JinLia One Shots

By Ryujinsoreshoulders

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You can request something Oneshots for my ult ship Enjoy reading More

Author Note
My sister's best friend
I kissed a girl (Pt. 1)
I kissed a girl (Pt. 2)
I wouldn't take it back
My boss

JinLia as parents

749 27 25
By Ryujinsoreshoulders

Requested by treesoflove


"Babe." Lia walked through the door, very pregnant.

"Yes?" Ryujin walked out of the kitchen and walked to her.

"I'm having triplets." She gulped. "I went to the doctor to get an ultrasound, and he told me I was having three fucking babies."

"Well damn." Ryujin smiled. "That was one thing I wasn't expecting."

"Me neither." She shook her head. "Two are girls and one is a boy."

"Well, we can use all three names we were struggling to pick one." Ryujin shrugged. "Ugh, I'm so happy right now."

"Me too." Lia kissed Ryujin as Ryujin hugged her tightly. "But now I have to tell my parents again."

"It's alright, we can do it tomorrow, we're having a family get together." Ryujin let go of her wife and went into the kitchen. "For now, let's eat dinner."

"Thank you." Lia smiled as she took the plate from Ryujin's hands and sat down with her.

"No problem." Ryujin pulled out the chair. "I love you."

"I love you too Ryujinie."

~Next day~

"Hey Ryujin! Hey Lia!" Mr. Choi greeted them as he opened the door. "How's the pregnant life going?"

"Fine." She shrugged.

"And how's dealing with the pregnant woman going?" He asked Ryujin.

"Pretty hard, she's so needy." She joked.

"Hey!" Lia punched her arm. "I'm not that bad."

"I was joking honey, I love you." Ryujin laughed as they walked further into the house.

"Hey ladies." Mr. Shin smiled.

"Hi dad." They smiled. "Hello mom."

"Hey girls." She smiled and hugged them. "How's it going?"

"Good." They smiled. "How's your life going?"

"Great." She nodded. "Your father's hard to deal with though, he's so picky."

"Dad, stop bothering mom." Ryujin playfully rolled her eyes.

"Me? She's the one that made me get her a bowl of cereal three times this morning because the milk to cereal ratio was off." He looked at them in disbelief.

"Not true." Her mom gasped dramatically then whispered, "It totally is true... also dinner's gonna be done in a few minutes."

"Alright." They nodded and walked into the living room.

"Hey Junsu." Lia sat down on the couch.

"Hey Lia." He looked up from his phone. "And Ryujin."

"Hey." Ryujin nodded and grabbed Lia's hand. "Are we gonna tell them over dinner?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "Don't act suspicious like this though, or they're gonna know something's up."

"Alright, I won't." Ryujin smiled and looked at what was on the tv, a few minutes later their parents called them for dinner.

"What've you been up to Junsu?" Mrs. Choi asked as they ate.

"I've been busy with work." He shrugged. "Nothing much other than that."

"What about you two?" They looked at Ryujin and Lia, they looked at each other and figured it was time to tell them.

"I went to go get an ultrasound." Lia started.

"You did? Did you find out what the baby's gender is?" They nodded.

"It's a boy, girl, and girl." She looked at them.

"Oh! That's- wait a minute." They raised an eyebrow. "That doesn't make sense, is it a boy or a girl?"

"We're having triplets." Their eyes widened.

"Oh my god! We're gonna have three grand babies!" Their parents stood up.

"You are." Ryujin and Lia nodded as they chuckled at their parent's behavior.

"I'M GONNA HAVE TWO NIECES AND A NEPHEW!" Junsu stood up and cheered.

"Oh my god, I didn't think you were gonna be this excited." Lia laughed when she watched her brother celebrate.

~9 months later~

The two wives were sitting on their couch peacefully watching a movie together when Lia felt something on her leg.

"Uhh Ryujin-ah." She held her stomach.

"Yeah?" She turned away from the tv. "What's wrong?"

"I think my water broke." She gulped.

