One Shots= The Hobbit and LOTR


60.7K 1.5K 145

One Shot's of LOTR and The Hobbit, I do popular and unpopular people from Middle Earth - even if your've got... Еще

Thorin No.1
Pippin No.1
Frodo No.1
Thorin No.2
Kili No.1
Thranduil No.1
Legolas No.1
Haldir No. 1
Elrond No.1
Fili No.1
Elrond No. 2
Thranduil No. 2
Smaug No.1
Nori No.1
Ori No.1
Dwalin No.1
Boromir No.1
Faramir No.1
Éomer No.1
Aragorn No.1
Morgoth No.1
Legolas No.2 (Modern Reader)
Morgoth No.1 - Part 2
Morgoth No.1 - Part 3
Smaug No.1 - Part 2
Smaug No.1 - Part 3
Smaug No.1 - Part 4
Ori No.2
A/N - 20k Reads
Sauron No.1

Bard No.1

2K 54 1

You crept through the over grown forest, you of course was used to it, and kept on following the young stag that was roaring, you loved roaring season, it brought out the large stags, which meant a larger feed. You smiled as you nocked an arrow onto you beautiful curved bow string. You aimed and let it loose. It went n the center of the eye and pricing it' brain, killing it. You crept up to the dead animal and tied it's feet together, and throw the rope over a tree branch, and started to yank the beast until it was hunting off the ground. You tied the end of the rope to another branch, and called your dogs forward. You owned two dogs, one being (your favorite breed), and the other being a Rhodesia Ridgeback. You never named your dogs, for they usually died. You pulled out your hunting knife and slit the deer's stomach open, inbetween the rib cage, you yanked out the intestines, and cut off the liver, kidneys and heart and feed it to your dogs, then You buried the rest of the intestines. You unstrung the deer, and lifted it onto your shoulders. You smiled, and picked up your bow and you began your way home, by starting at the river, that lead to Thranduil's  kingdom and in the opposite direction was Laketown. You followed the currents slowly, wasting your time on marveling over the beauty of the plants. You snapped back into reality as you heard this squeal of surprise, the a real, blood-draining scream for help. You bolt towards the sound. You halted as you saw a little girl being backed up to the river edge and a peer of orcs surrounding her. Orcs? What where they doing here? You snarled, and nocked an arrow, ''Step away from the girl, or you are to die''
One of the orcs turned to you, it let out a dry laugh, speaking in black-speech. You started to shake ever so slightly, ''Get away from her'' you commanded. The other orc stopped and peered at you. You felt a cold hand clutch your heart and you knew it was fear. You fired at one, going right through it's forehead. You nocked an arrow and felt a dagger enter your collarbone. You wanted to scream, but it caught in your throat. You twisted around, pushed the orc over and you stabbed it multiple times. You got back up, and you noticed that you were surrounded. You walked over to the little girl, ignoring the pain in you collarbone, or the dagger that stuck out of it. You clutched down to her level, tears stained her face, you would say she was only two of age. You picked her up, and watched as the orcs surrounded you. How could so many not been seen? How could you have missed them? You walked backwards into the water, whispering, ''Shhh dear child'' You watched as a head orc, nock an arrow and aim it at you. You felt yourself tearing up. You came knee deep into the water, the currents already pulling at you. You closed you eyes, and hear a hiss of an arrow, you waited for death, but the hissing continued. You opened your eyes, to see a very attrative man with a long bow looking at you with eyes of pity, your dogs at his feet. He made his way over to you staggered and fought to keep your footing. The bowman was handsome and far more so when up close, he had green eyes and dark hair. The little girl squirmed slightly in your grasp, you nervously stepped forward, the bowman spoke, ''Are you alright?" You noticed he was speaking to you not the little girl. You nodded, ''I'm fine'' You voice was hoarse. The bowman approached you, even though you were in water, bloodied and gawking at him. He took the girl out of your arms, ''Tilda what did I say of walking off like that?" The little girl, Tilda hid her embarrassed features in his cloak. The bowman looked to you again, you suddenly noticed how in pain you were, and how dizzy you felt. You staggered, ''I've got to go'' you said weakly, staggering away to your dogs, and picking up the deer that you carelessly throw on the ground. The bowman jogged after you, ''No wait!" You turned around, the dagger in your shoulder blade came centimeters away from the bowman. ''You are not going away, with that wound of yours not cared for'' His tone offered no arguments. You shook your head, ''It's fine'' in honesty it wasn't. The bowman grunted and placed Tilda down. And throw you over his back. You cried out in protest, Tilda giggled.  The bowman didn't listen to your protest, he held out his hand and Tilda took it, she stared at you a small smile creased on her features. You swore that the bowman grinned, but in a blink it was gone. He carried  you to his barge, and sat you down, Tilda smiled her two year old smile. And rested her head on your lap, our forty how you missed children. Your dogs whimpered as the barge jolted forward. You found yourself looking up to the bowman. You gritted your teeth, as the pain lengthened and numbed you body. You felt much dizzier. No! You weren't going to collapse in front of a little girl and her attrative father. You slapped yourself mentally, he would have a wife! Stop thinking he's handsome! You drifted off into a sleep before you could fight it.

