Omphalos (Hiccelsa)

By FrostedGemstones

62.8K 1.9K 712

Omphalos: The center of beginning. When Elsa tumbled through the center of the universe, she finds herself am... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 17

1.7K 55 9
By FrostedGemstones

When Hiccup woke up, it was dark, and Elsa was not at his side. In a half-worried, half-lethargic fashion, Hiccup threw himself out of bed and stumbled down the stairs. It was silly, but he had been having horrible nightmares about Unn kidnapping Elsa or taking Ophelia, and to find Elsa not where she was supposed to be after waking sluggishly made it seem as if his nightmares had come true.

He let out a deep sigh of relief when he saw her outside, curled by Mercedes' side while she made gentle patters of snow and ice with her hands. He blinked a couple times, making sure this wasn't a dream, and to wake himself.

"You're powers are back." He said out loud, but Elsa hardly looked at him. Instead she grimaced. She pulled the hem of her nightgown closer around her legs and continued to create the castle at her feet. It looked like a castle; Hiccup had never seen one. Perhaps it was her old home. It was done meticulously.

"I know." She replied after a moment, her expression grim.

"You're powers are back." He repeated softer, a little more confused, as if she hadn't heard him the first time. She looked up, and gave a frustrated sigh. With a single swipe of her hand, she turned the pristine castle to dust and wiped it away. He frowned, leaning in the threshold of the doorway.

"Do you know at all how exactly the Lava Louts capture their dragons? To kill?" She asked after a long second, standing to brush off her clothes.

"I don't know." Hiccup shrugged, "I think most likely the way we killed all dragons before the Integration. I mean, back then at least they were re-using their dragons instead of dumping them into the sea or feeding them to some carnivores along the islands." He said, "Why?"

"It was what Unn said and did." She said distractedly, and Hiccup's heart dropped.

"Elsa you said he didn't-,"

"He did not." Elsa said firmly, scowling, "It a comment. Reverse fire. He knew exactly where to touch to stop me." She confirmed, her finger lazily tracing a tendon, and then when she realized what she was doing, her hand jumped back as if she expected that she'd harm herself.

"Reverse…fire?" Hiccup played the phrase around his mind, "Like dragon fire, was he referring to?"

"I don't know." Elsa groaned, clearly stressed out, "This is why I was asking you!"

"Oh." Hiccup realized, and shook his head, "Most of the tribes that would know wouldn't tell us. And those in his tribe that would tell us would be punished horribly, and it's not worth it."

"I don't want anyone to get hurt on my part, I agree." Elsa said, "But could we sneak in and find out? Spy?" She asked desperately.

"I wish." Hiccup scoffed, "It was hard enough for Thuggery and I to sneak around in the dead of night. After that…well, he'll be waiting, or expecting. Something worse might happen to you." He said, his eyes darkening with future anger.

Elsa looked defeated. He went to her tentatively, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"It's still early. Maybe a sleep on it will make it clearer." He offered, although he wasn't sure if it would work, he just hated seeing her so upset, and he was so helpless. Perhaps he would have to go by himself to the Lava Louts island. It was dangerous but he would rather risk himself than Elsa.

She looked up at him, her blue eyes glistening with unshed fear. She clasp her hands firmly, scowling. "I guess." She murmured, nodding. Hiccup didn't ask if he should stay with her the rest of the night; that much had transcended through spoken words.

In the morning light, Elsa was much more chipper and had a strong direction. He woke once against to find her gone, but from the tantalizing smell of eggs and ham from downstairs and the loud laughter of Ophelia and his mother, he had no question or fear for Elsa's whereabouts.

"Morning Elsa." He greeted. Elsa gave him a wide smile.

"Morning, sleepy." She smiled, "We should leave early today. We did promise to meet with the other leaders after last night's meeting to follow up with some things, right?" Her tone clearly told Hiccup to agree and not to question.

"Oh, it must have been a good meeting then?" Valka said, no knowledge of the black smear that reminded in Hiccup's memory.

"Very well." Elsa lied easily, smiling through her teeth, "Even though there's so much to do, we promised some that we would go over some agreements, didn't we?" She looked at Hiccup. Valka smiled at him expectantly.

