Us Against the World, Unless...

By Buddykenley

1.7K 60 41

The big bad FBI agent gets caught up in love. Kate Grant is transferred to a new school, again. She then meet... More

didn't see this coming.....
This life
Random Names for chaptyyss:D
The first mission.

Us Against the World, Unless the Worlds Against Us.

789 15 18
By Buddykenley

                I looked around the crowded hallway; the anxiousness wasn’t doing anything more with my attempt to lighten my mood. I wasn’t use to all the curious stares of the random passerby’s, and now the whole building seemed to be sneaking glances when I passed. Shifting my eyes back at the poorly printed paper, I slowly navigated my way to the other side of the now empty school. Coming to a door with the number 326 plastered crooked above the door frame. I hesitated, wondering whether or not to knock and be polite, or just to barge like I knew the other students would do.

                Taking a deep calming breath, I knocked on the cool metal. The door slowly opened as I was faced by a middle aged woman. Her chestnut hair pulled tightly into an elegant bun centered near the scoop of her neck. I took in her attire, a plain white blouse neatly tucked into a brown pencil skirt that just reached her knees, and her casual brown flats clacked softly as she took a step backwards, opening to door. Taking the jester I walked in, trying not to pull anymore attention to myself.  

                “Hello, you must be the newbie. I’m your English teacher, Mss. Suffle.” I was surprised to hear how soft her voice was, almost motherly, not that I would know.

“Yeah, I’m new.” I sounded breathless; mentally face palming myself for sounding so weak, I could feel the grimace on my face grow.

The sound of the teacher brought me back from my mental bickering. “Well, what’s your name?”I sighed, realizing that it’s going to be like this for the rest of the day.

“Kate, Kate Grant.” My eyes swept the room, not making eye contact with any of my new classmates. The room itself was pretty bland, gray surrounded all four walls, there were some posters taped on the fall wall, their bright colors contrasted against the cold gray. On the side wall three windows where hidden by large, tan blinds. On the other side of the door held two cabinets and a small counter, all over flowing with books and papers messily thrown together.

“What a wonderful name!” Mss. Suffel exclaimed, walking towards her desk she wrote something down in one of the many folders. Instead of just standing there awkwardly I slowly made my way towards her, feeling all eyes on me, a small voice wondered why they were still looking, there wasn’t much to see.

                Suddenly a sharp corner probed my back, in less than a second I turned, ready to fight whatever was encountering me. I sighed in relief; a book was heavily placed in my hands as I was lead to an empty seat. Trying to keep the stares that are burning holes on my back unnoticed, I leaned to the extreme almost having my ear to my desk. While noticing some shuffling at the head of the room, Mss. Suffle was finally organized enough to get back to her class.

                “Well Kate,” she started after another short and awkward silence, I sunk farther into my seat, feeling all eyes back on me, just let me disappear! “Why don’t you tell the class about yourself?” Not as bad as I thought..


“My name is Kate Grant. I was actually born in Germany on U.S. ground. My best vacation was going to South Carolina and surfing for the first time. I love the color green, I have a pretty nasty temper and my favorite food is tacos?” I slowly lowered my head, keeping my eyes busy by tracing the false wood lines.  How much of a lie that was.. I was born in Germany, but not on the grounds, my parents were on a mission together and well, things happen. I’ve never heard that whole story, and never will.

South Carolina? We were chased by some drug gang, that “vacation” I was shot in the hand. It’s healed over and all the damage being three broken fingers, I was pretty lucky. And even the color was off, it’s blue. Now tacos.. You can’t lie, they are pretty awesome.

The teacher nodded and went to the bored, I pulled out my notebook and copied whatever she wrote. I was totally lost in my own thoughts and before I knew it, the bell had already rang. Sighing, I rose from my seat rather gracefully. I loud noise snapped my eyes open, and I look to see my books half way across the room.

“You better stay away from him, slut.” I tuned to see some blonde giving the worst glare she could muster. To me, it looked like she was one of those smashed in cat faces. Turning to sharply, she losted her balance and grabbed onto a nearby desk. After gaining her balance back, she swung her hips and walked out the door. I sighed, I had no clue what she was even talking about. If anyone was the slut, it would be her!

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