

D: [meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] "I'm feeling frustrated right now...." [then looks between S and D with a slight sheepish expression] "I just had to put that out there..."

S and D glance at each other, amused

B: [straightens her shoulders] "But I'm prepared to accept your wishes and let this go...."

D: [meets her gaze, amused smile] "Really? You're not gonna try to fairy god-mother me or some shit?"

B: [meets his gaze, raises her eyebrows and small amused smile] "Do you want me to?"

D: [holds her gaze, raises his eyebrows and wry smile] "Hey, I ain't no Cinderella, sweetheart."

B: [holds his gaze, small amused smile, then looks away and goes to her bag] {mumbles} "You're pretty enough...."

S and D look at her in surprised amusement

B: [closes her eyes for a moment, bites her bottom lip, then looks up at D with one eye open] "I mean...." (awkward and uncomfortable)

D: [watches her] (slightly awkward amusement)

B: [opens both eyes and meets his gaze, straightens her shoulders] "What are your wishes, Dean?"

S: [looks at D] (openly amused curiosity)

D: [holds B's gaze] (clearly awkward and uncomfortable) "I.... don't even.... What?"

B: [holds his gaze, small amused smile] "Well, when you figure it out... let me know." [looks down at her bag and puts her things in her bag]

D: [watches her] (awkward and conflicted and slight longing, then slightly defensive) [looks down at his duffle bag] {mumbles} "It's not like you can make me a magic carriage out of a damn pumpkin...." [zips his duffle bag]

B: [looks at him with an amused smile, then looks at S]

S: [meets her eyes with an amused smile]

They leave, driving out of town

B: [looking out the window and twirling her hair, sits up straighter] "Pull off here."

D: [glances at her in the rearview mirror] "What?"

S: [glances at her over his shoulder]

B: [meets D's gaze in the rearview mirror, gestures to the upcoming exit] "Pull over here. At this exit. Please."

D: [glances at the exit, then meets her gaze in the mirror again] "Why?" [slightly irritated expression] "Pooch can't have to pee again, already."

B: [holds his gaze, small amused smile] "Just do it! Please!"

D: [rolls his eyes and pulls onto the exit]

At the end of the exit is a stop sign, and D stops the car and looks at B in the rearview mirror

B: [looks around outside the car, then points to a building down the road] "There. We're going there."

D: [glances at the building, then looks over his shoulder at B questioningly] "Why?"

B: [meets his gaze with a pointed look] "Dean!"

S: [looks at her over his shoulder, then looks at D]

D: [glances at S]

S: [shrugs]

D: [rolls his eyes and drives over to the building and parks in the parking lot, looks at the sign on the door] "The Paradise Club?" [looks at her in the rearview mirror] "What the hell is this?"

B: [meets his gaze in the rearview mirror, grins at him] "It's your birthday!"

D: [stares at her in the rearview mirror] "Oh, hell, no!"

S: [glances over his shoulder at B, then looks at D and grins]

B: [holds D's gaze in the rearview mirror] (surprised and insistent) "Why not? Beer and strippers! That's what you enjoy! And it's your birthday!"

D: [stares at her in the rearview mirror]

B: [holds his gaze, then rolls her eyes, meets his gaze again in the mirror] "It's not a magical carriage, but it's the best I've got, Dean!"

D: [holds her gaze] (befuddled and exasperated) "Yeah, but.... Not..." [glances at S] "Help me out here!"

S: [grins at D and shakes his head] "Nuh-uh! Come on, Dean. It IS your birthday...."

D: [irritated look at S, then looks between him and B in the rearview mirror] (awkward and slightly uncomfortable) "It's just... I don't...Oh, come on, guys!" [rolls his eyes] "I don't think so!"

B: [watches him] (slightly confused and impatient) "Why not?!"

D: [looks at her in the rearview mirror, then looks at S with a slightly pleading expression]

S: [grins at D and raises his eyebrows]

B: [watches D]

D: [slightly frustrated expression, looks at B over his shoulder] "Aren't you a little.... dewy... to be going into a place like this?"

B: [raises her eyebrows at him] (amused and curious) "Dewy?"

D: [looks at her in the rearview mirror] "Yeah..." [gestures to S] "Even more than Sammy, here."

S: [irritated expression at D] "Dude!"

D: [glances at S with a "come on" expression]

B: [amused smile at D] "What's the matter, Dean? Are you worried that watching strippers will negatively affect my.... Dewiness?.... Cuz you weren't worried about that before...."

D: [looks at her in the rearview mirror, then looks away] {mumbles} "Yeah, well, that was before."

S: [grins at D]

B: [rolls her eyes and pops open her car door] "Fine, you do what you want, but I'm going in." [looks at L] "You can stay here with your daddy and your uncle...." [turns and hops out of the car and starts to walk toward the door]

D: [looks at S]

S: [grins at D and gets out of the car, follows B]

D: [watches them for a moment, then] (frustrated) "Son of a bitch." [gets out of the car and follows them]

B: [walks into the building and looks around, hesitates]

S: [stops behind her and looks down at her]

B: [looks up at S with a slightly uncertain expression] "I don't really know what to do now...."

S: [chuckles and presses a hand lightly to her back, nods toward a table and chairs near the stage] "Dean likes to sit close."

D: [walking up behind them, rolls his eyes]

S: [glances over his shoulder at D with a grin, then guides B toward the table with a hand on her back]

D: [watches them, then takes a deep breath and follows]

They sit at the table, facing the stage where a beautiful exotic dancer is dancing along to the music. A scantily clad female server comes over and asks if they want anything to drink

S: [looks at D with an amused smile]

D: [slight irritated expression at S, then looks at B with a pointed expression and gestures toward the sexy server]

B: [small smile, then looks at the sexy server and smiles] "Two whiskeys and a Jack 'n Coke, please."

Sexy Server: [smiles at B] "You got it, hun." [walks away]

B: [smiles after her, then looks at the beautiful exotic dancer with an interested expression]

D: [glances at the exotic dancer, then looks at S with a slight glare]

S: [grins at D] "Happy birthday, big brother."

D: [glares harder at S]

B: [looks at them]

D: [meets B's gaze, tense smile]

B: [amused smile, then looks at the exotic dancer and watches her dance with a fascinated expression]

D: [glances at the exotic dancer again, then looks at B, watches her] (Unreadable)

S: [watches them]

B: [watches the exotic dancer with a small fascinated smile]

D: [watches B] (Unreadable)

B: [watches the exotic dancer with a small fascinate smile, absently moving slightly to the music in her seat]

D: [watches B]

Exotic Dancer: [looks at B as she dances]

B: [meets exotic dancer's eyes, smiles at her] (sweet and sincerely pleased and friendly)

D: [glaces at exotic dancer]

Exotic Dancer: [smiles sincerely at B, then continues dancing]

D: [looks back at B and watches her] (subtly conflicted and fascinated and almost imperceptible longing)

Sexy Server comes with their drinks

B: [smiles at Sexy Server and thanks her]

Sexy Server: [smiles at B] "My pleasure, sweetie." [walks away]

B: [watches exotic dancer again]

D: [glances at exotic dancer, then watches B] (subtly conflicted and fascinated and almost imperceptible longing)

Exotic Dancer: [continues dancing]

B: [watches exotic dancer with fascinated interest]

D: [watches B]

S: [looks at D, then at B, then back to D with a small teasing smile] "So, Dean, you gonna get a lap dance?"

D: [looks at S with a "what the hell are you doing?" expression]

B: [looks at S, then at D]

D: [glances uncomfortably at B, then glares at S]

S: [grins at D]

D: [hesitates, then sarcastic smile at S] "I will if you will, little bro."

S: (slight surprise, then hesitation) [glances at B]

D: [satisfied smile at S]

B: [looks between them, amused smile] "Hey, don't let me stop you." [looks at D]

D: (slight surprise) [meets her gaze, then small smile] "Fair's fair, sweetheart."

B: [raises her eyebrows in amused interest, looks at S, then back at D] "Okay, I'm game."

S and D both look at her, surprised

B: [smiles at them] "But I'm not going first...." [narrows her eyes with a teasing expression] "Assuming you mean getting, and not giving, of course...." [meets D's gaze]

D: [holds her gaze] (uncomfortable) [clears his throat] "I'm gonna get more drinks." [jumps up and walks toward the bar]

S: [watches D with a grin]

B: [watches D with an amused smile, then smiles at S, then watches exotic dancer again]

D: [walking to the bar, stops Sexy Server and reaches into his pocket, pulls out a twenty dollar bill and hands it to her, then nods toward S] "The big guy over there would like a lap dance."

Sexer Server: [smiles and takes the money]

D: [walks up to the bar and orders a whiskey, then glances around the room]

Two obviously drunk guys at the bar are watching B, whispering to each other

D: [glances at B, then eyes the two drunk guys] "How's it going, fellas?"

They look at D

Drunk guy 1: [bleary eyed, smiles shakily and gestures toward B] "That sweet little piece with you?"

D: [meets his eyes] (serious) "What do you think?"

Drunk guy 1: [raises his hands defensively] "Hey, man, just curious."

Drunk guy 2: [obviously leering at B]

D: [stares at them] (serious and intimidating) "How bout you boys keep your curiosity to yourselves, before you end up like the cat."

They both look at D, slightly surprised and intimidated, look away and talk to each other

D: [looks at S and B]

The song "Cherry Pie" by Warrant starts playing

Another exotic dancer walks up to Sam and starts giving him a lap dance

S: [glances at D with an irritated expression]

D: [grins at S]

Exotic Dancer: [on the stage, dances very sexily to the music]

D: [looks at B]

B: [watches exotic dancer with a small fascinated smile, moving her own body subtly to the music in her seat]

D: [watches B] (subtly fascinated and conflicted and almost imperceptible longing)

The male bartender brings D's drink

D: [picks up the glass and takes a drink, watching B]

Bartender: [looks at D, then looks at B for a moment] "Pretty little thing."

D: [glances at Bartender]

Bartender: [looking at B] "We don't get many girls like that in here." [looks at D] "You bring her in here?"

D: [takes another drink] "She brought me."

Bartender: [raises his eyebrows and looks at B] "Huh! Must be a special little gal."

D: [looks at B] "You have no idea..."

B: [watching exotic dancer with a small fascinated smile, moving absently to the music in her seat]

D: [watches B for a long moment] (slightly fascinated and caring and subtle longing)

Two drunk guys: watching B and talking to each other

D: [looks at two drunk guys] (serious and intimidating) [stares at them]

Drunk guy 1: [glances at D, then looks quickly away, says something to drunk guy 1]

Drunk guy 2: [looks at D with a slight sneer, gives D the finger, then looks at B and licks his lips]

D: [deep breath, pushes away from the bar and walks over to the two drunk guys] (serious and intimidating)

Two drunk guys look at D

Drunk guy 2: (flash of fear) [holds up his hands] "Hey, dude! No disrespect!"

D: [stands in front of them, between him and B, stares at Drunk guy 2] "That right? Cuz the look on your face says something different, pal."

Drunk guy 2: [looks over D's shoulder, then looks at D's face] "Yeah, well, at least I'm just looking, asshole."

D: (flash of confusion) [glances over his shoulder] "Son of a bitch!"

B: [sitting in her chair, watching exotic dancer]

Another drunk guy: [walking up to B, grabs a chair and sets it close to her, sits down with a suggestive look, says something to her and puts his hand on her knee]

B: [looks at Another drunk guy in surprise and slight fear]

D: [looks at S]

S: [looking past the exotic dancer in his lap at B] (concerned)

D: [looks back at B and Another drunk guy] (frustrated) "You gotta be kidding me!" [walks quickly toward them]

S: [puts his hands on the other exotic dancer and moves her away from him, then stands, steps over to B and Another drunk guy] "Hey, buddy–"

D: [walks up behind Another drunk guy and grabs his shirt, lifting him out of the chair and pulling him backward] "Alright, asshat, you're done."

Another drunk guy: [stands and stumbles backward with the force of D's yanking him]

D: [steadies him with his hand on his shirt, then pushes him away] "Get lost!"

B: [looks up quickly between D and S]

S: [looks down at B and gently touches her shoulder]

Another drunk guy: [glares at D] "Hey, hands off, dick-head! You think you're the big man, here?"

D: [looks at Another drunk guy's face, nods] {gruffly} "Yeah, I do."

B: [stands, facing D and Another drunk guy, her back to S with his hand on her shoulder]

Another drunk guy: [leers at B] "These guys your pimps, sweetie. Cuz I'll pay..."

D: [rolls his eyes, punches Another drunk guy in the face]

B: [watching, flinches]

Another drunk guy: [shouts and covers his face with his hands]

D: [turns to B and gently grasps her arm] "Let's go." [ushers her toward the door] "I want some real cherry pie."

B: [trembling, goes with D]

S: [places some money on the table, then follows them]

D: [hand grasping B's arm and leading her out the door] "Seriously, woman, what is up with you?"

B: [trembling, allows D to usher her out the door, then pulls her arm away] "Stop it, Dean! I can walk!" [starts to walk toward the impala]

D: [stops, stares at her]

S: [stops slightly behind D and watches them]

D: [staring at her] (frustrated and confused) {loudly} "That ass-clown had his hands on you!"

B: [whirls toward him, meets his gaze] "So that gives you permission to put your hands on me?!"

D: [goes still, holds her gaze] (surprised and conflicted)

B: [holds his gaze, then deep breath and turns away] "I'm sorry!.... I don't know what's going on.... And now I've ruined your birthday...." [touches her forehead with the fingers of one hand, then turns and meets his gaze] (apologetic and regretful and sad and caring)

D: [holds her gaze] (surprised and confused, then conflicted) "No... you didn't..." (hesitant and uncertain and subtly caring) "You're just...." [gestures toward her]

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] (flash of slight amused affection) "Dewy?"

D: [holds her gaze, drops his hand] (reluctant acceptance and subtle amusement and affection) "Something like that."

B: [holds his gaze, small affectionate smile] "Come on. Let's go get you some pie, birthday boy.... If that's really what you want?"

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile, nods and gestures toward the car]

B: [small smile, turns toward the car]

D: [glances at S and reaches out and pats S on the shoulder]

S: [small smile at D, the walks past B to the car, opens her door for her]

B: [smiles up at S and squeezes his arm as she gets in the car]

S: [smiles down at her, closes her door, then gets in the car]

D: [deep breath, then gets in the car and drives to a local diner]

They go into the diner and the hostess seats them in a booth. D sits in one side of the booth, facing the front door. B slides into the side across from him, and S slides in next to her

A male server comes to take their order

D: [glances up at the server] "Two slices of cherry pie and whatever salad this dork wants." [gestures toward S]

S: [irritated expression at D, then looks up at the male server] "I'll have pie, as well. Pecan. Thanks."

D: [looks at S and raises his eyebrows]

Male Server: [looks at B]

D: [looks up at Male Server]

B: [smiles at Male Server]

Male Server: [nods, glances at D] "Coming right up." [walks away]

D: [leans his arms on the table and watches Male Server walk away] {lowly} "I swear, if this guy hits on you, I'm throwing down...." [pauses, then glances at B]

B: [meets his gaze, small smile] "Are you talking to me, or Sam?"

D: (flash of amusement, then tiredness) [raises a hand and lightly rubs his fingers over his eyes]

S: [watches them]

B: [leans slightly toward D, watching him] (concerned and caring and apologetic) "Dean, I'm sorry....

D: [deep breath, then slowly lowers his hand and rests his arm on the table, meets her gaze] "For what?"

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of surprise, then confused and conflicted) "... I...." [bites her bottom lip]

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] (uncertain and hesitant)

D: [holds her gaze, shakes his head slightly with a resigned expression] "It's not your fault that fending off the hounddogs is a full time job, princess.... Hell, most of the time you don't even know what's going on."

B: [holds his gaze] (subtly sad and apologetic) "It's not the job you signed up for...."

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then] "It is now."

B: [blinks in surprise, then holds his gaze again] (searching and conflicted and hesitant)

D: [looks at S] "Isn't that right, Sammy?"

S: [looks quickly between them] "Uh, yeah. Absolutely."

B: [looks at S and smiles up at him, leans her arm against his arm affectionately]

S: [smiles down at her]

Male Server brings their pie

D: [eyes the server as he walks away, then takes a bite of his pie]

B: [small smile at D, then up at S, then looks down at her pie and scoops some onto a fork] "I get it now.... Why you guys are so protective of me...."

S and D look at her

B: [glances up at them with a small sad smile] "Because of Kevin...."

S and D glance at each other in confusion, then look back at B

S: [looking down at her] "What do you mean?"

B: [looks up at him, small shrug] (caring and slightly empathetic and subtly sad) "I mean.... Since learning what happened to him.... About.... Gadreel...."

S: [glances at D] (uncomfortable and slightly sad)

D: [meets S's eyes for a brief moment, then watches B]

S: [looks back at B]

B: [looks between them] (caring and empathetic) "....It makes sense... he was your prophet.... And he was your friend... and you cared about him....so much...."

S: [watches her] (sad and conflicted)

D: [watches her] (Unreadable)

B: [looks between them] (caring and empathetic and sad) "....and what happened to him was NOT your fault." [meets S's eyes]

S: [holds her gaze, small smile of acceptance]

B: [looks at D and meets his gaze] "Not."

D: [holds her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [holds his gaze, swallows hard, then looks back down at her pie] "...and I get that you don't want anything to happen to anyone else... especially another prophet." [takes a bite of pie and looks up at them with a smile]

D: [watches her, shakes his head in very subtle frustration]

S: [looking down at her] {gently} "We care about you, Beth. Not because you're a prophet. But because of you."

B: [meets his gaze and holds it for a moment, then small smile, leans against his arm with her arm again]

D: [watches her] (serious and very subtle caring) {gruffly} "You're family."

B: [meets D's eyes] (subtle surprise)

D: [holds her gaze] "You."

B: [holds his gaze] (subtly hesitant)

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile] "All of you."

B: [holds his gaze for a long moment, then small smile] (subtly affectionate) "Eat your pie, birthday boy."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] "Yes, ma'am."

B: [holds his gaze for a brief moment, bites her bottom lip, then looks up at S and smiles affectionately at him, leans against his arm]

S: [smiles down at her affectionately, then takes a bite of his pie]

They eat their pie and D pays and they leave, driving back toward the bunker

The radio plays "Cherry Pie" by Warrant

B: [looking out the window and twirling her hair, glances at the radio, small smile] "She really was beautiful, wasn't she?"

D: [looks at her in the rearview mirror]

S: [glances at D, then looks at B over his shoulder questioningly] "Who?"

B: [looks at S and smiles] "Take your pick. Any of the girls at the club.... They were all gorgeous...." [looks out the window again, twirls her hair] "And talk about kinesthetic intelligence!... So very beautiful...."

D: [watches her in the rearview mirror] "Yeah. Damn near perfect."

S: [glances at D]

B: [meets D's gaze in the rearview with a smile, then looks out the window again, twirling her hair]

D: [watches her]

S: [watches D with a small knowing smile]

D: [glances at S, then looks at the road]

They drive for a long time, listening to classic rock

D: [cell phone rings and he answers it] "Hello."


D: "Hello?" [looks at the caller ID, then presses phone to his ear again] "Peter? Man, is that you? Are you there?"

Peter: {quietly} "I'm here."

D: (serious and concerned) {lowly} "What's going on, dude. You good?"


D: (concerned) "Peter?"

Peter: "I don't know."

D: (concerned and worried and confused) "Peter, where are you?"


D: (worried) {forcefully} "Peter?"

Peter: "I can't tell you that, Dean."

D: (confused and more worried) [glances at S, who is watching in concern] "Do you not know? What can you see? We can–"

Peter: {quietly} "I know. I just can't tell you."

D: (confused and worried) "Why not?"


D: {forcefully} "Peter?"

Peter: {quietly} "Because you might try to stop me."

D: (slight realization, worry) [glances at S again] "Peter, what are you doing, man?"

Peter: "I had a bad job, Dean. It went south, way south. It got ugly."

D: (concerned and focused) "Is the monster after you?"

Peter: {quietly} "No..... I killed it."

D: (confused and concerned) "Then what's the problem?"


D: {forcefully} "Peter?"

Peter: "It got bad, Dean."

D: [hesitates, clenches his jaw, reaches the phone over the backseat to B, eyes still on the road] "He needs to talk to you."

B: [looks at him in surprise] "Excuse me?"

D: [looks at her over his shoulder and holds the phone out to her while he drives with the other hand] "You need to talk to him." [then looks back at the road]

B: (confused and concerned and hesitant) "Dean, I–"

D: [quickly pulls the phone in front of him and presses mute, then looks at her over his shoulder] "He's in a bad way. You gotta do your....[gestures] Shrinky thing."

B: (surprised and concerned and subtle conflicted amusement) "You want me to therapize someone?"

D: [meets her gaze in the rear view mirror] "It's what you do." [glances back the the road and holds the phone out to her again, then glances at her in the rearview mirror and meets her eyes] "He's hurting."

B: (conflicted, then serious and accepting) "Can you at least tell him you're giving the phone to me so I don't just–"

D: [holds the phone in front of him and clicks unmute, then says into the phone] "Peter, I'm gonna have you talk to my friend. She's a good person. [meets her gaze in the rearview mirror] I trust her."

Peter: "Dean–"

D: [looks back at the road and hands her the phone]

B: [deep breath and takes the phone, holding it up to her ear] {gently} "Hello?"

Peter: [hesitates] "Hello?"

B: [gentle smile as she looks at the seat in front of her] "Hi. My name is Beth."

D: [watching her in the rearview mirror]

Peter: "I'm Peter."

B: [smiles] "It's nice to...kind of meet you, Peter."

Peter: "Who are you?"

B: [glances at D in the rearview mirror, then looks back at the seat and smiles] "I'm a friend of Sam and Dean. We just got off a hunt. A nasty ass skinwalker. A real son of a bitch."

Peter: "Did you get the fucking bastard?"

B: [smiles gently] "We sure did."

Peter: "Good." [loudly takes a drink of some kind of liquid]

B: [bites both of her lips, then] {gently} "Listen, Peter, in the interest of complete honesty... I want you to know that I heard what you said to Dean on the phone just now.... That you had a bad job. And it got ugly..... If it's okay with you, I'd like to talk with you a little bit about that..... You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, okay?... And if you feel uncomfortable and want to hang up at any moment, you totally can.... That's absolutely your choice.... No one will be mad at you for that...not me, not Sam, and not even Dean...." [small smile to D in the rearview mirror]

D: [watching her in the rearview mirror]

B: [looks back at the seat in front of her] [gently] "Would that be okay with you, if we just talk for a minute?"


B: [closes her eyes and waits]


Peter: {softly} "I guess."

B: [opens her eyes and smiles with relief at the seat of the car, then deep breath] {gently} "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

Peter: "No."

B: {gently} "Okay, that's okay. I don't need to know. I'm just wondering....what's going on with you?"

Peter: [hesitates] "What do you mean?"

B: [closes her eyes again, then opens them and looks at the seat] {gently} "I just know that sometimes, after a crazy hunt, I get a little freaked out. Like I get....my heart pounds really hard and fast....sometimes I can't breath, or my stomach gets all fucked up....I feel like my shoulders are trying to crawl into my ears, you know?"

Peter: [audibly relaxing] "Yeah, I know what you mean."

B: {gently} "So what's going on with you?"

Peter: [hesitates] "I feel like everything's really foggy."

B: {gently} "Like you can't remember things?"

Peter: "More like I can't think straight."

B: {gently} "So like it's hard to focus or think about the future."

Peter: {softly} "Yeah, exactly."

B: "Hmm...I've had that feeling before. For me, it feels something like sadness...or pain... or powerlessness–"

Peter: "Yeah, all that."

B: [smiles at the seat] "Isn't it weird how we can feel so many things at once? That can be so overwhelming...at least for me, for sure."

Peter: {quietly} "Yeah."

B: {gently} "And sometimes...for me....when I feel foggy like that....it's hard to see the future...."

Peter: [clears throat] {quietly} "Yeah."

B: {gently} "And it feels kinda hopeless..."

Peter: [hesitates] "Yep."

B: [waits]

Peter: [clears throat again] "But I'll be okay. I've gotten over worse shit than this before."

B: [closes her eyes with a small smile] {gently} "I'm sure you have, Peter. You're a hunter.... And you're still here.... And that's powerful.... [opens her eyes with a small smile] You're a brave man.... It's good to know that you have hope."


B: [waits]

Peter: {quietly} "Do I?"

B: [small smile as she looks at the seat] {gently} "I think you do..... Otherwise we wouldn't be talking right now."


B: [waits]

Peter: [laughs softly] "What are you, some kinda shrink or something?"

B: [small smile at the seat in front of her] "Right now...just a friend." [meets D's gaze in the rearview mirror]

Peter: {softly} "Cool."

B: [looks away from D's gaze and smiles back at the seat in front of her] "What else do you need right now, Peter?"

Peter: [hesitates] "Uh, I don't really know."

B: [looking at the back of the seat in front of her, nods, small smile] "Sometimes after a bad hunt, I like to do something to get my mind off of it, like take a long shower, or watch some funny youtube videos. My favorites are the ones of clumsy animals or people dancing. Do you do things like that?"

Peter: "I like watching clips of kids doing funny crap."

B: [smiles] "Oh my god, that's awesome! Let me know if you find any good ones, okay?"

Peter: [small audible smile] "You bet."

B: [smiles, nods, deep breath, then] "Listen, Peter, you seem like a cool dude. I'm always on the lookout for a good hunter contact. Would it be okay if I have Dean text you my cell number, and maybe we can talk about this kind of stuff again, if you want?"

Peter: [voice audibly lightens] "Yeah, that'd be fine. I'm cool with that."

B: [smiles at the seat] "It was so nice to meet you, Peter."

Peter: [small smile in his voice] "Yeah, you too."

B: "Bye for now."

Peter: "Bye." [hangs up]

B: [closes her eyes and squeezes the phone for a moment, then deep breath, meets D's gaze in the rearview mirror and slowly holds the phone out to him over the backseat] {gently} "Thank you."

D: [holds her gaze in the rearview mirror, slowly takes the phone from her]

B: [holds his gaze it the rearview mirror, fingers flinch slightly as they brush his]

D: [holds her gaze in the rearview mirror] {softly} "Thank you." [looks back at the road, sets his phone aside]

They continue driving

They arrive back at the bunker late at night. S goes to bed in his room. B and D get ready for bed in their rooms

B: [curled up on her end of the couch in the living room, watching I Dream of Jeannie, absently rubbing a hematite quartz palm stone in her hand]

D: [walks into the living room, hair wet from the shower, walks to his end of the couch and glances at B's hand as he sits down] "What's that one for?"

B: [glances down at the palm stone in her hand, then small smile at him] "Hematite quartz. It's for grounding, and balance, and clarity."

D: [small smile] "You need more of that stuff?"

B: [small smile at him] "Always...."

D: [shifts in his seat, leaning back and getting comfortable, meets her gaze in the dim light of the TV] "You okay?"

B: [smiles and looks down at the palm stone in her hand] "Yeah... I'm really good, actually...." [looks up and meets his gaze, small smile] "It felt really good, today.... Talking to Peter....[looks down again] ...It felt like the old me for a second....I guess it felt good to help someone....to therapize someone again...."

D: [watches her] "What are you talking about? You've been therapizing Sam and me since you got here." [small smile]

B: [looks up and meets his gaze] "That hasn't been my intention..."

D: [holds her gaze, small affectionate smile] "I guess you're just damn good at it."

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "Yeah.... I'm starting to realize that maybe I'm not as self-aware as I thought I was...."

