Meant To Be Wild (Completed)

MarkyGalagate tarafından

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Ever since Sakura met Syaoran, he had successfully taken her to heaven and hell from gang wars to street raci... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: Emptiness of the Heart
Chapter 2: Catching Up
Chapter 3: Second Meeting
Chapter 4: The Wolves
Chapter 5: Moments of Fun
Chapter 6: Moving In
Chapter 7: I Spy
Chapter 8: Naughty and Nice
Chapter 9: Discoveries
Chapter 10: Good Luck and Bad Luck
Chapter 11: Propaganda
Chapter 12: Precious
Chapter 13: I'll Be Watching
Chapter 14: Taking Back What's Mine
Chapter 15: So It Begins
Chapter 16: Ending the Wrong Way
Chapter 17: Betrayal
Chapter 18: Knowing the Enemy
Chapter 19: Shock
Chapter 20: I Refuse to Believe
Chapter 21: What Goes Around, Comes Around
Chapter 22: Moving On?
Chapter 23: Saved
Chapter 24: Explanations
Chapter 25: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 26: Problems Ensue
Chapter 27: Connecting Dots
Chapter 28: Girls vs Guys
Chapter 29: Pain, Inside and Out
Chapter 30: Party Crashers
Chapter 31: Race to the Final War
Chapter 33: Wrong Information
Chapter 34: Hatred with Guilt
Chapter 35: Change of Plan
Chapter 36: Separation
Chapter 37: One on One
Chapter 38: Answers
Chapter 39: For You
Chapter 40: Pain with Recovery
Epilogue: The Wedding

Chapter 32: Plans Backfire

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MarkyGalagate tarafından

"Yeah, that's it…come on, you can do it Tomoyo" Sakura pressed on, getting hopeful.

Tomoyo's brows were furrowed in concentration and sweat was already formed on her pale face. One small mistake could ruin everything.

"Come on" Sakura muttered, as she stared on at the screen.

They were in an underground room of the mansion where all the electrical wires and plugs were adjoined since they needed much energy to recharge and power up the satellite for them to use for the mission that night.

Apparently, the Kins figured their technology and enhanced their guarding system to avoid any infiltration from the satellite. So now, they had to do last minute enhancements on the satellite for it to be of any use for them later.


Tomoyo and Sakura both jumped at the sudden sound of the ringing cell phone.

"Course Failed"

"Shit" Tomoyo muttered, seeing the two words flash on the laptop.

"System overload…"

"Double shit" Tomoyo added, seeing the new words display on the screen.

"Make that triple" said Sakura as she saw Syaoran's name flash on and off on her cell phone's screen.

"Answer it or else he'll get suspicious!"

Pressing the accept button, Sakura held the phone to her ear.

"Hello" she replied with a fake cheery tone.

"Sakura, where are you?" he said, coming straight to the point.

"I'm in the mansion…why? Where are you?"

"Funny, so am I and I can't seem to find you" he said contemptuously.

"Err…I'll meet you in the dining hall in 20…me and Tomoyo are doing something…a girl thing" she added, emphasizing the word 'girl' so he'll get the hint and just back down.

"Fine, I'll see you later" he said, she heard him muttering incoherent words about females after that before he hung up.

She sighed heavily and pocketed her phone.

"We're so dead" Tomoyo said.


"We just caused a System Overload"


"So, the electrical currents here will go haywire and will most likely cause-"

The two girls looked up as the bulb providing light for them in the room flickered a bit before it shined brightly…too brightly just before it gave a small pop, leaving the room in total darkness.

"-a black out" Tomoyo finished.

"Oh fuck"


"What the hell happened?" Syaoran growled when all the lights and the TV inside the room shut off.

"Probably a power surge" Eriol said as he walked over to the windows and opened up the curtains, letting the sunlight leak inside the room.

"We never have power surges, that's very unlikely"

"Well, it is since we just had one…someone must've used too much power"


"Shit Tomoyo, what are we going to tell the guys?"

Tomoyo took out her phone and opened it, lighting up the screen and providing a bit of light in the room.

"Umm…how about we tell them we used a dozen hair dryers at the same time to dry out our hair but then it caused the power surge"

Sakura gave her a 'do-you-seriously-think-they'd-fall-for-that' look.

"I can't think of anything else!"

The two girls sighed.

"Well, we might as well go face them now…maybe they won't suspect it was us. Just act dumb"


"Syaoran?" Sakura called out as she entered the dining hall. All the curtains of the windows in the mansion were drawn up so the rooms were still filled with light.

