The Enemies

נכתב על ידי 06_C_A_N_24

190 23 106

A sequel to The Bros Love hasn't worked out for him in the past, but meeting the person he can't stand might... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 12

9 1 0
נכתב על ידי 06_C_A_N_24

Liam's POV

In the middle of the night, Liam wakes up to Calvin climbing into bed with him. Making room for him, he scoots towards the wall.

"I didn't mean to wake you up, so don't try to kill me." Calvin pulls him closer and cuddles him. Liam's eyes widen a bit before he relaxes.

"Wow, you're being so nice right now. Did Tommy strangling you change your personality?"

"No, I just wanted to be close to you for a while before I have to leave. We dont have much longer and while I would like to spend that time between your legs, Tom Tom will fucking murder me." Liam laughs and smiles a bit.

"So you're just here for some cuddle time?"

"Yeah, I need to love on you for a bit after that run in with death." Calvin looks at Liam with a smile, rubbing his side lightly. "How are you feeling?"

"Well, I ache a bit, but other than that, I'm feeling really good. I'm happy and you are here with me, so it's all good."

"I think that's the first time you have ever said anything remotely nice about me." Liam softly hits his chest

"I've said other nice things."

"Other than something sexual or something about my body?"

"Oh, yeah, I guess I haven't really said anything nice then. But you do have a lovely body."

"I hate you so much sometimes."

"Nah, you love me."

"Calvin, can we just go to sleep? What time is it, anyway?"

"Um... I think it's like 3am."

"Makes sense. It's the witching hour and the spawn of Satan is in my room." Calvin lightly hits Liam on the shoulder. "Ow! Don't hit me!" Liam pushes Calvin's face away, giggling.

"You're right, though. We should probably go to sleep. We only have two hours." Liam doesn't respond but turns around so that his face is in Calvin's chest. Calvin holds Liam tighter, like he's afraid that everything is going to just disappear if he lets go.

After some time, Calvin drifts off to sleep, but Liam stays wide awake as he enjoys just lying in Calvin's embrace. With his head to Calvin's chest, Liam listens to Calvin's soft breathing, thinking about how much he's going to miss this in just a few short hours. Eventually, Liam finally falls asleep, his breathing slowly matching the rhythm of Calvin's.

Once Liam wakes up in the morning, he feels strangely cold. After a couple of seconds, he realizes that Calvin's arms are no longer around him. In a panic, he sits up and looks around the room. It's too dark to see anything, but he hears quick footsteps moving across the room. Suddenly, arms wrap around him and the warmth returns. "It's alright, I'm still here," Calvin tells Liam in a soothing voice.

"What time is it?"

"It's nearly 5 in the morning. It's almost time to go." Calvin lets go of Liam and moves to turn on the lamp on Liam's nightstand. When the light comes on, he can finally see Calvin again, but it's not the happy or sarcastic Calvin he was hoping to see. Calvin's eyes were red from crying and there were bags under his eyes. The look on his face made Liam's eyes start to tear up. "Please, don't. Don't cry in front of me. If you cry, then it's going to make this so much harder." Liam wipes his eyes, then jumps up, throwing his arms around Calvin.

They hold each other for a few minutes, but then it becomes apparent that they don't have any more time. Liam gets dressed and they head downstairs, where Thomson is already waiting. "Are you ready, Calvin?" Thomson asks him, clearly holding back tears himself.

"Yeah, but let's make one thing clear first," Calvin tries to say in a strong and confident voice. "Neither of you are allowed to cry before I board the plane. If I see you cry, then I don't know if I would be able to go. I have to, though." Liam and Thomson both nod. All three of them head for the door. Thomson helps Calvin put his bag in the trunk, Liam climbing into the back seat. Once his bag was put away, Calvin watched as Thomson got into the driver's seat. Calvin decided to climb into the back and sit next to Liam. They scooted as close together as they could, Calvin's arms around Liam. As they pulled out of the driveway, Liam noticed Thomson was fighting to not give Calvin a dirty look for holding his brother like this.

It only took about 15 minutes to get to the airport. Liam and Thomson went inside with Calvin, wanting to be there when he went to get on his plane. Once they got to the point where Liam and Thomson couldn't go any further, Calvin turned to look at them. "I'm going to miss you guys." Calvin gave Thomson a hug. "I'll talk to you later, Tom Tom." Thomson hugged back, rolling his eyes at the nickname. When their hug was over, Thomson walked away. Tommy didn't like their relationship, but knew the best thing was to give them some privacy. Once he was gone, Calvin turned to Liam.

"Don't you dare give me a huge speech about how much you're going to miss me, but it'll be fine because you'll be back." Liam protested, thinking he was about to get the same treatment as Thomson. Calvin just looked at Liam, letting a single tear roll down his face. He moved towards Liam, putting a finger under his chin to angle his face upwards. He leans down and softly kisses Liam on the lips. When Calvin pulls his face away, he looks into Liam's eyes. Liam can see the tears threatening to spill and has to quickly look away before he cries.