D: [holds her gaze with a small "really?" expression]

B: [holds his gaze, chuckles] "Shut up."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile]

B: [looks down at the stone in her hand] "You know, there's this theory in marriage and family therapy, called narrative therapy... it sounds simple... just telling your story... but it's more complex than that...." [looks up and meets his gaze] "...You see, we all have a story that we tell ourselves... about our lives.... [looks down] ...It's called the primary narrative, and that story focuses on central themes that we replay over and over whenever we replay the story.... For instance, if a person has a theme of helplessness, their primary narrative will consist of all the situations and experiences in their life when they felt helpless... that's the story they retell and retell themselves, over and over... the car accident... the breakup... the job loss... the trauma... only helplessness...."

D: [watching her]

B: [looking down] "But that's never the whole story.... There's always more.... Exceptions to the rule.... But we tend to ignore those exceptions in order to perpetuate the story we choose to tell ourselves.... We focus on the helplessness, denying all the times we were powerful... all the times we made good choices that bettered our lives or the lives of others.... All the times we were strong and capable...."

D: [watches her]

B: [looks up and meets his gaze, with a small smile] "I always tell clients to think of The Lord of the Rings.... You know the part in the story where Samwise and Frodo are trudging their way to Moridor.... And it's so slow and agonizing and painful... and it's just miserable to watch and it makes you want to just give up...."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "If that were the whole story, no one would ever watch that movie... it would destroy our spirits.... But there's more to the story.... When we know about Aragorn and Gimli and Legolas.... And about the Trees fighting and the horsemen.... And about the hope and the victories.... That's what makes the story complete....But for some reason, we, as humans, only want to tell our sad and hopeless stories to ourselves... when there's so much more...." [looks down again]

D: [watches her]

B: [fiddles with the palm stone] "I thought I had my story all figured out... thought I'd connected all the pieces... but I'm starting to realize how small it was... and how big my story has recently become...." [looks up and meets his gaze with a small smile] "The script has completely changed... and now I'm starting to wonder if I ever read it right in the first place..."

D: [holds her gaze in the dim light]

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "But today felt good.... Thank you for that...."

D: [holds her gaze] "I didn't do anything but hand you the phone."

B: [holds his gaze, shakes her head slightly] "You were there for a friend.... You were the person Peter called, Dean, and that's not nothing.... You cared about him, and he could tell that... that's why he trusted me.... Because you trusted me.... And that's not nothing, either...." [small smile] "I'm honored...."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] "You know.... For someone who has the primary narrative of being... [searches his eyes in the dim light] ...nothing but a hunter....a killer...."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of vulnerability)

B: [holds his gaze] (caring and subtle affection) "You have a very small picture of who you really are.... You are so much.... so much more, Dean.... You are amazing."

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment, swallows hard, then small sarcastic smile] "I bet you say that to all the boys."

B: [holds his gaze] (caring and serious) "If I'm more than a prophet, then you're so much more than a hunter, Dean... so damn much more... incredibly more."

D: [holds her gaze] (slightly vulnerable and subtly searching and hopeful)

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] (caring and certainty and subtle affection)

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment, then] {quietly} "You're so weird...."

B: [chuckles, then shifts on the couch and looks at the TV] '"Yeah, well, that's part of my story, too."

D: [watches her, small smile, then props his feet up on the coffee table and lays his head back on the back of the couch, crosses his arms over his chest and closes his eyes]

B: [hits him with one of her pillows]

D: [without opening his eyes, smiles and takes the pillow and arranges it behind his head, then recrosses his arms across his chest]

They fall asleep as the TV plays


About a week and a half later

D finds S and B in the training room

S: [holding out his hand to B] "Now you try."

D: [leans against the doorway and watches]

B: [takes S's hand and slowly bends it backward]

S: [bends his arm and body slightly as she puts pressure on his hand] "Ah!"

B: [looks at his face and quickly releases his hand]

S: [smiles at her and nods] "That's great! That's exactly it."

B: [smiles at him]

S: [nods] "Okay, now try this one." [reaches out and gently grasps her wrist, looks at her face]

B: [watching his hand, nods]

S: [watching her face, slowly grips her wrist and twists her arm behind her back]

B: [moves with S, turning as he twists her arm, her back toward him]

S: [pauses, holding her arm behind her back] "Got it?"

B: [nods] "I think so..."

S: [nods and releases her] "Okay, your turn."

B: [turns back toward S]

S: [watches her face, slowly reaches toward her]

B: [grabs S's wrist and twists his arm behind his back like he showed her]

D: [watches from the doorway]

S: [his back turned toward B as she grips his wrist, nods] "Yeah. Sweet!"

B: [smiles and releases his wrist]

S: [turns back toward her and smiles down at her] "Okay, now the next step would be something like this..." [reaches out and gently grasps her wrist again, twists her arm behind her back]

B: [moves with S as he twists her arm, her back toward him]

S: "Then, to use further restraint, you can wrap your other arm around his neck or chest, like this." [gently wraps his other arm around the front of her shoulders, across her collar bone]

B: [arm twisted behind her back with her wrist in S's hand, her back pressed lightly against him as his other arm is wrapped across her chest, nods] "Okay, that makes sense."

D: [steps into the room, claps] "Nice work, kids."

S and B look at D

S: [released B and steps away]

B: [watches D]

D: [looks between them] "Whatcha doing?"

S: [shrugs] "I was just showing her some simple hand-to-hand moves and holds."

D: [nods, looks at B] "You wanna know how to get out of that hold?"

B: [meets his gaze, smiles] "Sure!"

D: [small smile, reaches for her wrist]

B: [looks down at his hand and leans back slightly]

D: [hesitates, watching her]

B: [meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze, slowly starts to reach for her wrist again]

B: [holds his gaze, flinches back slightly]

D: [stops, clenches his jaw, drops his hand and turns to S] "Okay, you show her." [steps backward]

S: [hesitates, looks from D to B]

B: [meets S's eyes and shrugs with a slight smile]

S: [hesitates, glances at D, then focuses on B, reaches for her wrist and gently twists her arm behind her back again, then shows her how to break free of the hold]

D: [watches them]

S and B practice several times.

B: [smiles and nods, looking between S and D] "Great! What next?"

S: [looks at D] "Well, we can show her how to flip someone over her shoulder."

D: [hesitates, looks at B] "You think you're ready for something like that?"

B: [meets his gaze, small smile] "We won't know till we try."

D: [small amused smile] "Alright. So what you want to do is..." [goes over to S and grabs S and flips S over his shoulder]

S: [lands on his back on the floor with a thud] "Oh, god!"

D: [grins down at S]

S: [looks up at D breathlessly] "Thanks, Dean...."

D: [grins down at him, then at B] "It's that simple."

B: [smiles at them and shakes her head] "You make it seem simple, sure. And for someone like you, it probably is.... But maybe you could slow it down for me?"

D: [nods and shrugs, looks down at S and raises his eyebrows, holds out his hand to S]

S: [looks up at D] "I get to do you, this time."

D: [playful smile] "Sam, don't talk like that in front of a lady."

S: [rolls his eyes, grips D's hand and stands as D pulls him up]

B: [laughs]

S and D teach B how to flip someone over her shoulder, demonstrating several times, joking and making fun of each other as they do so, and B watches and laughs

D: [looks at B, small smile] "Your turn, princess."

B: [meets his gaze, smiles] "Okay."

D: [glances at S, then looks at B, hesitates, then looks between them again, then meets B's gaze] "You better start with me. Sam is basically a redwood and would probably squish you like a cute little bug."

S: [rolls his eyes]

B: [laughs and looks at S with a shrug] "Valid point." [looks at D and steps toward him] "Okay, then..." [reaches for D's arm, hesitates and trembles]

D: [looks at her face]

B: [meets his gaze, her outstretched hand visibly trembling]

D: [holds her gaze]

S: [watches them] (fascinated)

B: [holds D's gaze, trembling, reaches her hand closer to him and lightly touches his arm, then flinches, pulls away slightly]

D: [standing very still, holds her gaze]

B: [looks down at her trembling hand for a moment, then looks up and meets his gaze, hesitates, then] "Maybe you should flip me, first... just so I can see...."

D: [holds her gaze for a moment] {lowly} "You sure?"

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, small smile] "It's worth a try...."

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then nods, slowly reaches toward her]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, leans away]

D: [hesitates, holds her gaze]

B: [trembling, closes her eyes, deep breath, then opens her eyes and meets his gaze, small smile] "Okay, sorry.... Let's try again...."

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment, then reaches his hand toward her again]

B: [trembling, holds his gaze, steps backward]

D: [clenches his jaw and drops his hand, watching her]

B: [searches D's eyes] (subtly confused and conflicted and apologetic) "I'm sorry, Dean....I...." [looks down at her hands, still slightly trembling]

D: [watches her] (subtly frustrated and searching and vulnerable and very subtle longing)

B: [looks up and meets his gaze] (subtly searching and pleading) "I guess maybe I'm not to that level."

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment, then looks at S] "You guys keep working. I'm gonna go get us some pizza." [turns and leaves the room]

B: [watches him leave] (sad and caring and slightly discouraged) [deep breath, looks at S and smiles] "Okay, what next?"


Two days after S and D and B return from a hunt

S and B are in the kitchen, eating breakfast

D: [walks into the kitchen, carrying his tablet] "Hey."

S: [glances up at D] "Hey."

B: [smiles at D] "Hey."

D: [goes to the coffee pot and pours himself a cup of coffee]

S: [watches D while eating cereal] "So, when are you heading out?"

D: [turns to S with a confused expression] "What? Where?"

S: [nods toward D] "To town. Anywhere. I don't know where you go."

D: [confused expression at S] "Sam, what the hell are you talking about?"

B: [watches them with interest]

S: [slight pointed look at D] "It's valentine's day."

D: (surprised and confused) "It is?" [very quick glance at B, then looks at S] "So?"

S: (slightly amused and impatient) "So, when are you leaving to... you know... do your thing?"

D: (slightly uncomfortable) "What thing?"

S: [raises his eyebrows] "Dean, come on. Your thing you do every year... where you [finger quotes] do your part to help the single ladies."

B: [looks between them as they talk] (interested and slightly amused and subtly hesitant)

D: [glances at B, then uncomfortable and fake innocent expression at S] "I don't know what you're talking about."

S: [amused smile at D] "Really?! What happened to 'unattached drifter christmas'?"

B: [amused expression at D]

S: [looking at D with an amused expression] "Or what about 'not mister right, but mister right now'? I thought valentine's day was your favorite holiday?"

D: [aggravated expression at S, then quick glance at B, then very aggravated expression at S] "Shut up, Sam!"

B: [watching D with an amused smile] "Wait a second.... You won't celebrate your birthday, but you love valentine's day? What the hell, Dean?"

D: [looks at her awkwardly] {mumbles} "It's a personal preference."

B: [raises her eyebrows in amusement]

S: [looks down at his cereal bowl] "A preference for getting laid, maybe."

D: [very aggravated expression at S] "Sam! Come on!"

B: [amused smile at D] "You can't do that on your birthday?"

D: [looks at her, hesitates] (slightly dumfounded and speechless, then defensive) "We were on a case."

S: [small scoff] "That never stopped you before."

D: [glares at S and clenches his jaw] (frustrated and uncomfortable) "Sam, so help me...."

B: [amused and slightly teasing smile at D] "We're not on a case now...."

D: [looks at her, hesitates]

B: [meets his gaze, raises her eyebrows slightly with a small smile]

D: [holds her gaze, swallows hard] "No, but I think I found us one."

S: [looks at D with interest] "Seriously?"

D: [looks at S in irritation] "Yeah, Sam, it's kinda what we do."

S: [glances at B, then amused smile at D] "You're gonna give up your favorite night of the year, for a case?"

D: [very irritated expression at S] {gruffly} "People are dying, Sam! Or doesn't that bother you?"

S: [raises his hands defensively, glances at B with a small smile]

D: [shakes his head] (frustrated and impatient) "God, you're like a freaking dog with a bone...."

B: [amused smile at both of them]

D: [holds up the newspaper] "Wichita. Two days ago, a couple was found in their apartment, both their hearts ripped out... by each other."

S and B look at D curiously

S: "Really? How do they know they did it to each other?"

D: [interested expression] "Because they were holding each other's hearts in their hands."

S: ["okay, then" expression]

D: "And last week, a dude was found behind a bar, dead, and get this... coroner said he choked to death... on human heart tissue."

S and B: surprised and interested

S: [nods] "Yeah, sounds like a case."

D: [nod at him] "And are we sensing a theme?"

S: [thoughtful expression] "Human hearts.... You thinking witch?"

D: [nods] "Or a god."

B: [watching them] {mumbles} "I can't believe this is real life...."

S: [looks at her with a small amused smile] "You want in?"

B: [meets his gaze, smiles and nods] "Sure!"

D: [watching her] (hesitant) "You sure, sure? This is bigger than anything you've tackled so far."

B: [meets his gaze, shrugs] "You don't grow unless you push yourself....But if you don't want me–"

D: [holds her gaze] "I didn't say that."

B: [holds his gaze, slight smile] "Okay, then...."

D: [holds her gaze, nods, then looks between her and S] "Meet at the car in ten."

They get ready and drive toward Wichita, listening to classic rock

As they approach Wichita, S is on the phone

S: [clicks off the phone and looks at D] "Okay, the local police say that there were witnesses at both scenes placing a woman near the scene of the murders. Older, with gray hair, carrying a big bag. Nobody recognized her."

D: [driving, nods] "Okay, sounds kinda witchy."

B: [glances at him, small smile] "You're favorite thing."

D: [looks at her in the rearview mirror, small amused smile]

Suddenly, a flash of pink light sparks from somewhere northwest of them

S and D and B all look toward the direction of the light, and the light fades

They all look at each other

D: (hesitant and uncomfortable and interested) "Okay, that was weird...." [looks at S]

S: [looks at D] (hesitant and uncomfortable and interested) "Really weird...."

D: [looks in the direction of the flash, narrows his eyes and focuses on something] "So is that." [points]

S and B look where he is pointing

A plume of pink smoke is rising into the sky

S: [peering at the smoke] "Is that smoke.... Pink?"

D: [driving, looking at the smoke] "Sure as hell looks like it."

S: [hesitates] "Maybe it's just kids messing around with..."

D: [glances at S impatiently] "Colored smoke bombs and fireworks?" [looks at the smoke] "No, this is us." [pulls the impala off at the exit]

S: [looks at D] "Really, Dean? You don't want to go into town first and do a little investigating? Figure out what we're dealing with before we charge in, guns blazing?"

D: [grins as he drives toward the smoke] "Nah, where's the fun in that?"

B: [watching them, looks at D and smiles and shakes her head] (amused and affectionate)

S: [looking at D] (slightly annoyed and uncertain) "Dean, I really think we should–"

D: [glances at S in slight irritation] "Come on, Sam, this is weird! Weird is what we do! Do you really wanna take a chance that whatever the hell is going on here is gonna take out someone else while we're out doing footwork?"

S: [looks at the smoke, hesitates] "Okay, fine. Let's just be careful about it."

D: [looks at the smoke, reaches over and slaps S's chest] "You got it. Careful, as always."

S: [glances at D with slightly irritated uncertainty]

They drive toward the smoke and past an old farmhouse, pink smoke rising from the chimney. D drives down the road a little ways and parks on the side of the road. They get out of the car and go to the trunk

D: [opens the trunk and opens the false bottom, props open the false bottom with a sawed-off shotgun, and starts putting things in the weapons bag, glances at B] "We're walking in blind, so we better grab everything...." [stuffs the holy oil, several machetes, several silver blades, two iron crow bars, the salt, holy water, matches, and some other bullets into the weapons bag, reaches for the grenade launcher, hesitates, then shakes his head, then hands an angel blade to S]

S: [takes the angel blade and slips it in his jacket, then pulls his gun out from behind his back and checks it]

D: [slips an angel blade into his jacket, then grabs a gun from the trunk and hands it to B, looks at her] "This won't kill a witch, but it'll slow her down."

B: [nods and takes the gun, checks it]

D: [small smile, then grabs another gun from the trunk and checks it, glances at B] "Witch killing bullets." [smiles] "Will put the bitch down."

B: [slight amused smile at him]

D: [puts the weapons bag over his shoulder and shuts the trunk and looks toward the house] "Here we go."

They walk stealthily toward the house and approach the house with caution. D motions for S to go around the back, then looks at B and points behind him

B: [watches him and nods, follows him to the front door]

D: [at the front door, pulls out his lock picks and picks the lock, then opens the door, gun ready] (serious and focused)

They go into the house, scanning, poised and ready, and check all the downstairs rooms

S: [comes toward them from the back, looks at D and shakes his head]

A noise from upstairs, then a female voice

D: [looks up the stairs, then looks as S and B and nods, goes up the stairs, gun ready] (serious and focused)

S: [follows D, gun ready] (serious and focused)

B: [follows S, gun ready]

They walk stealthily down the hall, following the sound of the female voice, passing several rooms as they go, and checking each room as they pass. They approach the last room in the hall, the room where the voice is coming from

D: [stops, turns and nods at S, then makes a hand motion]

S: [watching D, nods]

D: [looks at B and makes a hand motion]

B: [looks at D questioningly and shrugs]

D: [rolls his eyes, points to S] {mouths} "Stay behind Sam."

B: [rolls her eyes, nods]

D: [turns, gun raised, steps into the room] (serious and focused)

They go into the room and see a woman with gray hair leaning over a desk, looking at a book, and chanting something in latin

D: [gun pointed at her] (serious and focused) "Don't move."

S stands a few feets away from D, blocking the door, and B moves to stand next to S, guns pointed at the witch

Witch: [stops, looks at them with a small smile] "Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

D: [gun pointed at her, small wry expression] "I was gonna ask you the same thing."

Witch: [looks between them with an amused expression] "Let me guess.... Hunters?"

D glances at the desk, which is holding an open book, a brass bowl containing some ingredients, a smaller bowl containing some kind of powder, and some other strange items

D: [looks at Witch with a wry smile] "Let me guess... witch?"

Witch: [smiles and shrugs] "You got me." [looks down at the desk and starts to reach for something]

D: [points with the gun] "Ah-ah-ah..."

Witch: [stops and looks at him]

D: [nods toward the gun] "Witch killing bullets. I wouldn't try anything, if I were you."

Witch: [glances at the gun, then looks at D] "You've got me all wrong, sonny. I'm only in town for romance...."

D: [raises his eyebrows] "Yeah, we know all about your little heart obsession. Can't let that slide."

Witch: [studies him] "I suppose you would feel that way...." [looks between him and S and B, smiles] "And aren't you all a sweet little threesome...." [looks at D] "Let's see how you feel when I do this!" [quickly grabs powder from the bowl on the desk, holds her hand up to her mouth and blows the powder in B's face]

B: [coughs]

D: [looks quickly at B, then focuses on Witch and shoots the gun]

Witch: [says something in latin and disappears in a puff of smoke before the bullet hits her]

D: (flash of confusion, then flash of anger and frustration) [looks around the room]

B: [coughs]

S: [scans the room, then quickly turns to B and grasps her shoulder, searches her face] "Are you okay?"

D: [looks at B] (fearful and concerned)

B: [coughs again, raising her hand to cover her mouth while the other hand holds her gun at her side]

S and D watch her with fearful concern

B: [coughs, then nods, looks between them] "Yeah. I'm okay.... I think I am, anyway..." [looks at them with a slightly worried expression] "Wait....Am I green? Am I a frog? Am I going to turn into a frog?"

D: (flash of relief) [rolls his eyes, tucks his gun behind his back]

S: [small smile at B, his hand still on her shoulder] "You look fine."

D: [watches her face] (concerned) "How do you feel?"

B: [meets his gaze, shrugs] "I feel fine.... Normal.... Maybe it didn't do anything to me?...."

S: [watches her face and lowers his hand, tucks his gun behind his back]

D: [holds B's gaze] "Here's hoping it's just water off a little duck's back." [looks around the room, then goes to the window and looks out] "I'm gonna find that bitch and ice her witchy ass."

S: [looks at D] "Dean, she could be anywhere by now."

D: [looking out the window] (angry and frustrated) "Damn witches!"

B: [takes a shaky breath] "Maybe there's something around here that will give us a clue where she went?"

S and D look at her, then look at each other

S: [shrugs, then looks at B] "You sure you're okay?"

B: [brushes some powder off her face, nods] "I feel fine." [smiles up at S] "Promise."

S: [smiles down at her]

D: [watches her]

B: [meets D's gaze, smiles]

D: [hold her gaze, nods]

They start searching the room

S and B go the bookshelves that line one of the walls, and D goes over to the desk and looks at the contents with slight disgust

B: [standing by the bookshelf, looking at the books, sways slightly, steadies herself against the bookshelf with the hand holding her gun, sets the gun down on the shelf with a thunk]

S and D look at her

S: (concerned) "Beth?"

B: [looking at the bookshelf, blinks, clears her throat]

D: [watches her] (concerned)

S: [watching her, steps toward her] (concerned) "You okay?"

B: [blinks several times, pressed her hand to her chest, turns to S and looks up at him] "I.... I don't know.... I feel...." [wheezes slightly, coughs]

D: [watches her] (worried)

S: [searches her face]

B: [holds S's gaze, hand pressed to her chest, stumbles sideways slightly]

S: [steps toward her and quickly steadies her with a hand on her shoulder] "Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?"

D: [watching, takes a step toward her] (fearful)

B: [steadies herself with a hand on S's arm, meets S's eyes, wheezes again] {breathlessly} "I can't.... I'm having trouble...." [wheezes again and shuts her eyes, pressing her hand to her chest]

S: [watches her, then looks at D] (fearful) "Dean, the book!" [nods toward the book on the desk]

D: [eyes flash from B to S, then back to B, then he whirls and leans over the desk, looking at the book] (fearful)

S: [watches B and steadies her with his hand on her shoulder] "Beth?"

B: [opens her eyes, looks up at S, wheezes and winces in pain]

S: [holds B's gaze] (fearful) "Hurry, Dean."

D: [flipping through the pages of the book frantically] (very fearful)

B: [looks at D, not breathing, hand pressed tightly over her heart and becoming more breathless]

S: [watches B, hand on her shoulder] "Dean!"

D: [glances at S, then looks back and frantically searches the book, glancing at B as he searches] (terrified) "I'm working on it!"

B: [slight wheeze and looks at S] (fearful)

S: (freaking out) "Now, Dean!"

D: {yells} "Not helping, Sam!" [frantically turns pages]

B: [small cough, closes her eyes tightly in pain and presses on her heart]

D: [looks at her with a flash of terror and concern, then back at the book and flips another page] "I got it! I think I got it!" [fingers run down page as he reads]

B: [opens her eyes and trembles and wheezes, looking between S and D]

D: [frantically reading] "Yeah, spell powder inthe face. This is it!"

S: [glances at D] "What is it?" [looks back at B]

B: [sways slightly and S steadies her]

D: [glances at B] (flash of terror) [looks back at the book] "It says it's a....(slight confusion and concern) broken heart spell..." [looks at B] (fearful and questioning)

B: [meets D's gaze, hand pressed tightly to her chest, not breathing]

S: [looks at D] "What does that mean, Dean?!"

B: [holds D's gaze, wheezes] (fearful and searching)

D: (flash of pain and fear) [looks back at book and runs fingers over page as he reads lowly] "Okay...it means... true love lasts forever, yada yada.... soul mates, yeah yeah...[slightly confused look] ...Kismet.... whatever the hell that means....[continues reading] ...broken heart....ingredients.--gross!"

B: [slight amused smile as she wheezes and presses on her chest]

D: " –okay! It says that this spell is intended for...[pauses, staring at the page]...{quietly} death..." [horrified look to B]

B: [meets D's eyes, swallows hard and blinks rapidly and sways as S holds onto her]

S: [looks at D and yells] "Is there a cure?!"

D: [blinks and looks back at book] "Right! A cure. Let's see...yes! It can be cured with a..." [looks at B and meets her gaze] "....heart stopping kiss."

B: [holds D's gaze and swallows hard, hand pressed tightly to chest]

S: (confused and fearful) "A what?

D: [holds B's gaze] {lowly} "A heart stopping kiss."

S: [looking quickly from B to D and back then focuses on D] "What does that mean, Dean?!"

D: [looks back at book and quickly scans the page again] {panicked} "I don't know! That's all it says! Just a heart stopping kiss!" [meets B's gaze again] (panicked and searching and questioning) [slowly straightens to fully face her]

S: [looks at B, then at D] (questioning and fearful) "Dean?"

D: [holds B's gaze] (searching and caring and terrified and uncertain)

B: [holds D's gaze]

S: [looks at B, then at D] (confused and frustrated and fearful) "DEAN?!"

D: [searches B's eyes]

B: [holds D's gaze for a moment, then looks up at S, who is still holding her by the arms to steady her]

S: [looks at B's face, then quickly glances back and forth from D to B, then cups B's face in his hands and kisses her]

D: [swallows hard, watching]

S: [leans back and places his hands on B's shoulders and pushes B's shoulders back so he can look into her face, searching]

B: [holds S's gaze, then grimaces and wheezes, pressing on her chest]

S: [clenches his jaw and looks frantically at D]

B: [looks at D, not breathing, hands pressed to her chest]

D: [meets her gaze and searches her eyes] (searching and uncertain and caring and questioning and fearful)

S: {shouts} "DEAN!"

D: [holds B's gaze steadily] (searching and caring and questioning and fear and subtle desperate love)

B: [holds D's gaze, then an almost imperceptible nod]

D: (flash of love and determined) [quickly moves to stand very close to B and presses his hands to her waist, leans down and kisses her lips]

B: [goes still for a moment, pressed lightly against D's chest with her hands between their bodies, then kisses D's lips]

D: [kisses her lips softly]

B: [tiny, breathless exclamation and kisses his lips softly]

D: [kisses her softly, wrapping his arms around her]

B: [kisses him softly]

D: [kisses her more passionately, wrapping his arms around her more tightly]

B: [kisses him passionately and slides her hands up his chest and wraps her arms around his shoulders]

S: [watching them, raises eyebrows with slight smile]

D: [kisses B passionately, one arm wrapped tightly around her waist and the other sliding up her back and his hand softly cups her head]

B: [kisses D passionately, pulling him closer with her arms around his shoulders]

D: [kisses her passionately, then pulls away slightly, his face still close to hers, his eyes downward, breathless, then looks at her eyes]

B: [face close to D's, eyes downward, breathless, arms still around his shoulders, then looks up and meets D's gaze]

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then a concerned and questioning look as he pulls back slightly and studies her face]

B: [holds D's gaze for a few moments, then collapses]

S: [watching] "No!"

D: [grips B's body as she goes limp and sinks with her to the floor] (frantic and panicking) {yells} "BETH!" [searches her face]

S: [sinks to the floor next to them and puts his hands on B's limps shoulders]

D: [searching B's face and touching her hair and shoulders] {fervently} "No. That worked...that had to have worked..." [looking at her face in denial, places a hand gently on her heart]


D: (absolute denial and confusion and fear and pain and love) {whispers} "This isn't happening...."


B: [jerks upward with a sharp intake of breath, slams one hand over D's on her heart, the other hand grips his shirt, and she fervently meets his gaze]

D: [clutches her more tightly and looks at her, meets her gaze] (lash of shock, then flash of confusion, then searching and awe and gratitude and concern and love)

B: [holds D's gaze]

S: (instant relief) "Oh, thank god!" [gently places a hand on her head and leans forward and kisses the top of her head]

B: [holds D's gaze for a moment, then a relieved smile and she glances at S as he kisses the top of her head lightly]

D: [looking at B]

S: [searches B's face] "Are you okay?"

