๐Œ๐ˆ๐’๐’๐ˆ๐๐† || s.aizawa [D...


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𝐉𝐔𝐋𝐘 𝟑𝟎𝐭𝐡

The sun shines relentlessly through the blue sky, dotted with fluffy white clouds.

Aizawa has made it home safe, and parked his car on the driveway. Getting off he feels the gentle breeze that drifts his mind into bliss. Summer has never been his favorite season due to the hot weather, but for some reason today's an exception.

A small meow snaps him out of his thoughts, and he turns to see his cat wandering around the front porch. So with long strides he walks through the grass, and catches Boots before he tries to run away.

"What were you doing outside?" He scolds the cat, who seems to have an annoyed expression in his eyes.

Now at the front door, he grabs the doorknob, and as he's about to turn it, he notices the door easily swing open on its own. Confused, he stays still for a moment, but quickly shrugs off the weird feeling in his chest. He doesn't think much of it, his wife probably didn't close the door properly.

Stepping inside his "loving home" he sets Boots down, and he scowls when Boots' body shrivels up, and hisses at the air.

"[Name]?" Aizawa calls out, but there's no response, and as he walks through his home, the house feels so.. eerily quiet.

He heads upstairs, and into their master bedroom where he hopes to find his wife, but he's only met with a well-tended bed, and a spotless room. Inside their bedroom, there are two doors that face each other from opposite walls. One of them leads to a bathroom, and the other one to a walk-in closet, but to his surprise, she isn't in either of the rooms.

Walking out, Aizawa proceeds to go down the hallway, and peers into different doors. His office is empty, and slightly messy like he would normally have it.

He walks into their guest room, and it's empty, and untouched.

The next room is Boots' room which only contains a decent-sized cat tree, a litter box, and some cat toys spread across the floor.

Aizawa's face scrunches up, is his wife currently not home? Her car is parked outside though? Could it be that someone picked her up? But, even if that was the case.. then who?

Going back downstairs he checks the bathroom, and his wife's library room, but again nothing, she's nowhere to be seen. Now covering the dining area next to the kitchen, he's met with the same outcome as the other rooms. Distressed, he leans forward to open the blinds of the wide window that is just above the sink.

The sunlight illuminates the kitchen, and the view of the backyard can now be seen. Aizawa takes his phone out from his pocket, and brings it close to his ear as he calls his wife. Taking in the scenery, his eyes glaze over the different kinds of butterflies that dance around the blooming flowers.

After a few seconds, there's a familiar ringing sound that can be heard just outside the kitchen, which causes Aizawa to hold his breath. The light that illuminated the kitchen slowly disappears, and the room becomes dark once again.

Following the ringing sound, he reaches the living room, and stops short. The floor is covered with glass shards from the overturned coffee table. One of the end tables is smashed, and an ottoman is turned upside down. Shota, backs down slowly making sure to not step on anything.

His heart starts to beat faster with each second that passes, and a sick feeling sinks down deep into his stomach. "[Name]!" He yells out to his wife for one last time.

As Aizawa sits at the bottom of the stairs there's a knock on the door, and he opens it to see a woman with a police officer.

"Mr. Aizawa? I'm Detective Kimiko, and this is Officer Shimada. We understand that there are concerns about your wife?" The detective says, and Aizawa nods letting both individuals walk in.

"My wife is gone, and I came home to this." Aizawa leads them to the living room.

"Earlier I called her, but her phone seems to be under all the broken glass," He lets out a stressful sigh, and points towards the area where the phone is.

Detective Kimiko bends down, and her colleague stands beside her examining the scene. Aizawa stares at them, and finds them hard to read from the serious expressions on their faces. He couldn't tell whether they're in shock or not.

Kimiko carefully reaches towards the phone with her gloved hand, and pulls it out from all the glass. The screen on the device is deeply cracked that when she tries to turn it on, the screen doesn't even light up.

