My Fusion System: Fusing a Th...


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Traversing into a Fantasy World, Watson became the youngest son of a run-down baron, ranked eight in the fami... Еще



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Chapter 76: Evil Must Be Killed
How could a person be so shameless?

The Watson and the other manor owners were so angry that their eyes turned black when they saw Folson begged for mercy.

Who on earth did they invite to the battle? Where was his dignity as a silver-tier mage and his backbone as a human?

“Master Wilber, what should we do now?” A fat manor owner, who stood beside Wilber, asked him in a low voice; he looked panicked.

They had lost. Folson had been captured, and most of their men had died. Some had surrendered, but they had nothing. They were not enough to fill the gaps between the Golden Flash’s teeth.

“What else can we do?”

Wilber gritted his teeth; he looked a little dejected. He turned his head to look at Nightingale, who stood beside him. The girl had watched the show unfold as she enjoyed her Rainbow Phoenix Chicken eggs. “Miss Nightingale, please help us! You don’t have to attack Blackmoon Castle; I understand that it is not realistic. But, perhaps you can help us leave this place. I’m willing to give you half of the manor’s assets.”

Even if Nightingale was willing to attack Blackmoon Castle, Wilber did not think they would win. After all, Nightingale was only a gold-tier warrior. Blackmoon Castle had two gold-tier warriors—Watson and Golden Flash—and Watson had a white-gold armor.

“Half of the manor’s assets? I’ll think about it.”

Nightingale put the peeled egg into her mouth and gently touched her lips with her fingers; she appeared hesitant.

“Miss Nightingale, this is a request from the Wilber Liszt family. If you agree, you’ll be in our family’s good graces!” Wilber said through gritted teeth.

If Nightingale could send him back to the manor, he would take Monica and the rest of his assets and leave the border. Once he left the border, he could settle anywhere in the kingdom. It was a huge kingdom, and Watson would have a lot of trouble finding him.

“This is also our request.” The other manor owners understood Wilber’s meaning; they bowed their heads at the same time.

Even though it was difficult for them to accept the loss of half of their assets, they want to keep their lives.

“It is a good offer, but I don’t want to agree to it.”

Nightingale glanced at the owners; her eyes flashed with deep disdain and contempt as she spoke so seriously.

“Why?” Wilber was anxious.

“Because I don’t like you. Is this reason enough?”

As a Shadow Guard, Nightingale had killed many bad men. She had seen the young girls who were humiliated to their deaths in those noblemen’s houses. She had also seen them treat their slaves like animals and refugees who were starved to their death.

Wealth bred evil and power inflated men; some noblemen could not be called human.

Even though those manor owners in front of them were not that bad, they had joined forces for their own selfish desires. They wanted to destroy their eyesore—Blackmoon Castle. It was obvious that they were not good people. Nightingale looked down on them from the bottom of her heart.

What kind of reason was that?

Wilber and the other manor owners looked at each other and saw the anger in each other’s eyes. Wilber lowered his voice, and he looked cold as he said, “Miss Nightingale, you are a guard sent by the border count to help us, is it really a good idea for you to be so willful? Aren’t you afraid that the count would punish you if he heard about what had happened?”

“I know what you’re thinking, but you don’t have the right to use Count Sylvan to pressure me.” Nightingale’s expression was calm. “It seems like you wanted a rational reason, but it is very simple! If I help you, I can only get half of everyone’s assets. On the contrary, if I don’t help you but support Watson instead, I can get all of your assets.”

The manor owners’ expression on their faces darkened.

“No, no, no, Miss Nightingale. Even if you do help me, you can’t get all of their assets! At most, 20 percent. That’s the limit.”

At that moment, Watson walked toward Nightingale and waved his hand repeatedly.

Nightingale did not do anything. She only ate some Rainbow Phoenix Chicken eggs and sat at the sideline, and yet, she wanted so many benefits. She must be dreaming!

“Why does it matter? But, Watson, you’re too stingy!” Nightingale puffed her cheeks in dissatisfaction. “At least 80 percent. Otherwise, I’ll send these people away, and you’ll get nothing. Also, you should understand that I’m not taking their assets for myself but to offer them to the border count.”

Since the battle had attracted Count Sylvan’s attention, he would expect some benefits from the battle.

“Only 30 percent, and no more.”

“At least 75 percent.”

“Well, 40 percent!”