B: [smiles and glances between S and D, softly squeezes D's hand that's still on her heart] "I'm okay....at least....I'm pretty sure I am."

D: [watches her] (Unreadable)

B: [glances between D's face and S's face]

S: (obvious relief and caring) [deep breath and smiles at B]

D: [watching her] {lowly} "Good."

B: [meets D's gaze very briefly, then looks quickly away]

D: [watching her] "Let's go home."

S: [nods, stands, reaches down and helps B stand]

D: [stands, watching B] (Unreadable)

B: [steadies herself on S's arm, then smiles up at S, then glances at D and quickly away]

They walk back to the impala, and D starts the impala and starts driving back toward the bunker

S: [glances at D] "We're going back to the bunker?"

D: [looks at B in the rearview mirror] "I think we've done enough for today."

B: [staring out the window, one hand pressed over her heart, the other twirling her hair]

S: [glances at B over his shoulder, then looks back at D questioningly]

D: [watching B, then looks at the road] "That crazy witch is long gone by now, anyway."

S: [watches D for a moment, then nods]

While driving back, D watches B intently in the rearview mirror in between watching the road

B: [stares out the window, one hand resting over her heart, the other twirling her hair]

S: [starts talking about other witches he and D have dealt with, subtly watching D and B as he talks]

B: [glances at D watching her in the mirror, swallows hard, looks back out the window]

D: [continues to watch her intently as he drives]

They get food and then go back to the bunker and sit around the table to eat. D watches B intently, and B is unusually quiet, avoiding looking at D and focusing purposely on S and smiling and talking with S while twirling her hair.

S: [watching them both as he talks with B about different times that he and D have both almost died during jobs, then he subtly changes the topic to witches] "That witch was something else, huh, Dean?"

D: [looks at S and gives an open and affirmative look] "Yeah, a real bitch. We'll have to hunt that hag down and smoke her, eventually." [looking back at B] (serious and intent and subtly searching)

B: [twirling her hair and avoiding looking at either of them]

S: [watching them] "And that spell. I've never heard of anything like that before. Usually to break a spell you have to kill the witch that casts it or something like that. But a kiss. That's strange. Wouldn't you say, Dean?"

D: [doesn't look away from B] "Really weird."

S: [looking from D to B with a slight smile] "In fact, you know what? We don't really know which kiss broke the spell."

Both D and B look at S

S: [smiling a little bigger and leaning back with his arms behind his head] "I mean, there was obviously a delayed reaction, either way. So, who knows?"

D: [stares at S] {lowly} "Dude."

S: [smiling at them both, then looks at B] "Did you feel your heart stop at any point?"

B: [looks briefly at S then D, then looks down as she twirls her hair] "You're right, Sam. We may never know."

D: [looks at B] (serious and intent and searching)

S: [smiles] "Well, I'm beat. So I guess I'll hit it." [stands up and starts to walk past D toward the door, places both hands on D's shoulders and smiles at B] "Like you said, we may never know. But... [leans toward D slightly and squeezes D's shoulders] ...I'm pretty sure it was me." [pats D's shoulders] "Night."

B: [smiles at S, briefly meets D's eyes, then back to S] "Good night, Sam. Sleep well." [avoids looking at D and twirls her hair]

S: [starts to walk out of the room]

D: [stands up] "I'm right behind ya, Sammy."

S: [stops and looks at D] (surprised and confused) "Really?" [looks from D to B and back again]

D: [looks at S] "Yeah. Bedtime."

S: [meets D's eyes] (confused) "Okay..." [looks at B questioningly] "You want us to wait up for you?"

D: [looks at B]

B: [smiles up at S, avoiding D's eyes] "No, of course not. I'm fine. Go to bed... .sleep.... dream.... relax. I'll probably just putter around...maybe watch a movie or something." [glances at D, then quickly away]

D: [watching her]

S: [looking from D to B] "You sure?"

B: [smiles at S] "Of course, Sam. I'm a big girl. Your days of having to babysit me are long over."

S: (uncertain) "I know. But you did... almost die today." [looks from B to D]

D: [watching her, clenches his jaw]

B: [smiles awkwardly and shrugs] "Hey, it's all in day's work at this point...[briefly meets D's gaze] right?" [looks away]

D: [watches her]

S: [watching her, then looks between them] (slightly confused and subtly concerned) [shrugs] "Okay. Well, night."

B: [smiles at them] "Good night." [briefly meets D's gaze, then looks away quickly]

D: [nods] "Night."

S and D leave the room and walk down the hall.

S: [stops at his bedroom door and looks at D in confusion] "Dude?"

D: [stops and looks at S] (confused and irritated) "What?"

S: ["what the hell" face]

D: (irritated) "Use your words, mime boy."

S: (incredulous) "What the hell are you doing?"

D: ["Duh" face and gestures toward his bedroom]

S: [rolls eyes] "Use your words, Dean."

D: ["obviously" expression] "Going to sleep."

S: (confused and incredulous) "Seriously?"

D: (frustrated) "Yeah, Sam. I'm a human and humans sleep. You got a problem with that?"

S: [hesitates, then raises his hands] "No. I just... Never mind." (confused acceptance) "Night."

D: [nods] {gruffly} "Yeah. Sleep tight."

S goes into his room, still looking slightly confused

D: [walks down the hall, serious and focused, opens his bedroom door, then stops in the doorway]


D: [closes eyes tightly and clenches his jaw, then opens his eyes and slowly turns and walks out of the door way and closes the door behind him, walks back to the kitchen, stops in the kitchen doorway, looking at B]

B: [has the microwave popping popcorn, and is putting the dishes away] {mumbling} "These damn plates, every fucking one of them is cracked in at least one goddamn place. You'd think the men of letters, with all their fucking resources–" [glances at D, sees him, and stops talking, but doesn't stop what she's doing]

D: [watches her put away a few dishes]

B: [gets the silverware and turns toward D to put the silverware in the drawer in the kitchen island, not looking at him]

D: [watching her, slowly walks toward her]

B: [continues putting away silverware, not looking at D]

D: [stops close to her and watches her closely]

B: [goes very still, breathing regularly, no trembling, not looking at him]

D: [standing close to her, studies her intently for several moments, then slowly raises his hand and very gently touches his finger to her chin]

B: [no response, breathing regularly, no trembling, still not looking at him]

D: [swallows hard, presses under her chin very, very gently]

B: [slowly raises her face toward him, not meeting his eyes]

D: [looking at her] (sudden subtle longing and subtle love)

B: [looks up and meets D's gaze and holds it, breathing calmly and not trembling]

D: [searches her eyes] (subtle longing and love)

B: [holding D's gaze for a long moment, then almost imperceptible smile]

D: [holds her gaze, then, his finger still touching her chin lightly, he slowly lowers his face toward hers, hovers his lips over hers for a moment, then very, very lightly and gently kisses her lips]

B: [a split second hesitation, then a tiny, breathless exclamation, and her hand releases the silverware and it drops to the floor with a clatter, she presses her lips against D's and kisses him softly, her hands pressing into his torso]

D: [kisses her softly, his finger still lightly touching her chin, he wraps his other arm around her body and holds her waist and pulls her closer to him]

B: [kisses him softly, slides her hands up his chest and wraps her arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer]

S: [steps into the doorway, sees them, and smiles, then turns and silently walks away]

D: [kisses her more passionately, one arm wrapped around her waist holding her close, and the hand that was touching her chin cups her face, caressing her cheek as he kisses her]

B: [kisses him passionately, her arms around his shoulders, her chest pressed tightly to his]

D: [kisses her passionately, then pulls back slightly, breathless, and looks at her]

B: [breathless, meets D's gaze]

D: [searching her eyes, his fingers gently caressing her cheek and chin] (slight longing and subtle love)

B: [holds his gaze, then small smile] (slight joy and subtle love) [tilts her face up almost imperceptibly toward his]

D: [slight smile and lowers his face toward hers]

Microwave beeps loudly

D: [grabs B around the waist and shifts his body between her and the microwave, leaning slightly over her]

B: [clutches D's shoulders and ducks her head close to his chest]


D: [deep breath, slowly leans back and looks down at her]

B: [trembling subtly, leans back and looks up at D, meeting his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile] {gently} "It's just the microwave."

B: [holds his gaze, deep breath, slight smile] {softly} "I made popcorn."

D: [holds her gaze] (curious and suspicious) {softly} "You don't like popcorn."

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] {softly} "I was in the mood."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] {softly} "Smells burned."

B: [holds his gaze, smiles] {softly} "Too bad. You'll have to make more."

D: [holds her gaze, raises his eyebrows] {softly} "You load up the movie?"

B: [holds his gaze, smiles] {softly} "I'll meet you in the living room."

They step back and B leaves the room

D: [watches her, then absently puts more popcorn in the microwave and stares at it distractedly while the popcorn pops and burns]

Microwave beeps loudly

D: [blinks and focuses on the microwave] (frustration and disappointment as he sees the popcorn's burnt, then calm acceptance) "Eh, this'll work." [quickly pours the popcorn into a bowl and walks to the living room]

B: [has The Mummy starting on the TV, is curled up on her end of the couch, small smile up at him as he walks into the room]

D: [small smile down at her, sets the bowl of popcorn on the edge in the center of the coffee table, and sits down on his end of the couch, his arm stretched out on the back of the couch, toward her, looks at her with a gentle smile] (slight searching and longing and subtle love)

B: [avoids his eyes for a moment, then looks at him and meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze, then slowly gets up, picks up the bowl of popcorn, and sits next to him, leaning against his body lighty, and curling her legs around her while she holds the popcorn]

D: [watching her] (slight pleasure and longing and subtle love)

B: [glances up at him with a small smile, holding the popcorn up closer to her face] "Popcorn?"

D: [watching her, slowly moves his hand that is resting on the back of the couch, and gently wraps his arm lightly around her shoulder as he reaches his hand for the popcorn bowl she's holding]

B: [meets his gaze, soft smile]

D: [holds her gaze, hesitates, then slowly and gently moves his hand to touch a strand of her hair]

B: [soft smile into his eyes, then looks away and snuggles her body close to his and lays her head softly on his shoulder]

D: [watches her] (love and pleasure) [soft smile, he plays tenderly with her hair as they watch the movie]

They fall asleep

At some point in the night, B's sleeping hands release the popcorn and it falls to the floor, spilling.

D: [wakes, opens his eyes]

L comes over and eats a couple pieces of the burnt popcorn

D: [looks at the spilled popcorn and the dog]

L lays down again, leaving all the rest of the burnt popcorn on the floor

D: [looks down at B, sleeping peacefully on his shoulder, watches her breathe for a long time, then slowly leans down and hovers his face slightly above her hair and breathes in deeply, closes his eyes, softly kisses the top of her head, then lays the side of his face on her head and falls back asleep]


The next morning

D and B are sleeping on the couch; D sitting on his end of the end of the couch, one arm wrapped around B with his hand resting on her hip, his face resting on the top of her head; B is snuggled up against D, her head resting on his shoulder

S: [walks into the living room with a slightly curious expression, looks at D and B, smiles, then walks over and sits in the leather chair]

D: [stirs awake, blinks, lifts his face and looks at S]

S: [smiles at D, raises a finger to his lips] "Shhh..." [then points at B]

D: [looks down at B]

S: [watches D with a small smile]

D: [watches B for several moments] (subtle love and contentment and longing and confliction) [looks up at S]

S: [meets D's eyes, raises his eyebrows]

D: [rolls his eyes]

S: [bigger smile at D]

B: [stirs awake with a deep breath]

S and D look at her

B: [opens her eyes, blinks, then starts slightly, lifts her head and glances around quickly, then looks up at D] (slightly disoriented)

D: [meets her gaze, slight smile] (caring and love and subtle affection and very subtle worry)

B: [holds his gaze, then soft smile and lays her head back on his shoulder, looking up at him and holding his gaze] (caring and love and affection and contentment and pleasure) {softly} "Good morning."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] (caring and affection and relief and subtle joy) "Morning."

B: [holds his gaze for a long moment, then glances at S and jumps slightly] "Oh, jeeze!" [raises a hand to her chest]

D: [instantly raises his hand from her hip and wraps his arm more tightly around her, gently grasping her arm]

B: "Goddamn, mother fucker!" [drops her hand again]

S: [watching her, smiles apologetically] "Sorry."

D: [glance at S with a slightly irritated expression]

B: [chuckles, shakes her head] "I just didn't see you there, Sam."

D: [glances down at her affectionately, then] {dryly} "That's the reaction all the girls have when they wake up and see Sam's ugly mug."

B: [playfully slaps D's chest lightly]

S: [watching them] (amused and subtly affectionate) "How would you know that, Dean?"

D: [glances at S] (slightly awkward)

B: [chuckles]

D: [looks down at her affectionately]

S: [watching them with an amused smile] "So, you guys look... well rested."

B: [glances at S] (flash of surprise, then slightly self-conscious)

D: [glances at S] (slightly irritated and warning)

S: [smiling] "And you made a mess." [looks at the spilled popcorn, then back at them] "Who burned the popcorn?"

B: [looks up at D's face]

D: (slightly awkward and uncomfortable)

S: [grins at D] "Really, Dean? What happened to all your rules about that?"

D: (awkward and uncomfortable) "I... was, uh... I got distracted..." [glances down at B]

B: [self-conscious smile, closes her eyes and turns her face toward D and presses her forehead against his shoulder]

S: [grins at them] "I can see that."

D: [irritated glance at S]

B: [small smile, eyes closed, her forehead pressed against D's shoulder, shakes her head against his shoulder]

S: [grinning at them] "Must have been pretty damn distracted. That popcorn is black. And I don't even want to know how it got all over the floor."

B: [smiling, turns her face away from S and presses it into D's shoulder]

D: [glares at S] "Shut up, Sam."

S: [grinning at D] "The dog won't even eat that, Dean."

B: [chuckles against D's shoulder]

D: [looks down at her in slight surprise]

B: [lifts her face and looks at them, blushing] "Well, on that note, I think I'll take L outside." [stands]

S: [smiles at her with amused affection]

D: [watches her and drops his arm]

B: [glances quickly between them] (slightly self-conscious) "You boys probably want to talk, anyway....Excuse me." [walks quickly out of the room, with L following]

D: [watches her, then stares after her]

S: [watches D with a smile]


D: [looks at S and meets his gaze] "Shut up."

S: [grinning at him] "I guess you decided to sleep on the couch again, after all."

D: [irritated expression] "Not another word, you damn busy-body."

S: [raises his eyebrows] "Oh, I have at least one more word."

D: [rolls his eyes] {mumbles} "Not surprising."

S: [leans forward] "Finally!"

D: [meets S's eyes with surprise]

S: [grins and leans back in his chair, shakes his head] "I've been waiting for this for months! I can't believe it took a witch–"

D: [slightly confused expression] "Dude, she's only been here for three months...."

S: [nods] "Yeah. Exactly."

D: (slightly surprised and befuddled)

S: [grinning at him] "Maybe now I can get you to focus on something else."

D: (slightly surprised and befuddled, again, then doubtful and amused) "Yeah, I wouldn't hold your breath on that one, Sammy." [slightly pleased smile]

S: [shakes his head in amusement, stands up and walks over to D, leans down and pats D on the shoulder] "I'm happy for you, man."

D: [stands, stretching his back, small pleased expression at S] "Hey, if you're so happy for me, why don't you go make us up some breakfast while I clean up this mess." [looks down at the floor and lifts up a foot, which has burnt popcorn stuck to the bottom of it, then lowers his foot and looks up at S with a slightly mischievous expression]

S: [small "whatever" expression, slaps D on the arm] "Just don't get distracted again." [amused smile, then walks out of the room]

D: (amused and pleased) [bends down and picks up the bowl and starts cleaning up the popcorn]

B: [steps into the doorway and stops, watches him for a moment, small smile, then walks into the room and over to the TV, not looking at D]

D: [straightens, watches her]

B: [pulls the disk out of the blueray player and puts it in the case]

D: [watches her]

B: [sets the movie on the blueray player, pauses, then turns and faces D, meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze, then walks quickly to her and cups her face in his hands, kisses her passionately on the lips]

B: [kisses him passionately, wraps her hands around his back and clings to him]

D: [kisses her passionately, slides his hands down her shoulders and wraps his arms around her, pulling her closer]

B: [kisses him passionately, slides her hands from his back to his sides and then pulls back breathlessly, looks up at him]

D: [looks down at her and meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] (love and subtle determination and searching) {fervently} "It wasn't Sam, Dean.... It was you.... I felt it." {whispers} "Instantly."

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment, then slowly moves one of his hands to cover one of hers on his side, gently grasps her hand and moves it to cover his heart, presses her palm over his heart and covers her hand with his]

B: [looks down at their hands over his heart, then meets his gaze] (searching)

D: [holds her gaze] (subtle vulnerable love) {whispers} "I don't think it was your heart that had to stop, Beth."

B: [searches his eyes, her hand pressed between his hand and his heart]

D: [holds her gaze, swallows hard] (searching and longing and subtle pleading and love)

B: [searches his eyes for a long moment, then] "...huh.... {breathlessly} Son of a bitch...."

D: [small smile, holds her gaze for a brief moment, then leans down and kisses her softly on the lips]

B: [tiny, breathless exclamation as she kisses him softly on the lips, grasps the fabric of his shirt at his side and over his heart]

D: [kisses her more passionately, sliding his hand from her hand over his heart, up her arm, and softly cups side of her throat, wrapping the other arm more tightly around her waist and pulling her closer]

B: [kisses him passionately, wrapping her arms around his back and pulling him closer]

D: [kisses her passionately, tangles his fingers in her hair]

B: [kisses him passionately, runs her hands up his back]

D: [kisses her more deeply, cupping the back of her head]

B: [pulls away slightly, breathless, looks up at him]

D: [breathless, meets her gaze] (searching and subtle love)

B: [holds his gaze] (searching and subtle uncertain and very subtle vulnerable love)

D: [searches her eyes, then small smile, moves his hand and gently runs his thumb from her chin up her jaw, then touches her hair, studies her face]

B: [watches his face, slight smile] {softly} "What do we do now?"

D: [meets her gaze, small smile, plays with her hair with one hand while the other arm holds her] {softly} "What do you want to do?"

B: [holds his gaze, small teasing smile] "I think I want breakfast."

D: [holds her gaze, small teasing smile] "Your wish is my command, princess." {yells} "Sammy! How is that grub coming?"

B: [holds his gaze, amused smile, shakes her head]

S: [from the other room] "Don't worry about it, Dean! You just concentrated on what you're doing!"

D: [holds her gaze] (very amused and teasing and affectionate) "You heard the man."

B: [holds his gaze, amused and affectionate smile]

D: [leans down and kisses her softly, pulling her closer with one arm while the other hand touches her face and hair]

B: [kisses him softly, her arms wrapped around his back, clinging to him]

D: [kisses her softly, running his hand down her shoulder and arm and then presses his hand against her upper back]

B: [kisses him more earnestly, running her hands up his back and clinging to the back of his shoulders]

D: [kisses her earnestly, one arm wrapped around her waist, slides the other hand up to the nape of her neck]

S: [from the door] "Guys...."

D: [pulls away slightly, looks at B, then turns his face toward S and slides his hands down to the small of B's back] (frustrated) "Can't you see we're in the middle of something?"

B: [rests her forehead on D's chest, smiling slightly]

S: [looks at them apologetically] "Yeah, sorry... but I just got a call from Jody. She needs us."

D: [meets S eyes]

S: [small "sorry, but..." expression]

D: [turns and looks down at B]

B: [looks up and meets D's gaze, steps backward slightly, fingers gripping his shirt at his sides, then looks at S] "Of course.... You guys go...." [meets D's gaze] "...I totally understand."

D: [holds her gaze, hands gently grasping her arms, small "are you kidding me?" expression] "Oh, you're coming."

B: [holds his gaze, small surprised smile] "I am?"

D: [nods] "Hell, yes, woman! Get your stuff and meet us at the car." [leans forward and kisses her soft and quick on the lips]

B: [soft and quick kiss on his lips, then amused smile at him] "Only if you promise not to boss me around in front of your friend."

D: [small grin, shakes his head] "God, you're a pain in the ass." [rolls his eyes] "Fine!" [smiles at her]

B: [smiles, small "okay, then..." expression, steps back and walks toward the door, pauses by S and reaches out and squeezes his arm]

S: [smiles at her, leans down and kisses her cheek, then straightens]

B: [smiles at him, then leaves the room]

S: [looks at D]

D: [meets S's gaze, "here we go" expression]

S: [nods]

They all get ready and meet at the car

D: [standing next to the driver's door of Baby, leaning on the roof]

B and S and L walk up to the impala

D: [watches them]

B: [glances at D, small smile, then looks away, goes to the back passenger side door]

S: [opens B's door for her]

B: [smiles up at S and squeezes his arm as she gets in the car]

S: [smiles down at her and closes her door, then gets in the passenger seat]

D: [gets in the driver's seat and starts to drive, looks at B in the rearview mirror]

B: [looking out the window, glances over and meets his gaze in the rearview mirror]

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] (affection and subtle joy)

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] (affection and subtle pleasure) [looks back out the window]

D: [glances at S] "So what did Jody say?"

S: [looks at D] "Just that she thinks some vamps are tearing through a little town near Sioux Falls."

D: [watches the road] "Fangbangers, again? Man, they're popping up everywhere lately. Worse than herpes."

S: [slight "What the hell?" expression at D]

B: [small amused smile as she looks out the window]

S: [looking at D] "Uh, yeah, except she said it's weird. Apparently the victims all had their throats ripped out and were missing a lot of blood, but not completely drained."

D: [glances at S] "So, what? Vamps on a diet? Portion control? Watching their calories?"

S: [shrugs] "Weird, right?"

D: [looks at the road] "Yeah, well, weird is what we do." [small cocky and amused expression]

B: [looks at D with a small amused smile]

D: [meets her gaze in the rearview mirror]

B: [holds his gaze with a small smile, then looks out the window]

D: [watches her for a moment in the mirror, then leans down and clicks the radio on]

They drive for a while, listening to classic rock

"You make Loving Fun" by Fleetwood Mac comes on the radio

D: [glances at the radio, then looks at B in the rearview mirror, leans forward and turns the music up]

B: [glances at the radio, then looks at D in the rearview mirror]

D: [meets her gaze in the mirror, small affectionate smile, taps the steering wheel along with the music]

B: [holds his gaze, small amused smile]

S: [glances at D, then over his shoulder at B, then small smile at D]

D: [holds B's gaze in the rearview mirror, taps the steering wheel along with the song, then leans forward and turns it up louder, meets B's gaze again in the rearview mirror, tapping the steering wheel]

B: [holds his gaze, small amused smile, shakes her head]

D: [holds her gaze, grins, starts singing along with the song] "This feeling follows me wherever I go..." [bobs his head slightly to the music and sings along, tapping the steering wheel and holding her gaze in between glancing at the road]

B: [holds his gaze, smiling]

S: [watches D with a smile]

D: [sings along to the song dramatically, obviously enjoying himself]

B: [watches D with a smile] (amusement and affection and joy and hope)

D: {sings} "Don't...Don't break the spell. It would be different and you know it will...."

B: [watching him, goes still, then grabs the back of S's seat and jerks forward] "Turn off the music!"

S: [glances at her over his shoulder]

D: [looks at her in the rearview mirror with an amused grin] "So bossy–"

B: {emphatically} "Dean!"

D: (grows serious and concerned) [reaches over and shuts off the music, looking at her in the rearview mirror] "What's wrong?"

B: [looks out the windshield and points to a rest stop exit that they are approaching] "Pull over!"

D: [watches her in the mirror and pulls the car over at the rest stop]

S: [glances at D] (confused and concerned)

D: [glances at S] (confused and concerned) [puts the car in park]

B: [pops open her door and gets out of the car, walks over to a picnic table and starts pacing and twirling her hair]

D and S watch her, then look at each other, then get out of the car and go to her

D: [watching her, stops a little way away from her] "What the hell is going on?"

S: [watching her, stops a little way away from her] "Did you have a vision? Is something bad going to happen?"

B: [stops, looks at S in surprise, drops her hair twirling hand] "No." [looks between them uncomfortably] "It's not that...."

D: [searches her face] "Then what?"

B: [meets his gaze, bites both lips]

D: [holds her gaze] (searching and concerned)

S: [watches them]

D: [holds her gaze] (impatient and worried) "Just say it!"

B: [blinks] "It's the song."

D: [extremely confused expression] "The song?"

B: [holds his gaze] (hesitant, then reluctant, then sad acceptance) [steps toward him] "It's just a spell, Dean."

D: [holds her gaze] (confused and searching and caring and slightly frustrated) "What the hell are you talking about?"

B: [holds his gaze] (sad and worried and longing) "It's just a spell.... This.... [gestures between them] .... It's the spell...."

D: [holds her gaze] (confusion and frustration, then understanding, then frustration and denial and caring) {gruffly} "What?"

B: [holds his gaze, steps close to him, looking up at him] {quietly} "Tell me it doesn't make sense...."

D: [holds her gaze, steps back] (caring and frustrated and worried) {fervently} "It doesn't!"

S: [looking between them] (confused and concerned) "What are you guys talking about?"

D: [looks at S in frustration] "She thinks it's a love spell."

S: (understanding)

D: [looks back at B with an "obviously" expression] "You're crazy."

B: [meets his gaze] "Dean–"

D: [holds her gaze, steps close to her and grasps her shoulders] "This is real."

B: [searches his eyes] "How do you know?"

D: [holds her gaze] (insistence and certainty and subtle love) {fervently} "I know."

B: [searches his eyes] (uncertainty and longing) {softly} "How?" [reaches a hand up and rests it on his chest, over his heart, then looks at her hand, fiddles with his coat] "This isn't...."

D: [watches her]

B: [looks up and meets his gaze again] (searching and longing and subtle pleading and desperation) {quietly} "How do you know?"

D: [holds her gaze for several moments, then drops his hands from her shoulders and steps backward]

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of pain and fear and sadness)

D: [holds her gaze] (serious and subtly determined and love) "Talk it out."

B: [blinks] (surprise, then subtle relief, then worry) [bites her bottom lip]

D: [holds her gaze, nods]

B: [holds his gaze, deep breath nods] "Okay... right. Okay. I can do that. Okay.... I can do that... the first step.... Identify the goal.... The goal is to know whether.... [swallows hard]... this....[gestures between them] ... is.... real.... or ...."

D: [holds her gaze] {gruffly} "Magic mind control."

B: [holds his gaze, slight smile] "Yes...."

D: ["Okay then" expression] "Okay then, let's do it."

B: [holds his gaze, raises her eyebrows and small amused smile]

D: [holds her gaze, small amused smile] "You know what I mean."

B: [holds his gaze, nods] (very subtle conflicted desire)

D: [holds her gaze] {lowly] "Focus."

B: [blinks] "Right. Okay. Right. Okay. Yes.... focus... okay, so the goal is to determine whether we....you and I.... together...." [swallows hard]

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] "Are under a spell.... So... what is the evidence?"

D: [holds her gaze] {gruffly} "Well, we know you're not."

B: [blinks] "Excuse me?"

D: [nods toward her] "If you were hexed, you wouldn't be asking if you were hexed."

B: [holds his gaze, tilts her head slightly] (thoughtful) ".... huh...."

D: [small smile, then looks at S] "Back me up, Sammy. Have we ever seen a person under a spell that realized it and tried to figure it out and fix it?"

S: [shakes his head, then hesitates] "Well... actually."

