Week Full Of Truths

Af TakeMeToTheMoon_404

23.9K 1.3K 279

Where is Cale Henituse, previously known as Kim Rok Soo, is threatened by the Gods to tell his people the tru... Mere

And So It Begins
Everyone includes
Will You Accept me if I tell you?
World 1
Jour/ Drew Thames
The Birth of the Hero Pt. 1
Let's Have A Conversation
The Birth Of the Hero Pt 2
Ancient Powers
Ancient Powers Pt 2

Where I'm From

2.4K 152 30
Af TakeMeToTheMoon_404

Eruhaben is still not over the fact that Cale is not even a little bit mad that he was stolen away from his world without his consent. And since the Unlucky bastard is sitting their, waiting and is answering their questions and is giving them answers, he knows that he can't miss this chance.


Cale looks at him and he tilts his head a little.

"Why are you not angry? How can you just accept that you are forced to be here and is forced to fight a battle that wasn't even yours to face? How can you forgive the man who gave you this burdens, this responsibilities? What did you even get from doing all of this?"

Everyone understand what's the Ancient Dragon is talking about. This man can just escape and not do anything, he can save himself from the war that he knew would come, he knew what would happen to the world he's dragged into so he could just do something to better protect himself from the battles and yet he does none of it. He helped them, united them, guided them, and became the pillar of hope, the one who became a commander they can rely on. He can run and hide but he didn't. He can pretend and not care about the world that wasn't even his yet he protected it from despair. Why?

"I have no one there, Eruhaben-nim. My family and friends whom I will die for already died before me. The people over there is my people, yes, I care about them, yes, but even though it might sound harsh, I actually find my life over there quite repetitive and I'm getting tired of surviving there. Responsibilities is the only thing that keeps me moving and I already accepted this life. Cale Henituse and I already agreed to live each others life."

Choi Han who has the memories of Choi Jung Soo remembers the last thing he have ever seen, it being the lost and broken look that Kim Rok Soo dons.

Lee Soo Hyuk also remembers the very last order he gave, it being to record everything about the second unranked monster. It means that he has forced his brother to record their deaths. It means that his brother is now incapable of ever forgetting their deaths. He never actually thought about what would happen to him, it never even crossed his mind on how it will impact his mentality. He never think things over like his little brother does.

Violan, Basen, Rosalyn, Sheritt-nim, Mila-nim, Eruhaben-nim, Glen, Paseton, Witira, Taylor, Cage and Alberu does not let go of one of Cale's phrases.

'Responsibilities is the only thing that keeps me moving'

Now that they've heard it, they can't imagine what would it be like if the young man does not have said responsibilities.

Would he fall into despair? Would he be shackled by the memories?

Would he break and destroy himself?

They doesn't want to imagine it.

A world without Kim Rok Soo in the body of Cale Henituse.

What would happen in that kind of world?

They just think of the 'Birth of the Hero' that Cale said previously.

Will their lives be like that? Fighting a 20 years long war only to lose in the end.

What a devastating future it would be.

"I like it here and I want to be here. The real Cale Henituse who chose to live as Kim Rok Soo and me, the real Kim Rok Soo who now wants to live as Cale Henituse. That is what we want, and that is the hill we will die on."

This calms down the heart of the children within the room along with the previous people who's named I mentioned.

He likes it here. That means that he might want to stay.

"I want to live here. I want to be here. I don't want to leave."

This is their proof.

Their home wants to stay and so he's here to stay. A lot of people within the room would even fight Gods, damn with the balance.

The man in front of them already suffered enough, fought enough, bled enough, maybe the use of the word enough is wrong cause what he did to save their world from despair is actually too much.

Way too much.

"I'm not angry because I have nothing that I lost because of that deal. I accepted my fate because I actually gained a lot, I now have everything I wish I have when I was younger and a lot more."

Lee Soo Hyuk does not know much about his dongsaeng's childhood, but what he just said implied that it wasn't really pretty.

