her, once again.

Door chickenwaffles_

20.1K 768 170

chaennie oneshots. Meer

trust. (2)
miss president.
idol. (2)
secret. (2)
just the two of us.
feeling loved.

addict. (2)

876 50 17
Door chickenwaffles_

since rosie left to new york for the gala, home felt too empty to bear.

jennie didn't wanna admit that at first because that means she was just a clingy and a needy girlfriend that couldn't live without rosie by her side. but that just facts. she couldn't stand being left alone and had to live at the apartment by herself, waiting for her girl to come back.

things that were placed around the apartment were not much of a help either because it was just screamed rosie so much. it reminded her of her girlfriend everyday. and it suck. it really was.

maybe that was the reason why jennie made her self busier after she had left. she basically drowned herself in work all day, as many as she could do.

she took all the job opportunities, meetings, photoshoots, commercial ads, anything that could distract her from missing her girlfriend so much.

if she had a day off, she just used all of her time to workout or literally did any activities that she could do. she just didn't wanna let herself got carried away with the emptiness that she felt right after rosie bid her goodbye.

jennie tried to not contact her girlfriend as much, because she didn't wanna bother the younger girl while she did her schedule there. but the thing that really made her feel upset was that when she did text her or at least tried to call her, rosie rarely replied or pick up.

she must've been busy with her own thing, and jennie tried to understand that. but it just suck that rosie didn't tell her anything, even at the end of the day where she already finished her schedule.

jennie didn't know what was her girlfriend was doing, or what was her plan for the next day. they rarely talked.

jennie had been waiting for her replies or maybe a call, but it never came. yeah, in the end rosie did finally text her. but it was just her saying sorry that she couldn't stay out late, or that she was tired etc.

well, to be honest, jennie did feel hurt by this. she felt being ignored. and that rosie didn't care that much. but of course, she didn't bring it up. she didn't want to disturb rosie with her own neediness and the fact that she was just being clingy.

so she tried to understand.

but when she had just started trying to adapt to this change, something happened that ruined it all over again.

it was one morning. almost noon actually, because she woke up quite late. jennie had a meeting with her staff last night and she had to stay up til midnight, also she drank two cups of americano which ended up being the reason why she couldn't close her eyes.

she woke up with notifications bombarding her phone. the pinks groupchat.

they didn't usually be this chatty in the morning which made jennie feel intrigued. she opened the chat and the first that she saw immediately made her heart sank.

lisa was the one who started the whole conversation with a picture of none other than rosie with another girl. a selfie.

'OMG ROSIE! ISN'T THIS THE GIRL FROM THE MET? SHE PRETTY!' lisa exclaimed that over her text.

it was apparently a screenshot from rosie's instagram post. her posting a selfie with a girl that jennie recognized from rosie's photos at the met.

they seemed close. closer than jennie would've expected and she didn't know why that made her feel somehow upset?

and the fact that made it worse was that rosie replied on the group chat instead of texting or calling her first. and the girl hadn't contacted her since yesterday. jennie frowned.

the girls were now chatting with each other over texts and jennie, feeling a little betrayed, decided to close her phone and left it laying on her bed as she walked out of the room.

was jennie feeling jealous? maybe. maybe she was. maybe that was the reason why when she caught a glimpse of rosie's favorite flower vase at the living room, it made her mood worse. and it also might've been the reason why she decided to not spend the night there that day.


it was near midnight when jennie heard the front door being unlocked and came rustling sounds into the apartment. the girl was sitting on the dining table with her laptop on in front of her and when she knew rosie had come home, she purposely stayed there.

the blonde appeared a minute after that, seemed tired from the long flight but confusion was plastered on her face when she spotted her girlfriend.

jennie immediately caught her eyes and inside, her heart swelled at the sight. at the sight of her girlfriend in front of her again.

she just wanted to run to her and throw herself into the girl's arms, but remembering what happened and how rosie had treated her for the past few days, she held that thought.

however, the blonde seemed to not realized what was happening or why jennie was acting in a certain way, like usual. she had this pure innocent look on her face, which jennie just found to be really cute. but of course, she also tried to put that thought behind.

"jen?" the younger girl called out. her voice sounded hoarse than usual. maybe because she was exhausted, "i thought you already went to bed. you didn't pick up my call."

she put down her handbag on the chair in front of jennie, and jennie, who was trying to keep her emotions still, averted her eyes away.

"i didn't have my phone with me," jennie moved her attention back to her laptop's screen.