"Yes! Oh yes," He nodded, "Some very important agreements to make indeed." He saw Elsa give a soft roll of her eyes. He knew he wasn't the best of liars, but he really hated being put on the spot, so give him some credit! Valka just nodded.

"That will make the elders happy. Your father had many alliances, and they were beginning to worry we were going to become our own solitary island, despite your dragons helping greatly. I think Elsa really sealed the deal, though." She turned back to Elsa who shook her head.

"Well, I don't think I made that much of an impression." She said humbly.

"Nonsense. They loved you." Hiccup said, and this wasn't a lie. A small blush crept up her face.

"How many are you going to visit today?" Valka asked. Elsa did a quick count on her fingers.

"Four or five, I think." She said, and Valka's eyes widened.

"Well, you'd better get going. That is a whole day's trip plus time to talk with each." She spun to Hiccup, "And you overslept, and you call yourself a leader?" She asked. In another way, it would have been a harsh and upsetting tone, but with the light twinkle in her eyes, it was clearly playful.

"Tired myself out last night. Making alliances and all." Hiccup said. He hoped his mother wouldn't get close enough to see his slip lip or slightly developing bruises or other battle wounds from his encounter with Unn last night. He sprung up as soon as his mother stood, but he went to the opposite side of the room, "But you're right. Got to go. I'm going to go and wake Toothless, he's for sure still asleep!" He laughed and left quickly.

Elsa was about to excuse herself too, but instead Valka spoke to Ophelia.

"Ophelia, dear, why don't you go and get ready for school?" She prompted.

"But I still have time to eat!" Ophelia pouted. Valka raised an eyebrow, and Ophelia grumbled.


When she left, Elsa was sure that she should go, but Valka grabbed her wrist.

"Elsa, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing's wrong. Just a little tired." Elsa yawned on cue. Valka frowned.

"Dear, I lived with dragons for eighteen years. They are almost as hard to read as humans, if not harder for they cannot speak, and you thought you and Hiccup could slip by me so easily? I heard you up this morning, early."

"I just couldn't sleep." Elsa said firmly.

"You are tired. I don't doubt that. But it's your eyes. There's terror." Vakla's eyebrows pushed together, "And I don't think that's a common look for you. The party ended abruptly and earlier than I ever assumed, because the caterers were quite confused. And I could have been blind and still realized my son was limping and sore from something last night, and I don't think it was sex." Elsa's eyes widened, "And did he think those cuts could escape my eye? He's a grown man, so I shouldn't baby him, but Elsa…what happened?"

Elsa gulped, letting her words soak in. "There was an altercation with a guest last night." She said softly. When she spoke her words were weak and timid, not at all the way she'd been forcing herself to sound all morning in comparison.

"Someone must have tried to hurt you." Valka deduced, "I think that you are the only person outside his parents and close friends that Hiccup would ever risk himself for." She said.

"I told him not to." Elsa groaned in frustration, "I told him I had it under control!" She snapped.

"Ah, but Hiccup needs to feel needed. Manly. Protect what is yours…your honor. It's not in our tradition to let something like that go so easily."

"My honor was not violated, I can assure you." Elsa said in a huff, "The guest wouldn't be producing any more heirs if that was the case."

"I have no doubt." Valka agreed, "But you were still wounded. Mentally and physically." Valka gently lifted the long sleeves up, revealing the harsh bruises on her forearms and wrists. Elsa was silent.

Valka continued, "And I don't think that this meeting is as casual as you say. There is something big between the two of you, and I won't push for it is not my place, but I hope that you make good choices on who you chose to confide." She said. Elsa pulled away, not violently, but softly as Valka's grip lessened.

"I was very sure. The attacker was not on my list to begin with. I knew he was trouble from the moment I saw him."

"I believe you. You seem to be logical and a good judge of character." Valka seemed satisfied with their conversation, and when Elsa came outside, Hiccup looked mortified.

"She knows, doesn't she?" She asked.

