π“π‘π€πˆπ“πŽπ‘; Theo Raeken

De voiddangell

216K 6.9K 11.3K

π“π‘π€πˆπ“πŽπ‘ (rewriting parts! discontinued!) " and for once in my life, i wanted to kiss her as much as i... Mais

π™ž. little wolf
π™žπ™ž. suspicions
π™žπ™žπ™ž. early signs
π™žπ™«. fake girlfriend
𝙫. betrayal
π™«π™ž. analise sabre
π™«π™žπ™ž. taken
π™«π™žπ™žπ™ž. torn apart
π™žπ™­. like mother like daughter
𝙭. kill me
π“π‘π€πˆπ“πŽπ‘ vol. 2
π™­π™ž. she's gone
π™­π™žπ™ž. yellow eyes
π™­π™žπ™žπ™ž. so, did you miss me?
π™­π™žπ™«. the compromise
𝙭𝙫. i choose you
π™­π™«π™ž. the black mist
π™­π™«π™žπ™ž. i love you
π™­π™«π™žπ™žπ™ž. lies
π™­π™žπ™­. he's gonna break your heart
𝙭𝙭. rage runs in the family
π™­π™­π™žπ™ž. i could never hate you
π™­π™­π™žπ™žπ™ž. allison argent

π™­π™­π™ž. a banshee's warning

4.2K 151 144
De voiddangell


Most of the pack circled around Scott's kitchen counter, all debating ways that they could save Mason. Who Corey had taken the night before. "My dad's got an APB out." Stiles stated. "For a 5'8 sixteen year old?"

"I recommended nine foot tall rampaging werewolf." The Stilinski replied, Lydia and Aurora glancing at eachother nervously.

"It still might not be him."

"If a nine foot tall rampaging werewolf doesn't fit Mason's description, then we've got a bigger problem on our hands." Aurora joked, receiving a glare from everyone as she widened her eyes in cluelessness. "Hayden's at the school looking." Liam added.

"I can keep checking the woods." Spoke Malia.

"My mom can check all the hospitals in the county. We can find him." Scott told them, startling the pack as he appeared from around the corner, looking much better than what he did from the night before.

"What happens then?"

"We figure out a way to save him."

"Okay, where else could we look?" Lydia asked, furrowing her brows in thought.

"Let's ask Corey." Scott said before reaching his arm towards the wall, tugging onto a now visible t-shirt as he pulled the boy away from where he had camouflaged himself, everyone staring in shock.

"You'd be great in hide n' seek." Aurora joked, receiving an eyebrow raise from Lydia, who also struggled to hold a laugh back from her joke— knowing it wasn't the time.

"Wait- it wasn't my fault! They took him and I couldn't do anything. They took him!" Corey spluttered in panic.


"The Dread Doctors." Corey said, eveyone glancing at eachother in panic, knowing this wasn't going to end well. If the Dread Doctors had the boy, it either meant that they were killing him, or strengthening him— which was just as bad as eachtoher. Mason was Liam's bestfriend, and Liam meant a lot to Aurora, so she knew she had the find the boy. For his own and Liam's sake.


"How stupid are we to be doing this?!" Liam hissed, walking beside Aurora and Scott as they wandered through Beacon Hills High, looking for the two people that the demon wolf was dreading to see again. She'd spoken the Theo the night before, somehow he had found out about the rampage at school, and wanted to check if she was okay. Though the girl had pushed him away yet again, her mind was scattered all over the place.

She knew she couldn't have Theo and the pack all at once, she had to choose between the two. She had to choose between her family, or the boy of whom she yearned for. But she wasn't ready to decide, not yet.

"We're not stupid, we're desperate." Scott replied, also not wanting to meet the Chimera's.

"How desperate?"

"Incredibly desperate." Scott spoke before opening the door to the boys locker rooms, the three of them being met with the smirks of Theo and Tracy. Who stared at them sinisterly as the werewolves walked into the room and shut the door.

"I told you we'd end up on the same side." Theo spoke snidely, wandering around though his gaze was locked on Aurora, who was sat on a bench picking at her black nail polish. He noticed that she was still wearing his leather jacket, somewhere between switching back and forth from the good side and the bad side— she still kept her style from before her memories had been gained back.

"How about I punch you in the balls to remind you we're not?" Liam snapped back, receiving a snort of laughter from Aurora.

"I love this kid." Theo laughed, not taking offences his blue eyes fixed on the small smile that curved upon Aurora's face.

"I don't." Tracy hissed from the side, and Aurora rolled her eyes at her attitude towards her bestfriend.

"Where's Frankenstein number Three, by the way? Josh. I thought you two were attached by the hip." Aurora snarkily spoke back, clueless as to the real reason that the boy wasn't there. Theo had murdered him for his power. Tracy had held her talons out, snarling at the girl.

"You better shut up before I paralyse that pretty tongue." She spat, trying to sound intimidating though Aurora had just raised a brow in entertainment, glancing at Theo who's eyes were narrowed as he made sure the Chimera wouldn't hurt his girl.