D: [slightly irritated expression]

S: [glances at B, then back to D] "You did."

D: (surprised)

S: (hesitant and reluctant) "That time the Hansel and Gretel witch turned you into a teenager, and we had to figure it out and reverse the spell."

D: (reluctant realization, then hesitant acceptance and subtle frustration) [lifts a hand and rubs his forehead lightly with his fingers]

B: [staring at S] "Wait.... What?!"

D: [closes his eyes and shakes his head]

B: [looks at D] "That really happened?... So you've had a witch make you both really old, and really young, on two separate occasions?... Different witches?"

S: [looks hesitantly at D] "Actually, that's a good point, cuz you knew you were hexed that time, too–"

D: [drops his hand] (frustrated and irritated and subtly worried) {gruffly} "Sam, stop helping!"

S: [shuts his mouth and nods]

D: [looks between them and gestures] "Those times don't count! Those weren't mind control spells... or whatever...." [looks at B]

B: [meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze, then looks at S hopefully] "Like the time that friggin' witch hexed me with that memory curse! That was about the mind, and I didn't know it was happening until you figured it out!"

B: [stares at him] "Wait!"

D: [looks at her with slight impatience]

B: [stares at him] "How many times have you been hexed by witches, Dean?!"

D: [nods] "Not this time, for damn sure!"

B: [meets his gaze] (uncertain and searching and longing and subtle pleading)

D: [holds her gaze] "That was different, Beth."

B: [holds his gaze, slowly nods] "Okay.... Granted..."

D: [holds her gaze] (relief and subtle hope)

B: [holds his gaze] "....so what other evidence do we have....?"

D: [searches her eyes] (searching and pleading and caring and slight desperation)

B: [holds his gaze] (thoughtful and worried and hesitant) "....how do we know this isn't some.... Becky in Vegas.... thing....?"

D: [blinks, looks at S] "Sam!"

B: [looks at S]

S: [looks between them, hesitates] "Yeah?"

D: (hopeful and desperate) "You were under a love spell! And you had to drink that... [gestures vaguely].... weird potion crap that Becky had."

S: (understanding) "Yeah. I did."

B: [looks between them in confusion]

D: [looks at her and steps close to her, grasping her shoulders again]

B: [meets his gaze]

D: "In order to keep Sam under the spell, Becky made him drink this potion, every... [looks at S] ....what? Six hours?"

S: [shrugs] "Something like that."

D: [looks down at her and meets her gaze again] (caring and slightly pleading and desperate) "It's been way longer than that, Beth, and look... [looks down at his body, then meets her gaze again] ... no potion."

B: [holds his gaze for several moments, then slowly nods] "Okay.... Granted."

D: [holds her gaze] (relief and subtle love)

B: [holds his gaze] "And there are no hex bags..."

D: [nods] (slightly hopeful) "Right."

B: [holds his gaze] "And no other physical evidence of a spell...."

D: [holds her gaze, squeezes her shoulders] (more hopeful)

B: [holds his gaze] "And the powder from the spell is gone...."

D: [holds her gaze, nods]

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of confusion, then conflicted and searching)

D: [searches her eyes]

B: [holds his gaze] {softly} "Then how do you explain this?...." [glances at one of his hands on her shoulder]

D: [looks at one of his hands on her shoulder] (reluctant understanding)

B: [looks up at his face again, then slowly raises a hand and touches his chest, over his heart, takes a deep, calm breath] {softly} "This is different."

D: [meets her gaze] (confused and conflicted and concerned and absolute denial) "I... I don't..." [deep breath] "Talk it out."

B: [holds his gaze, small smile, nods] "Right. Start with the feeling.... What is my body...." [pauses, swallows hard] {gently} "What if I can't trust my body?"

D: [holds her gaze) (flash of worry, then realization, then calm) "Then trust your choice."

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of surprise, then subtle confusion and conflicted)

D: [holds her gaze, squeezes her shoulders] "That's what you said. That first week, in the motel room, Beth. When I asked you about... your...." [searches her eyes]

B: [holds his gaze, slight smile] "Uncontrollable physical reactions."

D: [holds her gaze, lifts a hand from her shoulder and snaps, smiling] "Yes! That!"

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] (amusement and affection)

D: [grasps her shoulders with both hands, holds her gaze] "You said it was about choice."

B: [holds his gaze, smile slowly fades] "But what if magic took our choice away?"

D: [searches her eyes] (frustration and pleading and desperation and love)

B: [searches his eyes[ "How would we know....?" (flash of realization, then subtle hope)

D: [searches her eyes] "What?"

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "Hit me."

D: [blinks, steps backward and drops his hands] "What?"

B: [holds his gaze] "Hit me."

D: [holds her gaze, "hell no!" expression] "No!"

B: [holds his gaze, steps close to him] "Then kick me, or shoot me, or call me a bitch."

D: [watching her, more surprised and confused and frustrated with each word]

B: [holds his gaze] "Anything! Anything you wouldn't do if you cared about someone."

D: [holds her gaze] (understanding)

B: [holds his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] "I will if you will."

B: [nods] {matter of factly} "Fine. Asshole."

D: [holds her gaze, raises his eyebrows]

B: [holds his gaze] (instant surprise and regret and apology) [reaches up and presses her hands to his chest] "Oh, god, Dean, I'm so sorry!... I didn't mean that at all! I swear!"

D: [hold her gaze, small smile, slowly reaches up and moves the hair away from her throat, then touches her bare throat softly, then runs his fingers down her skin and pinches the skin at the base of her neck]

B: [blinks and winces] (instant surprise and irritation) "Ow!" [reaches a hand up and slaps it over his as it hovers over her skin where he pinched her] "God damn, son of a bitch! What the hell, Dean?!"

D: [holds her gaze, small smile]

B: [holds his gaze] (realization) [tilts her head slightly] (thoughtful understanding) "...huh..."

D: [smiles, then slowly leans down and kisses her softly on the lips, moving his hand from her throat to the back of her neck]

B: [tiny, breathless exclamation and kisses him softly, sliding her hand from his hand at her neck, down his arm, and under his arm and around his back, her other hand pressed against his heart]

D: [kisses her more passionately, wrapping his other arm around her]

B: [kisses him more passionately]

D: [kisses her passionately, then pulls away slightly and looks in her eyes]

B: [meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze] (subtle love and certainty) {softly} "It wasn't a spell two days ago, Beth. Or last week."

B: [holds his gaze] (confused, then surprised, then perplexed, then hesitant and uncertain, then realization, then calm understanding and hope and subtle love)

D: [holds her gaze] (slight love and subtle pleading and searching and desperation) {softly} "Not for me, anyway."

B: [holds his gaze] (acceptance and subtle joy and hope and love) [small smile] {softly} "Me, neither."

D: [holds her gaze] (flash of love and relief, then happiness and hope) [small smile] {lowly} "Okay. Good." [leans down and kisses her softly on the lips]

B: [tiny, breathless exclamation and kisses him softly]

D: [pulls back and meets her gaze again] "Then can we go? It's fucking freezing!"

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "I'm good if you are."

D: [holds her gaze, smiles] "Oh, I'm good." [hesitates, then leans down and kisses her softly]

B: [tiny breathless exclamation and kisses him softly]

D: [pulls back and meets her gaze again, nods] "Now I'm good." [steps back and gestures toward the car]

B: [small smile, walks past him toward the car]

D: [looks at S] "You didn't have anything to add, yenta?"

S: [small smile at D] "You seemed to be doing okay."

D: [rolls his eyes]

They get in the car and drive to Jody's, listening to classic rock on the way



The pull up to Jody's house around noon and D parks the impala in the driveway, then they get out of the car

Jody walks out to meet them

J: [smiling at S and D] "Hey there, strangers."

D: [walks up to J and smiles and hugs her] "Hey, Jody."

S: [walks up to J and smiles and hugs her] "Yeah, sorry we've been kinda MIA recently."

D: [small wry "yep" expression] "Things have been a little... weird."

S: [glances at D with a small "did you just say that?" expression]

J: [smiles at them] "Oh, I get it." [glances past them at B and holds out her hand] "And you must be the new prophet everybody's all abuzz about."

B: [steps forward and smiles with slight hesitancy] "I guess that must be me." [glances at S and D, then smiles at J and shakes her hand] "It's so nice to meet you. I'm Beth."

J: [shakes her hand, smiles and drops her hand] "Jody, and back at ya. I have to tell you, your reputation precedes you, Beth."

B: [hesitates, glances between S and D]

J: [smiles at them, then back at B] "All good, trust me."

B: [smiles at J, then glances D with slight suspicion]

D: [slightly cocky nod to her]

B: [very slight amused shake of her head, then smiles at J again] "That's nice to hear, thank you."

D: [turns toward the car] "We'll grab our gear. Then we can get this show on the road." [nods at S]

S and D walk toward the trunk of the impala, B starts to follow

L is looking out the window of the impala, watching them

J: [sees L, looks at D in surprise] "Dean Winchester, you let a dog in the backseat of your car?"

B: [glances at J, then looks at D with amused and affectionate curiosity, standing next to him]

D: [grabs his and B's bags out of the trunk, glances at B, then at L, then looks at J, shrugs] (slightly awkward and defensive) "She's a good dog. Much better behaved than her mother." [glances at B teasingly]

B: [raises her eyebrows in amusement and playfully slaps his arm] "Well, she didn't get that trait from you, UNCLE Dean!"

D: [grins at her]

B: [amused smile at him and reaches for her bag] "Now give me that–"

D: [holds the bag away from her and smiles at her teasingly] "Ah-ah-ah...." [pointed look at her] "I am a gentleman."

B: [amused and teasing smile at him] "That may be true, Dean, but I am a feminist, and I can carry my own bag!" [reaches for the bag again, stepping closer to him]

D: [smiles playfully down at her, holding the bag out of her reach] "Hey, if I'm good enough to open your queso jar, I'm good enough to carry your damn bag. Now get your ass in the house, sweetheart."

B: [lowers her hand, meets his gaze] (playful and teasing and affectionate and slightly defiant) "Okay, first of all, Dean Winchester, I ASKED you to open the queso jar. And second of all, you promised....and you don't get to be so damn–"

D: [grins, leans down and kisses her softly on the lips]

B: [tiny, breathless exclamation, then kisses him softly]

D: [pulls away and smiles down at her]

B: [meets his gaze] "--bossy...." [holds his gaze for a moment, then smiles teasingly at him and gently shoves his arm] "That's not fair!"

D: [grins at her] "Alright, but fair IS fair."

B: [holds his gaze, smiles in amusement] "Okay, then, you just wait till the next time you're trying to make a point and I don't want to hear it."

D: [holds her gaze and leans toward her, small teasing smile] "Oh, Beth, I look forward to it."

B: [blinks, then holds his gaze] (flash of subtle surprised confusion, then flash of subtle conflicted hesitation, then reluctant amused affection) "Shut up, Dean."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] (amused and affectionate) "Yes, ma'am." [gestures toward the house]

B: [small amused smile and rolls her eyes]

They turn toward the house

S and J are watching them

D and B both hesitate, glance at each other, then look back at S and J

J: [looks between D and B and gestures toward them] (openly surprised curiosity) "What, exactly is going on here....?"

S: [watching D and B, nods] "It's a thing."

J: [raises her eyebrows at D]

D: [hesitates, then nods, small shrug] "It's new."

S: [small scoff]

D: [irritated look at S]

B: [looks between them]

J: [raises her eyebrows] "How new?"

D: [slight "I don't really wanna say so I'm gonna stall" expression]

S: [looks at J] {matter of factly} "Yesterday." [glances at D] "Sorta."

D: [irritated look at S]

J: [looks at S in surprise, then looks at D] (surprised and amused and curious) "Really?"

D: [hesitates, gestures awkwardly] "It's a whole...story.... We haven't really had time to process...."

B: [looks at D in amusement]

J: [glances at B, then looks back at D in amusement] "Seems like you've done at least a little processing."

B: [looks at J in amusement]

J: [looks at B and winks]

B: [smiles in amusement at J]

J: [looks at D with a slight teasing expression] "So does this mean that she's your valentine?"

B: [looks away with a small "ew!" expression]

D: [glances down at B uncomfortably, then sees her expression, small amused and affectionate smile]

B: [glances up at D, raises her eyebrows]

D: [looks away and clears his throat]

They all look at D

D: (uncomfortable) [looks between them all, hesitates] "Uhh.... Don't we have a case to work on, here?"

J: [watching him] (slightly amused) "Uh-huh...." [glances at B]

B: [meets J's gaze, small shrug]

J: [glances past B at the car] "You can bring her inside."

B: [glances over her shoulder at L, then looks at J] "It's okay, she's used to waiting in the car. She'll be fine."

J: [smiles at B] "Honey, bring her in the house. It will be nice to have a dog inside again."

B: [smiles at J] "If you're sure it's okay?"

J: [nods] "Of course!"

B: [smiles, nods and goes and gets L from the car]

They all go into the house. S and D drop their stuff on the floor in the living room, then go and sit on the couch. B sits in a chair, holding L's leash as L sits at her feet. J sits in another chair

S: [looks at J] "Okay, so fill us in, Jody."

J: [nods] "So, a small town I cover about half an hour from here, has been having a slew of fatalities. Four, so far, that we know of. Bodies found with their throats ripped out, blood almost completely drained."

D: [watching J, nods] "Almost?"

J: [looks at him, nods] "Yeah. Sounds vampire-y, right?"

S: [nods] "Yeah. Probably. Do we know anything else?"

J: [looks at S, nods] "I got a call just before you got here about some strange folks spotted hanging around an old barn on the outskirts of town. Some of my guys wanted to check it out, but I figured I'd better let you boys have first crack at it."

D: [nods] "Smart."

S: [nods] "Yeah, better safe than sorry."

J: [nods] "That's what I figured. So, when you wanna head out?"

D: [glances at B]

S: [glances at D, slight surprised and confused expression]

B: [meets D's eyes, raises her eyebrows] "Don't look at me! I'm just along for the ride."

D: [small scoff]

S and J look between them

D: [holds B's gaze for a moment, then looks between J and S, stands] "Okay, then, might as well get it over with." [grins and claps his hands together] "Let's kill some vamps!"

They all stand

B: [amused smile at D]

D: [looks at J] "You wanna ride with us?"

J: [looks at D and shakes her head] "Nah, I better take my car, just in case. You never know."

D: [nods and starts to walk toward the door]

They all start to follow

J: [glances down at L, who is following B, then looks at B] "You can leave her here, if you want. I don't mind."

B: [looks at J in slight surprise] "Are you sure? She's super well behaved. She shouldn't cause any trouble–"

J: [smiles and raises a hand] "It's fine, hun. I'll text Alex on the way and let her know so she won't be surprised when she gets home."

B: (flash of confusion, then acceptance and gratitude) "Thank you so much." [smiles at J]

S: [watches them, then looks at B] "Alex is..."

B: [looks at S]

S: [glances at J]

J: [looks at S, then smiles at B] "It's complicated."

B: [smiles and nods]

D: (slightly impatient) "We'll tell you on the way. Let's go." [gestures toward the door]

B: [looks at him and rolls her eyes in amusement]

S: [hesitates] "I think I'll ride with Jody." [looks at J] "If you don't mind the company."

J: [looks at S and smiles] "Sure! That way we can catch up."

S: [glances between D and B, nods with a small smile] "Yeah, that'd be great."

B: [smiles at S]

D: [small warning look at S]

J and S get in J's car, and D and B get in the impala and they all start driving toward the little town nearby

D: [driving the impala, following J's car, glances at B]

B: [in the passenger seat, looking out the window and twirling her hair]

D: [looks at the road, then looks at B] "Hey."

B: [turns and meets his gaze, lowers her hair twirling hand]

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] (questioning)

D: [glances at the road, then meets her gaze again] "Talk to me."

B: [holds his gaze] (questioning) "About what?"

D: [looks at the road] "About anything."

B: [watches him, small smile] "Anything?... so you want to hear my opinions on climate change and the crisis regarding the growing amount of plastic and garbage in the ocean–"

D: [meets her gaze] {gently} "Beth...."

B: [holds his gaze, swallows hard, hesitates, then nods] "Okay...."

D: [looks at the road]

B: [watches him] {quietly} "How long?"

D: [glances at her] "How long, what?"

B: [watches him] {quietly} "You said a week ago.... You had...."

D: [meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze, small shrug] "Whatever....feelings?.... A week ago...."

D: [looks at the road] "Yeah."

B: [watches him, swallows hard again] "So... I guess.... I'm just wondering.... How long?...." [looks out the windshield] "Or maybe I don't want to know–"

D: [looks at her] "A long time."

B: [meets his gaze] (slight surprise)

D: [holds her gaze] "A long ass time."

B: [holds his gaze] (subtle confliction and longing and almost imperceptible doubt) "Dean, I–"

D: [looks at the road] "Forever. Basically." [looks at her again]

B: [blinks in surprise] (slight doubt and confusion, then slight confliction and hesitation, then slight hope and caring and longing) {quietly} "Really?"

D: [holds her gaze, nods] "Hell, yeah."

B: [holds his gaze, very slight smile, then slight shake of her head] "I didn't know..."

D: [looks at the road] {gruffly} "Yeah, you did."

B: [watching him] (very surprised) "Excuse me?"

D: [small smile, watches the road] "Or you would have, if you could tell anything about how other people see you, Stewart Little."

B: [watches him in confusion] "Dean, what are you–"

D: [watches the road] "Like all the dudes in all the bars in the world, or that asshat, Deputy Douchebag, or even those strippers at that club."

B: [watches him] (surprised again) "What?"

D: [glances at her with a slight smile] "That stripper you said was so beautiful, with the....[gestures vaguely]... whatever intelligence..."

B: [small smile at him] "Kinesthetic."

D: [snaps his fingers, looks back at the road] "Right! That! I've never seen a stripper smile at somebody like that before." [glances at her] "Those girls are jaded, Beth..." [looks back at the road] "And you made her smile, for real."

B: [watches him] (confused) [shakes her head] "I didn't–"

D: [nods] "I know." [looks at her, meets her gaze] "You never do." [looks at the road] "You never see how you affect people. If you did, you'd have known...."

B: [watches him] (conflicted and longing) [bites her bottom lip, looks out the window]

D: [looks at her, watches her]

B: [looks out the window, raises her hand and starts twirling her hair]

D: [watches her for a long moment, in between watching the road, then] {gently} "Hey."

B: [drops her hair twirling hand and turns to him, meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze] "Tell me."

B: [holds his gaze, hesitates, then] "I was trying to figure out.... for me.... when..." [bites her bottom lip]

D: [holds her gaze, then looks at the road]

B: [watches him] (thoughtful and caring) "It was before yesterday.... but I can't.... way before....Dean–"

D: [watching the road, shakes his head] "It doesn't matter."

B: [watches him] {quietly} "It matters to me."

D: [meets her gaze, small smile] "I know. Cuz you have to analyze every little damn thing. Your frickin' brain...." [shakes his head] "But to me.... It doesn't matter." [looks at the road]

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "You think you know me, Dean Winchester?"

D: [meets her gaze, small smile] "Fair's fair, sweetheart."

B: [holds his gaze] (subtly hesitant and doubtful and longing)

D: [holds her gaze] "I don't need to know when. Cuz I know you, and I know now."

B: [holds his gaze] (searching and subtly longing and hopeful and caring) {quietly} "I am trying so hard to understand you...."

D: [glances at the road, then meets her gaze and gestures for her to come closer] "Then come on over here. I'll help you out."

B: [holds his gaze for a long moment, then slight smile, slowly unhooks her seat belt]

D: [glances at the road, then meets her gaze again] (slightly surprised, then pleased and slightly excited)

B: [holds his gaze, slowly scoots over in the seat, closer to him, turned slightly toward him]

D: [glances at the road, then met her gaze, glances down at the space between them, then meets her gaze and raises his eyebrows]

B: [holds his gaze, small smile, slowly scoots close to him, turned slightly toward him]

D: [looks at the road and slowly raises his arm and rests it on the back of the seat behind her]

B: [watches him, small smile]

D: [lifts his hand to her hair and touches a strand of her hair, meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze, small smile]

D: [holds her gaze, playing with her hair, small smile, glances at the road, then meets her gaze and slowly and gently wraps his arm around the back of her neck, all the way around until his hand is on the other side of her face, and he presses the back of his fingers against the bottom of her chin, leans over and kisses her softly on the lips]

B: [tiny, breathless exclamation and kisses him softly on the lips, his arm around the back of her neck and his fingers on her chin, leans against him and raises a hand to softly touch his face with her fingertips]

D: [kisses her softly on the lips, then pulls back and meets her eyes, then looks at the road, draping his arm over her shoulder]

B: [watches his face, lowers her hand from his face]

D: [deep breath] "I've wanted to do that since.... The very first night."

B: [watching his face] (very surprised) "Really?"

D: [glances at her with a small smile] "Yeah. Since you got back in the car at that friggin' gas station."

B: [meets his gaze] (surprised and confused) "How do you....? That was.... That long?"

D: [holds her gaze, smiles, nods] "Oh, yeah." [looks at the road]

B: [stares at his face] "I... I don't even.... What?"

D: [glances at her with a grin] "Hey, I told you!"

B: [studies his face] "Dean... I .... How... What?"

D: [looks at the road, grinning, then meets her gaze] "Would you just shut the hell up?" [pulls her against him with his arm around her shoulders and kisses her earnestly]

B: [kisses him earnestly, raising her hand to the side of his neck and pulling him closer]

D: [kisses her earnestly, his arm around her shoulder, his other hand on the steering wheel slips slightly and the car swerves]

B: [pulls back and grabs for the steering wheel with the hand that was on his neck]

D: [pulls back and corrects with the hand on the steering wheel] "I got it!"

B: [hesitates,then lowers her hand that is reaching for the steering wheel, looks at D's face, chuckles]

D: [glances at her] {gruffly} "Shut up."

B: [amused smile at him, slowly scoots back to her side of the seat]

D: [watching the road, nods] "Yeah, you better stay over there. It's safer."

B: [chuckles and shakes her head, clicks her seat belt back on]

D: [glances at her with a small smile, then looks at the road and the car ahead of them] "Damnit, Sam's never gonna let me live this down."

B: [laughs] "Serves you right."

D: [glances at her with a slight frustrated expression, points to the window] "Just... look out the window."

B: [smiles at him and raises her eyebrows in amusement]

D: [meets her gaze] "But don't touch your hair."

B: [holds his gaze] (surprised and extremely amused)

D: [holds her gaze, raises his eyebrows] "Do you want to live to kill these vamps? Cuz I'll nascar wreck this impala if you touch your damn hair."

B: [laughs, raises her hands] "Okay! Okay! Just.... Watch the road!" [points to the road]

D: [nods and looks at the road] {mumbles} "Pain in the ass...."

B: [laughs and looks out the window, tucks her hands under her legs]

D: [glances at her, smiles, then watches the road]


They follow J's car to an isolated dirt road and park on the side of the road behind J's car, get out of the car

S and J get out of J's car

S: [grins at D]

D: [frowns at S] "Not a word, gigantor."

S: [grinning at D] "What's the matter, Dean? Burn the popcorn, again?"

D: ["oh, hahaha" face at S, then frowns] "Just shut your face." [goes to the trunk and grabs the weapons bag]

J: [walks up and smiles at D] "For a guy who loves his car so much, you sure are a reckless driver."

D: [exasperated expression and looks at the sky, then frowns at J] "Oh, come on! Not you, too!" [looks at B and points to her] "It's her frickin' fault! Being all distracting and shit. Why don't you pick on her?"

B: [amused expression at D, then looks at S and J and shrugs]

S and J look at B with small smiles, then look at each other with "nah" expressions then back at D

D: [rolls his eyes and throws the weapons bag over his shoulder, grabs some machetes out of the trunk and slams the trunk]

B: [walks over to D and small teasing smile at him] "I'm sorry, Dean, I don't know how to help you in this situation."

D: [looks at her, meets her gaze] "Just...keep your distance." [glances over her]

B: [chuckles, smiles affectionately at him]

D: [takes one of the machetes in one hand and flips it, holding the blade, holds it out to her with the handle toward her]

B: [looks at the machete in his hand, then looks up and meets his gaze] (flash of desire)

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] "Focus."

B: [blinks, nods] "Right! Right! Thanks." [looks at the machete and takes it from him, turns and walks toward S and J]

D: [walks over to S and J and holds out a machete to each of them, then looks between them] "You guys ready?"

S and J and B nod

D: [nods] "Okay, here we go."

S and D start walking down the road toward the old barn, J and B follow

J: [glances at B]

B: [looks at J and smiles]

J: [small curious smile at B] "You're still pretty new to this, aren't you?"

B: [small accepting smile as she walks] "Yeah. That's a good way to put it."

J: [watches B as they walk] "You ever killed a vampire before?"

B: [shakes her head] "Not personally."[glances at J] "You? I mean, sorry....you don't have to tell me, if you don't want–"

J: [smiles and shakes her head] "It's okay. I have. Actually, that's how I met Alex."

B: [glances at her as they walk] "I'm sorry, I still don't know who Alex is...."

J: [slight amused and questioning look, then glances at D who is walking ahead]

B: [slight self-conscious expression] "We didn't... get around to that topic...."

J: [small chuckle nods] "Alex is... kinda my daughter. She has been with me a few years now. She was raised by a family of vampires, used by them. She ran away from them, and we saved her. Sam and Dean and me."

B: [watches J as they walk] {gently} "That sounds like quite an experience."

J: [nods] "Yeah, it was. It was rough, at first. But Alex really pulled through. And now she's thriving. Going to nursing school. She wants to help people. I'm really proud of her."

B :[small smile at J] "I bet she gets that from you."

J: [small surprised smile at B, then small accepting expression] "Maybe." [deep breath] "And then there's Claire."

B: [glances at J in surprise] "Claire? As in...?" [glances at S and D walking ahead]

J: [glances at S and D, then smiles] "Yeah, that's her."

B: [watches J as they walk] "She's a hunter now?"

J: [deep breath] "Yeah. I wish she would just stay home, stay safe. But...."

B: [watches her as they walk] {gently} "It's hard when you care about someone, and you can't keep them safe all the time. Not being able to control something that important to you. That can be heavy."

J: [glances at her, small smile] "Yeah. Especially with kids."

B: [small smile and nods, glances at S and D, then looks back at J] "I'm glad you all have each other. Alex and Claire are blessed."

J: [glances at her, then looks at S and D] "Yeah....Sam and Dean are good men. The best."

B: [looks at S and D, walking ahead, nods] "They are."

J: [watches her as they walk] "They both seem to really care about you."

B: [glances at J with a small smile] "They do that, don't they? Care about people?" [looks at S and D] "It never ceases to amaze me...." [small smile and looks at J] "The feeling is mutual, as far as I'm concerned."

J: [smiles at B]

S and D stop ahead

D: [holds out a hand as he looks ahead, then he glances over his shoulder at J and B, then nods ahead]

J and B walk quietly up behind S and D and look in the direction D nodded, see an old barn surrounded by trees

D: [looks between them, then looks at S and nods] {quietly} "You and Jody go around the back and check it out, Beth and I will check out the front."

S: [nods, looks at J]

J: [looks from D to S, nods]

D: [looks at B]

B: [looks at D, nods]

D: [nods, then starts to walk stealthily toward the barn]

They all start to walk stealthily to the barn

B: [stops, slow shaky intake of breath, then] {breathlessly} "Wait!"

S and D and J stop, look at her

B: [meets D's gaze]

D: [holds her gaze] (serious and questioning and subtly concerned)

B: [holds his gaze, shakes her head] {quietly} "We can't go in there." [swallows hard] "It's bad."