"oh," the blonde hesitated at the cold gesture. she noticed that the older girl was still wearing proper clothes, "you went somewhere today?"

jennie only shook her head as a reply.

"you didn't?" the blonde lifted her eyebrows, confused.

"i've been staying at my mom's," jennie stated briefly.

"your mom's?" rosie obviously had no clue why her girlfriend acted like this. something was up. the jennie that she knew would immediately welcome her with hugs and kisses and even greet her right in front of the door. and she was actually expecting that earlier.

"wait, for how long?" rosie asked, still in confusion.

jennie shrugged.

"jen...," rosie pulled out the chair in front of her and sat on it, facing the brunette, "why? what is it?"

jennie didn't respond anything back as she was still trying to avoid the girl's eyes.

rosie gazed at the brunette's cold expression and couldn't help but to wonder what did she mess up. this must've been happening because of her. she did something wrong, didn't she?

"what did i do?" the girl asked.

jennie finally lay her eyes on those brown irises again and after a few seconds without saying anything, she huffed out. "you just don't care, do you?"

"don't care?" rosie seemed surprised, "about what?"

"everything," jennie uttered. then she leaned her body back to the chair, "me."

rosie looked puzzled. she obviously had no idea what the brunette was talking about. and it for sure made jennie felt more annoyed.

"whatever," jennie spatted. the girl stood up from her seat and closed her laptop, planning to leave the room.

"wait, jen," the blonde reached out for the older girl's hand, preventing her from leaving.

jennie landed her eyes on the blonde's again, just waiting for the girl to say anything although it wouldn't even change her mind.

"talk to me," the voice that came out from the blonde almost sounded like pleading, "what did i do?"

jennie stared at her for a few seconds, almost gave in right away, but she decided to clench that thought back and stepped away. she left the room instead, leaving the blonde hanging all by herself.

jennie immediately thought that she did too much and she shouldn't have been that cruel towards the girl, but she was just trying to make rosie realize what she messed up. and as she passed by the hallway, she saw two big luggages and her heart instantly sank.

the girl must've been very exhausted from the long flight. plus the jet lag.

jennie felt terrible. but knowing how stubborn she really was, the brunette still decided to continue her step into the bedroom.

jennie didn't remember when rosie got into bed last night. or if she even went to bed. because when she woke up, the space next to her was empty.

and it just didn't sit right for her.

she missed her girlfriend so much. and it was actually stupid that rather than welcoming her home and being happy for her, she decided to act out and gave her the cold shoulder.

and that second, panic immediately came over her. she messed up this time. she shouldn't have treated rosie like that. she was terrible.

the brunette jumped off the bed and ran outside to find her girlfriend.

she wasn't in the living room or in the bathroom which made jennie feel even more worried. jennie was already thinking of the worst scenario, that rosie felt hurt of what she did last night and decided to leave the apartment. or she probably spent the night in someone else's.

jennie's stomach felt like it had been flipped over with the thought.

she was ready to dial the girl's number when she stepped into the kitchen and spot the blonde hair.

rosie was facing the other way, heads down, while her hand was stirring on something. it immediately reminded jennie of the dorm days, when rosie was always excitedly making breakfast for the girls when they had a schedule for the day. and she remembered how the younger girl always made the one for her a little bit more special than the others. (without them knowing, of course).

rosie always thought highly of her. and treated her special. it had always been like that. the girl would stand up for her no matter how and always showered her with praises whenever she could.

jennie realized how those things really affected her. the warm gestures that rosie had given her these years never even changed a little bit. yeah, the girl had become more mature now, but she was still her bubbly self. and those things that she had done when she was younger never disappeared.

jennie realized that she was the one who was being immature. acted out on something that was supposed to be not a big deal. letting her jealousy won over.

the thought made jennie feel ashamed of herself.

she watched over the blonde's gesture. even from the back, the girl seemed tired. she looked like all her energy was drained.

"did you sleep last night?" jennie threw out the question abruptly even before greet her with anything.

rosie paused at her place for a second, realizing that jennie was standing behind her. the blonde turned around and their eyes found each other in an instant.

they were both staring at each other for a good second before rosie finally answered, "kinda."

jennie noticed how tired the girl looked. but nonetheless, her messy blonde hair actually looked very attractive in the morning, it was actually one of jennie's favorite thing to find.

sensing that jennie would not respond anything, rosie turned her back again towards the girl. she continued whatever she was preparing earlier.

jennie bit her bottom lip, feeling unsure of what to say.