Choi Han, who is one of the few who entered the Temple of the Sealed God and face 5 test, remembers the target of his indignity, the young Kim Rok Soo. He remembered the clues and everything that it takes for him to complete that test. It sickens him. It hurts. It hurts to even think that the person who saved him out of his despair experienced such cruel things at such a young age. Abundance of food? He can't help but think that he's being denied of food and the fact that it's actually the truth makes his blood boils.

"I fight because I have something to protect, I carry this burdens and responsibilities because I can handle them and I know that I can push through."

'Something to protect'

Raon remembers what his Mommy said not a long time ago. He remembered that his Mommy becomes the strongest when she have something to protect. He then remembered the warmth of his Human's hug when they faced the White Star for the very first time. He remembered the warmth of his Human's hug when he's undergoing his first growth stage. He remembers how his Human's hand glides over his scales while he watch Venion sing wonderful melodies under the Kind Beacrox's whips. Raon remembered many more situations showcasing his Human's warmth.

The way he defend Good girl Mary against the Pope of the Church of the Sun God back at Castle Leona. The way he stands back and watch how Lemonade Gramps and Kind Beacrox take back what was theirs. The soft and kind looks he sends in their family's way when he thought no one is looking.

He remembered and he's delighted by the fact that his Human thinks that they are important enough to want to protect and stay for.


"I forgive the man who now lives as Kim Rok Soo because he sacrifice his life to a man he doesn't even know, he sacrifice himself to save a world that crashed before him and he trusted a stranger to protect his family."

'Hyung-nim cares? For us? For our family?'

Basen feels warmth flow in his very being. The thought that both his older brothers loved and loves them even if they don't share the same blood.

Violan feels dejected. To think that she misunderstood the previous Cale. She thought that setting boundaries would help him adjust, well she thought wrong. She should've tried harder, she should've done better.

But now, her oldest is gone and she didn't even get the chance to say goodbye.

Does she even have the right in the first place?

"That man is a stranger that I can't hate because that man is a man who just wished to protect what's precious to him but is lacking in knowledge. I may be lacking in some areas like him, but I have handled harder situations, I have the ability, the data and the resources to make sure that my people are safe. Is there anything else that I need?"

It took them more than a few minutes to comprehend how chaotic that situation is.

Eruhaben asked another question.

"You haaaaaaaaa... What even is your life there? For you to say that you have nothing to loose?"

Eruhaben is thinking that his child have gone through a lot. He's also thinking that a Mental healer is in need for his child recovery. All of his children actually needs a mental healer.

He's thinking that it's about time that his children faced their issues. They need to face it and overcome and accept it as part of themselves and not repress it.

He will need the help of the King for that.

To be honest, the King also need one.


All of them needs one.

Is the little Quarter dark-elf's money in his treasury enough to pay for their recovery?

He sure hope that it is.

"Earth 1. The world that I'm from is a world infested with monsters."

"A world infested with what????"

Bud is beyond shocked.

No one can blame him too.

A world infested with monsters?

What kind of world is that?

They now think about what kind of life the previous Kim Rok Soo have.

"Monsters. Monsters like the one we faced at Puzzle City. Those monsters are what we called unranked monsters and they are the strongest enemy that our world have ever seen. The snake like monster that Choi Han killed is the weakest of the unranked monsters and it is a monster that I fortunately didn't have the pleasure of coming contact with at my own time line but is something I faced head on while I was undergoing the Sealed God test."

'What The Absolute Fuck?'

Ron and Beacrox are seldom surprised anymore what with the whole debacle for the past two, nearly three, years and even before that, they are not easily fazed.

The father and son duo prided themselves as someone who's facial expression doesn't changes that easily.

But now...

'What in the ever loving fuck did this puppy like son of a bastard has gone through?'

The two of them are there when that two-headed serpent-like monster appeared at Puzzle City, they both saw the destruction its capable of. Even if they are confident about their strengths, they still doubt that they can defeat such an opponent.

Choi Han is the one who face that monster along with Lock and no one can say with absolute certainty that they didn't struggle. Ron and Beacrox are weaker than Choi Han.

