Our War ||Shingeki no Kyojin...

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≺≺𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿⋆ 橱ぱ I hope you like it -Warning, this story will be long, since I'm going... 更多

Տeason 1
S1 [To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshia, Part 1]
S1 ‹That Day: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 2›
S1 ‹A Dim Light Amid Despair: Humanity's Comeback, Part 1›
S1 ‹The Night of the Closing Ceremony: Humanity's Comeback, Part 2›
S1 ‹First Battle: The Struggle for Trost, Part 1›
S1 ‹The World the Girl Saw: The Struggle for Trost, Part 2›
S1 ‹Small Blade: The Struggle for Trost, Part 3›
S1 ‹I Can Hear His Heartbeat: The Struggle for Trost, Part 4›
S1 ‹Whereabouts of His Left Arm: The Struggle for Trost, Part 5›
S1 ‹Response: The Struggle for Trost, Part 6›
S1 ‹Idol: The Struggle for Trost, Part 7›
S1 ‹Wound: The Struggle for Trost, Part 8›
S1 ‹Primal Desire: The Struggle for Trost, Part 9›
S1 ‹Can't Look Into His Eyes Yet: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 1›
S1 ‹Special Operation Squad: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 2›
S1 ‹What Needs to be Done Now: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 3›
S1 ‹Female Titan: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 1›
S1 ‹Forest of Giant Trees: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 2›
S1 ‹Bite: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 3›
S1 ‹Erwin Smith: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 4›
S1 ‹Crushing Blow: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 5›
S1 ‹Defeated: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 6›
S1 ‹Smile: Assault on Stohess, Part 1›
S1 ‹Mercy: Assault on Stohess, Part 2›
S1 ‹Wall: Assault on Stohess, Part 3›
Տeason 2
S2 » Beast Titan
S2 » I'm Home
S2 » Southwestward
S2 » Soldier
S2 » Historia
S2 » Warrior
S2 »Close Combat
S2 »The Hunters
S2 »Opening
S2 »Children
S2 »Charge
S2 »Scream
Տeason 3 Part 1
S3 »Smoke Signal
S3 »Pain
S3 »Old Story
S3 »Trust
S3 »Reply
S3 »Sin
S3 »Wish
S3 »Outside the Walls of Orvud District
S3 »Ruler of the Walls
S3 »Friends
S3 »Bystander
S3 »Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall
Տeason 3 Part 2
S3 »The Town Where Everything Began
S3 »Thunder Spears
S3 »Descent
S3 »Perfect Game
S3 »Hero
S3 »Midnight Sun
S3 »The Basement
S3 »That Day
S3 »Attack Titan
S3 »The Other Side of the walls
Տeason 4 part1
S4 ‹The Other Side of the Sea›
S4 ‹The Other Side of the Sea› Part 2
S4 ‹Midnight Train›
S4 ‹The Door of Hope›
S4 ‹The Door of Hope› Part 2
S4 ‹From One Hand to Another›
S4 ‹Declaration of War›
S4 ‹The War Hammer Titan›
S4 ‹Assault›
S4 ‹Assassin's Bullet›
S4 ‹Brave Volunteers›
S4 ‹A Sound Argument›
S4 ‹Deceiver
S4 ‹Deceiver part 2
S4 ‹Guides
S4 ‹Savagery
S4 ‹Savagery part 2
S4 ‹Sole Salvation
S4 ‹Above and Below
Տeason 4 part2
S4 Part 2 ‹Judgment
S4 Part 2 ‹Sneak Attack
S4 Part 2 ‹Two Brothers
S4 Part 2 ‹Memories of the Future
S4 Part 2 ‹From You, 2000 Years Ago
S4 Part 2 ‹Thaw
S4 Part 2 ‹Sunset

S4 ‹Children of the Forest

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[Zeke]: It's called a "gas weapon"..-Zeke explains to Louis and Levi, who were sitting in front of the Jaeger on some boxes- The gas contains some of my spinal fluid. Breathing just a slight amount makes Subjects of Ymir freeze up. They can't control their bodies and lose consciousness...

