Ranboos Death || Tubbo's Story

Von LinoIsHeree_

131 1 3

This is about Tubbos POV after Ranboos death with Sam. It starts from when Techno arrives at Tubbos place and... Mehr

Help Me
The Urge
Ranboo or Ghostboo
The 'Place'
The End :/


4 0 0
Von LinoIsHeree_

"How are you by the way, haven't seen you in a while huh" Tommy laughed as he walked back over to them. "I'm, ok" Ranboo said, stuttering slightly. "You sure? You didn't sound sure" Tommy said as he sat at the end of the bed. "Yes I'm sure" Ranboo smiled. Tommy knew he wasn't ok at all, no one is after dying and coming back. "You don't need to lie to me y'know, no one is ok after dying and coming back" Tommy said with a small smile. "Y-you're right, I'm sorry" Ranboo stuttered accidentally. "No don't be sorry it's fine, you didn't do anything wrong" Tommy smiled. "Well now I feel like I have to apologise for apologising" Ranboo said, making them all laugh.

"I'm hungry" Tommy said 2 minutes later. "Let's go get something to eat then" Tubbo said as he started getting up but was stopped by Ranboo. "C-can I talk to you for a second" Ranboo whispered to him. "We'll be down in a second Tommy" Tubbo yelled as Tommy had already left. "OK!" Tommys voice echoed throughout the house.

"Whats up" Tubbo asked. "I-I really wanted to cry b-but I didn't want to do it in front of T-Tommy" Ranboo said with a voice crack as he hugged Tubbo tightly, still laying on his chest. "Ok that's fine, you can cry all you want now, it's ok" Tubbo said as he heard little sad sounds come from Ranboo. "S-sorry" Ranboo whispered. "Why sorry?" Tubbo asked. "F-for being like this" Ranboo cried quietly. "You don't need to apologise for crying, everyone does it, you don't need to feel bad about crying either, it can be a good relief some times" Tubbo smiled. "Y-you're right" Ranboo whispered. "I'm always right" Tubbo said, making Ranboo laugh slightly.

"YOU GUYS ARE SLOW" they heard Tommys loud voice echo throughout the house again, making them both laugh. "I think Tommys a little lonely now-a-days" Tubbo laughed. "I mean he d-does live alone and nearly everyone is against him so it does make s-sense" Ranboo said. "True" Tubbo agreed. "Wanna go down to him now or do you want a little more time?" Tubbo asked. "N-no it's fine, we can go down now if you want" Ranboo stuttered with a fake smile. "You look very comfy" Tubbo laughed. "It's because I am" Ranboo laughed, "and the head scratches just tops it all off". Tubbo laughed, making Ranboo smile.

"I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU GUYS ARE KISSING INSTEAD OF TALKING TO ME" Tommy yelled again. "That is the biggest 'Tommy' thing to say" Tubbo laughed. "Yeah" Ranboo laughed with him. "Come on before he explodes" Tubbo laughed as he slowly got up and stretched before looking back at Ranboo, he had a fake sad look on his face, like he just lost something, making Tubbo laugh. "Come on you big baby" he laughed as he dragged Ranboo out of bed. "Ah ok fine" Ranboo said as he stood up and put something warmer on. "You're literally wearing 2 t-shirts and a hoodie, I don't even have t-shirt on, just a hoodie, you can't be that cold" Tubbo laughed as he started walking downstairs with Ranboo following. "Well I am and it sucks" Ranboo said.

"Watcha talking about?" Tommy asked, sitting down at the table, he was slouching in his chair with his head in his hands. "Were you this cold after just coming back to life?" Tubbo asked as he sat down next to Tommy. Tommy then looked at Ranboo, "Yeah pretty much, it slowly goes away tho after like 2 weeks, hot drinks help" he said. "Oh ok, thanks" Ranboo smiled as he started making them all hot chocolates. "No problem" Tommy laughed as he looked at Ranboos face, "there's a lot more tear scars on your face than there was before when I saw you" he pointed out. "Y-yeah, don't worry about that" Ranboo laughed nervously. "Ok then" Tommy said, he was too tired to think but he knew something was wrong. Ranboo put 3 hot chocolates down on the table as he sat down opposite Tubbo and started on his own. "You alright?" He laughed as he looked at Tommys tired face. "Yeah, barely slept, it's fine though" Tommy said, half zoned out. "How come?" Tubbo asked. "Nah nothing it's fine" Tommy laughed.

Ranboo and Tubbo both looked at each other, "none of us are ok to be honest" Tubbo mouthed, Ranboo nodded. "I'm bored" Tommy said as he finished his hot chocolate. "Well think of something we can do then" Tubbo said, also finishing his hot chocolate. "My brain isn't working right now, you do it" Tommy argued. "Wait, Ranboo does Techno and Phil know you're alive?" Tommy asked. "I don't think so?" Ranboo said, not remembering seeing Techno nor Phil when he came back, only Tubbo. "That's something we could do" Tommy said, perking up a bit. "I mean, sure?" Tubbo said as he took all the cups and put them in the sink. Ranboo sighed quietly, he didn't quite like that idea, he already felt overwhelmed even though nothing was happening but he wasn't going to say anything anytime soon. "When are we going?" He asked. "As soon as you 2 get dressed I guess?" Tommy said. "Ok, come on then Ranboo" Tubbo laughed as he went upstairs with Ranboo following behind him.

