Reborn as Issei[DxD]

De Kischur

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The Protagonist was Reborn as Issei Hyoudou in the Highschool DxD verse With 3 Powers with him to support him... Mais

Chapter: 1
Chapter: 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter: 4
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6
Chapter: 7
Chapter: 8
Chapter: 10
Chapter: 11
Chapter: 12
Chapter: 13
Act 2: Preview
Act 2: Chapter: 1
Act 2: Chapter: 2
Act 2: Chapter: 3
Act 2: Chapter: 4
Act: 2: Chapter: 5
Act 2: Chapter: 6
Act 2: Chapter: 7
Act 2: Chapter: 8
Act 2: Chapter: 9
Act: 2 Chapter: 10
Act: 2: Chapter: 11

Chapter: 9

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De Kischur

*BOOOM!!!! *

An explosion so loud was heard all across the neighborhood, but despite hearing the noise, no one could detect where the sound of the explosion came from

As fir in the Training Room, thanks to the Explosive sound, Bianka Instantly wakes up and Instinctively brought her hands on to her ears


Hearing the door to the room harshly opened, Bianka then turned towards it and saw her father, who held a shocked and worried expression on his face

Otto who was just watching the news suddenly jolt in surprised, when he heard the explosive sound, and thank himself for his preparedness, since if he didn't install the Sound Dispersion then the whole neighborhood would be crowding his home to expect his household and try to find out what cost the explosion

With that Otto, after acting like he didn't know where the explosion came room, immediately went to Training Ground

And when he arrived, he was surprised by the sheer destruction of said room, because of that he then used Mana Sense to sense where Bianka was, making him saw her seating in a safe place of said epicenter of a battle

Bianka on the other hand was happily sleeping, until she heard the explosion making her wake up and then looked around and saw the devastation of the room making her be shook, since this level of Destruction was a first for her 

And when she heard the Door was hastily opened, she then looked to it and saw her Father

Bianka: " Papa! What's going on?!! " She said to her father, while standing up and then running towards him, who only run towards her and then hugged her protectively 

Otto:  " Well it seems that Mama and Ise just finished there battle " Otto said, since he was able to sense Mana Signatures of the two and sense that the two were very injured but is still fight, with Kallen using Healing Magic to herself, while Issei's Healing Ability healing his body of the damage that he acquired 

Bianka hearing her father's words, could only looked on surprised of the aftermath of the battle between her Crush and Mother 

Bianka: ' Issei was this Strong? He really was holding back a lot of power ' She thought while looking at the nearly destroyed room ' But's that's why I need to get even more Powerful to stand by his side! ' She thought determined to be able to acquire the Power to be able to stand besides Issei

As for Otto, he could only looked at the Battlefield in awe, for the room is very durable, with the room being able to survived blast from Low Ultimate Class, and the room right now was damaged to the point that one more explosion would have destroyed the Room

Otto: ' Truly, for Ise to be able to be at this level of Power at such a young age is Incredible, of course from the looks of it he used his Sacred Gear to gained this level of Power, but that still, Isei would need to be powerful to be able achieved this level of power ' 

As for the Combatants themselves, they survived Injures that would leave a normal human to death's door in a couple of seconds, but because of there Abilities and Natural Strengths, they were able to easily survived the Injuries that they suffered 

Kallen held major Injuries, most of her Right Stomach and Arm was destroyed and blown off, with her losing tons of blood, and additionally with her own deep wounds that she acquired from Issei's Great Sword. If it's not for her own Supernatural Will Power and Natural Physical Abilities and Experience from suffering major Injuries as well, she would have died almost Instantly

But because of all that, she was able too keep her conscious and focused on the tasked at hand, she then started to used Healing Magic to repair the Damage that she sustained from Issei's attacks and thanks to her always using Healing Magic, she was able to safely and rapidly heal

But now that the battle was over, she could now safely think of the thoughts that she held for the Spar that she held against her Future Son-In-Law

Kallen: ' How did he used Balance Breaker? He has low Magical Reserves even when he started to train to make it bigger, his Magical Reserves is still that of a Mid-Class Entity, then how did he? ' That was something that bothered her while fighting Issei

Issei always held a Small Magical Reserves to the point that he wouldn't even be able to used the most basic of Magic Spells like Teleportation, it's pretty much the reason why she couldn't helped but respect Issei's Physical Abilities and Skills in Manipulating Mana 

Since despite Issei's low Magical Reserves, what he does have is Immense Control over said Magical Reserves, that control was enough to be able to Enhanced his Own Strength to a new Level

