[BKDK] What you deserve

De Sherlock_Teddy

378 15 5

Being a single unmated omega is tough for Izuku and wants his son to have a normal childhood with both parent... Mais

What you deserve

378 15 5
De Sherlock_Teddy

/////Authors note: If you injoy this story please leave a star or follow me for more!!!//////

"Papa!" A small boy with green curly hair looked up to his father who wore a face mask to cover half his face and sunglasses that hide his eyes looking at the boy's own green eyes with a straw hat on his head as he sat in the sandbox. "Why does everyone but me have a daddy?"

Izuku did not know how to answer that question. So he just said the same answer he has always told the boy. "He is in a better place."

Izuku knows. Lying to his son about his father was wrong but who would believe a pro hero alpha was his dad? Izuku was a superhero but he and The father were not close and their relationship was close to nothing then how it was when they were younger.

His son Izumo looked down with his bottom lip wobbling as he began letting out small tear droplets. Izuku held his son close to his chest as his sweet son began to sob. The day Izuku got a day off he went to the park with his sweet son away from the house while the nanny took the day off for a visit with his mother and a walk to his childhood park.

Supposed to be a day he could get closer to his son was just a day to remind him how alone he felt and how his son was missing another piece in their family.

Once home he helped his son into his jammies and into his bed that was with a huge Allmight plush.

"Papa, next time can we go to the zoo?' His son said pouting cutely. Izuku ruffled his curls.

"Yes, my little octopus," Izuku said as his son giggled and hugged him tight around the neck.

After a small wrestle for Izumo to go to bed, Izuku closed his son's bedroom door slowly as he saw his son slumber peacefully.

A huge sigh gets let out as he looks around the hall heading to his bedroom in the huge condo. It was too big for him and his son.

He was the first omega pro hero to be in the top 5. But now that he was trying to spend more time with his son he was lacking and dropping in ratings from being the top 3 pro hero to the top 8 pro hero.

But he never did care for ratings as he only wanted to be a hero that saves with a smile. Izuku sat in his big bed groaning.

Izuku the next day was not focused on his portal and was not focused on thinking about his son's needs. Shouto must have smelled his distress and took him aside with Ochako and Iida to confront him after they defeated a villain.

Izuku explained his situation in which Ochako looked worried as Iida rubbed his back.

"Maybe we should call him," Shouto said, making Izuku shake his head as ochako yelled a fat no.

"He would never want anything to do with me." izuku sighed. "After our last year in Yuuei, he made it clear by moving across japan without a word."

The night he was in heat he shared with the person as they always did ended with him feeling different.

He had weird cravings and was rubbing his belly. Once he saw he tested positive for the pregnancy he wanted to tell the person. But fear grew in him. Telling him he was a useless omega going to destroy the one person he loves to dream.

And with the alpha going on about being the number one hero and not wanting anything holding him back, Izuku decided to work extra hard with the help of his teacher to hide his pregnancy and graduate early. When Izuku told his friends they made sure to promise to be the best uncles and aunts by keeping this a secret.

Telling his alpha he would graduate he only got a cold shoulder and left with only the memory of his alphas departing back.

The last time they talked was at the graduation when his friends graduated after his birth. As he showed them pictures he knew the alpha he loved was cold and distant to him.

"I just don't know what to do...Izumo is asking questions I have no answer for, I have to keep him a secret from the press, and I have to hide my job from my son." Izuku sighed.

"What if you just started finding a spouse?" Ochako said. "You can find an alpha who can both provide your son affection and be able to help you forget about that guy!"

"It can also help you be able to finally open up about having a son," Shouto added.

"Lying about the father to the press? That is wrong!" Iida said, shaking his head.

"Well we would not need to lie since we would not say anything," izuku said, putting the thought together.

So that night Izuku contacted mina.

After a brief explanation that did not give her any hint of his secret child and a small apology for bothering her so late and teasing and annoying questions, Mina was all on board to help Izuku get a man. A little too excited and almost went to tell Kirishima but Luckily Izuku made her promise not to tell anyone not a soul.

So then Izuku was set up with alpha 1 that Mina picked:

His name was not important as during the whole date they were more interested in going on a date with a pro hero omega and making uncomfortable comments.

And his scent was just... disgusting. The strong smell of the cologne mixed with his scent of burning rubber. Izuku even mentioned children and the alpha flat out rejected the thought of having a child.

"They only make messes and cry all the time! Who would want to waste these early years on something so stressful? Now let's get back to talking about your custom.."

Izuku went home early that night for a shower to get rid of the stench. He then played with Izumo before bedtime.

Date number 2

The alpha was older and had been silent most of the date or he just flat out insulted and criticized Izuku for muttering about the food and how he was like a superhero.

"Everyone is watching you! You should dress in less tight costumes and refrain from doing such poses!" He would spit out before drinking or smoking, making Izuku cough.

His scent was decent with spice but with the smell of burning coal. And when izuku would mention children the alpha began talking about his eldest son that graduated and the three wives that either divorced him or walked out.

"You need to slap the young ones once in a while to make them behave. Show them who's in charge." The man gruffed. Izuku asked for the check not a moment later.

Date after date ended with izuku disgusted or angered. Two weeks pass and Izuku starts questioning if Mina was only giving him either rich or sexy men for izuku.

Today, Izuku was sitting at the park bench eating on his break with Shoto talking about the disaster when Ochako ran up to the two out of breath.

"Have you seen what the news put out!?" Ochako said, shoving a newspaper in Izuku's face.

The headlines read as OMEGA PRO HERO DEKU LOOKING FOR LUCKY ALPHA TO MATE!! With photos of Izuku sitting in a restaurant or walking with dates from the picture look like someone taken only feet away.

Reading through the newspaper and what Ochako said it all clicked: everyone including the one man he did not want to know: Prohero deku was an Unmated omega looking to mate.

The rest of the day had Izuku being catcalled, hit on, and just treated like some piece of meat!

Izuku got home pissed off after a co-worker in the office spanked him, making him to the edge of going into a feral rage. But once he saw his son run to him with a wide smile holding a drawing he drew of him and his son flying through the sky made all anger disappear.

Izumo was born on January 23. It was going to be in three months. He was already going to be 5 years old now! A year from when he had gotten his quirk: Explosion. He could explode when upset or feeling in an unsafe situation. He can't be harmed, sure but it was a terrifying day when Izuku got the call from the nanny.

Izumo was put in a private school where he could learn to control his quirk to create an explosion from not just his whole body but in other places like hands and feet.

Izuku was so proud his son got his quirk. He was mostly scared Izumo would be where Izuku was when he was his age. Izuku shook his head. Izumo had many friends at school and was very outgoing despite having to wear shades and a straw hat when they went out as Izuku wore a wig to avoid attention.

Izuku did not want Izumo to stay hidden from the world and wanted Izumo to have an actual childhood unlike the one Izuku had.... In a way. Sure they both would have a missing father figure in their lives but that was going to change!

He just hoped tomorrow was going to be a better day.

Izuku sat in his office finishing some paperwork when he heard his phone ringing.... Odd? Shouto calling him during work was-

"WHERE IS THAT DAMN NERD?!" Izuku stiffened at the familiar voice as his inner omega whined at the scent of the spice and burning firewood he loved. Holding in his whine he opened his office window with his phone jumping out to begin running as fast he could from building to building.

He began putting back on his collar while also trying to calm his nerves. His office must smell like a stressed-out omega. He is going to have to hide out till he leaves.

Izuku lost his footing and slipped on the side of the building curb to fall backward. Back landing in a trashcan. Izuku was so angry he wanted to beat up the trash can as he cursed the whole alphabet while climbing out. (which was crap, shit, damn mother fucker, and that's it... that's all he knew okay?)

