~•~ Actor/Actress Imagines ~•~

Von mar_multi

767 9 2

This is a compilation of different imagines about the life of an actor/actress!!! They'll use Y/N and includ... Mehr

• Booking Your First Job ~ 1 •
• San Diego Comic-Con with Your Top Five Idols - Your First SDCC •
• First Day ~ Part One •
• First Day ~ Part Two •
• First Day ~ Part Three •
• First Day ~ Part Four •

• First Day ~ Part Five •

35 1 0
Von mar_multi

You drive away from Paramount Studios, happier than ever.  Today has been super eventful so far, and it's only 4:00!  You met your idols, became friends with a bunch of them, got all of their numbers, and now you're going to a party Jennifer Lawrence is throwing for the whole cast!

"I can't believe this day!" you say out loud to yourself while driving, letting your gorgeous dirty blonde hair fly behind you in the breeze.  You soar under palm trees, around the streets, dodging rampant drivers, letting your mind float as you listen to music and drive effortlessly through beautiful Los Angeles, California, the city of your dreams, which is now your new home.  You couldn't be happier.

You drive along back to your hotel, and it's now 5:00.  You enjoyed that little break you had from life while driving, and now you get to get ready for a fun party!  Woohoo!!!

You sc-daddle through the gorgeous hotel, greeting the clerks at the desks with pleasantries such as, "Hello, how are you?" and, "Hi, good afternoon," accompanied by a huge smile.

You get to your room after walking up all those flights of stairs, and plop down on the bed. As excited as you are to get ready and go, you need a moment to breathe and close your eyes, still smiling about your great day.

After a minute of just breathing, you get yourself up and put on some fun music. You touch-up your makeup and hair, and get on your medium-blue jeans, white tank top, and maroon cardigan. You put on some white pearl earrings in the shape of feathers, a diamond star necklace, some bracelets on each wrist, a maroon scrunchie on your left wrist, and some rings. You spray some perfume, put on some cute, brown, knee-high boots, grab a purse and a bottle of water, and head out the door.

You walk down the stairs and head to your car, putting on some music. You first drive to Macy's to pick up a birthday present for Brie. You don't care that you just met her today; you're already friends and it's her birthday.

At Macy's, you pick out a really nice diamond necklace.

This is perfect. She'll love it! Jewelry? Necklaces? Diamonds? Exactly what she likes!

You get back in your car and drive over to a little strip mall that has two perfect stores. You first go buy a card for Brie's present in one, and then, in the other store, you pick up a nice bottle of red wine to bring to Jennifer's house.

Alrighty. I think I have everything, you think to yourself, as you get back in the car. You turn the music back on and fill out the card.


Dear Brie, 10~1~2029

Happy birthday!!!!! I hope you had the best birthday ever and all your birthday wishes come true!

Thanks for helping me today. You have no idea how much that means to me. You're the best!!!

Hope you like the gift!

♡ Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N ♡


You seal up the card in the envelope it came with, and sign Brie's name on it all pretty, with a nice squiggly underline and stars all around it.

Perfect, you think to yourself.  Just then you remember something.

I forgot to ask Jennifer for her address! you think to yourself, laughing out loud, shaking your head in disbelief.


j. law ya bestie 🤪

Mon, Oct 1, 17:32

hey, jennifer!

heyyy y/nnnn

i forgot to ask u before lol what's
ur address ? 🤪🤪🤪

123 random street, beverly hills,
ca 90210 dw abt it lol <3

thx i'll be there soon <3

can't wait !!! <333

sameee !!! <333


You exit the parking lot and continue jamming to music as you drive over to Beverly Hills.  You pull up to Jen's house at 5:56, and park on the side of the street.

"Hey, Y/N!" you hear Brie call from behind you, and you turn around to see her waving from her car with a huge smile.
"Hey!" you say, and you both get out of your cars at the same time, her having just pulled in behind you.

You guys walk over to each other and exchange a hug.

"I got you something for your birthday," you say with a smile, handing her her present.
"Oh my gosh, thank you so much, Y/N!  You didn't have to do that!  That's so sweet!"
"Of course!"
"I'll open it now," she smiles.

She reads the card and you can see her heart melt as she thanks you for your kind words.
"You're welcome," you smile.