"Huh?! Oh, uhh... I'll get the bag and help you into the car." Ryujin jumped off the couch and grabbed their emergency baby bag and helped Lia into the car, going to the hospital. A few hours later she was going into labor.

"I have to do this three times?" She asked as she pushed.

"It's alright baby, keep pushing." Ryujin held her hand and wiped the sweat off her head. "Come on, it's almost there."

"Aughh." Lia pushed again and the baby was out, but she still had two to go.

"Alright, are you alright baby?" Ryujin asked as she saw Lia panting heavily.

"Y-yeah." She nodded.

"The first one's a boy." She handed Ryujin the baby.

"Baby Seongmin." Ryujin smiled as she held the delicate figure in her arms. "Look it, Lia, he's beautiful."

"He is." Lia smiled and then pushed when the doctor told her to. "Here we go again." A couple minutes later they had their second baby, Yuna.

"Uhh... I'm running out of arms." Ryujin looked at the two babies in her left and right arms.

"It's alright, I can hold one of them after I'm done." Lia smiled as she sweat. Another couple minutes past and they had all three babies out, and Lia was grateful for that.

"Baby, number three." The nurse handed her the last baby.

"Baby Wonyoung." Lia smiled and took the girl into her arms. "They're beautiful."

"They are." Ryujin nodded and sat next to Lia on the bed. "Oh, Seongmin's opening his eyes... aww."

"Did you call our parents?" Lia asked.

"Yeah, you look tired though." Ryujin pouted as the door opened. Their parents quietly walked in and looked at their new born grand babies. While Junsu took pictures of his nieces and nephew.

"What are their names?" Mrs. Shin asked.

"The boy's Seongmin, the one in the pink blanket is Yuna, and the one in the purple blanket is Wonyoung." Lia listed. "Seongmin is the oldest, then Yuna, and then Wonyoung."

"Aww." Everyone smiled.

"We'll go now, Lia probably needs to rest." They stood up straight and took their attention away from the babies. "Tell us when you get released."

"We will." Ryujin nodded as they waved and walked out. "You should rest babe, I'll put the babies in their little bed things."

"Alright, thank you." Lia smiled as Ryujin took Wonyoung away from her and laid her down in the little bed. "I love you."

"I love you too." Ryujin kissed her and let her close her eyes.

~1st month home~

"Wonyoung's crying again." Lia pouted.

"I'll get her, you can go back to sleep." Ryujin kissed her wife's forehead and got up, it's 2 in the morning and every night one of the babies has started crying. "Shh." Ryujin rocked Wonyoung, while she sat in a rocking chair next to their cribs. They both fell asleep and Lia woke Ryujin up a few hours later.

"Hey baby, wake up." Lia nudged Ryujin softly. "Wonyoung, Yuna, and Seongmin are asleep right now."

"Hm?" Ryujin jerked awake. "Oh."

"Come on, let's get ourselves breakfast before they wake up again." She pulled Ryujin to the kitchen and they ate their food fast before all three of the babies woke up hungry.

"I'll get Wonyoung." Lia got up and Ryujin followed her. Ryujin picked up Yuna and Seongmin but Yuna wanted Lia.

"Aww... why does she like you so much more than me? Wonyoung and Seongmin are fine with me." Ryujin pouted as they traded babies.

"She'll grow into you." Lia chuckled.

~2 years later~

"Wo- hey Shin Yuna Get back here!" Ryujin was currently bathing them while Lia was at work. She looked back at the other two year olds. "Stay there please." She ran out of the bathroom and chased after a naked two year old covered in bubbles. "Come here please."

"No! I want momma." She giggled and ran further away.

"Fuck." Ryujin face palmed.

"Fuck!" Yuna laughed as she ran.

"Oh no, no, no, no." She caught Yuna. "Don't say that... that's a bad word."

"Fuck fuck fuck." She heard two more toddlers waddled their way out of the bathroom.

"Dang it." She put Yuna into the bathtub and got Wonyoung, then Seongmin.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." They danced as they said the words, they were proud of themselves.

"No, no... please don't say that, it's a bad word." She rinsed them off and put them into their pajamas.

"Fuck!" Yuna giggled.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." They repeated it over and over again.