"You better sort your lizard out, Theodore." She joked, watching as Tracy began to jump forwards, though Theo had pushed her back against the locker, the girl groaning as she admitted defeat.

"We know you're not on our side, you said you wanted to help Lydia. But you left Eichen with something else, didn't you?" Scott spoke, changing the subject as all three looked at the Alpha.

"You mean a dying girl in my arms, or the mask? Oh, are you worried about that?" Theo humoured, avoiding the glare that Aurora sent him as she realised what he was doing.

"Who did you see?" Scott asked frantically, knowing that once you put the Dread Doctor mask on, then you'd see the true identity of the Beast.

"Not Mason."

"What does that mean? It's not him?"

"It probably means he's a lost cause." Tracy added unnecessarily again, causing the Hale girl to grow frustrated.

"I swear to god, Tracy. If you don't shut the hell up, I'll take your little scaley fish tail and shove it right up your fucking as-," Aurora began to snarl, though Liam had gripped onto her arm harshly, snapping her from her outburst as she noticed the amused and proud look on Theo's face.

"Look, we all want the same thing here. We want Mason back." The Raeken boy spoke, sending the same shit-eating grin which he always wore to the three wolves.

"Yeah, but the difference is, we want him back alive!" Scott spat, stepping forwards in anger as Theo did the same.

"Well, I'm open to compromise. You still got the map with telleric currents on it? Bring it to the operating theatre in two hours." Theo told them, the three nodding. Though what caught his eye, was a black substance that ran down Aurora's nose, which she wiped away as if it was nothing, as if she was used to it. His eyes narrowed, and she noticed how he was looking at her. She knew that he knew something was wrong.

And so she shook her head slowly, telling him not to say anything— and he didn't, his eyes travelled back over to Scott and Liam who began to leave the locker rooms. The girl hesitated, looking towards him for a moment as if she was deciding wether she wanted to talk or not— though soon enough her body had decided itself, and she followed Scott and Liam as they wandered through the halls.

"This is a horrible plan, we're gonna die."


"Lydia, I told you. We're fine. We're gonna bring him back- I promise." Aurora spoke into her phone, walking along the woodland trail with Scott, Liam and Theo as they searched for where the Dread Doctors were keeping Mason captive. The two werewolves were walking infront, whilst the Chimera walked behind a little as he eavesdropped on the two girls' conversation.

"I'm not worried about them, Rory. I just- I have this feeling every time I look, touch or think about you— and it's not a good one." Lydia replied, her voice worried and upset as Aurora listened to her. She knew what that meant. A Banshee's warning.

A death prediction.

"I know. But right now, I'm not all too worried about me, okay? We've got bigger fish to fry." Aurora spoke.

"Aurora, listen to me. The feeling, it's the same one I felt before Allison..." Lydia trailed off, not even being able to say it. And Aurora felt her stomach churn, she noticed the leap in Theo's heartrate, just about deafening her own pounding beat.

"I promise you, Lydia, I'm going to be okay. Sometimes your feelings aren't always right, sometimes they can change. And that's the case, now don't worry about me, I'm hanging on." Aurora told her.

"Aurora- just be careful, I'm begging you. And if anything happens, I love you." Lydia hummed, the Hale closing her eyes in despair as she listened to the broken and tired voice of her bestfriend.

"I love you too, Lyds." She spoke into the phone before hanging up, and nothing Theo now walking beside her, his hand grazing against hers though neither of them took ahold of eachothers, despite how much they burned for their touch.

"Is that got to do with your nose bleeding, or you throwing up black? Because everything is beginning to add up. I mean, with a Banshee's warning— you're in danger, Aurora." Theo spoke softly, making sure that Scott or Liam weren't listening to their conversation.

"A Banshee doesn't predict danger, Theo. They predict death."

After Liam had gotten Mason's scent, the four wolves had found an abandoned wooden shed, and none of them had hesitated to run inside in search for the Hewitt boy. They had ran down the steps, and into presumably one of the Dread Doctors labs, met with Mason Hewitt who was just about sat up against a test tube filled with some sort of monster drowned in green acid. Though when Aurora looked, closer she saw a type of device stuck in the back of his neck.

"What is this thing?" asked Liam.

"I don't know."

"Liam- I can feel it. It's in my skull." Mason breathed heavily, not even able to look up at them since he was so weak and even if he tried to move, he'd be in agony.

"What's happening to him?!"

"I don't know!" Theo snapped back again, a little harsher as he genuinely had no idea what the Dread Doctors were doing to the boy. Aurora bent down, hand wrapping around the boy's as she whispered profanities to him, telling Mason that everything would be okay.

"Guys, let's focus. Mason, I'm gonna get you out of here. Hold him still. Okay, alright, I'm gonna try and pull it out. Tell me if it hurts." Scott spoke, the two werewolves holding down the boy as the alpha gripped the device, barely moving it before Mason began yelling and screaming in pain, causing Aurora to wince.