"Mothers always know." Elsa said with a smile, and then lifted her hands to his face. She ran a finger across the split lip, gently across the ring over his right eye that was already turning yellow and gross, and to the place where his cheek had a cut, "And you look quite dreadful. I'm surprised that you didn't think she'd notice." And these of course were just the cuts on his face, or the bruises she could see. From the way he breathed heavy, she suspected he was knocked onto his back via his stomach a couple times.

Hiccup winced, not at her touch, but at the idea that he had even thought that he'd been able to sneak past his mom. "Hope she didn't bug you too badly about last night. I don't' know if you want to talk about it…"

"I don't." She replied shortly, and Hiccup gave a firm nod.

"Right. No talking about it." He agreed, and handed her the reigns of Mercedes, "She's all ready. Are you?"

"Yes." Elsa climbed onto her dragon, "Your friends first? How about you talk to them, and then meet me at Camacazi's?" The idea of leaving Elsa alone for even she short half-hour it would take to gather and re-meet with her left Hiccup with a protective pang in his chest, but he reminded himself that Elsa probably hurt Unn worse than he did, and she was very capable. So he pressed himself hard to not think of Elsa as a girl who needed saving, but as his future wife who was seriously more kick-ass than he could ever hope to be. Because of this, he gave a tight smile and agreed.

"Be safe." He hoped his words conveyed all the worry he had for her. She nodded, understanding how he didn't want her to go alone, but was very glad that he also trusted her.

"I will." She said, reaching down from Mercedes to ruffle his hair, "See you soon." She agreed.

Hiccup attempted to gather his friends in record time. That previous night, in bed, they had decided to have everyone gather as one big group at the caves where she had been found. First off, it had a lot of space for the dragons to romp around in, had fruits and fish for people to catch and eat if they were bored and hungry, and was big enough and far enough away for Elsa not to fear that an unwanted visitor would drop by.

Hiccup was rather frustrated with the endless questions that his friends insisted he answer; mostly about the abrupt ending last night, and his anxiety to get back to Elsa did not help his tempter. What he had hoped to be only a half-an-hour detour from her turned into a full hour and fifteen minuets.

Elsa, as it turned out, was bombarded with questions too. Camacazi rushed out to her.

"Elsa!" She cried, throwing herself, "You're still alive!"

"Yep, as I was when you left last night." Elsa assured with a eye-roll.

"Are you okay?" Cacmacazi kept her at an arms length, quizzically examining her.

"Yes." Elsa agreed, at least for her sake. And she didn't' want to not be fine. She was stronger than this, for Odin's sake!

"Are you positive?"


"Really sure?" Camacazi continued to press. Elsa gave her a scathing look.

"Do I look like I'm about read to drop dead or something I should know about?" She asked hotly, a bit irritated. Instead of becoming offended, Camacazi smiled.

"Okay, great. You're good." She said with assurance.

"Elsa!" Helga exclaimed from the door, "Come in dear, let me make you a cup of tea." She offered softly, and gazed at Elsa with sympathetic eyes. Elsa shot Camacazi a hard glare.

"She wanted to know why I was upset." Camacazi ducked her head, wincing at Elsa's disapproving glare. Elsa sighed, an went inside.

"I hope you hurt him." Helga said, raising an eyebrow.

"Broke his nose. I think." Elsa affirmed, to which Helga gave a wide smile.

"And they say outsiders can never be Vikings. Not every girl here could do that." She said with pleasure.

"Do they really say that?" Elsa almost didn't want to ask.

"What?" Helga asked absently, "Oh, I wouldn't bother yourself with that. You've already proven yourself." Elsa was unsettled still by her words.

She sat and chatted casually with Helga and Camacazi until Hiccup arrived. At the sight of his face, Helga laughed.

"Well, we know why someone said that Unn was grievously injured today." She said, and paused, "Didn't think you had it in ya."

"Neither did I." Hiccup sighed, "You ready to go, Elsa?"

"Yes." Elsa put the cup by the wash, and turned, "Camacazi?"

"Have fun at the meeting. This is good." Helga assured to her daughter, who responded 'I know mother…" and they left.

"So where now?" Camacazi asked.

