Assassin Love ♡ || Complete

By sihle0071

51.1K 2.3K 420

[COMPLETELY EDITED AND FINISHED] What happens when you fall in love with your enemy? Well you do know what ha... More

Phone call?
One night stand?
Old friend?
Heartbreak Anniversary?
That's a wrap?
Why her?
Why me?
I need your help?
Retail therapy?
New boss?
Yah neh life?
Virtual meeting?
Roles reversed?
Shoot now ask later?
Moving out?
Surprise shawty?
The Mole?
Annual Mafia Gala?
Way bigger than we thought?
Secret Admirer?
Flirtatious conversations?
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?
Baby daddy?
Your type?
Sorry not Sorry?
Non-paid actor?
Justice was served?
Huge thunderstorm?
Family reunion?
Made life easier?
Miss me already?
Step two?
Remember where home is?
Special Treatment?
Body party?
After glow?
Beg for it?
Kiss and Make up?
Tension and Anger?
Free man?
Final Verdict?
Getaway Trip?
Late night conversations?
Appreciation date?
Bonnie and Clyde?
Lights out?
Death bed?
Unwanted visitor?
Snoop Around?
Role model?
Critical Piece?
Alternative plan?
Shake the world?
Special Delivery?
Let the games begin?
Spare my life?
Innocent boyfriend?
Small world?
Thinking about him?
Block them out?
Trust fund?
We need to talk?
One step closer?
Regret your desicion?
Clear message?
Meant to be?
Source of happiness?
Lines blurred?
One last time?
Revenge? (part 1)
Revenge? (part 2)
Assassin Love?
Out Now!

Big Case?

1.1K 48 22
By sihle0071

Amukelani's POV

I wake up to a loud buzz and I groan in anger. Who the fuck is calling me so early? I answer the phone without looking. "Bitch where are you?" she asks. "Somewhere in South Africa." I answer. "You promised to fetch me." "And why would I traumatize myself and spend petrol money on you." "The boss said we have a meeting today." "Shit shit." "So are you coming?" "Yes give me an hour." "So long?" "It takes time to look fantabulouso." "Fine." "Get laid in the meantime." She giggles and i drop the phone and sigh.

I'm trying to remember what happened last night and it all came back rushing like a flood. I was dancing with my client. To answer your question of did we fuck. No we didn't. I don't feel any pain down there. I get up and see him sleeping. This is my chance to escape. I get up slowly and take my stuff and head out. Where the fuck is my car? Oh yes you left it at the club.

I call an uber and wait for 30 minutes. Great now I have thirty minutes to get home and get ready and fetch that cow. Whatever she will have to wait for me. I pay the uber and rush straight to my car.

I drive back to my apartment and run inside to get ready. Don't know why I got drunk knowing I have a meeting today...old age is knocking on the door...shut up subconscious. After bathing I wear my navy blue suit and white shirt with matching heels. I tie my hair into a high bun and lay my edges.

I make the hangover concoction and take an apple to go. I will order breakfast at work. I fetch this cow at her house and I regret offering to fetch her. What happened to petrol is expensive...I was high on drugs. I take out my phone and call her to tell her I'm outside.

She comes after 5 minutes and I see her checking herself in the mirror. "An hour Amukelani?" she exclaims and i roll my eyes. "Bitch you aren't supposed to be complaining because I know you got laid." "Whatever cow. Anyways uright?"(Are you okay?) "Ngiyaphila wena."(I'm good and you.) "I'm okay." I start driving to work while she is bragging about the dick game of this gent. I'm happy she is getting laid but depressed that I ain't getting it.

"Where were you last night?" she asks. "At my house watching TV." "If you were you would have been on time today." "I was tired." "Lie to the others and not me." "I went to the club." "Did you get laid?" "I got drunk." "Was he hot?" "He didn't force me." "Okay you weren't laid last night." "And I know him to well that's why I refused." "Damn." I laugh.

I park at my usual spot. "Do I look like I have a hangover?" I ask. "You look fantabulouso." "Thank you. I look very much sober then." "Let's go your boss might fire us." At least I have a back up plan but i didn't say that out loud. "Fine."

We get inside and go straight to the boardroom where the meeting will be held. We get inside and it was almost full. "Our jobs are saved." she says. "I know." We sit down and wait for the boss to come.

He comes in after five years and we all greet him while standing up. This isn't the court but I won't say anything. He comes in with his PA and son looking too good for my liking.

"Ngisathemba ukuthi nisaphilile futhi konke kusahamba kahle empilweni zenu," says the boss. (I hope you are still alive and that everything is going well in your lives.) "Sisaphila muntu omdala." answers Themba. (We are still good old man.)