"Can you please stop saying-"

"Ryujin." She slowly turned around and gulped.

"Y-yes?" She nervously stood up straight and faced her angry wife.

"Why are they saying that?"

"I accidentally said it when Yuna ran away from me while I was giving them a bath and she heard it and now they won't stop saying it." Ryujin babbled.

"Momma!" Yuna ran to Lia and hugged her leg, Ryujin sighed.

"Yuna, Seongmin, Wonyoung, please stop saying that word, it is a very bad one." Lia raised her eyebrow at Ryujin when they instantly stopped saying it.

"You little traitors." Ryujin pouted. "I made dinner for us though."

"Thank you, I love you." Lia kissed her wife, which made her smile.

"I love you too."

"Momma! Mommy stuck her tongue out at us!" Wonyoung lied.

"I did not!" Ryujin crossed her arms.

"Ryujin! Don't do that to our two year olds." Lia narrowed her eyes at her, then disappeared into the kitchen. Ryujin looked at the three kids and they were sticking their tongues out at her.

~2 more years later~

"Are you awake?" Ryujin heard a little voice in front of her. "Mommy, are you awake?"

"I wasn't, but now I am." She nodded and welcomed Seongmin into her arms. "What's up? Why are you awake at... 5am?"

"I had a bad dream." He frowned.

"Do you want to tell me about it?" She asked.

"It was about aliens taking you and momma." He frowned. "It was really scary."

"It sounds scary... but don't worry, me and momma will always be here, we won't get taken away by aliens alright?" She chuckled.

"Ok." He nodded and closed his eyes.

"Mommy, are you awake?" She heard another little voice.

"Yup." She let Wonyoung lay in her other arm.

"Did you have a bad dream too?" The little one nodded.

"It was about Pirates taking Yuna and Seongmin." She pouted. "I was scared when Seongmin wasn't in his bed, I thought the pirates actually took him."

"Don't worry Wonyo... we won't get taken by pirates, mommy and momma will protect us." Seongmin smiled and closed his eyes again.

"Mommy, can I sleep on you?" She heard Yuna walk in the room.

"Sure, did you have a bad dream too?" She chuckled.

"No, I just want to lay here." She settled on Ryujin's chest and closed her eyes. They all went back to sleep and then Lia woke up first, seeing three other bodies in their bed.

"Aww." She smiled and took a picture of her four most favorite people in the world, cuddling. Then she decided to make pancakes and rice, the triplet's favorite breakfast. They smelt it and instantly woke up, along with Ryujin from the movement.

"Momma, can we go to the park today?" Wonyoung asked as she sat at the table where the food was.

"Sure." She nodded.

"And can we get ice cream first?" Seongmin asked.

"We can." She smiled.

"And then can we get pizza after?" Yuna took a spoonful of rice into her mouth.


"Is mommy gonna come too?" They asked.

"Well it wouldn't be very fun without her." She chuckled. An hour later they got their ice cream and went to the park.

"Oop Seongmin, watch out, don't drop your ice cream." Lia moved his hand so it wasn't tipping his ice cream cone over.

"Thank you." He smiled. "Ooh! There's fishy over there! Let's go!"

"Ooh! Fish!" Yuna and Wonyoung followed him. After a few minutes they got tired of the fish so they went to the playground.

"Look how high I can go on the swings!" Yuna yelled.

"Be careful Yuna." Wonyoung smiled.

"Monkey bars!" Seongmin ran to them.

"Euh... what's that?" Yuna asked a stranger who was sitting next to an animal.

"My dog."

"THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE A DOG?" Yuna's eyes widened. "That's one ugly looking dog."

"Uhh... Yuna! Come on! Sorry ma'am." Ryujin bowed to her and took Yuna away from her.

"I thought it was a beaver." Yuna raised an eyebrow.

"Yuna... that wasn't very nice." Ryujin raised her eyebrow.

"Sorry mommy." Yuna paused. "I just didn't think it was a doggy."

"Go apologize to that nice lady really quick."

"Ok." Yuna walked over to the lady. "Sorry for calling your beaver ugly."

