A Changed World - Book I | Th...

By MythicalW1471

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Earth is home to a great many species, dominated by the human race. In their greed, the humans mercilessly en... More

Chapter 1: The Downfall
Chapter 2: Trust the Heart
Chapter 3: Whatever Stands in the Way
Chapter 5: Perseverance
Chapter 6: An Allegiance to Prove
Chapter 7: One of Us
Chapter 8: The Ancestral Tree
Chapter 9: You Know What's coming
Chapter 10: The Avians
Chapter 11: Fall... and Rise
Chapter 12: In and Out
Chapter 13: The Way of the Dragon
Chapter 14: The Sorrowful Night
Chapter 15: Reborn
Chapter 16: The Wrath of the Wolf

Chapter 4: A Warm Welcome

1.9K 47 28
By MythicalW1471

John had brought the shaken up Ren back to his truck and gently sat her back down on the passenger seat as his blood dripped from the nasty wound going down his eye, but he could care less about his own pain right now, he only cared about Ren in this moment.

He slowly moved his hand to her cheek, gently moving his fingers through her fur. "You okay?" He asked softly.

Ren was still shaking, staring at the ground as she replayed in her mind what just happened over and over. "I-I..." was all she could stutter out in her state of shock.

Aura stood behind John, her ears lowering as she looked at Ren. She hopped up, placing her front paws on Ren's seat so she could move her face over to hers, giving her one lick on her face.

Aura seemed to have some sort of ability to make Ren feel at ease, even in the worst of times. As soon as she felt that lick her shaking had stopped and she was able to think clearly, though she was still horrified with what just happened.

"You're safe now Ren." Said John, his hand still gently on her cheek.

Ren slowly glanced over at him, and her eyes widened as she only now noticed the painful looking gash going down John's left eye. "John..." she mumbled as tears started brimming in her eyes when she realized he was injured defending her... no, saving her.

He simply shook his head in response, smiling assuringly. "Don't worry about it, just a scratch."

"Just a scratch? John... we need to treat that..." Ren replied with deep concern for him. "I-I'm not hurt or anything... I'm okay." She said with her clearly shaken up voice, but she wasn't lying, she had no injuries... she was just in a state of shock that she was nearly torn apart by those things.

John looked into her eyes for a moment as his blood dripped to the snow below before he let out a sigh. "Alright... you just stay here and take it easy. I'll patch myself up." He said softly, slowly moving his hand away from her cheek as he walked over to the cargo bed of his truck.

"Wait, John... maybe I can help." Ren offered as she glanced back at him, clearly wanting to repay him somehow for... well... saving her life, again.

"Nah, don't worry about it. I've got it." He replied assuringly, searching around in one of his duffel bags for some medical supplies.

Ren wanted to insist that she would help but... with her shaken up right now she probably wouldn't do a good job. She let out a sigh and sat back on her chair, taking in deep breaths to calm herself down.

A few winces of pain could be heard from John as he got to work dabbing his wound with disinfectant, then moving on to stitch it up... which was not an easy task to do to himself and he ended poking himself with the needle more than he cared to admit. But eventually, he finished up and had stitched his wound closed so that it was no longer an issue and he let out a sigh of relief, walking back over to Ren.

"How's it look?" He asked curiously.

Ren hated hearing the sounds of pain John was in as he patched himself up and her ears were in a permanent lowered position through it all, but she glanced up at him as he asked that question and she frowned to the sight of his sloppy stitching, it was evident that he's not very experienced with medical stuff. But she nodded her head.

"It'll scar but... yeah it'll do. Probably a few weeks till it heals fully though." She replied softly, clearly wishing that John would've just let her help him.

John nodded to that and got a little curious. "Sounds like you know what you're talking about." He said with a slight smile, leaning his side against the truck.

Ren let out a sigh, remaining silent for a moment. "Well... if the slave owners ever decided that the collar wasn't enough... we had to find out how to patch ourselves up. Cause like hell we would get a doctor." She replied sadly as she moved some fur out of the way on her arm to show one of her many scars from her slave owner cutting her as punishment.