Izuku started taking deep breaths to calm him down. With the deep breaths, his brain began thinking. He needed to be strong and stop hiding. So he begrudgingly walked back to his office praying he wouldn't get beaten up too badly. And trying to come up with excuses for his behavior.
Once he made it back to the office he was welcomed by Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero who looked like they saw a ghost.

"Hi, guys what are you doing here?" izuku asked with the best smile he made that said 'I did not runoff. "You guys must be tired from the trip want to go get something to drink?"

"Is it t-" Kimanari yelled before Kirishima and sero covered their mouth making Izuku tilt his head confused?

"We came with Bakugou!" Sero said making Izuku stiffen. But he had to act like nothing bothered him.

"Oh, Kacchans here?" Izuku said doing an amazing job hiding his discomfort. He wanted to cry for his self-pity and yell but he did not want to make a scene.

Sero leaned in sniffing at Izuku making him stiffen. Was he caught?

"No offense but what happened, bro? Jump in a dumpster?" Kirishima joked.

"Ah, yes!" Izuku said taking this opportunity as an excuse. "I was just on a mission and had fallen in a dumpster."

Before he should ask his friends about anything else he should go shower to get rid of this hideous smell. He needed to look a little decent since he was going to see his ex-lover and Izumo's father.


Izuku was letting the water in the shower room hit his face as he just stared into the ceiling butt naked with only a collar on his neck. He was deep in thought that the hot burning water was not affecting him.

It was getting a bit cold now. But Izuku was having one thing in his mind that was the source of his troubles: Bakugou Kastuki.

Izuku was going to see Kacchan. Face to face. The Father of his pup. Anger, distress, and joy were the three emotions going through him, his omega was angered that he did not tell his alpha of their beautiful pup, distressed that the alpha he was wanting would hate him, and happy for being able to see his long lost mate after so many lonely nights.

Izuku slapped his hands on the side of his cheeks which were burning red. Bakugou was his person and if didn't contact Izuku after so long that just meant Bakugou did not feel that same. Back when they were heat partners when Bakugou would whisper small compliments to soothe Izuku and a soft voice was just a favor for Izuku to do the same during his ruts by giving him his gym clothes and leaving food and water.

Now things are different. izuku was a grown omega not needing to depend on his childhood friend with his heat. He was just going to march in there and get caught up with his fellow friends. Then go back to looking for a good alpha for his pup. First, he had to control his omega wanting to purr at the thought of reuniting with his alpha. The alpha was not his mate or his lover. He needed to set up a boundary.

Izuku got dressed with a game plan in mind. Say hi to Kacchan and wait till he leaves for Izuku to find an Alpha to get over him. Was rude but he needs someone to be in Izumo's life and having to make enough time for the only parent he had in his life to be there was a hassle already. He had to stop doing certain missions afraid he would leave his son alone with no one to care for him except his mother who was already getting too old for taking care of a kid.

Izuku walked to his office repeating the same rehearsed lines: oh Kacchan what are you guys doing here? I was just stressing over so-

Izuku was interrupted when he opened his office door to see Ochako and iida covering Shouto's mouth while Kirishima and Denki held Bakugou (who looked more handsome and buff with a more mature face) as Sero was pulling a tape that was around Bakugous's waist.

There was a moment of silence and a long awkward look back and forth from his friends to the Baku squad.

"What are you guys doing?" Izuku was terrified of the answer as he pointed at his friends first.

"Well! SHouto here was.." ochako said, getting red and trying to come up with words. She took a handoff of shoutos mouth and Iida stepped in to speak. "We simply stopped Shouto from getting Bakugou here riled up."

That explained the strong smell of an angry alpha. Which somehow turned his omega on making Izuku adjust his collar uncomfortably.

Izuku agreed with that story. Shouto was a nice guy and everything. But Izuku and Iida were his best friends and could say that he was oblivious to many things even if it was in front of him. This is why he would get into many misunderstandings, for example, fights with Bakugou.

Izuku never knew why but it sure as hell was a problem for him to pick a side when one was his crush and the other was his best friend.

"Ah. That's not a surprise." Izuku said, turning to the Baku squad with a small awkward smile. "Hi, Kacchan.."

The alpha then growled trying to break free making Kirishima grab deku by the shoulders. "Hey, deku mind coming with me to get some chips with me real quick!?"

"I just came here so maybe-" But Kirishima pulled Izuku before he could suggest Denki to be pulled out to the hall, closing his office door.

There were sounds of yelling and wrestling but Kirishima had a simple wholesome smile making Izuku just follow him. Izuku just hopes the argument is nothing too big. They should have brought Shouto to avoid him fanning the flames.

"It's great to see you guys again!" Izuku says to start a conversation. "Are you guys visiting?"

"N-n- Yes! We planned on coming back here! We are going to be able to build an agency combining me, Kaminari, Sero, and Bakugou!" Kirishima quickly explained not seeing how Izuku stiffened. They are going to become one agency and move here?!

Izuku fixed his composer with a bright smile. "That's great! We will be able to see you guys more now!"

"Yeah, man, I can't wait to see Mina again!" Kirishima said as he paid the vending machine for some beef jerky chips.

"I'm sure Mina would be happy to see you again!" Izuku said, which made Kirishima blush and scratch his back. He was taller than Yuuei. He was 5'8 then but now he was 5'11. Izuku however was 5'7. How tall was Bakugou now?

Kirishima bashfully changed the subject as they headed back to Izuku's office which this time when he walked in it looked way more civilized. All were sitting on the two couches facing each other while his desk was side by the window with the wall with shelves of small merch from both his favorite hero of all might and his friends and his teacher from yuuei.

Also, the angry smell of alpha was replaced with the calming smell thankfully.

"Hey Deku!" ochako said a little too loudly, making the other turn in his and Kirishima's direction. Izuku felt a hard glare from Bakugou and made himself avoid looking in that direction.

"We were coming up with ideas for a welcome party for bakugou and them to come back!" Ochako explained as Izuku came to sit by them. Iida and Ochako sat close to one coach with shouto and sero. Kaminari and Kirishima sat where Bakugou was, spreading to move his legs making Izuku have to sit next to ... Bakugou.

"Deku just thought the same thing!" Kirishima said, punching him in the arm, Izuku laughed a little at the affection, ignoring bakugou's knee practically touching his leg. In the corner of Izuku's eyes, he noticed Bakugou sent a look to Kirishima who looked like he was going to get attacked by a tiger.

"Hey what about tonight?" Denki suggested, which was a problem since Izuku remembers that Izumo had wanted to watch a movie with him alone after being stuck on those crappy dates for so long. Izumo needed more attention now than ever.

"I can't make it" izuku said, which also sent a look to Ochako and Iida that they understood.

"Why? Going to ditch us for another date?" Bakugou growled, which made Izuku feel a bit hurt.

"No, he has to watch a movie with someone," Shouto said half explaining which made izuku cringe a bit.

"I'm going to join you then," Bakugou said, looking Izuku in the eyes, making izuku shrink.

"Yeah, we should do a movie night!" Kaminari said as Izuku felt red flags going off in his head. How the hell was he going to get out of this? "That way we can see Izukus someone and decide if he is good enough for our Deku!"

Izuku was trying to find the words to say while Ochako and Iida were laughing loudly and awkwardly. While shouto hummed with no expression. While Sero raised a brow in confusion.

"Deku, you should just let them meet him," Shouto said to which Izuku stiffened. "I mean it is better than later."

Izuku pals as everyone's eyes were on him and he began sweating. "Yeah, sure, let's do it." he squeaked ignoring the hard stare he knew he was receiving from Bakugou.

Izuku is not one to be peer pressured but he also did realize it was time to face the music and have Bakugou meet his son now than later risking him being put to death more painfully and slowly.

"Awesome!" Kaminari cheered as Kirishima got up and slapped Bakugou in the back. "Just hope we don't steal the spotlight." Kirishima winked while Izuku almost missed Bakugou perking up.

