High Sea's Love (Rosé x Fem R...

بواسطة LittleRed11204

74.4K 3.9K 7.1K

In the late 1600's, two rival captains of the seas are put to their toughest test: surviving together on a de... المزيد

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen [M]
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight [M]
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Ten

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بواسطة LittleRed11204

"No, you just have to stay here and not do anything!" I told Rosie for the tenth time in like five minutes. She let out another whine,

"But it's so boring just sitting here doing nothing!" She complained. I rolled my eyes at her,

"Well you're going to live with it, stupid. How about I get you your paints and the bark from earlier and you can start painting whatever." I offered her. She was up for the idea and I soon walked back over to her and handed her everything. I made her a paint brush from scratch yesterday after we came back to the house. She just fell asleep right away, so that's what I did until I fell asleep.

Rosie is sitting outside of the house right now because I'm finishing up the roof. She won't be able to put a lot of pressure on her ankle for a while and I want this bloody roof finished already. I know she's happy about that because when I told her to be outside because I was going to do the roof, a bright smile appeared on her lips; which was quickly wiped away once she saw my death glare.

"Can you get me a small pot of water?" She asked me as she set up her little area. I sighed dramatically and took a small clay pot and walked towards the ocean to get her stupid water.

"It has to be freshwater!" She yelled as I was already halfway towards the ocean.

"That's nice to know!" I shouted back as I continued walking to the ocean. I scooped up some water and walked back to her, placing it down on a tree stump. She just stared unimpressed at it,

"It's going to ruin the paint."

"Well then be a better paint maker." I countered as I walked around to the other side of the house where the palm leaves, dried grass, and mud was. I tied my bandana around my head, took my tailcoat off, and got to work. Rosie kept complaining about how the saltwater was messing her up and I told her to just work around it from on top of the house.

I was hard at work and I wasn't hearing Rosie complain anymore, making me suspicious. I stopped to take a break to grab some water because I was thirsty and when I was going to get my water that was in a clay cup, it wasn't in its spot. I grew extremely confused and then I looked at Rosie to see a smirk on her face: sitting on the tree stump was my now paint infected drinking water.

"Really?!" I shouted at her as I marched over to her. She just looked up innocently and batted her eyelashes,

"Is something wrong?"

"You are so infuriating!" I said before storming off, grabbing my sword and getting a new bowl to gather some fresh water in. I walked into the jungle and easily got some water before heading back to my house. I saw Rosie still happily painting and I just annoyingly drank my water before finishing up the roof. It will probably only take another hour or two, so we'll have a completed home when night falls.

"I finished!" Rosie shouted proudly as I saw her hold up her painting to herself; her eyes dancing along the thin bark, taking in every detail. I ignored her obviously and continued doing the more important thing in the moment: finishing the final part of the roof. It was just a small section and I was eager to get it done with. I smacked some mud down and it got on my face a little bit, making me grumble to myself as I laid some more down. I heard rustling near me and looked to the side to see Rosé standing.

"Rosie! Why the hell are you standing?" I asked her as I quickly hopped down and made her sit down because she isn't fully healed yet.

"Well you didn't come see my painting, so I was going to bring it to you." She explained to me as I just sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose,

"Rosie, I just need to finish this small part of the roof and I will see your stupid painting, okay?"

"Fine." She said as I climbed back up to lay some grass and palm leaves down. I pressed everything down and wanted to just pass out from exhaustion because the roof was finally done. I lazily climbed down and just laid down on the sand, spread out like a starfish. I then saw Rosie come over to be and I was about to scold her for walking, but she beat me to it,

"Don't even say anything. Here, look." She said as she handed me the piece of painted bark. I observed it and saw that it was a painting of the docks we trained at when we were recruits. It wasn't super detailed, but that was to be expected because she only had one brush.

"I like it." I said to her as I looked at her and handed it back. She smiled at me,

"I knew you would. You've always loved those crappy docks." I rolled my eyes at her,

"Sorry that I love them. I know they are in horrible condition, but something about them is just sentimental to me." I told her as I propped myself up on my elbows.

"So you're telling me that your standards are low?" She said with a teasing tone. I just stared at her,

"Jisoo was anything but a low standard. She had at one point 37 different suitors, but for some reason chose me. Something to do with 'being a big softy'." I told her, remembering my ex. Rosie's jaw tightened,

"Hm, well I've had 38 at one point." I furrowed my eyebrows together,

"Are you competing with my ex-girlfriend?" Her eyes went wide,

"No! I'm just saying that I'm the most sought after woman in the land."

"And yet you're with Chanyeol of all people." I said with a completely judgmental tone because there are plenty of better people out there for her.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you know for yourself you can do better." I said as I met her eyes, standing up to be on her level. She squinted at me,

"And what if Chanyeol is the best for me?" I just gave her the 'really' look and she scoffed at me.

"I love him!" That got my attention,

"Ew, you love him?" I said as I shivered in disgust. Why people love men is beyond me.

