Parallel Vol. 6

Renoe_K tarafından

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A surprise guest joins Suzuki and company at the compound. They must face the oncoming gladiator battles in o... Daha Fazla

Chapter 2: Reunion
Chapter 3: Genaco's Trap
Chapter 4: Making a Plan
Chapter 5: Rival Teams
Chapter 6: Conference Meeting (1)
Chapter 7: Conference Meeting (2)
Chapter 8: The Drop
Chapter 9: Mission Failed
Chapter 10: Exfil Training
Chapter 11: God Saeko
Chapter 12: Orbital Elevator
Chapter 13: D-Day
Chapter 14: Mission Start!
Chapter 15: Ruthless
Chapter 16: Chaos in the Base
Chapter 17: Cassia's Rampage
Chapter 18: BOOM!
Chapter 19: Awakening
Chapter 20: The Examiner
Chapter 21: Expert Pilots
Chapter 22: Strike Three!
Chapter 23: It's a Trap!
Chapter 24: Taiga's Confession
Chapter 25: Power of Friendship
Chapter 26: I'm Back!
Chapter 27: New Stats
Chapter 28: Tricking Big Shots
Chapter 29: A Day in Kerta
Chapter 30: I'm Back Home
Chapter 31: Season Finale (Accompany Me...)

Chapter 1: Adachi Ayumi

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Renoe_K tarafından

Adachi Residence,

24th June 2043.

Mrs. Tokoyami, Ayumi's personal maid, sighed as she stood in front of the lady's door. "To think Young Miss Ayumi was fighting such terrible battles all this time." Her gaze travelled across the courtyard, towards a building in the distance used to receive guests. "Still, I wonder what that man wants with the Young Miss."

The soft clack of a shut door shook Mrs. Tokoyami's pondering state. She turned to see Ayumi, dressed in a white hoody and fitted pants. Perhaps because she just came out of the shower, the young miss' long, hair glistened as they softly fell down her back like a dark waterfall. It was a rare sight, seeing the young miss' hair loose. This, coupled with the slight blush from the shower's heat would have given her a rare defenseless, cute expression were it not for her below-freezing gaze.

'Ah, the young miss always has too much on her shoulders.'

"Mrs. Tokoyami?" Ayumi softly questioned. "Does father seek my presence?"

The head maid bowed as she answered, "Yes, Young Miss. The Master requests your presence at the guesthouse. He said there is an important guest you must meet."

"A guest?" Ayumi was intrigued. Her father did not historically entertain many people at their home. In fact, as far as Ayumi recalled, the last 'guest' allowed was a marriage proposal from the owner of a major banking firm more than a year ago. He sought to bethrow his son and heir to Ayumi to tie their families together. Naturally, Ayumi refused, and fortunately, her father did not push it either, but she knew she had only bought herself some time.

The sole heiress of a massive conglomerate did not have as much control over her fate as most would imagine.

"Young Miss?"

Ayumi shook her head to clear her thoughts. "Sorry, I got distracted." She apologized, and then began walking out of the building. "I'll make my way over now. Do you know anything about our guest?"

"Nothing concrete, Young Miss," Mrs. Tokoyami regrettably confirmed. "But I do think he might be a gaijin*. He was a bit far, but he had blonde hair. I do not think a man his age would still dye their hair blond like a delinquent, would he?"

"Perhaps," Ayumi mused as she pondered on which of her father's acquaintances had blond hair. As far as she knew, most of those old men had gone bald from hair loss. Where would they find the hair to dye?

Once they exited the building, a young maid ran up to them with a tray in hand. She fell into step with the fast-walking duo as she opened the tray, revealing a plate of toast and eggs with a yoghurt drink.

Ayumi quickly, but elegantly eliminated everything on the tray, and then squeezed the yoghurt dry. "Thank you, Garou-chan." The young woman's gaze sharpened with renewed vigor as she watched the maid dash toward the kitchen.