"You're going to the island. We're going to collect everyone." Camacazi pouted at Hiccup's words, "Come on, I need you to knock some heads if my friends or anyone else gets out of hand." He said.

"Well…" Camacazi thought about it, "If I can punch someone…"

"Only if they're being bad!" Hiccup reminded and she growled. She got on her dragon and shot away in the opposite direction of where Elsa and Hiccup were headed.

First, they stopped by the Meat-Heads. Thuggury, of course, was expecting their visit and had already found someone to watch his daughter so his wife and himself could attend. They were by far the easiest group to wrangle together.

Tore was gone when they touched down, but Rune was chatty and hospitable, offering them bisects and some fruit (quite the delicacy, for it was unusual for it grow on the rocky ground or in the harsh winters). It still took Tore a whole half-hour after someone was sent after him to return home. He wanted to go, of course, but didn't know if he could find someone to run the camp. But when Elsa assured him the meeting wouldn't convene for another two/three hours, he was much more relieved.

But even so, it was almost half that time by the time they set off, and Hiccup offered to go and find Asgar while Elsa found Ragnar, and they would meet back up after collecting these. Elsa, actually called Ragnar with perhaps too much enthusiasm, for she had other matters to speak with him about (and not just being a Jumper) to which Hiccup seemed a little suspicious.

"It's a surprise." Elsa decided to divulge, to which a soft grin appeared on his face.

"A surprise, eh?" He said.

"Yes." Elsa said, pushing him to his dragon, "So I'd better get going, and so should you."

The fly to where the Visithugs lived was a long one, for it was small and beginning, but the weather was warm when she touched down. She found a village boy, and asked him to take her to where Ragnar was. Unsurprisingly, he was deep in a metal shop, pounding away at some still unidentified hunk. He paused when Elsa came.

"Elsa!" He said, "How are you?" The worry pulled deep lines on his forehead forward.

"I'm fine. I'm not here to talk about that." Elsa said, and Ragnar gave an understanding nod, "I'm here to talk about buying a sword from you."

"Oh!" Ragnar's face grew bright, "I just finished one, light and all, perfect for a lady like yourself. So perhaps I made it last night after what happened but-,"

"Actually," Elsa said, feeling her cheeks grow hot at his comment, "It's for Hiccup. Marriage tradition to present him a sword, and well, I'd like to make one that represents him, instead of a generic one."

"Right." Ragnar nodded to himself, his expression deflating a bit, "That sounds fun, though." He brought his enthusiasm back up.

"Good. Now I would love to stay and discuss this, but that's not the real reason I'm here." She said, "I wish to have the meeting I was supposed to have last night, but at the Tunnels." She said.

"Oh!" Ragnar nodded, "Yes, of course. Right now?" Elsa nodded, "You go outside. I'll talk with my cousin, and I'll get my absence sorted."

Elsa went to stand outside. Ragnar came out, holding a sword. She thought it was his own, until he handed it out to her.

"It's yours. I wasn't kidding when I said I made a sword inspirited by you, for you. The next time Unn touches you, you can kill him." He said. Elsa took it. It wasn't heavy, for that was always her biggest hang up was that swords were often not light enough for her scrawny arms. It was also smaller than a normal sword, and the metal was almost as light as her hair. The hilt was soft to grab, and had a beautiful clock. How very fitting.

"It's beautiful. I have to admit, I have no idea how to use it, though."

"Hiccup can teach you." Ragnar shrugged, "I hear he's quite the blacksmith himself."

"In theory." Elsa shrugged, "He's more of an…inventor." She decided as they mounted their dragons. In the air it was difficult to talk, and they were the last ones to the island. When Hiccup saw the sword at her side, he gave a scoff.

"The surprise was you bought yourself a sword?" He asked.

"No! There's something else. Ragnar made this for me." Elsa said. Hiccup had to stop himself, pause for a moment. He did send Ragnar a little glare, which slipped past Elsa's view, but he thought it through. Ragnar was just concerned, and he was the master of metal. Hiccup often liked to imagine that he was, but there was no comparison. And if his wife had to carry something like that around, he did want it to be the best. When Elsa offered it to him for his expectation, he realized that he could never create something of that caliber. The lightness, the design, the smoothness all made his creations look juvenile. And it was exactly what he would have wanted Elsa to be carrying. So, now, he looked up.

