Man Out of Time

By charleslafollette

8 2 1

Jack Carr is a mild mannered ad executive, a veteran of the industry. Until one day all that stops, literally... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter I

2 1 0
By charleslafollette

Like every other day the Sun rose in the East and cascaded the landscape in its golden rays. Just another alarm clock warning, just another groggy morning for Jack Carr. The second time the alarm blurted out, Jack slapped the snooze again and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He sat there with his head in his hands. He didn't sit long before he got up and began his daily routine. Shower, dress, breakfast, and out the door. The elevator chimed as the doors opened and Jack stepped into the main lobby. With a wave to the doorman he made his way out into the street, he knew the way by heart, barely looking where he was going. After ten years of employment it was just muscle memory now. The building of Main and Smith loomed in the distance. Jack turned and entered the building, proceeding to the elevators he called for the next one. He looked around the main lobby at all the ebb and flow, all of the people going about their day. The ding of the elevator arriving brought Jack out of his daydream, turning, he entered the elevator. Pushing the button for the twenty second floor and he rode in silence up to the office. His mind was already a flurry of motion, mentally mapping out the events and accounts he had to cover today.

The normally crowded elevator was light today, the usual crush of people weren't there. Jack glanced at his watch, maybe they were late for some reason, the elevator dinged again and the doors opened. Jack pushed his thoughts aside and moved out into the hallway of the twenty second floor. Jack strode down the hall to the offices of the marketing firm of Omsford and Boh. He had the number of steps memorized as he rounded a turn in the hallway, the tacky art that hung on the walls hadn't changed in years, he had always hoped that when they remodeled those motel art paintings would find a nice dumpster to live in. At the end of the hall was the entrance to his office, the large sign hung on the wooden door. Omsford and Boh was an institution, around for some sixty years now. The original Omsford and Boh had founded the company in the thirties and they stood at the helm for decades. Just in the last few years did they decide it was time to step down and let their sons run the ship for the foreseeable future. The company had seen some real growth over the last few years, the second generation seemed ready and able to move the company into a more profitable future.

The door swung inward as Jack pushed on it, the smell of the office brought him a certain level of comfort. The outdated interior of the office had been updated a few years back and Jack didn't hate it as much as he thought he would. The modern look and furnishings gave the office a warmer feeling. Passing through reception Jack waved at Nancy as he made his way to his office. The double doors past the reception desk led into the bullpen. The ticking of keys typing created a cacophony that overwhelmed any who entered here. Jack, however, just walked around the perimeter, and entered his office to the right. The droning sound of the keys clicking was reduced to a low buzz as Jack shut the door to his office. Sighing heavily Jack sat down at his desk, turned on his computer and started looking through the mass of daily emails. As he mindlessly scrolled through the collection of emails, he was already checkmarking off his tasks for the day. There was a very important pitch that was scheduled to happen in a couple of hours, and if Jack could land this account he might just make it to easy street after all. He rubbed his bald head, just a simple gesture he'd done for years to help ease his nerves. Jack felt the sword of Damocles hanging over him now, since he had entered his fourth decade, he felt that at this point in his life his chances to get to the top would be fewer and fewer. So the pressure to land this cash cow was astronomical, he'd been in a position like this before though, and he had the reputation of landing the big accounts. Jack went back over the information he had gathered; graphs, charts, and anything else that might be useful to land this client. This was the same information he had been over time and time again. He was always afraid of missing something, that one make or break piece.

The intercom buzzed loudly and shook Jack back to reality. Jack pushed the button on the intercom box, "Yes" he said into the intercom.

"Cole Boh on line one sir." The receptionist's voice blared through the electric box.

"Thanks Nancy." Jack replied.

Picking up the phone from the cradle, JAck pushed the flashing button where Cole was on hold. "Jack here."

"Jack, it's Cole, I know that I don't have to tell you how important this account is. I know you have a killer angle to use. The reason I'm calling is I need you to show some of our newer agents how things are done. Now I know that this is last minute and I do apologize for that, but we need this new blood to see what it takes to put this company on an upward trajectory for the future. So what do you think Jack?"

"Well...Cole...I don't know."

"Jack I get it, I'm sorry I had to ask you to do this, but I have nobody else. They have been instructed to stay silent and out of the way, you won't even know they are there Jack. I would consider this a favor and we can look at this when it comes time to talk about promotions. Can I count on you Jack?"

"Well if they are going to be out of the way, I can show them how it's done."

"Sounds great Jack, come to my office fifteen minutes before your pitch and I'll introduce you. Thanks again Jack." With that the line went dead and Jack hung up the receiver.

Shaking his head Jack got back to the task at hand and continued to pour over the compiled data, hopefully finding something else he can gain some leverage with. Rubbing his bald head again, he checked the time, he still had forty five minutes to go. He reached down and pulled open the first desk drawer. He grabbed a small mirror and stared into it seeing if he looked presentable, he couldn't help but notice the lines and the age that marked the passing of time on his features. Where has the time gone, he thought, one day you wake up and you're forty wondering what happened. It seemed a dying dream after the divorce and having to leave his home of twenty years. Now he had to reinvent himself and landing this new account could certainly help that. Putting the mirror back in the drawer his hand bumped into something cold and metal. He closed his eyes and exhaled sharply. He had forgotten about the revolver he had in his desk. He abruptly shut the drawer and checked his watch, twenty minutes to go, might as well meet Mr. Boh in his office. He stood and put on his sportcoat, grabbed his briefcase and headed out of his office.

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