I Hate You But I Love You More

Door My_Flower101

9.1K 342 17

They say desperate times call for desperate measures. They even say blood is thicker than water. Still, is it... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Authors Note!
Author's Note

Chapter 3

316 12 2
Door My_Flower101

I don't know if I have mention this but...I'm really not friends with heights. Or departing land for that matter. I haven't travel by plane in my entire life and it is all for a reason. I am mortified to even think about plummeting from above. I mean it's a plane with 'wings'. Let's be honest it's no bird. My entire life is in the hands of some guy. No offense.

I am standing on the stairs, just in front the entrance of Darson's private jet. My feet are glued to it. I am not ready to make such a decision. How high do these things even go? "Mrs. Meldeev, please enter." A man gestures for me to proceed but all I can do is blink at his order.

After an awkward round of stares exchanged between us both, I make a small laugh. "This is a whole jet, huh?" I nod to myself with an awkward smile. "Isn't it amazing what the world can do? Stick a few things in there and up we go." I tap the jet lightly, my following laughter humourless. "Don't even mention these pilots. I commend their braincells-"

"Just get in the jet. Unlike you, I have business to do and is a very busy man." I glare at Darson before an eye roll surfaces.

"And apparently you're an insolent jerk too." I stomp my way into the jet. The flight attendant beside the door snorts, a smile fighting to pull at his lips. Darson looks between us for a split second before going back to stare at a document. He really thinks he's that important.

I drop down in the seat opposite him just as another flight attendant emerges. "Good day, Mr. and Mrs. Meldeev. Please fasten your seat belts. We are preparing for take off." Darson and I nod before complying. My palms are beginning to sweat and I am too prideful to wipe it because I know Darson will jab at me. He doesn't talk much but when he does, it's never something good. He puts the phrase 'if you have nothing good to say don't say it at all' to shame.

"If you continue shaking your leg like that you'll bring down the plane." My attention snaps to Darson, my legs immediately halting. Wait, what? He just said-. My breathing slowly increases and the only way I thought about helping my current situation is to open my mouth. Of course, I can't make promises that it'll be smart.

"Can it really?" I lean forward as though asking him a secret I don't want the staff to hear. He doesn't spare me one glance. I swear if I keep rolling my eyes like this they'll roll right out of its sockets one day. "I was only joking, anyway." I mutter before leaning back in my seat.

"You can now remove your seatbelts." My seatbelt is fine thanks. Darson removes his and I can't help but snicker in my head. Such a show off. So I'm terrified of heights much more planes, big deal. Look how smug he appears. Just because you're clinging onto a white sheet of paper and not your seat doesn't mean you get points over me. Face palm. What am I even saying?

I glance back in Darson's directions to be met with an empty seat. Why is Darson's seat empty? My eyes settle on a retreating Darson as he makes his way down the little hall. "W-where are you going?" He ignores me as expected and the panic starts rising in my chest as I stand to my feet. There's no way I'm staying here alone. I grip onto the seat, my feet dragging against the floor as I go. My hands don't dare part from any solid object. The nausea is clambering its way up my throat and honestly it's becoming harder to keep it down. I feel like the floor is about to open up and swallow me whole.

When my hands do not meet with anything tangible, I slowly stoop to the floor. Darson is busy reading some kind of book so I bet say he will not notice me clinging onto the floor for dear life as I make my way to the small sofa opposite him. Almost there. Almost there. A little further. Just one more-. I freeze in place, my hand lingering in the air as a result of my inability to finish my next step forward.

I almost jump out of my skin for crying out loud. Wasn't he reading his book? Why is he staring at me in...what is that? Amusement? I'm a bit creeped out honestly. Since when does he sport such a look. He's pulling it off too. Darn him!

I blink twice at him and he does the same. Why does that water drop sound effect pops into my head at each blink? I haven't spend a proper day with the guy yet and I'm already losing my marbles.

I quickly grasp my ears, a nervous laugh emitting my throat. "I'm looking for my earring." He nods and I swear he is silently laughing at me for a split second. It is brief because let's face it. Does Darson know what a smile is? A genuine one? Much less a laugh?

