evergreen ↠ harry styles ✓

By hesasnowflake

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[Neither of them promised forever, yet it hurt all the same.] River Hamilton cannot afford to fall for just a... More



1K 38 88
By hesasnowflake

+ + +


River Hamilton ended up with a photo of Harry Styles on her phone.

A photo that she had taken of him. Voluntarily.

It seemed almost normal to do what she had done at the café they met at and she had no regrets. In fact, as she looked back on this image of him, she couldn't help but grin like a fool. In her defence, it was an amusing picture. Harry had hit his limit for caffeine that day, or so he had reasoned, when he decided to tilt his mug back completely by balancing it purely on his face. At the time, it caused River to break out in a fit of giggles and the two women, around River's age, seemed to find it equally funny.

Well, it was that, or they thought her reaction was adorable to what they assumed her boyfriend did.

Regardless of the mistake strangers in public establishments made, they continued on talking about nothing at all for hours. It was nine in the evening when the owner came out and kindly asked them if they were finished as they wished to close.

River didn't remember the last time she tipped quite so much after grabbing a coffee.

Once they dropped Harry off at home, Anthony didn't proceed to ask anything of River. The grin on the chauffeur's face communicated things that seemed better off left unsaid.

+ + +

The promise she made Harry now weighed on River like bags of rocks pulling her to the ground. Dorian kindly moved his team meeting to accommodate River in his schedule so now she was at the hospital, in her brother's office, and waited for him to appear.

When door opened, it had done so with Dorian already in motion to announce his arrival. "The next hour and thirty minutes are yours. How are you?"

River kept her attention on her brother as he situated himself in his leather chair, the furniture tailored to his back to support him where he constantly complained about pain. Dorian seemed his usual-self which was cheerful and confident. If he had problems or anything that bothered him, River couldn't tell right away.

She decided she wanted to leave it for another day.

Today was about something else. Someone else.

"I'm well," she brushed over the niceties and added right away, "It is in my best interest to provide help for... a friend," she chose her words with careful fingers, sure to keep it vague but direct enough to understand. "Previously, you helped me get someone in touch with a professional, and I'd like you to do this again."

Dorian glanced up from his desk, chin rested against his closed fist. At first, River assumed he wouldn't answer as he barely moved anything—except his eyes, of course—though thankfully, he only appeared to think on an answer.

"Juliette McAllister is not the type of friend you need around, River," he scolded her with a sternness that she would've expected from their father. Although, for that to ever happen, River supposed, the said father should most likely be available for his children. She shook the thought from her mind quickly enough as Dorian continued. "You know this yet you keep her around. Your loyalty is your downfall."

Certainly not the first time nor the first person who'd told her this.

"I mentioned no name yet you assumed this was about her," River replied after a second of consideration. "I can assure you, brother, this is not about Juliette. In fact, I haven't seen her since the McAllister Fundraiser—to which you sent your apologies. I know for a fact you were at Cloaked but you don't hear me giving you a hard time for it, do you?"

Cloaked was one of the many places where the Hamiltons frequented. Perhaps their generational membership had something to do with it, though regardless, the point wasn't their connection to the speakeasy.

Dorian's eyebrows were furrowed as he took River in, tasted the harshness of her words. It was obvious that her brother didn't expect her in his office today but again, River had to refocus. The reason she came was bigger than her relationship with Dorian. That could be tackled any day. The responsibility she felt to aid Harry and his brother felt... heavier.

"I would like your help for someone else, someone who will do anything to get this help but is unfortunately unable due to whatever it is that places them on a waitlist. It's extremely frustrating to know that people who need and want help cannot get it in time, while those who can blink and receive it do nothing with it."


"The only thing I need from you is a phone number. I will pay if they have to go private, though I'd prefer to keep it to myself. It is not something they would accept but I will not let financial problems be the reason why this person cannot get the treatment they deserve," she stood her ground as the words poured from her mouth, honest and determined. River leaned forward and flicked her soft curls behind her back, freeing the strapped pieces from between her back and chair. Comfortably sat again, she added, "I'm not asking for answers just help. You've done it once, and I would like you to do it again."