Watson’s expression became serious. “That is my bottom line. If Miss Nightingale disagrees, then please take the Rainbow Phoenix Chicken eggs and return to the Fairy Castle! From now on, we are even. You are no longer our honored guest at Blackmoon Castle, and I will no longer accept the border count’s invitation.”

“Alright, 40 percent then.” Nightingale gritted her teeth and said, “Watson, you’re really an idiot.” Then, she casually pulled the nearest farmer off his horse. “I’ve helped you with your work. You have nothing more to say this time, right?”

Nightingale’s words came from the bottom of her heart. She wanted to help Watson and gave the assets to Count Sylvan for that reason.

What would Watson do with those manor owners’ assets? Blackmoon Castle was not very powerful at that moment. If he got more assets, it would only attract other people’s envious eyes. Count Sylvane would be wary of him, so he might as well give the count those assets in exchange for this protection and favor.

On the one hand, he had the assets that he could not control, and on the other hand, he would have the protection of a mighty one. How would one choose? She believed that Watson was a smart person, so of course, he would know.

When he saw Nightingale’s expression, Watson could already guess her thoughts. However, he had other things to consider as well.

The border count had given the battle his tacit approval. He called it a test, and he even wanted benefits after he got Watson into trouble. What was so good about it? It had nothing to do with whether he was wise or not. It was about principles, and Watson could not treat the border count as an enemy like the other manor owners. He also had no intention to curry any favor with them.

He understood the border count’s thoughts. Lord Sylvan must have wanted to test Blackmoon Castle’s strength when he learned that the other manor owners wanted to go against them. That was the count’s perspective, but Watson did not like it. He truly disliked it.

It was a lofty attitude, and he would crush it eventually. He would collect that debt soon.

Furthermore, Nightingale had missed the point. He had the fusion magic, so the benefits of those additional assets were far greater than to leave them to the count. Strength, resources, talents—Watson knew he needed those things, especially after the latest battle.

“Men, arrest Folson and these manor owners.” Watson waved his hand; he had made up his mind.

Some of the Blackmoon Iron Cavalrymen nodded respectfully. Then, they went to the manor owners and tied them up. Then, Vincent led the rest of the men back, and they brought the mages and Nindy with them.

“Young Master Watson, may I know what we should do with these people?” Allen, leader of the Blackmoon knights, asked as he walked toward Watson.

He was very dissatisfied with those manor owners; he wished that he could beat them up. He almost died because of them, but Watson did not give him a direct order, so he could not act rashly. The world’s rules prevented them from killing their captives. Their role was to exchange their lives for benefits; he believed that Watson would let those people go after they gave him their assets.

What a pity!

Watson did not know what was in Allen’s mind; he waved his hand with a cold expression.

“Tie them up so that they can’t struggle. Then, take them outside and kill them! Blackmoon Castle has a principle, and that is to kill our enemies’ leaders. They had initiated this battle, so let them pay the price for their actions.”

Chapter 77: Deterrence At The Border
“Young Master Watson, are you serious?!” Allen had a strange look on his face.

Even if he hated those farmers, he thought that Watson would let them go after obtaining their assets. He did not think that Watson would order them to be killed. After all, Watson was still a child.

“Watson, please don’t mind me for meddling in your business, but killing these people will cause more chaos,” Vincent, who had brought Nindy back with him, said worriedly.

“That’s right, Watson.” Nindy rubbed her arm, which had become sore from the ropes that bound. She glanced around with a conflicted look in her eyes. “Forget about these manor owners. Folson is an elder of the Mage Guild in Monte Town. They will not let him go easily! Plus, they have already lost their power. So let their people pay their ransom and forget about this matter.”

Nindy had agreed with Watson’s decision discreetly. She also felt that those people deserved to die. However, she understood the world’s rules, and sometimes they would have to compromise with reality.

“Do you all think so too?”

When he heard his brother and sister’s suggestions, Watson did not express his opinion. Instead, he turned to look at the Blackmoon Knights, including Allen.

“We shall do as you say, Young Master Watson. We do not have the right to judge this matter. You are the favored son of heaven, a rare genius that the kingdom had seen in a few hundred years. My admiration for you is like a torrential river that never ends. Therefore, in my opinion, you are always right…”

Allen babbled on and on and attracted the other men’s disdain.

That guy was too good at flattery!

Watson looked past Allen as if the man had farted. Then, he looked at the vice-captain—Liszt.