"I'm going to miss you more than anything, Liam." Calvin says, trying to seem unaffected by this. Liam throws his arms around Calvin, holding on so tight that he doesn't know if he can ever let go. "Liam, I'm going to miss my flight." Calvin tells him, but continues to hug him back. Eventually, Liam finally lets go. Calvin gives him one more look as he walks away.

Liam turns and walks back to Thomson. They both watch as Calvin leaves. Once Calvin is out of sight, Liam lets his tears flood out of his eyes. Thomson wraps his arm around his brother as they walk back to the car. "It's going to be fine, Liam."

"Easy for you to say." Liam climbs into the backseat again, where he can still smell the scent of Calvin.

Once Liam gets home, he's too exhausted to deal with anyone. He goes to his room and finds that Calvin left his hoodie on his bed. He picks up the hoodie and lays down, holding it tightly to his chest as he drifts off to sleep.

Calvin's POV

Calvin climbs out of the plane, already wishing he was in Scotland. He walks to the exit and sees Mrs. Mikaelson and Andy standing there, smiling at him. He quickly walks over to them with a smile on his face.

"What are you guys doing here?"

Mrs. Mikaelson wraps him into a hug as she responds, "We wanted to make sure you got a warm welcome. We know how hard it must have been to leave. We are so glad to have you home. So much has happened since you left."

"It was harder than you think, but tell me what all has happened. It was probably more interesting than my time in Scotland." Calvin follows as they head for the car.

"No, we want to hear about Scotland," Andy finally speaks up.

"I'll tell you about it later." Calvin tells him as he puts his bag in the trunk and climbs into the car.

"Well, why was it so difficult to leave Scotland?"

"There were just some people that I didn't want to leave. I had more that I was leaving behind this time."

"What does that mean?" Andy asked.

"Andy, don't push. He'll tell you when he's ready." Mrs. Mikaelson interjected.

"Anyway, I bet it was nice to see your family."

"Oh... yeah... such a joy," Calvin said sarcastically. The more questions Andy asked him, the more he thought about Liam. During the car ride, he struggled to hide the fact that something was bothering him. Once they arrived home, Calvin got out and quickly went to his room.

Once he was alone, he got his phone out and started scrolling through the pictures. He had taken many pictures of Liam during the past weeks. Something in him told him he'd want them once he got back to America. Right now, he was glad he had taken them. Looking at the photos, he felt his eyes start to tear up. He sat on his bed, falling over so that his face was buried in the pillow. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and the person on the other side didn't wait for a response. "Hey, Calvin..." Andy started, but stopped when he noticed that something was wrong. "Are you alright?" Calvin sat up and looked at him, shaking his head no.

"I left him. He begged me to stay, and I left him. Who knows if this will even work out? What if something happens and when I go back, he can't stand to be around me?"

"Who?" Andy asked, a puzzled look on his face.

"Liam. My boyfriend. My best friend's little brother."

"Huh, I didn't know you had friends." Andy remarked, trying to cheer Calvin up. Calvin grabbed a pillow and threw it at Andy as hard as he could.

"Speaking of boyfriend, where is that midget of yours?" Calvin asked, now giving somewhat of a smile.

"He's not a midget. Just because he's shorter than you means nothing."

"He's shorter than you, too."


"I'm just saying." Calvin puts his hands up in surrender.

"Stop deflecting. We are talking about you, not Blaine." Andy comes to sit next to Calvin.

"Could we talk about Blaine instead? Or you? Anything but me."

"No, we can't. Now tell me about this boyfriend you have."

"He used to hate me."

"So you have a type. Go after people who hate you."

"No, I don't do that."

"Yes, you do. Now, continue."

"His brother threatens us all the time. He hates that we spend time together. I've been hit with a shoe because of it."

Andy lets out a loud laugh. "A shoe? What the hell did you do?"

"That's not even the worst of it. He's strangled me once."

"Wow, what did you do?"

"Well, in his terms, I 'defiled' his brother."

"I can see why he strangled you. Do you have any plans tonight?"

"No, I was just going to sleep."

"Well, if you want, you can join me and Blaine at a party Narissa is having."

"Who is that?"

"The lesbian girl."

"Oh her! Sure, why not. When is the party?"

"It's at 9pm."

"Okay, then I'll definitely tag along."

Liam's POV

Liam had been in his room most of the day, missing Calvin. His phone kept going off, but it wasn't Calvin, so he ignored it. Liam was lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling, when there was a knock at the door. "What Thomson?"

"You know you can't just stay in your room all day."

"Why not?"

"Because you should get up and do something. Maybe it will get your mind off of Calvin."