"Thank you, really." He said to Ragnar. Ragnar seemed to understand his momentary flash of protectiveness, but still ducked his head to greet the other leaders and friends.

Hiccup wolf-whistled and the chatter gradually stopped. They were all sitting in a circle, which Elsa thought was much more informal than her standing, and the rest sitting in lines. For really, this was a creation of an alliance, they all subconsciously knew it, and no one had higher footing than another in terms of the leaders there.

"How are you, Elsa?" Asgar asked before Elsa could begin, "We're all wondering." Murmurs of agreement rose from the crowd.

"That's not why we're here." Elsa shook her head, not really in the mood to talk about specifics of last night.

"But isn't it?" Fishlegs called, "Us against Unn? I notice he's not here."

"He crossed a line." Camacazi called in agreement, and everyone sounded their cries of his vileness.

"Everyone," Hiccup said, noting Elsa's expression, "What Unn did was…unacceptable. But I don't think continuing to talk of it will make things stop, make Elsa feel better." He said.

This quieted them.

"Then we need to make action." Thuggury spoke up, "Sober, he has insulted and disgusted my wife on more than one occasion. I doubt that if he wasn't drunk, it would not have gone past that with Elsa. But, it shows us what he really wants. Elsa protected herself, more than most could do in her situation, but what happens when he attacks someone who cannot?" He asked.

"I won't let him touch my wife." Snoutlout growled.

"We're Vikings, but even this is something that must be stopped at it's core." Eret agreed.

"And do what?" Elsa asked icily, "Go to his island and kill him? We would win with our numbers, but the people I did not invite would rush to his defense. Do we want a war now?" She asked, and there was contemplation, "When so many of us are young with babies?"

"No." Tore agreed, shaking his head, "That is not what I want."

"Nor I." Thuggery said, sharing a look with Ulva.

"But perhaps we can make a promise to each other." Hiccup said, "Unn is given a second chance for now, and only because I think Thuggury and I gave him a good idea of this, but if he is so bold to touch another one of our wives, we will destroy him." He said. Elsa didn't like the dark look in Hiccup's eyes.

"We will have war, then." Tore said, "But we cannot let it slip by a second time."

And so it was, the agreement was made, along with a whole paper that Hiccup wrote out, and everyone (even the ladies that were only the wives) signed. Most couldn't write their own names, so drew their sigil on the sheet or a small symbol for their tribe. When everyone had finished, and after Elsa had gone and gathered some nuts, fruit, and fish, Ragnar spoke up.

"Isn't there something you had wished to tell us last night? Before any of this with Unn happened?" Ragnar asked.

Elsa set down her food. "Yes, indeed. I feel much more confidant now that we have established this." She stood, and cleared her throat, and everyone looked to her with rapt attention.

"Everyone…I have something I wish to show you. Many of you know that I am not one of you, but I come from a place far away," Really far away, like 100 years if she were going to be specific. Only Ragnar gave a knowing smile, "And I was the queen there, but I also was…different. Now please, don't assume it to be a sort of witchcraft or illusion, but I was born like this. And, this can and will be a great weapon does war ever befall us." She paused, noticing some people looking apprehensive.

She decided just to go for it, and froze a tree that was rooted in between where Asgar and Runa were sitting. They jumped away from it, and Elsa liquefied the ice. The silence was slightly amusing, but also very nerve-wracking.

"What in Odin's name?" Tore was blinking rapidly, and this sent everyone into a tizzy of questions.

"Are you sure it's not witchcraft?" Fishlegs said, "Because if it was, still that would be really cool and-," He saw Hiccup's face, "Sorry."

Elsa let everyone ask questions until there was no more questions to ask, and the group fell silent.

"What else can you do?" Runa finally asked softly.

"Loads more." Cacacazi grinned, "Elsa is the most fearsome and unexpected Viking ever."