Louis narrowed his eyes at Zeke's words, Levi frowned.

[Zeke]: On my command, I send Power of the Titans to the coordinate via Paths. That's why the people of the village obeyed my orders...

[Levi]: It's not that village. It's Ragako. Don't forget the name of the village you slaughtered, you bearded shit...-He tells him, giving him a hard look. Louis crossed his arms, sighing heavily. Zeke's eyes turn half-lidded-

[Zeke]: Well, I didn't want to do it. But if I hadn't, and they found out I was sided with Eldia, I couldn't have brought hope to this island..

Zeke slightly sits up in his seat.

[Zeke]: You know, I told you both all this when I landed on the island. Why keep asking?...-Louis nearly scoffed at Zeke's words-

[Louis]: You don't have a shred of guilt in you and it shows. You may or may not want to save Eldia, but those lives meant nothing to you..-He told him, Levi looked at Louis out of the corner of his eye-

[Zeke]: You can't have been popular. You think you know everyone's feelings...

Levi eyed him before looking down at the right corner of his eyes.

[Levi]: I do know. And I was popular enough...

[Louis]: Believe him, he's very popular...-Louis looks at Levi with a small smile-

[Zeke]: Well, ain't that great? So?...-He leans forward in his seat- When will Eren, (Y/n) and I begin the test?...

[Louis]: It does not depend on us. We're waiting for HQ...-Zeke furrowed his brows-

[Zeke]: They may think they have time to spare, but they don't...

[Levi]: I'm with you there...-Levi says, Louis looks between the two in silence-

[Soldier]: Captain Levi! Captain Louis!..-The voice of a soldier, made Louis and Levi turn to him as the soldier runs towards the two so he can whisper to them-

Levi's eyebrows slightly raise from the information told and looks up at him. Louis gasps as his eyes widen at the words.

[Levi and Louis]: What? Are you serious?...


At the entrance of the restaurant, the Braus family, Gabi, and Falco had just arrived. The group was looking around at the big building as the family couldn't help but gawk.

The whole family started praising the place.

Gabi and Falco, on the other hand, were simply silent, their eyes scanning the area for the Marleyan Kaya had mentioned. The Braus family turns to them and notices their behavior.

[Mr. Braus]: What's wrong, Mia? Got the jitters?...-Mr. Braus asks them. The two quickly avert their gaze back at the two as Gabi faintly shook her head- 

[Gabi]: Um, no..

The kids all laugh while Gabi pursed her lips.

[Gabi]: N-No!...-She then turns to Kaya and trudges her way behind her, almost cowering as she whispers to her- Kaya! Does a Marleyan captive really work here?..

Kaya turns to her and brings her left hand up to cover her mouth, sweat trailing down her cheek as she whispered back with squinted eyes.

[Kaya]: It's true, so get a grip. Soldiers use this place, too...

[Falco]: It'll be good to know another Marleyan...

The family makes their way inside until they reach the dining hall, where they were greeted by Nicolo.

[Nicolo]: Mr. Braus! Thank you for coming!..

[Mr. Braus]: Thanks a bunch for the invite!...-The rest of the kids pile in. Falco and Gabi hesitates a bit but nonetheless make their way over with the others- 

Upon seeing the number of children standing there, Nicolo starts to sweat as he sends a nervous closed-eye smile and tenses up.

[Nicolo]: Oh. You sure brought a crowd...

[Mr. Braus]: Since it's on the house, I brought the whole gang. Sorry...

[Nicolo]: It's fine...-He holds his left arm out that gestures to a table- Welcome, everyone. This way, please...

The group looks over at the long table presented to them and makes their way to their seats. Gabi and Falco just stood by the doorway as Kaya makes her way to them.

[Kaya]: That's Nicolo, the Marleyan who invited Mr. Braus...-They look over at Nicolo to see him hold a chair out for Mr. Braus with a nervous smile- See if he can help you...

Falco and Gabi just gaze at Nicolo for a minute or so before Gabi looks over at Kaya.

