Found Hearts

Oleh author_ish_08

362K 22.2K 3.2K

When Aarohi Singh loses everything in her life, metaphorically and literally, she finds herself turning to no... Lebih Banyak

1. Found a roof on head
2. Found best friend's brother in bathroom
3. Found nerves
4. Found a car ride
5. Found annoyance
6. Found eyes
7. Found realization
8. Found loneliness
9. Found Regret
10. Found gaze
11. Found a new side
12. Found Care
13. Found sunsets
14. Found trouble
15. Found Mischief
16. Found a new smile
17. Found Reason
18. Found Lips
19. Found Time
20. Found Realizations
21. Found Safe Place.
22. Found Fears
23. Found Shock
24. Found love
25. Found night
26. Found Commitment
27. Found nights.
28. Found myself falling in love
29. Found Uncertainties
30. Found Hurt
31. Found Confession.
32. Found Terror
33. Found Pain
33. Found Criminal
35. Found Tenderness
36. Found Deceit
37. Found Truth
38. Found Hearts
40. Epilogue : HEA
Announcement : New Book
Bonus Chapter : Found Forever
New book Announcement

39. Found Home

9K 541 56
Oleh author_ish_08

Oh my God ! Did it just happen ?! 

Yes absolutely ! 

We hit 3k reads !!! 

And I have no one else to thank except YOU guys who gave this story and Kabir and Aarohi, so much love ! I love you to the moon and back my muffins. Thankyou for making this happen. Keep supporting and loving me. And I'll keep gifting you guys with infinite surprises. 

(PS : The above mentioned song is for this chapter, and also for the entire story of Kabir and Aarohi till now. So if you guys want to get into the feels, so listen to it. Tum Mile- Reprised Version) 


I dropped the last bag on the floor of the flat, and turned around when I heard the similar thud of a bag being kept down from behind me. 

My tired shoulders suddenly felt extra light when my eyes fell upon the person who has turned every nightmare of mine into a gorgeous dream. 

Kabir straightened, his eyes roaming around the small space of the flat I had rented, before they stopped on my face focusing. 

"What do you think ?" he asked looking a bit unsure of himself. 

I think he's the most beautiful man I've ever seen, inside and out. 

But I didn't tell him that of course. I'm sure he himself is tired of hearing my love for him all the time. I'm also a little bit insecure that he'll get bored of it, if he hears me saying how much I love him every other minute. 

So yeah, I didn't tell him all of that, but I also didn't look around the place to answer him. 

Instead, I walked towards him, and standing on my tippy toes, placed a kiss on his lips. 

"I missed you" I whispered against his lips, and he closed his eyes letting out a sigh. 

And I have really really and really missed him. The last three months away from him felt like hell.

 Yep. We had decided to do long distance for the three months. And what were three months in the grand scheme of life ? Nothing. But I hadn't realized how much I was used to being Kabir with me all the time, sharing the same space, that the days away from him dragged minute by minute. 

After Latika's wedding, which has passed by without any more drama and lots of fun, it had finally hit, how empty everything felt. Not only with Kabir, but the house in general. Because before the wedding everyone was so caught up in the preparations it was a little tough to fall back into the normal routine. And then, two weeks after that, Kabir also had to return to Bangalore. I had stayed with uncle and aunty for those three months, to prepare for my finals. And the preparation with the going on exams didn't give me enough time to even talk with Kabir on phone calls, or video chats. 

My anxiety had reached it's peak in those three months with the academic pressure, worries regarding placements, and then my overthinking over Kabir and me growing distant. But the overthinking part was vanished when he visited once a month on a weekend. 

Uncle and aunty were literally so happy, that they thanked me, and asked me stay with them forever since I made Kabir visit Delhi more often. With the way Kabir grumbled at that, made me laugh out loud. 

During those three months, a lot had happened. The biggest surprise of all being, me finally deciding to pay a visit to my father in jail. I was anxious as hell about that too, but when I finally saw him, I didn't feel anger, or resentment or pain. What I felt was what you'd expect a daughter to feel for her father, when she sees him paying for his old deeds. 

I felt pity. 

He had smooth talked to me. Apologized to me. I was worried he'd ask me to help him get out of jail, but he didn't and for that I was thankful. 

After that visit, I had finally gained what I've been looking for since years. A closure. Closure which finally would help me move on from everything related to a past, I always tried to run away from. Anirudh had gone through our family property and had told me that my mother had separate property on her name, which she had already, passed on to my name. My father or mother, never really told me that, and I had thought that all her property was going to be passed to my father. 

But that wasn't the case. So at least now, I wasn't penny less. 

Anirudh had also done some extra digging, which wasn't totally legal, but that his way of working so who was I to question ? Especially not when Kabir asked me to just trust him, and he found out why my father went to jail. Turned out it was money laundering. 

That weekend I was so thankful Kabir was in Delhi, because even though the issue of him going to jail wasn't the reason I felt so broken, yet I felt lonely, and I had cried about everything that hurt, and then I had cried about loving Kabir so much, and then cried more about being thankful that I found him. 

He just held me close that night, kissing my tears away, and whispering soothing words in my ear. 

