Vanity (Felix Graham De Vanil...

Von islonely

134K 4.2K 1.7K

van·i·ty /ˈvanədē... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Warning: Shanghai Chapters!)
Chapter 13 (Warning: Shanghai Chapters!)
Chapter 14 (Warning: Shanghai Chapters!)
Chapter 15 (Warning: Shanghai Chapters!)
Chapter 16 (Shanghai Chapter's Y'all)
Chapter 17 (Almost done with Shanghai, One more!)
Chapter 18 (Shanghai Finale!)
Chapter 19 (Summer Chapters)
Chapter 20 (Summer Chapters)
Chapter 21 (Summer Chapters)
Chapter 23 (Happy Birthday- Summer)
Chapter 24 ( The Beginning of the End)
Chapter 25 (The Beginning of the End)
Chapter 26 (The Administration of Memories Oversight: Activation via Akuma)
Chapter 27 ( The Beginning of the End)
Chapter 28 (The Beginning of the End)
Chapter 29 (The Middle of the End)
Chapter 30 (The End)
Axis Origin

Chapter 22 (Summer Chapters)

2.8K 87 198
Von islonely

(Adri looks like a prince oml, play music the whole chapter btw)

The Agreste Ballroom was gigantic, it was monotone without the added decor for the party but beautiful none the less. With marble floorings of black and gray, columns of the same material that seemed to touch the sky. The Agreste mansion seemed so lively at this time of year, it was the only time that Adrien could meet with other's inside of his own home, hence why summer was his favorite season. He tucked in his black dress shirt, his father had designed most of the male attire and several of the more influential female's outfits, he'd seen them all. Yet, he found himself looking forward to seeing Marinette's designs for the girls of his class. He wondered just how that girl managed to do it, handle school and her small business that was taking off. How did she juggle all of those things?

"She has help dude, Al's told me that Y/n got super sparkles on her dress for packaging Marinette's stuff and color coding unfinished orders by fabric type and costumer names. She sent me before and after pic's of dudette's room and I have gotta say, Y/n did a great job bro," Nino pulled out his phone to show Adrien the photo's.

"The Dupain-Cheng's are incredible..." He marvelled at both Y/n and Marinette's work.

"Yeah dude, I can't wait for the girl's to get here. Alya, said Marinette out did herself, rumor has it even Chloe liked her dress."

Adrien gasped dramatically, "No way!"

"Yes way!"

The door's were thrown open, allowing the girl's entry to the ballroom. They looked radiant, Adrien's eyes landing on the two sisters all decked out in sparkling heels and ruffles beyond compare. They were gems, in a sea of dull river stones. Two stars burning brightly through the night, they were the light at the end of the tunnel.

"Adrien!" Plagg whisper-shouted.

"Yeah, buddy?" He replied, looking down at the tiny celestial cat.

"You are monologing outloud again about the sisters, keep it down dude. I'm trying to eat some cheese in here," He grumbled.

Adrien rolled his eyes, "Sorry Princess. I'll try and keep it down for your dramatic highness."

"Ha, ha, so funny." Plagg muttered, returning to Adri's jacket.

Plagg hidden once again Adrien walked towards Marinette with a smile, his hand outstretched.

"Mind if I take your sister for the first dance?"

Y/n shook her head.

"Father is looking for you, he wants to speak with you about your modeling. Felix is playing piano tonight so you guys can't dance unless I take over or if father calls someone in, that's all. See ya, Y/n!" He dragged Marinette towards the dance floor as she failed to function.

Y/n's eyes closed, she listened intently as Felix played Claire De Lune by Claude Debussy. It was a classic and one of her personal favorite pieces by the French composer. She took her seat next to the man of the hour as he observed the young teens dancing to classical masterpieces in dresses and suits designed by himself and the bluenette Dupain-Cheng daughter.

"Good evening, Miss Y/n." He greeted, sipping from a glass of what seemed to be Chambolle-Musigny.

"Good Evening, Mister Agreste. It's an honor to meet you," She said fluffing out her skirt.

The scene was serene, tranquil like a river flowing down a mountain side. Trees of all shapes and sizes covering the lovely site as flowers of all colors grew in the peaceful lot of nature. That was the feeling of pure inner resonance the girl felt as she was beside this odd man. A man of few words and apearances, with a tone silkier than the material itself and yet an underlaying feeling of ice. He was a man of culture and yet he seemed so guarded almost as if the world would harm him if he so dared to venture in it. His hands were folded over his legs with a sense of presentiment.

