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"This bond is a mistake. Even Thea Seléni knows that" Queen Ismena Aria Ariti of Ourà Fengàri feels a pull to... Еще

||ABOUT|| & Character aesthetics


81 21 32

"I choose pain over your side"

Breakfast was unusually quiet. The royal family ate in silence. Well everyone except Vasílissa Ismena Aria Ariti. The queen just played with the food, her plate and the cutlery amidst stealing glances at everyone else.
She felt uneasy mostly because all what had happened a while ago was too much of a lie to her.
She was way beyond eighteen and that's exactly when one finds their mate. Yet she'd lived way beyond eighteen and had been without a mate since so there had to be some mistake.
She feared the council was planning to go against her for the first time.

"Ismena, you can't keep this up. It's Thea Seléni's will"

"No. It's not. Please stop feeding me these lies, Mom.
I'm way way past eighteen and I know everyone in this kingdom and nobody here is my mate nor is any outsider.
And eighteen is the exact age you find your mate. If by twenty years, you still haven't found your mate then you're destined to be without one.
And just wait till I find out what game you're trying to play.
You may be my parents but if I find out this is some way you're using to defy me,then you've got another thing coming"

"Ismena!" Her father stood, hitting his fist on the table making her jump together with her mom and sister but that didn't deter her.

"Father" She called in a surprisingly calm tone.

"Ismena we raised you better than this. Don't be disrespectful!"
Her mother scolded but it didn't do anything to the glare she held for them.

"And if I may ask. Have I ever been disrespectful?"
Aria bit back and her mother stood up hastily. Too shocked to remain seated after her mate left.

"Lina. Won't you tell your sister how disrespectful she's acting?"

"I'm sorry mother but she's still the Vasílissa and my loyalty lies with her. Forever and unwaveringly" Lina replied.

"That's it. I've had enough. You girls are not my daughters". The past queen said and turned to leave

"We're being obedient children. You raised us to be strong, resilient, brave,loyal and firm in what we believe in. If acting according to your teaching is disrespect,then so be it".
Aria gritted out making her mother stop in her tracks to give her a sharp look.

"This path will lead you to Thea Seléni's wrath.". Her mother said harshly and she nodded slowly and walked past her mother and went to her chamber as her she stared wordlessly at her retreating figure.

"Lina. As her bodyguard you're to protect her from every form of danger. Including the wrath of Thea Seléni. And you know very well there's nothing dangerous than that. If you let her down this path, you've failed". The past queen,Winitai gritted out slowly.

"I take orders from no one else but the Vasílissa".
Lina said looking directly into the eyes of her mother.
At that moment, Winitai wanted to crumple on the floor and cry. She couldn't be a proud mother at that moment. She had taught them the very same values they were exerting but not in this manner. Not in such a dangerous manner.

Lina hurried to her sister's room. Their mother did have a point despite how they acted towards her. They definitely didn't want to displease Thea Seléni. She had to make her reason with her.

The queen sat before her dressing mirror, glaring daggers into it.

"What is it, Lina?" Aria asked upon sensing her sister's presence even before she'd made it known.

"Right. I forgot it's impossible to creep up on you". Lina muttered but she heard it anyway. Hell whispers weren't whispers for vampires. They heard them clearly. Maybe more.

"Did you also forgot that your muttering sounds loud in my ears as compared to the others?". Aria questioned

"No. I was just hoping. For a second. Just a second that you'd lose your ability to 'vampire' ". Lina said with a little laugh that made her sister smile.

"And that's impossible as you witness every now and then". Aria said.


"I'm guessing you're here because of recent happenings". Aria said

"You guessed right" Lina replied.

"Let me ask you a question first"

"Go ahead"

"Is it already going around the walls of the palace or the Queendom that I'm the supposed mate of a freaking traitor?"

"I doubt"

"But you're not too certain?"

"I didn't say that"

"Well then be clear. I'm a language I understand perfectly"

"I doubt it has gotten beyond the walls of the palace to the Queendom."

"But it's within the walls of this palace?"

"We argued a bit loudly this morning and the servants weren't far."