Mr. Braus isn't a soldier, so why was he invited?...-She asks, Kaya looks over her shoulder-

[Kaya]: His daughter was the girl soldier who saved me....-The three look away from each other and back at Nicolo- Nicolo was at her grave and wanted to treat him to the food she loved. But, personally, I thought they were in love...

Immediately hearing that, Falco gasps quietly and turned to Kaya then over at Nicolo. 

They were all at the table as they ate, but Falco was the only one not eating as he was lost in thought.

[Mr. Braus]: Ben?..-Falco snaps out of his thoughts- What's wrong? Tummy ache?..

[Falco]: Uh, no!..-He tenses up and shakes his head. He looks down at the food on his plate, grabs his fork, and goes to take a bite out of a piece, and instantly the taste brought delight- Delicious! I've never had anything this good!..

From the kitchen, Nicolo was working to prepare the next dish for the family.

[Nicolo]: Just wait till you've had the main dish!...-He uttered to himself as a blue flame erupts from the pan a Marleyan soldier makes his way in the kitchen, holding a stack of plates-

[??]: Nicolo, you've got guests...

[Nicolo]: Huh?! Who is it now?!...

[??]: The Scouts...

Nicolo furrows his brows before he makes his way over to the entrance to see Hanji, Onyankopon, and the others standing behind the two.

[Nicolo]: You guys? What, is it urgent?... My hands are full with some customers...

[Hanji]: Uh, you can go back to work if you want. It's just, we'd like to talk once you're done...-Hanji puts her hands up in defense and chuckles lightly-

[Nicolo]: Talk? About what?..

[Hanji]: Oh, you know. Like any concerns you have...

[Onyankopon]: They're investigating our detainment. We're hoping you can help...

[Nicolo]: Yeah, all right...-Nicolo leads the group into a secluded dining room- You can wait here...

Jean and Hanji were the first to enter the room as Hanji scanned the room.

[Hanji]: Oh? What a fancy room..-Connie then enters and looks around as well-

[Connie]: I bet it's reserved for MPs..

And as they look around, Jean's eyes catch sight of a wine bottle.

[Jean]: Huh? Is this the wine all the soldiers are gossiping about?!..-He examines it as the others look at him- They say only higher ranks can get it!..

[Connie]: Yeah? Aren't we high rank in the Scouts?...-Connie smiles as she walks over to Jean. Jean turns to Connie and smiles back-  

[Jean]: Yup! We deserve a bit of fun, too! A sip or two...

[Nicolo]: Don't touch that!..-Nicolo's voice intervenes, catching everyone off guard as they watch him lunge over at the wine bottle and grab it tightly-

[Jean]: Ch-Chill out, Nicolo. We're just screwing around. No need to overreact...-Nicolo just purses his lips together and slightly straightens his back as he faces everyone-

[Nicolo]: This good stuff would be wasted on Eldians!...

Connie sends a confused look at him while Jean started to grow annoyed.

[Jean]: Nicolo, you're still saying stuff like that? The booze don't give a damn what race we are!..-He grabs onto the collar of Nicolo's uniform and shouts at his face while the blond's face starts to contort into disgust-

[Nicolo]: Don't touch me, Eldian. Just because I've been nice doesn't make us pals...-Nicolo frowns. Jean's annoyed look turns into a glare as he brings Nicolo's face close-

[Jean]: Have you forgotten what you are? You're just a--

[Nicolo]: A filthy captive, huh?..-Nicolo cuts him off with a smirk, he grabs Jean's hand and pulls her away from him- That makes us even, Eldian...

He then turns around and leaves the room, leaving Jean flabbergasted as he grabs his hand. Jean and Connie just watch him leave with raised brows as Nicolo slams the door behind him.

[Connie]: What's his problem?..-Connie muttered- 

[Jean]: Dammit!...


In the hallway, Nicolo was holding the bottle close, hunching slightly with a big frown as he continued to walk until he reached the wine basement door. He opens it while Gabi watches Nicolo. 

[Gabi]: Go...-She mutters to Falco, who started his plan-

[Falco]: Argh! My stomach hurts!...

[Lisa]: You okay, Ben?..-Lisa asks with a worried expression-

[Mr. Braus]: Eat something bad?...

