Sunny Days and Starry Nights

Av JasperRoseWrites

526 29 0

(Y/N) and their sibling (S/N) visit Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex for the first time. After they get home, t... Mer

Chapter 2: New Job at Freddy's
Chapter 3: You're Hired!
Chapter 4: Strange Thing's
Chapter 5: Deja Vu
Chapter 6: Detective (Y/N)
Chapter 7: James Bond Moment
Chapter 8: The Animatronics do get a bit quirky at night
Chapter 9: A Greater Secret
Chapter 10: 6 am and After
Chapter 11: Back To Work
Chapter 12: Unexpected Guest
Chapter 13: Blossoming Love and Finale

Chapter 1: First Time at Freddy's

141 5 0
Av JasperRoseWrites

(S/N): Sibling Name
(Y/N): Your Name 

Words: 2592

The sound of my favorite song began playing from the alarm next to my bedside table. I groaned before reluctantly turning my body over to turn the thing off. Of course, I waited after my favorite part of the song to turn it off. I sat up and stretched, causing my bones to crack and pop like rice crispy cereal.

I slid down off my bed, sitting on the floor for a second before getting up. There was a commotion outside my bedroom door as I got dressed. Turns out it was my sibling, (S/N), excited to go to Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex. They wanted to go bad this week so my parents bought two tickets for me and my sibling. Parents had work today so it was up to me to take them today.

I groaned before putting on the final piece of my outfit, opening up the door to the hallway. The next thing I know, I'm being tackled down to the ground by (S/N).

"ACK!" I shrieked while (S/N) just giggled.

"Come on Y/N! We are gonna be late by the time you finish getting ready!"

The hyper child continued bouncing off the walls all the way to the kitchen, where mom was finishing up getting ready for work. She was packing her work items in her bag before putting it over her shoulder.

"You sure you two will be fine by yourselves?" Mom asked us both, mostly asking me.

I nodded my head before responding. "Yes mom, we will be fine."

She smiled before her timer to leave started going off.

"Oh crap!" Mom shoved the rest of her things in her bag, grabbed her purse, and started towards the door. "You kids be good!" She shouted as she opened and closed the door.

Once she left, the house became eerily silent. I looked at my sibling and noticed they seemed a bit off. Mom was always working or too busy cleaning the house for her to spend time with us. I always looked after (S/N) since I really had nothing better to do, plus it helps mom out. (S/N) has been begging to go to Freddy's for months and Mom finally got some money together for us to go while she worked one day.

That day was today.

I stared at the cereal that was left out, wondering if I should eat some or wait until Freddy's for some pizza. I decided to wait for pizza and put the cereal box away. (S/N) jumped off of their seat, leaving their empty cereal bowl behind. Picking up the bowl and putting it in the sink, I grabbed a bag for (S/N) full of supplies while we were there.

There was a commotion coming from (S/N)'s room before they came back out to the kitchen.

"Come on! Are we going or what?" (S/N) whined, tugging on my hand.

"Ok ok let me just grab my phone!"

"Yay!" They jumped up and down excitedly until I got my phone and made my way to the door. They followed before heading out the door first. I closed the door, locking it before I left to help (S/N) get in the car seat in my car.

Once they were settled, I handed them a Freddy plushie, their favorite, and got in the driver's seat. I started the car and headed off to our designation.

The drive took about 30 minutes to arrive and boy oh boy was the place PACKED. Considering the history behind the company, I was surprised it wasn't closed down. I'd have to keep an extra eye on (S/N) while we are there just in case. I managed to find a spot that was somewhat close and parked.

Both of us got out, gathered our items, and started heading towards the entrance of the massive building. It made you wonder how much they spent on the electrical bill every month. Dozens and dozens of kids with parents entered the building, us following behind. I held (S/N)'s hand and told them to keep close while we waited in line to buy tickets.

"Hello, welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex! What can I help you with?" A lady behind the counter asked once it was our turn.

"Hi. I would like two regular Fazbear tickets please."

"Would you like any extensions?"

I looked at the prices of the passes or upgrades and decided against them. "No thanks, that's it."