Everyone nods and he continues. "Well you know old age is catching up with me and I need someone who will run the law firms when i decide to retire and go and explore the world with my wife. I decided to appoint my son Kuhlekonke Ngcobo to take over the law firms across the country and he will have some assistants to help him in each branch. He is your new boss and if you don't like him there is the door but if he is giving you problems come talk to me and I'll deal with him."

"Any questions?" I look around and nobody said anything. "Okay thank you very much. Before I forget I would like to see you Amukelani." I nod. What have I done now? Should I lose my job I have a back up plan which all of a sudden I'm so grateful for.

"Meeting adjourned." Everybody stands up and leaves and he signals that I follow him to his office. I take the keys and give them to Mihlali and i walk behind him and his son and I can hear them talking about if he is gonna do a great job.

I get inside the office and I sit down opposite him and his son. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask with a smile on my face. "No. We just have good news for you." "I'm listening."

"Look I've noticed how hard you work and that you win almost every court case given to you." I wanted to say I know but I kept quiet. "So we have been assigned with the biggest case." "What case?" I ask. "The Spritz case. The accused called me and asked me to find two of the best criminal attorneys and i decided to choose you and you can choose who will help you." I smile.

I've heard about the Spritz case and they are one of the most dangerous people after the Khoza's. They are apart of the mafia but whenever they send a message they refer themselves as the Spritz. The person that was arrested is Manqoba Vilakazi. I don't know how you can be in the mafia your whole life and mess up now. Maybe he didn't clean properly or he has a mole.

"You will be taking over the case and you will work with another defence attorney that you feel is good and will help you solve the case." "Ngempela?" (Really.) He nods. I honestly didn't expect this and I'm so honoured that he saw me fit to take over this case when he knows his son can do it as well. I so wanted to shed a tear or two but you know I had to hold it in.

"Thank you so much. I'm actually surprised that you gave me this. I thought you would give it to your son." I say. "Look you guys can work together on this case since you are the best at what you do." "Sure. Thank you so much." "No problem. When I see potential I just gotta see it through." "You quoting Drake now?" says Kuhlekonke and we laugh.

"One more thing." he says. "Am I getting an increase?" I ask. "Maybe maybe not." We chuckle. "Look since I'm retiring and I have other branches that my son will be taking over and he will be having assistants in each branch I decided to appoint you as one of them." I squeal. "My ancestors are working overtime right now." "You've got potential to run a law firm." "Thank you."

"You will talk with Kuhlekonke about the rest of the things I just had to let you know." he says and i nod. "I don't know what to say." "Just don't disappoint me." "I'll try my best." "Okay." "So technically my salary is increasing." "Yes." "Ngathi nginganijiyvela but I won't." (I wish I can dance for you..) They laugh.

"You free to go." "Can I talk to you in your office?" asks Kuhlekonke. "Sure." Never have I ever felt so happy like words can not express how I feel right now. I'm glad that they recognise my hard work and all that crap I do to get what I want doesn't go to waste. I just shouldn't let them down.

We get inside my office and we both sit at the couches. "Talk." I say and he chuckles. "So since you will be helping me take over the law firms. I'm going to need all the help I can get. You can choose which law firm you want to help with." he says. "What are my options?"

"Cape Town or Durban." he answers. "I'll take Durban since Manqoba's case will be handled there." I say and he nods. "I guess we will both move to Durban." "So you managing all and then you will have people help you and we all report to you?" He nods. "That's a task." "Are you able to handle it." "I sure am." He chuckles.

Did I tell you that his chuckle make me melt. He has a nice deep voice bafethu. (guys.)  Explains why the girls cry when he breaks their hearts.

"So are you willing to move?" he asks. "I don't have an issue with moving I've always wanted to leave the nest permanently." I answer and he chuckles. "Usahlala ekini?" (Do you still live at home?) "Not that I live at home I moved out when I was 18 for varsity and i never looked back ever since but now I'm leaving and we won't see each other as much as we used too." He nods.

"So we working together for the case." he asks.  "Yes Imma need all the hands. Knowing this guy he probably did it so I need a smart brain to help me win." I say and he chuckles. "So honoured to work with you." "You knew you were gonna work with me from the beginning." "Yah I know." I smile.

"I like your smile." And I like your voice but I won't say that out loud. "Thank you." The way he said it just makes me melt internally. I have a little crush on him but it won't lead to anything because we can't date colleagues some sort of company policy and i respect the rules at work so yeah.

