Bởi -evnstarr

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𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗦 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗧|❝I'll dance till my legs fall off.❞ ❝That's a terrible way to die.❞ Join Cordelia... Xem Thêm



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Bởi -evnstarr

Chapter Three||Bye Bye Breakfast
"I retract my statement, we've got an Aunt March lover here!"

"𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐒, 𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀, 𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏!" 𝐀𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐃 𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐀 𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐎𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆."I'm awake!" Cora exclaimed, taking one of her pillows and smacking Amy on the head with it. She hated being awoken by Amy.

Amy just shrugged her shoulders, giggled, and ran off towards the direction of Jo and Beth's room, most likely to go wake them up. Cora let out a big sigh before getting out of bed and walking over to where she had laid out her outfit for the day.

The outfit was a deep blue colour with buttons on it. Aunt March had bought it for her a few months back. But she hadn't worn it since, as there was no occasion to do so.

Cora brushed her hair before walking downstairs to where she saw the happiest sight ever. All her sisters sitting down on the table together. "Merry Christmas, my beloved sisters," She smiled, giving each one of them a hug.

She then sat down next to Beth who was sewing something for her doll presumable. "What are you sewing, Beth?" Cora asked. "One of my dolls dress got torn and Meg had some spare fabric left over, so she gave it to me, so I could fix up the dress," Beth replied sending a smile to Meg who was sat opposite her.

"Although it doesn't match the colour, I thought it would be nice for Beth to have it," Meg commented, sewing something herself.

Jo on the other hand was speaking to Amy in quiet whispers, and after a few minutes decided to speak up. "Okay girls, last night I had this big inspiration and I started writing a play," She announced with a small grin.

"What's it about," Beth inquired. "It's a revenge play called..." She paused for a few seconds for dramatics, "Poison!" She yelled with a smile.

Amy made a face shaking her head, "No poison it's Christmas," "It's not Christmas without presents," Jo said crossing her arms. "It's so dreadful being poor," Meg complained, which everyone else nodded too.

"I don't think it's fair some girls get nice things while other girls get nothing at all," Amy added on. "I mean, at least we have each other, and Marmee. Oh! And Hannah!" Cora said with a smile.

"And father," Beth spoke with a sad smile. "We don't have father, and we won't have him until this war is over," Jo sighed in annoyance. 

Meg let out a sigh, "I wish I had plenty of money and servants, so I wouldn't have to do anything anymore. Especially this sewing," She said, pointing at her sewing, which made everyone nod.

Jo stood up and walked over to Meg, laying her head on her knees, "You could be a proper actress!" "I could not be an actress," Meg denied, shaking her head at that obscure thought.

Jo just rolled her eyes before walking over to Cora, the past night being forgotten. "And you! Our little Coral can be the most famous dancer in the world, and you could attend that Opera thing in Paris you've always dreamed of going to," Jo smiled, using the nickname only she used for Cora.

"Maybe one day," Cora responded, snuggling up to Jo. "I mean, you're already halfway there, we just need money now," Jo said, frowning.

"I have many wishes! But my most favourite one is to be an artist and go to France with Cora, preferably and be the best painter in the world!" Amy declared, standing on a table and twirling. Cora's heart warmed when she realised Amy included her in her wish. As much as Amy got on her nerves, she was a sweet child.

"You are an incredible artist, Amy, and I'm sure you'll become an even better one as the years pass," Cora smiled, nodding at the girl.

"Isn't that what you want, Jo? To become a famous writer?" Beth asked. "Yeah, but it sounds so crass when she says it!" Jo said, pointing at Amy, who was laughing. "Why be ashamed of it?" Beth asked, shaking her head. "I'm not!" Jo denied.

Beth stood up and left her sewing on the table, walking to where Jo and Cora lay, laying her own head on Cora's shoulder. "My wish is all of us to be together with mother and father in this house. That is all I want," Beth said, smiling.

Everyone nodded to this statement, as it sounded like the best and greatest wish to ever come true. "What about your music Queen Bess?" Jo asked, looking at Beth.

Beth had a talent for music which every sister loved to hear, and they would always beg Beth to play something for them.

"I only do that for us, nobody else needs to hear it," She said, shaking her head. "You must not limit yourself!" Amy exclaimed, looking in the mirror trying to shape her nose. Amy was obsessed with her nose, always complaining about how snub and flat looking her nose was. No matter how many times Cora said she looked fine, Amy always ignored her.

"Mother proposed not having presents this year because men are suffering in the army. We cannot do much, but we should make little sacrifices and do it gladly," Meg spoke for the first time in a few minutes, standing up and placing her sewing on the couch.

Jo just rolled her eyes, "Don't play mother, just because she isn't home," She said. Cora smiled and handed Jo a pillow, which she then threw at Meg.

"Don't do that, Jo! That's so boyish!" Amy groaned, turning round. "And Cora, don't encourage this boyish behaviour!" She added, pointing at Cora, who just stuck her hands up in defence of herself.

"Don't bring Cora into this!" Jo defended her sister, bringing her in closer to her. "And plus that's the reason I do it," She said, shrugging. "I detest rude, un lady like girls," Amy argued.