Another thing related to jail was Vicky. It didn't even take  much for us to show him the walls of prison. I had asked uncle and aunty, even Kabir to just forget about the incident and move on, since I didn't want one of their family members to be in jail because of me. 

Kabir had obviously shut me up by a glare. And uncle-aunty had looked at me like I was ridiculous. They said I was family more than Vicky or Maami Jii will ever be. 

I had also shed a tear or two. 

Amidst all that chaos, I had gotten placed. Of course since I had put Bangalore as my first preference, I got the job here. 

When I told Kabir over a video chat, he had looked at me for some seconds like he was trying to figure out if I was bluffing, but when he had realized I was serious, he had shaken his head taking his face in his hands, and then had looked at me with such a large smile, it felt like the biggest reward for my hard work. Even bigger than getting a job with a good package. 

So, here I was. My first day in Bangalore. I was starting work from next week. And Kabir had already finalized a place for me, on rent. It wasn't big, but from what I saw in pictures, it was cozy enough. 

And another reasoning of Kabir's was, that I shouldn't get much attached to where I live, since in less than a year, I'll have to move in with him. When I had looked at him funny, he had said that he wasn't gonna wait a year to marry me. 

Since the second my eyes had landed on him at the airport, I was waiting to jump his arms and kiss him senseless. But I had to remember we live in India. 

So, now after 1 hour of driving, had we only got a chance. 

Kabir leaned his forehead down on mine, stroking my jaw with his thumb. 

"I'm not even gonna tell you, I missed you, cuz that wouldn't be enough to convey how much miserable I was" he said his eyes smiling, as he captured my lips with his. 

I sighed, my heart soaring to a rhythm that screamed love. 

When he pulled away, I smiled a beaming smile at him. "Happy Birthday" 

He chuckled. "How many times are you gonna wish me in a day ?" 

I shrugged. "It's your first birthday with me" 

"Birthday isn't a big deal for me" 

And, so I've heard. 

"That's fine. Too bad it just gives me a reason to buy you a present" 

"Aarohi-" he starts. 

I kiss him on the lips. "Mm hm, no arguments. The present comes with a no return policy." 

Before I could run away from him and open my bag to get him his present, he stops me his arms tightening around me. "One second" 

"Yeah ?" I ask looking at him. 

He pecks my lips. "I love you" 

I sigh with happiness. "I love you back" I whisper. "Now let me get you your present." 

He sighs defeated, as he lets me go. 

I rush to one of my duffel bag, and ruffle through it, pulling out a wrapped box, in a white and silver wrapping paper. I've heard enough from Latika, Anirudh and Jeet, that after Kabir's 20th birthday, on which his ex girlfriend had passed away, Kabir had never celebrated the day. He hadn't even taken gifts from anyone. He liked to pretend that this day isn't anything special and just like any other normal day. I wasn't going to be the one to spring a big surprise on him, like a birthday party or whatever. 

But I also couldn't just sit and pretend that it's not his birthday. So, I asked him if he minds celebrating lowkey. He looked a little conflicted, but then he smiled and told me, that he wouldn't mind if he spends the day with me. That'd be celebration enough itself. 

That was the moment I had decided, that I'm gonna get him something, and after that It wouldn't matter if we spend today, while cooking in the kitchen, and having sex on the couch. And then in the bedroom. And then against the wall. 

Okay, I need to calm down. 

I look for the the light blue envelope as well, and picking both the items, I rush towards Kabir again, who had removed his shoes, and was taking out water from the fridge. 

I raise my eyebrows noticing he had stocked the cabins with groceries, and the fridge with fresh vegetables. He had even filled the water bottles and kept them in the fridge, even before I arrived here. 

He passes me a glass of water, forcing me to drink, and I take it from him, before capturing his hand in mine, and I force him myself to sit down on the dining table. I settle myself beside him, and pass him the gifts. 

He visibly gulps, before touching the gifts, as if he couldn't believe that I got him something, and my heart aches by the thought of Kabir isolating himself on every birthday of his since last 8 years.

I make a mental promise to never let that happen again. 

He picks the blue envelope. 

"No" I snatch it away from his hands. "The material gift first" 

He shakes his head amusement dancing on his features, and picks the think box. 

He removes the wrapping paper, and anticipating bubbles in my stomach at seeing his reaction. 

His eyebrows convey his confusion, when he removes the tape holding the thin cardboard box, and then he pulls out his present. He removes the bubble wrap from around it. 

All the confusion disappear from his face, turning his features expression less, and my heart sinks. I didn't have much savings to give him something extraordinary, but I had thought, that what I came up with was thoughtful. 

But he wasn't showing anything on his face at this moment. 

I swallow the dread, before my eyes fell on the gift I had bought for him. 

