The King's Obsession ✔️

By Midika

85.7K 4.4K 397

Having survived the River, Akara wakes alone, and with a decision to make. Find Marek, the mysterious hunter... More



1.7K 96 14
By Midika

Word Count: 1672


It's been two weeks since Marek and I slept together. And there hasn't been a single day since that he hasn't ravished me.

"This is bad," I say one morning over my tea, watching him wander around the kitchen shirtless, preparing breakfast.

He leans up against the countertop, examining me. "Doesn't feel bad."

No, it doesn't. In fact, it's the best I've felt in a long time. I haven't worried about anything, or anyone. I haven't thought about my life as a Summoner, or whether our neighbours know...I mean, I've been quite content being locked inside these past couple weeks, consistently entertained by the beautiful Summoner.

I've only started to think about what we are doing today, due to a horrid dream I had last night about Tai. Now the guilt has seeped in, the harsh reality of the outside world slowly seeping back into the paradise we have made within this small cabin.

"I know, but anything could happen these days, anything could go wrong," I murmur uncomfortably, blowing at my tea, watching the steam waft around wildly.

Most of my fears are rooted in the reality that I don't believe I deserve happiness like this.

"It doesn't have to go wrong. There are no more expectations for us," Marek assures me. He always has a calm, logical perspective to everything, and I envy that. "If you want to be here, together, we can, for as long as you like."

I continue to gaze at him as he cooks. "Something doesn't feel right. This all feels too perfect."

"I want to be with you, Akara. We finally have peace together, and I think we should enjoy it," he says. I wish I could relax like he can.

"I know..."

Marek steps away from whatever he is cooking for a moment, approaching me. Every time I look at him it's like an internal battle to hold myself back. I've given into that urge over and over again, and I'm probably going to continue giving into it. I won't feel bad for that part though. I'm more so worried about all of this shattering.

He grabs my hand, pulling me up into standing position. "You can't stop thinking about him, can you?"

"It's not like I'm in love with him. It's just, he was so hurt, and I know Tai isn't someone who will hide in the shadows forever. He is going to want his territory back from Vaia," I remind him. For all I know, he could have already gone back for the territory and is dead right now. I haven't heard anything, but I suppose I have been actively avoiding anyone who may tell me.

Marek shrugs. "And let him do that. It's the Jade Province's problem now."

"You're right," I say. I just need to brush this off, to move on. I can be sad about Tai and how he is living now, while moving on with my life. I would be more than a fool if I allow the only ounce of happiness and stability I have right now to slip away.

"Hey," Marek murmurs, brushing a stray piece of hair away from my face. "You deserve happiness and peace, for once in your life. And I have months of forgiveness I need to get out of you."

I grin at the devious glint in his eyes, not stopping him as he legs to his knees, running his hands up my thighs, hiking my dress up as he goes. I know exactly where this is leading, and I have no problem with it, breakfast forgotten.

A loud, banging knock sounds suddenly from the door, making me flinch.

Marek frowns, looking up at me for a moment, before his gaze drags to the door. No one has knocked on our door before, so this is unnerving. It could be nothing, but a sense of uneasy settles over me.

Silently, he gets to his feet, motioning for me to stand off where I'm not in view of the door before he opens it.

"Who are you?" Marek asks, tone ridged.

I can't see who it is, my anxiety overwhelming. I'm convinced someone is going to charge through the door and kill Marek right there, and come straight for me. And by the sounds of it, Marek isn't pleased by whoever he is seeing, even if they are obviously someone he is not familiar with.

"Does Akara live at this residence," the voice asks. Their accent is one of the purest Jade Province accent that I've heard in a while. This isn't good...This has to be something to do with Vaia, or Tai.

"What's it to you?" Marek questions.

"I have a letter for her," They say.

"Give it to me," Marek snaps. I hear him grab paper, and then the door slams shut. He doesn't bother locking the door behind him, daring whoever that was to come in here and demand more from him.

I come out from where I was standing in the shadows. "Who was that?"

"A guard. They were wearing Tai's old uniform," Marek tells me grimly. I frown. The old uniform? Vaia changed all of that when she came into power, and I don't think she would suddenly decide to dress them how Tai did out of nowhere.

My eyes drift down to the envelope in his hand, which likely holds the answer to all my questions. "What is it?"

"Not sure. Open it," he says, handing it to me.

Summoning a deep breath to calm myself, I start ripping the envelope open. I don't know what I want it to be, but I hope this will put everything I'm worried about to rest, and allow me to finally move on with my life. If only I could be so lucky...

Unfolding the letter, my eyes skim over the words. It's from Tai, and each sentence fills me with even more horror.

"It's summoning me..." I breathe, looking up at Marek. It's everything I was afraid of. The perfect lifestyle Marek and I have been creating here is crumbling away, just like I knew it would. And this time, I don't think any amount of running away and hiding is going to stop this from chasing us down.

"Summoning you? To what?" Marek asks, his frowning deepening. He can see the panic written all over my face, knowing this is bad.

My finger brushes over one of the first lines of the letter. "Tai has reclaimed his estate. Vaia is in custody."

He shakes his head. "What does that have to do with you?"

I swallow thickly, wavering in my spot, trying not to collapse onto the floor with the sickening words on the paper. "He's calling me to marriage. Apparently we are still engaged, and by the law in the Jade Province, I need to come and marry him."

Marek grabs the letter from my hand, looking over Tai's writing. "What law? That can't be real."

"He says our engagement has existed for over six months, and due to his status of the newly appointed King, I must lawfully come and marry him," I tell him, so numb I don't know what to do other than to dig my hands through my hair, trying not to let my emotions overcome me. I don't think there could have been anything worse in that letter to read.

"That doesn't sound right, Akara. Just call off the engagement," he insists.

I've lived in the Jade Province my entire life, and I've never heard of that law before. If it is real, I'm not sure how I would have heard about it, considering I come from such a small village and I would have never thought it would be applicable to me. I mean, who ever thinks they would be marrying a King, let alone be engaged to one, and decide they don't want to be with them anymore.

"I'm going to," I say decidedly. I'm not going to let Tai force me into marriage with him, whether it is a law or not. He's trying to bully me, to push me to see whether I will give in. Well, it's not going to happen.

"We will write a letter back now," Marek exclaims.

"It says I have to go, otherwise I'll be arrested. And Tai will likely arrest you too," I remind him. Considering Tai's recent behaviour, I have no doubt that he will arrest the both of us if he can, and I wouldn't be surprised if he kills Marek. It's definitely something he would desire.

"Who cares. I'm not scared of him," Marek mutters irritably. He looks on the verge of going straight to Tai's estate to kill him himself. I'm not sure if I'm opposed to that or not.

I chew uneasily on my fingernail. "His position as King has been restored. I'm frightened of him."

I'm curious to know how he managed to get the territory back off Vaia, and what or who he had to sacrifice. Now that he is King, I'm more terrified than ever. He has power, and he can do as he wants, and demands what he wants, including getting me to marry him.

Marek frowns. "So what, you want to obey?"

"I'm going to go in person and call the engagement off myself," I affirm. He will be more likely to listen to me in person, and maybe he will see how desperately I want to move on, and don't want to be married to a King. I can't imagine Tai will want me if he doesn't think I'll ever want him again.

"It's a trap, Akara," he growls. He won't keep me here against my will, but I can tell he's struggling to understand why I need to do this.

I turn away. "I don't care. It must be done."


Remember that you can always find this story 10 chapters ahead on Radish (:

You will find it under King's Possession Season Three!!

~Midika 🐼💜

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