Bakugou stood up and pointed at Izuku. "Just watch Deku! I'll blow you away when the agency is up and running!" Bakugou yelled, storming off as his friends followed after saying goodbye.

Izuku felt as if he was missing something but he had other things he needed to worry about; like the father meeting the son.

When izuku was done with his shift he ran home to get the nanny paid for her week while setting up the house for the coming guests. Izumo sat at the table dangling his feet as he ate some pudding in his chair as he wore the almighty (and allmight rip off show Izumo loved dearly.) jammies.

"Hey, are you cleaning papa?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows making Izuku see his cute son pout over him being too busy to eat with his father. Izumo was so cute! Izuku was so happy he could be able to enjoy this moment with his sweet son!

"I have some friends coming over so I want to get the house nice and clean for you to meet them! Ochako and iida are coming with tsuyu and their kids!" Izuku said happily. Tsuyu had four children close to Izumos age which Izumo loved playing with despite their very different personalities; their youngest was a bit shy, unlike Izumo who was outgoing but sweet.

Izuku was actually over cleaning now to calm his nerves from what was going to unfold.

"I wanted it to be only us." His little sweet boy huffed poking his pudding which Izuku felt a bit hurt. But He could not cancel when Ochako was already on her way here to help with Iida and Shouto.

But the hurt expression his son was making his heart squeeze with his omega yelling at him for being rude to his pup and ruining their father and son bonding time.

"I'm very sorry Izumo, But I promise this weekend I am free for us to do anything you want!" Izuku said kneeling in front of his son holding his small hands in his as his son still pouted. His son was just so adorable he could take a picture of him or hug him tightly in his chest and squeal as his omega could purr in satisfaction for giving birth to such an adorable sweet being! However, he already has too many photos of his son yet it never stopped him from paying monthly fees for more storage on his smartphone or hanging the pictures of his son's firsts all over his office room near the playroom Izumo had.

Izukureleased some calming scent as he smiled warmly at his son putting his scared hands through his sound soft curls. "Does my little octopus not want to go anywhere with his papa?" Izuku said seeing his son turn to glare at him cutely. "I do!!" Izumo screeched as he slammed his tiny hands on the table standing up in his chair. Izuku giggled.

Finally, his son huffs with determination."Then I want to go to allmight land with Papa! And papa alone!" Izumo said making Izuku smile. He could risk going to a public amusement park this once right? It was for his little angel after all!

"Okay," izuku said taking his pinky out as his son then linked his small one to his. "it's a promise. it will only be us at the park with each other no one else. IF You do all you're homework!"

"Yes!" Izumo cheered as he dashed to put the spoon the sink and plate in the sink before bolting to the living room to finish his homework that was assigned by the private teacher Izuku had hired for his son. Which was worrying. He should let Izumo go to a more public school and branch out more. but his omega churned at letting his pup leave the nest.

But Izuku will worry about the details later right now he had to deal with the party that would defiantly end in a disaster...


The first to arrive were Ochako and iida. Then with Tsuyu and her husband. The other children were either at sleepovers or at their grandmother's. But thankfully the youngest was with them and Izumo dragged the shy frog-like boy named, Ristu with him to play with his toys in his room.

Izuku's omega was distressed. The stress of his pup getting rejected or getting an angry alpha was making him want to just keep moving and cleaning. His friends spent time to help calm him down while making sure his son did not smell his dam was in distress.

Izuku was stressing about things more than he needed to. Like his Pups sire's rejection, his pup's birthday month, and the stupid weekend when he would take his pup out. What if they did get caught? What if his ranks drop more than they already have? What if Bakugou knows? What if Bakugou is disgusted with him?

Ochako and Tsuyu began calming him down with their scents which thankfully worked so he went back to setting the living room they were going to use in the huge condo. He was going to hide the pictures of him and his son and the baby album he had of his precious pup however his omega and his brain immediately nagged him for being a bad dam... When he felt a hand on his shoulder with a comforting smell.

He turned to see Shouto who was with Ochako. Two of the betas were wearing a comforting smiles.

Izuku sighed and went to the kitchen to cook with ochako.

"I just don't know what to do.." Izuku sighed and stirred the cake mix. "What if he finds out and gets angry and hates me with Izumo? What if Izumo hates me? And I just became the parent at the nursery home no one visits?"

"Hey don't worry." ochako said with a comforting smile pulling izuku out from his possible 1-hour rant. "Just like Yuuei, shouto, Iida, and I will be right by you. With or without Bakugou."

Izuku remembers those years. In his first year, he was bullied for being an Omega by Bakugou except Izuku had his group there to defend him unlike back in middle school. Then after ground beta, he and Bakugou became sparring partners when Bakugou suggested scenting and helping each other with Izuku's heat and Bakugous rut.

Izuku loved those nights hearing kacchans soft words through the door. The cuddling at night. And the smell of the spice.

So it was a huge shock when he learned he was pregnant. He never went to the next level with Bakugou yet he never confronted Kacchan. It was played out by him forcing it. So he avoided telling Kacchan for a while as he simply told Bakugou he would no longer share heats with him.

The two still hung out which was strained and something felt amiss.

Izuku graduated early and hoped Kacchan would confront him... Try to figure out why he was not in school for a while, why he wanted to leave school early. But he only congratulated Izuku and left him.

Izuku giving birth hurt so much without his alpha. He wanted to die or run to get his alpha. Those nights alone in his new condo with only the echoes of his crying son with his thoughts scared him. Questioning if he was making the right choice. If he could handle being a parent and how he could ever do this alone.

He only kept moving when he saw his son's gold-yellow eyes looking up at him. He had some blond highlights with a familiar eye like Kacchans. He had Izuku's curly hair and green color. No freckles on his perfect skin like Kacchans. Izuku made a promise to give his son only the best.

His mother still supported him. She was even suggesting if he was not ready to get an abortion or even send into adoption despite her wanting to have a grandchild. He could not bear killing a baby he got from Kacchan and kept him. Named his son Izumo.

Izumo was his world. Izuku made sure to be in his son's life as much as possible even if it was a simple look from the doorway only once when he was only in the cradle and he went to work. Once Izumo learned to talk and walk he made sure to be in his son's life more and more even though it cost him getting higher in ranks.

He does not regret having Izumo. Izumo was what kept him going through those tough times as his friends kept him from pushing himself at work.

So what if kacchan was not going to accept his pup or be in his life. He will raise Izumo and give him a happy life. Maybe he did not need to find some stupid alpha.

A familiar squeal pulled him from his thoughts as he walked out of the kitchen wiping his hands on his dark blue apron to have Izumo run to his legs grabbing his calves with an angry pout face against his dress pants.

"Izumo, what's wrong?" Izuku said before looking up to see Mina gasping as she wore a tight pink party dress with a black crop top leather jacket in house slippers.

"Deku! You have a son?!" She squealed happily as she slapped Izuku on the shoulder, winking. "Why didn't you tell me?' She said putting on a sad expression to tease him into feeling guilty. Which worked.

"I-I just.." Izuku murmured, flushing. Was he going to be questioned? Hated? Possibly or maybe even yelled at?

"It's fine Izuku! I am just happy you have a little family!" Mina said, pointing at his son who looked away embarrassed. "I thought you were alone all the time! Where is the lucky alpha or beta?"

Izuku looked down at Izumo ruffling his hair. "He's not in the picture."

Mina put a supporting hand on his shoulder. "Sorry for that. But you are doing a great job. If you need anything Just call auntie pinky!." Izuku smiled. He was happy that Mina was not pushing the subject as she pinched Izumo's cheek.

Then his son huffed loudly. "My Dad is amazing! He does not need help from anyone! Especially an alien!" He then ran back in the direction of his room.