"But isn't it in your ear?" His eyebrows arch and I can see he is enjoying himself.

I clutch my ears and the awkward laugh forces itself through again. "Oh, so strange." I throw myself onto the couch, my eyes wandering everywhere but Darson. Way to embarrass myself.

I fold my hands on my lap and take the opportunity to view the room. It is small but very cozy. Two plush cream sofas are on each side of the jet and in the middle is a small coffee table with a few stacks of magazines. I am not surprise he has his own jet and I am definitely not surprise it is this classy.

I reach for a magazine that catches my attention. I may as well occupy myself. It's not like we're getting down from here any time soon and it's very unlikely Darson will participate in unnecessary banter I imagine he will call it. "What's wrong with your hand?" At first I am confuse. The stinging in my hand that follows reminds me of my little misstep yesterday.

"I fell." I answer simply.

"When?" He pushes on and I blow a sigh, my eyes finding his.

"When you refused to help." He remains silent for a moment. What is going on in that egotistical, swell headed brain of his? I really wonder.

"I wasn't at fault so why should I? What am I? One of your help from the Bain mansion?" He says this so unbothered that I can't begin to believe this guy.

"A human. You're human." He rolls his eyes. How does he even manage to look good rolling his eyes back into his head? I don't understand.

"Get a first aid kit." The flight attendant who happens to be passing by nods before leaving. He goes back to reading his magazine and I can't help but glare at him.

"Here it is. I'll do it, sir." The flight attendant announces but he takes the kit from her hands.

"I'll do it. Go take a break." She nods before she leaves with her hands folded in front her. Darson reaches for my hand and I quickly pull it to my chest. I eye him suspiciously. He narrows his eyes at me and I do the same. Why did he offer to do this? I'm skeptical about his intentions.

Darson then stands and slowly makes his way toward me. I stand as well, discreetly moving away inch by inch. Why is he looking at me like that? Like a lion will at his prey.

I am about to make a run for it but he grabs me by the waist and pulls me toward him. My back hits against his chest which results with his face being directly next to mine. I can basically feel his breath against my face. Personal space violation.

There's an unfamiliar feeling in my stomach I can't quite put my finger on. That's definitely because of the height. I mean, what else can it be?

His hand goes down to cup mine and I glance over my shoulder to look at him. His eyebrows are furrowed as he is deep in thought. He then lifts my hand up to eye level to inspect it. The gash isn't that big. It is a mere scratch.

"I'll clean it and put a bandage." He swiftly turns on his heels all the while dragging me towards the couch. He turns so sharply, I almost bump into him. A hand clamps down on my shoulder then pushes me to sit on the sofa. Darson takes a seat on the edge of the coffee table then proceed to open the small first aid kit.

He opens his hand for me to place in his and I look away. I am afraid that if I look into those eyes, I will melt. What? The guy has nice eyes, sue me. He reaches for my hands and his touch makes me uneasy. Why is he being so gentle? It feels foreign. Scary. Like he'll suddenly break it.

He turns over my hand so that my palms are to the ceiling. Darson then gently brushes the antiseptic wipes over the small gash and I squirm at the stinging around the bruised area. His eyebrows crease as he leans forward to lightly blow on the cut. I try to retract my hand but his grip has me talking myself out of punching him. Why the death grip? Does he want to break my phalanges. Knowing him I can't expect anything less.

His eyes find mine and we stare. A lock of hair falls into his eyes. I reach out to brush it away by habit but he immediately draws back before taking a bandage from the kit. James has long hair and I always had to remove his hair from his face. The embarrassment quickly rises.

Darson briskly place the bandage on the cut then tap my hand twice before walking off towards the bathroom on the jet.

I sit there with my mouth agape. Is the air up here doing something to him? Is it the pressure?

I am so caught in my thoughts that I forget my surroundings. Where is everyone? I peek around the jet quickly. No flight attendants. No Darson. Um...humans? Anyone?