Falco quickly stands on his feet.

[Falco]: I think I need to use the restroom!..-He then starts to pace off as Gabi stands up from her seat-

[Gabi]: I think I better go help my brother!..

Gabi runs to Falco's side while Kaya, who was munching on a piece of bread with crumbs on her face.

[Kaya]: Good luck!..

In the wine basement, Nicolo was by a table, hands placed firmly against it. He lowers his head and stares at the table, letting out a sigh a second later and shuts his eyes.

[Y/n]: I'm not going to ask what happened?...-(Y/n)'s voice made Nicolo jump. She looked at him as she stood, staring at him-

[Nicolo]: (Y/n)... I forgot you were here...-He sighed deeply, placing a hand on his chest-

Falco and Gabi make their way inside the room and start walking down the stone steps, quickly alerting Nicolo as he turns. His expression softens a bit when seeing them and quirks a brow.

[Nicolo]: Hmm? The restroom is the other way...

The two children did not notice the presence of (Y/n), who watched everything in silence.

[Falco]: That's not why we're here, Nicolo...-Falco firmly stated, as Gabi furrows her brows-

[Gabi]: We came from Marley. We're Warrior candidates...-Nicolo gasps and looks between the two with puzzlement-

He watches them rush down the steps and approach him.

[Falco]: We think there will be a huge offensive against the island soon...

[Gabi]: Until then, hang in there! And let any of your Marleyan comrades know!..

[Nicolo]: H-Hold up! What are Warrior candidates doing here?...

[Gabi]: The island devils raided Liberio...-Gabi sharply spoke and took a step forward-

Nicolo looked at (Y/n) out of the corner of his eyes, the girl narrowed her eyes while frowning. She perfectly remembers that she was the same girl who had killed Sasha.

[Gabi]: We got aboard their airship as it retreated and rode it here...

Immediately Nicolo gasped at her words. He felt a lump in his throat his eyes widened and pupils shrank.

[Nicolo]: Did you... kill anyone? A female... soldier?...

Falco's face turns into horror from his words. Gabi, although, just smiles brightly and nods.

[Gabi]: Yes, I did!..-Falco turns his head to her and tries to stop her words-

[Falco]: Gabi, wait!...

[Gabi]: I've only killed a few, but... our real revenge has yet to begin!..

[Falco]: Gabi!..-Falco places his hand on her shoulder- 

[Gabi]: We won't let those spineless devils get away with...

(Y/n) purses her lips at the happiness of the girl, the damn girl who had killed sasha.

Falco shakes her shoulder rather aggressively, which makes Gabi look over her shoulder with irritation and hissed.

[Gabi]: What?!..

[Nicolo]: So it was you... who killed her?..-Nicolo's voice came hushed, his right hand slowly itching to grab the wine bottle by him-

He then suddenly snatches, a small thud being let out as Falco fearfully turns his head up at him while Gabi was left confused.

[Nicolo]: You're the one who killed Sasha?!...-He screams, his voice filled with rage, heartbroken as he raises the wine bottle and goes to swing at Gabi, but Falco was quick to push her away, became the victim to Nicolo's attack-

The red wine flies everywhere along as Gabi falls on her bottom while Falco's body falls harshly to the ground.

Nicolo just glares down at Falco's unconscious form, the wine dripping from the broken bottle while Gabi slowly looks over and gasps seeing Falco.

[Gabi]: Falco?!..

Nicolo was just breathing heavily. Fear now runs through the girl's veins as she crawls over to Falco's side. Nicolo's breathing stops as turns his gaze over to Gabi's as he watched.

The wine trailing down the boy's head and near his open mouth while Gabi continued to shake him for dear life.

[Gabi]: Falco! Falco! Get up!..

Nicolo's breath hitches and sweat trails down his head.

[Nicolo]: Shit!...

[Gabi]: Wake up! Hey! Say something, Falco!...-She kept moving Falco's body, but looked up to see someone else with them. She gasped when she saw (Y/n), who was looking at her with his arms crossed- You!...-She screamed before turning her head over to be met with a punch across her face-

Nicolo sighed as he sweated, he grabbed Gabi before heading up the stairs. (Y/n) looked at him silently, her eyes going to the wine on the floor.

