The Creations [Getting Rewrit...

Galing kay NaniSoreh

132 11 0

(The whole story is currently getting rewritten, maybe we can wait until August 9, 2024) Mysterious world, my... Higit pa

Volume 1 - Drawn to Hatred
Chapter 1 - The Cruel World of Horrors
Chapter 2 - The Demon's Domain
Chapter 3 - It's Mysteriously Silent
Chapter 4 - Demon in the name of devil
Chapter 5 - In the Backrooms
Chapter 6 - The Shady Grey
Chapter 7 - Greed and Power
Chapter 9 - A Way Out
Chapter 10 - Payback
Chapter 11 - Thorn

Chapter 8 - Hand of Titan

13 0 0
Galing kay NaniSoreh

September 29, 2024, 4:51 PM

It was a beautiful day, blue sky, and white clouds.
The same school where Raphael Sianturi studies is currently busy as one of the classrooms are about to end their lesson. It was Sunday but since their lessons were too long for this week so they had to make a class on Sunday.
A girl on the middle row, being next to the window, kept looking out of the window, watching the blue sky outside as she can also see her own reflection, showing her black long hair, her brown eyes and a frown on her face, her skin is too pale while her body is quite thin while being almost short (about only 150 cm).

As what it looks like, this girl is such a shy and quite a nerdy person, being bullied at most times, mostly during lunch and at the end of the school day.
The black-haired girl then noticed someone staring at her on the reflection, giving her a sadistic smile as the girl only sighed in response.


5:03 PM

Just right after coming out of the classroom, the poor black-haired girl was then forced to go to a garden area which people rarely went.
"Hey, Anny, tell me... when are you going to stop acting like a freak?" one of the girls that are bullying the girl named Anny said as the rest of the group laughed right before Anny was pushed by one of them, making Anny fall on her back, hitting a wall on her back, making the girls laugh at this.

"How's that now, freak? No one's going to save you!" one of the girls said as they all laughed. "Oh, there's actually someone saving her!" another female voice was heard on the girls' left, making them look at the girl with long blond hair and blue eyes, wearing a black jacket, the only girl in this school who's not wearing a skirt, glaring at the girls.
"Tsk, there's the other freak... hm, well, you got lucky this time, Anny" one of the girls said as they started walking away, laughing and doing what they want while walking.
The blond-haired girl then approached Anny taking out her right hand while giving Anny a warming smile as soon as Anny looked up at the girl.
"Did they hurt you somewhere else?" the girl asked as Anny shyly took the girl's hand, using it to stand her up while grunting.

"No... they only pushed me there, nothing else happened" Anny replied before the girl suddenly started inspecting Anny's face, looking for any bruise which made Anny yelp a bit, blushing because of how close they are right now.
"L-Liz?" Anny said while saying the name of the girl, Liz.
"Aha!" Liz energetically said. "Your left ear is red so that means you were dragged and forced to go here, does it hurt?" Liz said, asking at the end.
"Y-yes it does but i-it's no big deal, Liz! It's alright!" Said Anny, stumbling or stuttering on her words, smiling nervously.
"Eh, alright, if you say so... want me to walk you home?" Liz asked as Anny suddenly started shaking her head.
"N-not happening!" Anny shyly shouted. "Why? It- "Liz was interrupted by Anny suddenly started shyly shaking her head again and again and again while saying "no" repeatedly as Liz only chuckled at this.


5:23 PM

After Anny tried to not let Liz walk her home, Liz didn't bother listening and continued walking Anny home as Anny kept looking down on the ground while walking on the sidewalk while Liz is having a closed eyes smile on her face.
"Um- Liz... I... I want to thank you for... protecting me from the people that keeps bullying me and..." Anny kept pausing on her words as Anny couldn't even contain an eye contact to Liz.
"It's no problem at all!" Liz said. "I-It is! I've always been being bullied by everyone and you're the only one who sto- "Anny stopped talking once Anny just looked up at Liz, seeing her smiling at Anny, literally looking at her. By this, Anny's shyness took over her again, looking away and stopped talking which made Liz chuckle a bit.
"You really need to do something to your social anxiety and shyness, those things kept on holding you back from telling everyone how you feel." Said Liz as she kept on smiling at Anny who's still looking away.

"It's... not my fault that I have social anxiety and shyness... the people are the reason why I'm like this... they don't like people like me, the world basically rejects me- "


'The world basically rejects me' Jero thought to themselves while looking at Billy and Lindy who are playing on the living room, sitting next to Acel on the sofa.
'The strong will always reject the weak.' Jero continued to think to themselves.