My heart is now racing for a different reason. That first reason I'll like to not talk about. I nervously pull my feet up to my chest. Darson will appear soon. Why is he taking so long? Maybe I should go find him? Then that will require walking and I am not a fan of walking on a flying jet.

I groan and hug my knees tighter. During that exact time, the jet makes a small lurch and my head shoot up. What the-? I hug the couch tightly and shut my eyes. I can't die now! I just got married! The last song I listened to isn't a Shawn Mendes!

"What are you doing?" I hear a voice say and I slowly look up to come face to face with Darson. His forehead has a crease and his head is tilted to the side as if assessing me.

I beam, embarrassingly. I slowly let go off the couch and give him a thumbs up. "Nothing weird, I'm sure." I mutter and he sighs with a shake of his head. At least I am not alone anymore. "Everyone disappeared. I thought-" He knuckles me on the forehead.

"That this is a remake of Left Behind?" He finishes for me and I fold my hands on my chest. "We've been on this plane for an hour, I am bound to use the washroom at some point." He walks over to the sofa. I roll my eyes before I return to the couch. Truthfully, I want to relieve myself too but there's no way I am going in an airborne bathroom.

"Would you like anything Mr. and Mrs. Meldeev?" The same blonde flight attendant earlier asks with a wide smile.

"Yes. Bring us lunch." Darson replies and she nods obediently. "Some champagne will do for me and as for..." He glances at me. "Her." He points at me and I curse under my breath. He knows my name.

"Orange juice, please." The flight attendant nods before walking off. I clear my throat and take a look at my surroundings. There isn't much to do here. I should have really place my books in my carry on bag. I wonder what Darson is doing on that expensive laptop of his?

I tiptoe toward him to peek over his shoulder. Huh? What is that? I bring my face closer to the screen. Work? "You're breathing on my neck. My personal space is being violated." I pull back quickly.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really bored." I tell him with a pout and he sighs. So bored that I forget I am standing.

"Your food is here." The flight attendant appears again with a tray and I make my way to the couch. She places the plate of food in front me and I mumble a thank you. She then go over to Darson and do the same. He doesn't even say thank you.

Spoil brat.

When she is finish, she nods then leave. I pick at my food slowly as I pretend to be deep in thought. Food. Jet. Thousands of kilometres up in the sky. I already feel the scraps of food I have manage to swallow coming right back up. Air sickness.

"Are you not hungry? Or are you not satisfied with the menu?" His eyes never left the screen of the laptop.

I fumble with my words as I try to come up with an explanation. "N-no. I-I'm just not that hungry. The menu is fine."

"Passengers, please fasten your seatbelts. We are now fifteen minutes from landing." The smile that is growing on my face threatens to consume me. Great. We are almost there.

Darson and I move to the passenger seating where we fasten our seatbelts and wait. I am practically bouncing on my feet out of excitement. I have never been to New York. This will be completely new.

After a few minutes pass by, the voice on the intercom interrupts again. "We are now safely landed. Welcome to New York and have a nice stay." I breathe out a heavy sigh. Finally. I unbuckle myself and proceed to stretch out my muscles.

"Can I have some juice over here, please?" Darson orders randomly and a flight attendant scurry off. She is quick about it too. In less than a minute she is making her way to Darson with a glass of ice and a mug. She stands in front Darson and quickly pours juice into the glass.

"I'll have some too, thank you." I tell her and she briefly glances at me to nod. In that split second she accidentally pours juice all over Darson.

"For the love of living, can you all do something right without being a burden!" He stands, wiping off juice on his perfectly ironed suit that probably cost him a fortune. "One thing I asked you to do! Just one, for crying out loud!" He is shouting at her and I don't like the way she looks scared out of her mind. The facial expression she holds are one of mix emotions. Fear. Regret. Disappointment in herself.

I stand beside Darson. "Darson, calm down. It was an accident." I tug on his arm and he pulls away.

"Today is your last day on this job and I will make sure of it!" The flight attendant has tears in her eyes as she hiccups, her hands shaking.