"Yuna!" Ryujin gave her the 'mom' look.

"What did I do wrong?" Yuna thought about her words for a second. "Ohh! I meant squirrel- I mean dog!" She bowed to the lady, the dog barked. "AHH THE BEAVER BARKED!" She ran to her mothers.

"It's still not a beaver honey." Lia chuckled.

"Sorry! It just really looks like one." They looked back over and Wonyoung was talking to the lady now.

"Hi... can I pet your squirrel?" She asked. Yuna ran to her.

"It's a dog." She whispered, Wonyoung's eyes widened.

"Oh! Sorry." She bowed and ran.

"We better get Seongmin before he does it too."

"Look it guys! There's a giant guinea pig!" He pointed.

"Welp... too late." Ryujin laughed. "Come here Seongmin!"

"Aww... but I wanted to pet the giant guinea pig." He frowned.

"It was a dog." Yuna laughed.

"Oh, then nevermind, I don't want to pet a dog that looks like a guinea pig, squirrel, beaver.

"You three are something else." Lia laughed. They gathered all three kids and they went to get pizza.

"Mommy, do you have any quarters?" Yuna tapped Ryujin's shoulder.

"No, I'm sorry." She shook her head. "What is it that you want?"

"I wanted to get a bouncy ball." She shrugged. "What about you momma?"

"I have three quarters." She smiled and handed the three a quarter each, they ran off and went to the bouncy ball dispenser in the corner.

"This is why you're their favorite." Ryujin scooched closer to Lia and held her hand as they watched the three get the toys and trade each other for the ones they like.

"Yeah." Lia flipped her hair. "I'm just kidding, they love you too, no bouncy ball is gonna make me their favorite."

"Mommy! Momma! Look! I got a spiderman bouncy ball!" Yuna showed them.

"Ohh! Cool! What'd you two get?"

"I got an Olaf one!" Wonyoung smiled.

"And I got a Mulan one! She's my favorite." He happily looked at it.

"Look at our kids, already breaking gender norms." Ryujin smiled at Lia.

"We're raising them right then." Lia nodded. They finished eating and went back home.

"Goodnight mommy and momma." They said at the same time as they laid in their beds.

"Goodnight babies, we love you." They kissed each one of their foreheads.

"We love you too." They smiled.

~8 in the morning~

"Did you know that princess Tiana turned into a frog?" Lia jumped when she heard her son's voice wake her up. "And then she met Prince Naveen who also turned into a frog? Then this evil man named Dr. Facilier tried to kill them but the true love's kiss worked and they were humans again."

"Did you just wake me up by summarizing the entire princess and the frog movie?" Lia asked.

"I don't know what that means, but I think so?" He shrugged. "I'm hungry."

"Alright." Lia nodded and tried to get up but a strong arm was holding her down. "Ryu, Ryujin... I have to get up."

"Nooo." Ryujin groaned and held her tighter.

"It's ok momma, you can cuddle with mommy for a little while longer, I can wait." He smiled and walked out of the room.

"You're lucky our son is nice." Lia laid back down and cuddled Ryujin. Two seconds later the two girls ran in and jumped on their bed. "That didn't last long."

"We're hungry." They jumped.

"Alright, now it's the time to let go." Lia chuckled and looked at Ryujin. Ryujin let go and got up with her.

"Alright you two." Ryujin scooped them off the bed and gave them both a piggyback ride to the dining room. "I can make breakfast babe." Ryujin back hugged Lia.

"Hey! That's my momma." Yuna pulled her off and hugged Lia.

"Nuh-uh! She's mine!" Ryujin played along and pulled Lia to her.

"She's mine!" Yuna pouted.

"Mine!" Ryujin shook her head.

"N-nuh-uh! S-she's mine!" Yuna started crying.

"Oh! Baby... I was just playing with you!" Ryujin picked her up and kissed her cheek. "You're right, she is your momma."

"Yay!" Yuna smiled and walked away to play with her siblings. 


A/N: This one was requested, Idk if this is what you meant but I hope you like it either way

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