"I really want to say so many things..." Anny continued to explain to Liz.


'...but it's too hard since I know people won't listen because of who I am' Jero continued to think to themselves.


"...I hope you understand me." Anny is done explaining Liz as Liz has her lips parted after this, being shocked on how Anny finally showed her thoughts about the world and all as Liz smiled once again.
"I'm proud of you, you finally said it" Liz said while touching Anny's shoulder which startled Anny a bit, making her yelping a bit.

"I understand your thoughts, Anny, it's okay." Said Liz, patting Anny's shoulder as Anny just shyly looked away.
"So... anything new with your powers thing?" Liz asked. Anny then looked at her right hand while they kept walking.
"Nothing really interesting... it's just me changing size or something like that" Anny replied.
"I mean, yeah... it's kind of a weird magic to have you know? You can manipulate your own size without even knowing what Square Cube Law is." Said Liz.
'What's Square Cube Law?' Anny thought to herself.

After walking in silence for a while, the two then started hearing panicking echoing around the city as sirens of the police cars are also heard as Anny and Liz started looking around, seeing some people running away, coming from west, running to the east. 

The two then started running towards where the people are running away from, hearing some people talking about half human people fighting a monster. The two continued to run towards where the people are running away from before they suddenly arrived right where the big monster has collapsed. A red lightning suddenly struck the monster and a girl as soon as the two just arrived, making a big strong wind which blew the two away.


"Jero, you've got stronger than before, that was impressive... but I still want you to get stronger than that... this is just the beginning of the end" the boss said before disappearing out of sight, leaving the two being shocked by this.

Jero and Acel then quickly stood up, seeing some portals being opened as monsters and demons came out of them just for them to start hurting or killing humans, Acel quickly used her tentacles to start stabbing and throwing them away using the tentacles while Jero used their claws on their left hands while also using their shadow ability.
"I don't think they will end since they are just going to get revived by the so called "core" again, and I know that they're all over the place now" Acel said, stopped bothering about the monsters as Jero also stopped.
"Come on! Let's just save these people instead of just killing these creatures!" Said Acel before running towards some of the survivors, jumping away to put them on a rooftop for a while for her to keep doing this again, Jero just watched with their eyes being widened.
"Now she's aware about that now" Jero said before helping Acel out.


Since Billy found a safe place where there's no demons and monsters around, Mike, Lindy, and Billy kept letting people in the television to let them in the safe place that he found as Mike and Lindy kept on preventing monsters and demons from getting the humans by Mike firing his gun to them while Lindy using her tentacles but there are times that they are not fast enough to save the ones who are getting eaten as they could only just grit their teeth in regret.

Billy just kept on letting people in the safe place as he can't even start fighting the monsters and demons because of how he has to guard the television or the entrance.
"We should let them in this safe place first before more police or soldiers will come and save these people!" Said Billy while he keeps letting people in while Mike and Lindy are busy fighting the creatures.
"Yeah! We can't even think of anything else because of how many they are!" Lindy replied while struggling to move her tentacles because of how many the creatures are that went on her way.

Sooner or later, shadow tentacles suddenly appeared from above to start choking the monsters and devils that are trying to get the humans, Lindy, Billy, and Mike all looked up to see Jero and Acel being on top of a small building as they noticed that they also saved multiple people.


Acel, Mike, Lindy, and Billy continued letting people in the television that leads in to the safe place that Billy found while Jero is just making distance from the group and the humans, looking around if there's any monsters and demons around that will try to attack the humans, not wanting to talk to people since they still have social anxiety towards the ones who they don't even know.
"The people in my apartment are also there." Said Acel while smiling before walking towards Jero.
"Come on, let's keep finding some survivors." Said Acel as Jero slowly nodded.

Jero after jumping up a small building, landing on the rooftop, they kept running around the rooftop while looking down on the street, inside the windows, houses, and everywhere for a survivor, it has been about 3 minutes since they've been running around the rooftops of every building that they jump on as they now started panting, stopped running for a while.
"My stamina is still not improved yet..." they said while panting, looking down on the ground before sitting on the edge of the rooftop.

"I can sense 5 survivors around there but I can sense Acel going exactly where they are so they're safe." They said loudly while looking on their right while still panting heavily.
"8 more survivors on that building... being untouched by the monsters and demons." They once again spoke as they kept on panting.
They looked down on the ground, closing their eyes, still not getting over with themselves being actually this weak as they started remembering two people from their memories, remembering the two glaring at Jero.

