De Taenniesbaby

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As I was about to go to sleep, two messages popped up on the screen of my phone. "I've planned a small one da... Mais

✨CHAPTER XX [ a little M ]✨
✨CHAPTER XXX [ M ] [ TW ]✨

✨CHAPTER XII [ a little M ]✨

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De Taenniesbaby


The next morning I got up feeling the other side of the bed empty. Maybe he had some work at the office that's why he left early. Anyways it's good that he isn't here as I was in no mood for arguing with him. I was busy thinking about what he actually might be doing when I heard someone knock on the door. I quickly got out from the bed and fixed myself before opening the door.

"Jennie dear, Good morning. Did you sleep well last night ?" Asked MRS KIM with breakfast in her hands.

"Yes I slept very well MRS KIM."I said putting up a smile.

"Mom." She corrected.

"Mom." I repeated her words.

"That's my good girl. Taehyung had some urgent work at the company so he left ealry. Here I got breakfast for you. You can freshen up and have your breakfast." MRS KIM said handing me the huge plate.

"So sweet of you to bring me breakfast in my room mom but I am not used to having breakfast in bed. I would like to come down and have breakfast with you guys instead." I said politely rejecting the plate.

"Oh Jennie you really are the sweetest. Freshen up and come down when you are ready. We'll be waiting for you." Mom said and left the room.

After getting ready I went down to have breakfast. Dad, mom and Jungkook were already seated at the table waiting for me.

"Finally you are here. Can I start eating now mom ?" Jungkook said unable to control his hunger.

"Yes Jungkook. Ofcourse you can." I said before mom could scold him for his childish behaviour.

"Did Taehyung tell you at what time he's coming back ?" Dad asked Mom.

"He said he'd be home when he's done with some paperworks. He did not specify any time as such." Mom replied.

After having breakfast, I left the house to meet Lisa at a Cafe. We had planned to spend the day together as her parents were going still on a business tour and she was all alone in the house so she asked me to give her company. And I gladly agreed.

"So, how was last night ?" Asked Lisa smirking at me.

"Why does everyone keep asking me the same question ?" I said angrily.

"Calm down Jen! I was just joking." Lisa said getting scared of my loud voice.

"Actually you know what Lis, It was pathetic. As soon as I entered his room I saw a COCKRAOCH. I couldn't beleive how can such a big and tidy house have Cockroaches in it. He said he cleaned his room only once or twice a month." I said did not taking even a single pause.

"OMG that's hillarious and gross at the same time." Lisa said laughing her ass off.

"It's not funny Lis! I was so scared that I INVOLUNTARILY jumped upon him." I said regretting it as soon as the sentence came out of my mouth.

"Wait, what ? You jumped upon him ?" Lisa asked with widened eyes.

"INVOLUNTARILY." I said glaring at her.

"Whatever. How did he react then ?" Lisa asked curiously.

"He was just laughing at my misery." I said remembering the incident.

"How I wish I was there to witness this moment." Lisa said faking a sad face.

"Just shut up okay." I said shutting her up.

"Okay mam." She said putting a finger on her lips.

"Btw, did you speak to Kai yesterday ?" I asked seriously.

"Yes I did." She replied.

"Is he okay ?" I asked feeling sad.

"Umm to be honest....no he is not." Lisa said not wanting to lie.

"I dropped him home yesterday but aunty told me he won't come out of his room eversince he got in last night. He didn't even eat dinner." Lisa said feeling bad about him too.

"Oh my god. Why is he acting like that ? We already discussed about everything." I said lowering my head down.

"It's hard for him to just accept the fact Jen! I can feel him." Lisa said sincerely.

"I know. Shall I go talk to him ?" I asked.

"You definitely should. I'll aslo accompany you but we'll go in the evening. He might be resting right now. Till then let's watch a movie." Lisa said changing the mood.

After almost spending half the day together watching movies, relishing old memories and having fun, It was 8pm now and we decided to go to Kai's.

As soon as we reached the door of his house.

"Calm down Jennie. He'll be alright." Lisa said sensing my fast heart beats and heavy breaths.

After Lisa finished calming me down, I rung the door bell and Kai's mom immediately opened the door.

"Lisa, Jennie I'm so glad both of you showed up. Please talk to Kai and make him understand. He hasn't eaten anything since yesterday and he won't even get out of his room." Kai's mom said in a worried tone.

Ofcourse she knew what all had happened. She also knew that me obeying my parents was not a bad thing but being Kai's mom she felt very bad for him. So did I and Lisa.

"Don't worry Aunty. Let me speak to him. I'm sure he'll listen to me." I said patting his mom's back.

With that I went straight towards his bedroom.

"Kai it's me, Jennie. I want to talk to you. Please open the door." I said knocking on his door.

After a few more tries he finally opened the door. I went in and closed the door. I was shocked to see his room filled with tequilla bottles and his face had turned paler than it ever could be. It was visible that he didn't eat anything for a day or two.