"Right here" his voice came as he and Eriol just entered through another entrance, both having a thoughtful look on their face.

"So, do you guys have an idea as to what happened?" Tomoyo started.

"Yeah, what happened to the power?" Sakura added.

"We were gonna ask you the same thing" Syaoran said, looking directly at Sakura.

"Yeah, we have no idea what happened either"

"I do" said a new voice.

They all turned and saw Mei Lin, her hair still wet.

"Sorry it was my fault" she said, looking guilty. I was gonna use my hair dryer but all the electrical sockets in my bathroom weren't working, so I went down to the power room and tried to fix it. A few levers weren't activated so I turned it on, it was going fine at first then when I turned to leave, the water from my hair kinda…err…well, you know what happened next"

'Thank you Mei Lin!' Sakura and Tomoyo shouted in their heads as they gave off a sigh.

"Mei Lin, you should've asked someone to fix it rather than doing it on your own" Eriol pointed out.

She merely shrugged.

"Well, we better call in people to fix this pronto" he muttered before leaving the room wither and Tomoyo.

Sakura looked over at Syaoran.

He was still staring at her.

She inwardly gulped before walking over to him.

"What's wrong?" she asked him softly.

He merely continued to look into her eyes intently before he gave a small smile and kissed her forehead.

"Nothing, c'mon let's go"


By 5 in the afternoon that day, the power was back on. Problem is, the girls can't enhance the satellite anymore. For one thing, it was late to do anything for the night was drawing near. Second, they didn't want to cause another power surge…and third, they spent as much time with the guys since they didn't know what would happen after this fight…and they might get suspicious.

"So, where you guys off to later?" Mei Lin asked casually.

The rest of the girls looked at her before looking over at the guys.

"Business" was all they said.

"Can we come?" she tried.

"Why not?" answered Eriol.

This shocked the girls. They thought they weren't allowed to join in the final fight with the Kins.

"You sure?" Chiharu asked.

Takashi merely shrugged with a smile on his face.

"We're sure you girls can handle it"

"Okay then, we're coming" Rika said with a grin.

'Something's not right' Sakura thought as he looked at the guys one by one. They were too lax for a final battle with the Kins. Aren't they supposed to be practicing or planning or something like that?

The ringing of a cell phone broke Sakura's train of thought.

"Hai?" Eriol said into his phone.

The rest of the group listened to him as he talked to whoever was on the other line.

"Understood, we'll be there" he said before sighing and pocketing his phone. He turned to Syaoran. "Something came up"

Syaoran nodded as he and the rest of the guys stood up.

"Where are you going?" Naoko asked.

"We have to take care of some business" Mika told her before giving her a short kiss.

"Okay, let's go" Mei Lin said.

"You're not coming" Aki pointed out.

Mei Lin glared at him. "Why the hell not? You guys just agreed to let us come wherever you're going today"

"Yeah, so why not now?" Tomoyo asked.

"We didn't expect this call, so now you can't come" Eriol pointed out.

"That's unfair" Sakura pointed out. "We're still coming"

"No" Syaoran said flatly.

Sakura looked over at him. He had a serious look on his face and he was trying staring her down. She glared at him before leaving towards the door of the room.

"Fine Syaoran, you never tell me anything anyways. It doesn't matter to you right? So you go right ahead and get yourself killed for all I care!" she shouted without looking back before slamming the door shut.

'Harsh' Mei Lin thought to herself, but what Sakura said was true though. The guys especially Syaoran never intended to tell them about the final battle being today. If they hadn't eavesdropped, they would be as useless as fragile women…and fragile women they were not.

"You better got talk to her before you guys leave" Tomoyo said softly before leaving the room as well, followed by Mei Lin and the rest of the girls.

Unlike Sakura, Tomoyo could never be too bold to do or say something like that to Eriol. Today was the day they battle to end everything and she couldn't bare to get into a fight with him and regret it later especially when they aren't sure they'd live through this. All she could do was keep her feelings to herself even though she felt a bit betrayed that Eriol didn't bother telling her that they'd be going into battle today.

'But hopefully, everything will turn out all right in the end'


Syaoran found Sakura out in the balcony, leaning and resting her arms on the ledge and staring off into space. Silently, he walked over to her and hugged her from behind.

"You okay?" he asked softly, which was very much unlike him.