He was very sad to hear what Ren just told and showed him, his eyes pointed at the fairly thick scar on her arm that she hides with her fur... who knows how many scars she actually had.

"I'm sorry Ren..." he said softly, clearly regretting bringing this up, he didn't ever want to remind her of her past as a fur slave... and yet he continued to accidentally do just that.

Ren shook her head, moving the fur on her arm back over her scar so that it was once again hidden. "You have nothing to apologize for... you're nothing like those humans who would do this sort of thing to us." She replied, keeping her head down as she spoke.

"And yet I'm still human." John replied with an ashamed voice... words couldn't describe his hatred for his own kind for everything that they've done.

Ren glanced over at John and for a moment, she saw something else within him, something she couldn't understand or describe... it was just... something... but she shook it off and let out a sigh. "John, you're a human, yeah... but... I know you're not like those humans... you're a kind of human that I wish there were more of. Who knows how better the world would be if they were all like you." She said with a slight smile, meaning every word.

He was silent for a moment... but couldn't help a smile slowly form on his face as he listened to what Ren said... about him being a different kind of human. It gave him a sense of piece, knowing that Ren didn't see him as the same kind who tortured, killed and enslaved her own kind for hundreds of years now.

"Thanks Ren... means a lot." He said quietly but very gratefully before turning around with a sigh, opening up the back door for Aura, who hopped in quickly and layed down, clearly tired out after that fight.

"No problem." Ren replied with a kind, caring smile.

John then got to work swiping all of the snow off the windshield before walking around the truck, getting back into the driver's seat and starting up the engine.

"Maybe two more days or so until we get there... might be a little longer cause of the snow." He said before beginning to drive again, but slowly and carefully due to the deep snow.

Ren nodded her head, looking out the window as John drove. "We'll make it..." she replied with a hopeful voice, a small smile forming on her face.

"Yeah, we will." John replied very assuringly.


Pretty soon, another day had passed and John once again woke up in his truck with Ren straddling his lap, staying close to him so he could stay warm during the night.

He couldn't describe how relaxed he felt with Ren close to him in this way, a smile was plastered on his face and he kept his arms around her, choosing to cuddle with her a little longer.

But eventually, Ren began to stir and she slowly raised her head from John's shoulder, moving her hands to begin rubbing her eyes. "Morning." She said with a tired smile.

"Good morning." He replied happily, glancing out the window. He could tell that the snow was picking up, "Damn... might be a storm."

Hearing that, Ren glanced outside and sighed, nodding her head with agreement. "Might want to find some shelter then... I won't be able to keep you warm in this truck through a blizzard." She replied with concern.

John was silent for a moment as he thought. Right now, they were currently on a highway with no building nearby... he let out a sigh, knowing that this would be a race against the clock to find the nearest gas station or something like that.

"Yeah... let's go." He replied, starting up the engine while using his wipers to get the snow off the windshield.

Ren nodded and quickly got off of him, plopping back down onto the passenger seat as John began driving through the snow.

Hours later, John still hadn't found any shelter, and to make matters worse... he was forced to drive pretty slow to maintain control through the heavy snow... which was getting gradually heavier, proving their theory about a storm coming true.

But finally, John saw a road sign that told them a gas station was nearby. The question was... would they make it on time?

But after about another hour of slow driving... the worst thing that could've possibly happened... happened. The truck suddenly stopped and the engine turned off.

"The fuck?" John mumbled to himself as he quickly tried starting up the engine again, having absolutely no luck.

They were now stranded on the road, quite a distance away from the nearest gas station... as the blizzard began to rage on. Ren was very clearly concerned and glanced over at him for a plan.

John was deep in thought and eventually let out a sigh. "We're just gonna have to walk. It'll be risky but we'll make it, just stay close to me. Okay?" He said, looking over at Ren with a serious expression, knowing how easy it would be to lose track of each other in this snowstorm.

Ren nodded her head quickly, having absolutely no plan to leave John's side at all during this walk. Clearly she was getting more fearful from the thought of walking through such a bad snowstorm.