"You look nervous, what's up?" Tubbo asked. "Nothing it's fine" Ranboo smiled nervously. "You're lying again, what's wrong" Tubbo asked again. "What if Technos mad at me" Ranboo said. "Why would he be mad at you?" Tubbo asked. "I-I don't know" Ranboo sighed, his mind felt too full to think. "I'm sure he's not mad at you" Tubbo said as he started getting dressed. "I hope he's not" Ranboo whispered to himself before also getting dressed. "Hurry uuuuuuppppp" Tommy said impatiently outside the door. "Chill out we'll be done in a second" Tubbo called out, "why're you so clingy all of a sudden? You were never like this" he laughed. "It gets lonely very fast when everyone wants you dead" Tommy sighed. "Only Dream wants you dead right?" Ranboo said confusedly.

"Yeah he's one of them, but then there's also JackManiFold because he wants to keep my hotel that I worked hard on, Puffy because I stole from her multiple times, Niki because- I don't even know I never done anything to her, Techno probably I don't even know what's going on with him" Tommy explained, "there's more but I can stop if you want me to, I quite clearly can ramble sometimes for hours" he laughed. "Yeah I know" Tubbo laughed with him. Once they were both done getting dressed, Tubbo went over to Ranboo and whispered something, "if you ever feel uncomfortable or feel like you're going to panic or something then tell me and I'll help you ok", Ranboo nodded with a small smile.

"Ready to go?" Tubbo said as he opened the door. "I've been ready for the past like hour!" Tommy said as he got off the floor. "It has only been like 5 minutes calm down" Tubbo laughed, "come on let's go" he said as they all started walking down the stairs and out the door. Tubbo felt someone hold his hand, it was Ranboo, he looked nervous. Tubbo squeezed his hand, making Ranboo look at him. "Sorry" Ranboo mouthed. "It's fine, you ok?" Tubbo mouthed back. Ranboo nodded but didn't smile this time, making sure Tubbo knew he was lying because he didn't want to say exactly if he was or not. Tubbo sighed, not knowing how to help Ranboo as he started thinking. "Ok you look zoned out and you look terrified, what's going on" Tommy asked as he went in front of them and walked backwards instead. "Do you think Techno hates me?" Ranboo asked Tommy. "No? He called you a little brother the other day, you stole my role" Tommy said 'angrily'. "Sorry? Also did he really?!" Ranboo said confusedly. "Yeah" Tommy laughed.

They soon arrived, Tommy ran up to the door and knocked on it until it opened. "There is only one person that knocks this much, hello Tommy" Techno laughed as he slowly opened the door to see Tommys happy face. "You don't still hate me do you?" Tommy asked. "I can't, Phil won't let me hate you but trust me I hate you, just not as much" Techno answered. "Oh, I think that's good?" Tommy said confusedly. Techno then looked passed Tommy and saw Ranboo. "Ranboo? You're alive?! So it worked?" he said confusedly. "Yeah I-I guess so" Ranboo said nervously. "That's worrying that Dream has that much power" Techno said. "Yeah true, can we come in its cold" Tommy said, shivering. "Oh yeah sure" Techno said as he led them all in before closing the door. "Phil not here?" Tubbo asked. "Nope, just me unfortunately" Techno sighed as they all got comfy on the 2 sofas, "did you guys want anything?" He asked.

"Do you hate me?" Ranboo asked randomly. "Why does everyone think I hate them all of a sudden? I have some hate for everyone, Ranboo not you as much because you don't annoy me" Techno said. "Is that good?" Ranboo said confusedly. "If you didn't want me to hate you then I'd say it's good" Techno answered. Ranboo nodded.

"You alright?" Techno asked as he looked at Ranboo properly, he looked scared and uncomfortable. "Oh me? Yeah I'm fine" Ranboo laughed nervously, clearly a horrible liar. "Ok then" Techno sighed. Ranboo saw Tubbo looking at him in the corner of his eye, making him feel worse. "I'm bored" Tommy whined. "Well you all kinda just came here and that was it" Techno laughed, "so Ranboo, how was being dead for like 4 or 5 days" he asked, started a conversation, a new conversation that Ranboo didn't like at all. "S-scary" Ranboo answered. "Yeah I can imagine it being" Techno said, "what happened when you died? He asked confusedly. Ranboo started to remember what it was like, not being able to control anything, all you could do was watch and that was it. "Maybe let's not talk about that, talking from personal experience" Tommy said, butting in, also noticing Ranboo looked a lot more zoned out than before. "What is there to talk about then? I'm bored and the voices are asking" Techno said.

