a ' NoRmAl ' Teenager ..... (...

Door lonestar475

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Information and Disclaimer
Nat help me ......
The idiots
Stark internship
A friendly ?.... meeting with Avengers
Meeting them
Bombs .....
Trusting is though
AI's & PSA's
A supposedly harmless joke.
Every 'body' has limits
That yellow sparkling thing
Stark Junior
Pills, a HUGE misunderstanding !!
Night terrors
The Wakandan way
Hulk's Day out !
Asguardian pranks
Harley Keener
The War is on
Wars 2.0
Petey baby
FURY, HE IS NOT MY 'SON'!! (or maybe he is? )
A Small Adventure ...


1.4K 37 15
Door lonestar475

After the entire team was done laughing like maniacs, all of them got up from the floor and composed themselves while Steve, who was redder than before if possible, said

" I will get the dinner ready "

"Make sure it's in accord to the food pyramid Rodger " Nat teased and cap didn't even replied

Peter went to the couch and emptied his bags on the coffee table in front of him and started doing his Homework. After a while Clint who was sitting beside him started observing what peter was desperately trying to hide

" Is your left wrist hurt peter ?? "

'Oh shit.' Thought Peter but said " Um, no"

" Then why is it a shade of blue and you aren't using that hand aswell "

And...... busted
And as the cherry on top now everyone's attention was towards them

" Yes kid even in lab you weren't using that hand freely " Tony added

" And you are softly groaning while sitting or getting up " Nat added and Peter would have sworn to give her a gold or even platinum medal for her observatory skills if she wouldn't have used them for this purpose

"Your wrists are definitely bruised kid ? Are you hurt more ?" Bucky said

" FIR- " Tony was going to say but Peter knew that if he asked FRIDAY to scan him, she won't be able to, and getting no results for the scan would be another thing he didn't have any explanation for

" I am fine Mr. Stark just fell down in the school this morning " peter tried to lie but come on. He was in the room with the Avengers

" You're lying and I want to hear the truth, so are you telling the truth or should we just remove your shirt and find it out ourselves.  " Nat said, more like commanded

" But I am telling you the truth" I said with hope that they will let it slip

" You leave us with no other option kid. It's for your own good " cap just said and pulled his hoodie and sweatshirt up to reveal his body full of bruises many of which were actually from last night and a few from flash

" Kid ..... Those marks are from punching and kicking " Rhodey stated

" Did you get into a fight ? Or did somebody hit you " Steve asked

" It's nothing guy- "

" Wanda just read his mind and get the truth regarding this " Mr. Stark said sternly and just as peter thought of protesting for his rights to privacy, she did a motion with her hand and he felt like he's floating on air. after a second he was again back to reality and Wanda said

" There is this certain guy who bullies him in school and beat him up often , today he hitted him up because he refused to cheat on a exam and tell him answers " Wanda said and Peter's heart was in his throat thinking Wanda would also read something about him being Spiderman but Flash this time proved to be useful as this became a perfect cover for hai Spidermaning. A nerd getting bullied at school. Not weirder than a nerd being involved with a bomb blast

Buy everyone else in the room didn't take the news that casually. every single person in the room grew scary from worried in a nanosecond

" Name ? " Stark said in a dark tone

" Flash Thompson " Wanda said

" Guys it's fine reall- " Peter tried to calm them down cause they looked ready to kill, and murder of a kid won't be exactly be ideal for Avengers. But Peper literally kept a hand on his mouth

" You are literally covered in bruises and you are saying it's fine ?? " Peper said

" Under no conditions it is right for some kid to beat a other kid " cap said remembering the days he was helpless

" And how are you not crying in pain right now ? " Bruce asked

" Bruce patch him up while we go and make someone else cry " Nat said

" Guys it's okay he is just my classmate and he has a lot of pressure from his parents for good grades " Peter tried to diffuse the situation hoping he could blame it on mental health and all.