"I doubt it," Liam says as he checks his phone again. Tommy was now standing in the doorway, watching Liam but not saying anything. Looking at his phone, a smile spreads across Liam's face.


"Nothing, go away." Liam waves his hand, gesturing for Tommy to leave. He opens the message he received.

Calvin: "Do you miss me?"

Liam: "Not in the slightest :)."

Calvin: "Liar."

Liam: "Well, do you miss me?"

Calvin: "More than anything."

Liam: "Do you have any plans for the day?"

Calvin: "Nah, I might hangout with a couple friends later."

Liam: "So you're already replacing us? Wonderful."

Calvin: "I'm not replacing you. I would never do that."

Liam: "Lol I'm just joking with you. You left your hoodie here, by the way."

Calvin: "I know, I did that on purpose. Figured I'd give you something to remember me."

Liam: "I'll keep it till you come back. I wish you would have asked me for one of mine."

Calvin: "I don't need it. I have pictures of you I can look at."

Liam: "Honestly, I really think getting strangled changed your brain chemistry a bit. But while you're in America, can you send me things?"

Calvin: "What do you mean things? ;)."

Liam: "Ew not like that but like food and gifts."

Calvin: "I'll send both ;)."

Liam: "I'll show them to Tommy."

Calvin: "Tom Tom will marvel at the sheer size of my shaft."

Liam: "I hate you for calling it that."

Calvin: "Yeah, but you love my shaft."

Liam: "I'm blocking you."

Calvin: "no, you're not."

Liam: "Stfu, you ginger piece of shite."

Calvin: "that's not very nice."

Liam: "Oh you can shove it."

Calvin: "Shove it where ;)."

Liam: "Ok goodbye Calvin."

Calvin: "no, you can't go."

Liam: "Wow, how are you even more clingy over the phone?"

Calvin: "I'm not clingy. You're clingy."

Liam: "Ok well I have to take a shower now so bye."

Calvin: "A shower? Why didn't you invite me?"

Liam: "Well, maybe just a random idea though. Probably because you're in America."

Calvin: "there's this really cool invention, it's called planes."

Liam: "So you're going to spend money to fly over here just to take a shower?"

Calvin: "For you? Definitely."

Liam: "No, but seriously, I need to take a shower."

Calvin: "Send me pictures, please."

Liam: "Ew no that's gross."

Calvin: "No please I need material for... certain things."

Liam: "Ew Calvin stop and goodbye. I have to go."

Calvin: "You're no fun."

Liam: "No I am fun."

Calvin: "No, you're not."

Liam: "So I'm not fun because I won't send you nudes? Good to know."

Calvin: "yes."

Liam reads that last message with disbelief and throws his phone on the bed. Going out of his room, he walks downstairs and grabs a towel from the laundry room.

Once he is out of the shower, he picks up the phone, seeing he has messages from Calvin.

Calvin: "So I'm realizing that what I was saying was wrong."
Calvin: "I'm really sorry."
Calvin: "Don't hate me."
Calvin: "I want to not have you hate me."
Calvin: "Get back to me when you can."

Liam: "It's ok Cal. I know you didn't really mean it. I don't hate you, I never could."

Calvin: "Are you sure? Because what I said was a dick move."

Liam: "Yeah it was, but the fact that you realized the mistake and then apologized for it makes it better."

Calvin: "okay, good."

Liam: "Ok I love you a lot Cal, but I think I'm going to take a nap. I hope you have fun with your friends."

Calvin: "Okay, sleep well."

Putting his phone on the desk, Liam rolls over on his side, wishing he didn't send the 'I love you' part. Curling up, he tries to sleep but can't. Getting up, he goes across the hall and knocks on Tommy's door softly.

"What do you want, Liam?" Tommy shouts without opening the door.

Liam opens the door and takes a step in. "Can I sleep in your room tonight?"

"Is something wrong?"

"I told Calvin that I loved him and he didn't acknowledge it at all." Flops on the bed by him.

Tommy scoots over, making some space, "Haven't you all only been going out for like a week?"

"Yeah, I know, and I want to kill myself over it. I'm so stupidly attached to him and I hate it."

"Don't say that. You love him and that's okay."

"Yeah, but I still don't even know if he is actually going to commit to this relationship. He's going to a party tonight. What if he finds some hot person to cheat on me with?"

"Do you think he will cheat on you?"

"No, I don't think he will. I'm just scared he'll find someone hot and has major sex appeal. Then he'll leave me."

"Do you really think he would do that to you? He fancies you so much."

"No, I'm just being really stupid." Liam grabs the pillow and holds it close.

"Yeah, you are." Liam nods and falls asleep.

Calvin's POV

Getting ready, Calvin puts on black swim shorts and tennis shoes. Walking downstairs, he puts a hand on Andy's shoulder.

"Hey when are we leaving again?"