"Man, he acts so much like Bakugou!" Mina said as she went to catch up with tsuyu making Izuku stiffen and fake laugh.

"Deku, can you help me bring out the cake? I finished decorating it." Iida said as he carried out the chips to the table in front of the couch. There was soda, candy, and water.

Izuku headed into the kitchen to see a very simple three-layer cake making Izuku laugh to himself. It screamed Iida. Izuku picked up the cake when he heard someone enter the house.

"Hey, guys! We brought beer!" Kirishima's voice was heard as Ochako and Tsuyu were heard welcoming them as Mina cheered.

"We are a bit late because of a certain someone," Kaminari said before there was a thump followed by an ouch.

"Hey, Todoroki, I made sure to pick some good movies to watch that you recommended." Sero is heard saying.

"This place just screams nerd." A voice made Izuku's heart flutter before he shoved it down as he stepped out after he quickly adjusted his collar.

"Hey, guys!" Izuku said as he put the cake down.

"Midoriya! Thanks for having us." Kirishima said, slamming his hand on Izuku's back, almost making him fall.

Kirishima was wearing a shirt and jeans which were oddly really simple like Kaminri and sero who were in onesies making everyone laugh a bit. But Bakugou was asight. A leather jacket and white shirt with black jeans. While he looked tough he was wearing indoor slippers so Izuku had to mentally picture him wearing boots.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by Sero.

"Where the guy?" Sero teased, making izuku stiffen.

Mina spoke up. "Oh my god, he's just so cute!"

Izuku laughs awkwardly. While Ochako wore a tight smile as iida changed the subject. "What movie shall we watch?"

Bakugou looked at the three suspiciously as izuku did his best to act like Bakugou just missed seeing his pup.

Tsuyu, thank god agreed. "I will go have the kids pick something they could watch."

Mina clapped her hands together. "Oh hell yeah! You guys got some horror!"

"I will make sure to check on them every ten minutes," Izuku said, sitting down three-seat away from shouto who was by the other arm of the couch while sero talked to him as he sat in a chair by him.

"Thanks, Midorya." Tsuyu said as she sat on the other couch with her lover.

"Playing babysitter nerd?" Bakugou grumbled as he sat down next to Midoriya a little too close, making him feel squished.

"Kacchan!" Izuku said before Bakugou pulled on his ear.

"You're slacking deku! At this point, you'll never catch up to me in ranks!" Bakugou nags as the others simply ignore him since they know that this was how the pair has always been.

"I- I've just been busy with things lately!" Izuku whines as he rubs his ear while Bakugou huffs crossing his arms.

"Yeah busy trying to get laid!" Bakugou yells as Izuku chokes on his saliva.

"KACCHAN! I AM NOT!" Izuku yells in embarrassment and beats red.

"HAH!? SURE SEEMS LIKE IT!" Bakugou continues as Izuku keeps denying it.

When Denki turns off the lights.

"Hey, look at the movie starting," Kirishima said smacking bakugou in the head while Bakugou did not yell or threaten Kirishima just huffed and sat like a spouting child. Weird, was he trying to behave? Weird.

The movie was one romance which was weird as he looked at his friends and at Sero who picked the movie but he just shrugged and relaxed in his seat. Despite having the man of his dreams sitting to his right squishing him.

Everything was fine. He was checking on the children every ten minutes, which was grateful for missing the awkward flirting scenes popping up which made him uncomfortable.

One scene was the alpha telling the omega he loved him as the omega confessed to having a child making him sweat and as his friends looked at each other awkwardly. Unlike the Bakusquad gushing about the cute child.

But by the fifth time he was heading to check on the children, Kirishima volunteered, already heading to the room Izuku was heading to, which made him worry. The two were in their fort and were in the role of king and servant who kept making him, his father and uncle, say password after password to simply see him. But Kirishima would never find out the password before entering.

But that did not satisfy Izuku. His omega whined at not seeing his pup. His pup could scare off his sire or Izukus mate. Izuku was going to get hated. A single omega with a child? Who would want him? But his son loves him. Izumo was his world. But what if Izumo hated him? Blamed him for Kacchan not being there? Was his son going to leave like Kacchan? Was He going to be alone forever?

A hand rested on his jumping leg-pulling Izuku from his thoughts, smelling a subtle relaxing scent of spice making Izuku realize he was panicking for no reason. He murmured a small thanks to Bakugou who grumbled something he could not hear as Bakugou grabbed Izuku's hand on the leg that was no longer jumping.

Izuku liked this feeling. Being by Kachans side. With his scent and warmth. Izuku did not even notice himself leaning into kacchan. Bakugou did not even notice himself wrapping an arm around Izuku.

But their bubble burst when a loud shatter happened to cause Izuku to stand to see Izumo wearing a cereal box as a crown with an almighty blanket as a cap with no shirt in his swimming shorts looking Izuku up at him with a cute smile. As the lights in the condo living room turned on thanks to Ochako Denki rubbed his eyes as the others looked up as Bakugou merely looked over his shoulder wide-eyed and confused.

"I found treasure, papa!" Izumo said, holding up a coin.

"Izu-" Izuku was going to ask, almost tripping as he walked around the coach to see a tied-up Kirishima behind the coach taped mouth shut with Ristu still dressed nicely sitting on Kirishima.

"Aw, who's this little guy?" Denki said as Ochako quickly picked up Izumo as Izuku cleaned up the broken glass with Iida. Tsuyu picked up her son.

"I and Izu-chan wanted to play kingdom and I was his loyal servant and uncle Kiri was the traitor." the little shy boy explained.

"I am the dragon king!" Izumo said, pointing at himself with an innocent grin, making Izuku's omega coo.

Thankfully Bakugou helped unite Kirishima with an evil grin. "The little runt got you. Pathetic."

Izumo glared at Bakugou.

"Aw, isn't he adorable?" Mina said, taking the box off and revealing his green curls. "He looks so much like you izuku!"

Izuku chuckled as he held Izumo in his arms. Izumo huffed.

"IZUKU HAS A SON?" Kirishima yelled at the same time Sero and Denki dropped their jaws. And just like that Izuku's heart drops. He paled but quickly kept his composer. Izuku had to keep his cool. "Y-yes. Sorry for hiding him from you." Izuku said shyly as Izumo played with his hair. Bakugou crossed his arms glaring at the boy.

Izuku mentally played every scenario, Bakugou figuring out and hating him, or Bakugou hating him. Izumo hates him and leaves him. Him being alone.

"So that's why you've been slacking in ranks," Bakugou said almost.. calmly. Making Izuku mentally sigh in relief. Everything was going fine right now at least. Izumo however glared at Bakugou which was unnoticed by Izuku as his son gave a death glare. Bakugou had an offended look on his face which only Denki and Kirishima saw and laughed.

"This is the little guy you guys wanted to see." ochako said, ruffling Izumo's hair.

Shouto nodded. "And which is why Izuku was looking for am-" Time for you to go back to your castle!" Izuku interrupted, heading to the playroom as Tsuyu held her son's hand to the playroom.

"Aw!" Izumo said, giving Izuku puppy eyes. Izuku kissed his son's head as he returned with tsuyu to the party to finish the movie.

But when he returned, the lights were off like before, Bakugou was holding Shouto by the collar as Denki and Kirishima held him back as Ochako giggled Tsuyus's husband and Iida drank some soda.

It was going to be a long night.


Bakugou has made many mistakes. One was the day Izuku had gone into heat. They had finally gotten their relationship kindled their first year and now in their third-year bakugou finally got the ball to be heat partners with the nerd since their heat and rut were timed near each other. The nerd agreed which was more helpful than having the ruts alone himself. So the system worked as is; nothing but provided clothes, food, and beverages. Which was all fine as long as Bakugou could mark him to keep any possible extras away. But that day was different than any other. Bakugou had opened the door. It was supposed to be him leaving some hoodie for the nerd to use during his heat.