"What have you done to yourselves Kai ?" I asked caressing his cheeks.

No response.

"You know I cannot see you like this." I said with a cracking voice.

No response again.

"Speak to me Kai. Please don't just keep quiet. I need to hear your sweet voice." I said placing my hands on his shoulders and jerking them a little.

"What do you want me to say ?" Finally words came out of his mouth.

"Stop this Kai. I love you. You know I do. Why do you have to do this ?" I said trying to make him understand.

"Ohh you do ? Prove it." He said with a blank face.

"Okay what do you want me to do ?" I asked.

"Look into my eyes and then tell me that you really love me." He said finally looking at me.

I tried looking into his eyes but couldn't. I wanted to but something in me was not allowing me to do so. I kept looking down.

"See you can't do it. You don't love me anymore Jennie. You just faked everything yo-......."

Before he could complete his sentence I shot my head up, placed my hands on his shoulders, looked into his eyes and finally said it.

"I love you Kai." Even though it felt very wrong I did it. I had to do it.

We kept staring into each other's eyes for another minute when he slightly leaned forward and captured my lips with his. He started kissing me. I was dumbstruck. I didn't know what to do. Feeling that I wasn't kissing him back he was about to pull out when I held his shoulders and kissed him back. The kiss was indeed emotional and lasted almost a minute long.


I was kissing her. She didn't kiss me back. I was about to pull out when she suddenly started moving her lips. I felt a sense of relief and continued kissing her. At that very moment the scene of Taehyung holding her by her waist flashed in my mind. My sweet kiss started turning into a dominating one. I slightly pushed her down to the bed. This time my kiss was not full of love but full of lust and anger.

"Kai stop." I heard her say.

I didn't listen and continued devouring her mouth.

"Kai please you are hurting me." She said finally pulling out.

I looked into her eyes and all I saw was fear. I liked it! Me dominating her. All I had on mind was that I was gonna make her mine. Today. By hook or by Crook.

I quickly went down to her neck and started sucking it. Hard. Too hard.

"Kai what is wrong with you ? Stop it. You are scaring me." She said trying to push me away.

I ingored.

I opened the butttons of her shirt.

"Kai I'm not in the mood. Please get the fuck off me." She said this time in a higher pitch of voice.

But all I wanted today was to make her mine. I then roughly bit her stomach causing her to push me down from the bed using all her strength.

"I knew it. I knew it you little whore." I said smirking at her.

"Kai you are drunk. You aren't yourself. I don't wanna hurt you. Please stop." She said trying to calm me down.

"Shut the fuck up you SLUT. You go sleep with another guy and come to my house to console me. You don't like it when I touch you. Why ?." I asked looking straight in her eyes.

"Have you lost it Joghin ? What the fuck are you saying ? I never slept with anyone. I already told you a thousand times that I only love you and I would never do that to you." She siad now getting angry.

"Oh c'mon Jennie, admit it. You married him for his money. The parents thing was just an excuse. Or maybe he is your SUGAR DADDY. Bloody Manwhore. Maybe you get paid for being FUC------"


Everything he said was piercing through my heart like a arrow. How can he even think of me like that ? He called me a slut. I ignored thinking he's not in his brains. He accused me of dirty things. I remained silent. But when things finally got out of control, I couldn't hold it back and slapped him hard across his face.

"Who the fuck gave you the right to accuse me of things which aren't even true ? How the fuck can you even think this low of me ? I loved you Joghin. I loved you with all my heart. But not anymore. You know what I can't keep doing this. I can't be married to a man and go sleep with another one. I can't even spend a second with a man who accuses me of things I never did. If you don't know how to respect women, then learn to do so. Good luck Kai. It's over between us. I am breaking up with you." I said talking out all the rage filled inside of me.

He was too stunned to speak. He just lied in the corner with his hand on his cheek and with the last sentence I left the room.

"What the fuck happened Jennie ?" Lisa asked seeing me angrier than I ever could be.

"Go ask him by yoursleves." I said not even turning back and heading straight out of his house.

I was so frustrated. As soon as I got out of the house, I burst into tears. This wasn't the Kai I knew. This was a beast. A ruthless, pathetic and bad mouthed beast. I know I did terrible things to him. I broke his heart. But I still loved him. But not anymore. I can't even imagine myslef seeing that man ever again.

Stumbling, Sobbing, tripping I finally reached a bar. I went in without any hesitation and ordered a huge amount of drinks.

"Ma'am it's really late right now. You shouldn't have these many drinks." The barternder said being concerned about me.

"Just shut up and give me the drinks. Will you ?" I said not giving a damn about his words.