It was a picture frame. A collage picture frame, with lots and lots of candid photos I've taken of Kabir. Him staring at the sunset on the swing kept on the balcony. Him staring at his laptop with his chin propped in his palm, as he focuses on something. Him sleeping on his desk, with a little pout. Him scowling at TV. Bantering with Latika, as she slaps him on the arm. Another one, where he was taking a sip of his coffee, and I made him look at me. As soon as he did, I captured the picture. A picture of his hot wheels collection which Rekha aunty had still kept. Some pictures of him when he was a kid. Some with Rekha aunty and Shekhar uncle. Pictures of me and him. One from Latika's engagement party when we both were looking at each other with a smile. One from when I had my head on his shoulder, and he leaned his head down on mine with his eyes closed, and me with a smile. One where I asked him to make a pose for me, and he gave me a middle finger with a straight face. 

Yeah, there are loads and loads of pictures. 

And Kabir's expression was still emotionless, as he stared at the collage. He gulped once again, as his eyes met mine. 

"I... didn't have any good idea than-" I started but he shut me up, by taking my hand and pulling me on his lap, as he kissed my lips. And then kissed my lips, once again. And then again. 

"I love you" he murmured, and then kissed me again. 

I smiled, burying my fingers in his hair. "As you should to be honest" 

He smiled a smile so wide right then, melting my insides. 

I turned around in his lap, and passed him the envelope. 

"You're spoiling me" he said, and I laughed throwing my head back. 

He opened the envelope, and there was a hand-made card inside. More like a hand-written note, I had written on a vintage paper, and then had decorated it myself. 

Happiest Birthday to the biggest asshole I fell in love with. 

(Spoiler Alert : He's a teddy bear from inside who provides the best cuddles ever.)

And... Since I'm a broke bitch, you'll have to do with presents like these. At least it's hand-crafted so you better not complain, or your balls are in trouble. Just kidding. Or am I ? *evil laugh*. I'm writing this when you're not even here with me, and I haven't seen you since weeks, so you have no idea whatsoever, how much I miss you. Maybe part of me being emotional is because I'm on my period, but who cares ? I wish you were here. But it's just a matter of time. Then I'll get to watch you sleep almost every night, like a creep, hehe. Yes. I do that. (Don't breakup with me). Sigh. I know you won't, because I won't let you get away from me now. Like ever. You're stuck with me forever, sir. Hence, on your first birthday with me, I gift you something nobody has ever gifted anyone else. 

And that is.... *cue drum rolls* 

MYSELF. *tadaaa* 

Don't be too surprised. 

(And since you didn't have the courtesy to ask, I'm gonna do the honors myself)

Kabir Verma, 

Will you do me a favour, and marry me ? Your profit : I will spend my whole life loving you. On your bad days, in your darkest nights. And the hardest Mondays. I want it all. Because in Taylor Swift's words, You're the best thing, that's ever been mine. 

PS : I don't have money for a ring, so that's on you. 

*Muah, muah, and muah* 

I finished reading the note with him. To be honest, I would have written a deep ass emotional speech if I wanted to, but I wanted to go with something realistic and current. Which didn't accentuate our past or future much. Just us, in the moment. 

When I looked up to gauge his reaction, he was still looking at the note, and then he took a deep shaky breath. 

"Don't take too long to answer. You know I get anxious." 

When he looked up at me, his eyes were glassy, as if he was holding in so much emotions which weren't present. But his eyes said enough. 

I smiled at him. And he kissed me. Kissed me trying to pour all of his love into me, holding onto me so tight, yet so gently, as if I would get lost in thin air, if he lets me go. As if he needed to make sure I was real. 

I kissed him back with the same passion to let him know. Yes, I was here. I'm always going to be here. 

When we pulled away, I raised my eyebrows. "I'm assuming that's a yes" 

"What if I say no ?" he asked, reminding me of the moment in the hotel room at Latika's wedding 3 months back. 

"Then I'll ask again" I smiled. 

"What if I say no again ?"

"Then I'll ask again" 

"What if I say-"

"You're not allowed to" I shut him up by bringing my arms around his neck, and kissing him again. 

He let out a laugh, and then kissed my temple. "Yes. I'll marry you. Of course I will."

"Then let's go, and buy me a ring. I need to show off" 

He smacked my butt lightly, and I yelped, laughing. 

And we spent the whole day, kissing, making out, baking him an ugly cake, having sex against a wall. Making love in the bed. Kissing some more. Cuddling. And him telling me countless times in between of all of those things, that nobody has ever gifted him something that thoughtful, and that this was his best birthday, aligning with his 5th birthday probably, when he loved bragging in front of his friends, and uncle and aunty had thrown a big party for him, and he got to brag. 

I laughed at that, when he shared some more stories of his past, and I realized how happy he looked. 

I also realized that I wanted to see him this happy for the rest of our lives. I wanted to be the one to make him happy. And when he had bad days, when the ground would feel like slipping away from beneath his feet, I wanted to be the one to hold him, and help him hang in there. I wanted to be the one to catch him when he nothing feels good enough to look forward to. 

And, above all that, I wanted to be the home he comes back to after he's tired of life. 

Because I know spending a lifetime together, isn't all about laughter and happiness and shine. It's also about gloomy and dark days. Days where you feel, like letting go. And I  had decided to be there for him through it all. Because I knew he would be with me. 

Because we had promised our hearts to each other during this life. And we both aren't the ones to break promises. 


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