Having replenished her energy, Ayumi walked to the guest building with enhanced determination. Whatever battle awaited her, she would face with the full extent of her abilities. Carrying this will, she entered the building and made her way to the conference room on the first floor.

"Young Miss," The head maid's worried gaze took in Ayumi's determination as she stopped in front of the door.

Ayumi took a deep breath and then, with a nod at Mrs. Tokoyami, softly knocked and then stepped into the room.

"And there she is."

The first thing that greeted Ayumi upon entering the room was a familiar blond man seated across from her, who grinned as he studied her stunned expression. "You..." Ayumi spluttered, losing control of her thoughts for a brief second. "What are you doing here."

"Manners." Gen. Adachi's gruff tone snapped Ayumi out of her reverie.

"Ah. Apologies," Ayumi quickly bowed in apology. She took the opportunity to regain her calm before raising her head. Having regained her calm, she turned to her father who sat at the head of the table. "Good day, Father." She then added as she turned to the guest, "Mr. Shouyou."

"Heh, call me James." James grinned knowingly as he winked at her.

In response, Ayumi turned to her father, and then took a seat to his left after his imperceptible nod. "Mr. James. What brings you to our home?"

James smiled, ignoring the cold hostility in her eyes. "I heard you were looking for me, so I thought it would save us all time if I surrendered peacefully."

Ayumi's heartbeat quickened upon receiving confirmation of her thoughts, but she managed to keep her expression neutral. "You... Suzuki is really with Genaco?"

"Mm." James admitted with a nod. "He's undergoing special training."

"Training?" Ayumi frowned. Of all the possible scenarios, she never pictured a reason like this. "What kind of training does he need? For what?"

James' lips spread into a teasing, Cheshire grin as he said pointedly, "What if I said it was to save the world?"

Ayumi almost sneered, but she caught a glimpse of her father. General Adachi's stern expression despite James' supposed nonsense caught her off-guard. "F-Father. Is he telling the truth?"

General Adachi nodded, and then added with a grave voice. "Our intelligence confirmed unusual activities around many military stations around the world. Something has unsettled the leaders of many nations." He looked at James with a tight frown. "We do not know what it is yet."

"Don't look at me like that." James chuckled as he said, "I can only reveal the truth to those with sufficient clearance." He then pointed at Ayumi as he said, "If she joins us, I'll make an exception and reveal the truth to you, but not before."

General Adachi's frown deepened. The ex-military man knew better than most the importance of information – especially pertaining to a potential life or death situation. Still, despite his considerations, he only closed his eyes and firmly stated, "It will be Ayumi's choice."

Ayumi looked at her father with a complicated gaze. As his daughter, she also understood the importance of information. Despite that, he did not choose to pressure her into deciding. This was one aspect of her father's rigid personality that she loved. His willingness to respect her choices no matter what.

Ayumi softly exhaled and then looked at James. "Where will you take me?"

"A unique location, to meet Suzuki, of course, and join our training program to save the world."

"Save the world." Ayumi's gaze still shook in disbelief. "Will there be danger at this place?"

James smiled. As expected of a general's daughter. She managed to ask a question most volunteers didn't while dreaming of their generous salaries. "There might be," admitted James with a shrug. "Our technology is desperately sought around the world. It's only a matter of time before someone gets impatient and attacks us."

"You said it's a worldwide threat. Is this the time to be hoarding technology?" Ayumi questioned; brows furrowed above disapproving eyes.

"Humanity is tricky like that," James lamented with a wry chuckle. "It's not like we want to hoard it. We agreed to reveal our tech, if every country fully bares and shares their military tech with us and the world. Can you guess how they responded?"

Ayumi let out a dejected sigh. "They refused." As someone who had access to many high-ranking individuals in both military and bureaucratic sectors, she could easily picture the reactions of those obscenely proud men and women.

"Indeed. And that would be fine on its own, but I doubt they will take no as an answer." James' smile was like the lure of a devil as he beckoned to Ayumi. "So, what will it be? Are you willing to shoulder the risk to save the world... or maybe, for love?"