" That doesn't give him a excuse for beating you, kid " Mr. Stark said and ended all space for argument

" Cheating on a test is itself bad, forcing someone else to do that, worse and to even beat them up on top of that is just not acceptable " Rhodey added

" You don't worry about anything hun, just go with Bruce to med bay while we have a little chat with someone " said Peper

" Like you guys are actually gonna call him ?? " Peter asked them shocked. Why do they even care about him he is just a random boy and they are well.. AVENGERS

" Yes kid just go with Bruce " said Clint knowing it's gonna be much more than just a phone call

Peter knew that resisting would be of no use hence he just said
" Ok just try not to sound scary because he is gonna faint as soon as he knows it's you guys. He still brags about how all of you personally came to save him when he was stuck, and how he knows all of you personally, and how all of you are his best buddies and he is planning to join you " Peter said laughing a bit

" How can he say that, we didn't even knew his name before this? How does anyone even believe it he can't possibly have any proof " cap said thinking that the world is as Just as it used to be

" Well his father is rich so, he doesn't really need to prove anything to anybody, everyone believes what he says to be his minions, and he has photo-shoped some of his photos with you guys and shows them to the entire school. He is basically the king of the school and his family funds most of the school so even teachers don't go against him " Peter told them

' Well, he is not the only rich guy around' Tony made a mental note

" But it's a lie " Bucky said raged

" It is, and that's why he will be astonished to actually talk with the avengers "

" Ok let them handle the rest. You young man, are coming with me, that is, if you can walk, if it's hurting too much one of us can carry you " Bruce said to me

" No !!!! it's fine I can walk " Peter said, it would be too much awkward if a avenger carries him to the med bay. It's not like it will be the first time, but that time he was Spiderman, more importantly unconscious.

" HOW the hell that punk dare to hurt my baby spider " Peter heard Nat saying, only thanks to super hearing

It was continued by " He is gonna regret being born, no one bullies OUR kid and get away with that" Tony said

Peter's thoughts went


It means .............'


" HOW the hell that punk dare to hurt my baby spider " Nat said after Bruce left with Peter

" He is gonna regret being born, no one bullies OUR kid and get away with that " Tony said

" Don't you guys think that apparently our ' best buddy ' needs a little personal visit and chat with him" Wanda said

" Of course Wanda, let's go and pay him a visit he won't forget in all seven of his lifetimes " Bucky said.

Nat went to her room to grab her jacket and within a minute was back at the foot of tower where others were already in the car and Steve and Nat, Bucky and Rodhey were riding a bikes

FRIDAY hardly took 2 seconds to hack into the database of midtown high i.e. Peter's school and get the address of the punk. And within 5 minutes they arrived there. Surprisingly there wasn't much traffic today, maybe the entire world wanted them to confront this jerk

They all went to his door and knocked, after a while a lady opened and was obviously surprised to see them. Nat said "Mrs. Thompson we are here for a quick chat with your son."

"Oh! of course, I know that my Eugene is a really great kid and would do something extraordinary someday and Look today the avengers are here to talk with him, oh! so silly of me to not even invite you in first, please" she said while motioning the guest to get in

They went in and she called her son out of his room who was 'studying' her husband was sitting in the living room and wasn't able to process their unexpected appearance

He came out of his room and visibly paled

" Ma'am can we please have a few minutes to ourselves " Steve asked

" Yes sure sir " she said smiling

We went in his room and he came in with us

" Uummm..... He-llo gu-ys , t-oo what do I o-we the plea-sure of me-eting you " he said sluttering

And Tony started a really funny play and we all played along

" Hello, flash right ? " Clint said

" Yee-es sir "

" We need your help " Tony said

" How can I help you Tony "

" Will you really help or will you back off " Steve said

" Actually we need your help for a missions of ours , we are going to go to a another planet because there is a group of some aliens who are trying to do a ritual which will enable them to control all the animals all over the world, if that happens then we will be extinct soon and the only thing that can stop that ritual is sacrificing a teenage boy " Tony said and Clint almost rolled his eyes and gave Tony a look that would say : 'like seriously!! A 5 year old won't believe in this story'

" Whhaaaat !! " Flash exclaimed and now Tony gave him a look.

