The vampire world

By MelodyT24

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"For your information, I refuse to barbie myself up to be sold to some bloodsucking demons?" Gabriella yelled... More

Chapter 16
Chapter 19
Chapter 20


36 5 0
By MelodyT24

Slade Donovan POV

I was a werewolf.

A wolf that was supposed to be extinct, but I am one. I growled at everyone I found in the hallway as I made my way to the King's office. When I got to the entrance, I met three Guards, and when they saw me, they all bowed.  I didn't bother to ask about the king or let them announce my presence; I just barged into the office unannounced.

The office was a large one with a round table and twelve chairs, which the king used for a special meeting. He also had a unique desk at the left corner of the room. A two-seater brown leather couch was also in the office, and behind it was a shelf filled with different files and books concerning state affairs.

My father, the king, was having a Conversation with Zepeda, Luciana's father. " prince Slade!" Zepeda was the first to notice me. "We were just talking about you."

"Seems the talk has to wait," I replied. "Zepeda, step out, please," I ordered.

Zepeda looked from me to my father. He tried to say something, but I yelled at him. " Get out! I need to talk to the king."

"You may leave Zepeda." The king ordered, and Zepeda bowed and left the office. "What was that?" My father questioned.

"That was an order!" I growled.

My father gasped and stood up from his chair. He walked closer to me and touched my face.

"How? Why...."

"That's not the point, Father. You lied to me my whole life."

"It was the only way to protect you, son."

I chuckled and pointed to my eyes. "You should have informed me."

My father tried to grab my hand, but I slapped it away. I growled at him and walked towards his desk. I pushed the files, Laptop, and books on the desk to the ground. I growled again and kicked the desk. "Listen to me, Son!" My father yelled. "You are the heir to the Vampire throne. If they find out that you are part wolf, they'll reject you."

"You should have told me! You and mother lied to me!"

"How did you find out? Let me guess; it was Teale, right?"

"Does it matter?" I asked him. "I was already suspecting it, but I never thought I'll be another creature."

"You can't tell anyone. If anybody knows, they'll need to die." My father told me. "Did you tell anybody else?"

I looked at him and found him Staring back at me. "Kyle also knows."

"Anybody else?"

I bit my lips as I fell into my father's trap. He has a way of getting people's and making them spill their minds. If my father Finds out that Gabriella knows, he is going to kill her, and I isn't going to live with that. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. When I opened them, My Father was standing closer to me. He placed a hand on my shoulder and patted it gently. "There is no one else," I quickly said before he could trap me in his manipulative thought.

"That's good. No one needs to know until you become king."

"But they'll find out later," I pushed his hand away from my shoulder.

"We are expecting guests that help the world grow. I don't think we need to worry about your new identity now."

"Stop being selfish!"

My father grabbed me by the throat and flung me to the nearest wall. My back hit the wall. I landed on the ground but quickly jumped up. I rushed towards my father, but he was prepared. He grabbed me by the throat and raised me. I fought against him, but I wasn't strong enough. He flung me again, but I didn't hit the wall; instead, I hit the round table. "You will listen to me, son!" My father shouted. "I've served this world long, and you won't destroy all my handiwork. Keep your identity a secret, but I'll kill that slave you are obsessing with." He threatened me with Gabriella.

Right, Gabriella was my weakness.

I came down from the table and walked towards him. I pointed a finger of warning at him. "You touch a hair on Gabriella's head; I'll kill you myself." I threatened him and turned to walk out of the office.

"Your uncle was just like you. I am messing over a girl. This is why I wouldn't say I like that creature. When all of this is over, I'll find a way to end your wolf side."

I growled at him when he said the wolf. I turned back to face him, but I didn't say anything. I gave him a final look before walking out of the office. As soon as I left the office, I entered the royal infirmary. When the doctors saw me, they all bowed, but I didn't acknowledge any of them. I walked into their store in search of something.