Ayumi looked at her father. "I wish to go father. If there is truly a threat, it is better to have the strength to resist than pray for salvation from others."

General Adachi nodded. "Then it will be so." He then looked at James. "Shouyou."

Knowing what the General sought, James took out his phone and quickly inputted a command. Afterward, he placed the phone in his pocket and smiled at the General. "It's done. I've sent over the relevant files. Do with them as you wish."

With those words, James stood up, and then looked at Ayumi. "Alright, Young Mistress. We should get going."

Ayumi's gaze trembled. "Just like that? I need time to pa—"

"Do not fret. A room has been prepared for you with everything you will need for your stay," replied James with a knowing grin. "Leaving the compound is major security risk. We try to limit our trips where possible. If I return, I won't be able to leave for a few weeks. Do you want to wait that long?"

Ayumi frowned. She knew that James had all the cards in this negotiation. She was the one who wanted to see Suzuki, and only he had the relevant access. Whether James was telling the truth or not was of no consequence – the result remained the same. Ayumi would miss the opportunity to find Suzuki for an indefinite amount of time.

The young woman's gaze seemed to cool the room's temperature as she considered her options. If it was just to meet Suzuki, she could risk waiting a few weeks. After all, Kashi's existence proved the young man was doing well for himself. But this threat that James mentioned; it was certainly monumental if it was enough to make her protective father permit her to follow a man he barely knew. With that in mind, could she really afford to miss out on training that would better prepare her to deal with such a threat?

Ayumi squeezed her fist. She swore shortly after meeting Suzuki to seize her fate. No longer would she blindly follow the designs of another, nor would she put her fate in their hands. Rather than hiding in a shelter, praying the soldiers saved her, Ayumi would rather fight on the frontlines, fighting for her family and friends' right to live.

"I will follow."

Three simple words, but they carried so much conviction that James did not dare disrespect that remarkable will. He smiled and said with a bow, "Then, on behalf of Genaco Industries, and the world at large, I welcome you to our ranks, and applaud your bravery."

Ayumi's brow shot up. "Can you speak for the world?"

"Haha. Oops."

James' laughter, which did not reach his eyes, sent shivers down the young woman's spine. For the first time, she recalled a word Suzuki used to describe the seemingly jovial man. 'Inhuman.'

Fortunately, the smile returned to James' eyes with a twinkle as he looked at Gen. Adachi. "Well then, Good Sir. We will be in touch. Perhaps you can convince those old cronies in parliament."

Gen. Adachi softly grunted, which James clearly took for agreement as the young man immediately turned and walked out of the room.

Not wanting to give James an opportunity to change his mind, Ayumi quickly followed, only stopping momentarily at the door to look back at her father's solitary profile.

Gen. Adachi remained the picture of stoic perfection as he reviewed documents on a holo-screen. Unfortunately, the slightly shaking, tightly clenched fist peeking out of his haori revealed the man's true emotions. What father would feel comfortable sending his daughter to prepare for a possible war far away from him?

Ayumi took in her father's profile, and her gaze hardened with increased resolve. "Thank you, father, for giving me this opportunity," said the young woman as she bowed at the waist. "I promise to return triumphant with glory for the Adachi clan."

Gen. Adachi's hand paused ever so slightly on the screen. He turned, a hard gaze covered by a light mist staring at the little girl who had grown into a magnificent, brave woman, just like her mother. The general collected his emotions and simply said, "An Adachi always fulfils their promises."

"Naturally," confirmed Ayumi as she stood straight. Unfortunately, by this time, the good general had already turned back to the screen. Ayumi knowingly smiled and then said as she exited the door. "I love you, Father."

As the door clicked shut, a stoic voice broke through, "Your home will always await if you're ever tired."

Ayumi wiped the stray tear at the edge of her eyes and turned to James, who looked at her with a small smile. "Let's go."