"It wouldn't have happened if they didn't bring it up. I was quiet,Lina"

"I know and I'm not blaming you. Just answering your question"

"I just don't like the idea of everyone thinking I'm mated to a traitor because that's a lie. A fucking lie that's going to affect me if it becomes a rumor in this Queendom". Aria admitted with a dejected sigh.

"I don't know about that, Aria. Honestly"

"You're supposed to protect me from everything that's harm to me. And even if not as my bodyguard, then do it as my sister"

"Aria...". Lina started to say but she was cut off by her sister.

"Look, I know it's not easy balancing duty with relations but could you please try for me? This is a lie and you and I know it"

"That's why I'm here. To make you see reason why this isn't some joke"

"How often do you see the Vivlio Xòrki?" Lina asked

"Rarely". Aria replied simply

"And that book is the establishment of Ourà Fengàri. It doesn't lie"

"You don't get it. Do you?"

"I'm past the age of finding my mate. Wayyy past it"

"So how do you explain everything that's happening?"

"It's some sort of game or trick some liar or liars in this queendom want to use against in order to sabotage my rule"

"Oh come on, Aria. The people call you the Vasílissa with a pure heart. No one would dare defy you"

"We're not allowed to put anything past anyone"

"You're looking for excuses for yourself so you can deny the bond but you know you can't. In a few days you'll be suffering. You know how these things are"

"No I don't. I don't have a mate remember?"

"And what if it's not a game or trick or sick joke as you think?"

"I won't accept the bond. I can't!"

"That would be defying Thea Seléni"

"I don't fucking care!". Aria said throwing her hands up in annoyance.

"You do. You're just overwhelmed by the news. I know for a fact that you're the last person who wants to face the wrath of the moon goddess" Lina said

"The same way you know I'm the very last person to be mated to a traitor.

"Aria. Stop being difficult"

"I'm not being difficult. I won't be the one to break a treaty that's more than centuries old. It won't be me"

"Well maybe it's too late for that"

"What do you mean?"

"I can smell them"

"Smell who?". Aria questioned but before her sister could even open her mouth a loud and urgent knock penetrated the heavy oak doors to their ears.

"Come on" Lina answered and the act was immediate. The doors were pushed open and a warrior rushed inside and went on one knee as he spoke.

"The traitors demand an audience with the Vasílissa". He said and Aria swore the air was knocked out of her lungs. Lina had a moment to compose herself and answer.

"What is their complain?". Lina asked her

"A male witch was found on their territory" The warrior replied.

"What the deuce?!" Aria cursed loudly making the warrior flinch a little. As much as they loved their queen,they never wanted to get on her bad side or be at the receiving ends of her anger. Her punishments were equally as brutal as her affection for the people in Ourà Fengàri.

"Aria?". Lina called, pressing that she give the warrior an answer because it seemed like she was in a daze.

"Alright. Let them in. To the throne room". Aria held her head high and ordered.

"Thank you, Vasílissa"The warrior said and got up to leave.

"Summon the members of council". Aria ordered Lina.

Lina nodded and left her to herself. Aria couldn't think straight. She wondered what the hell was happening in the queendom. Of all queens why did it have to be during her time that these traitors would make a move on her. She was sure it was that and the had help. The male witch probably was some sort of advantageous bait for them. That was the only explanation her mind could come up with.
She dreaded her usual strolls now and she absolutely hated that day where she'd met his wolf. She hated it.
She told herself that if she hadn't taken a stroll and gone beyond her usual turning point, she wouldn't have met him and she wouldn't have to be worrying about anything . She would still be living her life without interruptions and carrying on with her duties as a Vasílissa of Ourà Fengàri.

"They await your presence, Vasílissa". Lina informed and led the way to the throne room. The throne room was darkly lit with candles on every corner. It was usually comforting when she found herself there but now what she felt wasn't close to comfort. She couldn't even pinpoint what emotions were coursing through her.
His warm smell hit her nose before she met him.
A part of her had been excited to see him but as it were, she was fighting the bond so with an impassive look, she took her seat,on the throne infront of the council.

Straight ahead of her, sat a dark haired man, clearly built with muscles. His eyes were dark, staring back at her, glaring at her. His olive kind of skin was clearly flawless. She had to admit he was a pretty man but she wouldn't accept him regardless. And she was happy he seemed to hold similar resentment for her. At least they had something in common. Hate for each other.