Taking out a small ziplock bag from the inside of her coat, she puts the broken device in the bag, and hands it over to her colleague. Standing up, she takes a small yellow post-it with her gloved hand, and places it on the mantel below three upright photo frames.

"I'm not someone who usually gets too worried, but this is weird, right?" The female hums, agreeing with Aizawa about the peculiar display.

"You mind if we look around?" She asks Aizawa, and he shakes his head in response, totally not minding at all.

Walking back to the front of the house they all go up the stairway. "How long have you two been here?" She asks him, as she reaches the last step.

"Two years, but before that we used to live in Musutafu."

"Oh, right in the city?" Officer Shimada asks further.

"Yeah, it was more convenient, and close for my hero work," Aizawa responds, a couple of steps behind them.

"Why did the both of you come back here?" Kimiko tries to get any kind of information that will eventually help them later on with the case.

"My mother got sick"

"I'm sorry to hear that how is she?" Kimiko looks down at Aizawa, waiting for him to catch up.

"She passed away"

"I'm so sorry for your loss." She respectfully tells him, and they walk down the hall.

"So does your wife work?"

"No, well I mean she used to, but once we came back here she had to stop in order to take care of my mother, while I was away working" He answers her, and briefly recalls the memories of when his mother was alive.

"Hmm, I see" It's all that Kimiko says, clearly not wanting to touch that topic.

Once they finish scanning the other rooms, they finally walk into the bedroom. Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary, besides the ironing board inside the walk-in closet that gets Kimiko's interest. With her palm, she tests the iron which is burning hot, and unplugs it, before looking at the dress.

"Pretty dress. Date night?" She comments, and sticks another post-it on the end of the ironing board.

"Yesterday was our anniversary,"

Kimiko continues to look around for a while, but finds nothing. Now walking down the stairs, and into the kitchen, Aizawa lingers behind them in case they need anything.

With her keen eyesight, she sees three splashes of a rusty dried substance on the baseboard. Staring at it more curious than alarmed, she places another post-it down right next to it.

Heading to the last room that appears to be a small library. Kimiko immediately finds it very comforting, and cozy by how organized the room is. She checks out [Name]'s desk area, and skims through the drawers that are filled with files, and writing utensils.

Moving away from the desk she looks at the well-tended calendar on the wall. Which has [Name]'s neat handwriting on it.

"Third year anniversary" on the 7th.

"Bring flowers to Mrs. Aizawa" on the 11th.

"Boots check up" on the 20th.

The detective engraves the dates on the calendar inside her head. With this new information, she now has a better understanding of what Aizawa's wife would be up to the next few days.

Kimiko has never been an emotional person, to begin with, and especially with a job like this one could say that it's a perfect match, but even so.. there are times like these where just by taking in a small glance of someone else life. There's always a sense of sadness that she can internally feel from just the tiniest of things that people leave behind, as they disappear into thin air.

"She's beautiful," She says, as she looks at the photo's on the wall beside the calendar. One of them, in particular, is [Name] in her wedding dress, happily smiling.

Her gaze falls on the large bookshelf in the back of the room that is completely stacked with different kinds of novels. The organization itself is aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

"Wow, impressive" Shimada comments, and Kimiko nods in agreement. Skimming through the title of the books she finds one slightly pulled out, so she places yet another post-it beside it.

"My wife enjoys reading a lot. She would always go to the hospital, and read to my mother" Aizawa says, and his eyes land on the small corner dedicated for his mother. A Shinto altar that [Name] made for his mother once she died.

He remembered how skeptical he was at first about the Shinto since he has never been the one to believe in anything spiritual, but after a while, he felt more at ease as he accepted his mother's death. It wasn't easy of course, but with the help of his wife, he properly mourned, and learned to let go of a loved one who was no longer alive.