"White Lotus tears are indeed mythical treasures." He chuckled as he they walked up a flight of stairs to the rooftop where a Falcom-X32 VTOL jet sat on one of two helipads.

The Falcon VTOL series were a line of VTOL jets designed to replace private helicopters for the elite. With larger space and speeds four times as fast as the fastest helicopters, it was no wonder more high personnel were switching to the new versions.

James climbed into the carrier and sat opposite Ayumi who was flanked by two Genaco guards.

A few minutes after they took off, James took out a tennis-sized ball from his pocket and started squeezing it as he looked at Ayumi. "Before we get to the compound, there is something you should know. As you are now, you are several weeks behind training. If we go the orthodox route, you might never catch up to Suzuki and friends. Of course, that means you will not be able to participate in the same kind of activities."

Ayumi's gaze hardened. "Get to the point."

"Heh, you're no fun." James pouted, but then, "Catch." He suddenly lobbed the ball at Ayumi.

The young woman predictably reached out one hand to grab the falling ball.

"I would not use one hand if I were you."

Ayumi frowned, but she was the kind of person to parse information quickly and act on it. Without taking the time to wonder why, she placed her right hand under her left, before catching the ball.

"Nngh!" Ayumi unwittingly groaned as she felt her arms nearly crash to the floor. Fortunately, the seatbelt kept her up due to the sudden tug, saving her from too much embarrassment. The young woman took a deep breath as she sat upright, ignoring the schadenfreude in the guards' eyes. Instead, she took a curious look at the small ball which felt like carrying a 50kg barbell. She tried to squeeze the ball but was shocked to find she could not make the slightest dent in its shape. 'What insane tensile strength!'

Ayumi was shocked, but not overwhelmed by the ball's existence. She had seen many similar things happen in King's Journey and L.N.E. People with sufficient strength could easily squeeze some items, but those same items would seem as hard as iron to those with insufficient strength.

The only thing was: could humans have that amount of strength disparity? Ayumi was certain that even the strongest body builders would have a very hard time squeezing the ball in her hand.

As if sensing her disbelief, the guard to her right took the ball from her hand and squeezed, compressing the ball and making several parts pop out between his fingers, proving it was indeed some sort of elastic material. It was just much tougher than anything Ayumi had experienced.

Fortunately, James did not intend to keep her in the dark for too long. "Most trainees can freely deform that ball to their will. They are many times stronger than your average baseline human. As I said, you started too late. By the time you catch up with this level, they would have gone even farther. Do you want to wait that long?"

Ayumi frowned. This was the second time. Do I want to wait that long? James was asking a question to which they both knew there was only one answer. "Do not waste our time." Ayumi coldly stated. "Do what you must. I followed you to train to survive. I shall do whatever that entails."

James softly chuckled. "It's indeed much easier working with smart people." He accepted a syringe filled with a purple liquid from a guard, and then leaned forward and took Ayumi's hand. "This is your last chance. There's no going back once I inject this. Not until everything's over."

James looked at Ayumi's frosty gaze and chuckled. "As you wish. Hold on, this might sting a bit." With those words, he stuck the needle into her arm, and squeezed.

"Ngh." Ayumi scowled as a burning heat seared up her arm. Were it not for a few experiences she had accompanying Razznik on self-mutilating training sessions, she would have screamed out loud. The pain was unbearable! It was like an army of soldier ants had been let loose within her veins. They bit and tore everything in their path in the hopes of rebuilding it in their image.

Sweat pooled on the young woman's face and her breath shortened. She found it increasingly difficult to maintain her sanity as the pain exponentially increased with every passing second.

Fortunately, Ayumi did not have to endure much longer. A sedative mixed within the medicinal cocktail soon kicked in, and she fell into a dreamless slumber.

Within the silent VTOL, James' smile faltered for the briefest of seconds. "I'm sorry," he muttered, as he looked at the sleeping teenager. "This is a burden no one should have to bear, but we must rely on you all."

With those words, James leaned back, and looked out the windows as the VTOL disappeared within the vast night sky.

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