Since if Issei were to used his Full Physical Abilities without any Augmentation from either Mana and his Boosted Gear, he could level a whole building by his own Physical Abilities, and when he augments himself with Mana, he could fight even Upper End of  the High Class Entities, and then add in his Boosted Gear he could fight those of the Low End Ultimate Class after a Boost 

And by the power of the Balance Breaker, she was sure that Balance Breaker would confused more Energy as well to maintain, but seeing that they were able to fight for about 5 minutes, she was sure that Balance Breaker needed a Powerful Source 





Kallen suddenly widen her eyes in shocked at that thought 

Kallen: ' Could it be Ki?! Bu-But why?! Didn't I tell him that using Ki is a Dangerous Act!! He could have died if he lost his Ki once more! ' She thought understandably angry of the prospect of using such a dangerous method to power his own Balance Breaker 

Ki, unlike Mana, can't be refilled, for if you used Ki as an Attacked or Source of Fuel for something, it will never recover

The Day you used Ki in an Attacked or Source of Fuel for something, you will never ever recover that Ki again

That's why there's so little people who used Ki, for they fear that they will there lives if they used to much of it

Since Ki is the very Life Force itself, for the day you lost you Ki, shall be the day you will die, for not even The Evil Pieces or even the Gods of Death or Life could resurrect a person that has lost there Ki

For that reason, she was both angry and scared, she was angry that Issei was using Ki in such a dangerous way just for a temporary boost in power, but she is also scared that Issei will die, she grown to care for the boy as her own Son in a way

It's why she wants Bianka to marry Issei, so that she will have a Grandkids to spoil and pamper, while also having a Son 

But above all, If Issei were to die, many people will be sad of such an Event were to occur, the ones that came in her mind being the saddest, is either his own Parents or Bianka

Worse above all, she can't even sense Issei's Ki

For that's one of the few benefits of using Ki, you wouldn't know how much Ki a person has and how Powerful ones Ki Empowered Attacks would be, which is troublesome, since Ki empowered attacks are very Powerful, since in terms of Quality of Energy, Ki would be the most Dense and highest Quality Energy there is, for even a dropped of Ki to empower ones Physical Power is large in Power 

Since a Person can can only Sense that an Individual has Ki, but not be able to sense how much Ki one has

As for Issei himself, his whole Sword was completely destroyed, with both of his arms being damaged, but of course thanks to his Regenerative Healing Factor being Evolved and Stronger than before, his broken body was healing quite fast

But despite that, Issei doesn't moved, in fact right now he wasn't even doing anything, His Heart wasn't beating, His Saliva was overflowing from his mouth making him looked like he is drooling even his own Brain wasn't doing anything 

It looked like just died while standing up

But he wasn't dead 

His Mana can still be felt, and his own Ki is also there as well

But in Issei's perspective however, he felt like he was in Heaven

He couldn't think of a way of describing how he is feeling 

He doesn't even know if he is dead or alive

But what is feeling is something that he thought couldn't be possible for any ordinary man to experience, since the moment that they arrived at what he is feeling right now

They wouldn't even be able to remember or even feel the experience  

Then seconds later


His Heart beat once more

And just like that, his Ki exploded!

In Pure Golden Aura without any Impurities, his Golden Aura was shown to Everyone in the Room 

Bianka seeing the Golden Glow could only looked at the Beautiful Color in Awe

Bianka: ' So this is Issei's Color? ' She thought while looking at the figure of Issei in awe

As for Kallen and Otto on the other hand was also looking at the Pure Golden Aura in Awe, but with also a tad bit of Concern in there Eyes 

To Kallen in all of her Life as an Exorcist couldn't helped but compare Issei's Aura as the same ones as Michael and Gabriel's-no, the more she looked at his Aura, she couldn't helped but compare it to the Aura of the Deceased God of The Bible 

As for Otto, he couldn't helped but be at ease looking at the Boy's Aura, since being the Wielder of The Void Archives, he himself knows more about the World than most beings, with the only ones surpassing his own understanding beings are Entities that has existed in the Dawn of the Universe or Ones that has Investigated the World longer than he has 

For that reason, he couldn't helped but laughed at himself, since now he understood the depths of Issei's Powers now

Otto: ' For him to have such Pure Ki, he will become The Strongest In The Future there's no doubt about that ' Otto thought, while looking at the Golden Ki, which now appeared to be calmed and less excited to be shown in the world 

Ki, because of it's properties being The Life-Force of a Person, the More a Person has Ki, The Stronger they will become in the Future as well, that's why Supernatural Entities are so Powerful, The Higher The Ki The More Powerful a Being will become  

Ki Empowers All Living Beings, with ones Ki being at there Strongest when a Person is Young, but a Human can't used that Large Ki in there youth, simple because of 2 things