He noticed Ren's fear and let out a sigh, taking her hand in his. "We've got this. I promise you." He said with nothing but honesty in his voice.

Ren shakily nodded her head, but a smile appeared on her face. She trusted John with her life now... she knew that he wouldn't lie to her about this.

He returned her smile for a moment before quickly getting out of the truck, opening the backdoor so that Aura could get out too. He could immediately feel the very cold and strong winds against him and went over to the cargo bed, grabbing only one duffel bag with their supplies in it. If he wanted to make it to this gas station, he would have to travel light. Which meant leaving his very heavy guns behind.

He then quickly tied a small rope around Aura to use as a leash so he didn't end up losing her in the storm. Ren got out next and quickly went over to John's side where he took her hand tightly in his.

"Don't let go of my hand, okay?" He asked with a raised voice so Ren could hear him through the loud winds.

Ren nodded quickly, tightening her grip on John's hand to show she had no intention of letting go.

Taking a deep breath, John began pushing through the very strong, cold winds of the blizzard, Aura's leash in one hand and Ren's hand in the other. It would be a difficult, risky walk... but he would get them there.

The winds began to grow stronger and louder and John could feel the extreme cold of the blizzard as he continued to push through the almost knee deep snow. But he could still feel Ren's hand in his, and he could still feel Aura's leash in his other hand, which motivated him to keep pushing.

At one point, he could feel Ren beginning to slow down a little. Concerned, he glanced behind him, seeing her now completely snow covered fur, also seeing that she was shivering violently. When she saw him glance back, she simply nodded her head with assurance since trying to talk through the loud winds would be useless.

He let out a sigh and instead of only holding onto Ren's hand, he changed to keeping an arm around her to support her, which she gratefully accepted and wrapped both of her arms around him too, mumbling a "Thank you" that John could just barely hear over the loud winds of the blizzard as he continued to push.

Eventually, Aura let out a bark that was loud enough for John to hear and he began feeling her tugging on her leash, almost as if she was trying to lead him. He decided to trust the wolf and began letting Aura lead him to whatever she found.

After a few minutes of pushing, he was very surprised to see what Aura had led them to through the very heavy snow... the gas station they've been searching for.

"Good girl." He praised, though it probably went unheard due to the winds.

John pushed the rest of the way towards the gas station door, momentarily letting go of Ren and Aura's leash to pull out his kabar. He jammed the blade into the crook of the door, struggling to focus due to his shivering, but eventually he managed to use the blade to slip the lock and open the door, to which Aura and Ren immediately rushed in to escape the blizzard.

John went in after them and quickly closed the door behind him, letting out a sigh of relief to escape the blizzard and panting a little from the exertion of pushing through it.

"Ren, you okay?" He asked with concern, swiping the snow off of his body and beard.

Ren was huddled in a corner, still shivering violently with her snow covered fur, but she managed to nod her head. "J-J-Just cold." She stuttered as her teeth clattered.

John let out a sigh from seeing how cold Ren seemed to be. He took off his snow covered jacket before searching in the duffel bag he brought, pulling out a thick blanket. He quickly walked over to her and wrapped it around her, also hugging her to share his body heat.

Ren gratefully leaned into John as he hugged her, still shivering a little as she wrapped herself in a cocoon with the blanket. "Th-Th-Thank you." She stuttered, starting to feel herself getting warmer thanks to John.

"Just returning the favour." He replied with a small chuckle, remembering the two nights that Ren kept him warm.

Ren smiled softly to that and leaned into John a little more, closing her eyes as she enjoyed his warmth... but she began thinking about how close they were getting to Canada now... and what that meant.

"John... wh-when we get there... wh-what if they turn you away?" She asked with worry, clearly dreading that outcome.

He began thinking about that, letting out a sigh. "There's no if about it Ren... they're not gonna let a human into a fur safe haven." He said softly, clearly he knew about this, but he still wanted to get Ren there, even if it meant being killed on sight.