"Juliette seemed ready to accept treatment hence my lack of hesitation," he continued to be difficult as he settled against his chair and stared at River. "You appear out of nowhere and demand help for someone whose name I do not know, nor their relation to you."

"I don't understand why you are looking this close into matters when I could've easily gone over your head and sought help from someone else," the words were almost venomous as they flew from River's lips, they burned her tongue and left a charred taste behind. Something took over control and she lost sight of who she was, nevermind who she was addressing.

"I am looking into matters this close because I am your brother and I am looking out for you," he explained, cool and clear headed as always. It ticked River off. She felt like he chose to attack her for wanting to help Harry, even though Dorian had no idea it was Harry. "It worries me that you are here, once again, asking for professional help for someone who is dealing with substance abuse. Wouldn't it make you question if the roles were reversed?"

A long exhale later, River said, "Perhaps I shouldn't dissect whatever it is that you are suggesting right now."

"Perhaps we should dissect it seeing as you have no issue engaging in certain activities yourself," he proposed, very much interested in this topic as opposed to the one River wished to discuss. "I'm almost afraid to ask if you are keeping yourself in check these days but I feel I must."

Silence filled with tension until it nearly overpoured. The Hamiltons refused to tear their eyes from one another, a silent challenge for dominance in relation to a conversation which always bothered Dorian. Of course, River knew. Her eldest brother never approved of her occasional drug use but then he would've been a fool to not worry.

"I do not owe you an explanation."

"Perhaps," Dorian agreed. "I would prefer it if you did give one."

"This is not why I'm here," she argued. It didn't make sense why River chose to be so defensive. This conversation could've been resolved in a matter of seconds if he chose to be honest and told Dorian of her lack of fun these days. Something in her directed her otherwise. "If you are unable to provide the help I need—no problem. Tell me and I will figure it out."

But of course, Dorian Hamilton was much too protective of River and she knew this. As much as she played into it, she meant what she said all the same. If Dorian failed to support her, River would seek help from someone else.

"This is the last time I am doing this," he told her before he moved a muscle. Eyes strained on her as he examined the way she reacted—did not move, did not breathe, her heart might've stopped for a moment—then gave a small head shake. The sign of disapproval that River knew very well, but not because of how much she misbehaved in life. Rather the opposite. Rarely, if ever, did she do anything to be granted such a response so when it happened, the movement engraved itself into her brain. "This is my good friend from university," he spoke while he rummaged through his drawer. A quick moment passed before he flicked the card between his index and middle finger. "I will find out whatever it is I may need to find out if I think you are in trouble. There is no such thing as doctor-patient confidentiality when I have seen the contents of this man's stomach and seen body parts of him I never should have done."

A threat. Nothing more, nothing less. Protective, yes but also something to scare River and she knew this. Not that she would ever do anything to grant this warning.

River took some time to breathe, to rearrange her heated thoughts. "You have known me for twenty-eight years. The worst thing I have done in my life has to be stepping on ants on the street. Do you truly believe I would ever do something that could lead to consequences that will haunt me for life, or reflect negatively on our family?"

"I have known you your whole life but only parts that you have shown me and trusted me with," he replied with ease. "I have no knowledge of what you do on a day-to-day basis, who you keep in your company, and I certainly do not wish to keep tabs on you."


"As I have told you moments ago, I am looking out for you because I've noticed a pattern. One that is alarming, given your evening activities from time to time," River was about to say something when Dorian raised a hand, index finger towards the ceiling, and stopped her. "It is none of my business how you choose to have your fun. It is, however, my business when I get a call from someone, telling me you're asking for me, stranded, and out of your mind."

A lecture when River just wanted to snatch the card from him and leave. The sooner she could get the number to Harry, the sooner Christian could get the help he needed. Whether Harry managed to get their business in order was not River's concern in that instant though she knew it had potential to become a problem.