She opens the box with the necklace, which had a ribbon wrapped around it.  She opens her mouth in disbelief with a huge smile, and you can instantly tell she loves it.  You couldn't be happier.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much, Y/N!  This is beautiful!  I love it so much.  Thank you!" she says, giving you a side hug.

She immediately puts it on, and you can tell she's really happy.

"It looks amazing on you!  You look so pretty!" you compliment her.
"Thank you so much!  It's so gorgeous.  I absolutely love it," she says, and you guys exchange a smile before she gives you a big hug.

"Thank you," she says, while still hugging you.
"You're welcome.  Happy birthday!"
"Thank you," she laughs.
"You're welcome!"

"You ready, Y/N?" she says to you, tilting her head toward Jen's house.
"Yeah, you?"
"Yup!" Brie replies with a smile.

You quickly close the roof of your convertible and grab the bottle of wine, and then you and Brie walk up to Jennifer's front door.  It looks like Brie brought some wings for the party.  You ring the doorbell, and you hear Jennifer yell, "Coming!"  She opens the door and waves you and Brie in.

"Hey, guys!  What's goin' on!?" she exclaims with a smile.
"Gettin' ready to partayyyyy," Brie says with a shimmy as she walks in the door ahead of you, and you and Jennifer laugh.
"Yassss!" you two reply.

"I'm so glad you guys could make it!" she says, while
giving each of you a hug.
"Yeah, me, too!" you and Brie reply.

"Is anyone else here yet?" Brie asks Jennifer as you guys follow her into her kitchen.
"Nope!  You guys are the first two!" she exclaims.

Jennifer has some awesome party music playing.

"I brought a bottle of wine!" you say, handing it to Jennifer with a smile.
"Thank you so much!  You didn't have to do that!" she says sweetly.
"Oh, no problem!"

"I brought wings," Brie laughs, placing the platter on the counter.
"Thank you, Brie!"
"Of course!"

"Jennifer, your house is so beautiful!" you say, admiring the gorgeous set up and decor around you.
"Oh my gosh, you're so sweet.  Thank you!" she laughs.
"You're welcome!"

"Would you guys like anything to drink?"
"Sure, what do you have?" you and Brie ask.
"Wine, beer, scotch, bourbon, really any alcohol," she laughs, "Pepsi, diet Pepsi, root beer, Sprite, seltzer, water, LaCroix, literally anything," she laughs again.
"I'll take a LaCroix," Brie replies, nodding.
"Me, too," you say.
"Sure!  What flavor?  I have grapefruit, lemon, lime, lemon-lime, coconut, watermelon, peach, mango, plain, razz-cranberry, limoncello, key lime, tangerine, apricot, passionfruit, orange, berry... um... you know, I think I have every flavor.  I'm kind of obsessed with LaCroix.  If I didn't say a flavor, I probably have it anyway," you all laugh.
"I'll go with a lemon," you say.
"I'll take a grapefruit," Brie smiles.

Jennifer smiles back at us and gets our LaCroix out of a cooler, grabbing one for herself.

"I took a razz-cranberry," she says while laughing, handing Brie and I our cans of LaCroix.
"I love that flavor. I don't think there isn't a bad flavor," you say, giggling.
"Right?!" they agree, also laughing.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and Jennifer runs over to answer it.

"Hey!" she says, opening to door to Scarlett, who came with a tray of chocolate chip cookies - which look and smell fresh out of the oven.  She gives Jennifer a hug.

"What's happening, guys?!" she says with a huge smile, giving you and Brie a hug.

The second Jennifer hands her a can of limoncello LaCroix, someone else arrives and rings the doorbell.  It's Melissa, who's come with a cake.

Right when Melissa hands Jennifer the cake, the doorbell rings again.  Brie offers to get it for Jennifer, who is clearly getting overwhelmed and busy carrying a cake to the kitchen.

"Thanks, Brie!" she yells.
"No problem!"

This time, it's Emma, Margot, and Lizzie.  Emma brought a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers, Margot came with a fruit platter, and Lizzie came with a crudité.  You help Jennifer carry everything to the kitchen, and Emma gets the door for the next ring.

Florence and Rachel, who come in next, have brought more food.  Florence has artichoke dip with crackers, and Rachel has a box of chocolates.  Lizzie and Margot get the stuff into the kitchen, while Jen gets the door for Lil and Emily.  Lil has a cheese platter, and Emily has brownies.  They help out by bringing the food to the kitchen for Jen, who is able to open the door for Chloe. She is the last one to arrive, coming with three six-packs of beer.