She took her eyes off him and looked around the table to find the rest of the traitors on her left and her council on the right. His aura was strong and fierce. An alpha.
'How great!' She thought sarcastically. They all had intense looks.

Then she saw the reason for their scowls. There he was, unmoving on his knees in the middle of the room. His head was hanging low but she knew him all too well to not recognize him even in this state. Lyren. That's his name.

"Let's proceed". Aria said signaling the start of the meeting. She was bored even before it begun.

The Fa, a strikingly beautiful woman with pointed ears stood and stated the cause of the meeting. She was more than two centuries old yet she looked nothing beyond thirty.

"Vasílissa. The traitors..." She sneered causing the werewolves to growl. The growl made the other creatures in the room snarl.

"Έίρe i siopi!" Aria boomed making the whole place go pin drop silent. That's how she called for order during meetings.

"Fa Auraye, please continue in a manner that doesn't generate growls and snarls. We don't want any blood. Not even that of any of the traitors"
Aria told her and she nodded with a smile. That was one thing about the Fa. She always wore a smile no matter the situation. A breathtaking smile that could even heal a torn heart or a broken mind.

"Yes, as I was saying, the werewolves, come to Ourà Fengàri with a half dead male witch, claiming he broke into their territory therefore his punishment is to be decided by both sides just as the law states. That's the reason they want an audience with you, Vasílissa". The Fa said with a bow and sat down again.

"Anything you would like to say?". Aria asked turning to her left side.

"Yes". Vita Vier answered and she nodded for him to speak.

"I was patrolling the pack borders. On the eastern side when I saw this male witch. He only kept pleading. I don't know what for but I suppose he has to say something before his fate is sealed". Vita Vier said.

"We were getting on to that. If only you could be patient". Lina said

"And you're not steering this meeting" Vita Vier shot back

"Vier!" Àlfa Demitri growled lowly and mind linked him to be quiet and behave more diplomatically.

"Lina, please". Aria warned her bodyguard quietly.

"I heard you and yes that's why we're here. We're not dominant dictators. Or if put well, the laws do not allow that so in Ourà Fengàri,we allow for a trail".
Aria explained, particularly to the werewolves. It was also a subtle way of reminding them that the people of Ourà Fengàri were civilized enough to live under laws set by the moon goddess and the ancestors of the Queendom.
Demitri inhaled sharply because he could feel the hostility in her voice.

"Fa Auraye". Aria called

"Yes, Vasílissa"

"Let's begin the trail. We haven't got much time on our hands" Aria told her.

Fa Auraye nodded and snapped her fingers making two guards enter the throne room and lift Lyren to a standing position.

"Lyren". Aria called forcing the witch to look up. Aria took a deep breath upon seeing him. He looked beaten and worn out. His eyes were hollow and empty. He held no will to live.

"Vasílissa". He answered weakly and her heart broke for him. What could have driven him to make such a big mistake.
He looked powerless and oddly very pale.

"Why did you break the rules of this Queendom and go onto the territory of the werewolves?". Aria asked

"I was just taking a stroll and I happened to wander far into theirs". Lyren said simply. Surprisingly enough. He looked too weak to even speak just two words.

"You are aware you're not allowed to leave the Queendom. Even if you are one of the keepes and guard of the spell". Aria told him.

She became worried. The keepers of the spell were three and she trusted Lyren. That's why he guarded it. But even then with how he looked tired, something must have gone wrong.

"It was mentioned that you looked tired and you were pleading for mercy. Why is that?" She asked

"I was drained of my powers immediately I stepped on their territory but it was too late to retreat"

"Àlfa Demitri". Aria called.

"Vasílissa Ismena". Demitri answered.

"Is there any force that drains power of witches on your territory?". Aria asked.

"Yes. But only witches with evil intention or the intention to manipulate". Àlfa Demitri answered and Aria turned to look at Lyren.

She saw great fear in his eyes but she couldn't guess what that meant. Lyren had been loyal. Loyal without a single trace of doubt. Even Lina trusted Lyren through and through. And they all thought he had no trace of evil within him.

"What do you have to say for yourself, Lyren?"

"I'm sorry". Lyren whispered lowly

"What evil intention did you have going there?"