Some years later...

You smiled as Bard came into the house. Tilda raced forward, ''Da! Where have you been?'' Tilda embraced him gladly. Sigrid also goes to embrace him, ''Father! There you are, We were getting worried'' your smiled broadened as Bard look at you, but this time he didn't return it.  ''Bain, get them in'' Bain rushed away. You frowned, ''And what is 'them'?"
Bard yet again looked at you, and opened his mouth to reply,until Sigrid said uncertainly, leaning on the rails that lead to the toilet. ''Da, why are dwarves coming out of our toilet?"
Tilda asked afterwards, ''Will they bring us luck?"
You curiously as Bard, Bard looked at Bain, ''get them dry clothing''
Balin raced off, Bard quickly explaining, ''They won't be the best of fut, but they'all keep you warm''
You sighed, as you turned to the dinner you were preparing. You sighed again, mumbling to yourself, ''Looks like I have to make more'' you knew how much a dwarf could eat, and drink and that to you was terrifying, let alone what they could do, in best of words you hated how short they were and yet they were strong... it didn't appeal to you. You started to cut some pork that you hunted three days before. You draw back to reality as you heard a clashing of steel go, and loud complaining from the dwarfs. You frowned, a watched as a elder one of them speak softly to... ''Thorin, why not take what's on offer and go? I've made do with less, so have you''  You glanced at Bard, Bard seemed to consider, you looked back to the meat. ''I say we leave now" the elder one offered, Bard interpreted, ''You're not going anywhere'' Another one snarled, ''What did you say?"
Bard answered, ''There are spies watching this house in probably every dock and wharf in town. We must wait till nightfall''
You looked over your shoulder, Bard went outside. You sighed as you finished dinner, and set them in bowls. And told Sigrid and Tilda to hand them out. You went after Bard. Bard was racing into town, you followed, you founded him racing back, you grabbed his arm. ''What is the matter?" You asked, he voiced out to you in a low whisper, ''And the bells shall ring in gladness at the mountain king's return. But all shall fail in sadness and the lake will shine and burn'' and raced back to the house leaving you puzzled. You went after him, Bard charged back out the door as you made your way up the stairs, it was almost reminding you of a game of tag. Bard paused, ''Look after the kids''

You groaned as you sat down at the table in Bard's house as the dwarfs took their leave to the mountain. Bard came in looking tired, you gave a weary smile. ''That was interesting'' you admitted, although it was the most confusing, eventful two days of my life, you didn't add. Bard seemed to read you mind. And walked up to the window, peering at the lonely mountain.  Bard spoke out of earshot of the children. ''I advise you to leave, Y/N'' you frowned.
''And why is that?"
Bard turned to you, ''Because I feel our business with the dwarves and that dragon are yet not over''
You tipped your head to the side, ''Well then I'm staying with you''
Bard shook his head, ''You have a family in Rohan go there''
You allowed to play a playful smile on your face. ''No''
''what! I'm not leaving you!'' Bard gently came face to face with you.
''Then take the children''
You let out a cold laugh, ''I care for them, I really do. But I'm still not leaving you'' Bard put his hand gently on your face, and his lips claimed yours.

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