The two of them faced that punk and they did not came out unscathed and even if the two have improved what with their added experiences, everyone that is associated with their young master have also improved. Choi Han is actually the one who have shown the greatest improvement more than anyone else, not only is he stronger compared to himself at the very beginning, he can also summon that fucking dragon-like monsters.

And he still struggled, fighting that beast. So who are they to even think that they can face that monster and win?

And now that they think about it, Kim Rok Soo and Choi Han are both peculiar for a name in their world.

'Is it possible that their Young Master and that rude punk came from the same world?'

Ron personally thinks that it's possible. Choi Han is strong for someone his age.

" The next 5 monsters that comes after the first are the ones I fought behind the front line since I need to be there for me to be able to properly record them and for me to give commands. The last 2 of the eight unranked monsters hadn't had their appearance when I was there and I hope they will never have to since I already sealed the God of Despair."

'Aigoo, in my 1000 years of life, I have never heard such things'

" What the fuck?"

Cage casually cussed.

Yes, what the fuck.

To think that there's such a world.

Is it even habitable? How about their meals? Their other necessities? Do they even take a bath? Do they even have soaps for that matter?

What a stinky, messy, chaotic, rambunctious world it would be.

"There is also another kind of monsters that I have a record of. Those monsters are categorized by how dangerous they are. There's Grade 5 monsters, the weakest of monsters, but even if they are considered the weakest, they are still terrible and is capable of killing people. Grade 1 monsters are monsters capable of destruction and if you are inexperienced, you will die a terrible death, those monsters are weaker than Choi Han though so don't worry. There's also the tester monsters and I sure hope you all can understand what that entails."

Bud who's expression is somewhere between a frown, a scowl, surprised, afraid, weirded out and unbelieving, to be honest Cale can't really put a name on it. All Cale knows is that he's making an ugly face.

Glen, Lock and Rosalyn are all not far behind.

Ron and Beacrox is not doing so good too.

Cale doesn't know whether he's supposed to be amused or scared because of their faces.

'Is it counted as a win to be able to get another reation other than benign out of that old man?'

Cale thinks thats its a win??...

"Those monsters also have different abilities. There are monsters capable of mimicry, poison, hallucinations, elements and objects manipulation and etc. One of the the Grade 1 monsters that I know has the ability to attract any and most monsters within 5 kilometers radius and they are also capable of copying anything they have eaten. We call those Mirror Mask and those monsters' modus operandi is to take form of a weak looking creature such as animals, old humans, children and so on."

" Wait, wait, wait a fucking minute because what the actual FuCk!!!?!?! "

Cale predicted that someone would react like this, he just didn't expect it to be Violan????

"Let me take a breather Rok Soo? Cale? Dear, please"

And so Cale takes a sip to his cold tea as he watched Violan caress her forehead.

Now that Cale bothered to look around, he saw Witira currently using Paseton's lap as a pillow of sorts while Paseton himself is subconsciously patting his sister's hair. Paseton is staring at blank air sporting a lost look.

Rosalyn is....

Rosalyn's eyes is practically sparkling.

It seems as though she found something so precious.

Eruhaben-nim, despite looking so confused and bewildered, is also sporting the same look.

Cale knows that Eruhaben-nim is a naturally curious creature and maybe he should've expected his pupil to be the same.

This two really.

Cale is glad to have someone like them even if he know that this two would ask more questions about his previous world considering that Eruhaben-nim know that Cale is someone who cannot forget.

It seems like Cale would need to educate them about the scientific machinations of Earth along with the details of their civilization and society.

Everyone took one and a half hour of break to gather their thoughts, they took a walk around the room, sip a cup of wine, took a nap, ate snacks and whatsoever.

They then return to their sits and Cale continues his explanation in a more relaxed manner after Eruhaben-nim gave the hand gesture that means he's free to continue.

"Despite the cataclysm of the apocalypse, we persevere and so we managed to build new society that fights off monsters."

"Of course, you humans are the most stubborn existence after all."

Eruhaben uttered.