Jennifer leads everyone into the living room as she makes sure everyone has something to drink, and heads back into the kitchen to set up all the appetizers. You, Brie, and Emma offer to help her.  You unwrap everything besides the crudité, wings, and dessert, and bring it all into the living room.

You guys spend about an hour just talking and hanging out, picking on the appetizers here and there. You make your way around the room, talking a little bit with everyone.

At 6:00, Jennifer makes an announcement:
"Hey, do you guys wanna play truth or dare?"

Everyone agrees and gathers around the living room in a circle on the floor.

Jennifer says, "Y/N, truth or dare?" with a smirk.  You can tell that she already has an idea.
"Dare," you say super excitedly with a smile.
"I dare you to spin this bottle," she says, placing a bottle in the middle of the circle, "and whoever it lands on has to take your phone and call any single person they want. If they don't answer, the person who has your phone has to keep calling different people until someone answers," she says, laughing.
"Oh my gosh, fineee," you say, and Jen laughs with a, "Yes!" and a fist pump.
"Aaaaaaa! I'm scared," you say, nervously laughing, as you spin the bottle. It lands on Emma, and she laughs.

You open your phone and go into your contacts, handing it to Emma.
"Don't say who it is," Jennifer tells her, smiling.
"Noooo!" you say, even more scared, but having fun.

She laughs when she sees Jennifer's contact name, "Jen, did you do that?" showing her your phone.
"Yup," she replies, also laughing.
"It says 'j. law ya bestie' with a crazy face emoji."
"I know," she replies, and everyone laughs.

When you see Emma start typing while laughing, you ask, "What are you doing?" while also laughing.
"Changing my contact name to 'emma' stone, but a rock emoji, 'ya bestie' crazy face emoji," she laughs.

(It's 'emma 🪨 ya bestie 🤪' lol)

Emma finally picks someone after about thirty seconds.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so scaredddd," you exclaim, nervously laughing, half covering your face, too scared to look as she waits for the person to pick up the phone. She has it on speaker.

"Hey, Y/N!  What's up!" the person answers.  It's one of your best friends, Y/B/F.
"Hi, is this Y/B/F?" Emma replies.
"Yeah, who is this?"
"Hi, sweetie!  I'm Emma!  Emma Stone!"
"Oh my gosh!"
Emma laughs, "How are you?"
"I'm great, how are you?"
"I'm great, thank you!  Did you like La La Land?" she laughs.
"Oh my gosh, yes!  It was the best movie ever!  Congratulations on the Oscar, by the way.  Well, all of them," Y/B/F chuckles.
"Thank you so much!"
"Of course!  Wait, I have a question?"
"What is it, sweetie?"
"How did you get my friend's phone?"
"Um, hahaha, I'm actually, um..."
"You are Emma Stone, right?!"
"Yeah, yeah.  I'm with Y/N right now, actually.  Say hi, Y/N!"
"Hey, Y/B/F!" you laugh.
"Oh my gosh.  How do you guys know each other?"
"Um, work," Emma chuckles.
"Are you guys friends?!  How long have you known each other for?!"
"We met today, actually.  And yeah, we are friends already.  Y/N's pretty great," Emma says, smiling and nodding at you, and you blush, smiling back.
"That's great!  Yeah, Y/N's the best," she agrees.
"She is."
"Where are you guys right now?  Are you still at work?"
"Uh, not really," Emma replies, and you and her start hysterically laughing.  Everyone else tries to hold back their laughter, but Y/B/F can still hear them a little bit.
"Who else are you with?"
"Um, just some friends," Emma laughs.
"Can they all hear me?"
"Um, maybe..."
"Yeah," you and Emma reply, still laughing, while everyone yells hi to Y/B/F.
"Hi!" she replies, in a really tiny voice.  "Who else is there?"
"We have Jennifer Lawrence, Brie Larson, Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, Elizabeth Henstridge, Chloe Bennet, Florence Pugh, Rachel Weisz, Melissa Roxburgh, Margot Robbie, and Emily Blunt."
"Oh my gosh, hi!" Y/B/F replies, and you can tell she's crying.
"Hi!" everyone says again.
"Alright, it was nice talking to you, Y/B/F!  Have a great night!  I hope to meet you one day!"
"Thank you so much, you, too!  I hope to meet you one day as well."
"Bye, Y/B/F!"
"Bye, Emma!  Bye, Y/N!  Bye, everyone!"
"Bye!" you all reply, and Emma hangs up the phone.
"Oh my gosh, she is the sweetest thing," she says, handing you your phone back.
"Thank you," you laugh.  "She is."
"Where do you know her from?"
"Middle school and high school, actually," you chuckle.
"Wow!  That's so nice," Emma replies, nodding.
"Thanks," you blush.