1, There Body is far too young to be able to safely Ki in such a Young Age would make there Bodies explode because of the Power of Ki

2, Humans doesn't know how to properly used said power safely, those that could use Ki was all wrong, making them die of young age 

It's because of that, The Older an Entity becomes the Stronger they will become, and that is also why most beings would lose there Strength if they become Old enough is simple because they are now losing far too Much Ki themselves resulting in lost of Strength and death of Old Age

That's why Originally The Human Race are always been seen as The Bottom of the Food Chain in the Supernatural World

Since unlike Humans, The Supernatural Entities are natural could lived much Older than Humans could, with some being able to lived for Thousands upon Thousands of Years making them be able to get more Powerful through Ki alone and that there Ki is a lot Denser than Humans are as well

That's why both the Gods and Dragons are The Ones at the Top of the Food Chain, since Gods are Immortal making it so that they could gained more Power by just getting Older and with them being able to grow a lot faster than Humans, with them being able to become Full on Adults in just a year, they would be able to fully Utilized there already Immense Ki and Denser Mana which is called Divinity 

While for the Dragons, they might not be able to grown into Adults in short amount of time, with them being as long as Humans to take to become Adults, but however much like the Gods they have something that makes them powerful, there Physique, because of there Physique there Body adopts faster too Ki and even Talent in manipulating Ki as well, but even them having the Densest Mana there is, which is called Dragonic Energy

Because of this known Fact, most beings tries to abused such a system, like Lucifer creating the Devil Race to be very adoptive of Ki, but simple couldn't even reached the same levels as those of the Gods or Dragons, but what he did give to the Devils however, is the Ability to Evolved into a Higher Form of Life, which is now being dub as the Super Devils 

And that's what the dynamic was for the first hundreds years, but that change when Buddha learnt how to use Ki, at that time no one really payed attention to him, since at that time they didn't even know of the Human Potential 

Since in just 5 Years, Buddha was able to ascend himself and become an Entity that could match the Abilities of a God and even created his own Religion, and that shocked every one in the Supernatural World at that time

With many Race that was very arrogant of there Power Immediately went and attacked Buddha, with Buddha himself killing all of them 

Of course such a feat Instantly made Buddha to be one of the Top 10 Ranks, since the Army that he fought was both big and strong Individually as well, making it so that he was Instantly shot to the Ranked of 2nd Place 

Because of such a feat and the many beings that became Buddhas themselves, The Supernatural World became very wary of the Human Race because of there Immense Potential in Ki and  that's not even adding in The Stigmatas that they developed

It's because of that, that both Kallen and Otto was looking at Issei in such light, for his Ki could match does of Gods and the Purity is also very Pure and Dense as well 

Kallen: ' His Ki is already so Pure and Dense! How strong he become if he just naturally aged up into a Adult? Or even a Teenager? ' Kallen thought while being excited of the prospect of Issei being able to fulfill his Full Potential, while also being wary of other potential dangers for his life, like the Gods and other Satan Class Entities, since despite having the Potential to be able to acquire such power to surpassed the two, that doesn't mean that she currently that powerful

Then suddenly, the Golden Aura suddenly formed 8 golden lines and then attacked themselves at Issei's back and then steam came out of his back, but Issei didn't react to it like it wasn't even there 

The Golden Lines was drawing a Golden Sword facing down with three line wings as the Guard of the Sword 

Which then Increased the Sized of the Ki Aura around him even further 

Issei: ' Is this how being a God feels like? ' Issei thought while slowly lifting his arm and then clenched it into a fist 

Ddraig: [So this is the Side-Effect of [Black Flash]? So Issei are you okay?] Ddraig communicated on to his partner worried because of the Effects of Black Flash

[Black Flash] is a Physical Technique that can be used in any way possible as long as it's a Physical Attacked with the Power being boosted by about 2.5 Exponent, because of that and the versatility of the Attacked, it could be argued to be the Strongest Physical Attacked Technique in the World 

But that's not all, all those that were able to used [Black Flash], there Understanding of the Energy Source that they used will Increased by an Immeasurable amount 

And The Energy Source that Issei used to fuel the Technique is Mana and Ki

If it was just Mana, Issei would just be out of it for a few seconds until he returns to normal, since Mana is a Light Resource that all Living Beings could Manipulate and Used, and to top it all off, it is a very flexible Energy Source that could do almost anything in the world as long as they do the right procedures 

But Ki on the other hand is different, In terms of Density of the Energy, it is by far the Most Dense and Pure Energy in the Universe, because of it being the very Life-Force of a Living Being itself, any Attacked that Utilized Ki would always be Powerful