“I will obey your orders, Young Master Watson.” Liszt knelt on the ground; he did not say anything else.

He was the exact opposite of Allen, who appeared serious on the surface, but he was actually a sultry man with a rich heart. Liszt looked gentle and refined, but he usually did not say much.

The other Blackmoon Knights followed his lead; they knelt in front of Watson. The earth trembled as the armor on their knees hit the ground.

“We will obey Young Master Watson’s orders.”

“Very good.”

Watson nodded. He realized that his effort to nurture those people did not go to waste; they looked like an army.

“Well, as I’ve said earlier, take these people out and kill them! You may think that my decision is cruel and irrational, but you can’t rely on compromises if you want to survive in this world. The enemy attacked us first, so do we compromise with them and let them go? Then, the next time, they will bring more people. And should we compromise again? If we do it once, then there will be a second time, and one day, we will not be able to compromise anymore…”

Watson spoke with confidence and courage. He did not look like a child but more like a king who gave a speech before the war.

His men looked at him and subconsciously ignored his age. At that moment, they felt Watson’s charisma as their leader.

At the same time, they thought about Watson’s words.

The young man was right. If Wilber and the others did so many evil deeds, and their punishment was only some of their assets, other parties would think that Blackmoon Castle was merciful but weak. More people might get the same idea and attack them next. So they had to kill all their intruders and let their blood flow like a river so that other people would be afraid of them and not act so rashly.

However, since ancient times, the rule of war had always been to exchange captives for assets. Thus, Watson’s actions would probably bring a brutal reputation, especially since he was only a child. Furthermore, it would affect his future development.

“I can guess your thoughts, but why should we care about other people’s opinions? Perhaps we needed to do that if we’re weak. But when we’re strong enough, our Blackmoon Knights will leave footsteps all over the world, and they will tremble under our gazes. Those who have wronged us will have to beg for our forgiveness. We will spare those who submit to us and kill those who disobey us.”

Watson’s blue eyes contained the sea, and at that moment, they also contained the sky.

“I have a wish, a great wish! I want Blackmoon Castle to be the number one faction at the border so that the people in my territory will never go hungry. I want to wipe out all things evil so that this land will not be abused and there will be no war. I also want to become a king here, as well as the king of the world.”

“Veni, Vidi, Vici!”

That was something that Watson had liked very much in his previous life. Emperor Caesar had once said that, which could be translated to as I came, I saw, I conquered.

“Veni, Vidi, Vici!” Allen chewed on those words as he shouted. His face had a strange glow.

“Veni, Vidi, Vici!”

Liszt shouted with him. Then, the other Blackmoon Knights raised their fists and placed them on their chests. Their voices had been relatively low when they shouted the slogan before it finally converged into a loud noise that shook a hundred meters.

Vincent also muttered those words in his heart; he felt an oppressive air that transcended everything. ‘If Watson was born into the royal family, he would definitely become the emperor! No other prince or princess would be able to compete with him. I’m sure of it.’

No, even if Watson was not a royal family member, he would still be king. He was his own king, and he was also the king of his territory and everything that he could see.

‘My little brother always likes to do things that are out of my expectations. He even dares to say things like becoming the king of the world! If His Majesty were to hear this, he would be beheaded at least ten times or more. However, it doesn’t feel bad.’ Vincent shrugged before he sighed.

He did not intend to dissuade Watson anymore. On the contrary, he was proud to have such a little brother.

Nindy was dumbfounded. She had not returned home for a long time, and she still thought of Watson as that runny-nosed kid.

When she saw Watson, she had the urge to kneel and worship him. That was the same feeling as when she went to the Royal City a few years ago and saw the King when he made his speech on the stage.

The Rainbow Phoenix Chicken egg in Nightingale’s hand fell to the ground. She did not care about it; she stared at Watson in a daze, but there was no disdain in her eyes. She did not think that Watson was overestimating himself. However, there was regret.

She regretted that she did not fight in the battle. She also lamented that she did not send a message to the border count to cancel the test and help Blackmoon Castle defend against the invasion.

Those who could say such words—Veni, Vidi, Vici—would definitely not be weaker than the border count in the future, especially since Watson was already a gold-tier warrior at the age of ten.

“I’ve said what I needed to say. Get to it.”

Watson turned around, and Blackmoon Knights stood up, one after another. Every two knights were responsible for a manor owner. They dragged more than ten men, including Folson, to the castle’s collapsed walls.