Sooner or later, the ground started shaking and a single second thud was heard, making Jero open their eyes and look at the little rubbles on the floor of the rooftop, seeing them shaking once a thud once again heard, shaking the ground again.
Jero doesn't look scared, surprised, or angry about this as they started looking around the area after a third thud was heard, standing up and circling around the rooftop, looking around for something.

Once another thud was heard, Jero then knew where it came from as they slowly turned around, seeing a girl with long black hair and brown eyes, pale skin, being shy and all... being big, only about 50 meters tall... a giant girl around the city.
Jero is just looking at the girl with their expressionless face while their hair started getting blown by the hot wind.

"Liz Masayahin... Anny..." is what Jero said while looking at the 50 meters tall Anny, while also seeing Liz on Anny's left shoulder, quite enjoying being on her shoulder.
"If you think this is weird... I assure you... everything in this world is always weird." They spoke to themselves while glaring straight to the readers for about 2 seconds while hearing whispers on their head, familiar whispers, mostly a female voice, saying "There's more out there" repeatedly before walking away from the rooftop.


Fires are around the city; glasses are all breaking as bloods are around the street while the sky along with the atmosphere turned all red as the clouds are dark black. A person was then picked up by a leech monster as he started screaming for help until a red tentacle stabbed the leech monster, blood splattering once the red tentacle released from its stomach.

People are around the street, panicking as most of them are now getting killed by the monsters and demons as it was almost too late for Mike and Lindy kill the monsters that are attacking the humans, quickly telling them to go to the television that Billy is guarding.

Jero continued to find survivors around, avoiding to start running since they have low stamina while making distance from Anny for a while but still seeing her outside the windows of the buildings that they are in because of her size.
After finding around the buildings for a while, they then got distracted of their right hand being gone and being covered by new pairs of bandages, softly touching to bandages with their left hand as they looked at it with their sad look on their face.
A hand suddenly touched Jero's left shoulder which started Jero, quickly turning around, seeing Acel without her eyepatch, smiling at Jero.
"Oh! Sorry if I scared you?" Jero didn't look relaxed after this. "Acel... how's the people inside the place that Billy found?" Jero asked. "Oh, they're fine, just fine... just... I was finding you around since there's not really anything that I could find anymore." Replied Acel while smiling brightly to Jero.

Jero kept on staring at Acel, giving her a glare, which made Acel get uncomfortable. "What's with that look on you face, Jero?" Acel asked. "You look like you don't trust me at all." Acel continued.

Jero kept giving Acel a death glare as the upper half of their face is getting covered by the shadow of their hair while their red and purple pupils are glowing, making them visible as Acel can see that they are glaring at her.
"I trust Acel... but she doesn't just- "

Jero then used their shadow magic to create a shadow tentacle before they could even continue their sentence, using it to slash Acel horizontally as bloods splattered around the area, also getting splattered around Jero as they didn't move a single muscle as they did this, still glaring at Acel being cut in half.

"She doesn't just take her eyepatch out in public" Jero said with their monotonic voice as they watched the upper body of Acel collapse on the floor. "She just smiles at me whenever both of us are alone." Jero continued before raising their right foot, using it to stomp or step on the head of Acel as the bloods and brains splattered around. 

"I already know who Acel is and you can't even trick me..." Jero continued as they kept glaring at the corpse.
"Shape Devil" Said Jero with their monotone voice.

Later after that, Jero then started hearing a laughing voice from the corpse that Jero is glaring at.
"That was rather impressive, Anjero." The shape devil said while the 'Acel' that Jero killed is started to change its shape, turning the normal skin into a bloody sticky flesh as mouths and eyes grew out of the flesh as the bigger mouth smiled at Jero, showing its dirty yellow big teeth.
"However, I will still make you play a game with me... it's called h- " before the shape devil could finish his sentence, Jero once again used their shadow magic, creating a purple knife on their left hand, using it to stab one of the eyes of the shape devil after they quickly dashed forwards to the shape devil, fast enough for an eye as if they just teleported instead of dashing.
"I already know every game that you always wanted to play." Said Jero while they kept burying the knife inside the eyes of the monster, not minding about the blood stains on the sleeve of the jacket as the monster kept screaming in pain.
"You can't even defeat me anymore if I already know your every movement." They said before both of their pupils turned red while their sclera turned all black, glaring at the shape devil.
"Leave me alone and kill yourself, after getting revived, kill yourself again, again and again and again until my friends and I will go to the realm of monsters and destroy the horn of the core so that you will die peacefully" Jero said as they kept on glaring at the monster while the monster's eyes are now shaking while his smile turned into a frown, being scared of this short cat person.
"Now, run away before I will kill you myself." Jero said before letting go of the knife inside of one of the eyes of the monster, just letting the knife stay inside the shape while the shape quickly went out of the window in fear as Jero just watched him do this.
"Not a threat anymore, huh?" Jero asked while they kept looking at the monster running away in fear.