[Y/n]: This is going to get bad..


Nicolo then brings Gabi and Falco bodies back to the dining room, dropping Gabi on the ground with a loud thud as the Braus family stops eating their food and gasps when seeing the two injured kids. Mr. Braus and Lisa quickly stand to their feet, eyes shrank as Nicolo, who held a sharp knife.

[Mr. Braus]: Nicolo! What'd ya do to Ben and Mia?!...

Gabi slowly looks over at the two adults, blood spilling like crazy from her nose while Nicolo held his hatred gaze down at her along with pointing the knife.

[Nicolo]: She's the one who killed Sasha. She took your daughter's life...

Artur's and Lisa's faces quickly turn to terror while Gabi gets on her elbows and knees and slightly holds her left hand up.

[Nicolo]: Though she's just a kid, she's a trained Marleyan soldier. She got aboard the airship leaving Marley and shot your daughter. She shot Sasha...

[Gabi]: Daughter?..-Gabi murmurs, looking up to see Sasha's parents send a frightful and betrayed look upon her, which makes Gabi gasp-

[Nicolo]: Mr. Braus's, here. If you can't kill her, I will. Is that all right?..

Mr. Braus and Lisa gaze at the knife, mouth parting while Nicolo just stared at Mr. Braus. 

[Armin]: Wh-What the--?!... Come here, guys!...

Hanji then exits the room the group was in and looks over at him with puzzlement as she shouts.

[Hanji]: Huh? What is it?..

Everyone rushes their way into the dining hall and instantly gasp at the scene they're looking at.

[Jean]: The kid who shot Sasha!...-Jean muttered then turns to Nicolo- What's going on, Nicolo? I heard she's on the run!... What do you think you're doing?! Hey!..

[Nicolo]: Don't move!..-He yelled at them when the group tried to get closer to him, Nicolo quickly brought the knife to Falco's neck- Get back! I'm avenging Sasha! Stay put!...

[Gabi]: Stop...-Gabi's soft voice came from below, which makes Nicolo shoot his angered face down at her- Not Falco!..-She begged, her voice cracking-

[Nicolo]: What is this brat to you?! He took the hit for you!...-Nicolo just continued to glare down at her. Gabi just stared with her mouth dropped- Do you care about him?! I cared about someone, too! An Eldian! Spawn of the devil! One who loved my cooking more than anyone! She saved me from this shitty-ass war!...-Tears start welling up his eyes- She taught me that I like making people happy with food! her name was Sasha Braus! She's the girl you stole from me!...

Gabi just stared into Nicolo's eyes before she leaned forward.

[Gabi]: People I cared about were killed, too! They were shot by your Sasha Braus! That's why I got revenge! She killed people first!...

[Nicolo]: Who gives a damn who killed first?!...-He screams back, lightly pressed the knife against Falco's neck-

[Gabi]: Open your eyes! You're a Marleyan soldier! That devil woman bewitched you! Don't lose to the devils!...

[Mr. Braus]: Nicolo, hand me the knife...

Gabi can feel her heart drop from his words as she can hear Sasha's father make his way to Nicolo. The blond's mouth drops, surprised almost as Mr. Braus holds his right hand out.

The knife made a small clink against Mr. Braus's grasp as everything fell silent. Gabi didn't dare to move, fear was striking down her core while Mr. Braus stared down at the sharp object. The Scouts stare with worry and their mouths were slightly dropped. Sweat rolled down the side of their heads as they continued to watch. 

[Hanji]: Don't do it, Mr. Braus... Please put down the knife...-She lowers her hands all while Artur was staring blankly at the ground-

[Mr. Braus]: Sasha was a hunter...-He starts talking, confusing Hanji. Lisa looked at Gabi while the other children were silent- Even as a wee girl, she shot varmints in the forest for us to eat. That was just our way of livin'...-Lisa's lips turned into a frown, her eyes trying to fight back tears- But I knew there'd come a day we'd have to give up that style of life, so I sent Sasha away from the forest...