Y/n took the time to observe Felix, he was not pure as he was the first time he played piano for her. His elegance and grace was still there but not nearly as prominent as before, as if he was hiding his true self from those around him. His form no longer had six wings, instead just two filled the space on his back. Why was he so cautious about playing piano infront of all these people? He had done it before, the sound the string instrument played no longer reverberated in the back of the girl's mind ,the beauty and emotion seemed lost from his playing. What had made the moment so special before that he was on the peak of the highest mountain? What had made him reach the precipice of Olympus?

"Miss?" Gabriel called, Y/n was snapped from her void of thoughts.

She swiveled her heads towards the platinum blonde, her focus trailing towards his figure.

"Yes?" Acknowledged the female.

"I'd like to inform you that I find your modeling skills exquisite. I've been working in the fashion industry for a very long time and never have I met such a talented novice. Your sister is just as gifted in designing and crafting. The dresses she compiled are lovely, infact I daresay they rival the Gabriel Brand. That's why I've come up with an offer to Ms. Dupain-Cheng and yourself. An internship at the Agreste Company, I'd like Miss Marinette to serve directly underneath me. She'll study here beneath my wing and hopefully grow her own brand, it's been a long time since the company has had a competitor in the world of fashion. Audrey just isn't cutting it anymore, that's why you'll model with my son and Felix, my nephew, while he is here in France. His mother runs a section of the branch in London, it's quite popular in England. If you like I could arrange for you to study abroad there, only if you enjoy modeling for my company," Gabriel explained, pausing to drink from his crystal wine cup.

"I see... thank you so much, sir. That's incredibly kind of you, I'll have to ask Netta what she thinks. But, I'd quite like to model with your kin, I enjoy modeling very much. I'm humbled that you think so highly of us, Mister Agreste," Y/n responded.

Her heart raced at the thought of relations with the Agreste family. Surely that'd be an incredible feat for the future, not only that but she'd be able to keep Adrien and Felix company. Her gaze slowed to the boy playing Waltz of the Flowers on the piano. He still had yet to loosen up as the song reached it's climax.

"Are you a fan of Classical, Miss Dupain-Cheng?" Gabriel inquired, changing the topic of conversation.

"Most certainly, I adore Beethoven and Debussy. Both were masters of their craft, my personal favorites are Les Adieux and Reverie. Claire De Lune is another favorite, but I'm also a big fan of Frederic Chopin. His Raindrop Prelude Op. 28 Number 15 is an absolute masterpiece," The girl rambled.

"Ah, yes. Raindrop was one of my wife's most treasured pieces. She adored Chopin's works, I myself often find that I hum it unconsciously, would you like a glass of Chambolle-Musigny?" The stoic blonde asked.

"Oh, thank you sir. (You can drink at 16 in the prescence of adults in Paris. We are gonna say this is near the end of July which is Marinette's birth month so you are almost 16 and we are gonna round you up! Apologies if your younger.)" The lady accepted.

"Felix is an exceptional pianist, is he not?" Gabriel continued.

"Most certainly, he played for me at school once. When he plays fully with his heart and emotions out for the world to see, he is truly incredible. Pulchitrudinous, one could say," The girl slowly downed her glass as Schubert's Serenade added to the moment's repose.

Gabriel laughed, "Quite the vocabulary you have there, Young Miss. Are you a poet, perhaps?"

"I dabble, sir."

"Just Gabriel is fine, you interest me, Miss Y/n. You strangely remind me of my wife," He blurted.

Beethoven's Fur Elise had conjoined with the end of Serenade creating a delicate, yet lovely melody. The girl rose from her seat, hand out stretched towards the cold male in the chair across her.

"I take that as a compliment, Gabriel. Miss Emilie was a wonderful woman. Fur Elise is awfully short, and I feel as though conversation bores you. Would you prefer to dance instead? You cannot sit around all night while Felix is on the piano."

Gabriel released yet another chuckle, setting down his glass and taking the young woman's hand. She was right, Felix's playing was a work of art in itself. With all of his Hawkmoth ordeals he had no clue if he would ever be able to dance to such elegant music performed by his nephew in the future. Fur Elise had ended by the time he made his choice, Liebesled's solemn tone echoing throughout the dancing hall. The guests jaw dropped at the sight of Mr. Agreste in the flesh on the dance floor, accompanied by him a rather young dance partner. Y/n, who had seemed to make friends with the apathetic character. The sound of the gorgeous ivory colored piano flooded Gabriel's ears as he prepared to dance with his new companion, it had been so long since his last caper with his sweet wife.