I drank and drank and drank until I couldn't feel anything. What did I get myself into? When I first went to his room, he seemed calm. What happened to him all of a sudden ? Did I say something wrong ? But whatever he did was not forgivable. But why didn't I let him touch me ? Was it because I felt guilty about being married to someone and sleeping with someone else ? Maybe yes. Or was it because I never wanted him to be my first ? Yes that was the reason. Was I falling out of love with him ? Right from the beginning whenever I was having an intimate moment with him, the thought of a particular person always crossed my mind. How would his lips feel against mine ? How would I react to his touches ? It was none other than my Husband MR KIM TAEHYUNG. It wasn't entirely my fault was it ? Kai really acted pathetic today. But I never acted too good with him as well. Now I began to feel guilty. After emptying the last bottle kept infront of me I heard the bartender say....

"Ma'am we are about to close the bar now. Do you want me to book a cab for you to get home ?" He asked politely.

"No need. You mind your own business. I can walk home on my own." I said and left the bar.

After falling a hundred times and creating a mess of myself, I finally reached home and went straight to our bedroom. And there he was standing with a bruise on his shoulder. I went in and let my body fall on the soft mattress. That's when he noticed my presence in the room.

"Hey are you alright ?" He asked and ran towards me.

"I'm fine." I said and started laughing.

"Are you drunk ?" He asked in a shocked tone.

"Yes I am. Do you have any problem with that ?" I said looking at him.

"Yes I do. You are my wife and my job is to protect you. So will you answer my questions properly ?" He said sounding serious.

"What if I won't ? Anyways where's the bathroom I gotta go freshen up." I said tried to get up but stumbled back to the bed again.

"Hey look at me. Please tell me what happened ? It's a request." He said with a soft tone.

"OMG is that a bruise on your hand ? Did you come out of a PUBG war or what ?" I said laughing.

"Answer me Jennie. Please." He shouted while uttering the last word in a pleading tone.

"Let me treat you first." I said picking up the first aid box and patting the space besides me for him to sit and he did exactly what I wanted him to do.

"The wound is very deep. What kind of a fight did you engage in MR BRAT ?" I asked applying some ointment to his bruised arm.

"I am not giving any answers to your questions unless and untill you tell me what's wrong with you." He said looking straight into my eyes.

That's when I did the same. Both of us were staring into each others eyes with mixed emotions. Worry, sadness, hurt and even love to some extent. Without waiting for anymore time I finally crashed my lips onto his but he didn't kiss me back.


I was so worried when I first saw her in this condition. I never ever saw her drunk. She was a very well mannered and disciplined girl. She would never drink without any reason. I was curious to know what had happened. I tried asking her several times but she wasn't ready to answer. That's when she started putting ointment on my injured arm. We stared into each other's eyes for a brief second when I felt her lips against mine. I wanted to kiss her back but I didn't want to take advantage of her drunken state. When she knew I wasn't kissing her back she pulled out.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." She said looking down with her face full of guilt.

"Hey it's okay. No big deal. But is it gonna be fine with your boyfriend ?" I asked trying not to sound desperate.

"We broke up." She said not lifting her head up.

"You don't know how hard I'm trying not to fall for you. I tried my best but failed. It's difficult Tae. It really is. You can't even imagine how I'm contrling myself from kissing you once again."

Her words shocked me. It was too much for me to take in. Did she just confessed her love for me ? Did she just call me Tae ? Nevermind Tae she's drunk.

"Jennie you are drunk. Go to sleep. We'll talk tomorrow." I said not wanting to take anything she said seriously.

"Yes I may be drunk. But I'm not lying. Every word that came out of my mouth is true. Beleive me." She said slightly sobbing.

I could see the sincerety in her eyes when she said it.

"Hey you don't have to control yourslves Jennie. I love you. I always have." I said lifting her chin up and kissing her passionately but she immediately pulled out.

"You still have a girlfriend Tae. You cannot cheat on her." She said sounding guilty of what she just did a while ago.

"You don't have to worry about that. We broke up today as well. Jennie, shall I ask you something ? Will you be honest with me ?" I said not moving my eyes from hers.

"Yes. What is it ?" She replied in a flash of a second.

"Do you really want this ? I do not want to take advantage of you while you are not sober. I respect you Jennie." I said trying to get consent from her.

"Yes I do. I've always wanted this ." She said without any hint of hesitation.

And with that I crashed my lips on hers once again. As soon as she responded, I deepened the kiss. The atmoshpere started to get intimate. I gently laid her on the bed and hovered on top of her while taking my shirt off and throwing it to the side. I trailed kisses from her jaw to her neck. A breathy moan escaped her lips turning me on even more. I swiftly unbuttoned her shirt exposing her black lace bra and beautifully toned stomach. I smoothly trailed my kisses from the valley between her breasts down to her stomach. She was totally a moaning mess which gave me the sign to carry on. I was about to unzip her pants when the moans suddenly stopped and the only sound I could hear was her cute little snores.

Really Jennie Kim ? Are you fucking kidding me ? You turn me on and then doze off to sleep ? I don't know what spell you are casting on me but whatever you are doing, it's indeed working. You drive me insaneeee MRS KIM..........

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