"It hurts!"

Suddenly, the heavy metal clinging on boots were heard from every direction, and the five had remembered the chilling sound from anywhere. The Dread Doctors knew they were here. With their footsteps, followed a dark and witch-like chant— the same word, same name, being spoke over and over again.


"They wanted us here." Theo mumbled, looking around at the now uncovered Doctors that had emerged from the shadows, their voices getting louder as they grew closer.

"Correction. They wanted me here." Aurora added, sucking under her breath as she glanced at Scott, wondering if he had any idea of what to do.

"Liam, try to get the thing out of Mason's neck. Aurora, stay behind us." Scott ordered, the girl walking behind him and Theo, who held her back in a protective manner as they proceeding to discover why they wanted her.

"Aurora must be terminated. Aurora is a threat to our kind." They spoke, and Aurora had flashbacks to when they had taken her the first time, repeating the words that were once meant for her mother, whilst she was still protecting her from evil. Before she had given up on her own daughter.

"Stay away from her!" Theo growled, protecting the girl he had grown to care so much about. The only person he had ever cared so much about.

"Theo... Theo Raeken. Failure." It now spoke, attention diverting to the boy who began shake in fear, knowing what happened to failures.

"Not a complete failure. We learned from you."

"Theo, they're trying to get to you. This is what they want, don't give it to them. We can't beat them." Scott said, and it had almost convinced him, until they heard a grunt from Aurora behind them, who was now being lifted up by another Dread Doctor, who's hands were gripped tightly around her neck as she choked out.

"The signs of a true failure. Repeating the same mistake again and again." It tormented, and Aurora's eyes began to fill with tears as she coughed and spluttered, kicking her legs around as she watched Theo's face turn into anger.

"We're taking Mason, and then I'm taking what's mine. Both power and my girl." Theo growled, his eyes glowing yellow, face wolf-like as he snarled "Let. Them. Go."

"She has the ability to eliminate our kind. You have the entitlement and narcissism typical to your generation. In that, you are a profound success."

Mason had screamed after Liam had tried to pull it out again, snapping everyone's attention to the two boys. "Scott, I can't- I can't get it out, I don't know what to do!"

"But your failure taught us one thing, the banality of evil. That you were and always will be an ordinary evil." It added, loosening its grip a little on Aurora to let her breathe, though squeezing her neck again after a short breath. It was torturing her, it wanted to keep her alive for now.

"You think I'm ordinary?"

"We believed to resurrect the perfect killer, we had to start with the perfect evil. From you, we leant that true evil only comes from corrupting something truly good."

"Not something." Scott stated, knowing what it was talking about as he glanced at Mason, groaning in pain.

"Someone." Liam added, jumping up and attacking a Dread Doctor, Scott calling out for him though ending up doing the same. Aurora had managed to twist the arm that was gripped around her neck, swinging around and sending a kick to the Doctor's head as she tried to fight it. Each of them taking on one of them, oblivious to what was happening to Mason— who began to stand up as he yelled, ripping the thing out of his neck.

"Transformation, Transformation without frequency." A Dread Doctor spoke, watching the black mist surround the Hewitt boy, eyes shining an electrical blue as he growled.

"Mason!!" Liam called out in worry for his best friend.

"That is not my name." He growled in a distorted tone, everyone watching in fear as the once innocent Hewitt boy transitioned into the horrifying Beast. Emitting a low and monstrous roar from it's throat as it stepped forwards, throwing a Dread Doctor across the room and tearing the head off another.

It stormed past Theo, striking the boy with it's claws which sent him flying backwards and gripping his wounds in pain. Holding up a Dread Doctor, it had spoken one last word of 'Success' before the Beast had dragged it out of the lair and onto the woodland. Scott, Liam and Aurora following as they reached the outside.

The Beast of Gevaudan raised an arm to kill the Doctor, though Jordan Parrish had gotten their first, appearing out of nowhere and on fire as he jumped at the monster, followed by the gunshots from Chris and Gerard Argent's guns.

"La Bete du Gevaudan! I know your name," Gerard yelled, the beast morphing into a man, someone completely different than Mason as he looked back, smirking slightly. "Do you remember mine?"

"Argent." The stranger growled, before taking off in the opposite direction, the Hellhound following quickly after him as the three wolves rushed towards the two Argent men.

"Who the hell was that?"

"You've seen the Beast of Gevaudan. That was the man." Gerard replied, looking in the direction that him and Parrish had disappeared in.

"Sebastian Valet."



i'm so sorry for the really late update, i've recently had like no motivation but we've only got one more episode of season 5 left until we move onto season 6 yay!!

also, just a quick suggestion, would you guys want to see any other ship in season 6a whilst Theo's in hell? I was thinking about Aurora and Lydia. I know I said Aurora was straight but I love women so

this isn't proofread lol so i apologise for any mistakes.

have a good day/night, don't forget to vote and comment:))


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