Yet, a girl only 16 had melted away a chunk of his cold exterior as his fallen love once did in his youth. The entrancing string instrument's music grew louder as the man twirled the lady around his marble floored hall. The quick pace of Liebesled ignited a light Gabriel had long forgotten, he waltzed excitedly for the first time in years. Until the beautiful song had come to an end and the Dance of the Sugarplum fairies began. He didn't step an inch off the floor, instead he dragged his dance partner on the cool, solid stone. He continued dancing to the compelling masterpiece.

He was no where near Felix's level of dancing, that was evident in his slightly sloppy but still refined steps. This just proved to the h/c-nette that grace and beauty similar or on par with the Graham De Vanily boy was nonexistent. The thought made her smile, the ditty commenced and yet the older male didn't seem tired. This impressed Y/n, you'd think with his delicate seeming frame and his lack of excericise and sunlight would make such a person weak. Still, the designer persevered until Chopin's Prelude in E Minor Op.28 Number 4. To which he returned to his seat and his wine.

"Thank you, Miss Dupain-Cheng. I hadn't danced in so long, it seems my age is finally catching up with me." He remarked, "Have a good rest of your night. Our conversation was most engaging. If you do not take my offer, feel free to speak to me at any time you like, Emil-Miss Y/n."

"I appreciate your kind words, Gabriel. Have an entertaining evening as well." The girl sauntered towards the snack table, eyeing the macaroons and the crepe's.


Adrien was already at the table, holding a plate of foods he figured Y/n would like to try and a glass of the same beverage he saw his father give her. Whatever it was, it seemed the female had taken a liking to it while she conversed with the older Agreste. Adrien was stupified when he observed his father waltzing across the floor like he used to with his mother, Felix's playing had grown much more dramatic. That showing through his performance of Vivaldi's Winter. Which seemed much crueler than it should have, another Beethoven song began. No doubt because of Y/n's love for the classical composer, Moonlight Sonata was a gorgeous piece even someone as uneducated as Adrien knew that. He hardly played the instrument anymore with his duties as Cat Noir.

He tapped his foot along to the sweet melody, his arm extended out towards the girl who was eating sweets in the most beautiful way possible. He didn't know how she managed to look so enchanting as she ate. But, however she did so it made his heart race. He knew he shouldn't have felt this way about a girl he barely knew, much less one loved by his dear cousin. Even so, despite his kin's affections he felt rushing, fervernt, ardent feelings of compassion and affection for this dazzling girl. Moonlight Sonata played on, he gaped while sparks dwindled in his eyes. He just now noticed the relentless alluring charm of the sensation Y/n was wearing. The bodice a lovely azure blue, harmonizing with the magnificent wonder of her eyes. The engaging cobalt around the waistline of her skirt which flutterted out into gorgeous sky blue hues and whites at the edge of the majestic article of clothing.

Uplifting ruffles decorated the base, the rest of the fabric dotted in twinkling gemstones that one compared to the incredulous nightly heavens of Paris. Mozart's Rondo Alla Turca started, the joyous tempo of the music making Adrien's heart pound. Y/n was finished with her snacks and alcholic drinks. She patted the boy's shoulder, signalling him that she would like to dance.

He encased his fingers over her's in an instant. Gently walking her towards the stone made for dancing, Luka and Axis just stared. Eyes filled with disbelief at the sight of Y/n interesting two Agreste's and a Graham De Vanily. Luka almost slapped Felix in the middle of his piano piece to warn him about his cousin. His arms were so slack like the rest of his body, he couldn't find the motivation nor the energy to move a muscle in his body. Axis had it though, and pushed Felix off the pianist stool as he finished the song.

"Go get your princess, prince charming. Before prince number two whisks her away," He warned, occupying the seat so Felix couldn't continue playing.

For the first time that night, his eyes finally landed on the girl of his dreams. Ethereal. The only word that could come to mind, his head had stopped processing reality when Y/n came into view. She glimmered in shades of sapphire, indigo and cereulean. She reminded him of a lapis lazuli, a diamond of universal glory and delicacy. The diaphanous, ultra-fine knit that made up her attire coordinated into a symphony of fairness suitable only for the Dupain-Cheng girl.