"rosie," the brunette sighed, "can we- can we talk now?"

she could hear the girl scoffed. "oh, so now you wanna talk?" rosie said in an irritated tone.

"okay, i know i acted like a child last night. i'm sorry," jennie uttered.

rosie exhaled deeply as she faced jennie again. she gazed her eyes on the brunette's face and said, "i don't think i deserved to be treated that way."

"yes, i know. i'm sorry, i wasn't thinking straight."

"you can't do me like that, jen. i don't know what i did wrong. and you wouldn't even tell me," rosie said, "and this, this is your thing, you know. you've always been like this."

jennie realized that. and it actually made her feel even worse.

"and i'm tired of that," the blonde added, "you acted like i was the bad guy. and that sucks, you know. especially last night."

rosie shook her head, "but whatever."

"no, rosie," jennie stepped forward, "i was mad. and i was stupid for just shutting you off. i shouldn't have been like that."

"what are you even mad of?" rosie looked at the brunette, "can't you just tell me?"

jennie pursed her lips, "it's about the girl."

"what girl?" rosie raised her eyebrows, "you mean talia?"

jennie nodded her head slowly.

"oh, jen," rosie sighed.

"but it's not just that," jennie quickly added, "it's the fact that you didn't tell me anything. you didn't text me or call me. i didn't know what was going on with you."

"you rarely contacted me, rosie. and i tried to understand that. but then, lisa sent that picture on the group chat."

"goddamnit lisa," rosie cursed under her breath.

"but it's not about the picture. you immediately replied to her. but you didn't even text me," jennie said, "it just felt that you actually don't care about me."


the brunette breathed out, "i don't know, okay? you were away and it made me think about those things. i miss you so much and i just thought staying here wouldn't help."

jennie saw how the younger girl's stare softens, "so i had to stay at my mom's for a few days."

"i'm sorry," the blonde muttered.

"yeah, but it didn't really help either," jennie said, "i just couldn't help but to miss you."

the blonde reached out her hand to jennie, "come here."

jennie took it and her body immediately was engulfed in a warm hug. she gave in and wrapped her arms around the blonde.

she breathed in every scent of the younger girl and it just felt like home.

rosie was here. and that was all mattered.

"i'm sorry i didn't text you much," the blonde muttered, "i was really occupied with a lot of things."

"it's fine," the brunette responded back.

"i just knew that lisa wouldn't stop bothering me so i felt like i needed to reply to her right away. i didn't mean to make you feel ignored or something," rosie continued, "i didn't even realize that, jen. i'm sorry."

the girl broke apart the hug to see jennie's face again.

and jennie couldn't help but to melt at the guilt expression on the younger girl.

"it was my fault. i should've understand your position. i will make it up to you, okay?" rosie caressed the side of the brunette's cheek gently.

"it's okay, hubs," jennie muttered, "you're here now."

"yeah, but i still feel bad," rosie said. her eyebrows were now creased.

"well, you can cook dinner later," jennie suggested.

the blonde broke down into a weak smile, "okay. i will."

she then pulled in the brunette for a hug again and kissed her head slowly, "thank you for forgiving me."

"well, i could never stay mad at you," jennie responded.

then the brunette looked up, "but rosie,"


"you seemed really close with talia."

rosie looked back at the older girl and a small smile appeared on her face, "she's really nice, jen. we're good friends now."

"so, nothing more right?"

"oh babe," rosie moved her hands to cup the girl's cheeks, "of course not."


"jen, she's 19."

"oh," the brunette muttered, "i see."

"even if she's not, i wouldn't do anything with her, okay? i have you. how could i forget that?" rosie added, "and the reason why i got really close to her is because we just connects. we have the same sense of humor, you know."

"so she's goofy?"

rosie smiled, "i think goofier than me."

"is that even possible?" jennie teased.

"jennn," the blonde pinched on the older girl's cheeks lightly, "i swear you'll get along with her too. i'd like to introduce you two someday."

jennie smiled, "i think i'd like that."

"good," rosie then pecked the girl's lips, "by the way, wait until i tell you the story at the met."

jennie immediately lighted up, "right! tell me! how was it?"

"i'll tell you the details, but lemme drink my tea first, okay?"

jennie chuckled and she tip toed herself to capture the younger girl's lips. she then wrapped her arms around her neck as she kissed her gently.

"i miss youu," the brunette breathed out.

"i miss you too, wifey."

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