The lady printed out our entry passes before also giving us a coupon for our first time there. I grabbed my sibling's hand before entering the massive lobby with a Freddy Statue. We got in one of the elevators to the main stage area with a couple of other parents with their kids.

Some banger music played as we awkwardly stood with everyone. The elevator dinged before opening up to a bunch of people walking in the areas and the colorful neon lights of the Pizzaplex. (S/N) jumped up and down, ready to book it to see the animatronics.

"Please take a map." A robot said right after we stepped out of the elevator, scaring the shit out of me and nearby kids. I took a map slowly and the robot went to pester the next parent. Music played loudly but it seemed to be a bit drowned out with all of the active kids running around the place.

"Alright (S/N), where do you want to go first? Remember we only have a general pass for our first time."

"I want to see Chica!" They said a bit loudly.

I chuckled a bit. "Ok, ok! The next showtime should be in 20 minutes. Let's go get some food."

There were multiple locations where we could grab some pizza and drinks so we settled on a cute little diner restaurant. They had robots with red pigtails and a couple of regular workers, probably to make sure kids don't ruin the robots. I got us a regular cheese pizza and a milkshake for us both to share.

"Why do I have to share a milkshake?!" (S/N) exclaimed, clearly not happy with having to share.

"Because (S/N), you don't want to get a tummy ache and you'll be able to get another treat later."

That seemed to lighten up their spirits. I smiled before we sat down in one of the booths to eat. We managed to finish our slices before a voice came on on the intercom, followed by the same theme that played in the elevator.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Fazbear Entertainment would like you to put your hands together for the one, the only, Freddy Fazbear!"

(S/N) quickly shot up from their seat. "Come on (Y/N)! We'll miss Chica!" They grabbed my hand, dragging me with them.

"Ok, ok!" I laughed and quickly grabbed the rest of our pizza before rushing to get a good view of the animatronics. The stage seemed to be different than before, as well as more active with lights. Big projector screens followed the animatronics as they made their way to the main stage. The music got more intense as (S/N) put all of their attention on Chica, jamming out with her little guitar bit on the screen.

A hole opened up in the center of the stage, the four main animatronics soon ascended before jumping out, beginning their performance. Everyone cheered and danced along with them as they went to their set places on the stage. Freddy seemed to jump around a lot, giving smiles and fist bumps towards all of the kids. Even the adults were enjoying the show, probably because it was like a modern pop-rock concert.

Once their song was over, Freddy seemed to deliver birthday cakes to the tables closest to the stage. The other three hung back to the front of the stage, singing happy birthday to the said kids. (S/N)'s eyes were on Chica the entire time and they wouldn't move a muscle.

"Alright superfan, let's go choose what game we want to play today."

"Oh, oh, oh! Let's go play Fazer Blast!" They said.

I smiled at them before heading back to the front to get a pass for Fazer Blast. It was a bit much for the game but based on the rest of the place, it'll be worth the money. After a quick trip to the pass counter, I got passes for both of us to participate. We were both pretty excited as we weaved our way through people and the entrance to Fazer Blast. There was a robot that was similar to the map bot, waiting at the entrance, asking people for passes.

We handed in our passes and entered with everyone else. Most of the people in the waiting area were kids with some parents, most likely to supervise their own kids. The doors soon closed in order to make sure the game wasn't filled to the brim with kids. A robot on a mini stage began an introduction speech about the game and rules they had.

"There are two rules you must follow at all times. Rule #1; No Running, No climbing, No jumping, No hitting, kicking, pushing, shoving, No shooting Faz blasters in or close to other player's eyes."

"Aw, man!" A kid piped up from somewhere in the room. The robot carried on.

"Being flashed in the eyes may induce seizures, blindness, or semi-permanent paralysis. If you are flashed in the eyes, immediately flush your eyes with soap and water then blink repeatedly until vision is restored."

"...Say what now?" I muttered under my breath. They really don't want a lawsuit from this.

"Rule #2; Have Fun."

There was a brief silence from all of the adults that were in the room, including me. The kids seemed to pay no mind to the underlying tone the robot had. Before the doors to get in opened, the Faz Rule bot had more to say.