But when Issei used [Black Flash] encompassing the two Energy, he was able to gained an Immeasurable amount of Understanding on Mana and Most Importantly Ki as well 

Because of that, Issei was able to Understand many things that was a Secret in the World itself, for example the Existence of Stigmatas 

Because of that Understanding, he was able to Understand how Stigmatas manifest in the World, and simple being able to Understand something, even a little bit was enough to make Issei understand all of it 

Since Issei held the Cheat Power called [Enhanced Mind], because of that he was able to figure out how to manifest his Stigmata 

Hyoudou Stigmata: A Stigmata that Hyoudou Issei Manifested, The Stigmata grants the User an Increased in all Physical and Magical Abilities and a Boost in ones Magical Reserves, with the User having the Special Ability to Manipulate Fire

Issei: " I'am better than Ok " 

When the Event was over, they all could only wander on how Powerful Issei Hyoudou would become right now

With this day being one of the Catalyst on his Rapid Rise in Power 










{Master, this is the Reports that you wanted My Lord} A mechanical was heard and was spoken with the tone of respect 

{Then what is the result of the Planet's Powers?} A New voice spoke to the first one, with his tone being more commanding and confident in nature 

{It is as the Legend Proclaimed My Lord, The Beings on the Planet Called Earth are more Powerful than we have seen} The First Voice said to the one he called his Master 

The Master hearing this could only released a nasty chuckle and then went into a full blown laughed, with the Subordinate only looking at him and waiting for his laughed to end

{Hahahahaha!! This Shall be Exciting! For there to be Tier: 1 Beings in this World!} The Master said to his Subordinate who could only nod as well at the level of power that Earth held 

{Rugatimu!! Don't disturbed me for the rest of the Trip to Earth! For I shall train to gained to there Level!} Hearing this, The now named Rugatimu nodded and then said 

Rugatimu: {That would be 12 to 13 years from now? Would you train for that long Master?} Rugatimu asked his master, for he knows his Master's tendencies to go to fights after all, since his desires for a grand battle is always been known after all, since he has missed Important Meetings since he just met a powerful opponent after all

The Master hearing this could only make a chuckled for he understood his questioned after all, for he knows his own tendencies to go skipped something Important or even the things that he planned himself 

{Yes, you don't have to worry about me, since my reward would be the Ability to Fight Beings of the Tier: 1 Scale!} With that the Master then left the Room, leaving Rugatimu to himself who could only sigh 

{I just hoped that the Etoulde Faction wouldn't spot us} Rugatimu said to no one in particular while leaving to Informed the crew


Yeah ExE is revealed in this Chapter and would appear when Issei becomes 18 or 19 Years Old, and yes there are other planets and races as well not just the 2 World of DxD and ExE

Also this would be a moment when Issei becomes truly OP in his pears, since he has [Enhanced Mind] ability which increased his Creative and Inventing Ability, which would allow Issei to create Skills and Techniques more Efficient and Effective than most, since the Ability of [Enhanced Mind] just needs knowledge of something to be able to do something Incredible with it

And since in this Chapter Issei was able to gained an Immeasurable Understanding of Mana and Ki than most if not everyone in the Universe now, he would obviously have a sudden and quick rise in power thanks to this new found Information and Skills with the Technique as well

Next Chapter would reveal Issei's New Level of Power, so Expect so many OP moments now in this Story

Also for the ExE part, the reason why I put that there, is simple because I don't want to change the Power Rankings and fucked the Power Scaling and also show that DxD is a powerful world than it being so weak in the Canon Story with the Introductions of ExE

It's also a way for me to not make the Side-Characters not be useless and forgotten, since the Power of Regalzeva is Immense in Power, since Regalzeva in Canon effortlessly killed Great Red, and Issei and Friends wouldn't be able to beat that

Since seriously!! It took Most of the Powerhouses in DxD just to trapped Trihexa in a Barrier and fight it for 10 Thousand Years and beat it!! And the Trihexa is a being that is either Equal or Close in Power to Great Red!!!

There's absolutely no chance for Issei and the others to beat them! Especially since Evie is creating Weapons God Killing Weapons, and even then, the only ones that could fight them the ones that would do most if not all of the Fighting would be Etoulde Gods!!

So pretty much no one in DxD would do anything in the fight with the main heavy hitters of the Evie Gods!!

So it wouldn't even be a battle between DxD and ExE

It would be more of a Battle between Evie Gods and Etoulde Gods, with DxD watching in the Sidelines and Supporting the Evie Gods

With the only ways for DxD to win by themselves or do something significant would be Massive BS/Plot Armor in the Author's Part!!

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