[Mr. Braus]: She went into the world, became a soldier, shot people far yonder, and got herself shot. In the end, though she left our forest..-He lowers the knife and gives the handle side to his wife, who grabs it and places it on the table- the world is great, big forest where everyone's fightin' for their life...-He turns to Nicolo, who stares at the man with sweat and with his mouth dropped- I reckon Sasha died 'cuz she wandered in the forest too long...

[Mr. Braus]: We've gotta keep the younguns out of the forest. Otherwise, ain't nothin' gonna stop it from happenin' again...-Gabi stared up at Mr. Braus with mixed feelings- That's why it's up to us adults to shoulder the sins of the past...

[Lisa]: Nicolo, let Ben go...

Nicolo looks between the two adults with his teeth clenched and shocked. He looks down at Falco, then at the two before he shuts his eyes while hesitantly letting Falco go. Mr. Braus gently lays Falco on the ground, large amounts of blood were rolling down his forehead.

Jean and Connie make their way over to Nicolo and apprehend him. Gabi stared at Lisa and Mr. Braus with puzzlement. Mikasa places her fingers under her chin.

[Mikasa]: Are you hurt?...

[Mr. Braus]: Mia... You okay?..

[Gabi]: Do you really..-Tears form in her eyes at the concern of the adults-...not hate me?..

Suddenly, rapid footsteps were making their way over to Mikasa and Gabi. Kaya had snatched the knife that was laying on the table and was charging at Gabi. She raises the knife and aims for her head, a few tears escaping her eyes as the knife was just a few inches away from her head, but Mikasa had grabbed onto her wrist.

Gabi sat in her spot with shock. Kaya heaved heavily, her chest rising from each sharp breath she took. 

[Gabi]: Kaya...

Mr. Braus and Lisa quickly leave Falco's side and hold Kaya down, which makes the three fall to the ground as Kaya screams with her voice cracking.

[Kaya]: How dare you kill her!..-Fat tears cascading down her cheeks, her hand on the knife tight- You murderer! I thought you were a friend!..

[Armin]: Let's move you! C'mon!..-Armin walks over to Mikasa and Gabi and helps her up. Gabi was silent as she listened to the sobs of the family that helped her-

As the three of them walked down the hall, Gabi could still hear Kaya's screams. As the family cries together, Nicolo watches with a frown.

[Nicolo]: Now the food's gone cold..-He looks away and lowers his head, shutting his eyes for a moment- Hanji, try to rinse out that kid's mouth. Some wine got in it...

[Hanji]: Huh?..-She turns her head over at Nicolo, confused by his words as she and Onyankapon were tending to Falco- 

[Nicolo]: Though...-Nicolo looks down- It's probably too late...

[Hanji]: What's in... the wine?...

[Nicolo]: I think... Zeke's spinal fluid and and the blood of (Y/n)..

When everyone heard his words, their mouths dropped open as they let out gasps.

[Hanji]: (Y/n)?...


(Y/n) approached the wine on the floor, knelt down before placing her hand.

[Y/n]: This has something different..-She murmured, looking at her hand. But she suddenly heard footsteps coming down the stairs, she turns around slowly before her eyes widen as she looks at Eren-

Eren gasped silently when he noticed (Y/n), he rushed down the stairs and hugged her tight. (Y/n) sighed calmly as Eren kissed her forehead.

[Eren]: I finally found you, (Y/n)...-Eren murmurs in her ear- But... why are you here?... I thought Captain Levi had taken you...

[Y/n]: I escaped... But I got hurt and I took refuge here and Nicolo helped me..-said (Y/n), looking at him with a small smile. Eren nods before kissing her-


In the woods, Zeke was still looking at the book in his hands while Levi and Louis were away from him as they reported.

[Louis]: Zachary was killed?..

[Soldier]: Yes. The Jaegerists effectively control everything in the walls.. We think it's all part of some plan Zeke put together using Yelena, (Y/n) and Eren...