"I hate affected little chits!" Jo argued back and then got up to tackle Amy, bringing Cora with her. And then of course Cora brought Beth in who brought Meg in, and they all started wrestling each other in the living room. "My nose! Watch my nose!" Amy squealed. "It's already no good!"

"Well, we might as well make it worse," Cora laughed. "Cora!" Amy exclaimed with a laugh as well.

However, Hannah, their beloved maid, disrupted their wrestle by entering the room. "I know you don't care what I think, but you don't want your mother coming in and seeing this, do you?" Hannah asked, eyes wide.

All the girls just laughed, running towards Hannah. "We care about you so much, Hannah!" Meg said, pulling her into a big hug along with the other girls.

"Yeah! You're more family than that wicked Aunt March," Jo said, holding her hand out to Cora for a high five, which she didn't return and instead rolled her eyes, elbowing Jo.

"I retract my statement, we've got an Aunt March lover here," Jo teased, laughing at her sister. "Oh be quiet you, she pays for my dance lessons which I'm very thankful for," Cora said.

"Where's Marmee?" Amy asked, moving away from the hug. Hannah just shook her head and sighed, "Goodness knows. Some poor creatures came a-beggin, and your mum went straight off to see what was needed."

"I wish she could help people at a time convenient to us," Jo sighed. "Joanna and me are very hungry," Beth stated, "Dolls don't get hungry Beth!" Amy exclaimed.

"They sure can," Beth replied, "But-" "I'm sure they do Beth, ignore Amy," Meg smiled bringing Beth closer to her.

Jo switched the topics once more and held up a piece of paper, handing one to each of her sisters. "I've re-written the climax, and we need to set into memory. Amy! Go get the costumes," Jo spoke.

Every now and then the girls would perform a play, with dresses and props and dances. Jo wrote them and added a special part especially for Cora to dance in. Both Beth and Cora made the props together, and Amy and Meg made the outfits with some help from Cora.

"Oh good! I've made such a lovely hat! And I painted some shoes blue, so it can look even more like a princess!" Amy smiled, clapping her hands and standing up, showing the group her shoes.

"I think the melancholy piece is pretty good," Beth spoke, reading the script with Cora looking over her shoulder. "And I think the part where you added in the dance is excellent," Cora added on smiling at Jo. There were moments like this where Jo and her got on exceptionally well.

"I thought it would fit," Jo smiled, "But Meg, just wait until you see this speech!" She exclaimed. "I don't get how you write such splendid things! You're a regular Shakespeare," Meg complimented, reading through the script that was given to her. "Not quite," Jo replied, shaking her head, going a bit red at the compliment Meg had given her.

Just then, Amy came down the stairs with her blue dress. "Miss Michelangelo, will you please practice the fainting scene?" Jo asked, imitating a posh voice. "You're as stiff as a poker!"

Amy just started putting on one of the pieces and shook her head, "I can't help it! I never saw anyone faint, and I don't intend to make myself all black and blue. If I can fall down easily, I shall, and I shall drop. If I cannot, I'll fall gracefully into a chair. And I don't care if Hugo does come at me with a pistol!" Amy exclaimed, dropping into a chair gracefully.

Jo just rolled her eyes, looking at Cora with a mischievous smile. Cora returned the smile and they both turned to face Hannah. "Hannah," They both spoke in sync with a smile adorned on their faces.

Before they could say anymore Hannah interrupted them, "I'm not going to act in your play!" She said, shaking her head with a frown. "We didn't even say anything!" Cora scoffed, the smile being wiped off her face.

"I knew what you two were going to say. I'm not acting," She responded. Jo and Cora grumbled at the response and gave up.

"I need both of you to kneel right there," Jo directed to Amy. "I don't want to!" Amy complained, ignoring Jo's directing.

"Amy, you have to!" Cora spoke with a sigh. "I think Meg should be the director," Amy huffed, refusing to get on the floor and kneel.

"Okay, well I think she still needs to kneel," Jo continued, refusing to give in. "But it's our scene!" Amy complained further.

"If you'll kneel and look-" Jo started off once more before getting cut off from a voice from the door.

"Merry Christmas, girls," Marmee said, smiling, walking into the house towards her girls. The five of them gasped in sync before running up to their mum and engulfing her in a tight hug.

"Oh, merry Christmas, Marmee!" Jo smiled. "I'm so glad to see you so happy. How's your play?" Marmee asked, glancing at each of her daughters, happy that they were happy. "Jo, you look tired. Were you up again all night writing?"

"Of course," Jo smiled, sitting down at the table. "Merry Christmas, how are my girls?" Marmee asked, doing the same thing as Jo.

"So hungry," Meg said, "Starving to death," Cora joked. "I could eat a horse," Jo added on. Amy whacked her sister with a napkin before sitting down beside her, "Don't say that, Jo."

Just as about the five girls were going to start tucking in, the whole table went silent and the girls looked at Marmee with a confused look. Her face was unnaturally forlorn and upset.