"I appreciate you looking out for me, Dorian," she told him honestly. All three of her brothers had her back in any situation and she loved them for it. "Sometimes, I need it. Other times, I do not. This time is the latter—and I know you don't believe me. I'm uncertain why but your face proves this," she smiled softly when Dorian exhaled the words from the tip of his tongue. "Juliette may not have taken the help I offered, or had done much with it, but this person—he is related to a g-good friend of mine. I know this," she waved the name card that Dorian had passed over to her, "Will not go to waste."

+ + + 

Stress gathered as dark clouds in River's head, nothing more than the usual responsibilities she had beneath her belt. The like of a funeral was not ideal and certainly her least favourite event but it was something she'd have to attend. If not because of whose funeral it was then definitely because of her loyalty to Mila Forbes.

Mila had been the only thing on River's mind for days after she learned the news of Mrs Forbes's passing but she seemed to have too much on her plate to spare a moment and visit. Mila locked up and refused to answer anything to anyone—Aaliyah had gone over to Mila's house and she received no response. It was safe to say that River and Aaliyah were worried.

Whilst Alfie, Mila's fiancé, gave them an update it wasn't the same as if it would've come from the friend herself.

"You've barely touched your lunch."

"I had a meeting this morning and picked up some food there," River explained with a soft smile, one of a ghost, one that Charlie must've been familiar with already. Usually, this hour she spent with him was everything River needed to relax and get out of her mind but on that day, the only thing she could think about was the card in her bag, practically burning itself through the material.

Charlie nodded and continued to cut up a bite. "How is Mila and her family? I heard the news."

"They're grieving," she said simply. What else was there to discuss about this? Whilst Charlie didn't have bad intentions with this question, River didn't know what he expected to hear.

"As expected, I suppose," he concluded with a sigh and he straightened his back as he took a bite. Charlie paid no mind to those who gave him looks of lust as they passed their table. River never paid attention to it because she didn't care, though she found it interesting how people had no shame in their actions. "Are you excited to go back to Oxford for the graduation?"

River chuckled softly. Right. The graduation ceremonies. "I am. It is always nice to see everyone there."

"Your father proposed I take you to the winter ball," he spared the news shortly afterwards, his voice gave away how much he couldn't care about the matter.

On the other hand, River felt almost offended by his attitude. The ball that Oxford planned annually for their alumni to raise money for a chosen foundation was extremely vital. Everyone in River's family had gone to Oxford and it was a tradition that they attended together. To learn that Dexter wanted his only daughter to appear on someone else's arm, without her family, made her furious on the inside.

"We will attend the graduation ceremonies together as opposed to the ball," the finality in River's tone was crystal clear. There was no room for debate and Charlie certainly knew better than to try and force some.

"You can tell your father about this decision," he smirked as he passed the hot ball into River's hands. Much too afraid of Dexter Hamilton, Charlie never was one to take some responsibility and stand up for himself—or River.

"I will," she confirmed. "I might also advise him to keep his hands out of our business since I don't appreciate him giving me plans that affect more than me."

"Your father is a hardworking man, and he only wants the best for you."

River didn't want to respond by saying and that's you? Because the implications of such a comment were not worth it. In fact, once upon a time, River believed that statement to be true. When she had no knowledge of love, when she had no idea what she could want in life, who she could have if feelings developed into something entirely else.

The rest of the lunch went by in a blur. Charlie had plenty of gossip to share, things that were of no interest to River. Maybe once she would've sat on the edge of her seat and ate from the palm of Charlie's hand to know more of what was going on but today, as she eventually finished her meal, she realised she did not care for this.

Drama had no relevance to her. Not this sort of information—who cheated on with their personal trainer or their chef, which one of Charlotte Clay's brothers got arrested for public indecency. As nice as it was to be updated on the comings and goings of the world, ultimately, they contributed nothing to River Hamilton's life, to the things she wanted to accomplish, the things that made her heart sing.

Things like helping those who needed her aid.

The worst lunch she ever spent with Charlie was over and she couldn't get out fast enough. A day had gone by since she made her promise to Harry and she couldn't get it out of her mind. The blood in her veins buzzed like it would after consuming alcohol, it lit something on fire within her to have this... purpose, this... connection to Harry.