It ache Sakura to even hear him talk like that to her especially since they didn't know how everything will turn out in the end of this war. Though she felt a pang of guilt at the words she had shouted before leaving earlier, she still felt betrayed. She didn't know why everything she truly felt just came out now…

'Maybe its coz you're afraid to lose him' Sakura told herself, trying to hold back her tears. 'I will not fall…not now…I should be strong' she told herself. 'I can't win if all I do is cry over everything…I am not a fragile female…' she reminded herself without speaking a word back to Syaoran.

"Hey…forgive me" Syaoran spoke again in that same tone of voice.

Sakura sighed.

'I'm a Wolf' she added before turning around to face him.

Syaoran looked at her, his brows furrowed. He knew something was up in that head of hers. Question is…what?


"When are we attacking again?" Kimi asked in an annoyingly high pitch.

Saori growled just listening to her. She's been asking the same thing over and over again for the last half hour. If she could only get her hands around that pretty little neck o-

"Patience" Yasuki replied, cutting off her thoughts. "We won't be attacking until later tonight. For now, you girls get my men ready"

The three sisters rolled their eyes and exited the room, walking out lazily. They were bored; they really wanted get some killing done.


"We're leaving…we'll meet you back here" Syaoran said.

Sakura nodded as he and the rest of the guys checked their guns. They were all gathered outside; the guys were all ready to ride off with the bikes already set out. They looked lax as they usually do; the girls on the other hand…had to stop themselves from hugging and kissing them from time to time.

"Be careful" she said.

They had resolved their little 'fight' a while ago and now, all Sakura felt was worry.


"You sure you're all right?" Eriol asked Tomoyo yet again.

She gave a weak smile at Eriol before waving her hand at him.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

He was still unconvinced but he nodded all the same.


"You better take care of yourself you fucker" Mei Lin growled at him angrily.

Jay looked at her amusedly and raised his brows before he was pulled down for another kiss.


"You sure you don't need us?" Rika asked yet again.

Aki gave a small chuckle before running a hand through her hair.

"Don't worry, this is just another mission…we'll be fine" he said with a grin.

She looked at him with doubt but nodded with a smile.


"If you don't come back I swear I'll m-"

Takashi cut her off with a kiss and pulled back shortly with a smile on his face.

"You worry too much"


"Good luck" Naoko whispered into Mika's ear before giving him a tight hug.


When they pulled back, Naoko looked like she was about to cry.

"Are you all right?" he asked worriedly.

"Yeah…just-…yeah, I'm fine"

Mika doubted it. He took something from the inside pocket of his jacket and slipped it in Naoko's finger.

Naoko tried to pull back her hand to see it but his hands were covering it.

"What is it?" she asked softly.

"Will you marry me?"


"Will you marry me?" he repeated before letting go of her hand where a stunning diamond ring took its place in her finger.

Naoko looked at him now with tears streaming down her face. She smiled at him before jumping on him with a hug.

"Of course" she whispered.

Mika grinned.


After giving last minute hugs and kisses, the guys were finally off.

"Naoko, are you all right?" Chiharu asked, looking at her intently.

She sniffed a few times and wiped her tears before turning to the girls with a smile on her face.

"Never been better" she said and raised her hand for them to see.

All their eyes widened seeing the diamond engagement ring. They stared at it before looking back at her. They all smiled and squealed before running towards her, bombarding her with congratulations.

"Girls" a voice from behind them interrupted but they didn't hear. "Girls!"

They fell silent and whipped their heads towards the doorway.

"It's time" Aya said seriously with Emi, Ayumi, Hisami and Jessie behind her, all dressed in black and looking dangerous for the night's operation.


"Tsuyoshi?" one of the men gathered in the large group spoke out, waiting for their leader to give the command.

Tying his straight shoulder length hair into a neat ponytail, he turned and raised his head to the Kins…his men…his followers.

"Let's move" he shouted in a deep tone.

Everyone gave a shout as they watched their leader jump on his bike and move out of the gates first before the rest of them followed.


Sakura and the rest of the girls had changed into their black clothing and had buckled up with their needed equipment. In short, they were all ready to go…

"Ugh I hate this thing"

Tomoyo looked at Sakura and shook her head, watching her fix the black wig on her head.

…sort of.

"I still don't get why you should wear it. After all, this is the last mission we're gonna be doing"

"Yeah well…I'd love to give Tsuyoshi a little surprise…before I blow his head off"

"I suppose you really do want to do this, since your torturing yourself just by wearing that thing" she said amusedly, patting the wig into place onto her head.