Chopin's Fantasie Impromptu flattered her ensemble and figure alone, Adrien recognized this as soon as he heard the first note. The melody enraptured him as it played. He swayed in tune with the girl down the hall, his heart racing as she laid her head on his chest. An electrfying feeling shocked his very core. Felix, fueled with jealousy beyond any comparison retreated to his safe space outside. Marinette noticed said action, following the boy who had eyes for her sister.

That painful sorrow that tore at his body was something she recognized, her hand pressed against the small of his back in comfort.

"Hi there," She mumbled awkwardly, "I know we haven't really spoken and I'm not the biggest fan of you, personally. But, the two of us have something very important in common. We both care for my sister deeply. While, I'm sure Adrien would treat her fairly, there is an adoration in your eyes unmatched with his.. I-I'm not just saying that because I like him, just to let you know! I see it because it's how I feel about him.. I am willing to set my feeling's aside for the both of you. You and Y/n have something magical, it's not just your standard run of the mill love. You guys are so special, and I see that now. What I'm trying to say is that you need to chase after her as fast as you can, because Adrien has no problem running as fast or faster than you do. You love her more, there is definite chemistry between you guys, so please, please! For the love of god, get with my sister. I've never seen her look so happy with someone before, you got this!"

He smiled, the bluenette was no doubt a shy but sweet girl. He pulled her in for a tight hug, allowing his features to soften as he looked her in her beautiful bluebell eyes, "Thank you so much, Marinette. Those words mean more to me than you'll ever know."

She rubbed the nape of her neck, "O-of course! What are you waiting for, go get her!"

Felix rushed back inside as quick as he possibly could, leaving the generous girl alone on the stairwell.

The blonde boy from London had no issue cutting in to steal the beautiful lady from Adrien, unintentionally breaking his heart. Once again reminding the parisian prince he had no chance, no matter the lengths he went through to even hold her hand. His English counterpart would always thwart him, he hid the sorrow tugging at his heartstrings. Returning to a dance with the second Dupain-Cheng, atleast he had Marinette. A girl with kindness and creativity like no other, a girl who would fight for him no matter what. Someone who loved him despite his flaws.

Would she love him with all of his missteps aswell? He thought she would, afterall a boy liked Felix had stolen her heart. How could he not? He did his best to not dwell on the subject and just focus on his partner. Although, he found it ironic. The most wanted teenager in Paris couldn't get the affections of the girl's he loved, neither as Adrien or Cat Noir.

He sighed, placing his head on top the bluenette's as a means of comfort, she was kind. Surely she'd understand his feelings?

Y/n's pupil's dialated. It seems Felix had taken on blue as his color for the nighttime event. He too was decked out in the enchanting colors of beryl and navy, lined with golden trim. His outfit made him look princely, Un Sospiro replecated the emotions prancing inside of her heart. He didn't know, how amazing he looked under the lights of the crystal, candle lit chandeliers. A splash of life in a blur of monochrome, he was be-witching like a spell cast upon her. She was bound. She couldn't find the will to look away from his sparkling eyes, fueled with wonder and an ecstasy unlike any. His touch was the best form of bliss, the carress of his black gloves' material as they swirled was engaging. Ravishing, his once lifeless orbs were now aglow with a softness she had never seen.

This dance captivated both her and her partner, Reverie. Her most favored Claude Debussy work suited the sweet mood, as the two spun behind a pillar out of sight from the on-lookers. Finally, in a private moment of their own the pair's lips met in a single kiss. Delicate, tender and loving. The blonde was passionate in his movements, his arms pressing against her waist, leaving no space between them. He had waited so long for this action, finally after so much waiting he felt her subtle, slightly hesitant kiss. The two parted, sashaying away from their small hiding space as to not give their viewers the wrong idea.

The duo were both rosy, Felix finally regaining his angelic stature. The one the girl knew all to well, the one that replayed in her head like a broke record to the gorgeous aria of the chords of Les Adieux. Felix had seen her, his precious aphrodite. His guardian goddess, his love. No words were spoken between the duet.

No such words needed to be said, they already knew the intimate emotions they held for one another.

(Finally a kiss! It took like four hours to write this, I've been working on it since 11 and it's almost 4 pm for me. I'm about 7 minutes away from four in the evening. I'm super proud of this chapter, I haven't felt so much inspiration in the last few months. I haven't truly written in so long~ I'm glad the real Rei is back! Have a great day everyone, love you. Word Count is 3,440.)


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