River sat across from Charlie for a good hour and all she could see were the differences between him and Harry. How Charlie didn't lean to one side more than the other. How he didn't press his lips into a tight line when he smiled but rather grinned like a Cheshire cat. Charlie didn't order a water with his lunch. Charlie didn't look at her like he could see inside her head. There were none of those feelings she usually had around Harry—the tightening of her stomach, the constant quirking of her lips, the calm that settled over her once she smelled his perfume. There was no room for questions about things that River didn't know, absolutely no curiosity in her to get to know Charlie more.

It felt wrong. An hour wasted. River had grown frustrated as she thought through her feelings and genuinely believed she needed to get in touch with her psychiatrist.

Instead, when she got home, barely a foot in the door, her father chose to summon her to his office immediately. Dexter sounded slightly fed up, though River couldn't recall a time when her father was truly happy.

"I wasn't aware you and Mother have made it back from Toronto," River began the conversation with an opener that sat on her tongue from the moment she learnt her father was home. He sat behind his mahogany desk with one lamp lit in the corner of the office to his right—River's left—and another next to his computer. The fact that Dexter wore a cashmere jumper meant that he had been home for much longer than River initially concluded.

"The conference finished ahead of schedule," he responded with ease, eyes on the screen of his computer for a second longer before he glanced up at River and pulled his glasses from his nose. "River, darling—sit, please," Dexter pointed towards one of the armchairs across from him, now on his feet as he encouraged his daughter to move. "I hear you spent your lunch with Charlie today?"

They both sat now, River with her legs crossed and one elbow propped on the arm of her chair. "I did as I usually do every week. Speaking of which—he mentioned he'd like to take me to the Oxford Ball."

"Oh, that's very kind of him," Dexter agreed as he put on a face, unaware that River knew his arm was elbow deep in this plan.

"Certainly," she agreed. "I proposed we attend the graduation ceremonies together."

If Dexter had a problem with this, he didn't show it. "Was there a reason?"

"Do I truly need one?"

Dexter smiled. Impressed, River noted. "Of course, not, darling. I'll be glad to know you're sitting with us as you usually do."

River gave her father a content smile and a small dip of her chin. The lack of argument from Dexter wasn't anything unusual, though the bags beneath his eyes surprised River. Again, it wasn't unusual to see the exhaustion show physically on her father but he kept himself in shape enough to not let it slip. River's curiosity built but she kept it bottled for now. She already had her suspicions about her brother's marriage, and although they covered it up with smiles and publicly acceptable touches, River didn't believe them for a second.

"Did you want to discuss the conference, or did you need something else from me?" she questioned when the topic of his conversation had yet to make an appearance. It had been a long day, and the following one would prove to be even more difficult. Not that River had a chance to glance at her calendar.

"We can discuss the conference at a later date. I wanted to talk about the Clubhouse."

Harry. That was River's first thought. Alarms sounded in her head as her stomach tightened and dropped completely. All the negative thoughts her brain could comprehend, it did, and punished River for something she wasn't sure she deserved.

"Of course."

Dexter repositioned himself in his chair and propped his elbow on the arm. As River's eyes fell on her father's signet ring on his pinky, it glinted in the light of the room and she subconsciously twisted her own around her index finger.

"With the new business taking up quite so much of my time, as well as your Mother's, we have come to an agreement regarding the—let's just say—ownership and maintenance of the Clubhouse," Dexter began to explain. As the last words sat in the air, he moved forward and placed a file on the desk. "As you are aware, the refurbishment of the hotel has been underway for a few months now, and it is almost complete."

"Yes," River nodded.

"I have travelled more than I anticipated, and therefore haven't been able to keep a close eye on the business, much less the process of the hotel updates," Dexter admitted as he opened the file between them. River's eyes switched between the papers and her father. "You have always seemed to have a soft spot for the place, and with that in mind, me and your Mother want you to take complete control of the Clubhouse."

River guessed this is what he built the conversation up to during his explanation of the situation yet her heart still dropped to the pit of her stomach again. Already familiar with plenty of responsibility, this shouldn't have rendered her face first to the polished parquetted floor, but something about this felt different.