'With you as the most stubborn and unlucky human out of all of them'

Eruhaben then sigh.

Sheritt can absolutely agree whatever it is that made the Golden Dragon sigh.

Cale picked one of the grapes that Ron kindly offered him during their break and he popped it into his mouth.

"Along the appearances of monsters, humanity have undergone evolution. Some people gained physical abilities to help them survive the apocalypse while some gained mental ones to help in building the world from scratch, we call those people ability users."

"Human, what's your ability?"

Raon, who's have been quietly listening about the world where Cale came from, finally asked a question. To Raon's personal opinion, the information about the previous world is not that really important, after all, isn't the present the best time to live in?

But still, Raon wants to know everything about his Human so he could understand him better. His Noona and Hyung thinks so too.

Cale makes eye contact as he answers Raon's question.

"Yes, my abilities are Record and Instant."

"Mmm, is Record your ability to remember every single thing?"

Cale then looks at Hong as he answer his question.

"Yes, with Record, I can contain every single word of any files I've read. This ability of mine allows me to process things faster seeing as I can perfectly remember all of them."

"Then is that weird guy an ability user too?"

On asked, pertaining to Lee Soo Hyuk who is, indeed a bit weird.

All vampires are weird, no one can ever convince them that they are not.

I mean look at Fredo? He's a creepy freak who just cannot stop themselves from leering at their HUMAN WHILE BEING UNDER HIS DELUSION OF BEING THEIR HUMAN'S FATHER!!!!!!!!!

Their father figure already have too many father figure and their family tree is already full!!!!

Their family tree graph have no space anymore and there's no more space for anyone to be able to squeeze in.

(This fact actually gave their whole family a very pleasant feeling.)

Lee Soo Hyuk can't help the undignified look from crossing his face. Really the attitude of his Dongsaeng's children is so much like their father

"Yes, one of my abilities is called 'Slash', it allows me to slash absolutely anything. My other ability is 'Embrace', it allows me to seal anything from tangible to intangible."

"'Slash' really? Can't you think of anything more creative?"

"'Embrace' sounds oddly familiar. "

"Isn't that Cale-nya's power?"

"First of all, On, you've wound me with that question, how can you say such a thing?"

"Stop being so dramatic, nya."

Lee Soo Hyuk chuckled as he saw how On gave him an eye-roll.

"And just so you know, Raon, Hong, It's mine first, I just gave it to him."

Both Raon and Hong just nodded their heads.

"So this ability thing... Is it like Ancient Power, since it can be passed on?"

"Ahhh no, ability does not work like that. It can't be even be passed on by genetics. The God of Death and I just made a deal."

"And the deal contains what exactly?"

'Another deal with that God of Death...'

Eruhaben doesn't like that. Anything is bound to be migraine inducing when the issue relates to the God of Death as well as Cale, but the two of them being somewhat connected to the same thing will surely be a cause of a migraine induced coma.

Eruhaben then massage his head as he awaits for the migraine induced coma to hit him.

"The deal is that my ability will be passed on to Cale and for Cale to create a farm"


They are shocked.



That's why.

It must be one of the tamest deal they have ever heard.

A promise to create a farm in exchange of an ability that have been one of the keys to their victory?

Is that all of it???



Very suspicious....

Very, very suspicious indeed.

"What else?"

Ron is not trusting the word of this man.

There's something else. Surely there's something else.

It cannot be possible that that's what's it all take considering the chaos that their red headed Young Master attracts.

Lee Soo Hyuk blinked, then blinked some more. A look of understanding crossed his eyes and so he nodded.

Cale, upon seeing the action and figuring out what that meant, gave Lee Soo Hyuk an affronted look.

"Considering what my troublesome Dongsaeng's penchant for trouble, I'm not surprised that you're suspicious about that specific deal but I'm telling you the truth."

For real???

That's it?????

That is all????

Creating a farm in exchange of a very useful ability.

Lee Soo Hyuk just give his dongsaeng a judging look.

'Look at them. Look at them. Just look at them and reflect!!!'

That's what his stare is saying.

Cale just looks away.

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