" Yes flash and that boy has to be a strong boy like you and someone we like a lot " Nat added

" But I can't be that, cause you guys don't even know me " flash said sighing out of relief

" Noo flash we love you don't you know that " Bucky said while putting a hand around flash's neck

" What ! we haven't even met before" he tried to argue

" But you are the most eligible teenager we found flash, good grades so you must be smart, clean record not even a single complaint from school, a innocent kid who has never lied or hurted anyone. You fit right in " Wanda said

" Who told you that !! the grades I have been getting are because I cheat on most of the tests and my school records are clean because my family basically runs the school and I have hurted many people many times " flash exclaimed not knowing what else to do

" Stop lying flash we know that's something you would never do " Rhodey Said in a dramatic tone

" Oh I am not lying !! Infact if you want such a kid why don't you take that peni-" he was saying but stopped in time, because Steve glared at him "- Parker he is a kid at my school infact in my class he if definitely someone who fits your needs, although he is the dumbest idiot, he has always been a straight A student , never had any complaints from any teacher, he is soo pathetic that he can't even hurt a fly, and definitely won't put up a fight even if you kidnapped him, and he is a orphan, and no one will care even if he dies in a garbage can, his aunt is his last relative but maybe even she has finally realized that it's madness wasting time and money on that pathetic penis so she has left him alone, everyday I tell him to rot, but I guess he can definitely make use of his pathetic life if he becomes a piece of meat for you to throw." Flash blurted out

" What did you just say " Bucky said who held flash by his neck against wall tightening his arm around that punks neck

" That you can take peni- "
" You dare complete that sentence and I will make sure that you die the most slow and painful death possible" Natasha said and made sure to use a tone of voice which would be enough for flash to wet his pants

"And you better believe that she is NOT kidding " Rhodey said

" Whom do you think you are talking  shit about " Tony said as he walked towards him with both hands in pocket looking down at his feet

" He is-is a stud-ent in my cla-ss "

" And he is THE smartest kid possible, has almost a fifty times brain of yours also, my personal intern if you must know, but much more than just a intern for me, and the next time if see a single scratch on him, I will skin you alive, and forget about having a future or anything"

" And no matter what you will never raise hand on any student in your school" Steve said pinning him to a wall instead of bucky and he just nodded with terror in his eyes l

"And if Peter face ANY problem because of you ever again then I will personally make sure your parents are gonna go bankrupt to pay for your medical bills. If they get a chance." Clint said

" Even if we HEARD of you being in Peter's vicinity you will wish you were never born " Wanda said

"And you better shut those roomers about yourself " Rhodey added

" And you are gonna confess to your parents and school mates about your lies" Bucky said

" Basically to summarize what everyone said, don't mess with Peter otherwise you are gonna have some really pissed avengers behind you " Steve said and we all got out of his room and saw his parents eagerly waiting

" We will take our leave and you better teach your son some manners otherwise we are gonna teach him the hard way " Clint said and we all got out of the house

Tony may or may not have given him a slight punch in his nose before coming back

And needless to say, we knew that he is never ever, ever gonna even look at Peter


Peter went to the med bay with Bruce were he took a few x-rays which came out ok. Peter was really surprised at the speed his body was capable of healing itself, given enough nutrition. And Bruce was relieved that he had no fractured bones or any other bothersome injury, he did lecture Peter about how he was so thin and needs to eat more. It's not like he didn't wanted to but Bruce wasn't aware of the entire situation.......

Weirdly enough his Spidey senses were tingling lightly at the back of his head the entire time. He was not able to pick a particular reason for it and thought it's because the Avengers are gonna suspect something, but combining the flash cover,and almost complete healing because of Spidey healing, it saved his ass. Then he began to think that the latest news of night was something his senses were warning him about. But he was wrong. He even suspected a incoming sensory overload but even that seemed unlikely.

He just ignored it. First mistake of the night.

Anyways minutes after Bruce was done with Peter they went to the living room and Peter had a another lecture from Peper about how he shouldn't let anyone bully him, the others weren't there and Peper said they had something urgent to do but will come back soon. Peter thought some urgent mission came up which she obviously can't tell 'Peter Parker' about hence he didn't press on the topic but was internally bursting with excitement thinking how it must be to go on missions with them.