Ranboo kept getting flashbacks from before he had died and what happened, about Dream, about Techno and about Sam, Sam murdered him. "We can go if you want" Tubbo whispered to him, waking him up. Ranboo looked at Tubbo, "I-if you want to go then we can g-go" he whispered back, stuttering every now and then. "You're starting to shake, do you wanna go?" Tubbo whispered with a worried look on his face. "I-it's fine" Ranboo faked a smile as he heard Tommy talk. "How's the voices these days anyway?" Tommy asked Techno. "They've started getting a bit louder throughout the days but it's fine, Phil is always there when I need him" Techno smiled. "I'm here too if you ever need me" Tommy smiled. "That's cringe" Techno laughed. "It's not! Just showing I care in my own way even if you are annoying" Tommy laughed back. "Bruuhhhh" Techno sighed, making Tommy laugh.

"Hey Ranboo, what're you thinking about?" Techno asked, noticing Ranboo was yet again zoned out. "Hm?" Ranboo hummed, snapping back into reality. "Watcha thinking about?" Techno asked again. "N-nothing" Ranboo laughed nervously as he hid his hands, they had started shaking along with his leg. "You alright?" Techno asked. "Yup, c-completely fine" Ranboo faked a laugh again. "If you wanna go then you can go y'know, you're not looking so good" Techno said, pointing out Ranboos breathing and he looked quite scared. Ranboo was trying to hide his breathing as it started getting heavy, he knew a panic attack was going to happen but he felt trapped there. "Yeah I think we'll leave now" Tubbo laughed as he stood up and held Ranboos hand, helping him up. They both started walking out the front door whilst Tommy stayed behind. Tommy was watching Techno, he knew something was off with him so he stayed with Techno whilst Tubbo and Ranboo went home.

Tubbo started to hear Ranboos breathing, it was shaky and was slowly speeding up. "It's ok, you're alright, we can do the hugging thing again when we get home if you want" Tubbo smiled as he stroked the back of Ranboos hand with his thumb. Ranboo nodded, liking the idea. "S-sorry" he said quietly. "Sorry?" Tubbo said confusedly. "S-sorry for being like t-this, I s-shouldn't be" Ranboo stuttered shakily. "Its ok, i don't care at all, all I care about is if you're ok or not, don't try and hide it because I want to help you, I knew you wouldn't tell me at Technos which is why I kept watching you every now and then, I know you noticed" Tubbo said as they got closer to the mansion, soon stepping in. "S-sorry again" Ranboo said again as they walked upstairs. "I promise you it's ok, it's completely fine" Tubbo smiled, they both took their shoes off and got comfy in bed.

"I can hear your breathing slowly getting worse, it's ok, try and think about something else" Tubbo said calmly as Ranboo laid back on his chest and hugged him tightly. "I-I can't" Ranboo cried as he held his eyes open wide. "Its alright, listen to my voice and try to relax, it's ok, you're safe now" Tubbo said comfortingly as he slowly stroked Ranboos hair and held him with his other arm, just like last night. Ranboo sighed shakily, still struggling to get warm which wasn't helping his shaking. Tubbo reached over and pulled the covers up to Ranboos shoulder, trying to help. "Try and calm down, I'm here if you need any help with anything ok" Tubbo smiled. "T-thank you" Ranboo whispered. "No problem, it's ok" Tubbo whispered back. "Is there anything you need help with?" he asked. Ranboo thought for a second, yes, getting warm, the sudden 'urge' and a few more. "N-no" he sighed, clearly lying.

"You don't need to lie y'know, what's wrong" Tubbo asked as he heard Ranboo sniffle. "It's alright, you can cry if you need" Tubbo said, soon feeling Ranboo flinch as a tear ran down his face and onto Tubbos jumper. "You ok?" Tubbo asked, feeling Ranboo shake his head. "That's completely fine, I'm here for you if you need me" Tubbo said, still giving Ranboo the comfort he needed. He then looked down at Ranboo and held his face in his hand, wiping away the tears that fell so it only hurt for a second. "It's ok" he whispered, "try and relax, I'm sorry for taking you to Technos, I honestly don't know what I expected" he laughed. "I-it's fine" Ranboo stuttered as another tear fell. His vision was slowly going more and more blurry until he couldn't see. "T-Tubbo?" he stuttered. "I'm right here, are you blind again?" Tubbo asked, feeling Ranboo nod and he held on tighter to him. "It's alright, you're real, it's ok, I can still see you, you're still in control" Tubbo said, making Ranboo feel a bit more better.

"T-thank you" Ranboo cried. "It's all ok, I'm not going anywhere" Tubbo said calmly, feeling Ranboo nod again. "Y-you can still hear me right?" Ranboo asked nervously. "Yes I can still hear you, I can still see you, you're still in my arms, you're still very real don't worry about that, you're not going anywhere and neither am I, it's ok" Tubbo said slowly. "T-thank you s-so much" Ranboo stuttered.

This chapter is getting a bit too long so y'know

2678 words


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