There were three shelves in the storage, and on two shelves were Medicine for humans. The last shelf was for the vampires. I searched the first row for a particular drug, and when I saw it, I put it inside my pocket and walked out of the infirmary. I made my way out of the castle and sat under the tree where I found Gabriella. I bought the drug out and stared at it for a while. It was a drug that weakened the Vampire's strength and body system. They call it 'Ruger root,' but I call it a Death sentence. The drug makes vampires lose every bit of power they have, and if they don't take the antidote, they'll lose consciousness. Ruger root could kill an average vampire if taken in excess.

Finding out about my new identity was a lot to take in, and the only thing I felt could help me forget the Ruger root.

The drug was in a small bottle. I uncapped the bottle and inhaled it before gulping the entire content. Ten seconds later, my Vision grew hazy, and I couldn't see anything. I held my throat as I felt a burning sensation throughout my body. I let out a scream and fell to the ground.


Gabriella POV

"It's been three hours, and you still can't find him!" Kyle yelled at the guards he assigned to find Slade. After the vast confession, Slade went away, and we couldn't find him for three hours. I wasn't at peace as I felt terrible for him. I never really liked Slade, but the bond drew us together. After finding out about his second identity, I felt awful for him. I wanted to comfort him, but he was nowhere to be found.

"I gave you an order! Find Slade, but you bunch of idiots return without him!" Kyle yelled again, and I had to cover my ears.

"That's enough, Kyle. We will find him."Teale assured him, but there was a hint of uncertainty in his tone. " we have to find him before the king finds out, and we have....." He looked at me.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I questioned him. Kyle also looked at me, and I knew it had something to do with Slade. "I can't find him," I quickly said. "I don't have your powerful superpowers."

"But you are connected," Teale added.


"Yes, you are," Kyle said. "You can find him."

"But how?" I questioned.

Teale walked to me and grabbed my hand. "I can find him by using you."

I yanked my hand from his. "Use who? How will you use me?" My tone quickly changed into a scary one. I was scared of what Teale was going to do.

"I'm trying to find him through you." Teale pointed out. He grabbed my hand again, but this time, I held on to it.

"Let's do this for Slade," I didn't know when I said that, but at that moment, I was ready to do anything for Slade, and it had nothing to do with the Bond.

Teale closed his eyes, and I did the same. He began to whisper Some words. They were foreign, yet they sounded Familiar. While he continued to whisper, I was drawn into a dark room. The darkroom was soon filled with water, and I was slowly drowning.

"Help me!" I shouted.

The water engulfed me, and I sank to the bottom. I saw a figure at the bottom and swam toward it. The figure turned out to be a person, but I couldn't see the face. I touched the person and tried to pull the hand, but everything disappeared as quickly as it came.

I screamed out into reality and yanked my hand out of Teale's. "I found him," I struggled to say as I gasped for breath.

Teale also opened his eyes and looked at me. "He is in the river." We both said at the same time.

"Let's go find him." Kyle was soon out of Teale's room. Teale and I also walked out of the room and soon arrived at the river. "What is he doing under the water?"

"Only one way to find out," Teale jumped into the river. He went deep into the river and, in a few seconds, was back to the surface with Slade in his arm. "Whatever this asshole did to himself, it's not good." He placed Slade beside the river.

Kyle and I rushed to him and tried to wake him. Kyle slapped his face, but Slade didn't show any sign of waking up. His face was rigid and paler than the average vampire's soft skin. His skin was white as snow. "What happened to him?" I grabbed his hand and caressed it gently.

It was cold and hard.

"We must take him to his room before the king finds out." Teale carried him on his back, and when I tried to remove my hand from his, he responded.

"He moved!" I shouted when Slade grabbed my hand and held it tight.

"He recognized your touch. Hold onto him." Kyle advised.

Teale was fast as he tried to enter Slade's room without getting noticed. I had to run to keep up with his pace. When we got to Slade's blue room, he was lying on his bed with water dripping from his body into his bed. His hair was also wet, and I felt the urge to run my hand through it. "He is growing weaker. We need to inform the king!" Kyle sounded worried about his brother.

"No!" Teale refused. "Gabriella should stay by his side. With her touch, he should be okay."

"You are making a mistake!" I shouted but I later agreed to it.

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