By the time Elsa and Hiccup returned home, it was dark. They had spent the whole day with Elsa showing off her powers (including making a snow house, which to everyone enjoyed) and finally returning to the casual acquaintanceship they'd been having the night before, previous to Unn's attack.

They had just reached their door when Elsa saw a figure with a dragon standing and waiting. "Elsa? Hiccup?"

"Gnaw?" Hiccup asked, "What…are you doing here?"

"He's been here for nearly an hour." Valka said, and looked at Elsa with caution, "I told him you two were off bonding." She said, and Elsa gave her a nod to assure her it was fine that she hadn't told him their whereabouts.

"Come in, Gnaw." Elsa said, to which Hiccup frowned. They hadn't actually talked about Elsa's attitude toward the former cannibal, so he wasn't sure if it was wise to invite him in. Seated on the soft chairs next to the fire, Elsa finally asked him why he was here.

"Well, first, to make sure that you're okay. Everyone knew what really happened." He said.

"Clearly I'm still alive." Elsa said, growing tired of the conversation of her attack.

"Right. But, uhh, more than that…" He twiddled his thumbs, "Today, Unn had a meeting with me, Woflen, Sweyn and Hobsag." He began, to which Elsa stifled a laugh. All the people she porously did not invite to her reveal, "He is furious with you, with both of you." He turned to Hiccup, "Broken bones all over, fucked up face, bleeding everywhere…you did a number to him. He wanted to attack, saying he was punished unjustly. My wife was all for it, as were others, although most wanted to wait but I…I couldn't rightfully agree with them. Unn has done a great many bad things, and it's only because you were strong enough that now he's in trouble. He had this coming for a long time." Gnaw said.

"What do you think will happen?" Hiccup asked, leaning forward.

"He's a lot of talk." Tore said, "But I just want you all to be cautious." He said.

"I appreciate it." Elsa said, and her and Hiccup shared a glance, and Hiccup nodded, "Gnaw, if I could show you something outside?"


Hiccup was sure that Elsa could handle herself if this was all a trick, but there was something very genuine about Gnaw's concern. He perhaps could be an undercover man, working their side secretly.

Half an hour later, as he was sitting and sketching random things at his desk, Elsa came and placed cold hands on his bare shoulders.

"He was a little surprised," Elsa said, "But he offered to work the other side. I don't think he'll tell his wife, which was my one concern of inviting him." She said, and Hiccup spun to face her.

"Good." He said, and Elsa led him over to the bed, sitting next to him. Hiccup glanced at her.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked.

"If you ask me that again, I swear, Hiccup." She grumbled, "I'm. Fine. Just shaken, but I'll be okay."

"Okay." He said, then looked at the bed uneasily, "Do you…should I…"

"Even still, I think having you here is nice." She said. Hiccup gave a soft gulp.

"Okay." He said, watching as Elsa went to the divider to dress into her night clothes, and saw her unravel her usual braid. She sat, leaning against the wall, and beckoned Hiccup to her with a crooked finger.

"My last kiss was Unn's, and I don't want that." She said confidently, "I want that memory gone, Hiccup." She said, the indication clear in her voice.

Hiccup pulled her forward so she wasn't leaning but sitting ridged, and put an arm around her to brace as he leaned forward. Their second real kiss was no less spectacular, but this time no emotional. Hiccup wanted to erase the stench and muck that Unn had left on her mind, kiss her until she forgot her own name even. Her hands trailed down, resting on his hips, and pulling his chest against her own, and she felt the heat of his bare chest through her thin gown. Once he was apparently at a proper distance (and not much at all) she went and wrapped on arm around his neck, the other curling into his hair. When he finally pulled apart for air, she smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Thank you." She said, pulling herself away, and getting under the covers. Hiccup followed, her back against his chest, and stifled a laugh. Once, when he was young and dating Astrid, the very thought of sleeping in the same bed with his intended would have been so taboo for him. It wasn't any less, but now it felt more right.

This re-solidified his growing sadness, and not an agonizing sadness, but such a sadness where he wished that he felt differently or still upset but each day did not, that Astrid was never the one meant for him.

Somehow, through all the time, it was Elsa.

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