"Interesting... you have much knowledge aboutpeople like us, you're much impressive than I thought you would be." A female voice was heard inside Jero's head, a sadistic familiar voice as Jero touchedtheir head.

"So that means I also know what your goal is, you want to destroy my head until I couldn't even take it so that I could kill myself, that's it and nothing else" Jero said before taking their left hand off their head as the voice inside of their head pouted.
"Aw, come on, that was going as planned, you know?" She said, pouting. "You're the reason why I'm like this" Jero said right before they noticed a big shadow casting over them.

"Um, excuse me?" A female shy voice was heard outside the window as Jero turned around, seeing a gigantic face outside the window as she quickly stood away from the window a bit as soon as Jero turned around.
"Um, uh... are you... perhaps one of those monsters that are invading our planet now? You look like one though" Anny asked shyly as Liz stands up on Anny's left shoulder, putting both of her hands on her hips.
"Yeah! She's going to crush you into pieces just like the ones that she just killed!" Liz shouted while giving Jero an energetic smile.
"L-Liz! Don't just- that's embarrassing!" Anny shyly covered her face.

Jero has their lips parted while listening to the two as they closed their lips after a while, walking towards the broken windows, walking towards to the two as Anny got herself ready if Jero's going to do something.
Jero then sat down on the window once they stopped on the edge, doing an Indian sit as they looked at Anny with their expressionless face.
"I'm not a threat like most of them... I know in this world that it will be hard to believe those words but..." they paused for a moment before letting out their left hand.
"I have friends that are like me out there and are rescuing people while waiting for the police and soldiers to come but we still don't see any of them by now... I think we need the two of you to join us..." they explained as they kept letting their left hand out for a handshake just for Liz to accept the handshake.
"Fine, we're going to believe you only if you show us your friends." Liz said while looking away from Jero as Jero's eyes are widened by this... right before they gave a grateful smile to Liz.
"Thanks" is what Jero said.


Acel are now leading people that she found the way while being chased by multiple monsters, to prevent them from getting the humans, she then started using her tentacles, stabbing and impaling them with her white tentacles as they are now getting near to the destination on where they're going.
Once they've arrived, they then noticed a gigantic girl being near the place where the television is as Acel and the others stared up at her while also noticing another girl on her left shoulder.
Billy and the others then let the people in the televisions as some of them hesitated at first.
"Who are these two?" Acel asked while looking up to the giant girl and the girl on her shoulder.
"These are Anny and Liz Masayahin, both of them are... humans according to Anny... she considers herself as a human." Jero answered as seeing Liz wave happily to them as Acel just slightly waved back.

"Huh, interesting..." Acel said. "As what they told me, Anny can manipulate her size as she found this power when she was around 5 years old as Liz is the only one who knows about this power ever since they've known each other." Jero explains further as Anny puts her left hand down to let Liz slide down her arm so that she could land on the ground right before Anny manipulates her own size, shrinking herself to her normal size.

"Are there any more survivors out there?" Jero asked Acel. "I don't think so, these are the last ones that I found" Acel replied right before another leech monster started coming towards them, hitting its body to the buildings, roaring and all.
"Quick, we need to get in this thing!" Acel shouted before Billy, Lindy, and Mike quickly came in the television, Acel then came in afterwards as Jero just stood there for a bit.
"It's only the beginning of the end, you say?" They asked to themselves before slowly walking towards the televisions, being extremely calm about the monster out there.
"Well, I'd rather say that it's only the beginning of the story here" they said before getting in the television before the monster could destroy the television.



The group then found themselves being in an elegant looking ballroom place as everyone except Jero couldn't do anything but just stare at the walls and the details of this gigantic elegant room.
"I don't recognize any place like in our country." Said Acel as she and her group kept on looking around along with the humans.
"Well, that means we're in a different country now." Jero said while looking at the gigantic windows, seeing the red sky outside and black clouds, seeing that the sky is getting much darker, meaning that it's now evening, around 6pm already.
"We can all rest in this place, tomorrow, we need to find some foods around the city of this place and perhaps the seven of us are also going to train our powers and bodies" Mike announced loudly as he then faced the people that they saved.
"You can now all rest! We assure you that you are in good hands!" Mike continued as the people listened to him, finding a spot on where they can sleep and rest after everything that happened just now while some are still crying over the deaths of their loved and cared ones.


7:09 PM

It was a cold night inside the place that they're staying in.