At that moment, the Blackmoon Knights carried out the orders strictly, and no one questioned them.

The manor owners cried and begged for mercy. “Don’t kill me; I’m willing to pay. Is a thousand gold coins enough? Please, I don’t want to die yet.” Among them, Wilber begged the loudest, “Vincent, save me, Vincent! Have you forgotten that you used to work in my manor? Who took you in when you were at your lowest? You haven’t forgotten, have you? Let me go, I’ll betroth Monica to you, and I’ll give you the manor too…”

Vincent turned his gaze away. He did not say anything, nor did he look at Wilber. He had asked Wilber the same question—why did he attack the castle? Wilber’s answer was that anyone who stood in his way would die, and his answer to Wilber was the same.

“I heard your name is Wilber Liszt? What a coincidence; my name is Liszt too.”

Liszt was in charge of the execution; he stroked the snow-white blade.

“Young Man, since everyone calls me Liszt, please forgive me—”


Before he could finish his sentence, Liszt’s hand moved swiftly with a silver light, and Wilber’s head flew.

Liszt shook the blood off his blade and looked up at the sky. “From now on, there’s only one Liszt.”

After that, the other Blackmoon Knights followed suit.

Folson was the last person to be executed. Before he died, he had shouted, “I’m an elder with the Mage Guild. You have no right to kill me. You have no right—” Then, a sword pierced his chest.

The ground was covered in blood; the metallic smell rose in the air under the bright sunlight.

It was the 10th day of the 9th month of the 221st year of the Holy Dragon Calendar. Some manor owners had joined forces and sent their allied troops to attack Blackmoon Castle. Unfortunately, they died on the same day, and the alliance leader and Folson were beheaded. The news spread across the border like a storm and caused every farmer to feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Chapter 78: A Fusion Of Maids
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It had been three days since Blackmoon Castle had defeated the manor’s allied troops.

“Young Master Watson, these are the spoils of war sent by Wilber Liszt Manor! They include 1000 iron-tier magical beasts, 100 bronze-tier magical beasts, 150 catties of iron-tier ores, and 10 catties of bronze-tier ores. There are more than 100 servants in the manor, including Wilber’s daughter, Monica Hope.”

Liszt held a list in his hand as he stood in front of Watson.

He stood in front of the Blackmoon Castle gate that had collapsed into ruins. At that moment, there were more than 1,000 men with their sleeves rolled up and their faces covered in dust as they carried huge dark jade slabs to be repaired.

Those 1,000 men were soldiers from the allied troops who had surrendered a few days ago. They were part of the 5000-men army that had attacked Blackmoon Castle. They had survived the battle and became the castle’s slaves. They did not dare to disobey when they saw how the Blackmoon Knights slaughtered the manor owners and Folson.

Other than that, there was another reason why they did not dare to resist the order.

When Liszt spoke, the servants from Wilber Liszt Manor had escorted Monica to Blackmoon Castle. Their hands were bound, and they either had to push the carts with ores or lead the magical beasts. They had looked dejected, especially Monica, who walked in front of the group. She bit her pale lips as she stared at the castle.

That was her second time there, and unlike the last time, she did not wear a fancy hat, nor did she use heavy makeup on her face. She was only in a black gown with a light veil—it was relatively plain. There was a white flower pinned on her chest, a symbol of her sacrifice to her father.

The news of her father’s death had reached the manor a day ago. When Monica heard the news, she almost fainted. The servants in the manor were also in a panic and had prepared to escape. However, Watson had sent the Blackmoon Knights, and they immediately dismissed those people’s thoughts.

The Blackmoon Knights’ warriors were at least at the bronze tier. The manor’s allied troops had already taken all the elites from the manor to join the battle. Their prisoners in the dungeon were inclined to join Blackmoon Castle when they heard about the battle’s victor. They even volunteered to help control the people in the manor and count their assets.

Each manor had the same story, so Blackmoon Castle had to subdue more than a dozen of those manors before they could do anything else.

Over the past few days, Watson had given orders to empty all the manors and take over their assets, including their people. So, naturally, they had taken the Wilber Liszt Manor first.

Watson waved his hand when he saw the gloomy expression on the Wilber Liszt Manor’s people as they walked toward Blackmoon Castle. It was an indication that Liszt should not speak.

After he took a few steps forward, he stopped in front of Monica and bowed elegantly. “Miss Monica, we meet again.”

“Watson! You devil! Why? Why did you kill my father?”