D: [searches her eyes for a brief moment, then looks at S]

S: [watching B with concern, looks at D]

D: [glances around, then gestures toward some old, giant, fallen trees nearby, with a good view of the barn from that position]

S: [looks at the trees and nods]

They all walk stealthily over to the giant fallen trees, and duck behind them, crouching down close to each other

D: [crouching behind a giant fallen tree, turns to B and meets her gaze] "Talk to me."

B: [meets D's gaze and shakes her head] "I don't know. It's just a feeling. A really, really bad feeling."

D: (slightly frustrated) [glances around, then meets her gaze again] "You can't tell us anything?"

B: (slightly frustrated) [holds his gaze and shakes her head] "I don't know, Dean. There's nothing but heavy darkness... like with the other vampires, in the alley behind the bar. I don't know what's wrong. But I know something's wrong..."

D: [holds her gaze] (frustrated and conflicted) [looks at S]

S: [looks at D] (conflicted) [shrugs]

B: [looks at J]

J: [small encouraging smile at B]

B: [small thankful smile at J]

Suddenly, a loud screeching noise comes from the barn

They all turn and look at the barn

Three giant plumes of very black smoke shoot out of the roof of the barn and into the sky, then shoot off into the distance with a shriek

D: [watching] "Well, that could be a clue...."

A moment passes

D: [looks at S]

S: [looks at D, unknowing expression]

D: [looks at B]

B: [meets D's gaze] (uncertain)

The door of the barn opens

S and D and J and B all look at the barn door

A man walks out of the barn, wearing a sharp suit, looks in their direction: {calls out} "I know you're there!" [eyes turn black]

D: [watching] {gruffly} "Son of a bitch!"

Sharp Suit: [looking in their direction] "You can't hide, Winchesters!"

D: [closes his eyes] {whispers} "Damn it!"

Sharp Suit: {calls out} "Some of my colleagues saw you coming and decided to bail. Your reputations precede you. But the rest of us aren't so easily intimidated."

S: [looks at D] (frustrated and worried) "It's not vampires, Dean. It's demons!"

D: [opens his eyes, sharp look at S] "Ya think?"

S: [slight irritated and worried expression]

D: [looks back at Sharp Suit]

Sharp Suit: [looking in their direction] {calls out} "We don't want any trouble! We just want to be about our business. We're willing to let you boys walk away. But you'll have to leave the prophet."

D: [closes his eyes again]

S and J glance at B worriedly

D: [opens his eyes and looks at Sharp Suit]

Sharp Suit: {calls out} "It's nothing personal. We just have use for someone with her particular.... skill set. So you boys can decide. You can walk away and leave the girl. Or you and your other little friend can die, and we'll take her anyway. But if we have to take her, we might be a little less inclined to be.... kind... to her.... We'll give you a minute to think it over." [turns back toward the barn, then stops and looks in their direction again] "Oh, and don't try anything funny. You'll regret it." [goes into the barn]

D: [turns to B, meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] "Dean, I think–"

D: [holds her gaze, shakes his head] "Don't."

B: [blinks]

D: [holds her gaze] "Don't spaghetti me right now. It won't work."

B: [holds his gaze] (serious and calm and determined) "It's not a spaghetti offer this time, Dean. It's for real, and it's the right thing. You guys need to walk away."

D: [holds her gaze, shakes his head]

B: [holds his gaze] {forcefully} "I'm not kidding, Dean! This is bad!"

D: [holds her gaze] "How bad?"

B: [holds his gaze, hesitates]

D: [holds her gaze] (serious and focused and determined) "How many of them are there? I need to know how defcon screwed we are."

B: [holds his gaze] (certain) "....Very...."

D: [holds her gaze] (searching and determined)

B: [holds his gaze] "I don't know how many. But it will be bad...." (slightly pleading) "Dean–"

D: [looks at the barn, drops the weapons bag and opens it]

B: [watches him] (pleading) "Dean, please–"

D: [meets her gaze] "Shut up. Just shut the hell up, okay? We'll figure it out." [looks down and starts digging around in the weapons bag]

B: [watches him for a moment] {quietly} "It will be okay, Dean.... I will be okay. Just let me–"

D: [meets her gaze] {forcefully} "Shut up!" [looks back down in the bag]

B: [looks desperately at S and J] "Help me out, here, guys!"

S: [meets her gaze, shakes his head] "We'll figure something else out. We always do."

B: [looks at J]

J: [reaches out and squeezes B's arm, smiles at her] "Sorry, hun, you're outnumbered."

B: [bites her bottom lip and looks at the barn]

D: [pulls two angel blades out of the bag and hands one to S and one to J, then reaches in his coat and pulls out the demon knife]

Sharp Suit: [walks out of the barn and looks in their direction] {calls out} "Time's up, Winchesters! What's it gonna be?"

D: [puts the demon knife back in his coat and pulls out his gun] {calls out} "Go to hell, you son of a bitch!"

Sharp Suit: [nods] {calls out} "We thought that might be your answer. We are prepared."

Three shots from the barn, and the bullets hits the tree near them

S and D and J and B all flinch and duck

D: (frustrated and worried) "Son of a bitch!" [looks at S]

S: [looks at D] (worried) "They're armed?"

Sharp Suit: {calls out} "We can be diplomatic. We'll allow you to change your mind."

D: [hesitates, then] {calls out} "Yeah, give us a minute to think it over!" [looks at S and shrugs]

S: [small "okay, then" expression]

Sharp Suit: [nods] {calls out} "Be quick about it. We don't have all day."

D: {calls out} "You got somewhere else to be?"

Sharp Suit: {calls out} "Just make your decision before we run out of patience." [eyes turn black, and he turns and goes back into the barn]

B: [watching D] "Dean–"

D: [rolls his eyes, looks at S] "Man, I really miss the days before these demon douchebags realized they could use guns." [checks his gun]

S: [nods, pulls out his gun and checks it] "Yeah, I blame Abbadon for that one."

J: [pulls out her gun from her holster and checks it]

D: [nods, reaches into the weapons bag and pulls out a gun] "Killing that bitch was one of the best things I've ever done. If I could go back and do it again, I'd do it, just for the frickin' fun of it."

S: [glances at D] "And maybe you'd let me watch, this time."

D: [scoffs, looking at S, hands the gun to B] "Hell, I'd sell tickets to that show."

B: [takes the gun, looks at D] "Damnit, Dean, please, would you just–"

D: [meets her gaze] "What are you feeling?"

B: [holds his gaze] (surprised and flustered) "Now?! Now you want to know how I'm feeling?!"

D: [rolls his eyes] "About the demons, Doctor Phil! About this... crap fest!"

B: [rolls her eyes and holds up the gun in her hand] "I'm feeling that these bullets aren't going to do shit against demons, Dean!" [hesitates] "Well, actually, that's more of a thought than a feeling.... The feeling would be something more like frustration or–"

D: [looks at her in frustration] "Babe! Focus!"

B: [meets his gaze] (surprised) [hesitates] "....Did you just call me babe?"

D: [stares at her] "Can you just focus? Please!"

B: [blinks] "Right! Okay, you're right. Sorry...." [points a finger at him] "But we are definitely going to talk about that later!"

D: [rolls his eyes] "Fine! Now, can you just do your little... [gestures to her with his hand] .... super power thingy?"

B: [stares at him] "Okay, we are definitely coming back to THAT later!"

D: (very frustrated) "Focus!"

B: [blinks, nods] "Right! Sorry!.... What was the question?"

D: (very frustrated) "How screwed are we?!"

B: [nods] "Right! Yes! Okay.... Still very!"

D: [deep breath, glances around]

S: [watching them, looks at D] "Dean, you know they're probably surrounding us right now."

D: [glances at him] "Yeah, I know, we're basically chum in the water."

B: [looks down] "Shit!"

S: [looks at D with an idea] "The devil's trap bullets! Are there any in the bag?"

D: [looks at S, then looks down at the bag]

Sharp Suit: [steps out of the barn] {calls out} "Time's up, boys."

D: [looks at S, then looks toward the barn] {calls out} "I don't suppose you'd give us just one more minute?" [looks down at the bag and starts rooting around in the bag]

Sharp Suit: {calls out} "Sorry. We're serious this time."

D: [rooting around in the bag]

S: {calls out} "Go screw yourselves!"

Sharp Suit: {calls out} "Have it your way!"

Bullets fire from the barn and hit the fallen trees around them

S and D and J and B all flinch and duck slightly

D: [leans against the fallen tree near him, then looks over the tree quickly and shoots his gun toward the barn]

S and J and B start shooting toward the barn with their guns

D: [looks at B] "Find the bullets!" [nods toward the bag]

B: [looks down at the bag, then up at D questioningly]

Bullets rain down on them from the barn

D: [shoots toward the barn again, then looks at her] "They have little devil's traps carved into the tips!" [looks toward the barn and shoots again]

B: [nods, pulls the bag to her and starts searching through the contents quickly]

S and D and J continue shooting toward the barn

B: [searching through the contents of the bag] "Okay, what have we got?.... Knives... not helpful... holy water, maybe later.... Holy oil.... How much of this shit has to be holy in order for it to work against monsters?...."

J: [glances at B questioningly, then looks at S and D]

S and D both look at B, then look up at J and both give "yeah" expressions, then they all go back to shooting at the barn as more bullets fire at them from the barn

B: [searching through the bag] "More knives... nope... crow bar.... I would love to whack one of those sons of bitches with that thing.... Why is it that the thing you're looking for is always at the bottom and always the smallest thing in the bag?!... might as well be lip gloss at the bottom of my damn purse!"

Lots more bullets fire at them from the barn

D: [glances at B] {gruff and loud} "Babe! Focus!"

B: (frustrated) {loudly} "I am focused! Just leave me– Wait! I think I've got them!" [holds up the container of bullets and grins] "Victory!"

D: [shoots at the barn, then glances at her] "Super! Now put the bullets in the damn gun!" [nods toward her gun on the ground next to the bag]

B: [looks down at the gun, nods] "Right!" [picks up the gun and slides out the clip, fumbles with it]

More bullets rain down on them from the barn

S and D and J continue shooting at the barn

D: [glances at B] {yells} "Now, Beth!"

B: [fumbles with the devils trap bullets, then slides them into the clip] "Look, Dean, I am so sorry that I am not some sort of super skilled commando soldier with years of battle experience and self-control and the innate ability to stay cool and slick under pressure! And I'm sorry that you–"

D: [shoots at the barn, then] {loudly} "God, you're so friggin' sexy!"


S: [looks at D in surprise] "What?!"

J: [looks at D in surprise] "What?!"

B: [looks at D in surprise] "Excuse me?!"

D: [hesitates, then looks between them with an impatient expression] "Can we please focus?!"

B: [blinks, nods] "Right! Right. Sorry!. Okay....yes, focus..." [looks back down and fills the clip with devils trap bullets]

S and J look at each other, then refocus and continue shooting at the barn

B: [slides the clip into the gun and hands it to D]

D: [takes the gun and gives her his gun] "Now do this one."

B: [takes the gun and starts loading it with devils trap bullets]

Bullets continue to hit all around them

A demon runs out of the barn toward them. D shoots it and it falls to the ground, paralyzed

Paralyzed Demon: "I can't move! What the hell?"

Sharp Suit: [from inside the barn] "They have devils trap bullets!"

More bullets continue to hit all around S and D and J and B

S: [looks at D] "Dean, this isn't going to work. We don't have enough bullets!"

D: (frustrated) "You got any better ideas?"

More bullets fire around them

J: [shoots at the barn] "What else kills demons?"

B: [loading the gun, pauses, blinks, looks at the barn] (thoughtful)

S: [shoots at the barn] "Nothing! We need to get close enough to use the angel blades or the demon knife. Otherwise all we can do is freeze them with the devils trap bullets."

B: [looking at the barn thoughtfully, then looks at D for a brief moment, then turns to S and hands the loaded gun to S, smiles at S]

S: [looks at her as he takes the gun] (confused and questioning)

B: [turns to D] "Give me the keys."

D: [pauses, looks at her] (surprised and confused) "What?"

B: [meets his gaze, holds out her hand] (insistent) "Give me your keys!"

D: [holds her gaze] (frustrated denial) "No! Why?"

B: [rolls her eyes] "There's no time to explain! Just give me the damn keys, Dean!"

A bullet hits near D's head

D: [ducks slightly, then turns and aims his gun toward the barn]

B: [quickly reaches in D's coat pocket and grabs his keys, then darts around the fallen trees and runs toward the road]

D: [turns and looks where she'd been, then looks after her] (aghast and angry and slightly terrified) "Beth? Hey!" [watches her] "Damnit!"

Sharp Suit: [from inside the barn] {shouts} "Don't shoot the prophet! We need her, you idiots!"

S: [watches B run through the trees until he can't see her anymore, then looks at D] "Dude! What the hell?!" [a bullet hits close to his head and he blinks and flinches]

D: [meets S's gaze, shrugs] "What the hell are you looking at me for? I don't know!"

J: [looks between them] "Is she usually so.... impulsive?"

S and D look at J: "No."

J: [looks between them] "Well, do you think she might be.... [slightly awkward expression] ... you know?... [rolls her eyes] ....saving her own ass?"

S and D look at each other then back at J: "No!"

J: (defensive) "Okay, sorry!" [a bullet hits close to her head, and she flinches, then raises her gun and shoots at the barn]

They continue crouching behind the fallen trees and shooting at the barn as bullets land all around them

Sharp Suit: [from inside the barn] "You boys can't keep this up forever! You will run out of ammunition, then we will have our way with you!"

D: {calls out} "You wish, super-freak!"

S and J are crouched a few feet apart, and D is a little ways away from them

B: [runs back toward them through the trees, carrying a bag containing something that looks heavy]

S and D and J continue defensively shooting at the barn

A demon comes up behind S and J, looking at them with a large knife in his hand

B: [sees the demon, looks quickly at S and J, drops the bag in her hand and runs toward the demon] {shouts} "Sam! Jody! Look out!"

S: [turns toward her]

Knife Demon: [leaps toward S and J with the knife]

B: [lunges at Knife Demon with her shoulder toward him and knocks him over, grabbing for the knife as she does so]

B and Knife Demon tumble to the ground, the knife slices through the fabric of B's coat and the skin on her wrist as they fall

B: [falls hard, hitting her head on the ground as Knife Demon lands on top of her] "Oof!" (stunned)

Knife Demon: [quickly recovers and looks down at her, grins] "Why, hello, there, little prophet."

B: [blinks, looking up at Knife Demon]

Knife Demon: [grinning down at her, suddenly cries out, light flashes from inside of him, then he goes limp on top of B]

B: [blinks, crushed under his dead weight] "Oh, jeeze!"

Knife Demon's body rolls off of her, and B looks up at sees S leaning over her, a bloody angel blade in his hand as he rolls Knife Demon's body away from her

S: [looks down at her in concern] "You okay?"

B: [meets S's gaze and smiles] (dazed) "You bet."

S: [small grateful but worried expression, grabs her arms and pulls her up]

Bullets fire around them

Sharp Suit: [from inside the barn] {shouts} "The fool who shoots the prophet will be flayed alive, I swear to Lucifer!"

The bullets around them slow, but one bullet hits close to them

S: [blocks B's body with his own and pulls her back toward the fallen trees]

B: [goes with S, ducked behind him, then stops] "Wait!" [pulls away from him and runs toward the bag she dropped]

S: [watches her]

D and J watch her from their crouched positions behind the fallen trees

Bullets fire around S and S dives back behind the fallen trees

D: [looks at S] (worried and frustrated)

S: [meets D's gaze] (worried and confused)

B: [grabs the bag she dropped and runs over to the fallen trees, crouches next to D and smiles at him] "Hi."

D: [meets her gaze] (angry and afraid) "Hi?! What the hell, Beth?! What the actual fucking hell?!"

More bullets fire around them

S and J watch D and B in between shooting at the barn

B: [holds D's gaze, smiles at him, holds up the bag] "I thought now might be a good time for this."

D: [holds her gaze] (angry and confused) [looks down at the bag]

B: [smiling, opens the bag and pulls out the grenade launcher]

D: [looks at the grenade launcher for a moment, then looks up and meets her eyes, smiles] "Okay, you're awesome."

B: [holds his gaze, grins]

S and J watch them

S: [hesitates] "Dean, hold on."

D and B look at S

More bullets around them

S: [meets D's gaze] "What if there are people in that barn? Innocent people?"

D: [slight frustrated expression at S] "Really, Sam? You want to nuance this shit show?! Right now?"

B: [shakes her head] "I already thought of that."

D: [glances at her] "Of course you did."

B: [quick smile at D, then looks at S, shakes her head] "There's no one in there. No one human, anyway." [meets S's gaze, small shrug] "I don't know how I know. But I know." [small smile at him]

S: [holds her gaze for a moment, then looks at D and nods]

D: [nods, smiles, and looks down at the grenade launcher in B's hands, reaches for it, then hesitates]

B: [watching him]

D: [takes the grenade launcher from her hands, sets it aside]

B: [watches him] (confused)

More bullets around them, and S and J shoot at the barn

D gently grasps B's wrist in his hand and turns it over, revealing a large knife wound on the inside of her wrist that is dripping blood down her hand and onto the ground

D: [looks at the wound on B's wrist, then looks up and meets her eyes] (very concerned)

B: [glances down at the wound, blinks] "...huh..." [looks up and meets D's gaze]

D: [holds her gaze] (angry and concerned) [reaches in his pocket and whips out a bandanna, looks down at her wrist and wraps the bandanna around her wrist tightly]

B: [flinches]

D: [ties the bandanna tightly around her wrist and meets her gaze] (angry and concerned) "You didn't notice that?"

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "I guess not."

D: [holds her gaze] (angry and concerned and caring)

B: [holds his gaze, then leans down and picks up the grenade launcher again, meets his gaze again] "Don't let that ruin your moment, Dean."

Bullets hit around them

D: [holds her gaze] (angry and concerned and caring) "My moment?! You're bleeding!"

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "I'm fine." [holds the grenade launcher out to him] "You've been waiting to use this for....well, since before I've known you.... You've known her longer than you've known me! So come on..." [nods toward the barn] "Blow this fucker up." [grins at him]

D: [holds her gaze] (conflicted)

B: [holds his gaze] (caring and slightly excited)

S: [looks at them] "Guys!"

More bullets hit around them

B: [flinches, then shrugs] "Okay, then, I'll do it..." [lifts the grenade launcher and looks at it]

D: [grabs the grenade launcher from her] "Give me that!" [looks down at it] {mumbles} "Like you would know how to use this thing, anyway..."

B: [grins at him]

D: [looks down at the grenade launcher and smiles] "Hello, beautiful. You ready to do what you were made to do?"

B: [watches him, smiling]

D: [lifts the grenade launcher and gets it ready, then looks at B and meets her gaze]

B: [pleased "yeah, baby" expression]

D: [grins at her, then stands and points the grenade launcher at the barn] "Yippee-ki-yay, mother–" [pulls the trigger]

The barn explodes in a terrible fireball

S: [leans over J and shields her from the blast]

D: [tosses the grenade launcher aside and dives toward B, knocking her to the ground and wrapping her in his arms and shielding her from the blast]

The barn is on fire and smoke fills the sky, debris falls on them

A moment passes

B: [trembles in D's arms]

S: [leans back and looks at J questioningly]

J: [looks at S and nods] "Thanks."

S: [nods] "Yeah. No problem. You okay?"

J: [nods] "I'm good."

D: [laying on the ground, his arms around B]

B: [curled up against D's chest, gripping the fabric of his coat]

D: [slowly pulls back and looks down at B's face] (caring and worried)

B: [looks up at D and meets his gaze]

D: [searches her eyes]

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] (happy and caring and calm)

D: [holds her gaze, smiles at her] (relieved and subtle love) "You're incredible."

B: [holds his gaze, smiles at him] "You're not so bad, yourself."

D: [holds her gaze] (slight searching and subtle longing and love)

B: [holds his gaze, slowly reaches her hand up and touches a small scratch over his eye]

D: [glances at her hand, then focuses on her wrist, reaches up and gently grasps her wounded wrist, wrapped in his bandanna, and looks at it]

B: [watches him]

D: [meets her gaze, then stands, pulls her up in front of him]

B: [stands in front of D and looks up at him]

The barn burns a ways away from them

D: [looks down at her and meets her gaze] (angry and caring) "What the hell were you thinking?"

B: [rolls her eyes, then meets his gaze again] (irritated) "I was thinking, 'Gee, Dean won't give me to the demons, and I don't want everyone to die. So what can I do to stop that from happening?' And this is what occurred to me."

D: [holds her gaze] (angry and frustrated and caring) "And so you decided to run off by yourself in a freakin' hail-storm of bullets, risk getting snatched by those black-eyed bitches, then run back into that hail-storm, tackle a damn demon, get yourself sliced open, and all for what?"

B: [holds his gaze] (frustrated and caring) "To save your ass, Dean Winchester!"

D: [holds her gaze, blinks]

B: [holds his gaze] (angry and frustrated) "Do you think I didn't think it through? I knew they wouldn't shoot me, Dean! This was the only way!"

D: [holds her gaze] (frustrated and caring) "Well, you could have told me that! Instead of just running off all kamikaze and leaving us here wondering when and if you'd ever show your gorgeous face again!"

B: [blinks, then holds his gaze] (angry denial) "Did you think that I just left you? That I would leave you here like that? Dean Winchester, if you don't know by now–"

D: [holds her gaze] (frustrated denial and caring) "No! Come on, Beth! Don't be stupid! I never–"

B: [holds his gaze, raises her eyebrows] "Now I'm stupid? So what, Dean? Am I a selfish coward who runs off to save herself? Or am I stupid? Or am I–"

D: [holds her gaze] "You're a pain in the ass, is what you are!"

B: [holds his gaze] "Yes, I know that, Dean. You are constantly reminding me! But this pain in the ass is not going to just stand around and let terrible things happen to the people I care about! So if that means being reckless and stupid, then yes, I guess that's what I am."

D: [holds her gaze] "And what if you got nabbed by those piece of shit demons while you were on your little field trip? What if we never saw you again?" [grabs her arm and holds her wrist up in front of her] "And what if this had been more serious. Huh? What if you sliced an artery and were bleeding out right now?"

B: [meets his gaze] (frustrated acceptance) "Then we would cross that bridge when we came to it. We would figure it out."

D: [holds her gaze] (aghast and denial) "We would.... figure it out?! That's not something that you figure out, Beth! That's not some damn bridge you figure out! That's the last bridge! That's crap that kills you! Permanently!"

B: [pulls her arm away] "But that didn't happen, Dean! I'm fine! And Sam and Jody are okay, too! Would you rather I let something terrible happen to them?"

D: [holds her gaze, steps close to her] {angrily} "I would rather you not do stupid shit that's gonna get you killed!"

B: [holds his gaze, looking up at him] "Well, that's not really your choice, is it?!.... God damnit, Dean! How many mother fucking times are we gonna have to go over this?!...Nothing has changed in this regard!... I am an equal part of this team, and I make my own choices!... If I'm going to be out in the field, that is going to mean some risk!....I'm not going to just sit by and passively watch people get hurt... especially people I care about!.... I am going to do what I think is right and necessary, in that moment.... That's what you would do, and fair's fair!.... You risk your life, I risk my life.... That's how it works!"

D: [hold her gaze]

B: [hold his gaze]

S and J watch them

D: [hold her gaze, then quickly and gently grasps the side of her throat and jaw with one hand and kisses her softly on the lips]

B: [split second hesitation, then tiny, breathless exclamation and kisses him softly, raising her hands to grasp his arm as his hand touches her throat and jaw]

D: [kisses her more earnestly, wrapping his hand around the back of her neck and wrapping his other arm around her waist, pulling her closer]

B: [kisses him earnestly, wrapping her arms around his back and pulling him closer]

J: [watching them, small surprised smile, glances at S]

S: [watches D and B, small smile]

The barn burns a ways away from them

J: [looks back at D and B]

D: [kissing B earnestly, runs his hand over her back and tangles his other hand in her hair]

B: [kissing D earnestly, her hands clinging to his back]

S: [glances down at J] "Maybe we should...?"

J: [looks up at S and nods] "Yeah, probably."

S: [nods, grabs the weapons bag] "They might be a while."

J: [nods] "We don't really need to be here for this."

S and J glance at D and B, then walk away

D: [kisses B passionately, one arm wrapped around her waist and squeezing her to him, the other hand tangled in her hair, then cups the nape of her neck]

B: [kisses D passionately, on arm wrapped tightly around his back and the other hand slides up and clings to the back of his shoulder]

D: [kissing B passionately, moves his hand from the nape of her neck and wraps his arm around her shoulders, starts to kiss her more deeply]

B: [pulls away slightly, breathless, looks down at D's chest]

D: [breathless, looks down at her for a long moment, then slowly cups the side of her throat gently and presses his thumb to her jaw]

B: [breathless, lifts her face, meets his gaze]

D: [breathless, holds her gaze, gently caresses her jaw with his thumb]

B: [breathless, holds his gaze] {quietly} "Dean, I–"

D: [lowers his face and kisses her softy]

B: [tiny, breathless exclamation and kisses him softly]

D: [kisses her softly, then pulls back and looks down at her, meets her gaze, small smile] "Let's get the hell out of here."

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "Okay."

D: [steps back, takes hold of her uninjured hand, and turns, pauses, leans down and grabs the grenade launcher in his other hand, then starts to walk toward the road]

B: [follows D, her hand holding his]

They walk to the impala

D: [releases B's hand and goes to the trunk, reaches in his pocket, then looks at B]

B: [meets his gaze, then blinks] "Right! Sorry!" [reaches in her coat pocket and pulls out his keys, hands them to him]

D: [takes the keys, raises his eyebrows] (questioning)

B: [holds his gaze for a moment, then] (caring and reluctant acceptance) {quietly} "I knew you wouldn't let me go."

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] "That's why I didn't tell you what I was going to do. I knew you wouldn't let me leave by myself, and I knew that if you went, they would kill you.... I couldn't tell you, Dean..... That's why I ran off by myself.... I couldn't risk it."

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment] "What happened to fair's fair? You risk your life, I risk my life, and all that crap?"

B: [holds his gaze] (hesitant searching)

D: [holds her gaze] (searching and slight frustration and subtle longing)

B: [holds his gaze, small shrug] "I guess maybe I'm a hypocrite."

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment, small smile] "Okay, well, fair's fair, babe."

B: [holds his gaze, small smile]

D: [opens the trunk and puts the grenade launcher inside, then walks with her to the passenger door, opens the door]

B: [smiles up at him and starts to get in the car]

D: [touches her arm]

B: [stops, looks up at him]

D: [looks at her wrist, gently grasps her arm and lifts her wrist, gently unwraps the bandanna and looks at her wound, then meets her gaze] "This is gonna need stitches."

B: [looks at the wound] (slightly surprised) "Again?" [looks up at him]

D: [meets her gaze, small smile] "You and sharp things."

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "At least I don't have a concussion."

D: [searches her eyes, then leans over and looks at her head] "I'm not so sure about that, either, Evil-Kinevel. You fell pretty hard back there." [meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "All in a day's work."

D: [small smile, shakes his head, gestures for her to get in the car]

B: [smiles and gets in the car]

D: [shuts her door, then walks around the front of the car and gets in the driver's seat, starts the car and starts driving back to Jody's house]

They drive quietly for a few minutes, listening to classic rock

B: [looks at D, watches him]

D: [tapping on the steering wheel, glances at her] "What?"

B: [watches him, small amused and affectionate smile] "Babe?"