"Why don't I get a case where a woman commited a crime?" I ask. "That's too easy for you." he answers. "I'm tired of helping these men out they should start doing legal things in life." "Shame that won't happen anytime." "I know. Ujesu anagza ngeskateboard (Jesus might come with a skateboard)." He laughs. That laugh magents.

"Can I take you out to lunch sometime this week?" he asks. Men nowadays are bold. If it isn't them touching my ass they be asking me out. "What happened to keeping things strictly profesional Mapholoba?" He groans a bit and I smile. "Just a friendly lunch and we can talk about the case." "Here at work right?" "Here at work." "Pop by anytime this week." He smiles. His dimples are everything.

"When should I move to Durban?" I ask. "You can move after you done with Maphumulo." he answers. "Okay." "How is that case going?" "It's okay. Don't know why you gave me Dumakude cause he is making my job easy." "It's not me that gave you this case. It's Maphumulo himself."

"Tell Dumakude to get off his high horse. He isn't going to win this case." I say. "I shall tell him that." "Word for word." "Feisty." I chuckle. "Anyways let me get going. I gotta celebrate this achievement with my friends and family." "Let me not keep you waiting." We both stand up and he accompanies me to my car.

"I'll see you around Mngomezulu." "Mapholoba." "I see you don't want to walk for a whole week." "I don't mind." "Go little vixen before I bend you over." I wink at him and he does the same and i giggle. I get inside the car and close my eyes and giggle.

"And then." asks Mihlali. "We work together now." I answer. "With what?" "The Spritz case." "They gave you that case." "Yes." She squeals. "Congratulations boo." "Thank you." I won't tell her about running the law firm. God forbid she bewitches me after that. Witchcraft is real in this country.

"Let's go celebrate." I say. "Hell yeah! Let me call the others so we can meet up." She calls them and tells them we going to club Nudity. "Lets go change and wear something sexy." "And appropriate." "Of course." We giggle. We head back to my apartment and go straight to my bedroom. She has some of her clothes here because she loves invading my space when she is single and horny for two seconds.

"Let's take a shower together." she says. "We not in grade 1." I say. "And we ain't married either." "You not wrong there." "Let's do it." "Let's take a bath." "That's why you my best friend." "I know." I poured us water and added some nice bath bombs and bubbles and all the goodies you add to make the bathing experience perfect.

"So who was the guy you were supposed to sleep with but forbade yourself from doing so." she asks. "Well he didn't ask to. But he had the plans. I was way too drunk and he didn't want to take advantage of me which was a very kind thing to do." I answer and we laugh. "Who is he?"

"It's one of my clients." I answer. "Sleep with him afterwards." she says. "Maybe." "Oh goodie. Two friends that are single and are about to get laid." "Bitch you've been getting laid." "I know." "Mxm." "Saltness doesn't suit you my friend." We laugh. We spent an hour gossiping and bathing. After bathing we lotioned our bodies and looked for a decent outift to wear.

"What to wear hoe?" I ask. "Call me bitch and cow but not hoe." "Okay Mihlali." "Damn I was joking." "I know." "Lies." "Anyways back to the topic." "Let's match." "No heels." "Yah we wear them five days a week we need a break." "Let's wear the black cargo pants and the old school vans with a white crop top." "Like your style." "That's why you befriended me." We laugh.

We dress up and do each other's hair. I tied my hair into a low bun and and she did a high bun. We don't put on make up because we will be too drunk to wash it off. "Photoshoot time." I say. "Of course." We took dozens of pictures and called an uber. Can't guarantee I'll come back sober and I don't wanna leave my car again.

The uber came after 20 minutes and we were on our way to the club. "I'm so happy for you friend." she says and i smile. "Thank you so much boo and I'm happy for myself too." We chuckle. We get to the club and pay the driver.

We get inside and I see our friends chilling at the VIP section. "My favourite people in the world." I shout. "Sugar bear." they say simultaneously. We hug each other and sit down. There was drinks and a meze platter and I started eating.

"Get straight into it." says Minentle. "You know me." I say and we laugh. The waiter comes and we order the special which consisted of pork,wors,lamb and chicken wings. "Imma have gout by the end of this party." "Die knowing you had a good meal." says Mihlali. I wink at her and we chuckle. We continued partying until 9. We called the uber and we went back to my apartment.

Most of them were drunk and it was only me and Mihlali that had a pretty clear mind. "Cow I'll see you in the morning." she says. "Sharp bitch." I go inside my bedroom and wear my PJs and charge my phone and sleep...

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