Monica was like an angry lion. Her face was pale, and her large almond-shaped eyes burned with flames. If she had not been tied up, she would have rushed toward Watson and bitten him.

“Be careful, Young Master Watson.”

Liszt put the list in his hand away to protect Watson carefully.

The chaos attracted the attention of the slaves, the soldiers who had surrendered, as they moved the stones. Most of them only glanced at Monica and shook their heads in pity. They walked forward and took the ore materials from Wilber Liszt Manor’s carts, and they also led magical beasts away.

“Hello, Young Master Watson. I’m a bronze-tier guard from Wilber Liszt Manor. My name is Gorman.”

A middle-aged man with short hair and a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead walked forward from the Wilber Liszt Manor group. He knelt in front of Watson. “These are all the people from Wilber Liszt Manor. Young Master, please count them all! I’ve long heard of Blackmoon Castle’s good name, and I’ve long wanted to seek refuge here. However, my master drugged my food and threw me into the dungeon before I could leave. He should not have done that, and facts had proven that I was right.”

Gorman had played an important role in consolidating assets from the Wilber Liszt Manor. His great name was not unknown at the border. They said that he was good at using water-elemental combat aura to generate lightning, and some even called him the Green Lightning. He was a bronze-tier warrior, but his speed was at the silver tier.


After Gorman finished speaking, someone spat at him.

Monica’s personal maid, Capella, who had short, fluffy yellow hair and freckles on her nose, looked at Gorman as if she was looking at a dog.

“Gorman, you’re a disgusting man. Master is dead, and we are very sad, especially Lady Monica. How dare you bow to the enemy? Do you think that Blackmoon Castle won’t be wary of you after you become their dog? When Master locked you in the dungeon, I proposed to kill you, but he was merciful and did not do it.”

“Miss Capella is right.”

A few of the maids agreed with the freckled maid.

“We will never bow to Blackmoon Castle.”

“We’re here to take revenge for Master! We will not retreat until we kill everyone in Blackmoon Castle. We will fight until our last moment, and we will shed our last drop of blood.”

Gorman’s face darkened when he heard what they said. He was a strong warrior, and he cared for his reputation.

“Are you courting death?” Gorman stood up as his eyes flashed with unconcealed killing intent. He wanted to wring the necks of those maid servants in front of him.

Those maid servants were not afraid at all; they raised their heads proudly as if they were not scared of death. It was as if Gorman’s actions were exactly what they had wanted.

“Leave this to me.”

Watson stopped Gorman, who was about to make a move and stood in front of the maid servants. He observed them and said, “Wilber and the other manor owners attacked Blackmoon Castle. I was forced to fight back. I can only say that I’m very sorry for their deaths! However, it had nothing to do with you. If you are willing to put down your hatred, then I’m willing to spare your lives.”

“You are not only young, but you are arrogant and stupid as well. Sooner or later, you will die. Do you think we will believe your words?”

A few of the maids looked disgusted.

When Blackmoon Castle had taken over the other manors, Watson’s saying—I came, I saw, I conquered—was also praised by everyone. Many thought that he was a natural-born emperor; his identity and age could not restrict him. Watson was already a gold-tier warrior at the age of ten, and the establishment of Blackmoon Castle was the best proof anyone needed.

“It’s a pity that you made the wrong choice.”

Watson sighed as he pointed at the maids in front of him.


There was a soft sound. The six maids had shouted in front of him. According to the noblemen’s standards, each woman was a laundry maid, a kitchen maid, a scullery maid, a dairymaid, a casual maid, and a personal maid.

Other than Capella, the other five women’s bodies turned into a ray of light and fused into Capella’s body.

Capella’s eyes stiffened. She twisted her neck with difficulty and lowered her head toward Watson. “Young Master Watson.”

“Very good. Stand at the side.” Watson nodded casually.

The fusion magic could fuse everything. Since it could fuse weapons, minerals, and magical beasts, it meant that it could fuse humans as well. The fusion would not only increase the person’s abilities, but they would obey their master’s every word as well.

“What is this? Magic? Sorcery?”

Monica stared at all of that with her eyes wide open. Her legs trembled when she saw six humans become one. That was too terrifying. The other servants had been acting with righteous indignation, but they were silent at that moment. Even Gorman swallowed his saliva.

Watson and Liszt remained calm, and then there were also the 1000 surrendered soldiers who were hard at work.