D: [looks at the road] "Yeah...I guess that just slipped out."

B: [watches him, raises her eyebrows]

D: [glances at her, then watches the road] "It's been trying to sneak out for a while."

B: [watches him for a long moment, then small smile] "....A nickname....huh...."

D: [glances at her with a small wry smile] "Indicates affection, right?"

B: (confused) "Excuse me?"

D: [looks at the road, then looks at her] "That's what you said."

B: [meets his gaze, tilts her head slightly] "I did?.... When?"

D: [holds her gaze] (slightly flabbergasted) "You really don't remember a damn thing about that first day, do you?"

B: [holds his gaze] (befuddled)

D: [glances at the road, then meets her gaze and raises his eyebrows]

B: [holds his gaze] (befuddled) "I, uh... I guess...." [tilts her head slightly and frowns]

D: [holds her gaze] (slight caring and concern) "Sometimes I worry about you!"

B: [smiles, then chuckles] (slightly pleased and affectionate) "That's very sweet, actually.... But you don't need to... I'm doing pretty okay, right now..." [holds his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze, then looks at the road]

B: [watches him for a moment, then look out the window as they drive]

The song "Can't Fight this Feeling" by REO Speedwagon comes on the radio

D: [drives, watching the road]

B: [looking out the window, slowly turns and looks at the radio]

D: [glances at her, then looks at the radio, then back at her]

B: [looking at the radio, slowly reaches over and turns the volume up]

D: [watches her, puts both hands on the steering wheel]

B: [looks up and meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [looks down and unclicks her seat belt, then slowly scoots close to him, looks up and meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] "Really? This is how you wanna go out?"

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "Just watch the road, Jeff Gordon."

D: [holds her gaze, raises his eyebrows with a small amused smile]

B: [holds his gaze, slowly raises her hand and gently presses her fingers to the side of his chin]

D: [turns his head and looks at the road]

B: [watches his face, lowers her hand to rest on his bicep, fiddles absently with the fabric of his jacket]

D: [swallows hard, watches the road]

B: [studies his face for several long moments as the radio plays, her fingers playing with the fabric of his jacket]

D: [watches the road, squeezes the steering wheel]

The chorus plays

B: [studies his face for several more moments, touching his jacket over his bicep] "Hmmmm...."

D: [glances at her, meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze for a moment, then small smile, slowly raises her hand and gently presses her fingers to the side of his chin]

D: [holds her gaze, then turns his face and looks at the road]

B: [lowers her hand and rests it on his bicep again, fiddles with the fabric of his jacket, studies his face for several long moments as the music plays]

D: [looks at the road]

B: [studies his face, then slowly scoots even closer and lays her head on his shoulder, her fingers still playing with the fabric of his jacket over his bicep]

D: [small smile, sings softly along with the song] "My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you..." [sings along with the song]

B: [head resting on his shoulder, small smile, hums along, then sings softly] "...Cuz you take me to the places, that alone I'd never find...."

D: [looks down at her]

B: [her head still on his shoulder, looks up at him, meets his gaze, slight smile]

D: [holds her gaze] (searching and subtle longing and love and desire)

B: [holds his gaze, her fingers on his jacket go still] (flash of subtle love and desire and searching)

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then reaches his left arm across his other arm still holding the steering wheel and cups her face in his hand, kisses her lips softly]

B: [tiny, breathless exclamation and kisses him softly, gripping his arm with her hand] 

D: [kisses her softly, then pulls away and looks at the road as he pulls has hand back and grabs the steering wheel, then releases the steering wheel with his right hand and raises his arm over her head and wraps his arm around her shoulders and pulls her closer, turns back to her and leans down and kisses her lips earnestly]

B: [tiny, breathless exclamation and kisses him earnestly, leaning into him and gripping the fabric of his jacket over his chest]

D: [kisses her earnestly, then pulls away slightly, glances at the road, then kisses her again, raising his hand and tangles his fingers in her hair]

B: [kisses him earnestly, raising her hand from his jacket to gently grasps the side of his neck]

D: [kisses her more passionately, then pulls away, breathless, and leans back, looks at the road] "Okay, you gotta.... You just...." [glances at her and pulls his arm away and gestures toward her vaguely] "....scoot back over there...." [gestures toward the other end of the seat, then leans down and turns down the music]

B: [leans back, smiling at him] ".... You sure?"

D: [looks at her, hesitates, uncertain expression, then blinks and nods] "Yeah. Git!" [nods to the other side of the seat]

B: [amused smile and slowly scoots back, puts her seat belt back on]

D: [looks at the road and grips the steering wheel, shakes his head] {mumbles} "Damn trouble maker...."

B: [chuckles, watches him]

D: [watching the road, gripping the steering wheel, glances at her, then points to the window] "Look out the window."

B: [amused smile, raises her eyebrows] "So bossy!"

D: [meets her gaze] (flash of desire) "Woman, so help me..."

B: [raises her hands and laughs] "Okay, okay! You win!" [looks out the window, raises her hand toward her hair]

D: [closes his eyes] "And don't touch your hair."

B: [looks at him with an amused smile and lowers her hand] "God, you're high-maintenance all of a sudden!"

D: [looks at the road] {mumbles} "Yeah, well, you drive me crazy."

B: [chuckles, watches him, then looks out the window] {mumbles} "Not on purpose."

D: [looks at her, watches her for a moment, the deep breath and looks back at the road]

They drive to J's house, D grabs the first aid kit out of the trunk, and they go up to the house

D: [opens the door for B and gestures for her to go in ahead of him]

B: [amused smile at him as she walks into the house]

L runs up to B, her tail wagging happily

B: [smiles and leans down and pets L] "Hey, baby girl! Were you good while mommy was gone? I hope so. We don't want to get a bad reputation."

J: [walking into the room, smiling] "I don't think that's possible, at this point."

B: [straightens and smiles at J] "You are incredibly sweet."

D: [looks at B as he shuts the door behind him]

J: [looks at D] "I'm surprised to see you guys so soon. I figured you'd be awhile."

D: [looks at J with a slight confused expression as he takes off his jacket] "Why would you figure that?"

J: [flash of confusion as she looks at B, then back at D]

D: [looks around the room, then at J] "Where's Alex?"

J: [small smile and dismissive shrug] "She called to say she'd be staying at a friend's tonight."

D: [doubtful expression] "A friend, huh?"

J: ["eh, what you gonna do?" expression and shrugs again]

D: [looks at J] "You got a place we can stitch her up?" [nods toward B]

J: [nods] "Uh, yeah, the kitchen table should be fine."

D: [nods, then looks at B and nods at her]

B: [looks at J] "Are you sure, Jody? I don't want to make a mess on your kitchen table..."

J: [smiles at B] "Come on, follow me."

J leads D and B into the kitchen, where S is standing by the counter drinking a beer

B: [sits at the table and places her injured wrist on the table]

D: [walks over to B and sets the first aid kit on the table]

S: [walks over to B and looks down at her wrist, then reaches for the first aid kit]

D: [slaps S's hand away with a slightly offended expression] "Hey, back off! You got to stitch her up last time." [grins at S] "It's my turn."

S: [looks at D, then small amused smile] "Well, if that's the new rule..." [raises his eyebrows]

D: [fast warning frown at S] "Hey."

B: [looks up at them] "Would somebody please just stick a needle in me so I can stop bleeding all over Jody's kitchen table?"

J: [smiles at her] "It's really okay, sweetie. Can I get you a beer?" [walks over to the fridge]

D: [sits in the chair next to B and opes the first aid kit]

B: [smiles at J] "I'm okay, but thank you."

D: [starts to thread a needle] "Yeah, she doesn't drink."

J: [looks at B in slight surprise] "Really?" [looks at D in slight surprise]

B: [smiles at her]

J: [looks at B with a slightly awkward expression] "I mean, great. Cool." [glances at D in subtle confusion, then looks at S]

S: [smiles and shrugs]

D: [glances at B, then at J] "You got any coke?"

J: [hesitates, looks between B and D] "I hope you don't mean.... cocaine?"

B: [looks at D with an amused and slightly playful smile]

D: [meets B's gaze with an amused and slightly playful smile, then glances at her hair, then meets B's gaze again, then looks at J] "No, Sheriff, I mean soda."

J: [relaxes slightly, nods] "Sure." [goes to the fridge and pours B a glass of soda, brings it to her and sets it on the table in front of her, then sits down in a chair across the table]

B: [smiles at J] "Thank you."

D: [holding the threaded needle in one hand, touches B's wrist with the other hand] "That son of a bitch got you pretty good, huh?" [starts to sew up the wound]

B: [winces slightly, smiles] "I'm sure it's nothing compared to what you all have gone through."

D: [nods and flashes a smile] "Yeah, ain't that the truth. Jody, why don't you tell her about the time you got impaled by that virginity goddess?"

B: [amused look at D] "Virginity goddess?" [amused look between S and J and D] "This sounds like a good story!"

S and J look at D in amusement

D: [hesitates, glances at S and J, then at B] "On second thought, maybe that's not such a good–"

S: [amused smile at D] "No, Dean, she's right. It's a great story!" [smiles at B] "It all started when Dean had sex–"

D: [irritated look at S] "Okay! That's not where it started, jackass....Maybe I should tell it."

S and J: amused looks at each other then back at D

S: [nods toward D] "Okay, Dean, go ahead."

D: [hesitates, then awkward glance at B, then focuses on stitching up her arm]

S: [grins at D, then looks at B] "Well, Jody called us in on this case, and we pull up to this town where people are disappearing under unusual circumstances. Turns out the thing all the vics have in common is a chastity group at a local church."

B: [listens with interest as D stitches her wound]

S: "So Dean and I go in and sign a virginity pledge."

B: [raises her eyebrows, looks at D] "Really?"

D: [uncomfortable expression as he continues to carefully stitch her wound]

S: [smiling, nods] "Oh, yeah. We were both born again. Blank slate."

B: [smiles at S] "....Okay, go on...."

J: [watches them all in amusement]

S: [smiling at B] "So, as it so happens, the leader of this chastity group is a very pretty girl, and Dean goes home with her after the first group."

B: [looks at D in amusement] "The very first group.... Nice."

D: [fast surprised glance at B, then focuses on her wrist]

B: [smiles at S]

S: [smiling] "And, you know, one thing leads to another. Long story short, Dean got to have sex with one of his favorite porn stars."

B: [winces] "Ow!" [looks down at her wrist, where D just poked her with the needle]

D: [quickly grips her shoulder gently with his free hand and looks at her face] (concerned and caring) "Sorry!"

B: [meets his gaze, holds his gaze, small smile] (caring and calm and accepting) "No problem."

J: [watching them, glances at S]

S: [glances at J and raises his eyebrows]

B: [holds D's gaze for a moment, then looks at S] "So, this very pretty girl was a porn star, leading a chastity group?"

S: [nods] "Ex-porn star."

B: [thoughtful expression, then nods] "...huh... Good for her. Go on."

J: [slightly surprised and impressed look at B]

D: [continues sewing up B's wound]

S: "So Jody and I figured out that what was happening was a goddess named Vesta was snatching virgins who broke their vows. But by that time, Dean and this girl had done the deed–"

D: [rolls his eyes]

S: [grins at D] "--and Vesta took them and locked them underground where she was planning to kill them and eat their livers."

B: [glances at J]

J: [nods] "Pretty gruesome, huh?"

B: [nods]

J: [smiles at D] "But Dean managed to call us from an old phone and we figured out where Vesta was keeping all her victims, including him, but when we got there Vesta got the drop on us and stabbed me through the chest with the weapon we brought to kill her."

B: [concerned and caring look at J, reaches across the table with her free hand and lays it on the table in front of J] "Oh, god! Were you okay?"

J: [smiles at her] "Oh, yeah. It hurt like a mother, but I got the bitch back." [winks at B]

B: [satisfied nod at J, pulls her hand back] "Of course you did! And probably saved these two, in the process." [nods to S and D with a smile]

J: [smiles up at S] "I like her."

B: [smiles at J]

J: [smiles at her, then amused expression at D] "And Dean was no help at all."

B: [raises her eyebrows and looks at D] "Oh, I don't know.... Seems like Dean was pretty influential in the whole situation..."

D: [looks at her] (slightly uncomfortable) "What's that, now?"

B: [smiles at him] "Well....you reclaimed your....virginity...."

D: [clears his throat and looks down at her wrist again]

B: [amused smile as she watches him] ".... and then managed to lose it again, in what?... half an hour?...." [glances at S]

S: [amused smile, nods and shrugs]

B: [looks at D with an amused and teasing expression] "Which takes a certain set of.... attributes–" [D pokes her again] "Ow!"

D: [glances at her] "Sorry."

B: [grins at him] "....And it's a good thing you did."

They all look at her in surprise

B: [looks between them and shrugs] "Seems to me that if Dean hadn't used his... innate abilities... [small amused smile at D] ... you guys might never have found the place the goddess was keeping them, and more people might have died." [smiles at them all and shrugs] "Fairly happy ending, if you ask me." [looks at J] "Aside from getting impaled, that is..."

J: [looking at B, shakes her head with an "it's all good" expression]

B: [turns and smiles at D and meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze for a moment] (slightly befuddled) "You are the weirdest girl I've ever met."

B: [holds his gaze, leans toward him slightly] "Well, Dean, that's your problem. Because I'm not a girl... I'm a woman."

D: [holds her gaze, swallows hard]

B: [holds his gaze]

S and J watch them, then glance at each other

D: [holds B's gaze]

B: [holds D's gaze, then blinks, leans back and looks at S and J] "So, everybody brings their unique skill set and beats the monster.... Teamwork." [smiles at them]

S: [smiles at her]

J: [hesitates, then nods] "Sure."

B: [smiling at them as D finishes stitching her wound] "Okay, so tell me more! I want to hear all the battle stories! The scars, the broken bones, the stitches.... All the kick-ass victories!"

S and D and J all glance at each other

D: [pulls a large adhesive bandage out of the first aid kit and some ointment, starts applying ointment to B's stitched wound]

B: [hesitates] "Unless.... If that's not what you guys want... Sorry....I don't want to stir up any old trauma or dig up anything or cause triggers–"

D: [looks at her] "No, you know what? It's cool." [slight mischievous expression at S] "I think it would be fun to relive the time Sam got choked out by a wax statue of Ghandi in a diaper."

S: [surprised and irritated look at D] "Or maybe the time Dean was trying to sleep with a hot bar maid and got kidnapped by a shapeshifter and I found him tied up wearing lieder-hosen."

D: [looks at B seriously and points at her] "That is not what it sounds like."

S: [nods] "Oh, it's exactly what it sounds like!"

D: [glances at S in irritation, drops his hand on the table] "Or how about the time you got knocked out by a pair of pretty little vetala and I had to come save your ass."

S: [looks at D in slight frustration] "How about the time you had to coach Charlie on how to flirt with a dude?"

D: [frowns at S] "You know what? I would love to tell her how you got your arm stuck in a sling, for WEEKS, cuz you couldn't handle a single demon!"

S: [irritated expression at D] "Or maybe you should tell her about the time you got your ass kicked by a soccer mom who drove away in the impala with you knocked out in the back seat."

D: [points at S] "Hey! She was a ghoul-pire, and you know it–"

B: [looks at D with surprised interest] "A ghoul-pire?! That sounds interesting!"

D: [nods, "that's right!" expression and gesture] "Thank you!" [looks at S] "Finally! Somebody gets it!"

B: [amused and affectionate smile at him]

D: [points at S] "And at least I never got snatched by rednecks and locked in a cage in a barn! Or had the crap beat outta me by a pair of clowns!"

S: [glares at D] "Then there was that time when Dean–"

J: [holds up a hand] "Okay! Kids! Knock it off!"

S and D glare at each other

B: [looks between them all] "I have so many questions...."

S and D glance at her

J: [stands] "How about we talk.... Politely" [warning look at both S and D] ".... over dinner. I think we've earned it." [smiles down at B]

B: [smiles at J, then blinks with a slight surprised look at J] "All I did was run to the car and back. You guys were the ones kicking ass and shooting up that barn."

D: [looks at her] "Yeah, and we'd still be there if you hadn't thought of the grenade launcher."

S: [nods] "Except we'd be dead."

D: [without looking away from her, points to S and nods]

B: [looks between all of them, hesitates, then smiles and shrugs] "Teamwork."

S: [small smile at her]

D: [small roll of his eyes]

J: [smiles at her and nods] "I'll take it. So, what do you guys want to eat?"

B: [smiles and stands] "I'll help."

S and D look at her: "No!"

B and J look at them in surprise

S: [hesitates, looks at B apologetically] "It's just that..."

D: [looking at her] "The last time you cooked..." [looks at J] "Well, let's just say, there were almost stitches involved, there, too." [looks at B pointedly]

B: [meets his gaze] (slightly irritated and defensive) "Okay, look, Dean, it's not my fault that nobody ever taught me to dice an onion or saute...anything!"

D: [holds her gaze, small affectionate smile]

B: [looks away] "And... yes, I am a grown-ass woman who should be able to learn and grow and feed herself in a more healthy and balanced way... [meets his gaze] ...but I was doing just fine before you two gorgeous hunks charged in and swept me off to a life of domestic bliss where my skill set, or lack thereof, has obviously become more apparent to me and – What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

D: [holds her gaze, smiles] "Cuz you're just too damn sexy."

S and J watch them, amused and fascinated

B: (shocked) [blinks, hesitates] "What...." [confused expression, then tilts her head slightly] "My lack of cooking skills and increasing argumentativeness are sexy to you?"

D: [nods and shrugs] "Hey, the heart wants what the heart wants." [looks at J] "I say we order a pizza." [smiles cockily] "Sam's treat."

B: [watches him] (stunned and confused) [opens her mouth to speak]

D: [looks at her] "And you, Rachel Ray, can have the night off."

B: [meets his gaze, closes her mouth, then blinks, hesitates, puzzled expression] "I... uh.... I don't know whether to be flattered, or offended, or....bemused...."

D: [holds her gaze with a small cocky smile, points at her] "Let's go with that last one." [winks at her]

B: [holds his gaze] (definitely bemused) "I...uh... I don't...." [blinks] "Shut up, Dean." [small smile]

D: [cocky smile at her, then looks at J and S]

J: [watching, looks at D and nods] "I'll order the pizza."

S: [nods] "Sure."

D: [looks at B, cocky smile]

B: [meets his gaze, shakes her head with an amused smile] "Fine. But I want to hear about the lieder-hosen."

D: [hesitates, smile quickly turns to a "nope" expression, points at her] "That's not gonna happen."

B: [holds his gaze, amused smile] "That's not really up to you, is it?" [looks at S]

S: [meets her gaze, smiles, looks at D]

D: [looks between them and rolls his eyes] "Awesome."

J orders pizza and they all sit around the table and S and D and J drink beer and talk about old cases while B listens and asks questions. They laugh and joke and eat pizza, then they turn more serious and J talks about her son and husband and how their deaths led her to hunting. B listens with caring and empathy. Then S and D and J reminisce about Bobby while B listens with caring and empathy and curious interest

D: [looks at his beer bottle] (melancholy) "Yeah, I really miss that old son of a bitch."

S: [nods] (melancholy) "Me, too."

J: [nods] (melancholy) "Me, too."

B: [watches them all for a moment] (caring and empathy and slight sadness) {quietly} "I wish I'd gotten to know him. He sounds like a really good man."

J: [nods, small smile] "He was."

S: [looks at her] "He would've really liked you, Beth."

B: [meets S's gaze and smiles] (wistful and pleased)

D: [takes a drink of his beer] "Yeah, except when you would've called him on his crap."

B: [looks at D] (flash of sadness and uncertainty)

D: [meets her gaze, slight smile] "Then he would've loved you."

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of surprise, then subtle hesitant confusion, then subtle confliction, then subtle pleasure) [small smile]

S and J watch them

S: [small stretch of his back] "It's getting late."

J: [looks between them] "So, what are the sleeping arrangements? I've got a queen size bed in the guest room, and Claire's room has a double."

They all hesitate

D: [glances at B]

B: [glances at D] (slightly uncomfortable) "I....uh..." [bites both lips, looks away]

D: [small smile at her] "You take the guest room. Sam and I will flip for the couch."

J: [looks at D in surprise, then at B, then back at D]

D: [smiles at S] "Or better yet...." [holds up his hands to play rock, paper, scissors]

S: [looks at D with a small amused smile] "Hold on, Dean, I know how much you love couches. I wouldn't want to deprive you of that great night's sleep." [grins at him]

D: [lowers his hands, slight annoyed look at S]

B: [watches them with a small amused and affectionate smile]

J: [looks between them all in confusion]

S: [looks at B] "You take the guest room. I'll bunk in Claire's room."

B: [meets S's gaze and smiles at him, reaches over and squeezes his arm] (appreciative denial) "Sam, I'm not going to make you sleep in a teenage girl's bedroom. You can take the big bed, if that's okay?"

S: [smiles at her and squeezes her hand on his arm, nods] "Yeah, sure."

D and J watch them

B: [smiles, pulls her hand back,then looks between S and D and J, raises her eyebrows] "Okay, on that note.... I can tell you guys probably want to talk about me...."

J: [looks at her in surprise]

S and D, amused expression at her

B: [smiles at them and stands] "So I think I'll just visit the little girl's room, then take L outside." [looks at J with a slight questioning expression]

J: [blinks, nods] "Uh, yeah... first door on the left." [gestures down the hall]

B: [smiles and nods, then looks between S and D with a small amused smile] "Don't be afraid to be honest." [turns and walks out the door and toward the bathroom, L follows her]

They watch her

J: [turns and looks at S and D with wide eyes] "I love her!"

D: ["yep" expression]

S: [small smile at J] "You're not the only one." [looks at D]

J: [looks at D]

D: [looks between them with a slightly awkward expression, then flashes a wry smile] "Yeah, Sam's been crushing on her since day one."

S: [rolls his eyes] "Dean, you're an idiot."

D: [grins at him]

J: [looks at D] "Yeah, about that...." [pointed look at D] "What's up with the sleeping arrangements? Aren't you two....?" [gestures vaguely]

D: (slightly uncomfortable)

S: [amused expression at D] "Uh, no, actually." [looks at J] "Beth's a virgin."

J: [looks at S in surprise]

D: [looks at S with irritated surprise] "Dude!"

S: [looks at D and shrugs] "She said to be honest."

D: (slightly flustered and frustrated) "Yeah, but....dude, come on...."

J: [looks between S and D in surprised confusion] "Seriously?! She's a ....virgin?" [looks at D]

D: [slightly awkward "yeah" expression]

J: [looks at S]

S: [nods]

J: [looks at D in surprised confusion] "STILL?!"

D: [opens his mouth to speak]

B: [from down the hall, chuckles, then] "Yep!"

J: [looks at D] (awkward and apologetic) {whispers} "Oops! Sorry."

D: [waves a hand dismissively] "Yeah, she does that...."

J: [slightly surprised and amused expression, then looks at S]

S: [nods with an "it's true" expression]

B: [walks past the doorway, toward the front door, L following her] "Sorry! I'm leaving!"

D: [small smile toward her] "The woman hears every goddamn thing."

S: [nods] "Yeah, unless you're telling her how great she is."

D: [nods] "Then it might as well be crickets."

J: [looks at D] "Yeah, Dean, how about that? You said she talked too much."

D: [glances at J in surprise] {awkwardly} "I'm sorry, what?"

S: [looks at D in amusement]

J: [looking at D] "When you called, you said, and I quote, 'she's a pain in the ass and she talks more than the damn riddler.'"

D: (awkward and uncomfortable) [looks at his beer bottle] "I don't think that I–"

S and J together: "Dean!"

D: [looks between them] (defensive) "Okay...yes.... and I stand by that."

S: [impatient expression]

J: [looking at D, raises her eyebrows and leans toward him] "Dean Winchester, that woman sat here all night, for the last, what?....three? four hours?" [looks at S]

S: ["sure" expression]

J: [looks at D] "And said less than ten words about herself. She listened. Intently. And cared! About everything!"

D: [looks down at his beer] {lowly} "What's your point?"

J: [stares at D] "I guess my point is..."

S: [takes a drink of his beer] "That you're an idiot."

J: [nods at S] "Yes! Thank you!"

D: [looks between them, then looks at J] (defensive) "Yeah, well, you weren't there that first day, okay? She was all.... Talking to herself and... twirling her frickin hair... and she was basically a crazy person!" [looks at S and gestures toward him] "Come on, Sam, back me up!"

S: [impatient expression to D] "Dean, she was stressed! We were basically kidnapping her! What do you expect?"

D: (defensive) "Yeah, alright, but what about all the crap after that? With all her.... insightful.... jibber-jabber?...."

J: [small smile at him]

S: [rolls his eyes]

D: [looking at S] "And she still talks to herself, and about herself! All the damn time.... just not....[hesitates] ...in front of people..." (flash of uncertainty)

J: [watches him] "Dean?"

D: [looks at her] (perplexed) "You know what? She didn't do it until she got in the car."

S and J glance at each other, then look at D

D: (thoughtful) "She was talking to us, but not.... And then she got in the car, and then she wouldn't shut up." ["good point" expression] "Even though I told her to shut up. Practically threatened her."

S: [raises his eyebrows] "Literally threatened her."

D: [quick irritated expression at S]

J: [watching, small smile]

D: (perplexed) "How come she....?" (realization) "When she got in the car! Sammy, she started talking to herself when she got in the car!"

S: [confused look at D] "Okay, so?"

D: [obviously pleased with himself] "So... it's because she frickin' trusted us!" [looks at J and points to her] "You haven't earned it." [pleased smile]

J: [raises her eyebrows with an amused smile]

S: [looking down at his beer bottle] {quietly} "What did we do to earn it, Dean?"

D: [looks at S in surprise]

S: [meets D's gaze] "What did you do?"

D: [stares at S, opens his mouth, then closes his mouth, then] "I..." (flash of frustration) "Damn it, Sam!"

S: [small smile]

B: [from the doorway] "Hey."

D: [closes his eyes] {whispers} "Son of a bitch!"

B: [smiles at them all] "Sorry to interrupt. I just...." [seems to search for something, then shrugs] "...didn't know what else to do...."

D: [looks at J] (subtly frustrated and uncomfortable) "I told you. This is ALL the time. She's like a damn ninja."

J: [small confused smile at him]

B: [walks up and stands by the table, looks at J] "I don't mean to be a bother, I just... I didn't know which one is Claire's room, and I didn't want to just make myself at home..."

J: [smiles at her and stands] "Of course, sweetie. I'll show you. And you can make yourself at home, by all means, anytime."

B: [smiles at J] "I appreciate that so much, thank you."

J: [looks at S] "You know where the guest room is?"

S: [nods] "Sure. Thanks, Jody."

J: [nods and looks at D] "And you obviously know where the couch is."

D: [nods, looks at B] "Yeah. I'm good. Thanks."

J: [narrows her eyes at him] "Uh-huh...." [turns to B and smiles] "You ready?"

B: [smiles at J] "Of course."

They start to walk out of the kitchen

D: [stands quickly] "Hey...." [looking at B]

J and B stop and look at him

D: [meets B's eyes] "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

B: [hesitates, looks at J]

J: [looks at B and smiles] "Sure. Up the stairs, second door on the right." [reaches out and squeezes B's arm] "Make yourself at home."

B: [smiles at J and lifts her hand and squeezes J's arm] "Thank you so much, Jody. I really appreciate you."

J: [squeezes her arm again] "Night, hun."

B: [smiles and nods] "Good night."