He only wanted to see if the nerd was alright. He sounded in pain and was crying, calling out to someone as if he were a person in grieving. After he had entered the room however he only awoke a few days in Dekus fukin nest butt naked sith with the smell of sex. In shock and fear, he ran back to his room and acted as if none of it happened.

Deku had no memory of it as he had gone back in the heat a while longer, probably due to Bakugou's rut coming in early and ending quickly out of fear. The nerd did not try to bring it up to Bakugou nor tried to demand answers for that day. So when Deku said he wanted to stop sharing heats he was angry. Afraid. Confused. Hurt. Why did deku do that? Did he remember? Was he hurt? Was deku thinking Bakugou was going to do it again to him?

But Deku never did confront him and only treated him as normal. As if nothing happened. Sure he did that to deku but it was an honest mistake. Bakugou only began to realize his mistake when Izuku started taking classes during break and missing classes.

Then when Deku told him he would be graduating early he became enraged. With himself, deku, and everything. Deku was covering his scent and not giving bakugou the time of day. He was spending it for that half and half bastard and his nerd group.

After Izuku left he did not reach out to bakugou for months. Bakugou became more aggressive during training. He was so pissed at everything. Deku, himself, and everyone.

It was as if Deku and his friends were in a world of their own. They were probably thing bakugou as some hot-headed alpha that slept with deku and didn't control his heat.

Years passed and Bakugou's anger grew and his alpha begged for his omega. But Bakugou was so angry at deku. For not calling or texting him, Bakugou refused to make the first move. The nerd wants to be that way fine.

That was until Bakugou saw the ranks. 8 place was deku while he was 4 place. And it was worse when the next month Deku got lower. Bakugou knew something was off then. The nerd graduates early yet did not start working till months later and are lower ranks a month.

What could the nerd be doing that is causing him to dunk in ranks... well he got his answer when he saw the news of the nerd going on dates with alphas or betas and is said to looking to get married. How could he not go see the fucker to tell him off for sleeping around instead of focusing on hero work? How could he not get the funds needed by an agency on the spot close to the nerds which btw may be hard to financially recover from.

Except when he got to the nerd office it was empty with the smell of a distressed omega. Bakugou then had thought of Deku perhaps disposing of him or even disgusted with Bakugou. But Kirishima and Sero have told him countless times that Deku was not the type to do something as such. For starters Omegas act on instinct in heat like Alphas so naturally, the situation was at fault on both sides meaning it was none of each other's fault and that Deku was the person to tell Bakugou if he were to dislike him since Deku was like him: not lying about their true feelings... in a way since he was too pussy to confess his love for her nerd.

Still, bakugou was worried for some reason. When he sat to wait on one of the couches Kaminari, sero, and Kirishima came in to calm him down.

"I do not think he is going on dates though." Denki sighed as Kirishima and sero looked at him for an explanation while bakugou only gave him a side-way glance.

"Think about it. Deku was the one omega in the hero course and yet he never tried to hit on any of us or anyone. And he never even asked anyone aside from Bakugou to be his heat partner. Nor did he show any interest in romance at all." Denki explained as Kirishima nodded. "Yeah! Plus when he said he and Todoroki would share they did not smell anything close to Bakugou and deku scenting."

Bakugous alpha preened at that which Bakugou gruffed. Yeah so this might be a misunderstanding but he still needed answers on why the nerd was falling behind! When the office door opened in came his nerd squad which made him more pissed off than he needed to be.

"Where that nerd at?" He demanded as the three stopped like deers. SHouto however snapped out of the shock then the two lovebirds who needed to solve their complicated feelings.

"Oh. hi, Bakugou are you here to see midorya also?" Shouto said in the same monotone voice.

"Yeah! We came to tell you deku we were moving near dekus agency with our own!" Kirishima said as Ochaco and Iida stiffened with awkward grins as they sat down.

"Bakugou, Kirishima, denki, and sero!" Iida said stiffly. "May I ask why?"

Bakugous alpha growled. What was this fucker implying? Was he trying to say something about him coming near deku? His soon-to-be mate?

"We just thought with that deku could use some assistance with the whole drama," Sero explained calmly while Bakugou vibrated with anger trying not to go feral.

"And we also were able to get enough money for an agency!" Denki cheered as Ochako pouted. That made Bakugou preen. The stupid bitch has to work with Iida as a sidekick. And Midoriya works with Half and Half sharing half of their agency.

The top floors are his and the lower is Midoriyas. This is why the two are always seen together pissing him off to no end. The only thing keeping him calm is the fact candy can loser has the hots for someone he could know but does not remember. The stupid Beta was lucky for that fact or else...

Kirishima sighed. "Yeah. Besides this will not be the first or last time something like this happen to him. There will always be people out to try and bring his in his second gender to claim him as something he is not."

"But deku is looking for an alpha so the news will continue to spread," Shouto said before Ochako slammed a hand on him.

" What ?" Bakugou rumbled feeling his alpha feel hurt and jealous of these unknown alphas trying to get his mate. And his mate going out to try and find an alpha when he was right there! He was releasing intimidating pheromones that made his friend lower their necks to submit.

However, shouto was not phased. And stood up for some water while Ochako awkwardly changed the subject about how it was normal for people to go on date and want to get married, while Iida was laughing awkwardly that many omegas would like to look for an alpha to have cute healthy pups to raise. Which only angered Bakugou more.

SHouto finished drinking from the water dispenser and threw away the paper cup in the small allmight trashcan. "He has been having a hard time. He went on what 6 or 10 dates and keeps complaining about them."

This Bakugou takes as an opportunity and stomps to the beta. " Who are the extras he's going out with ?' Bakugou may have been aggressive while asking but it was just for him to get some information on the next people on his hit list.

"Not sure, Mina sets him up with who she thinks is best." He states calmly however Bakugou was not going to take this as an answer. So before he knows it he was being held back by tape from Plain face and the others were trying to get everything under control as he tried to yell threats to the unfazed moron.

Then the nerd had to walk in seeing him in his almost feral state which makes Deku look shocked and confused. Bakugou could not understand what he was saying but he just knew he was a lot calmer than he was a few seconds ago. Deku was as beautiful in person as in the newspaper or from a distance away.

Deku was still deku that was all. He was still as cute as he has always been. The only thing wrong was he still covered his scent with blockers and wore that Callor. Man Bakugou wanted to just-

Kirishima then pulled the nerd out of the office stopping his thoughts and went back to going feral till he was calm enough to sit and grimace at the three losers.

"Is deku seeing someone?" He asked seriously. He was going to find his answer right here and now. He needed to be sure if Deku was in love with another man or what possible type he likes to see if he could get the nerd's attention away from dating.

The two looked at each other with the most guilty and confused looks. Looks as if they were hiding a secret from him and wondered if they should tell him. Luckily the non-filtered man spoke.

"If you mean romantically, definitely not." The nonchalant man said as he dazed out. Bakuougs alpha preened at this. No one stole the nerd's heart thank god. "However he is seeing someone."

"Hey Deku!" ochako said a little too loudly, making Bakugou turn to glare at the puzzled nerd while Kirishima gave a subtle signal to not say something stupid.

"We were coming up with ideas for a welcome party for bakugou and them to come back!" Ochako explained like that bad lair she was. If anything she was probably trying to make sure deku did not have to worry about Bakugou causing a fight again. Whatever as long as he can beagle to sit next to the nerd.

"Deku just thought the same thing!" Kirishima said, punching him in the nerd's arm making Bakugou glare at him when the nerd laughed. Jealousy rumbled in his stomach. Kirishima sent him a look that said 'calm down I do not want your man'.