"Why not Dorian or Alden?"

"Dorian is much too busy with the hospital, and growing the consortium, as is Alden with his plans of putting down roots within the motorsport and furthering his own career as a driver," he responded with calculated breaths like he thought this over and as much as her brothers were the first option they were otherwise occupied with their responsibilities. "Your passion for golf, River, it is exceptional. It shines through when you're out there and involved with any aspect of it—whether it be teaching the young ones or discussing developments for the hotel. I believe you will do great things out there, and bring plenty future success to the establishment."

True. True. True. All of it was true. It was unfamiliar to hear the praise from Dexter because it rarely came. When it did, River always felt overwhelmed and needed time to process everything. This instance would be no different.

To buy herself some time, she said, "I have plenty of things to do which I will now have to completely rearrange to make time for the Clubhouse. I would've preferred to be involved in the conversation around taking this on."

"You're a Hamilton. You can do anything, darling," he replied with ease as he sat back against his chair and picked up his mug of tea. River noted the casualness of her father's behaviour and knew that everything he would say from that point would be for the sake of it. Dexter had decided and River needed to accept what she was given and move on. "I did not raise you to complain when such circumstances arise."

"I'm not complaining," she countered. "I'm stating the fact that I now have to move my existing responsibilities around to manage the Clubhouse."

"There is not much to manage if you keep your staff in line," Dexter argued. The look he gave her indicated he remembered something he wished he did not and a second later, River found out about it. "I have heard you developed quite the relationship with the manager there. Is this something that is making you feel reluctant in being in charge?"

"What? No," she nearly spat the words as she defended herself from the not-so-innocent question—accusation. River pushed herself up to sit properly, somehow too comfortable in the armchair by this point, and sniffled before she collected her thoughts. "The manager is fine. As I was made aware, he is Alden's friend therefore I took it up on myself to also get to know him. Is that going to be a problem?" for you. The part she did not add but felt was heard loud enough regardless.

"I am merely aiming to get a sense of why you are deflecting this opportunity quite so much," her father had reasoned and whether it was true or not, River's heart calmed slightly. There was nothing going on between her and Harry yet it felt like she was getting exposed. "Me and your Mother thought you would be ecstatic."

To appeal, River forced herself to smile and added, "I am excited to take on the Clubhouse but I am keen to maintain a healthy well-being, both physically and mentally. I know my limits and I feel I would be pushing it if I took on this opportunity."

A couple of seconds of silence seemed to work wonders for Dexter as he considered River's words. At least, that was what she hoped for, only for this to be broken moments later.

"We are working to get a dinner in everyone's diaries in the coming days to announce this change in leadership within the family. Alden also has some news to share, and since Jax is home for a couple of months from his travels, me and your Mother thought it be best we all sit down and have a nice evening together," he informed her like he read it off of a script. River realised she had no legs to stand on and she sat back down. "I wanted you to know first and have some time to process your new role within the family. If you need additional support, we can look into hiring you an assistant to help keep everything together."

"I'll be fine, thank you," she rejected the offer immediately. The last thing River wanted was for someone else to control her life. She certainly didn't need anyone knowing where she was every minute of every day.

"Very well," Dexter smiled. "These are the papers for the Clubhouse, I would advise having a little look through some of it though I know you are already familiar with most things."

Everything was set in stone, River concluded. Where 'Mr Dexter Hamilton' used to sit was now occupied by 'Miss River Hamilton' on the front page. Although it was no surprise to find everything already amended and confirmed, River would've felt happier to be the one to sign these documents herself. 

+ + +

Happy Friday! 

What a chapter. From Dorian to Charlie to Dexter, it seems men are intent on being complete pains in the ass for River. Speaking of men - she will now be officially Harry's boss! Forced proximity, to an extent hehehe. We didn't get much of Harry but don't worry! He will be back <3

The last chapter of 2022. If you celebrate, I hope you all had a nice Christmas, and wishing you all the best for the New Year! 

I shall see you in 2023 :)

Love, B xx

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