"Y/N, you give the next truth or dare," Jennifer says.
"To whom?"
"Hmm..." you think, eyeing everyone around you.
"Florence, truth or dare?"

Florence's face lights up when you choose her, and you can't help but smile back.
"Uhhhhhhhh... dare."
"I dare you toooooo... post a Facebook mom selfie on any social media," you say with a smirk.
"Ugh, fineee," she says, clearly not caring, and also laughing.  She poses for the selfie with her drink and her tongue sticking out.
"To the Gram, then," she says, pretending to be all huffy about it, which makes everyone laugh.

"Urm, alright... Scarlett, truth or dare?" Florence continues.
"Aaa, truth."
"What was going through your head when you first met me back in 2019 for Black Widow?"
"You know, I was super excited to be meeting you.  You were Florence Pugh, - well, you still are - you're an amazing actress, and we were gonna be working pretty closely together for the next year.  I was nervous, not gonna lie."
"You were intimidated by me," Florence jokes.
"I was a little intimidated by the thought of meeting you, but once I got to know you, you were a big, cuddly mush.  You're like my little sister," she says, smiling.
"Aww, thanks, Scarlett. You're my big sister," she says, giving Scarlett a hug.

The game continues for about a half hour or so, before Jennifer decides to order the pizza. She goes into the kitchen to order it on her phone, and you find yourself standing next to Emma.

I know I'm friends with her, but I'm still fangirling. Oh my gosh. I'm literally standing next to Emma Stone. The one and only Emma Stone. The. Emma. Stone!!! Eee!!!!!!!!

"Hey, can I tell you something?" you decide to start with.
"Yeah, what is it?" she replies with a smile.
"I just wanted to say that La La Land is a really important film to me. I saw it in the beginning of September 2021, and I fell in love instantly. I just loved Hollywood so much - everything about it - well, I still do, obviously: the actors, the actresses, the sets, the glamour, the films, the shows, the acting, literally everything. And I just was so deeply impacted by La La Land, you have no idea. I still jam to the soundtrack to this day. Best soundtrack. I literally love everything about it. I cry every time I watch the movie. I start crying at the scene where Mia sings the audition song, and then I keep crying until the end. It just impacts me so deeply - still, every time I watch it - and it means so much to me. It's so special, and it's my all time favorite film ever. You know, the day after I watched it, I decided to make the first real move on my career. I had acne, I was trying to lose weight, and I decided to just start - at least with theatre, which I could do with acne and still get hired. I was in high school, I was auditioning for theatre roles that I found online, and instantly I started booking things. I don't know how, but everything started happening. I had been in, like, six plays beforehand, but then once I started putting my name out there, I started getting real, professional, paying theatre roles. La La Land did something to me. It inspired me to stop waiting around to be ready to get an agent, and just start auditioning myself, putting myself out there, going for theatre roles. So, I just wanted to say... thank you, Emma. Thank you so much. Congrats on the Oscar, by the way. And the Golden Globe. And all the film's other Oscars. It's so amazing."
"You know, Y/N? This is what I love most about acting - besides the actual acting, obviously - impacting other people like this. You take a character, discover their meaning; their purpose; their story, and become them. You take up this character into your entire life, and when you act them out, you let the world see their emotions and soul through by expressing them through your own emotions and soul. This is why I do this. Thank you, so much. You have no idea how much that means to me - especially coming from you. You're a legend."
"Me? I'm a legend? No, no, no. You're the Emma Stone, the one and only."
"And you're the Y/N Y/L/N, the one and only! I've been a fan of you since, like, forever!"
"I've been a fan of you since forever! Thank you so much, Emma!"
"No, thank you. You have absolutely no idea how much I needed to hear that right now, and having it come from you means so much more to me than you could ever even begin to imagine. Thank you, Y/N. Thank you," she says, practically in tears, and she gives you a big hug.
"You're welcome, Emma. You're welcome."