"Darson!" I scold and his sharp eyes turn to me. "Cut her some slack!"

"Was I speaking to you just now?!" He shouts at me and I jolt, completely taken off guard. "I suggest you get in the car and keep your mouth shut." I blink, completely taken aback. Why is he acting so harsh? It is only a small mistake.

"Miss, just forget it. It was my mistake." The flight attendant begs me as she tugs on my arm for me to leave.

I gently push her aside to stand directly in front of Darson. Maybe if I try calming him down we'll be fine. I put my hands on both his arm and look into his eyes. "People make mistakes all the time." I whisper and he gives a short humourless laugh.

"Like I did yesterday at the alter?" My heart drops and so does my hands on his arm. It is like getting burn. I try reading his expression. Surely he doesn't mean it. I mean, I agree it is out of our control and that we didn't genuinely make the choice to be husband and wife but it still hurt. It hurt that he will say it so boldly that it is a mistake.

I glare before moving toward the exit. I don't want to see his smug expression. I don't want to see him internally laugh at me. On the last step of the jet, I almost fall and one of the men dressed in suits reaches out to grab me. I crash into his chest and linger there for a while. Darson really is an ass and I've just confirm it. "Are you alright, miss?" The man asks, a bit concern.

"Get your hands off her. Your job is to get her to the car not console her. That's my job." Darson's stern voice fills my head and I slowly pull away from the guy who is holding me. Darson yanks me to him and I crash into his chest. Is Darson trying to save face after his little act just now? I look up at him as he stares into my eyes with clenched jaws. He then goes for his side of the car. I take a deep breath before going for the other side where a chauffeur opens the door for me.

I slide into the seat, immediately turning my body slightly so that I am facing out the window. How dare he talk about consoling me is his job after embarrassing me on the jet in front of all these people?

When we arrive home I go directly up the stairs. I stop at the top and look back at him. "Where's my room?" No answer. He continues to tap away on his phone. I turn to the left with a huff before heading down the hall.

"Down the right, third room on your left." I immediately turn on my heels and head the other way. I follow his directions and wind up in an exquisite room. I have to say, it is pretty. Most of the stuff is white but the light blue bed covers and curtains theme really do the room well. I head over to the far door and come face to face with a bathroom. It's basically spotless and super spacious just like the one at my home. The bathtub and shower off to the side kind of reminds me off home too.

I go back into the room, my eyes finding the walk in closet, a chest of drawers and a vanity. At least it isn't as different to what I have home. It's just that they look way more expensive.

Maybe Darson's suit cost a fortune that's why he acted like such a prick back at the jet. His limited edition suit got ruin and he couldn't hold himself back from lashing out. Still, what gives him the right?

Where is he anyway? I find myself searching for Darson on the second floor of his apartment. I haven't check it out yet but it looks like a really nice penthouse.

I stop at the half open door to peek in. There he is. In all his brooding, arrogant glory. I push the door open. Oh. A home office. "You can't fire that flight attendant. She did no intentional wrong." Darson does what Darson does best. Ignore the people around him. Did no one teach him some manners. "You really are-"

"It's a simple lesson. As employees they need to take their jobs seriously. You mess up then you're dismissed. I'm allergic to incompetent people." He states, his eyes sweeping over multiple papers. He hasn't look at me yet.

"It was one mistake. A small mishap." I try explaining but this is Darson I'm talking to. I've known him for all but two days and let me tell you, it doesn't take very long to figure out the kind of person he is. "Firing her is a bit much."

"Worry about yourself and not others. If I had a say in this marriage, I'd fire you too." I snort. I'm completely appalled. Who is this man?

"If it really was in our hands then you won't even have to. I'd long resign." I shoot back at him.

Finally he looks at me. "Let's not forget who needs who here." The smirk on his face is like a taunt I want to give into. I just want to slap that smirk right off his face.

"Ahhh." I give a short, humourless laugh. "I was wondering when you'll throw the low blow."

"Get out, Khara." With pleasure.


Thank you again for reading this story. Here's another chapter for you and don't forget to vote and comment your every thought!!!

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