"Oh, what the hell? Andy, you invited him?" Blaine stands in the doorway behind them with his arms crossed. "Nice back Calvin, it screams man whore."

Calvin turns to face Blaine, "Oh you're just jealous. I can pull anyone I want while you just can't."

"Oh yeah? Didn't you try fucking Andy? How did that work out?"

"Yeah, well, I am a man whore. I would try to fuck anyone. I even fucked your bestie, Carl."

"Wow Calvin, just sticking your dick in anything? I can't wait to see what you choose as a boyfriend. Bet you only date him because he can't shut his legs."

"Don't fucking talk about him like that. At least I didn't have to be a total dick and treat him like trash to get my boyfriend. It was pure talent, unlike you. You wouldn't have a boyfriend if Andy here wasn't a nice person."

"Ok well—" Andy cuts him off with a kiss.

"Enough of you two fighting. Just get along for me, please."

"Andy, he's making fun of me."

"Meh meh meh." Calvin mocks Blaine from behind Andy.

"Ok well, you kinda called his boyfriend a whore. You haven't even met the poor guy. Also Calvin, are you like seven years old?"

"Blaine's the one acting like a seven-year-old. And no, I'm not seven, but I can tell you the only thing seven on my body is my dick. Well, add about four inches." Blaine gags loudly.

"Your dick is not eleven inches!"

Calvin goes to pull his shorts down but Andy grabs his hand. "You have no idea how long it is. You haven't had the pleasure of seeing it."

"Ok ok, keep it in your pants. Let's just get to the party." They walk down the steps and get to the party. It's out in a more secluded part of the town and they walk up to the house.

The music is blaring and makes it hard to hear anything. They walk into the house trying to find Narissa. They soon find her sitting next to this girl. They take a seat next to her.

"Hello, Cal. Glad to see you."

"Hey, Narissa."

"Did Blaine give you any trouble?"

"Yes, he did."

"He did deserve it." Blaine tells them which causes him to receive an eye roll from Andy.

"No I didn't."

"Both of you all need to stop bickering. Go get a drink and have fun." Cal gives Narissa a smile as he gets up to get a drink. "Holy shit, what happened to your back?"

"Oh that? My boyfriend did it all." Calvin says with a smug look.

"Damn, you two get very rough."

"That's just him. He's got long as fuck nails."

"Well, then I guess it's good you two aren't lesbians."

"It's a very good thing. Although, I wouldn't have to worry about it because I'm always on top." Calvin shrugs as he walks away to get his drink. As he is filling up his cup, a girl looks at him with a smile.

"Have we met?" She smiles at him, twirling her hair with her fingers.

"Thankfully, no." He takes a sip of his drink, giving her an uninterested look.

"Ugh fine. You're not worth it." She turns and storms out.

"Ugh, women." Calvin rolls his eyes as he turns to go back to his seat.

"Who was that?" Andy looks up at Calvin, clearly interested.

"No clue, just some bitch that thought she was going to get in my pants tonight." Calvin groans as he sits back down, placing his drink on the table.

"I didn't think I would ever see you reject someone. You must really love your boyfriend."

"Yeah, well, I'm tired of women. The last girl I dated was a psycho."

"Some girl actually tolerated you enough to date you?" Blaine jumped in.

"Yeah, that's more than I can say for you."

"I literally had a girlfriend just a few months ago."

"I would hardly call Annie a girlfriend. That was a horrible relationship you two had. Besides, you spent more time with Andy than you did her."

"Alright, both of you need to shut up." Narissa stands up to get their attention. "We get it. You're both terrible at relationships. Can you stop fighting about it now?"

"No, the point was I'm not terrible at relationships," Blaine tries to defend. Narissa gives him a warning look, and he quickly shuts up.

Calvin and Blaine both look at each other, exchanging death stares. Suddenly, there is a flash of light. They look over to see Andy pointing his phone at them. "Damn, the flash was on." He curses himself as he puts his phone down.

"What was that for?" Calvin asks, a puzzled look on his face.

"I just thought I should get pictures of you guys. I've gotten pictures of everyone else tonight."

"Omg, yes," Narissa excitedly turns to Andy. "That's perfect. We could post them and show everyone else what they are missing out on."

"Huh, I'm really starting to like you," Calvin said, giving a small chuckle at the idea. Narissa gave him a small smile, then turned to face the entire group.

"Well, then take plenty of pictures. At the end of the night, we can send them to each other, then post whichever ones you'd like to post." She looked around at everyone, smiling when they all gave approving nods.

As the night went on, they took many pictures together. There were many with Calvin just in the background because he couldn't be bothered to join in. The few that he participated in were just the ones where he was teasing and arguing with Blaine. When the party was over, it was after midnight. They all exchanged photos with each other and everyone posted their favorite ones. Calvin obviously only posted the ones he was in.

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