It feels like within minutes that the pizza arrives. You and Emma, who were still talking to each other, immediately run into the kitchen to help Jennifer get everything laid out on the table.

"What can we do?" Emma asks her.
"Um, you can rip or cut the lids off the boxes, and
Y/N, you can move them onto the table over there," she says, pointing to a marble dining room table.
"Do you want me to put something under them so the grease doesn't get on the table from the bottom of the boxes?" you ask her, as Emma begins ripping the lids off.
"Nah, don't worry about it, I'll wipe the table tonight anyway," she says with a smile.
"Okay!" you reply, walking the first box over to the table.

Jennifer places the crudité and the wings on the table, and you and Emma place down the stack of 13 plates. Jennifer moves the utensil holder and napkin holder over, and calls everyone to come and grab a slice.

"Guys, pizza's ready! We have a pepperoni, a sausage/pepperoni, a pineapple, and two plain!"

Everyone comes and grabs a slice, putting some more food on their plate. You look over at Jennifer, who's leaning on her kitchen counter. She looks tired, but happy; like when you feel exhausted but super content and proud of yourself and your life.

"Thank you for all of this," you say to her, giving her a smile.
"Of course. My pleasure," she says, smiling back, squeezing your arm.

Everyone goes back into the living room to talk to more people and eat their dinner. Jennifer, Emma, and Brie come over to you, and the four of you talk for a while.

After everyone finishes eating dinner, you all kind of form into a circle around the room with a drink, telling stories: auditions gone-wrong; weird experiences on set; funny directors; awesome interviews; cool experiences; everything.

All of a sudden, Lizzie asks you a question:
"Hey, Y/N, what was your reaction when you got the call that you booked this job?"
"I started shaking, and the second I got off the phone I started sobbing.  I didn't stop crying for another hour," you laugh, and everyone joins in.
"What about you guys?"
"I just fist pumped the air and told my agent I loved her," Brie laughs, and everyone joins in and starts sharing their reactions.

At about 8 pm, Jennifer puts out the dessert and everyone takes a little.  Some people only have fruit, including you.

Everyone finishes dessert, and Emma and Jennifer ask you what your call-time is for tomorrow.

"You know, I actually haven't checked the schedule," you laugh, and go on your phone to look it up in your files.

"We both have an 8 am call-time. I wonder why the first day was so early," Emma chuckles.
"I know, right?" you and Jen laugh.
"I have 9 am," you smile.
"We will find you the second you get there," Jennifer says, laughing, but not kidding.
"Okay," you join in on the laughter.

Everyone starts to leave. You stay back and help Jennifer clean up.
"Y/N, you really didn't have to do this. Thank you," she says sweetly, smiling gratefully.
"Of course. It's no problem at all!"

You guys finish cleaning up at about 9:20.
"You could stay a little longer, if you don't have to be anywhere. I could use the company. We could watch a movie, or something!" Jen offers you.
"Oh, sure! Thanks!"
"Okay! What movie do you wanna watch? Is it just me, or are you in the mood for a comedy?"
"Jack and Jill?"
"OH MY GOSH! YES! I LOVE THAT MOVIE!" Jennifer says, jumping up and down now, ecstatic to watch the film, which stars Adam Sandler.
"I'll go make popcorn, and you could pull it up on Prime. The movie theatre room is down there, third door on the right," she says, pointing to a long hallway with continued large, white, marble tiles on the floor, and white walls covered in beautiful artwork hung all around.
"Okay!" you reply, walking toward the hallway, admiring Jennifer's beautiful home as she runs into the kitchen to make popcorn for the two of you.

What even is this place? This is the most beautiful home I have ever seen in my entire life!

You stop outside the third door on the right.  You hesitate to open it, looking around you to make sure it's the right door.  You open the beautiful, white door and walk in, instantly dropping your jaw in complete and utter amazement.  You are standing in an amazing, giant room with a soft, red carpet and huge, gorgeous, black leather recliner seats.  You see the remote sitting in a cup holder in the front row, and quickly walk over to it and pick it up.  You turn on the huge TV lining the entire wall before you, which is really a movie theatre screen.  You find Amazon Prime and search up Jack and Jill, selecting it once it pops up.

You put the remote back in the cup holder and decide to go back to the kitchen to help Jennifer out with the popcorn.  You find her still in the kitchen, reaching up into a cabinet to get some cute, plastic, red-and-white-striped popcorn containers.