"What is it?" Cora asked confused. "Not far from here lives a poor young woman, Mrs. Hummel. Her five children are in one bed to keep from freezing, and there's nothing to eat. My girls, will you give them your breakfast as a Christmas present?" Marmee asked, looking at each of her girls individually.

The girls instead of looking at their mum looked at one another with guilty faces as the thought of someone going hungry for so long pained them, but they were too selfish to give away their own food.

"Is this where you say that Father would want us to?" Beth asked with a sigh.

In the end, the girls agreed and started packing the food up into little baskets.

"Marmee what shall I carry?" Cora asked, looking at her mum. "You can carry the bread, dear," Marmee smiled, continuing to pack blankets for the poor family.

Cora nodded and went over to grab the basket they had put the bread in. Unfortunately for her, Jo had already taken it, so she had nothing to carry.

"Don't worry Coral you can just be there to entertain us while we walk with your beautiful twirls in the snow," Jo smiled patting Cora's back.

The March family were walking through the cold weather, each of them wrapped tightly in coats, mittens, gloves, scarves and hats, carrying a food basket each with the exception of Cora.

"Do you know the ages of the children, Marmee?" Cora asked, jumping and twirling in the snow while keeping ahead of her family.

"Younger than you girls," Marmee answered, smiling. "You mentioned they had a baby," Beth spoke. "Unfortunate for you, dear, I didn't have the initiative to ask poor Mrs Hummel her children's ages."

Cora ran ahead and twirled even more in the snow. As you may know by now, twirling was one of Cora's favourite things to do. As she twirled, her coat flew around her, and she looked absolutely entrancing.

Unbeknownst to her or the March family, a young boy whose name was Laurie was watching them from his house. He didn't mean to stare, but he was simply enjoying the view at first when he noticed the March family exiting their house with baskets in hand.

As Laurie watched the young March girl twirl around in the snow, a little smile enveloped his face as he thought about this kind, cheerful and very beautiful girl.

"Mr Brooke what do you think they're doing," Laurie asked his tutor, not even bothering to turn round and address him, instead he kept staring at Cora. "It beats me," Mr Brooke shrugged, however he came closer to the window to observe the girls.

"I would say they're bringing food somewhere since they're carrying baskets. Although that girl you're staring at doesn't have a basket in hand," Mr Brooke spoke, glancing at his student who seem to be fascinated by one of the March girls.

"I am not staring," Laurie denied, shutting the curtains and facing Mr Brooke. "I personally think she's just a beautiful dancer."

Mr Brooke just hummed in response before turning back to his work. "So Laurie, how about more Latin today-" He started before Laurie cut him off.

"I propose we send them breakfast," Laurie announced. "What?" Mr Brooke asked, confused. "The March family," Laurie said as if it were obvious. "You're going to have to ask your grandfather," Mr Brooke sighed, shaking his head.

"Oh, don't worry, I have a brilliant idea to get him to agree," Laurie smiled before walking away to speak to his grandfather.

"Wait! Laurie! Get back here! We haven't finished our lesson!" Mr Brooke called after him, but after a few seconds he decided Laurie wasn't going to return.

"That boy is going to be the death of me."

The March family had returned from their journey to the Hummels. And although each girl was incredibly hungry, they were pleased that they were able to help a family who were suffering.

Cora had taken a special liking to one of the kids and had spun her round a few times before the other children wanted to be spun around too and soon enough the whole room was full of spinning people, adults and children both.

Cora was immensely glad she had been able to bring some joy into the poor families life and couldn't wait to go visit them again.

As soon as the March family entered the house, they were met with a site of delicious food they could not have afforded.

"Is it fairies?" Amy asked, eyes widening in surprise. "Santa Claus," Beth whispered, astonished. "It's Aunt March," Jo spoke, looking over at Cora, who was just as confused as her. "I don't think so," Cora said, eyebrows furrowing together.

The whole family were confused at who had sent it, but Hannah had already answered that question for them.

"Mr Laurence sent it," Hannah smiled, looking at the family joyfully. "The Laurence boy's grandfather?" Jo asked, mouth open wide. "Why?"

"He saw you giving your Christmas breakfast away. He wanted you to enjoy the day," Hannah answered. "That's so kind of him," Cora smiled.

"His grandson Laurie put that idea into his head. I know he did. We should make friends with him," Jo said, looking over ta her sisters. "Boys scare me, and that big old house scares me," Beth spoke, shaking her head.

Amy went off on about a story about the boy and the grandfather before getting reprimanded by Marmee.

"Oh! And before I forget, Cora there was a message especially for you," Hannah spoke re calling what had happened earlier that day and handed Cora a letter.

Amy gasped before running over to her sister and holding onto her arm. "Oh Cora! Open it! Tell us what it says!"

"Oh yes Cora! Oh, do so, please!" Meg pleaded, doing the same as Amy. "Who's it from?" Beth asked softly.

"Laurie," Cora spoke in shock, why would the boy want to send her a message especially for her?

"Go on, open it then!" Jo encouraged with a grin.

Slowly but surely Cora started opening the letter.

"What does it say!" Amy exclaimed, seeming to be more excited than Cora herself.

"It says, 'Dear Miss Cordelia March..."

Authors Note


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