Ren actually teared up a little to John's words and she shook her head, sniffling. "No... I'll stand up for you... I'll make them see that you deserve a chance." She stated with determination, sniffling through her tears.

"Ren... it's okay, I'll just be happy knowing that I got you to this place, where you'll be safe." He replied softly, frowning from hearing Ren getting upset about this.

"It's not okay! After everything you've done for me, I'm not just gonna abandon you John! I can't because I l-." She immediately stopped that sentence before she could finish, her cheeks reddening as she took a deep breath before continuing. "I... I will make them give you a chance." She said with a more quiet, nervous voice.

John was very surprised to hear Ren's determination with this... he couldn't help a smile from forming on his face. "Ren... if it comes to it, and they turn me away... you have go with them, okay? I won't have you give up this chance for me." He stated with a serious voice.

"No. I won't. If that happens, I'm staying with you." Ren replied sternly, immediately dismissing John's plea... clearly, she wouldn't abandon him for anything after everything they've been through.

John let out a sigh, shaking his head. "Ren..." he was immediately cut off.

"Don't, John. You won't talk me out of this... I'm never abandoning you... never." She stated, surprisingly being brought to tears as she stood her ground.

John could hardly believe how stubborn Ren was being about this... but... it did make him happy to know that she cared about him... this much. He just let out a sigh, wrapping his arms around her tighter as he decided not to argue with her anymore. He knew he wouldn't be able to change her mind.

Ren began to sniffle a little more as she leaned into him, for some reason the thought of not having John with her now terrified her... and she knew the reason why... and she now embraced it.

"John... during this journey... you've surprised me countless times now, in ways that it's really fucking difficult for me to believe that you're human. You've shown me what kind of man you are... and... you're a kind of man that I've only met in my dreams... but you're not a dream, you're reality." Said Ren with a quiet, nervous voice as she took in a deep breath. "What I'm trying to say is... I-I love you..." she mumbled very quietly, nervous to hear what his reaction would be.

John's eyes were wide as he listened to Ren's words... he never would've expected her to feel this way about him... the same way he felt about her... his heart was racing and a large smile slowly formed on his face, clearly extremely happy to hear Ren say that... but before he could confess his love for her too, Aura suddenly began to growl angrily, her ears pointed up.

He and Ren looked over to her with concern, wondering what Aura could've possibly heard over the strong winds outside. But then, Ren's ears flicked up as well, fear immediately plastered onto her face as she listened.

"I can hear the snow crunching outside... footsteps..." she said, looking up at John with the fear clear in her eyes.

John obviously couldn't hear a thing from outside, but he took Ren's and Aura's hearing seriously and nodded. "Might just be an animal." He said, trying to calm her fears as he slowly stood up, walking over to the window.

He peaked through the glass window, trying to see through the heavy blizzard outside... but that's when he spotted it, flashlights approaching the gas station. He immediately thought the worst and assumed that this may be a group looking for shelter in the blizzard... and if it was a group of humans... this wouldn't be good.

He quickly turned around, spotting an employee's only room. "Quick, in there!" He said, pointing to the room with urgence.

Ren was immediately more scared when John said that and she quickly got up with the blanket still around her, running into the small room with Aura close behind her.

John quickly grabbed all of their belongings to make it look like they were never there before running into the small room as well, closing the door behind them and telling Ren and Aura to be completely silent.

Eventually, the sound of the gas station door opening could be heard, along with the sound of many footsteps entering. "Fucking blizzard out there." One man could be heard saying through his panting.

"Yeah we can stay here the night, check around for anything useful." Said a different man, appearing to be the leader of some kind for this group.

The sound of the men searching around the place could be heard, causing Ren to begin shaking with fear. John slowly slid his kabar out of its sheath on his hip, ready to attack if one of the men decided to check in the employee's only room.

"Can't believe Artimas is telling us all to regroup, some bullshit right there. We were so close to the Canadian border... and now he orders us to regroup? Fuck sake." One man complained.

John listened very carefully to the men, never hearing the name 'Artimas' before.

"It's because he wants to relocate to Canada, so safety in numbers I guess." The leader of the group responded, clearly more laidback about it.

