De karn0123

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what if karna know about his celestial father and he is part of Shiv too. again work of pure fanfiction Mais



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De karn0123

Karna with palanquin carrying Draupadi reached Anga in the evening. Draupadi was welcomed in the palace with all the ceremony performed by Shravan's wife. After welcoming the newly weds, the maids and servants took Draupadi to take bath and change. She was bathed with milk and rose petals and a beautiful red dress with matching jwellery was arranged for her. Draupadi changed the clothes and afterwards she was escorted to chamber of King and Queen where a large bed which was beautifully decorated and scanted candles were lighted. She was placed in the centre of bed and then the maids and others left the chamber.

Draupadi POV

Draupadi was alone for the first time since the swamvar, she wanted to cry in solitude but she can't, all her hopes, dreams, expectations were destroyed. As every girl she too have dreamt about her married life with her love of life but destiny has other plans for and it was quite cruel. She got married to one person that she was desperately trying not to, so much so that out of everyone present there she has rejected him only which caused him to be insulted publically. She was sure, he married to her to get his revenge against the insults which will make her upcoming life a hell she thought. But her most dreaded moment was now, since she has accepted the marriage so she will do her duties no doubt about it but only for this her heart wasn't ready, she never even thought of spending her life with anyone but Arjun, thinking everything teardrops started falling from her eyes. She was so lost in thoughts that she never noticed the door of chamber open and Karna coming in, she still wasn't veiled herself so her tears was clearly visible then she heard her name being called.


Karna entered in his chamber in hope to talk to Draupadi but upon entering he saw one side of face, he finds her lost in her thoughts and tears were flowing from her eyes, he didn't know why she affects him in worst possible way. Her overwhelming emotions of grief and sadness was the reason that made him go on complete the task of swamvar knowing exactly what will happen after that. Afterall he saw she loved Arjun and  he saw how heart broken she was when he missed the target. He knew she may be never be his own but there is part of him that admired her for courage she showed after that, for her father's reputation she agreed to even marry him, the one she rejected despite not knowing anything about him. For all she could know and guess he may be someone vindictive, Cruel and evil who will destroy her life after marriage and seeing her now he can see it was indeed what she thought. He saw her lost in thought and broken once again like swamvar, during journey he never tried to meet her because he was giving her privacy. Seeing her tears make him feel like someone strangled him, he didn't know why or may be he knew the reson and was denying because he know she can never be his. May be he has fallen for the ethereal beauty that was his wife but that thought was painful not rejoice full for him. He may never admit it aloud but one look at her and he was attracted to her but he let it go and was never angered when she rejected him but he fell for her truly not because of beauty but for the sacrifice she made for her father. It was her this act that captured his heart. Her vulnerability is what made him do what he did but seeing her tears once again he feels suffocated. He knew like him she too was struck with him because after Today Arjun will never accept her both because of his ego and pride that were shattered when he failed the task and anger because his rival completed the task and she was married to him. Karna could not even sent her back to Panchal right now because it would be disrespectful to her sacrifice. So she was struck here like a caged Bird, clearly saddened and unhappy. He was just waiting for her to register his presence but she didn't so he called her.

Third person Pov

Karna was standing near the bed and Draupadi was sitting in the middle of bed while he had a blank expression, Draupadi was crying.

Karna : Draupadi.

Hearing karna so close, Draupadi was shocked and her body trembled but first she wiped her tears her life is like this now but she couldn't show her vulnerability to him, she was Yagseni and she has to be strong, after wiping her tears she turned towards him.

Draupadi : Angraj.

Karna then up-close saw his beautiful wife and immediately knew what he was denying was actually true he has fallen for her. He saw her beautiful face, deep eyes that were swollen because of tears and her Rosey lips, her slick neck, she was divine beauty and no body  could deny that. Like her Draupadi was also looking at him closely for first time, he was truly the most handsome man she ever saw and his mark on his forehead seems divine, seeing it for a few seconds she forgot about everything and became enchanted to it. Then she saw he was wearing white Dhoti and sawl was wrapped around him but it still couldn't hide his muscular arms. Realisation drawn upon her as to why he was there and her body started trembling again.