"Oh, hey, Y/N," she says with a smile, noticing you walk into the room.
"Waddya wanna drink?"
"I'll just have some water," you smile.
"Alright.  I'm gonna have the same," she smiles back, opening the fridge and pulling out two bottles of LIFEWTR.
"Do you just wanna bring this stuff in there for us so I can go get some blankets from upstairs?"

You bring a popcorn container and a bottle of water into the movie room, placing the water in the right cup holder and the popcorn in the left one.  You go and get the other popcorn and water, and walk past the staircase the same time Jen comes down it.
"I think this is all we need, right?" she asks.
"Yeah, I think so," you reply.  "Thank you so much for all of this."
"Of course.  My pleasure," she says, smiling at you, and you smile back.

You follow her into the movie room, placing the other popcorn and water into the cupholders of the chair to the right of the first one, before you and Jen sit down. She is sitting to your left.

Jennifer hands you a throw blanket and you guys toss your blankets over your feet, reclining your chairs and kicking off your shoes.

"Here we gooo!!!" she says, pressing the play button on the movie.
"I'm so excited," you say with a squeal, jumping up and down in your seat.
"Me, too," Jennifer replies, just as excited.

Throughout the film, you and Jennifer laugh a ton and have loads of fun.

It's over at about 11, and Jennifer turns off the screen, clapping to turn the lights on.

"Aaa! It's 11! I better get back to my hotel. And you better get to sleep, too! You have to get up even earlier than I do! I'm so, so, so sorry to keep you up!" you say, standing up.
"Oh my gosh, Y/N, don't be silly! I invited to you stay later! Don't worry about it! I would've stayed up anyway," she laughs.
"Okay, good. Thank you for everything today. I had so much fun. You're the best."
"My pleasure. Hopefully, we can hang out again soon!"
"Yes, definitely!"

You two bring the popcorn containers and empty water bottles into the kitchen, and you hand the throw blankets over to Jennifer.

"Thanks again!" you say, giving her a hug.
"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow!"
"See you tomorrow!" you reply with a wave, walking out of Jen's house.

You two exchange a smile and you walk down the front steps and the walkway to the street, where your car is parked. You get into your car, putting down the windows and opening the roof up.

You wave over to Jennifer with a smile, who is standing at her door making sure you get into your car safely.

"Bye, Jen!"
"Bye, Y/N!"

You put on some music as you drive away, and you look back at Jen, laughing, and she laughs, too.  You guys wave to each other with a smile once more, and you turn back to look at the road, still smiling.

This was the best day of my life.  Yeah, sure, it was scary, embarrassing, exhausting, and hard, but it was so, totally worth it.  I've never had this much fun in my life.

Wait.  This is what every day is going to feel like.  I'm going to be acting and hanging out with my friends in Los Angeles, California, all day, every day.  This is my best life!  This is THE best life!!!!!  I couldn't be any happier!  Every day is like this?!

You're literally in tears.

What is my life?  Thank you, God!  Thank you, Universe!  Thank you so much, you smile to yourself, happier than ever.

You would call your parents or best friends from New York, but, it's, like, 2:15 am there.  Even your L.A. friends are probably asleep.

I don't care.  It's okay.  I guess I could use some alone time for the rest of the night.  A moment to relax by yourself is never a bad idea.

You sing along to the music the rest of the way back to the Ritz-Carlton.

In about a half hour, you pull into the hotel's parking garage and close up the roof and the windows, turning off the music and getting everything you need.  You walk over to the stairs and climb up them to the main lobby, where you then walk to the main stairwell and climb up to the tenth floor. You find your hotel room and open the door, plopping down on the bed with more joy and content than you even did when you got back from set earlier.

"I love my life," you say out loud to yourself, with a smile and a sigh.

You put your bag on a chair, get your pajamas out, go to the bathroom, take your makeup off, brush your teeth, floss, take a shower, get your pajamas on, wash your face, do your nighttime skincare routine, journal for a few minutes, quickly answer your texts and emails, and head to bed. You put your eye mask over your eyes and fall asleep with a smile, snuggling the sheets and thinking about how amazing your day was. You can't wait until tomorrow. Another day of coffee, chaos, friends, and acting awaits you.


sorry this one took so long to write !!! 🥺
hope y'all enjoyed 🥰
stay tuned for part six !!!!! 🤩


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