[Levi]: And?..- He asks, the soldier looks at him-

[Soldier]: Soon, the Jaegerists may bring Eren to see Zeke like they've been demanding...-Louis frowns, placing his hand on his chin-

[Louis]: And with (Y/n)... what are they planning with her? If I'm not mistaken Zeke and Eren also need it, right?...

[Soldier]: Zeke also wants to get the two together. Both Eren and (Y/n)...

[Levi]: And Pixis? Is he letting this happen?... 

[Soldier]: As you know, the commandeer can be quite stubborn...

[Levi]: He's gonna make sure Eren gets eaten... by our own hands...

The soldier frowns as he slowly nods.

[Soldier]: That's right...

[Louis]: Shit..-Louis looks away-

[Levi]: I've saved Eren, over and over--each time, more comrades dying. All because I believed he along with (Y/n) was the hope of humanity...-He thinks, looking down- And look--this is where my beliefs got me. It's like some awful joke. What the hell was the hope that we saw?.. All the struggle for a farce like this? Such bullshit...-He spat- It's not even funny. There's another shithead we should have eaten...


Jean slams Nicolo's body against the white walls. 

[Jean]: What do you mean?! Are Zeke's cerebrospinal fluid and (Y/n)'s blood in the wine?...-Nicolo's brows crease together, a frown forming-

[Nicolo]: I don't have proof, but... They packed the first scout fleet to the brim with it...-Connie held Falco's mouth open as Hanji poured water on him- well more than any scouting mission needed...

Hanji tilts Falco's head to the side, the water spilling out. Connie pours water into Falco's mouth again while Nicolo was still speaking against Jean's hold, who was looking over at the three.

[Nicolo]: And... around the time I secured my job here as a chef, I was told to serve it to high-ranking officers...

Upon hearing Nicolo's words, Jean turns back to Nicolo with teeth-gritting together and slams his body against the wall again. 

[Jean]: By who?!...-He stares intensely down at Nicolo while Nicolo shamelessly looks away, avoiding eye contact-

[Nicolo]: Yelena...-He says, while Hanji and Onyankopon stare with wide eyes and a surprised expression- As far as I know, she's the only one in on it. can't speak for the other volunteers...

Hanji immediately turns her head over at Onyankopon, which makes the man quickly deny it with a stutter.

[Onyankopon]: Th-This is the first time I've heard about it!...

[Connie]: It doesn't make sense!..-Connie exclaims, she couldn't think that (Y/n) could do that- (Y/n) would never do that! She's our friend...-He looks at Hanji in search of answers- Don't Eldians freeze up if they drink his spinal fluid?... And what happens if the liquid and (Y/n)'s blood get together ?...

[Hanji]: According to Zeke. Nobody witnessed it, so there's no way to confirm it. But ... the effectiveness of his little lie has been enormous. Because nobody has frozen up, no one is even aware they drank it...-She looks at him- (Y/n)'s blood is still a mystery to us. Eren has never wanted me to do experiments on her...

[Jean]: Yeah, but.. You don't know for sure, right?...

[Nicolo]: Yeah, I can't prove it..-He looks to the side- But Marleyans know how Zeke's spinal fluid has been used in the past...-El looks towards another side- About ten years ago, we conquered a capital in just one night Hundreds of Titans sprung up in the city. Unless that's what she's plotting, I don't know why she wants it served to your military's top officers....

[Connie]: You grabbed the wine away from us since you were protecting us then?...

[Nicolo]: Who knows? I don't know what I'm doing. I came here to save the world from island devils. Now that I've opened my mouth, I'm sure my days are numbered... But, Mr. Braus... I don't think I can be like you, but if this can serve as atonement...-Nicolo then looks away and lowers his head, tears edging as he grabs onto Jean's upper arms and clenched them tightly- Killing a child? What's wrong with me?...

[Mr. Braus]: Nicolo...


In a secluded spot, Mikasa and Armin were sitting next to Gabi at a table. The two all gaze at her while Gabi just stared down at the table.

[Gabi]: Why did you protect me?...-She uttered softly-

[Mikasa]: Because. I don't have a reason...-Mikasa answers while Armin remained silent-

[Gabi]: I'm the one who killed your comrade. I'm the one who bludgeoned the guard... Falco didn't do it. Kill me, not him...