Those soldiers looked at Monica and sighed.

“How stupid! She still dares to provoke Young Master Watson? We don’t even dare to bother him. He is not only powerful, but he has also mastered terrifying magic.”

Chapter 79: A Huge Harvest
Name: Capella

Position: All-rounded maid

Ability: Combines starch washing, cooking, tailoring, and other skills into one, a perfect maid who can perform any household chores.

Strength: Iron-tier

After Watson fused the maids, the corresponding message appeared within his sight.

He knew that fusion magic could fuse humans. However, he could only fuse with people whose strength was inferior to his. For example, Watson was a gold-tier warrior, so he could only fuse with people ranked below that.

Of course, those who had already been fused would not have the same restriction.

For example, the Golden Flash was a product of fusion. So, it would not matter to Watson if the Golden Flash surpassed his strength and became a platinum-tier monster.

Watson had never used the fusion magic to fuse with his subordinates because it meant that he would forcefully change the fate of others. It was not something he could do. However, those people were different; they were his enemies, and they did not want to surrender. Therefore, he did not feel burdened when he fused them.

“With the fusion system, this world is like a game to me! Unfortunately, with my current strength, I can’t fuse with a platinum-tier elite. At the very least, I’ll have to wait until I become a diamond-tier warrior…”

Watson muttered to himself and sighed.

If it were not for the system’s restriction, he would not have needed to pretend to be polite with the people at the border. Instead, he would have accepted their invitation and then fused them so that they would be his underlings.

“I’ll ask you again—do you surrender?” Watson asked the people from Wilber Liszt Manor.

“We surrender.”

“You are now our master, Young Master Watson. I only hope that you won’t use magic to turn us into puppets.”

Those people responded hurriedly and cautiously.

They were not afraid if Watson’s magic would destroy them, and that showed their integrity. However, they did not want to be part of Watson’s fusion system. When they saw Capella’s obedience toward Watson, it was apparent that her thoughts had been twisted to a certain extent. A fate as a puppet was worse than death.

At that moment, they began to see Watson differently. He was no longer a cute child but a devil.

“Miss Monica, what about you?”

She had kept quiet.

“I—” Monica bit her lips as she lowered her head dejectedly. “As long as you let me go, you can do whatever you want.”

She no longer appeared arrogant and supreme; she knew who was the real master in that situation. The arrogance that she had developed in Wilber Liszt Manor had been suppressed by fear.

“Very good.”

Watson nodded and revealed a shy smile that matched his young age.

“Liszt, bring Miss Monica to the castle. She will be a maid in our manor. As for the others, Gorman can join the Blackmoon Knight and receive a set of bronze-tier armor and a liger later. The others can be our workers and help to repair the castle. If they perform well, they can be promoted and receive one gold coin per month.”

The people’s eyes lit up when they heard that.

Many of them were low-class servants in Wilber Liszt Manor. It was good enough if they could get a few silver coins per month. They did not expect Watson to be so generous with them, and that rekindled their hope for survival.

It seemed like they could accept their fate as a captive in Blackmoon Castle.

“Yes, Young Master Watson,” Liszt replied respectfully before he looked at Monica with pity. “Miss Monica, please come with me!”

Then, the group of people followed Listz and entered Blackmoon Castle in an imposing manner.

Throughout the day, the guards brought more assets and people from the other defeated manors. The resources were divided into categories and piled in the castle. As a result, the number of people in the castle had increased from dozens to thousands, and it was very lively.


Night fell, and Watson sat in front of his study table in his bedroom. He peeled a Rainbow Phoenix Chicken egg gently and stuffed it into his mouth. He looked at the list in front of him—it was what Liszt had listed after he accepted all the farm resources.

“First, the Blackmoon Knights. Their number has increased from 30 to 50 men.” Watson muttered in a low voice as he chewed the egg and tasted the fragrance in his mouth.

They had managed to find one or two bronze-tier guards from every defeated manor who had wanted to defect to Blackmoon Castle. Previously, they had been imprisoned in the dungeons by their manor owners. Watson was very grateful to those people.

If it were not for their intention to defect, then the strength of the allied troops that attacked Blackmoon Castle would have been increased by several times fold. Therefore, Watson was very thankful for them. He did not test them; he allowed them to join the Blackmoon Knights. He also gave them bronze-tier armor and a liger.

Those armors and magical beasts were part of the assets sent by the various manors.