J: [glances at S with a pointed look]

S: [looks at J] (understanding) "Right!" [quickly stands and walks toward them, stands next to B and leans down and kisses the top of her head, then smiles down at her] "Night."

B: [smiles up at S and squeezes his arm] "Good night, Sam. Rest well."

S: [smiles at her again, then looks at D] "Night, jerk."

D: [looks at S and nods] "Night, bitch."

S: [small smile]

S and J leave the room

D: [looks at B and watches her]

B: [watches S and J and looks after them for a moment, then turns and faces D, meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then] "Hey."

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "Hey."

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then] "You good?"

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of confusion, then understanding) [lifts her injured wrist and looks down at it] "Yes, Dean, I'm fine. The stitches are a little itchy." [looks up at him and meets his gaze] "Just remind me to put more ointment on it in the morning, cuz you know I'll forget–"

D: [walks quickly over to her and stands close to her, looking down at her]

B: [watches him and looks up at him with slight surprise]

D: [meets her gaze, gently takes hold of her uninjured hand] "No, I mean... are YOU good?"

B: [holds his gaze, questioning expression]

D: [holds her gaze for a moment] "It's been kind of a crazy day."

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "You're not wrong...."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] "You gonna be able to sleep?"

B: [holds his gaze, small shrug] "I'll make do. You?"

D: [holds her gaze, gently squeezes her hand] "Probably not."

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "No TV?"

D: [holds her gaze] "Something like that."

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of subtle confusion and confliction, then uncertain hesitancy and caring)

D: [searches her eyes] "You okay?"

B: [searches his eyes, swallows hard, then small smile] "Ask me in the morning." [looks down at his hand holding hers]

D: [watches her] "You still think it's a spell?"

B: [pauses, then looks up and meets his gaze] (certain) "No." [slight smile, small shrug] (vulnerable) "Just... maybe a dream...."

D: [holds her gaze] (caring and longing and subtle love)

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "Although... I don't think I could have dreamed up Jody. She is fantastic–"

D: [leans down, hovers his lips over hers]

B: [slight gasp, then shaky breath]

D: [kisses her lips gently]

B: [tiny, breathless exclamation and kisses him softly]

D: [kisses her earnestly, wrapping one arm around around her waist and he other over her shoulder and back]

B: [kisses him earnestly, one arm slipping under his arm and wrapping around his back, the other hand sliding up his chest and grasping the back of his neck]

D: [kisses her earnestly, his hands running over her back and pulling her closer]

B: [kisses him more passionately, sliding her hand from his back to his chest and then up and wraps both arms around his shoulders]

D: [kisses her more passionately, cupping the nape of her neck with one hand, the other arm wrapped around her back, then pulls away slightly, breathless, looks at her]

B: [breathless, looking down, slides her arms from around his shoulders and rests her hands against his chest between them, lightly grasping the fabric of his shirt]

D: [watches her, one arm around her, then slides the other hand from the nape of her neck and gently moves the hair away from her throat, then gently touches the hair at her temple] "Hey."

B: [breathless, meets his gaze] (caring and uncertainty and subtle desire)

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] (caring and subtle love) [cups the side of her throat and leans down and kisses her lips softly]

B: [tiny, breathless exclamation and kisses him softly]

D: [kisses her softly, then pulls away and steps back, looks at her]

B: [lowers her hands to her sides, meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] "Night, babe."

B: [holds his gaze, smiles] (subtle gratitude and joy and love) "Good night, Dean." [holds his gaze a moment more, then leaves the room]

D: [watches her, then looks after her for a long moment, then shakes his head] {softly} "Son of a bitch."


 The next morning

D: [still wearing his clothes, laying on the couch, opens his eyes, looks around the room, then slowly sits up, rubs his hands over his eyes, then rests his forehead on his hands]

A moment passes

D stands and walks to the kitchen, makes coffee

J: [walks into the kitchen, smiles at D] "Mornin."

D: [nods] "Yeah."

J: [looks at him] "You look like crap."

D: [sarcastic smile at her] "Thanks."

J: [small amused smile at him] "You coulda had the guest room."

D: [rubs his face and shakes his head] "Sam wouldn't have given it up."

J: [small smile at him, shakes her head] "That's not what I meant, but whatever."

D: [glances at her]

J: [goes the coffee pot and pours herself a cup of coffee, then sits at the table]

D: [goes to the coffee pot and pours two cups of coffee, then grabs the sugar and pours some sugar into one cup and stirs it]

J: [watches him with amused curiosity] "You think you got enough sugar, there?"

D: [turns to her with a tired and amused smile, holding both cups] "Oh, I'm not the sweet tooth."

B: [walks into the room, smiles at them]

J: [looks at B in slight surprise]

D: [holds the cup with sugar out to B, then looks at her and smiles] "Mornin.'"

B: [looks at the cup and takes it, then looks up at him with slight surprised pleasure] "Good morning. And thank you." [takes a sip of the coffee]

D: [watches her] "How'd I do?"

B: [looks at him and smiles, opens her mouth to speak]

D: [meets her gaze] "And don't you frickin' dare spaghetti me right now, sweetheart."

B: [closes her mouth, hesitates, then rolls her eyes, and holds the cup out toward him with an amused smile] "Maybe just a little more..."

D: [takes the cup with a teasingly frustrated expression] "Damn it!" [turns back to the counter and pours more sugar in the cup] "I'll get it right one of these days." [stirs the coffee]

B: [watches him and chuckles] (amused and affectionate)

J: [watches them] (amused and slightly fascinated) "Are you two just the cutest thing ever?"

D: [looks at her as he hands the cup back to B, pleased smile] (pleased and amused) "Oh, I think we might just be."

B: [takes the cup with one hand and playfully smacks his hand with the other] "For pete's sake!"

D: [grins at her as he lowers his hand]

B: [smiles and sips the coffee, closes her eyes in satisfaction and nods, then opens her eyes and smiles at D]

D: [satisfied smile at her]

B: [looks at J and smiles] "Good morning, Jody."

J: [smiles at her] "Good morning. How'd you sleep?"

B: [smiles] "Wonderful." [bites both lips, then] "And you?"

D: [small smile at B]

J: [nods] "Just fine."

B: [smiles at J and nods] "I'm glad. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll take L outside really quick." [sets her coffee cup on the table and turns toward the door]

D: [sets down his coffee cup] "I'll go with you."

B: [glances at him in slight surprise] "Really?"

D: [looks at her with a "yeah, duh" expression] "Yeah."

B: [holds his gaze, then subtly irritated expression] "Dean, you don't need to protect me. We killed all the demons, and they don't know where I am, anyway. So you should just do–"

D: [slight smile at her] "Don't should on me, sweetheart."

J: [looks at in slight surprise, then at B]

B: [blinks, then small "really?" expression] "Stop quoting me to me, Dean. It's fucking frustrating."

J: [small smile and raises her eyebrows]

D: [holds B's gaze, small smile] "Feelings aren't facts."

J: [looks at D]

B: [holds his gaze, then rolls her eyes] "....Fine! Do whatever you want! Just do it cuz it's what you want and not cuz you're worried about my fucking safety all the damn–"

D: [watches her] "That's not the reason."

B: [stops, meets his gaze, blinks]

D: [holds her gaze, gestures toward the door]

B: [holds his gaze, then small nod, looks at J] "Excuse me." [smiles and leaves the room]

D: [follows her]

J: [watches them, small smile, takes a drink of her coffee]

D and B put on their coats, and B puts L's leash on her and they go outside. B walks L around the yard, and D watches her, hands in his pockets, for a few minutes

B: [stops, watches L for a moment, then looks up at D, meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then walks over to her]

B: [watches him, holds his gaze]

D: [stops close to her and looks down at her, holds her gaze]

B: [looks up at him, holds his gaze for a long moment, then slight smile] (searching and caring and longing and slight pleading) {quietly} "Was it a dream?"

D: [holds her gaze, small smile, slowly leans down and kisses her softly on the lips]

B: [tiny, breathless exclamation and kisses him softly]

D: [kisses her softly, then straightens, looking down at her, meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze] (searching and caring and subtly conflicted and perplexed) {gently} "I just don't understand...."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] (caringa and calm acceptance) {softly} "You don't need to."

B: [holds his gaze, raises her eyebrows] "Maybe YOU don't need to–"

D: [reaches up and grasps the collar of her coat and leans down and kisses her earnestly on the lips]

B: [tiny, breathless exclamation and kisses D earnestly, raises her hand to his chest and grips his coat]

D: [kisses her earnestly, then pulls away slightly, looks down at her] "Can we maybe just go with this, for right now?"

B: [meets his gaze, searches his eyes for several moments, then small smile] {softly} "Dean Winchester, are you suggesting that I practice mindfulness?"

D: [holds her gaze, shrugs] "Whatever works."

B: [holds his gaze for several moments, then small smile] "I'm game."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile, leans down and kisses her softly]

B: [kisses D softly]

D: [kisses her softly, then pulls away and meets her gaze, small smile] "Awesome."

B: [holds his gaze, chuckles]

D: [holds her gaze, then takes her hand in his and leads her back toward the house, opens the door for her, and follows her inside]

They take off their coats and B takes off L's leash, then then go back into the kitchen

S and J are standing by the counter, drinking coffee, and they look at D and B as they walk in

D: [grins at S] "Mornin, Sammy." [stops and looks at S] "You look like crap on toast."

S: [small irritated expression] "Well, you look..." [hesitates, looks at D in slight surprised confusion] "Happy.... actually."

D: [grins at him] "Weird, right?"

S: [small smile] "Yeah, kinda."

B: [watches them with amused affection, then smiles at S] "Good morning, Sam."

S: [smiles at her] "Morning, Beth."

B: [smiling, goes to the table and picks up her coffee and takes a drink, then satisfied smile]

D: [watching her, walks over to the table and opens the first aid kit that's still sitting there, pulls out a tube of ointment and holds it out toward her] (serious and caring)

B: [looks at the ointment in his hand and sets her cup on the table, then meets his gaze] (searching and subtly vulnerable)

D: [holds her gaze] (searching and caring and subtle longing and very subtle desire)

B: [holds his gaze and slowly holds out her wrist toward him, slight smile] (calm acceptance and caring and very subtle excitement)

D: [glances down at her wrist, then meets her gaze again] (searching and serious and slightly vulnerable and subtle desire and longing and love)

B: [holds his gaze] (certain and calm acceptance and almost imperceptible love)

D: [holds her gaze, then steps close to her, looks down at her for a moment, then slowly takes hold of the back of her wrist in one hand, focuses on her wrist and gently removes the bandage from her wrist]

B: [watches him]

D: [sets the bandage on the table, then uses both hands to open the tube of ointment, squeezes some ointment onto his thumb, then meets her gaze] (searching and slightly vulnerable and subtle desire and longing and very subtle love)

B: [holds his gaze] (certain and confident and subtle pleasure and almost imperceptible excitement and love)

D: [holds her gaze, then looks down and softly takes hold of the back of her wrist with one hand, presses his thumb softly against her pulse, then softly rubs the ointment on her stitched wound with his other thumb]

B: [watches him]

J: [watching them, leans toward S without looking away from them] "Talk about sexual tension..."

S: [watching them, nods and sighs] "Yeah.... This has been my life for the past three months..."

D: [meets B's gaze, slowly raises her wrist and leans down slightly and softly kisses the skin next to her wound] (pleasure and slight excitement and desire and subtle love)

B: [holds his gaze] (slight surprise, then subtle pleasure and desire and excitement and very subtle love)

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] (pleasure and subtle love) [slowly lowers her wrist and straightens]

S: [watching them] "That part's new..... So.... that's gonna be interesting."

J: [looks at him and pats him on the back] "Good luck with that."

D: [glances at them and frowns] "Okay, you two. Do you think we can't hear you?"

B: [blinks, shakes her head slightly, her wrist still being held gently by D's hand] "I couldn't...."

D: [looks at her] (slight surprise and affection and amusement and pleasure)

B: [looks at S and J] "What are we talking about?"

S and J smile at her in amusement

J: [smiles at her] "Just how adorable you two are."

B: [looks at her and blinks, unconsciously pulls her wrist away from D's hand] "Oh... okay, then...." [blinks again, shakes her head] "...I guess I don't really know what to say about that..."

S: [grins at her]

D: [slight roll of his eyes] "There's a shock."

B: [looks at him with an amused smile and playfully pushes his arm] "Shut up." [chuckles]

D: [grins at her]

J: [watching them, smiles] "So, who wants breakfast?"

D: [looks at J] "Actually, thanks, but I think it's time we hit the road." [claps his hands together and looks between them] "Baby isn't gonna drive herself home."

S: [small roll of his eyes]

J: [smiles and nods] "Right. That only happens when there's a white woman at the wheel."

S and D lok at J in slight surprise, then look at each other in confused hesitation

B: [looks between them all in confusion] "A white woman?.... As opposed to a.... woman of color?"

J: [smiles at her] "No, sweetie, a white woman is the ghost of a woman whose man was unfaithful, and then she...." [looks at her with slight confusion] "You should know this. It's like the first book."

S and D look at each other, extremely uncomfortable and hesitant

B: [looks at J in confusion] "The first book? What book?" [looks between S and D with confused questioning] "There's a first book?"

D: [looks at her with an awkward smile]

S: (obviously uncomfortable)

J: [looks between them all in surprise] "You haven't told her about the books?!"

D: [looks at J] (uncomfortable and defensive) "How do YOU know about the books?"

J: [stares at him] "Everybody knows about the books!"

D: [rolls his eyes]

S: [looks at J] (uncomfortable and hesitant) "So.... you've read them?"

J: [looks at him, "duh" expression] "Yeah."

D: [raises his hands, then drops them] (frustrated acceptance) "Awesome." [closes his eyes and raises a hand and rubs his eyes with his fingers]

J: [looks at B] "How have you NOT read them?"

D: [lowers his hand and looks at J in frustrated irritation]

B: [looks between them all in confusion] "I still don't know what the hell you're all talking about...."

J: [looking at her] "The Supernatural books."

S and D look at each with very uncomfortable resigned acceptance

B: [looks at J in confusion]

J: [looking at B] "By Carver Edlund? The Winchester gospels? Any of this ringing a bell?"

B: [watches J in confusion] "The Winchester.... Excuse me?"

D: [looks at J in frustration, then look at B]

S: [looks at B with resigned hesitation] "They're these books, written by... well, God, actually...."

B: [looks at S in surprise] "Wait!... What?"

S: [nods] "Yeah... it's kind of a long story. But basically, they're a series of books about..." [glances at D] "...us. Me and Dean."

D: [glances at S, then looks at B]

S: [looks at B] "They're all pretty much true.... True stories about our lives. Starting from when Dean came and got me at school. They're about our cases that we worked."

B: [stares at S] "And they're all...true?... like biographies?"

S: [shrugs] "Kinda...I guess....Yeah."

J: [looks at B pointedly] "And they're pretty riveting, given the–"

D: [looks at J in frustration] "Okay!" [sarcastic smile at her] "I think you've done enough damage, don't you?"

J: [raises her eyebrows at D]

D: [hesitates, slightly awkward and uncomfortable expression]

B: [raises her hand to the side of her head] "I am...." [drops her hand and looks at them] "What?!"

D: [looks at her] "Okay, hold on, babe. You gotta–"

J: [looks at B] "You've gotta read them."

S and D look at J in frustration: "Jody!"

J: [glances at them, then looks at B and raises her coffee cup to her lips, small smile] "They're all online." [sips her coffee]

B: [blinks] "Wait...."

D: [looks at B] (slightly pleading) "Okay, listen. We didn't tell you because.... Well, we don't tell anybody!" [glances at S]

S: [nods] "Yeah, it's not something we're exactly proud of."

B: [looks between them all in bewilderment] "I have so many questions...."

D: [watching her, raises a hand toward her like she's a scared animal] "And we can answer all of them..."

J: [looks down at her coffee cup and shrugs] "Or you could just read the books."

S and D look at her in irritation

D: {sarcastically} "Really?"

J: [small determined smile at him and nods toward B] "Don't you think she deserves to know?"

D: [opens his mouth to speak]

B: [shakes her head] "Yeah, I'm not going to do that...."

They all look at her: "What?"

D: [stares at her] "You're not?"

B: [meets his gaze]

S: [hesitates, looking at her] "Aren't you... at least a little bit curious?"

D: [glances at S in irritation]

B: [looks at S, nods] "Oh, hell yeah, I'm curious as fuck!"

D: [looks at her with a small surprised smile]

B: [looks between them] "But... honestly...I think...." [small shrug] "I'd rather hear it from you." [meets D's gaze] (sincere and caring)

D: [holds her gaze] (surprised, then subtle grateful and impressed and very subtle love)

B: [small smile, looks between S and D as she talks] "I mean... sure... it might be great to have all that information.... maybe even entertaining.... but really... I'd rather wait and let you guys tell me what you want me to know, when you want me to know it.... I don't just want to know ABOUT you...." [meets D's gaze] "I want to know YOU." (sincere and calm acceptance and subtle love)

D: [holds her gaze] (speechless)

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "Besides... I don't really care about anybody else's version.... Even God's...." [tilts her head and looks away] "As weird as that is to say..." [shakes her head slightly then looks at them all with a small smile]

D: [watching her] "God damn." (slight awe and impressed and love)

B: [meets his gaze and smiles] (sincere and caring)

S: [watching her] "Wow." (impressed and grateful)

J: [watching her, nods] "Yeah. Wow." (impressed and slightly confused)

B: [looks at them all with a slight self-conscious smile, shrugs]


B: [looks between S and D] "So.... are we gonna head out?"

S and D both blink

S: [clears his throat, looks at D]

D: [nods with an "okay, yeah" expression] "Sure. Yeah. Let's hit the road." [looks at B again] (subtly perplexed and very subtle love)

B: [smiles at him, then looks at J and smiles at her] "Is there anything we can do to help you before we leave? Dishes? Help change the bedding? Clean blood off any furniture?" [small amused smile]

J: [looking at her, blinks, smiles] "Wow, again." (grateful and affectionate) "Uh... no, I'm all good" [looks between them all] "Thanks again for your help with the.... Non-vampires."

S: [smiles at J and nods] "No problem, Jody. Any time. You know that."

J: [smiles at him, leans over and hugs him]

S: [smiles and hugs J]

J: [looks at B and smiles at her, walks over to her and hugs her] "It was so nice to meet you."

B: [smiles and hugs J tightly] "It was wonderful meeting you."

They both step back

B: [smiles at J] "Thank you for your hospitality, and I hope we can talk... maybe... soon?"

J: [smiles and nods] "I'd really like that. Call me, anytime."

B: [smiles and nods] "Same."

J: [looks at D and goes over to D and hugs him]

D: [hugs J]

J: [in D's ear] {whispers} "Marry her!"

D: [leans back and looks in J's face] (very surprised and flustered)

J: [looks up at him pointedly] "Seriously."

S: [watches them in curious confusion]

D: [looking at J, blinks]

J: [smiles at him and pats his shoulder] "And drive safe this time."

D: (surprised again, as well as awkward)

They all walk to the door. B puts L's leash on her, and D picks up his and B's bags.

B: [smiles at D and rolls her eyes]

D: [slight cocky smile at B]

S: [smiles and shakes his head]

J: [smiles and S and pats his shoulder] "Good luck. You're gonna need it."

S: [slight sarcastic smile at her] "Yeah, thanks."

They all walk out to the car. S hands D his bag and D puts the bags in the trunk while S opens B's door for her

B: [smiles up at S and squeezes his arm as she gets in the car]

S: [smiles at her and shuts her door, then gets in the passenger seat]

D: [walks toward the driver's door, glances at J]

J: [looks at him pointedly and points at B] {mouths} "Marry her!" [even more pointed look]

D: [awkward expression, glances quickly at B in the backseat]

B: [petting L and putting on her seat belt]

D: [quick frustrated glance at J as he gets in the car]

J: [smiles at D]

They all wave as D drives the impala out of the driveway

They drive back to the bunker, listening to classic rock as they go


They arrive back at the bunker at around 1:00, and they go into the bunker and drop their bags on the war room table

D: [looks between S and B] "Well, home sweet home." [looks at his watch] "It's still early, and I'd say we've earned a break from cases." [smiles at them] "So which of you dorks wants to face off in an epic game of battleship? Winner gets to choose tonight's movie." [grins with an "eh, what do you say?" expression and gesture]

B: [amused and affectionate smile at D]

S: [small conflicted amused smile at D, then] "Come on, Dean, we just spent over five hours in the car. I need to move around a little. Blow off some steam. I think I'll go for a run." [smiles at B, walks over to her and kisses the top of her head]

B: [smiles up at S] "Enjoy."

S: [smiles down at her then leaves the room]

D: [watches him go and shakes his head] "Health freak." [looks at B with an inviting smile, holds out his hands] "Guess it's just you and me." [raises his eyebrows] "I'll let you go first."

B: [amused smile at him] "Actually, I had a different activity in mind, speaking of blowing off steam..."

D: (flash of surprise, then confused confliction and slight teasing amusement) [glances over her]

B: [amused and slightly awkward expression] "Not that!.... Jeeze!" [rolls her eyes]

D: [quick disappointed expression, then slightly awkward] "I know..."

B: [amused smile and shakes her head] "I was just thinking..." [looks at him and straightens her shoulders] "I'm ready to level up."

D: (surprised again) [quickly glances over her body, then awkward expression]

B: [chuckles] "Oh my god, Dean! I mean in training!"

D: [different awkward expression, then quickly glances over her body again, then uncertain expression]

B: [rolls her eyes with an amused smile] "Would you just teach me the shoulder flip?! For pete's sake!"

D: [meets her gaze, hesitates, then small teasing smile] "I thought you weren't to that level."

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] (calm acceptance and slight confidence and subtle teasing desire) "I guess things change... don't they?"

D: [holds her gaze, swallows hard]

B: [holds his gaze, tilts her head slightly with a small teasing smile] "Unless you don't want to...."

D: [blinks] "No! I mean yes! I mean, I can do that. Totally." [slight cocky smile at her, then he looks at her body again and his smile turns slightly thoughtful]

B: [watches him, hesitates] "Dean....?"

D: [blinks, meets her gaze] "Right."

B: [holds his gaze, raises her eyebrows]

D: [fast uncomfortable frown] "Shut up." [looks down at her body again]

B: (impatient and slightly self-conscious) "Dean!" [crosses her arms and looks at him]

D: [blinks again] "Sorry!" [meets her gaze awkwardly] "It's just...." [glances over her body and gestures toward her vaguely] "Do you have anything else to wear?"

B: [blinks] (surprised and confused) "Excuse me?"

D: (slightly uncomfortable) "I just can't.... flip you..." [looks at her body and gestures awkwardly, closes his eyes, then meets her gaze] "I can't flip a girl wearing a cute little cardigan, okay?"

B: [holds his gaze with a small smile] (amused and slightly flirtatious) "Woman."

D: [holds her gaze] (slightly exasperated and subtle desire) "Oh, yeah, that makes it better."

B: [holds his gaze, chuckles, lowers her arms] "I have some workout clothes I bought a while ago."

D: [looks at her with a "what?" expression] "When did you buy workout clothes? And since when do you work out?"

B: [smiles at him and leans toward him slightly] (slightly flirtatious) "You don't see everything I do."

D: [blinks] (conflicted and amused and slightly pleased and subtly excited)

B: [small teasing smile] "I'll meet you in the training room?"

D: [clears his throat] "Yeah...uh... yeah."

B: [smiles and leaves the room]

D: [watches her, then shakes his head and rubs the back of his neck] "This is a bad idea...." [goes to his room and changes into a t shirt and sweatpants, then goes to the training room, stretches his arms]

B: [walks into the training room, wearing a form fitting spandex tank top and pants, her hair in a ponytail, stops, looks at him]

D: [stops, looks at her, tilts his head to the side] (flash of frustrated and conflicted desire) "Aw, come on! What?"

B: [looking at him, bites her bottom lip, then blinks and shakes her head slightly] "What?"

D: [lowers his arms, clears his throat] "Okay, focus. Come here." [gestures in front of him]

B: [meets his gaze, small smile and raises her eyebrows]

D: [rolls his eyes] "Damnit, woman! You asked me to train you! So just frickin' come over here!"

B: [holds his gaze, small smile, tilts her head slightly]

D: [holds her gaze, small smile and shakes his head] "Please."

B: [holds his gaze, smiles and walks over to him, looks up at him]

D: [holds her gaze, swallows hard] (suddenly uncertain and hesitant, then conflicted, then subtle confused longing and desire) "You sure you don't want Sam to help you with this one?"
B: [holds his gaze, raises her eyebrows] (questioning and amused and certain and slightly flirtatious)

D: [clears his throat] "It's just.... This is gonna involve a lot of...." [clears his throat, swallows hard] ".... touching..."

B: [holds his gaze, small amused smile] "And you'd rather Sam....?"

D: [holds her gaze] (clearly befuddled and disconcerted) [stutters, then] "I...no... you..." [clears his throat]

B: [holds his gaze, amused and slightly teasing expression] "Do you need a drink?"

D: [quick "good idea" smile, then frowns and shakes his head] "I'm good. Okay. So, what you want to do is..." [looks down and reaches for her arm, hesitates, meets her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze for a long moment] (understanding and calm acceptance and caring) [then] "This is a little weird, huh?"

D: (flash of relief) [drops his hand] "Thank god!" [looks at the ceiling, then smiles down at her] "I thought it was just me feeling the wacked out vibe."

B: [meets his gaze with an amused smile]

D: [holds her gaze] "I'm just not used to..." [steps back slightly and looks at her body, gestures toward her] "...touching [meets her gaze] you..." (flash of hesitant desire and longing and very subtle love)

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of desire and longing, then hesitant uncertainty, then understanding and calm acceptance and caring)

D: [holds her gaze, drops his hand] (uncertain and caring and searching)

B: [holds his gaze, slight "agreed" expression] "I'm not used to....being touched..."

D: [holds her gaze, swallows hard] (flash of desire and longing, then uncertain and caring)

B: [holds his gaze for a long moment, then small shrug] (subtly vulnerable and trusting) "So, we'll go slow."

D: [holds her gaze] (searching and caring and subtle longing and desire)

B: [holds his gaze] (calm acceptance and caring and slightly vulnerable)

D: [holds her gaze, nods] "Deal." [small smile, holds out his hand toward her uninjured one]

B: [looks down at his hand, takes hold if his hand with her own, then meets his gaze]

D: [holds her gaze, nods] "So, to flip somebody, you just..." [slowly pulls her toward him, watching her as she moves with his touch, then he slowly turns as he pulls her arm over his shoulder and pulls her body against his back] "You use your whole body, not just the arms or shoulders....see?" [slowly leans forward and pulls her body on top of his back with one hand gripping her arm just above her elbow and the other hand grasping her shoulder from under her arm, lifting her off her feet a few inches above the floor]

B: [small playful squeal as he lifts her off her feet, her arm over D's shoulder and her body resting on his back, presses against his back with her other hand to steady herself, swallows hard, nods] "Okay....Right."

D: [slowly straightens and lowers her back to the floor, turns slightly toward her, still holding her arm over his shoulder lightly, looks at her over his shoulder, slight saucy smile] "You gotta put your cute little ass into it."

B: [chuckles and slaps his back playfully with her other hand, her body still pressed lightly to his back]

D: [grins, then turns slightly more toward her, still holding her arm over his shoulder] "You ready for the real deal?"

B: [her body pressed to his back and her arm over his shoulder, nods] "I trust you."