"Yeah whatever, part of the journey to kill all furs." The man replied with a seemingly uncaring voice. "Man, I gotta take a piss." He said, followed by the sound of him standing up.

"Just use that small room over there, if you try and take a piss outside your dick will freeze off." The leader of the group suggested, earning a chuckle from the other men.

"Yeah yeah." The man said uncaringly, followed by the sound of footsteps coming straight towards the employee's only room.

John cursed under his breath and tried to quickly calm Ren down, ordering Aura to remain quiet. Ren was shaking pretty badly with fear but she trusted him.

He waited by the side of the door, taking in a deep breath as he waited. Eventually, the door opened, and the man walked in oblivious to anyone else's presence.

John quickly closed the door behind the man and wrapped one arm around his neck tightly while holding a hand over his mouth from behind.

The man immediately squirmed to break free of John's grip and attempted to scream to get the attention of the other men, but his grip held true and he scowled as he tightened his grip around his neck greatly, eventually hearing a crunch, followed by the man going limp. The other men outside the room were still oblivious, clearly they didn't hear anything of the scuffle.

He slowly set the man's limp body on the ground, sighing with relief before glancing over at Ren, who was now sitting in a corner, huddled with fear. But Aura was by her side, attempting to comfort her.

John let out a sigh, moving to her side. "They're gonna wonder where he went... I've gotta kill the rest of them. You stay here, you'll be okay." He whispered, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"No, don't... please just stay here..." Ren pleaded quietly with concern, quickly grabbing onto his hand in a desperate attempt to make him stay.

"Ren, I can't... they're gonna start looking for that guy soon, I have to get rid of them. It'll be okay, I promise." He whispered with nothing but assurance in his voice, trying to calm her down.

Ren was silent for a moment as she shook with fear, but she was eventually able to slowly nod her head.

John smiled slightly before standing back up, turning his head to Aura. "Aura, protect." He commanded, earning a quiet growl from her as she stayed by Ren's side to fulfill his command.

He took a deep breath, pulling out his kabar and dessert eagle which he remembered to load this time before heading out slowly and sneakily. He could now see that there were four men out here.

"Jesus, how long is he gonna be in there?" One man asked, glancing over at the employee's only room.

"It's been a while... I'll go check on him." Said another man, standing up to begin walking towards the room.

John let out a sigh, clearly annoyed that he could no longer do this sneakily. He quickly took aim with his dessert eagle, pulling the trigger and shooting the man in the head before he could reach the room.

"Shit! What the fuck?!" The leader of the group exclaimed, as startled as the other two men as they stood up, immediately prepared to fight.

He scowled and threw his kabar in the air, catching it by the blade before throwing it in one man's direction, hitting him right in the chest and causing him to fall against a wall.

"What are you fucking waiting for? Shoot him!" The leader exclaimed to the other man.

As the other man was reaching for his gun, John dashed towards him and kicked the gun out of the way before grabbing the man by the collar of his shirt, moving the barrel of his desert eagle before pulling the trigger, shooting him in the stomach.

The man yelled with agony before falling to the ground, clutching his abdomen as he bled.

The leader of the group let out a loud yell of anger and tackled John to the ground, causing him to drop the desert eagle. He managed to get a few punches into John's face but he eventually caught the man's fist, scowling as he used his other hand to grab the collar of his shirt to head butt him. Hard.

The leader groaned with pain, stumbling off of him while holding a hand to his head. John took the opportunity and quickly got up, grabbing him and slamming his back into a wall.

As John did this, the man that he threw his kabar at coughed a few times, grabbing the kabar embedded in his chest by the handle to begin pulling with a groan of agony, eventually pulling the blade out and looking over at John with a scowl, slowly standing up.

It didn't take long for John to begin strangling the leader of the group, making sure that he couldn't escape his grip. The man eventually went limp after a while of John strangling him, but suddenly, a gunshot was heard behind him.