Some of those defeated manors traded in magical beasts, some traded in ores, and some even traded weapons. They had all kinds of resources.

Blackmoon Castle obtained a total of 12,000 iron-tier magical beasts, 1,000 bronze-tier magical beasts, 1,000 sets of iron-tier armor and long swords, a total of 100 sets of bronze-tier defensive weapons, and more than 100 pieces of jewelry, and 200,000 gold coins. There were also other items like meat and rice noodles, but he did not count those.

It was a huge harvest, so Watson was excited. “I hope that the other manor owners at the border can be like these ignorant people and attack me and give me rice! If we do this a few more times, then our assets will increase by tens or hundreds of times more; we’d be the largest force at the border.”

Blackmoon Castle had managed to defeat their opponents comprised of more than a dozen manors—they had proved their strength. The other manors were no fools; they would never send men to test Blackmoon Castle in the short term.

“Master Watson, the hot water is ready. Would you like to take a bath now?”

At that moment, someone pushed the bedroom door open. Wendy, who was in a maid uniform, walked into the room. She was the one who had asked that question.

A yellow-haired maid in a similar uniform stood behind Wendy—it was Capella.

“Young Master Watson, I have prepared a bathrobe and a change of clothes for you. I have also cleaned your dirty clothes and the bathroom. When you take a bath, please allow me to scrub your back.”

Capella wrinkled her nose and glanced at Wendy, who had a smug smile on her face.


Wendy’s expression looked a little ugly. Ever since Watson took over the other manors, they had about 3,000 workers to help with the castle’s repair work and an increased number of maids. There were more than 20 of them, and like Capella, they were all professional maids. Wendy had never been a maid before her position in Blackmoon Castle, so she felt a little intimidated as if her role was impacted by the other maids’ presence.

Chapter 80: A Rewards For A Meritorious Deed

“This feels so good!”

Watson was soaking in the bathtub as he enjoyed Capella and Wendy’s service.

A waterproof chandelier hung from the ceiling, and it emitted a soft and hazy light. The bathroom was spotless because it had been cleaned, and the floor even reflected that lonely light.

“Young Master Watson, is this okay?”

Capella dabbed the water with a towel gently as she wiped Watson’s back before she moved the wet hair that stuck to her face.

Even though Capella looked average, her freckles that symbolized her youth and her rosy cheeks made her look adorable. Furthermore, she was only wrapped in a towel, and her voluptuous body was clearly visible.

“Young Master Watson, the water is a little cold. Do you want me to add some hot water for you?”

Wendy did not want to be outdone. She glanced at Capella’s voluptuous body and then looked down at her flat chest, which was also wrapped in a towel, and pursed her lips in disappointment.

“Okay, just do as you wish.”

Watson laid against the edge of the bath and rested his head on his arm. There were more than 20 maids in the house, and it was time to choose a head housemaid. He also wanted each of his family members to have a maid each to serve them.

He tentatively decided that the head housemaids would be Wendy and Capella, and those two were also his personal maids.

“Young Master Watson, can you really do as I say? Then I won’t stand on ceremony.”

Capella’s eyes lit up. She grabbed the ribbon wrapped around her waist and pulled it off gently. She took off her bathrobe and pressed her body against Watson’s back. Then she rubbed against Watson’s back with her breasts. She even applied soap on them so that her movements would be smooth.


It was so comfortable that Watson exclaimed in surprise.

He did not expect Capella would be so bold to do such a thing. Young Watson immediately reacted.

“Young Master, are you not feeling well?” Capella moved closer to Watson’s ear and blew on it gently. “This is how I usually bathe Miss Monica. If you are not satisfied, then I can change to another position.”

“No, this is fine.”

Watson shook his head with a reddened face and moved his burning face into his arms.

That was the legendary service known as the Ripple Push, Watson shouted in his mind. Did Capella really use that method to help Monica with her bath?

Was Monica the legendary yuri? When he thought about how the two women would have hugged and rubbed against each other repeatedly in the bathtub, he felt a warm sensation in his nose. That scene was too beautiful for him to ponder!

He had transmigrated to that world for almost half a year. He had never thought that he would receive such treatment. However, his body was still a child, and he was the nominal owner of Blackmoon Castle. He could not lose his reputation.

‘Why did I have to transmigrate as the youngest man in this family? If I had transmigrated to be the same age as my eldest brother, then I could have taken care of these two maids.’ Watson complained as he suppressed his impulses.