D: [hesitates, then nods, slowly leans over and lifts her off her feet, onto his back, with her arm over his shoulder, hesitates again]

B: [her body resting on D's back, one arm over his shoulder as he holds her arm and shoulder in his hands, her other hand pressed against his back to steady herself, her feet lifted slightly in the air] {breathlessly} "It's okay, Dean. I'm not fragile."

D: [turns his face toward her with a slight teasing smile] "You sure about that?"

B: [hesitates, then smiles and lowers her face to rest her forehead against the back of his neck]

D: [closes his eyes]

B: [lifts her face and looks at him] "Just do it before you hurt your back."

D: [opens his eyes and smiles] "What are you gabbing about? You're light as a feather." [shifts slightly, bouncing her slightly in the air, then gripping her arm and shoulder to steady her body against his back again]

B: [small squeal as her body bounces then lands on his back and rests against him again, and she presses her free hand against his back] "Dean! Just do it for pete's sake!" [laughs]

D: [grins] "Okay, you asked for it." [leans forward and flips her body over his shoulder, one hand catching the back of her head as she falls to the floor in front of him with a thud]

B: [squeals as her body flips over his shoulder and she lands on the floor in front of him with a thud, then she laughs, her head resting in one of his hands while her holds her arm with the other hand]

D: [leaning over her, grins down at her]

B: [laughing, then satisfied sigh as she smiles up at him]

D: [tilts his head to the side and meets her gaze, smiling down at her]

B: [holds his gaze, smiling up at him] "That was better than a rollercoaster."

D: [holds her gaze, shakes his head, smiling] "You are so w–.... sexy."

B: [smiling, blinks, then puzzled expression]

D: [smiling] "Your turn." [lifts her to her feet]

B: [squeals again as he lifts her to her feet and she steadies herself with her hands on his arms, then laughs]

D: [grins at her and steadies her with his hands on her arms]

B: [smiling, meets his gaze]

D: [smiling, holds her gaze] (amused and affectionate)

B: [smile slowly fades as she holds his gaze] (flash of desire and excitement and longing)

D: [smile slowly fades as he holds her gaze] (flash of longing and searching and subtle desire and vulnerable)

B: [holds his gaze, swallows hard] (uncertain desire, then conflicted, then hesitant longing)

D: [holds her gaze for a long moment, then slowly slides his hands up her arms and gently grasps her shoulders]

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of slight excitement and desire, then uncertain and subtle longing and vulnerable)

D: [holds her gaze for a moment, then gently turns her around with his hands on her shoulders] "Your turn."

B: [small smile as she moves willingling with his touch, stands with her back to him]

D: [steps close to her, his chest almost touching her back, his hands on her shoulders, looking down at her]

B: [standing still, turns her head slightly to watch him out of the corner of her eye]

D: [looking down at her, slowly slides one hand down her arm, grazing her skin with his hand as he does so, and then gently grasps the back of her uninjured hand, holds it gently in his hand, looking at her hand in his and gently touching her fingers with his]

B: [looks down at their hands, moves her fingers slightly in response to his touch]

D: [looks at the top of her head, then his eyes travel down her hair and the back of her neck and her shoulder, and then focus on the nape of her neck]

B: [watches him out of the corner of her eye, her fingers moving slightly under his]

D: [slowly raises his other hand and touches a strand of hair at the nape of her neck, loose from her ponytail, then gently takes the strand of hair between his fingers and plays with it tenderly for a moment while watching her breathe]

B: [deep shaky breath as she watches him from the corner of her eye]

D: [standing close to her, his chest almost touching her back, touching the strand of hair at the nape of her neck with his fingers, then slowly lowers his hand to her shoulder, his other hand gently holding the back of her hand, then he slowly moves his hand from the back of her hand to under her hand, pressing the back of his hand to her palm] {lowly} "Hold my hand."

B: [her whole body shivers visibly, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, then opens her eyes looks down at their hands and gently wraps her fingers around the back of his hand and fingers]

D: [pauses, then slowly raises his hand and moves their hands toward his other hand on her shoulder]

B: [holding the back of his hand, moves willingly with his touch, watches their hands move together]

D: [watching her] {lowly} "Don't ever let anybody get behind you and get their arms around your throat." [slowly raises their hands toward her throat] "If that happens, you gotta–"

B: [watching their hands, grasps his hand a little tighter, starts to move his hand toward her throat]

D: [swallows hard, moves his hand with her touch]

B: [slowly raises his hand to her throat and then tilts her chin up slightly and presses his palm to the side of her throat, closes her eyes]

D: [one hand on her shoulder, the other arm wrapped loosely around her chest as she gently presses his hand against the skin on her throat, he swallows hard again, and tenderly wraps his fingers around her throat, closes his eyes]

B: [opens her eyes and slowly loosens her grasp on his hand, slides her hand down his arm and grasps his bicep]

D: [opens his eyes and looks down at her, slowly and softly slides his fingers across the skin of her throat, grazing the skin under her chin with his fingers as he does so]

B: [swallows hard]

D: [quickly slides his hand back over her throat and up her jaw, cups her cheek and turns her toward him with his hands on her shoulder and on her cheek]

B: [moves willingly with his touch, turns toward him, lifts her face toward his]

D: [kisses her lips passionately, sliding his hand from her shoulder down her back and wrapping his arm around her waist tightly while the other hand moves from her cheek to the nape of her neck and he touches her hair]

B: [kisses him passionately, wrapping her arms around his back and sliding her hands up to the back of his shoulders, pulling him closer]

D: [kisses her passionately, running his hands over her back and across her shoulders and then cupping her face]

B: [kisses him passionately, her hands exploring his back and pulling him closer]

D: [kisses her passionately, sliding his hands from her face down her shoulders and wrapping both arms around her and pulls her closer and then kisses her more deeply]

B: [pulls back slightly]

D: [raises one hand to cup the side of her throat and jaw, his face still close to hers] {breathless} "Sorry. I'm sorry."

B: [her face close to his] {breathlessly} "Don't be sorry."

D: [kisses her earnestly, one arm still wrapped around her and the other hand cupping the side of her throat and jaw, then cups the back of her head]

B: [tiny, breathless exclamation and kisses him earnestly, her hands clinging to his back]

D: [kisses her earnestly, then pulls away and steps back, dropping his hands, looks at her, breathless] "Stop. Just stop."

B: [drops her hands and meets his gaze, breathless] "I'm sorry."

D: [breathless, holds her gaze, small smile] "I wasn't talking to you."

B: [holds his gaze, breathless] (confused, then understanding, then amusement and caring and slight pleasure) [small smile]

D: [holds her gaze, breathless] "New rule."

B: [holds his gaze, breathless]

D: [holds her gaze, breathless, small cocky smile] "Only I get to teach you hand-to-hand combat."

B: [holds his gaze, small amused smile and slight shake of her head]

D: [holds her gaze, small "please" expression] "Can we be done with this for now?... I can't take much more."

B: [holds his gaze for a moment, then small amused smile, nods] "That's probably wise."

D: [holds her gaze] (searching and caring and slight longing and vulnerable desire)

B: [holds his gaze] (searching and caring and slight longing and vulnerable uncertainty)

D: [holds her gaze, reaches a hand out toward her] "What do you say we go find some grub?"

B [holds his gaze, smiles, takes his hand] "As long as it's not popcorn."

D: [throws his head back and laughs]

They go to the kitchen and make sandwiches, then sit across from each other at one of the tables in the main room and play Battleship, talking and laughing and teasing as they do. D plays classic rock on his phone as they play the game

After a while

S: [walks up and stands behind D with a small smile of amusement as he looks at them]

B: [smiles up at S] "How was your run?"

S: [nods] "Fine. Great, actually."

B: [pleased smile at him] "I'm glad."

D: [glances up at S] "Sammy, you're just in time to watch me kick this pretty little ass." [looks at B with a cocky grin]

B: [amused smile at him and raises her eyebrows in teasing amusement] "Hey, by my count, I only have my little ship left, and you only have your destroyer. So either of us could win. I only need one more hit than you, Dean. So don't get too cocky, mister!"

S: [slight scoff and glances down at D in amusement] "I'm pretty sure cocky is Dean's middle name."

D: [slight awkward and irritated expression at S] "Hey! Don't make me tell her your middle name, Samuel!" [looks down at his battleship board] {mutters} "She'll start using her mom voice on us, and that's the last thing we need around here."

B: [amused grin and playfully tosses a battleship piece at D] "Like I could ever have a mom voice! Jerk!"

D: [looks at her and raises his eyebrows in amusement]

B: [holds his gaze with a playful grin, then glances at his board, then back up at him and raises her eyebrows] "It's your turn, handsome."

D: [flashes a pleased smile, then mischievous smile and looks down at his board, then up at her again] "G-8."

B: [smiling playfully, glances down at her board, then meets his gaze] "Nope. Miss."

D: [leans back in his chair with a teasing glare at her]

S: [standing behind D, arms crossed, watches them with amused fascination]

B: [smiling at D, glances up at S]

S: [meets her gaze, glances down at D's board, then meets her gaze again and raises his eyebrows, nods quickly three times]

B: [looks down at her board, then looks up and meets S's gaze again]

S: [tilts his head to the side and back quickly four times]

B: [small smile, meets D's eyes with a mischievous smile] "C-4."

D: [leans forward and looks at his board, then looks at her in slight surprise] "Hit."

B: [satisfied smile and puts a red piece on her board]

D: [watches her]

B: [meets his eyes, nods at him] "Go."

D: [holds her gaze, then looks at his board, then back at her] "F-10."

B: [glances down at her board, then meets his gaze with a pleased smile] "Miss."

D: [frowns, glances up at S]

S: [smiles down at D innocently]

D: [looks back at B]

B: [smiling at D, glances up at S]

S: [looks down then back at her quickly]

B: [meets D's gaze, smiling] "D-4."

D: [narrows his eyes at her] "Hit."

B: [pleased and playful grin, looks down and puts another red piece in her board, then looks at him with an "okay, then" expression]

D: [eyes her suspiciously, then looks down at his board, then back at her] "A-3."

B: [meets his gaze, tilts her head and smiles teasingly] "Miss."

D: [squints at her suspiciously, then slowly turns and looks up at S]

S: [looking at B, then looks up with a casually innocent expression]

B: [watching S, smiles, then looks at D] "B-4."

D: [narrows his eyes at S, then turns slowly and glances at his board, then meets B's gaze] "You... you little minx!"

B: [grins at him]

D: [holds her gaze with a playfully offended expression and slowly stands, leaning toward her] "You're a damn cheater!"

B: [pleased and satisfied smile up at him, then shrugs innocently] "I don't know what you're talking about."

D: [narrows his eyes, then turns to S] "And you!" [frowns and shakes his head with a disappointed and offended expression] "You traitor. You Darth Vadered me!"

S: [looks at D innocently] "What's that?"

"You Shook Me All Night Long" by AC/DC starts to play on D's phone

D: [narrows his eyes at S, then turns and looks down at B, raises his eyebrows and points at her] "You're a cheat." [holds her gaze and leans forward toward her, planting both hands on the table with a small mischievous smile] "And a damn hypocrite!"

B: [holds his gaze with a small teasing smile, slowly stands and leans toward him over the table and places her hands on the table] {soft and flirtatious} "I cheated, and I won." [tilts her head coquettishly as she holds his gaze] "Whatcha gonna do about it?"

D: [holds her gaze, swallows hard, glances down at the table, then meets her gaze again] (flash of desire)

B: [holds his gaze, blinks, moves her head back slightly] (flash of confusion and questioning, then confliction)

D: [holds her gaze] (subtle desire)

B: [hold his gaze, glances down at the table, then meets D's gaze again] (confusion, then reluctant understanding)

D: [holds her gaze] (subtle desire)

Song: 1st verse starts

S: [watching them with an amused smile, raises his eyebrows with a "damn!" expression]

B: [holds D's gaze, bites her bottom lip] (uncertainty and subtle desire)

D: [holds her gaze] (searching and subtle desire)

S: ["Okay, then" expression, slowly leans over and hits the volume button on D's phone, turning the song up, then slowly straightens and watches them]

D: [holds B's gaze] (searching and caring and subtle desire)

B: [holds his gaze for a long moment, then slowly leans back and straightens, swallows hard] "You win." [glances between S and D, then] "Excuse me." [turns and leaves the room toward the library]

D: [watches her, still leaning his hands on the table, then slowly straightens and looks after her]

S: [watches B go, then looks at D with a sympathetic expression for a moment, then pats him on the shoulder, turns around the leaves the room toward the kitchen]

D: [looks in the direction B went for a long moment, then leans over and hits the button on his phone to turn off the music, picks up his phone, and leaves the room toward the training room]



D: [goes into the kitchen, wearing pajamas and hair wet from the shower]

S: [sitting at the table, eating a sandwich and looking at his laptop, looks up at D and raises his eyebrows] "Cold shower?"

D: [glances at him with a frown as he walks over to the fridge] "Can you blame me?" [gets a beer out of the fridge]

S: ["okay, then" expression, watches D] "Actually, if I'm being honest...." [small amused smile] "it's kinda nice watching you suffer."

D: [looks at with a sarcastic smile] "Oh, ha-ha-ha-ha." [frowns] "I will kick your ass."

S: [small amused smile, looks down at the table]

D: [takes a drink of beer]

S: [looks up at D] (hesitant and sincere) "Just.... be careful, Dean."

D: [looks at S with a confused and defensive expression] "Meaning?"

S: [meets D's gaze, small shrug] "Just.... be careful."

D: ["what the hell?" expression]

S: [holds D's gaze] "She's not like other girls, Dean."

D: ["obviously" expression] "Oh, I'm well aware."

S: [raises his eyebrows] "Are you?"

D: [frowns] "What's your point, Sam?"

S: [looks down at the table] "I'm just saying...."

D: [rolls his eyes] "Spit it out!"

S: [looks up at D impatiently] "She's a virgin, Dean!"

D: [looks at S] (surprised, then confused, then irritated) {lowly} "I'm not having this conversation." [starts to walk toward the door]

S: [stands, looking at him] "Well, I think we need to."

D: [stops, looks at S] (Unreadable) "Just say whatever the hell you want to say and get it over with."

S: [hesitates, then] "I just don't want you to mess this up, Dean."

D: (flash of surprised confusion, then frustrated and slightly offended)

S: [steps toward D and gestures toward the door] "That woman is one of best things that has ever happened to you.... To us."

D: ["okay...?" expression] "Yeah....?"

S: [holds D's gaze, shakes his head] "You've never been in a situation like this, Dean. She's way different than any of those other girls. Any of your past.... relationships.... if that's what you want to call them."

D: [impatient expression] "Why is that, Sam? Because she's intelligent, compassionate, funny as hell and calls me on my shit?"

S: ["yeah!" expression]

D: [frowns] "Or because she's a virgin?"

S: ["that, too" expression]

D: [narrows his eyes at S and shakes his head] "You son of a bitch." [turns away in frustration]

S: [hesitates, then] "Dean."

D: [turns back angrily] "You think I'm gonna pressure her!.... Is that it? Is that the kind of guy you really think I am?"

S: [shakes head] {sincerely} "Dean, you know that's not true."

D: {loudly} "Then what, Sam?! You think I'm gonna... what? Seduce her and then... what? Walk away?" [shakes his head] (seething anger) "You fucking bastard."

S: [looks at D] {sincerely} "Dean, I'm just saying...."

D: {angrily} "What?"

S: [caring and hesitant expression] "She's gonna make you wait."

D: (frustrated) {loudly} "I know!"

S: [uncertain expression] "Do you?"

D: [surprised and confused expression]

S: (caring and hesitant) "Have you ever had to wait before?"

D: (frustrated) [opens his mouth to speak, hesitates, closes his mouth] (thoughtful and hesitant) "Well...." [frowns] "...no.... "

S: ["see?" expression]

D: ["excuse me!" expression] "Are you saying I have no self-control? Like I'm some damn Charlie Harper?"

S: [hesitates, then "maybe...." expression]

D: [frowns] "Damn you."

S: ["come on" expression] "I'm saying, you've never come up against.... obstacles–"

D: [surprised and confused expression]

S: "--before. And I think it's gonna be harder than you think it is." [closes his eyes tightly, then opens them and looks at D with a slightly awkward expression] "More difficult than you think it is."

D: ["ew..." expression] "Pervert."

S: [rolls his eyes] "I'm just saying, Dean." [looks at him] "You're gonna have to be patient."

D: [meets S's gaze] "I can be patient, Sam."

S: [holds D's gaze] "Can you?"

D: [frowns] {matter of factly} "Hurtful."

S: [rolls his eyes, then meets D's gaze] "Have you ever had to be patient before?"

D: [opens his mouth to speak, hesitates, closes his mouth again, frowns] "This is different."

S: ["exactly" expression] "That's what I'm saying! She's gonna make you wait and you're gonna have to be patient! And that's gonna be fucking hard – difficult! Damn it!"

D: [rolls his eyes] "Sam, would you just calm down, okay? You're making this a bigger deal than it has to be."

S: (frustrated) "Really, Dean? Cuz I've seen you two together! And you're on that damn couch with her every night! And she's sweet.... and you've said it yourself that she does things she doesn't want to do, sometimes...."

D: [looking at S, shakes his head in anger] "And you think I would do that to her?"

S: (frustrated) "No!..." [hesitates] "Not on purpose...."

D: [nods in frustration, then sarcastic "okay, then" expression] "Well, thanks, Jiminy Cricket, but I don't need you to be my conscience." [points at S angrily] "And if you think that I would ever.... EVER.... hurt that woman, in ANY way..." [drops his hand and shakes his head] "then you don't understand this situation, and you sure as hell don't understand me.... or her!" [points toward the door] "That woman has a backbone of pure steel, Sam! She is a formidable badass, and if you think she'd spaghetti me with sex, then you're confused." [slight nod, drops his hand] "Well meaning, but confused."

S: [watching D] (caring and concerned and uncertain) "Dean, I want you to be happy. Both of you..... So just be careful. That's all I'm saying."

B: [clears her throat from the doorway]

D: [closes his eyes and clenches his jaw]

S: [looks at B in surprise, then back at D] (awkward and slightly apologetic)

D: [opens his eyes and frowns at S] "I'm gonna freaking kill you." [looks at B]

S: [looks at B]

B: [slowly walks into the room and glances between S and D] {quietly} "Thought I'd.... [looks at D] ...let you off the hook, there."

D: [meets her gaze] (Unreadable)

B: [glances between them again] "I swear I'm not doing this on purpose."

They both watch her

B: [deep breath, squares her shoulders] "Look, guys...." [hesitates, glances between them again, then sighs, small "nevermind" expression, walks to the sink and fills a glass with water, then turns and glances between them, then] {quietly} "As you were." [walks toward the door and leaves the room]

They watch her leave

S: [looks at D] (uncomfortable and slightly nervous and apologetic)

D: [looks at S] (serious) "Any last words?"

S: [rolls his eyes] "Dean–"

D: [looks back at the door] "Shut up."

S: [watches D]

D: [stares at the door for a long moment, then deep breath] "I have to handle this, don't I?"

S: [small smile] "You could always go back to sleeping in your room."

D: [slight humorless smile, swallows hard, walks out the door]

D walks to the living room and stands in the doorway, looking at B

B: [curled up on her end of the couch, watching FRIENDS in the dim light]

D: [walks over to the couch, steps past her without looking at her and sits down at his end of the couch]

B: [watches him]

D: [settles in his seat, then lifts his arm and rests it on the back of the couch, toward her, looks at her in the dim light] (caring and searching and slightly vulnerable)

B: [meets his gaze] (uncertain) [bites her bottom lip]

D: [holds her gaze]

B: [holds his gaze, deep breath] {quietly} "I don't really know what to do, now....."

D: [holds her gaze] {gently} "What do you want to do?"

B: [holds his gaze] (uncertain and hesitant and searching) [bites her bottom lip]

D: [holds her gaze, slowly leans toward her]

B: [holds his gaze, watches him] (almost imperceptible flash of fear)

D: [holds her gaze, leans toward her, then reaches around her and takes hold of one of her pillows, leans back]

B: [holds his gaze] (flash of relief and very subtle gratitude)

D: [holds her gaze, slight smile] "Don't hog the pillows."

B: [holds his gaze, small smile] "You're welcome."

D: [small smile, arranges the pillow behind his head, props his feet up on the table, crosses his arms over his chest, closes his eyes]

B: [watches him, small smile, then curls up against the arm of the couch and lays her head on her pillow]

They fall asleep


Sometime later

D and B are asleep on the couch, D sitting at his end of the couch with his feet propped up on the table and his arms crossed over his chest, and B curled up at her end of the couch

B: [stirs in her sleep, then starts awake with a small gasp]

D: [starts awake and looks at her in the dim light of the TV, reaches for her, then pauses and drops his hand] "Hey, you okay?"

B: [visibly shaken, nods]

D: [sits up and leans toward her, searching her face] "What's wrong? Do we need to go? Should I get Sam–"

B: [shakes her head] "No, Dean, it's not a prophet thing... it's just.... It was just a nightmare." [deep shaky breath]

D: [watches her for a moment, then slowly slides over closer to her, gently grips her arm]

B: [doesn't respond, slightly breathless]

D: [watches her for a moment, then] {gently} "Hey." [gently squeezes her arm]

B: [doesn't respond, slightly breathless]

D: [watches her for a moment, the slowly pulls his hand away and slides back to his end of the couch, rests his arm across the back of the couch, toward her, and watches her] (concerned and caring)

A moment passes

B: [deep, shaky breath, then slowly looks at him, meets his gaze in the dim light of the TV]

D: [searches her eyes] (concerned and caring and subtly vulnerable)

B: [holds his gaze, then slowly shifts and slides across the couch and curls up against him, gripping the fabric of his shirt over his chest in her hand]

D: [watches her and wraps his arm around her shoulders and back and gently grips her arm in his hand]

A moment passes

D: [looking down at her] {gently} "What was it?"

B: [hesitates, rests her head against his chest, shakes her head] "It's too weird."

D: [small smile, raises his hand from her arm and cups the side of her head, kisses the top of her head] "Unless it involves midgets, it's not too weird." [lowers his hand back to her arm, squeezes her closer to him]

B: [smiles, fiddles with the fabric of his shirt] "What would you do if I said it did involve midgets?"

D: ["meh" expression in the dim light] "I'd drive your ass back to where I found you and leave you there to fend for yourself."

B: [chuckles and lightly and playfully slaps his chest]

D: [chuckles, then looks down at her] "Come on, tell me."

B: [fiddles with the fabric of his shirt] "Promise you won't judge me?"

D: ["okay, sure" expression and nods] "Deal."

B: [small smile]


B: {quietly} "It was a trebuchet."

D: [confused expression] "A what?"

B: [hesitates, then] "A trebuchet."

D: (still confused) "You mean, like in Kingdom of Heaven?"

B: [small smile, nods] "Yeah, kinda...." [fiddles with the fabric of his shirt] "And it was dark...just a shadow.... I could only see part of it.... and as it was pulling back to fire.... it was... It was... us.... you and me.... Don't laugh cuz I know it's cheesy, but you asked me to tell you and I'm just being honest, and you promised–"

D: [raises his hand to her head again] "Shhh, easy, tiger. Chill out and just tell me."

A moment passes

B: [deep breath, fiddles with the fabric of his shirt] "We were in the trebuchet... in the... bucket or whatever it's called.... getting ready to get.... flung, I guess.....to who knows where.... and I don't know how I know we were in there cuz all I could see what the shadow of the wooden part of the trebuchet.... the part where the beam that stays upright and the part that leans back connect.... I guess we were talking or something.... I don't know what we were saying...I just know we were in the bucket...."

D: [slowly lowers his hand back to her arm, his arm wrapped around her back]

B: "...and then slowly the dream zoomed in and there was a broken chain... a small chain that was broken and kinda dangling... I think it was supposed to connect to something important... but it was just a little broken.... And then I was terrified and screaming... not the me in the dream....in the bucket.... with you....but the me out here, the real me... it's like I was watching a movie and I was trying to warn the characters.... But we couldn't hear.... and the chain just sort of dangled there, the shadow of it....and I knew that meant danger.... and then the trebuchet fired.... and we were flung... and I couldn't see it cuz all I could see was the shadow of the two beams, one still and one flinging us.... but I heard us.... we both screamed.... then we both cried out and I heard a thud.... Then I heard me say "oh, my god".... and it was terrifying and I just know something bad happened... maybe we died or maybe we were both hurt or maybe one of us died and–"

D: [squeezes her to his body] "Shhhh, babe, it's okay. It was just a dream. It wasn't real."

B: [nods against his chest, fiddles with the fabric of his shirt] "Okay. Right...I know.... I know."

D: [rests the side of his face on the top of her head]

A moment passes

D: (thoughtful) "You said all you saw was the shadow?"

B: [nods against his chest] "Yeah, kinda like it was back-lit and I could see the outline...."

D: [nods against her hair, pauses] "And the chain was kind of broken? But not really broken? Like obviously broken?"

B: [hesitates] (thoughtful) "It was small, kinda thin... and I couldn't really tell... it was just... disconnected somehow.... Just kinda swinging there, like it wasn't supposed to be that way..."

D: (thoughtful) [lifts his face slightly and looks down at her] "And you said we were flung... but you didn't see us land anywhere or go splat? There was no blood or guts or anything?"

B: [small smile and shakes her head against his chest] "No, Dean, there was no ridiculous horror movie blood splatter. Only our voices... yelling..."

D: (thoughtful) [nods] "And did it sound like we were in pain... like–"

B: (slightly impatient) "I don't know, Dean.... I couldn't see anything... all I saw was the trebuchet go off, then I heard us both scream... then a weird thud... then we both cried out... and I was scared... that's all I know.... So if you're trying to Freudian dream analyze me right now, it's not really–"

D: [small smile and cups the side of her head in his hand again] "Okay, okay, chill, Miss Defensive-Much. Sorry." [kisses the top of her head, then lowers his arm again and rests his chin on the top of her head] "You're the one who always wants to analyze the hell out of everything. I'm just trying to help you out."

B: [fiddles with the fabric of his shirt for a moment] "You really want to help me out?"

D: [looks down at her, hesitates, then] "Yeah..."

B: [looks up at him, meets his gaze in the dim light] "Then kiss me." [searches his eyes] {breathlessly} "Just kiss me. Please."

D: [searches her eyes for a brief moment, then gently squeezes her closer and leans down and kisses her softly]

B: [tiny, breathless exclamation and kisses him softly, lightly gripping the fabric of his shirt over his chest]

D: [kisses her softly, then pulls away and searches her eyes again]

B: [holds his gaze in the dim light for a moment] "Now tell me that everything's going to be okay...." [grips the fabric of his shirt in her hand] "I know that's not fair to ask.... and you can't control that and it's not for you to say... but–"

D: [holds her gaze] {softly} "It's gonna be okay."

B: [searches his eyes, slowly releases her grip on his shirt]

D: [holds her gaze] "I promise."

B: [holds his gaze, visibly relaxes, deep breath] "Okay...." [slight smile] "Thank you."

D: [holds her gaze, small smile] "Anytime, babe."

B: [small smile, holds his gaze for a long moment, then lays her head on his shoulder and snuggles up against him]

D: [squeezes her closer and shifts on the couch, props his feet up on the table again and lays his head against the pillow on the back of the couch, closes his eyes, small smile]

B: [fiddles with the fabric of his shirt over his chest] "Don't get used to this whole.... snuggling .... thing.... At the risk of sounding like the antithesis of a Lifetime movie, I will not be falling asleep in your arms every night, Dean Winchester."

D: [eyes still closed, smiles] "Yes, ma'am."

B: [smiles, rests her hand on his chest, and closes her eyes, deep breath]

They fall asleep

To be cont. :-) 

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