"Warning: Fazer Blast is a high-energy space combat simulation. People with medical conditions are allowed to participate. My medical software makes me a qualified doctor and I approve of this message."

I snorted a bit at the last comment but that didn't make me trust its medical abilities anymore.

"By listening to these instructions, you have waived all rights and ability to make any claims against Fazbear Entertainment. Any accidents or injuries are your sole responsibility or shared responsibility between you and any associated party involved in said incident. Now get in there and fight, fight, fight."

And my intuition just got some bad mojo from its last comments. A door to the game opened up and kids made their way through to pick out their blasters and helmets first. (S/N) went to the green team and I went orange so we could face off against each other.

"Have fun out there (S/N)!" I told them before we got separated.

"I'm gonna kick your butt (Y/N)!" That was the last thing they said before we went down opposite hallways.

A group of kids and I waited in our area before there was a countdown for the game to start. We all prepared to launch out of the door as the final seconds counted down. A blow horn went off, allowing the doors to open and the onslaught of Fazer Blasting began. It was easy to weave and dodge kids on the opposite team but it was harder to find any flags to capture. I looked up and noticed there was a ramp in order to get to higher levels of the game.

"There has to be a flag up there."

I waited to make sure the coast was clear before getting up on the ramp. It was easy to find a flag in order to capture on this level. I got in the area for the flag, beginning to capture it while hiding behind a barricade for anyone that'll come up here. As I waited, I felt a pair of footsteps coming close to the flag.

I held the Fazer blaster close before coming up and aiming it at the culprit. It was a random kid and I shot him in the chest quickly, his vest beeping to signal he was out. Another kid came over and I did the exact same thing to them. They started crying but followed the rules by not shooting me. After a minute of waiting at the flag, I was able to capture it. I smiled and looked up at a higher point in the room, seeing a pathway for employees that led to what looked like a small room. I squinted at the window, seeing what looked like a rabbit shadow pass by.

"What the hell..." I thought aloud.

"So (Y/N), it seems we meet again." A familiar voice said in front of me.

My eyes wandered back down to see (S/N), standing there like a cowboy in the old west. I chuckled a bit before getting in the same stance.

"It seems we have," I responded. We stared at each other, hands hovering the trigger of our blasters. All we needed at this rate was a tumbleweed, a hawk to make a sound, and a clock counting down to high noon. After a few seconds of silence between us, I saw them make a move with their blaster. I did too and quickly shot at them before they could knock me out. I hit my mark and their vest beeped while I smiled in victory.

"Hey no fair!" (S/N) pouted.

"All's fair in love and war little sib." I smiled wider as the intercom announced the orange team's victory.

Kids cheered as others groaned in defeat. I think one kid started throwing a tantrum, causing their parents to escort them out of the place.

"Congratulations Orange team! Make your way to the winner's lounge for your reward."

(S/N) and I made our way back down to the normal level before getting to the exit, returning our blasters in the process.

"I need to grab my prize (S/N). Just wait for me outside ok? Don't let anyone take you away from the spot."

"Yes (Y/N)! I will!" They made their way with the kids on the green team while me and my teammates went to get our prizes.

I did worry a bit for (S/N) but they were a smart kid, they'll be ok for a minute. The winning prize was pretty neat for a pizza plex. They gave everyone their own personal Fazer blaster and kids started getting crazy with theirs right away. I made a quick getaway, exiting the game, thankful to see (S/N) still waiting for me. (S/N) noticed me holding a blaster and their eyes lit up, running to me.

"You got a Fazer Blaster?! That's awesome!" They squealed in delight.

I patted their head. "It is pretty awesome. And guess what."

"What?" (S/N) tilted their head. I put the blaster in their hands.

"You can have it, Superstar."

I swear I have never seen them smile so wide in their life except when they were first introduced to Chica on TV. They held it before hugging me tightly.

"You are the best older sibling!"

I hugged them back before picking them up and putting them on my shoulders.

"Let's get going monkey. Maybe we can come back another day."

(S/N) whined but reluctantly let me take them to the exit. The voice on the intercom wished us goodbye as we exited the door. I got (S/N) settled in the car before heading off back home to watch the Fazbear TV show. 

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