He had not hit puberty, so for the sake of the future, he did not plan to lose his virginity so soon.

“Wendy, do you want to join in the fun?” As he enjoyed himself, Watson waved at Wendy, who was stunned.

“Young master, I… I’ll pass. I’ll go boil some more water.”

Wendy got up shyly and ran out of the bathroom in a flash. She leaned against the door outside the bathroom as her fingers clutched the towel tightly; she panted intensely. “How can I do such a shameful thing? Young Master, you’re bullying me.”


Watson enjoyed Capella’s service for an hour before he continued with his bath. When he was done, he changed into a white robe before he told Capella to assemble all the maids in the house.

Allen, Liszt, and the other Blackmoon Knights were also there with him.

“Allen, Liszt, William, step forward! The three of you killed the most enemies in that battle, so I will fulfill my promise. You have the right to choose one of the manors that we seized. And except for Wendy and Capella, you are free to choose any of these maids to be your personal maid.”

Watson smiled at the three of them.

He had made a promise during the battle with the allied forces of the manors. Those who killed the most enemies would be rewarded with a manor. Allen had killed the most enemies; he had killed more than 300 men. Liszt also killed more than 300 people, but still less than Allen, while William killed about 100 enemies. They were very impressive!

Allen looked solemn, and the corners of his lips revealed the anticipation in his heart.

He had remembered every word that Watson had said, and he had been waiting for the young master’s announcement. He had finally gotten it.

Liszt said, “Thank you, Young Master Watson.” Then, he stepped forward as well. He might have looked calm, but the muscles of cheeks twitched slightly, a subtle motion that indicated differently. He had been living in a small house with his parents, and he never thought that he would become a silver-tier warrior, let alone own a manor of his own. He could bring his parents with him and not bother Young Master Watson any longer.

William was the most excited one among the three of them. He was a burly man and as big as a giant bear. His tanned face was full of facial hair, and he was grinning from ear to ear.

When they had their first round of tests in Blackmoon Castle, he was the first one to apply for it. However, he had failed both tests, but Watson still accepted him. He had the highest attack power among the bronze-tier warriors during the battle, and he had risked his life to kill the enemy. So he deserved to get rewarded.

He had not dared to think about his own manor, but he would get one that belonged to himself. He would be a manor owner.

The other knights, including those who had just joined, looked at them with envy. They clenched their fists as they made up their minds. If a similar battle were to happen in the future, they would definitely perform well and strive to stand out among the knights. They knew that Watson would reward them handsomely.

“We’ve seized many manors. The first one is the Wilber Liszt Manor. It covers an area of 5,000 square meters and has a farm and a courtyard with a fountain. It has about 100 rooms, which makes it the largest manor on the list. The second one is Zangwill Manor. Even though it is not as big as the previous one, it has a better environment. It has a polo field…”

Watson told him the information he had read in his bedroom; he listed all the strengths and weaknesses of each manor.

“Young Master Watson, I will choose Zangwill Manor.” As the one who had killed the most enemies, Allen was the first to make a choice.

Everyone was puzzled; they did not understand why he did not choose the biggest Wilber Liszt Manor.

Allen scratched his head as he explained, “My parents died more than ten years ago, and I don’t have any other relatives in my family. It’s not enjoyable for me to live in such a big manor. It’ll give me a headache to keep it clean. Therefore, I prefer a manor with a good environment.”

Watson nodded in agreement. “I shall fulfill your request. From now on, Zangwill Manor is yours; it will be renamed the Allen Manor! In addition to that, you can also choose one of the maids.”

Allen swept his gaze past Watson. There were more than 20 maids who were so nervous that they were pinching the corners of their clothes. He pointed at a pretty girl with curly chestnut hair and looked about 20 years old. “I’ll take her.”

Allen was very excited when he had chosen, and the maid was excited as well. She would soon live in a huge manor. If she put in more effort and had sex with Allen, she would be the mistress of the manor. Then, she would also become an official member of Blackmoon Castle.

If they had to choose between a role as the mistress of the manor, or a maid under someone else’s command, it was easy to tell which they would want.

The other maids, who had not been chosen, were not discouraged either. Instead, they puffed their chests and waited for the next round of selection. They still had two more chances.

In the tense and exciting atmosphere, Liszt and William made their choices, one after another. Liszt chose a maid who looked honest and capable and the Wilber Liszt Manor, and William chose a manor with its own training ground and a petite maid in her prime.

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