Yet, now that his wife is gone there's a nagging feeling in his heart that won't go away. Is [Name] okay? Did she leave? Is she hurt? Could she be-

No, this isn't the time to think of the worst. He had to be rational, and get a hold of himself. Dwelling on the disappearance of his wife won't help solve anything. As a matter of fact, he needs to have hope that [Name] is safe, and sound.

With that, he clears his mind from any more negative thoughts, and decides to look at the photo on the wall. The one that the detective called his wife beautiful, and of course, how could he ever forget the way she effortlessly walked down the aisle with that loving smile she gave him, as they both locked eyes.

Everyone always considers their wedding day to be the happiest day of their lives, and although he understands where they're coming from.. to him, the happiest day of his life, is the day he proposed to [Name]. He had many regrets in life, but proposing to her.. is the one thing that he would never take back.


"Stiff and socially awkward. That's how the night started"

Aizawa and [Name] have already arrived at the banquet specifically held to honor heroes who have accomplished great things from their hard work. Events like this always consist of paparazzi, reporters, and heroes who selfishly brag about themselves whilst drinking expensive champagne.

Fame, money, and power are something that Aizawa has never cared to have in his life. That's the line he refuses to cross, the thin line that separates him from other heroes. Although he dislikes being thrown into the same category as them. Here he is, sharing the same room with heroes that wouldn't be anything without the media.

If only it weren't for Hizashi, and Nemuri that technically forced him to come along with his girlfriend. Then he would be peacefully enjoying his time with his lover at home.

As the couple stand close to each other they both take in the view inside the banquet, waiters are circulating, and offering drinks to guests. Sumptuous appetizers fill the mouths of the rich as they greet one another. Musicians play a beautiful melody with their polished instruments, for "background noise" that no one will even bother to listen, and enjoy.

Overall, the banquet is visibly astonishing with the way the light of the chandelier reflects on the marvel floor. The only thing that isn't so astonishing is the atmosphere that the reporters, and paparazzis have created.. heroes from left, and right are trying to one-up each other as soon as the cameras are set on them.

For the majority of the time Aizawa, and [Name] are huddled with one another, until a few heroes come to greet them, and begin to have a small conversation with the underground hero.

[Name] shyly smiles, and fixes her posture as soon as Ms.Joke compliments her, and joins in the conversation as well.

The joke hero loudly expresses her self with her over the top jokes, and causes the other heroes around her to laugh. [Name] forces a small chuckle to hide how embarrassed she is, as the rest of people in the banquet turn to stare at them from the sudden commotion.

Aizawa takes notice of how deeply uncomfortable his partner feels, and decides to cut short his conversation with his acquaintances, before his significant other starts to get overwhelmed, with all the unwanted attention of being in a big crowd.

"You okay?" He turns to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that– this is all so much, and.."

"Overwhelming? Yeah, I don't blame you. I feel the same way, but don't worry we'll just be here for a few more minutes, and then we'll leave," Aizawa reassures her, and she gives him a small smile.

As they both mind their own business, the two of them don't notice a certain man walking up to them.

"Hey, Eraserhead? This is a big night for a lot of heroes, and it would mean so much if you'd talk to a few reporters. Just to give us more insight on what you've been up to," The man says, and Aizawa stays rooted in his spot.

"People just want to hear from you,"

"I can't stay long," Aizawa says, clearly not in the mood to stay, and indulge the reporter's desires.

"Fantastic! Fifteen minutes, tops!" The reporter ignores his despondent mood.

Fed up with the reporter Aizawa decides to do the interview, and gives [Name] a look that it won't take long, before walking away.

[Name] loves her boyfriend very much, but it's during times like these that she can't help, but feel as if she's standing in his way.

Aizawa is someone in this society, even if he's only an underground hero, he's at least someone.

And she's nothing compared to him.

[Name], is standing still at the cocktail table with a drink in her hand. She looks around the room, trying her best to not to be awkward, but it's just so difficult by how out of place she feels.. It's as if, everyone is looking at her, and judging her.