[Armin]: We won't kill you...

[Gabi]: But you want to, don't you?..

[Armin]: I don't want to kill you...-Armin sighed and closed his eyes- Kill this, kill that... It's all you think about... Like two people I know...

The door opens, two people walk inside. The footsteps were heard, causing Mikasa and Armin to turn to see who it was. Both of their eyes widen as they realize it was Eren and (Y/n).

The two stared at Mikasa and Armin. Armin were about to speak but fell silent when Eren and (Y/n) raised their hands, revealing a deep cut as blood ran from their hands.


Hanji and Jean were washing Falco's body but suddenly a scream from Onyankopon made them stop. Hanji walks with a confused look

[Hanji]: What's wrong?..-She gasps when she sees him at gunpoint and Floch holding it up to him. He glances over his shoulder and addresses her rather calmly-

[Floch]: Commander Hanji..

[Hanji]: Floch!..-Hanji shrieked as the group takes notice that there were also more Jaegerists in the room pointing their guns at them- 

[Floch]: I'm glad you're here..-Floch tells the commander as he lowered his weapon and made his way over to the group- I imagine you know where Zeke's at... We'll have you take us there..

[Hanji]: Wait. We have no intention of fighting you.. 

[Floch]: We rejected your proposal. We won't negotiate with the military...-Floch stares blankly-

[Hanji]: And why is that?..

[Floch]: It's Eren's decision and (Y/n)... Pixis would never leave the fate of the island in our hands. I'm sure he's frantically devising a plan to take the Founder from Eren while we're on the move..

[Hanji]: You're imagining things. Or is that what your comrades in the Garrison Regiment said?..-

[Floch]: Does it look like I'm one of your lackeys that'll answer you?...-He cocks the gun in his hand- I suggest you get moving before I prove to you that I'm not...

[Jean]: Shit. How'd they know we were here?...-Jean murmured as Nicolo's eyes spot someone and gasp-

[Nicolo]: Greiz? Did Yelena put you up to this?..-Hanji and the boys all look over at Greiz, who remains calm-

[Greiz]: Nicolo, you're too obsessed with Eldians. I knew this day would eventually come... I was right not to tell you how to reach them...

[Hanji]: Floch, listen!..-He turns his gaze back at her as she takes a step forward- We don't have time to be fighting among ourselves! Wine with Zeke's spinal fluid and the blood of (Y/n) was spread through the military! Zeke fooled us all with this plan of his!..

[Floch]: So what? It'll just make the idiot MPs into bigger idiots... Can we go?..

He walks away as a few Jaegerists start making their way to the group. Hanji lets out a loud gasp as she watched Floch walk away from her, arms in his back as the Jaegerists force them down and started handcuffing them.

[Hanji]: I never said the MPs drank it! No way! You guys knew about the wine?!...

Her question gets answered when Floch looks over his shoulder and sends a sinister grin down at her while holding a finger up. The group's pupils shrink and they all gasp as Floch walks past the Brau family, who were gathered together and were guarded by two Jaegerists.

[Floch]: Use your inside voice, please...-Hanji glares hard at him until she and the group get pulled up with force-


[Floch]: We're going ahead...-Floch says to (Y/n) and Eren, who look towards the door- 

[Y/n and Eren]: Okay...

[Armin]: That voice...-Armin looks at the two, who are now sitting across from the three of them as Gabi lets out little gasps- Floch must've come...

Mikasa had her head lowered, her lips turning into a frown, Armin stared at wide eyes at him. (Y/n) and Eren look at each other, (Y/n) looked at them with a frown.

[Eren]: Yeah...-He says, Mikasa saw how the blood stained the table cloth-

(Y/n) looked up, Armin gasped when he saw the girl's dull eyes. Her gaze was expressionless just like Eren's.

[Y/n]: We wanted to... to talk with you guys...-A burst of electricity appeared around her-



The Jaegerists capture Hanji and the others. Staring intensely at Armin and Mikasa, Eren and (Y/n) says that they wants to talk. 

Next episode: "Savagery"


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