"Hey what about tonight?" Denki suggested, which made Deku stiffen in his seat before nervously waving his hands. "I can't make it," He said nervously looking at Round face and Four-eyes, causing him to scowl deeper. Was he going on a date? "Why? You going to ditch us for another date?" Bakugou growled, which made deku make a guilty face which made Bakugou mentally punch himself.

Deku would never do something like that and he know that. Only if it were something serious he would cancel the plans he made for friends. But a small part of him felt like it had something to do with that man the Candy cane bastard mentioned.

"No, he has to watch a movie with someone," Shouto said half explaining which made deku throw a pleading face at his friend. Bakugou was happier he answered but angry it was the answer he hated.

"I'm going to join you then," Bakugou said, looking Izuku in the eyes, no way in hell was he going to miss his chance to meet this fucker. No way in hell was he going to leave Deku alone with the sorry son of a bitch that is trying to take his mate- er he meant soon to be mate.

"Yeah, we should do a movie night!" Kaminari said coming to bakugous social speaking rescue."That way we can see Izukus someone and decide if he is good enough for our Deku!"

The nerd squad had a mix of emotions. Ochaco and Iida were awkwardly trying to find an excuse while Deku was talking like a panicked surprised chicken while Todoroki calmly hummed to the confusion of his squad and himself.

"Deku, you should just let them meet him," Shouto said to which Deku stiffened while Bakugour raised an eyebrow. "I mean it is better than later."

Deku sat in his seat pale as he thought for a minute or two till he huffed and made the mistake to look at bakugou who may or may not have been staring at him too strongly for a long extended amount of time.

"Yeah, sure, let's do it." he squeaked as Bakugou huffed. Good. Now he knows the fucker he needed to kill- beat to win dekus heart. Now he just needed to learn the words he needed to say that did not suck ass.

"Awesome!" Kaminari cheered as Kirishima got up and slapped Bakugou in the back. "Just hope we don't steal the spotlight." Kirishima winked making Bakugou perk up.

Yes, that's the plan! He can go to the movie night and show the nerd he was better than that son of a bitch both with looks and charm! He just needed to dress sexy and act charming right? He can do that.

Bakugou stood up and pointed at the cute confused nerd to speak after not saying a word for a long ass time... "Just watch Deku! I'll blow you away when the agency is up and running!" Bakugou yelled, storming off followed by his friends.

That night after petrol he and his group went shopping to get Bakugou dressed up and pick up some beers for the party. Sero also got some horror and romance movies to watch all night recommended by the candy caned loser.

Before going in the three losers gave him the reminders:

"Do not try to start a fight with the guy no matter what! Be nice!" Dunce's face said.

"Do not try to threaten him either!" Soy sauce was added.

"And just try charming him by helping him clean, cook, or feel safe from the horror movie by sitting next to him!" Kirishima said ringing the doorbell.

Bakugou growled at them and they all nodded as if he had answered yes. Fuck what was he to these losers? A kid that needs to be talked to before going into a store to not misbehave?

"Hey, guys! We brought beer!" Kirishima's yelled as the door opened heading inside as the three followed as Bakugou felt his insides turn and his hands sweat. Fuck, it was like a date sort of. Except he was going to be with a bunch of idiots with him and his deku.

"We are a bit late because of a certain someone," Kaminari said making Bakugou elbow him in the gut, hard. He just wanted to look good for the nerd while also to try and seduce him.

"Hey, Todoroki, I made sure to pick some good movies to watch that you recommended," Sero said heading to the nonchalant man sitting unattentally attractive in the chair in his office clothes.

Bakugou looked at the furniture noticing how plain and simple everything was. He was making lots of money as a hero so why the hell was everything so plain and modern. It was like a basic home you see in romantic novellas. (Which he does not watch.... sometimes.) There was also a scent of deku mixed in. it was however mixed with everyone's scent making it hard for him to smell the forest scent Deku would have.

"This place just screams nerd," Bakugou commented.

"Hey, guys!"Bakugou turned to see the nerd in an apron carrying a cake making his alpha please to see the domestic scene on his omega baking for him and possibly, even cooking for him. Bakugou would cook for deku also. They will have to take turns cause bakugou wants to see this scene more than once in his life till he dies.

"Midoriya! Thanks for having us." Kirishima said, slamming his hand on Deku's back, almost making him fall. Bakugou scowled at that. No one should touch deku except him.

Luckily dekus reaction to him dressing attractively made his stare a bit long making bakugou smirk. Phase one is going well. The nerd was paying attention to him now.

"Where the guy?" Sero teased, making Deku stiffen.

Mina spoke up. "Oh my god, he's just so cute!" But before she could make anything worse for Bakugou luckily the four-eyed loser changed the subject. "What movie shall we watch?"

Bakugou looked at them suspiciously though. Why not talk about the man he was seeing? Was he embarrassed? Was this going to be easy for Bakugou to win the nerd's heart?

"I will go have the kids pick something they could watch." Tsuyu said heading down the hallway. Deku is a good godfather to Tsuyu's children. From the way, he had some pictures of them in the hall. He never personally meets the kids since he never has time for her work.

Wait, now that he thinks about it, Deku is an omega and he has been meeting alphas and betas on dates. Was he trying to meet a good mate to have pups with?

Mina clapped her hands together. "Oh hell yeah! You guys got some horror!"

"I will make sure to check on them every ten minutes," Deku said to Tsuyu when she returned as he sat three seats from Todorki who was talking to sero.

"Thanks, Midorya." Tsuyu said as she sat on the other couch with her lover.

"Playing babysitter nerd?" Bakugou grumbled as he sat down next to deku making deku squeak.

"Kacchan!" Deku said before Bakugou pulled on his ear. He needed to first remind the nerd of his rank being at 8 however before he plans on showing the nerd he was the perfect man for him to mate with.

"You're slacking deku! At this point, you'll never catch up to me in ranks!" Bakugou nags.

"I- I've just been busy with things lately!" Deku whines as he rubs his ear while Bakugou huffs crossing his arms.

"Yeah busy trying to get laid!" Bakugou yells pissed at the fact his mate was blindly trying to get with others than looking at him. Deku however chokes turning red. "KACCHAN! I AM NOT!" The nerd yells in embarrassment and red making him look like a strawberry.

"HAH!? SURE SEEMS LIKE IT!" Bakugou continues as Deku continues to deny making his alpha pleased to know he did not have to lose dekus virginity to some extra! (Yes dekus is still a virgin to him until he can mate the fucker.)

It was until Denki turns off the lights is when the two are put to a stop their bickering and talking.

"Hey, look at the movie starting," Kirishima said smacking Bakugou's head to signal him not to push anything further. He huffs and sits crossing his arms

The movie was a romance Sero picked out which was perfect for him to set the mood. However, The stupid nerd was getting up every ten minutes to check on the brats. And another thing was Dekus date was not here! Was he sad he got stood up he took it as a way to go see the children calm down his omega?

Kirishima whispered in his ear he had a plan. So when the nerd was about to head to check on the children Kirishima volunteered and headed down the hall the Nerd kept heading through. Deku however looked nervous and mumbled something about password and fort. Deku must be stressed out. At the moment Bakugou mentally told himself he was an asshole. He needed to stop thinking about getting in the nerd's pants and think about the position the nerd was in.

His date was not here, he was stuck seeing the one guy he thought hated him, (which is Bakugous fault he knows Ok!!) and he had to try and set a party for his friends to make them happy.

Sighing he put his hand on top of the nerd's jumpy leg and released a subtle scent that the nerd can smell to relax him as he rumbled his throat (like how his mother did with his father when he was sad after Bakugou and his mother fought.) silently for hi as he leaned to the side to get close to the nerd to where only the nerd could hear.

It was perfect. The ned was in his arms instead of some extra and he was able to smell Dekus's hair. He was blushing so much as he felt that it was the right moment to call the nerd's attention to look into those deep forest green eyes to then lean in slowly without breaking eye contact to have a deep kiss. He felt a small sense of a threatening era behind him but when he turned he saw nothing so he went back to the peaceful moment of having Deku in his arm at long last.