Alarmed, John dropped the now dead leader and turned around, only to see the man he threw his kabar at dead on the ground only inches away from him. Confused, he looked around... seeing Ren holding her heckler and kosh handgun, the barrel smoking... she just shot the man to save John's life.

Ren slowly lowered the gun, a serious expression on her face as she glanced over at John. "You missed one." She said simply.

He was very surprised to Ren's suddenly new behaviour, since she was terrified in a corner only moments before. He smiled a little, spitting out some blood. "Looks like I did." He replied with slight amusement, stepping closer to her.

Ren smirked a little, setting her gun down on a nearby counter before looking back at John. "Now, before we were so rudely interrupted... you were about to say something, right?" She asked with a pretty sly voice.

He was even more shocked by her sudden confidence with this, but he chuckled a little more and reached her, wrapping his arms around her. "Yeah, I was gonna say... I love you too." He replied with complete honesty, leaning his head down a little to bring Ren into a kiss on the lips.

Ren was a little surprised by the kiss but she quickly closed her eyes, melting into it and wrapping her arms around his neck to kiss him back. In her mind... she was ecstatic to hear John say that he loved her.

The kiss slowly deepened the longer it went on, clearly turning into something more than just a kiss. Eventually, Ren separated from it, leaving a strand of saliva to connect their lips. "John, I... I want to..." she couldn't finish her sentence, clearly too nervous.

John smiled, already knowing what she wanted. He kept an arm around her to keep her close while moving one hand to her cheek. "I want to as well." He said softly, looking into her eyes with love in his own.

Ren looked into John's eyes for a moment and a smirk slowly started to form on her face from excitement. "Then let's~" she said with a suggestive voice, placing a hand on his toned chest to begin sliding her hand down his body and towards his crotch.

John smirked a little, clearly getting excited from Ren's advances. He could already feel himself hardening a little.

Eventually, Ren's hand made it to his bulge and she began rubbing it, getting him fully erect within seconds as she rubbed. "Wow John, that's a pretty huge tent you're pitching~" she said lustfully, wrapping her fingers around the waistband of his pants before slowly pulling them down, her eyes widening as she watched his cock spring free of its prison.

He was pretty amused by Ren staring at his raging erection like that, seeing that she was almost hypnotized for a moment before she slowly wrapped her fingers around it, beginning to gently stroke up and down, causing his eye to twitch slightly from the pleasure.

Without another word, Ren got down on her knees before giving his length on long lick from base to tip, teasing his tip a little with her tongue before slowly sliding his cock into her warm mouth, causing him to let out a groan of pleasure.

He watched with surprise as she began moving her head back before sliding the entirety of his length into her maw again, shocked by how good this felt. He began moving his fingers through her soft hair as she did this, still shocked that this was even happening... but he wasn't about to ask her to stop.

Ren smiled a little from seeing that John was enjoying what she was doing and she closed her eyes a little to take her own enjoyment in beginning to move her mouth up and down on his cock at a slightly faster rate... but she began to desire something more.

After a few minutes of the blowjob, Ren slid John's member out of her mouth before quickly taking off whatever clothing she had on, then laying down on her back to spread her legs wide for him, showing him her soaked pussy.

"I'm all yours John~" she said with a lustful voice, smirking as she used her fingers to spread her pussy open slightly to lure him in.

John's eyes were practically glued to Ren's glistening pussy and he moved closer to her, kneeling in between her legs. But he decided to return the favour a little first and moved his head down, teasing at her wet, swollen labia and clit with his tongue for a moment to see how she reacted.

Ren let out a surprised moan as John did that and she moved a hand to his head, clutching onto his hair a little. "J-John, ah~" she mumbled with another moan.

He smirked a little to that and pushed his tongue into her pussy a little, beginning to explore her passionately.

Ren moaned even louder to that, absolutely loving what he was doing... but she still had a far greater desire for something more. "J-John... I n-need you~" she moaned out, clearly wanting him to... progress.

John quickly understood what Ren wanted and it made him smirk a little as he pulled his tongue out of her pussy, moving up a little where he began to rub the tip of his member along her soaked labia teasingly.