Karna ofcourse saw the trembling but even before that her one word  made it clear what was their status. She didn't consider him her husband as she called him Angraj not Aarya. Hearing that was truly painful but what hurt the most was recognition of fear in her eyes, she was scared by him.

Karna (calmly) : Why are you trembling Draupadi?

Hearing him Draupadi's trembling didn't stop instead she began to cover herself
Seeing that Karna was really Angry, he lost his reasoning, it was naked insult to him and his morals.

Karna (angry) : What are you doing Draupadi?

Draupadi who was not in right frame of mind spoke angrily.

Draupadi : I know you came here to claim your conjugal rights Angraj but be warned I am Yagseni and agnisuta you can't force me Angraj.

This hurted Karna the most till now, does she really think so low of him.

Karna : Draupadi, do you truly think I am so low to force a woman against her will to my bed. Fine Yagseni, angisuta this sutputra promise you that I will never claim any right over you. I release you from all the obligation that you have towards me. You are anyway caged Bird here, In three months I will escort you back to Panchal and till then I will never ever enter your chamber.

Saying that Karna was going to leave the chamber but voice of Draupadi stopped him. She couldn't believe he said that she thought he was like other who will claim his rights regardless so being scared she said whatever came to her mind but she never expected this response

Draupadi : Angraj, wait.

Karna : What else you want Draupadi, Is three months too long for you than I will escort you tomorrow.

Draupadi : Why are you doing this Angraj. Is this revenge you planned for me, I can't go to Panchal or any where. I married to you to....

Karna : To protect your father's reputation I know Yagseni.

Draupadi was shocked hearing this.

Draupadi : How?

Karna : No need to be shocked agnisuta, what else could be reason to give chance to a lowly Sutputra when your beloved prince Arjun couldn't complete the task. You yourself has made very clear in swamvar that you don't want to marry a sutputra then what else could he reason to marry me except saving your father's reputation. As for revenge, then princess I never planned anything for it, it was your swamvar you had right to choose or reject and for your or anyone else's words to couldn't care less unlike you arrogant Kshatriye I don't consider being a Sutputra a sin or reason to be ashamed of infact I am proud of it. Atleast they taught me humanity unlike you all. You can't go back to Panchal fine princess I will do another favor for you, Rest assured Yagseni you will have complete freedom here in Anga you can do as you wish Princess. If you want to be queen be it if you don't it's fine too. You are free to leave whenever and wherever you want.

Draupadi : If you already knew everything Angraj then why did you marry me.

Karna : I have done what any warrior would do Yagseni, I protected the honour of a woman even if you never cared for mine. It my mother's and teacher's taught me because of that I marry you and saved you from a deplorable plight. I can overlook what you did in swamvar but now you have insulted me in most horrible way possible Draupadi, you deeds questioned my upbringing, teaching and morals. I could never overlook it. So be it Draupadi stick to you thoughts about me about being cruel, evil, vindictive and Adharmi. Sleep well Draupadi you can tell me about your decision tomorrow, Pranipat.

Saying that Karna left the room, the actions of Draupadi really hurt him. During all the three days of journey he thought about her and from her perspective. He wanted nothing but to talk to her but clearly she has an impression of him, how he doesn't know infact don't even want to know. He decided to box up all his feelings for her in the remote corner of her heart from now on she will be nothing to him. Nothing hee kept repeating this in his mind.