But the moment was shattered when a shatter made him turn to see a runt wearing a cereal box and almighty (A cartoon ripoff of allmight.) blanket tied around its neck with no shirt with only his swimming shorts looking up at deku smiling.

The lights were turned on and everyone turned to see a sight: Kirishima tied up with the rut with a shitty grin placed a foot on the poor bastard's face as the other runners looking similar more to his mother shyly smiled as he sat on the poor shitty hairs stomach.

"I found treasure, papa!" The runt said making bakugou confused as he realized deku was standing up and walking towards the runt sighing.

"Izu-" Izuku began making Bakugou feel his insides both churn with uneasiness while his alpha somehow coo'd seeing the child. Did he know this kid?

"Aw, who's this little guy?" Denki said as Ochako quickly picked up Izumo as Izuku cleaned up the broken glass with Iida. Tsuyu picked up the shy boy and asked him if he was okay while he and his two idiot friends watched in confusion.

Bakugu got up to help untie shitty hair after watching him squirm. Pathetic. How does he lose to w couple of runts?

"I and Izu-chan wanted to play kingdom and I was his loyal servant and uncle Kiri was the traitor." the little shy boy explained.

"I am the dragon king!" Izumo said, pointing at himself with an innocent grin, making Deku smile fondly making Bakugou coo at the sight.

"The little runt got you. Pathetic." Bakugou grunted with an evil grin. Till he saw the runt start glaring at him. The fuck? What did he do? Was that the small threatening sense he had earlier?

"Aw, isn't he adorable?" Mina said, taking the box off and revealing his green curls. "He looks so much like you izuku!"

Bakugou felt everything feeze. Wait.. why would she say something like that? The kid does look like him. He is an omega but, did Tsuyu .. no, she's married and has pups. Maybe it's a coincidence? What the fuck? Does this mean Deku secretly got married? Did deku get married and have a child?

"IZUKU HAS A SON?" Shitty hair yelled which snapped Bakugou out of his panic mode. Which made him look at Deku's back with a demanding glare.

"Y-yes. Sorry for hiding him from you." Izuku said shyly as his son played with his hair. Bakugou crossed his arms looking at the cute sight. When he heard mina whisper something to Denki.

"Deku was worried you would look down on him for being a single omega with a child," Mina explained which made Baugou back on track. He was not a homewrecker so having this was an amazing opportunity to win not only with dekus heart but also to help raise a pup. He will be the best goddamn dad to the fucker.

"So that's why you've been slacking in ranks," Bakugou said looking at the runt. This explains it alright. He looks like a handful. Which had the brat glare at him. The fuck?! Was the brat testing him right now?!

"This is the little guy you guys wanted to see." ochako said, ruffling the brat's hair. Which made the brat blush and pout angrily glaring now at the ground.

Shouto nodded. "And which is why Izuku was looking for am-" "Time for you to go back to your castle!" Deku interrupted, heading to the playroom as Tsuyu held her son's hand to the playroom.

Once they were out of the room everyone was in a faze of awe. Deku's son was adorable and it was a long time for anyone to see how pure everything once was before growing up. Especially being heroes now and seeing the worst things in life. Like a person murdering innocent people or a person committing suicide.

Worse when seeing the crime scene that smelled like death and seeing the rotting corpses of citizens or pro heroes who were once there to work alongside.

"Ah to be young again." Mina sighed as Kiroshima groaned.

"That brat is like you Bakugou," Todoroki said making Bakugou snap at him. How dare he compare him to the brat? What the hell was he saying?

This night has to be both the best and yet most frustrating night of his life.


"A fukin kid!" Bakugou yelled as he paced in his office as his idiot friends sat on the couch as he released stressed hormones... "This was why he had been so busy!?"

"Y'know, I thought you were going to react differently.." Sero said to the alpha who was none stop purring as he had just gone out to buy courting gifts for omegas, but a shit load of children's clothes and toys. Which were now piled on the coffee table in the office.

When he had left Dekus's apartment he was immediately hit with the erg from his alpha. He has no idea why. When he tried to stop himself the alpha in him only growled making him feel depressed. It felt like he was missing something the alpha in him knew. As if the pup was a part of him.

It bothered him when he tried to sleep and kept him pacing around with a whine in the back of his throat. It was almost as bad as having his ruts alone with no omega with those stupid cute freckles coming to leave their fresh pine scent of clothes with sweat for him.

" I don't know what the fuck is up with me!" He yelled as he rubbed his hands through his hair. He was depressed from seeing Dekus's kid and from leaving deku and the kid's side. His alpha wanted to howl and whine but he is stubborn and refused to act on them.

"We should help him." Sero sighed as he shook his head. Dunceface nodded as Kirishima nodded as he rubbed his eyes "Before he goes into dept."

"Oi!" Bakugou was offended by his frei- a group of morons dares to speak that way about him. Back in yuuei, they would have never dreamed of doing this shit. Sure they were not like the extras in his middle since he was still a hit head alpha.

"Well, we should then have to start with Midoiya then," Denki said as the others agreed. If it had come to Bakugous problem then it had to involve his deep love for Midoriya.

"Then back in high school or their childhood?" Sero sighed as Bakugou chose to ignore them and go through the gifts he's got for the kid and omega.

"Oh yeah. Midoriyas kid looks just like him." Denki said and Bakugou whipped his head in his direction. "How the hell would you know?"

"Dude he showed us a picture," Sero explained before the alpha could find an excuse to murder their dumbass friend.

"He kinda reminds me more of Bakugou though." Kirishima groaned as he shook in fear of the memory.

Denki and Sero laughed. "Yeah, he even glared at Bakugou behind Midoriyas back!"

Bakugou had to laugh at that. The brat has guts and was chasing those morons and put Kirishimas in his place. Bakugou chuckled at how the brat was stomping on Kirishima's face as he did to his old man as a kid until his mom would come to rescue him.

"He smelled like Bakugou in a way also.." Kirishima said as he put a hand on his chin.

"Dude you SMELLED a child?!" Kaminari yelled scooting away from Kirishima.

"JAIL!!" Sero yelled scooting away from Kirishima.

"No, I did not!" Kirishima yelled before sighing. "I meant with a dominant smell. The one that smells like burning wood."

"Oh." Sero and Denki said as they scooted back to Kirishima's side.

"Yeah like a campfire maybe??" Kirishima explained as Bakugus brain started moving.

"He sort of has my face when he sneered didn't he?" he murmured as the three agreed to nod to then pause in thought.

The others were probably doing the same as there were a few moments of pure, piercing silence, With only the sound of a bird outside cawing in peace. A few cars drive by with a honk that echoed throughout the still closed agency that had piles of unopened boxes scattered in the halls and a few in Bakugous office where they were.

Then in a heartbeat, it was pure craziness...

"Am I an uncle!?" Kaminari yelled as Kirishima shook Bakugou.

"Dude you have a son?!" Kirishima yelled.

"OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH FUCK." sero kept saying as he ran a hand through his hair, pacing around the office.

Stress hormones were clouding the office room making Bakugou sneer. He was panicking too but what the fuck were these shits panicking for?! He had a son pup he had just learned he had!

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Bakugou yelled silencing them. Sighing he groaned as he sat down. "That explains why I was acting like a fuckin weirdo."

He just wanted to see his son and omega! It was stupid that all it took was a simple glare from the kid who would tell him this.

"And why Midoriya was hiding his scent," Kaminari murmured.

"And the hints Todoroki was leaving," Sero added as Bakugou groaned. The Bitch was teasing bakugou the whole time and no one can tell him otherwise. No matter how dumb he may come

No doubts about it. It HAD to be Bakugous. The only one he knows that sleeping with the nerd was him and him alone. Second, the nerd was probably scared to confront or even tell him since he was a hot-headed alpha that growled at anything in his way.