"Yes I love him a lot!" She said getting defensive. I decided to test that,

"Okay, what's his favorite color?" The question was followed by silence, "favorite food? Favorite jewelry accessory? Favorite time of day?" Again, nothing after each question I asked her. I clicked my tongue,

"You need to do some thinking there Rosie. Find yourself another person if we get off this damn island." I told her as I walked inside to eat a fish before going to sleep on my bed. I told Rosie to finish the bed I started before and she actually did, so we each now have our own bed. I heard her following after me and watched as she walking in the door, looking at me,

"I do know a lot about him, just not those stupid surface level questions." Rosie said, explaining herself even though I didn't ask for it.

"Keep telling yourself that. Now if you'll leave me alone so I can eat my dinner in peace, that would be great." She huffed out and plopped down on her bed which was situated on the other side of the room. I lit the fire and cooked my fish, Rosie putting her own fish on the fire. I snacked on some raspberries as I waited and kept them away from her because I can. She threatened to throw sand at me and I told her if she did, I'd break her ankle. That shut her up and our fish was finally done. I ate it happily outside as I watched the sun fall beneath the horizon. The sky was painted with beautiful colors and I wish I could have kept this imagine around forever. As it was setting, I saw some dolphins in the distant ocean jump about and I smiled at how free they were. Sometimes I wished I was something else other than a human because I wouldn't have to deal with all my worries and annoyances.

"Y/n, can you get me some mangos?" My main annoyance said from behind me. I glanced back at her,

"And why would I do that for you when it is literally getting dark as we speak?"

"Because I asked nicely."

"No, I would like to be able to see where I am walking in the jungle. Tomorrow I was going to get more fruit anyway, so I'll do it then. Leave now." I said as I leaned back on my hands, closing my eyes as I listened to the peaceful sounds of the low tides. I groaned out in annoyance as I heard Rosie sit down next to me, "you really don't understand when I want you to leave me alone."

"That sucks." She said plainly as she took off her boots and set them aside. As soon as she sighed out in content, I immediately got up and walked inside, earning a few yells at me. I didn't care and just fed the fire a little more before getting into bed. I faced the wall and heard movement around behind me and mumbling. I mentally rolled my eyes at how loud Rosie was and waited for the idiot to shut up so I could get some sleep. She soon did shut up and I was able to drift off into a light sleep rather quickly because of how exhausted I was from today. But my lovely light slumber was cut very short when I heard Rosie try and talk to me after like five minutes.

"Psst, y/n." I just stayed completely still and didn't say anything, "I know you're up and just ignoring me." Again, I didn't do anything, but now I heard more movement coming from behind me. What the hell is she doing back there? I then literally felt her breathing on my cheek and became tense as I wasn't expecting it at all.

"AHA! I saw you tense up, you faker! You're totally up!" She said triumphantly as she shook my body. I reached back to stop her and turned my head to look at her unamused,

"So what the bloody hell do you need that you just had to annoy me?" I asked her tiredly. Rosie grew quiet at the question and I just waited for her probably stupid answer.

"I wanted to know if I could sleep next to you?" She asked me quietly. I watched as she fiddled with her fingers and shifted around nervously. I sighed,

"Sure, just don't annoy me again." She squealed out happily and went to grab her bed and placed it down next to mine. My back was towards her and soon a poke landed in the middle of my back.

"Did you just not hear what I said?"

"Hold me please; it helps me sleep." She said with the soft sounds of embers crackling in the air. I threw a little mental tantrum with myself and turned around, facing her. She gave me an awkward smile in return and I just opened my arms up for her, which she moved into. I let my arm fall over her body and I felt her warm breath hit my neck.

"Please stop breathing."


"You heard me." I said without missing a beat. She must have realized why I said what I said because she soon moved her head so she wasn't breathing on my neck anymore. I hummed and let my eyes close, falling asleep holding Rosie once more.


The stupid morning came and Rosie and I's position had changed from the night before. Rosie's body now was facing away from me; her back pressed against my front. My arms were then wrapped around her waist and my damn hand was underneath her shirt, resting on her bare skin. My head was then resting above hers comfortably. Once my mind comprehended the position we were in, I knew I should probably get out of it so she wouldn't be uncomfortable. I was starting to move my hand away from her stomach, but she moved her hand on top of mine in her sleep, causing me to freeze. Then, she mumbled in her sleep,

"Y/n..." My eyes widened as this weirdo was having a bloody dream about me. I've never dreamed about her, or I just don't remember it, I dunno. I'm honestly curious as to what I am doing in her dream, but then out of nowhere this girl starts sobbing in her sleep. Now I'm panicking because the girl in my arms is literally crying and she said my name less than a minute ago. I bet I killed her in her dream. I decided I should probably save Rosie from whatever dream she was having, so I gently nudged her to try and wake her up.

