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נכ×Ŗב על ידי jungwon_luv

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to hayoon:


2.1K 119 71
נכ×Ŗב על ידי jungwon_luv

^^ i love this song man i wna go karaoke again but covid :")


Third Person POV
"Mr Yang, someone is here to see you." The secretary entered the room and told the CEO

"Who is it?" The middle-aged man asked, frowning as he put away the document he was reading through. His wife, who was sitting on the couch sipping her earl grey tea, looked up from the magazine she was reading, curious as well.

"It's Mr. Lee."

'Ugh not him.' Jungwon's father groaned internally.

"Just let him in." He responded, clearly annoyed.

Heeseung thanked the secretary before he entered Jungwon's father's office.

"Hey there, Mr Yang, missed me?" Heeseung smirked smugly before he invited himself to sit at the couch.

"Why are you here?" Jungwon's father grumbled as he walked over to confront the young CEO.

"Oh, you know, stuff regarding Jungwon." Heeseung shrugged .

"What about him?"

"I know you sent people to watch the hospital room he's at."


"You guys are so gullible." And Heeseung started laughing.

"Anyways, he's not in the room you believe he is in."

"You didn't move him at all." Mr Yang was glaring at Heeseung now, but Heeseung remained unafraid. He knew he had the upper hand.


"And you just told us like that? What a fool."

"Even if I told you, what difference would it have made? What? Are you gonna continue stalking him?"

"And what if we are? What are you going to do about it?"

"Oh, I wonder, I have an entire USB drive here that has some interesting evidence on both you and your wife." Heeseung smirked and took out a USB drive from his pocket.

"You know, you aren't leaving this place now, right?"

"Aw, you think you still have the upper hand. How cute. Anyways, this isn't the only copy. I am, after all, friends with a detective who is at the police station. Right now. And he's going to hand his drive over to the police at exactly 1pm, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"You sign this contract here." And Heeseung took out an A4 envelope from his briefcase and pushed it towards the two parties concerned.

"-then I will call him and tell him he can leave." Heeseung leaned back into the couch, waiting for their response. The older CEO took the papers out of the envelope and scanned through, baffled at it's contents.

"A restraining order? You can't be serious." Jungwon's father huffed.

"A restraining order? You're forbidding me to see my own son? You know the court will never approve of this." Jungwon's mother lashed out.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure they will. I have some evidence on my end so that the court will rule in my favour. Oh but don't worry, I won't expose that evidence too, as long as you sign this contract, and take your minions away from their stations."

"This is preposterous! I am his mother! How can you forbid me from seeing him?!" Jungwon's mother started screaming.

"Well, I don't think forcing your own child to marry someone he doesn't like and even threatening to kill his girlfriend is very motherly, but okay, you have your own definitions." Heeseung chuckled slightly, mocking them.

"You- Jungwon won't agree to this!"

"Oh trust me, he will. So..." Heeseung checked his watch. "Ah, exactly one minute to 1 o'clock. So, what will your choice be?" Heeseung smirked victoriously.

"What's on the drive?"

"Oh, just all the records and inferences and evidences of your human trafficking activity, as well as the embezzlement issue, and oh, prostituition. Wow, that's gonna land you in jail for a long time, huh?" Heeseung laughed. Jungwon's father just sat there, glaring at the younger CEO, his face turning all red with fury.

"Tick, tock, time's ticking. 30 seconds left."

"Fine. I'll sign it."

"Wait, honey no. How can you?"

"We don't have a choice." And the older CEO took his pen and signed the contract roughly, throwing it back to the younger CEO.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Heeseung smirked and took out his phone to call Geonu.

"Serious? I can leave?"

"Yeah. I'm a man of my words."

"Okay then. But you mean I did all this digging for nothing? You better pay me."

"Yes yes, I'll pay you handsomely. And treat you to lunch. Let's go for lunch now."

"Okay. Text me the place."

"Okay. Bye."


And Heeseung hung up, standing up to leave.

"You know this is blackmail, right?" Jungwon's father's voice came. Heeseung just chuckled.

"Well, the evidence is from a licensed detective. And I wonder, what would the court be more interested in? Your offences, or me blackmailing a couple of abusers who've made my best friend's life hell." Seeing as he didn't get a verbal response, Heeseung bowed his head slightly. "I'll go now." And he walked out, satisfied with the results.


"So, does that mean Jungwon will be free from his parents? Like, for forever?" Sunghoon asked.

"Yeah, essentially." Heeseung replied.