Anyways. Peter was still in shock

Nat called him baby spider ! The only one who knew that any such term exist was 'mama-spider' also the people who call him 'kid' were the idiots and avengers, but the one and only person who ever called me ' his kid ' was Mr. Creepy. Now when I think about it, it does make sense !!

'Not them but I have been such a idiot to not put 2 and 2 together
And oh god !! I literally lied to them, told them I am sick. Also, this must be the reason Mr. Stark made me his personal Intern. He has never worked with interns and 'me' of everyone else he could have had... It's not possible that he would have chosen me ' thought Peter

So now Peter's situation was that avengers know that there are 2 kids

Peter Parker / kid

He really wanted to take advantage of this chance and prank them with something. He loved pranks but had no one to prank and this was literally the perfect chance.

'But what should I do?' Was the question bothering him

Clint said that he is the prankster of the team and even invited him over to prank everyone once. And Peter knew this was his time to shine

The team thinks that Peter doesn't know that they know that he is the kid, and also that they are the avengers but he actually knows that they are avengers know and kid and Peter are same

Ok, that doesn't make sense but you know what I am trying to say right ?...

Anyways he goes on internet and does a quick research for different pranks one can do on text

and it was absolutely useless.

But then he came across a video of a kid pranking that he got offended by something his friend said and then just went away without telling the reason

Soooooooooo... Peter thought thought why not take it to the next level ???

He will just out of nowhere text them that he am leaving the internship .....
And he won't tell them any reason or reply and leave them alone with their thoughts for a while and enjoy the show

He knows it sounds insane but it won't hurt to try..... will it ?

He decided not to think much about it and to just go for it. He would never play some potentially dangerous prank but a small joke definitely brightens up the mood

He was in the living area and doing his Homework, Peper was sitting in front of him and Bruce was completing the preparation for dinner. He pretended to get a call from someone and just got up and went out of the room and told both of them that he will be back in a moment. He went in a staircase lobby which absolutely no one used, as the tower was almost a 100 floors and there was a very expensive lift installed for this very purpose, He went there and then explained FRIDAY and KEREN his plan, then he just waited for a hour there and then smiled a evil smile as FRIDAY said

" Hey Peter , everyone's back and have started to search for you I think it's time"

He went out of the tower and texted 


Hey guys

Magic hands
Hello kid
How r u ?

I wish I could say i am good

Mr. Creepy
Why kid what happened

Are you okay

Where are you right now
Aren't u supposed to be at your internship now?

How do you know that ??

I ...... Just guessed

Why are you not ok паучок

I am actually taking a huge decision mama spider
I have decided to leave SI and this internship

WHAT !!!!!!!!

WHY !!!!!!

Mr. Creepy


Magic hands
Please tell us what happened maybe we can help you !

Look kid , you yourself said that working at SI is a dream for you
Why are you backing up now ?!

You even said that you liked Tony, Bruce and the others then why?

Yes kid just tell me if that *duckers said or did anything wrong
I will make sure that they apologize to you on their knees

Kid don't do anything stupid . Maybe you will regret it later

Mr. Creepy

As soon as the Avengers saw this text they were more than shocked

They asked Peter multiple times where he was but he just switched off his phone and left them to themselves. FRIDAY and KEREN also obeyed Peter and told them that peter was somewhere out of tower and that he was not trackable.

Peter thought that he will just roam around for a while around the tower and then return to the tower as if nothing happened.

But before he could go far from the tower, his Spidey senses went haywire and he knew something was up. Something or someone he was not looking forward to. He scanned around but couldn't find anything or anyone. But the goosebumps on his arms told otherwise.

He was searching for what's wrong when he saw a suspicious looking guy going in a nearby alleyway. He thought that that man is going to hurt someone, that's the reason his senses were screaming at him to go and save whichever poor soul he was going to hurt.

But very soon he realized that today is not gonna be as per his plan

He went in the alleyway without thinking much of it.

And that was his second mistake for the night.

To be continued ........... .

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