After Karna left Draupadi was still in the shock about everything happened just at now, she was thinking was she truly wrong she knew she was. Angraj was her husband he has right over her now and he did save her from a life which would be full of misery and insult. If he didn't participated in swamvar and completed the task she would be joke in entire Aaryavrat, what agnisuta or Yagseni she would be treated like plague in her own Kingdom or would be abducted by someone lustful. This was nothing new in Aaryavrat but not only he participated again despite of her insult and rejection but also married her, he protected her dignity too. She was selfishly thinking about herself only but never saw things from his perspective. Would anyone do what he did if he was in his place and she was nothing but ungreatful to him. She decided she would talk to him now so she climbed down the bed and went after him. She was roaming around in the palace it was few minutes since he left but she couldn't find him in any chamber beside her and since it is night there were no maids or servant in the palace, she was roaming around and suddenly she heard sounds of something, she followed the sound and found herself in what she could guess a practicing area. She saw Angraj practicing with swords, she can feel his anger by way he was swinging his sword it was like there were innumerable enemies in front of him and he was cutting them down brutally. He was wearing nothing but his dhoti, she saw his body and was Marvelled by his by creation of God. He has broad chest and shoulder with eight abs. She saw he was covered in sweat because of his intense workout and sweat seems glistening on his fair skin. She was attracted to him that she can't deny. She wasn't very far of, Karna was very Angry and hurt so he directly came to his practice area to vent. Feeling an intense gaze on him he in instincts turned towards it with sword pointing there and saw scared Draupadi. Seeing her standing there scared made him remember what happened in chamber and of his decision. He looked at his hands and He realised that he was pointing sword at her so he lowered it and hardened his expression.

Karna : What do you want now Yagseni, do you want anything else or have you not insulted me enough in your chamber.

Draupadi who came out of her trance and was ashamed of admiring him because her mind and heart was stubbornly clung on to Arjun and her hypothetical thought about him. She was faithful to him only in her mind but there was something about Angraj that enchanted him. She was shocked and scared when Karna pointed sword at her but was relieved as he lowered it but hearing his questions she again faltered.

Draupadi : An... Ang... Angraj.

Karna (impatiently) : What Yagseni?

Draupadi : Angraj, I want to talk to you.

Karna : Go away Yagseni, I have no wish to talk to you and you shouldn't waste time on lowly suta. You are Princess after all you have right to judge someone because of their birth.

Draupadi : Angraj, why are doing this. I came here just to talk.

Karna : I have also gone to you to just talk only but look what has it resulted it for me. I am sorry Princess please leave me alone you and I are nothing but stranger as of now. Please leave me alone, your highness Yagseni.

Draupadi (Angry) : Angraj, you can't insult me like this.

Karna : Insult? Your highness how have I insulted you, this suta has got morals and principles From his suta parents to always respect woman so I never insulted you, it was you your highness that has only insulted me. What else do you want your highness I promise you complete freedom both in Anga and any of your obligations towards me. What else is there that you want, do you want me to escort you to your love prince Arjun if so tell me princess I would do that too.

Draupadi : Angraj, are you accusing me of infidelity?

Karna : No, Princess how can be one infidel when there was no faith in first place. You never has any believe or faith im me so you can't be infidel.

Draupadi : Angraj, enough now you are questioning my upbringing too. It's true I love prince Arjun but now I am married to you you can't questions my commitment.

Karna : What's use of ceremony Your highness when your heart didn't accepted it. Your actions and words today made by it very clear how much was your consent towards this marriage. Don't worry about me taking any revenge from either you or your family. I am not that low despite what you might have believed. Truth is you are not first woman to use me for her or her father's reputation. Go away now Princess.

Draupadi knew he was very angry but she was very stubborn, she is here for something and wouldn't go without it.

Draupadi : I came here to talk to and I won't go away before that.

Karna : I am in no mood or mental state to talk to you. Please leave me alone.

Draupadi : You have to talk to me Angraj.

Karna : Go away Yagseni, this is my warning.

Draupadi : Otherwise what would you do Angraj. I am not going do whatever you want.

Karna was as Angry as he was helpless, he knew he couldn't harm her. His warning was nothing but bluff that could scare anyone but it seems this fireborn was stubborn like him too. He sighed knowing that he has lost the confrontation. He just sat down there and started meditation and ignoring Draupadi. She too was shocked by this, she never thought after all thise warning he will begin mediation but she too was stubborn she came and sat beside him. She knew meditation should not be distributed so she wants to talk to him after he finishes it. She kept waiting but Karna was not in normal meditation but his samadhi which could be only broken by his biological clock Half an hour before sunrise. Sleep began to grasp Draupadi too, she was dozing off but stubbornly sat there and like this in her half asleep state she rested her head on his shoulder and slept.

Far away krishna was laughing seeing all this, he couldn't help but say  “Oh the fire and the sun equally stubborn and pure.”

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