She doesn't feel any better when a reporter comes near her, and plants a microphone in her face.

"Ms. Tadokoro! I'm curious whether it's difficult for you to watch Eraserhead heading down the path of greatness from the sidelines?"


"Well I mean, it can't be easy seeing your partner succeed as you fall behind,"

Her eyes slightly widen, what is she supposed to reply to that?

The reporter seems to notice her confusion, but continues her mission.

"Would you say your relationship with Eraserhead is temporary, or more for the long run?"

She chokes on her drink, "Excuse me?"

"Well, marriage hasn't been brought up yet, has it?"

"Correct," She nods with a forced smile on her lips, completely regretting accepting her interview.

"I have a few questions," The reporter attempts to speak, but Aizawa cuts in, blocking the journalist behind him.

"Hey, I missed you," He interrupts, saving her from the merciless reporters.

"Ah, it's you," Relief flushes her body when she sees her boyfriend.

"I am here in a strictly journalistic capacity," Aizawa jokes, and he elaborately pulls out a small notebook with a pen.

She instantly calms down, and gets ready to be amused. In times like these, she's grateful to have him in her life.

Aizawa is always one step ahead of her.

"Ms. Tadokoro, you've had the pleasure of dating Eraserhead for how long?"

"One magical year," She gives him a playful smile.

"Between you, and me.. is Eraserhead a good boyfriend?" Aizawa asks raising an eyebrow.

She mentally curses at herself when she lets out a small giggle, "He's the best,"

"Really," He says, as if he were unconvinced. "I don't know, I feel like he's not good enough for you"

"That's hardly true," She looks down at the floor shily. "He's better than me, in every way you could imagine"

He frowns, and breaks his character, "You don't actually believe that, do you?"

Her lips slightly part, and her voice trembles as she speaks, "How could I not? You're a renowned hero, I'm nothing compared to you"

Her name falls from his lips when tears begin to quietly fall from her eyes. She doesn't want to cry, not now.. not in front of him. She doesn't want to make him feel bad.

Being fragile, and emotional is something that [Name] has always hated about her self. Why couldn't she be confident, and comfortable in her own skin?

Why couldn't she be someone in this life..

Someone that he would consider worthy.

As much as, she would love to go home, and curl up in a ball underneath her bed sheets.. Here she is, silently crying, and blaming her self for successfully ruining Aizawa's night.

"Tadokoro [Name], you are beyond amazing. You are the most incredibly smart, and beautiful woman I've ever met." He begins to speak, and she swallows the lump that formed in her throat.

Wait– What is he doing?

"You're so kind to not only me, but everyone around you. You surprise me more, and more as each day passes-"

"Aizawa, what are you doing?" She asks, as she sees him get down on one knee.

"Tadokoro [Name], will you marry me?"

Marriage? Marriage, has never crossed her mind before, she didn't think that Aizawa would ever want to marry her, but she's wrong.

Seeing him how far ahead he is, and with those beautiful kind eyes, that he only shows her..

How could she ever say no, to a man whose willing to go so far..

"Y-yes," Tears drip down her face from pure happiness, and joy for the amount of love she has for Aizawa.

[Name]'s surroundings become blurry, until everyone around her disappears, and all of the sounds get drowned out, except for her breath, and Aizawa's beating heart.

The comforting warmth only lasts for so long until, she's only knocked back into reality when a particularly loud scream of Nemuri catches her attention.

The sounds of cameras flashing, clapping, and laughter, rush against her face. Small pats, and hugs become repetitive while cups of champagne get filled, for a toast to the newly engaged couple.

People in the crowd get left convinced that the underground hero with his beautiful fiance will live a happily ever after, but just like always.. fary tales don't exist, and especially now, with a missing wife.


finally was able to introduce detective kimiko and officer shimada!

oh btw, aizawa was still going to propose to the main character that night after the banquet for a much more intimate & special moment but that obviously wasn't the case..

3.3k words



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