"I had none"

"Liar!". Vita Vier shouted.

"Έρίe i siopi". Aria said loudly making his go quiet.

"Fa Auraye". Aria called

"Vasílissa". She replied and stood.

"State the verdict" Aria ordered.

"Yes, Vasílissa. According to the Vivlio Xòrki, Lyren has breached the laws of the treaty that forbids any member of Ourà Fengàri to step onto the borders of the traitors. His punishment is to be stripped of his powers. Forever". Fa Auraye stated and sat down.

"So be it". Aria said

The Rèni, Kyría Celma stood and marched towards Lyren. She closed her eyes and stretched forth her hands and recited a spell, capturing Lyren's power in a ball. When she was finished, she commanded a glass jar and put the green nothingness into it.

"I'm sorry, Vasílissa" Lyren said and fell flat on his face but it wasn't audible to non-vampire ears.

"Take him to the dungeon". Aria ordered and the guards dragged him away.

She assumed nobody had any objection since they were all quiet.

"I believe there's nothing else to discuss so...". Aria started saying but Demitri's raised hand stopped her so she turned to him.

"What do you have to say?". Aria asked.

"I think there's something fishy about recent happenings. I'm made to believe that we're mated". Àlfa Demitri said making her heartbeat accelerate. She didn't want to have this discussion. There was nothing to discuss at all. So he didn't have to push anything.

"I don't think there's anything to discuss about it.". Aria argued.

"Vasílissa". The Kon, leader of the dragons called and Aria turned to look at him. Glare at him actually. She intended to avoid the discussion at all costs but the Kon wouldn't have that and by the looks etched into the faces of everyone present in the throne room, she was the only exception.

"Kon". She gritted out.

"I think this topic raised is up for discussion. If ignored,it wouldn't do us any good" The Kon said.

"Fine then. Go ahead". Aria said, giving him permission to do all that he saw fit.

"Àlfa Demitri. As you said, Vasílissa Ismena is your mate"

"It's a game the witches are playing. I don't know what it is but it's not working". Demitri said and Aria almost scoffed at the scowl he was wearing as he spoke.

"That's what you think" The Kon said

"Could you prove otherwise?". Demitri questioned.


"How?" Demitri asked and the Kon silently turned to Aria in question. When she nodded for him to keep going, he opened the Vivlio Xòrki in the same manner he had done it for Aria to see. In a few seconds, the prophesy was there, burning in the midst.
Demitri growled lowly so he wouldn't be ordered to be silent but he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He didn't need to have it explained to him. He understood perfectly so as the Kon explained he had zoned out and was thinking of ways to tell them that it was a lie .

"Àlfa Demitri?". The Kon called a second time. He hadn't heard him at all when he first called him.

"That's a lie". Àlfa Demitri bit out.

"This is Thea Seléni's will"

"No it isn't. Her will isn't for me to be mated to a manipulater and bloodsucker. Infact no Àlfa after the separation is destined to have a mate"

"And if you realize it truly is the will of Thea Seléni?" The Kon asked with narrowed eyes.

"I'll deny it till my last breath". Demitri stated.

"And so will I"
Aria stated loud for them to hear.

"There will be consequences, Vasílissa" The Kon told her.

"Is that a threat?". Aria countered

"I dare not, Vasílissa". The Kon said

"Does anyone have anything else to say?". Aria asked but no one said anything.

"I hope we won't be expecting you on our borders demanding an audience again". Aria said.

"Not in a million years". Demitri bit back when he noticed the same hostility in her tone.

That didn't bother him. The more they hated each other,the better and not even some foolish prophesy would make him accept any bond. He just waited for the day the manipulation ended so he could prove their lies to them.

"Alright. We're done here". Aria said and rose to leave, Lina on her tail.

It didn't escape Demitri how she rose gracefully and left. He'd been stealing glances at her during the meeting. To find a flaw to back his hate because nothing seemed enough but unfortunately he seemed to find none. Well none that he was seeing.
He admitted if the way she led the meeting was how she ruled, then she was perfect for her role. Too bad she was a witch and bloodsucker. He wouldn't even dream of being her friend. Not even for the fun of it.
And he was glad she felt same towards him.

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