Sakura merely smirked before looking back at the mirror just as a knock came at the door.

"Come in!"

"Hey!" Mei Lin said, poking her head inside. "When are you guys coming down? We're all ready to go"

Tomoyo looked at Sakura as she did last minute combing.

"Ready!" Sakura shouted as she jumped from her seat.

She looked around the room one last time before closing the door behind her with a sigh.


"Somehow, I really do feel like something's wrong" Aki repeated yet again.

The guys were sitting on their parked bikes in a dark alley across the street from a club, waiting for their cue to get in and do their business.

Aki had been talking over and over again how he felt like something was wrong. The rest of the guys can't help but agree, especially Syaoran…though he didn't utter a word about how his instincts were telling him to go back and check on the girls.


Jay cut short of whatever he was going to say as he saw two black cars stop in front of the club.

The guys turned to what he was looking at and saw a few people dressed in red and black enter the club.

"That's our cue" Takashi said in a sigh as he checked his guns.

"Let's make this clean and quick" Syaoran said shortly, wanting to get back to the mansion as quickly as he can.

He really didn't like his gut feeling at the moment.


"Sshhh…" Mei Lin whispered with a finger over her mouth.

She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw someone walk out to the front gates.

Rika and Chiharu saw this and paused, holding their breaths while trying to balance themselves on the narrow way.

Seeing the man move along out of view Mei Lin looked back at the girls and motioned for them to continue after her.

She sighed as she landed on a leveled floor of the mansion's roof.

"Walking takes too much time" Mei Lin pointed out as she saw they still had a long way to go until they can reach the center of the mansion's roof where they planned their entry. "You girls can do gymnastics right?"

The two nodded.

Mei Lin smirked at them before turning to the long narrow path in front of her. She tied her hair into a ponytail before raising her arms in the air.

"This should be easy for you" she said without looking back at the girls.

She breathed in one last time before lowering her upper body on the narrow trail and landing her hands on the tiles before turning her body to her feet. She paused constantly to do long flips and more cartwheels until she reached the end of the trail in just a few seconds.

Grinning and breathing deeply, she turned around but saw the two girls already on their way, doing a series of flips and cartwheels towards her.


Chiharu landed beside her first, followed by Rika.

"That was…fun" Chiharu said with a smirk.

"I almost slipped at the last flip. Why the hell do they have to make their roof half triangular, half flat?" she muttered. "If the roof were plain flat, it would have been easier for us"

"Exactly why they decided to have it triangular" Mei Lin pointed out. "I doubt any ordinary burglar could cross the entire roof like we just did"

"Thank God for cheerleading" Chiharu said before they walked around the roof for the right entrance.


"Damn…remind me to never choose the sewer over the roof" Sakura whispered in a whine, pinching her nose at the stench.

Tomoyo made a face at the smell before quickly making her way down the path beside the running sewage water.

"Are we nearly there?" Naoko asked, wanting to leave the place immediately in fear that the smell might stick to them.

"Almost" Sakura said as she continued walking down the path, checking the numbers on the ladders that lead up to the surface for the right one.


"Hiyah!" Rika said in a low voice as she kicked open the screen.

"Good going" Chiharu muttered with a smirk.

"C'mon" Mei Lin whispered, signaling them to follow her as she bent herself down and slid into the hole as silently as she can.


"This is it" Sakura informed, pointing upwards.

Tomoyo and Naoko sighed in gratefulness, looking up the metal ladder that led to the surface.

"Get your guns ready"


"I thought there'd be more, I guess the Kins are running short" Takashi said as he and the guys made their way down the stairs.

They had come from the V.I.P. section of the now deserted club after doing their 'business' and were ready to go home.

"Tsuyoshi's losing his touch" Mika pointed out.

Before any of them could reach the front doors, a crash sounded, making them all stop dead on their tracks and look around promptly.

"What the hell w-"

"Take cover!" Eriol shouted, jumping away from the door and the window and behind a table.

A few second later, a loud explosion erupted by the windows where the small grenade was thrown from.

"What the hell is this?" Aki shouted.

Syaoran looked out from one of the broken windows, just able to see large number of Tsuyoshi's men.

"It's an ambush" he answered, warning the others to stay alert. Something was definitely up, there was no mistaking it, he really did see Tsuyoshi within the crowd outside…'And being the coward that he is, he only ever shows himself in person if it's something big'

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