"Rosie, wake up." I whispered to her as she was still crying in her sleep. I sat up a little so I could see when she would wake up and soon, her eyes opened in pure panic. She shot her head up and that hit right under my chin, causing me to groan out in pain as Rosie snapped her head back to see me.

"Y/n!" She cried out as she then turned around and quickly wrapped her arms around me tightly. My chin was still hurting and now I had Rosie clinging onto me as if I was going to leave her. After my initial shock wore off, I encased her in a hug and let her cry into my chest. I patted her back softly and just stayed quiet, not sure what to say to her.

"I'm right here, Rosie." I whispered in her ear; I just guessed from how panicky she said my name that she thought something happened to me. My few spoken words caused a loud sob to escape her mouth and I felt her fingers grip the fabric of my shirt harder. Her crying in my arms went on a little longer before she pulled back and looked deep into my eyes.

"You died in my dream; you left me all alone." She told me, her eyes swirling with emotion and voice shallow. The emotional turmoil that she was going through was intense. I really wanted to know the reason her biggest fear is being alone, but I'll learn about it someday. I just brushed a few strands of hair out of her face,

"Well luckily for you, I'm still here." I told her softly as she gave me a weak smile back. I smiled at her, "come on, let's go outside and get some mangos for you." I said as I let go of her and held my hand out for her. She took it and I helped her up and we walked outside; the sunrise on the other side of the island having colors slowly spread across the sky.

"Thank you for being here." Rosie said to me as I got my sword and pulled us along to the jungle. I looked at her,

"No problem. I can't leave your unskilled self out here alone anyway." I joked with her, which earned an eye roll from her. There was a small smile present on her lips now, so I successfully raised her mood a bit. There were no distractions on our way to where the mangos were and we both grabbed 5, stuffing them into our pouches. I then also just washed some of the river water on my face to wake me up a bit more; Rosie doing the same next to me.

"So," I started as I sat back, observing her rinsing her face, "what would you like to do today Rosie?" I saw her thinking and she then turned to me,

"Can we just do nothing today?" I smiled and nodded my head,

"Sure we can." Even though she literally has been doing nothing because of her ankle, I still agreed because I didn't want to upset her. She grinned at me and slicked her hair back and used her brand new hairband to tie it back into a high ponytail. She made it yesterday and was very happy with it because she's just been letting her hair run free down her shoulders. I have to admit, she looks pretty with her black wavy hair up.

We soon walked back to my home and when we got there, I noticed a new crate had washed up on the shore. I told Rosie to just wait on the tree stump as I went to investigate it. I never knew how much stuff washes up on shores, but I've gotten quite the collection of random things. I made my way down to the wooden crate and with my sword, popped it open. The first thing I saw inside was fabric. I smiled as that meant we could make some more clothes for ourselves, and fix up the ones we have already. I then saw some small packets of seeds, more medical stuff, and art supplies. I know Rosie is going to be over the moon with that, so I started to carry everything back to her one by one because the crate was too heavy to carry.

She got all excited about the fabric and said she was going to make a new top tomorrow. I showed her the seeds and realized that they were potato seeds. I shrugged my shoulders as I didn't know how well they would grow in these tropical conditions. I was happy about the medical stuff as we get scraps and cuts quite often.

"And this stuff," I said as I walked up to Rosie with the items held behind my back, "are for you and you alone." Her eyes grew curious and I smiled as I brought the items around. Rosie's eyes were drawn immediately to the stuff I was holding. The way her eyes lit up with excitement and how she screamed out in happiness was... cute. She shot up from her tree stump and snatched everything away from me, making me laugh as she started talking to herself; most likely brainstorming about what she was going to paint. The paint was oil and then there were multiple canvases in multiple sizes. The brushes were probably horse hair and I've heard that it's good for painting.

I walked back to the crate so I could bring it up for storage. As I leaned forward to make sure I had gotten everything out of it, a leatherback book caught my attention. I grabbed it and noticed that the pages were completely blank. Ah, this was probably supposed to be someone's journal. I kept it for myself and dragged the crate up to my house, placing it outside for the time being. I poked my head in the door,

"Hey Rosie? Is there any ink that came with all of the art stuff?" I asked her as I wanted to start to write in my apparently new journal. She searched around for a bit and triumphantly held up a small bottle of black ink and a quill. I thanked her and took it out of her grasp, fingers slightly brushing against one another, as I went to sit underneath a tree in the shade.

I opened up the journal and dipped the end of the quill in the darkness of the ink, writing on the first page: Y/n's Journal. I then waited a few moments before turning the page because I didn't want the ink to smear on the pages of the paper. I lifted the quill up once more and pressed it against the somewhat faded yellow paper, writing something I didn't think would ever admit to myself.

I am starting to like Rosie.


YALL OH MY GOD, DID U SEE THAT LAST SENTENCE?????? only took ten chapters and a prologue for y/n to admit to herself that she's starting to like rosie lol. better late than never, am i right? with that lovely ending to the chapter, i hopefully will see all of u in the next one, love u guys <3

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