Some people are now sleeping, most of the people are still awake, still not getting over with what's going on right now as most of them are traumatized, resting while being safe and sound.
Billy and Lindy as usual are playing on their own games while Mike is just sitting on a wall, looking down while closing his eyes, just waiting for himself to sleep as Anny and Liz are just sitting next to each other, waiting for something to happen.
Acel is now sitting near the gigantic door behind her, yawning and being tired, can't help but notice Jero standing on the left side of the room, just staring up at the gigantic windows, staring at the dark red sky and black clouds almost covering the moon out there.

"Jero..." Acel called out for Jero with her tired voice as Jero slowly turned around to look at her, just for Acel to see their emotionless face while their pupils are both blue.
"You're not going to rest or anything?" Acel asked just for that question to get unanswered as Jero kept staring at Acel.

Later enough, Jero then started walking towards Acel, crouching near her as Acel tilts her head in confusion.
"Is your body tired enough to stand up?" Jero asked, whispering to her left ear as Acel shivers once she listens to their whispering, soft, and monotonic voice.
"My body still can stand and walk, I'm still not tired enough, what's the matter?" Acel replied.
"I hate crowds... I don't like people... I hate being in here" said Jero while looking down as Acel looked at the people that they saved as she remembers about Jero's social anxiety.


After getting out of the gigantic and elegant place. Acel and Jero then both jumped up the building on where they were staying from, finding a spot where they could see the moon above them, sitting on the edge.
"The moon will always be beautiful even at this state" Acel said.
Both of them stared up at the moon, seeing how beautiful it is as Jero just kept being quiet which Acel noticed.
"Jero?" Acel called out for Jero, making them slowly look at their left to look at Acel.
"You've been quiet ever since we've got here, anything wrong?" Acel asked as both of them only kept staring at each other. After moments of silence, Jero then looked away, finally opening their mouth.
"What do you think of me, Acel?" Jero asked, finally having an emotion in their voice... a sad one as Acel just looked worried to them. "You're... a mysterious person, Jero, you hide too many secrets but I know it's hard for you to tell them but still wanted to tell those secrets to everyone. I don't think you're a bad person... you're a good person..." Acel replied just for the both of them to encounter a moment of silence again.
"Those are lies, right?" Jero asked. "No, I'm telling the truth" Acel replied.
"You are lying." Jero said while smiling but Acel knows that this is a fake smile as she looks even more worried. "Jero, I am not lying at all..."

A moment of silence once again got encountered as Jero kept staring up the moon. "What if I tell you that I hate myself?" Jero asked as Jero slowly looked at Acel. "What will you do if I tell you that I tried to kill myself multiple times?" Jero once again asked.
"Did you really..." Acel couldn't finish her sentence after this. "Because those were true... I truly hate myself, Acel." They said as tears started forming on their eyes. "I attempted suicide so many times even when I was 9 years old after regretting what I did during elementary school and..." Jero paused as they kept crying.
"I always think I've always been a slave of something" Jero said as they tried to stop crying.

Acel then dragged herself to the right, getting closer to Jero while sitting. "You're not a bother to me, Jero, you're the one who make me happy." This made Jero look at Acel with their tears running down their cheeks. "I will always be on your side, Jero, I will always protect you." After this, they once again encountered a moment of silence.

After a while, Jero then suddenly stood up, looking down on the roof before facing Acel, walking and crouches towards her, making Acel confused.
"Promise?" Jero asked. "I promise, I will always protect you."

After this, Jero then used their left hand to touch Acel's cheek which made Acel gasp, widening both of her eyes as Jero leans forward to her.

Acel, eyes widened, breathing heavily, and cheeks heated up. Jero, closed eyes, ears flattened on their head, tail waggling around, being calm but opposite on the inside.

Acel's lips have finally touched the lips of Jero, Jero giving Acel a passionate kiss from their mouth to hers... after seconds of widened her eyes, Acel kisses Jero back, closing her eyes as the moon just shines above them.

Both of them then broke the kiss after a minute of kissing as Acel is just breathing heavily while blushing a lot, trying to hide her cheek with her left hand while Jero just kept looking down.
"I love you." Jero confessed which made Acel blush even more.
"H-hey! It's not like- um..." Acel couldn't finish her sentence as she kept looking at Jero, seeing how scared they are after the kiss.

"I... I love you too, Jero... I... oh shit, this is... um..." Acel kept on stumbling on her words as Jero started chuckling at this.
"H-hey! It's not funny at all!" Acel shouted. "So, that's how it feels like watching someone stumble on their words instead of me doing that" Jero said while chuckling as Acel pouted.



She will always protect Jero...

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