"That's great. Jungwon doesn't have to suffer any longer." Jake nodded in relief.

"Do you think his parents would go against the contract?" Jay asked.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. But I doubt they will. The stuff Geonu got on them is pretty bad. No, horrible. Utterly horrible. I wish I never knew what they did."

"What did they do?" Sunoo asked, curious.

"Just... horrible stuff. You guys are better off not knowing what they have done."

"Oh, okay then. Yikes, if it's that bad... But, if you don't tell the police, they'll continue doing those stuff, right?"

"Well, yeah. I'll leave it to Geonu from here. I think he can handle things just fine."

"Okay then. Hopefully he can help the victims of their crimes." Jake said.

"Yea. So uh, anyways, do you guys want to go shopping now or should we just head home? It's pretty late." Heeseung asked his friends. They had met for dinner and Heeseung filled them in on what he did earlier on in the day.

"Well, it's pretty late." Sunghoon said, checking his watch. "So shopping is a no go."

"Oh... then I guess we should head home." Heeseung said.

"Or..." Sunoo smiled cheekily at Sunghoon, who grinned back.

"Oh no..." Jake said as he figured out what Sunoo and Sunghoon meant.

"Oh no what?" Heeseung asked.

"Well, usually when we're out late, they'll-"

And then the boys were standing right outside a building with a large microphone neon sign board at the top.

"-make us go for a karaoke session." Jake murmured dejectedly as Sunoo and Sunghoon dragged everyone into the building and booked a large room for a few hours.

"And of course, they make me pay for it." Heeseung muttered while keeping his card.

"Well, you are the richest." Ni-ki shrugged and surprisingly, he wasn't on his phone playing a game.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." And Heeseung turned his attention to Sunoo and Sunghoon who were busy choosing their songs. He walked over to Jake and Jay and took a seat next to them.

"So, how long can they go for?" Heeseung asked.

"Hours. They're crazy."

"And we have school tomorrow." Jay sighed.

"Too bad, too sad. You should have chosen to do something like us." Sunghoon said.

"Well one, we suck at ice skating, two, our parents and three, we like what we are doing now." Jake said.

"Okay, suit yourself. Should we sing Aloha?" Sunghoon turned back to Sunoo.

"Uh, hell yeah. I love that song. Add some BTS songs into the queue as well."

"I'll add some IU songs as well." Sunoo shoved Sunghoon as he said this.

"Dude, you're nuts. How the hell are we gonna sing IU songs?"

"Who said we were singing?" Sunghoon grinned cheekily and turned to look at his target.

"Ohh." Sunoo nodded, a smile forming.

Heeseung awkwardly shifted in his seat as he saw his two friends grinning weirdly at him.

'Uh, why are they looking at me like that?'

And very soon, Heeseung found out.

"You guys are insane! How the hell can I sing that high?"

"We can lower the key." Sunghoon shrugged.

"Her voice is freaking high! Lowering the key won't work!" Heeseung tried pushing Sunoo and the mic away.

"Just try. You're the best at singing here." Sunoo continued shoving the mic at Heeseung.

"Yeah. That's literally how you attracted half of the school's girls." Sunghoon said as he pressed some buttons to lower the key.

"Ugh fine. But just this song. Remove the rest."

"Yay! Go hyung!" Sunoo and Ni-ki cheered.

"I hate you guys." Heeseung muttered before he started singing IU's lilac.

Many songs later, everyone was tired out, except for the two who initiated the karaoke session. Jake and Jay had fallen asleep, Ni-ki had started gaming and Heeseung just sat there, yawning and eating some chips.

"Aloha again. I love that song." Sunoo said.

"Yes oh my gosh." And they started singing the same song for the 10th time.

"Will you guys... *yawn* never stop... *yawn* singing this song?" Heeseung asked tiredly.

"Nope. It's the best karaoke song." Sunoo said.

"OW!" Ni-ki suddenly shouted.

"What?" Heeseung asked.

"I dropped my phone on my face."

"Pfft that's why you don't lie down and use your phone." Heeseung said and rested his head on the pillow he decided to hug.


"Oh gosh..." Heeseung said and closed his eyes as his two friends continued screaming out the lyrics to their favourite song.

"Hyung, I'm gonna sleep for a while. Wake me up when these two are done." Ni-ki said and plugged in his headphones, turned on his own music and went to sleep.

"What am I? Your babysitter? Ugh..." He turned back to the two who were still happily singing, or screaming away. "This is gonna be a long night..." He muttered and just decided to get some shut eye.




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