God. a kid. Was this another reason he felt shitty? He knew he was missing something but- " A fukin kid." Bakugou growled as he ran a hand through his hair. He wanted to run to his omega right now to see his son but that was not an option right now.

Deku probably was still afraid to admit to Bakugou who was the Alpha that cost him a number one hero rank and probably took his virginity without his consent. God Deku probably saw him as some hot-headed alpha pervert only using him as some cum bucket and not mating him to just leave Deku alone with a child to raise. A whine in his throat while his alpha kicked him in the stomach to yell he was a useless alpha who could not be worthy of their mate.

Bakugou then felt a slap to the face and his shoulders gripped as his body was shocked.

"Dude do not assume things! Just talk to Midoriya!" Kaminari said as the three yelled in encouragement as the last time he assumed made costed their friendship to the others to be distant. It was also for the fact that they did not want the poor omega to be left united which could cost him his career.

"Fuck alright I am!" Bakugou growled but secretly thanked his friends for keeping his head on straight. Midoriya was not that big of a pussy. So there was another reason for hiding his son. Mina had one reason in mind. A single omega being alone with a child was looked down on if they had a child at a young age unmated.

He needed to make up for it. More than the gifts he has on the table currently.

That's when a memory flashed in his head. Midoriya said something about going to that one last Allmigh place was he not? Getting up he headed out of the office leaving a confused group of men.







"Papa!" Izumo yelled as he waved excitedly on the kid ride Izuku waved Back smiling happily. His son looked so cute with the bucket duck hat and light yellow overalls with a light green shirt with white stripes. He was just the cutest pup alive.

Izuku had taken so many pictures thanks to the camera Ochako handed him. Izuku was just happy that there was no confrontation or heated argument with Bakugou.

It was good he did not know Izumo was his son. Today was going to be just family time with Izumo before tomorrow when he decided on the last resort: get fertilized.

It sounded insane but since there was no good alpha out there and he was an unmated omega hero he needed to get mated or fertilized to avoid getting mated or commanded by an alpha villain. He was just lucky his agency helped him alongside Shouto, Iida, and Uruauaka to help him on missions to avoid any incident like that to accure.

He knew it was risky. But he needed to do it or he could risk his son's happiness and his son's life. His mother cried when he called her this morning but agreed. She had a grandson and her son was going to be happy so she was accepting.

Izumo then ran into Izumos leg looking up at his Father with a wide grin and shining eyes. "Papa! Can we go see the next one together?"

Izuku felt his omega coo in delight and purred at the cuteness of his pure pup. "Okey my little octopus." izuku giggled as he picked up Izumo close to his chest and walked to the aquarium.

Izumo has a love for three things: Almighty, Fish, and his papa Izuku. And Izumo would be damned if some loser tried to take his papa from him! It was always Izumo and his paa! No one else! His friends at his school were always talking about having two dads. So Izumo learning his other father was a probable coward took it upon himself to be the best possible protector for his dad!

He will present as alpha at 15 and be the best hero for his dad! Izumo was doing a good job of that when he beat up that man who came into his room. He was going to show his papa when he saw an alpha man going to wrap an arm on his papa!

Angered he grabbed a vase to try and kill the fucker when his tiny hands dropped the vase. Spoiling his plans.

His cuteness got him out of trouble at least. However, he needed to try and get stronger! To protect his dad from any danger that could come.

"Izumo there's an octopus!" Izuku giggles pointing to a tank. Izumo whipped his head with sparkling eyes as he then ran to the tank. Izuku sat on a bench not far to see his cute son look up in awe at the Octopus and giggle to himself muttering off on something death to Izukus ears.

Izumo was so easily entertained. Izuku just hoped Izumo would not take the news hard when they let him go to a less private school, which could make him have to say goodbye to his old friends. A school a bit more public would be good for him to make friends. And going to a photoshoot tomorrow for them to send to a magazin on families of pro heroes would be great for showing his cute son to the world.

Izumo will not be allowed to see Izuku go to interviews or be those children forced into stardom like those family channels either. Izuku wants to let his son have a somewhat normal childhood still.

Izuku sighed as he watched his pup run around making sure no one was around before taking off his mask and hat sighing as he could finally breathe. He had worn a white bucket hat which made him feel sweaty in the face.

Izuku had a picture of a certain alpha sweaty and panting above him with hungry eyes making izuku slap his cheeks flushed at the memory. It was a sin to remember that lewd face kacchan made. It was an accident and he needed to put it behind him.

Sighing he turned his head to the left hall where he last saw his son when he saw a man that looked like kacchan getting yelled at by some cute pup. Some people just did not know how to raise their pups.... Wait, THAT WAS HIS SON!! His son was currently kicking the alpha he just had a lewd thought about!!!

---Few moments before------

Bakugou had a hard time finding the nerd science his scent was practically covered with the collar he wore all the time and loads of medicine to cover his nerdy scent glands.

But he finally found the nerd sitting in the aquarium spacing out looking deep in thought as some of the lights from the tank made his eyes shine. Bakugou was in awe till he felt something hit his chin making him hiss in pain to see a familiar set of curls and snarl look. His pup who looked angrily at him began crossing his arms.

"You brat. I need to talk to deku," he growled when the brat stepped in front of him again when he tried to walk around him. Pissed off he had to remind himself this was his pup and soon the two would share father-son moments. And the two will be on better terms than some stranger trying to get his dad's dick.

The pup 'Izumo' Kicks him again and growls at Bakugou who growls back.

"My dad has no time for losers like you!!" Izumo yells baring his small fangs.

"I ain't no loser like that deku!" Bakugou yells showing his larger fangs.

"My dad is not a deku you BASTARD!! MY PAPA IS NOT SOME CREEP LIKE YOU!!" Izumo retards making Bakugou feel his scent turn stronger. He was not a guy that would hit children no matter how angry or how many annoying pups test his alphas patience, even to his pup, that he just learned was his,...... But this pup was five seconds from being a Bakugous soccer ball testing subject.

"Kacchan?" an angelic voice said making the brat switch from annoyingly intimidating (or how much a small pup could be.) to innocent and cute running to his dam's side.

Izuku smiled at Bakugou tilting his head confused. Bakugou had to take a second to calm down after seeing his soon-to-be mate's smile.

"Deku,-" Bakugou began but one swift glare from his pup made him clear his throat. "Izuku, I know, about the punk being mine," Bakugou said getting straight to the point which Deku himself stiffen and his smile faltered before looking down guilty which made him feel a bit upset. A bit but the nerd has a stupidly cute face and made it hard to be upset since it WAS partially his fault.

"Kacchan-" izuku began when Izumo growled.

"You made my papa cry!" He growled which ticked off Bakugou. The little pup was attacking his leg and he was still pissed off from before.

"Oi I'm your dad too so have some respect for me!" bakugou growled as he pinched Izumos cheek.

"I AINT GONNA!" Izumo yelled not caring if this man was his father. His pop was the best and no bastard could compare.

"Kacchan. I'm sorry." Izuku said while Bakugou ruffled his hair.

"Shut up!" Bakugou yelled. "The only thing you should do is be my mate!"

"Wa-wa-HWAT?" Izuku said flushing as Bakugou's cheeks tinted pink. Izuku was not expecting this at all. He thought for sure Bakugou would be angry!

But it does seem he has changed. He was calmer and more... mature than back in Yuuei. There will have to be a long rod for the two to rekindle their relationship but Izuku is still willing to ut his old plan on hold... After all, it was Kacchan...

"Say yes nerd!" Bakugou yelled pulling Izukus's cheek and making Izumo growl. "Leave Papa alone!!!"

This was a start of a new beginning which was not going to be easy....

Continue lendo

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