"Nng... quit teasing and put it in~!" Ren demanded with a moan, clearly way too excited to put up with any teasing.

That made him chuckle a little and he slowly slid his member into her entrance, continuing to move in until he was balls deep inside of her. He let out a groan of pleasure from the tight, warm feeling around his cock, but remained still for a moment.

Ren let out a very loud moan from feeling John's cock fully inside of her, enjoying the feeling for a moment before giving him a nod, clearly eager for him to get moving.

John smiled when he saw Ren give him the go ahead and he started up a slow pace of thrusts, closing his eyes as he let out quiet groans of pleasure each time he thrusted into her.

Ren bit her bottom lip as she tried to control her moans, but that was difficult due to the sheer amount of pleasure she was getting from John. She wouldn't be surprised if she came before him. "F-Faster~" she pleaded through her moans.

He nodded to that and started to thrust a little faster, happy to see that Ren was enjoying this so much. He leaned down to give her breasts some attention as he thrusted, licking and suckling around her nipples lustfully.

Ren became a moaning mess from everything John was doing, her eyes rolling to the back of her head and her tongue lolling out of her mouth. She kept a hand to the back of John's head though, clearly wanting him to keep up his attention to her breasts.

A few minutes in, John had started to thrust a lot faster and harder in and out of Ren's tight pussy, still keeping up his attention to her breasts as he did. But she was practically unresponsive now, only letting out occasional moans of pure ecstasy as this went on.

Finally, it was too much for Ren and she reached her orgasm, letting out one extremely loud moan as her pussy started to have convulsions, tightening greatly around John's member as she came hard on him.

John was happy to see that she came before him, but due to the suddenly increased tightness of Ren's pussy, it brought him far closer to his own climax. "Shit, I'm close." He warned, continuing his thrusts.

Ren simply responded with a moan, unable to speak after the extreme pleasure she was feeling. But she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist, clearly telling him that she didn't want him to pull out at all.

He was a little surprised by Ren doing that but his mind was eased when he remembered he didn't have to worry about pregnancy. He continued to thrust, groaning with pure, absolute pleasure as he reached his climax, sending many spurts of cum deep inside of her as he began panting for air.

Ren let out one last moan from feeling John's warm seed flooding into her, her chest heaving from everything that just happened. "S-So... good~" she managed to moan out through her pleasured state.

John smiled a little to that as he panted, and after a few seconds he slowly slid his softening member out of her, collapsing onto the ground beside her. "Yeah..." was all he could reply with as his chest heaved.

Ren slowly cuddled into John, resting her head on his chest as she closed her eyes. "Love you... John." She mumbled tiredly, clearly on the verge of passing out.

That made John smile more and he wrapped an arm around her to keep her close. "Love you too." He replied with a loving voice, closing his eyes to get some rest after the very pleasurable sex they both just had.


The next morning was unlike any that John has ever had before, because now... he woke up with someone he genuinely loved by his side. He glanced down at Ren, smiling when he saw her with her head still rested on his chest. But surprisingly, she was already awake and was simply enjoying the sound of his heart beating.

"Morning." He said with a loving voice, gently moving his hand up and down her shoulder.

Ren's ears flicked up and she glanced up at him, smiling. "Oh, good morning." She said with an almost dreamy expression on her face.

John simply looked at Ren with nothing but his love for her for a moment before glancing out the window. "Hm, looks like we can get moving again. The blizzard's passed." He said with clear relief.

"Hm? Oh... yeah." Ren replied, sounding a little worried as she thought about when they eventually arrived to Montreal.

He let out a sigh, looking back into Ren's eyes. "Whatever happens, we'll work it out, okay?" He assured, placing a loving kiss on her head.

That made a small smile appear on her face again and she slowly nodded her head. "Yeah... okay." She agreed.

"Alright... now let's get moving. Sooner we get back to it, the better." John said with a smile.

"Yeah... you're right." Ren replied, still smiling as she got off of John, standing up and stretching her limbs a little before gathering up her clothes.

John also stood up, grabbing his own clothes, jacket and other belongings that they brought. It didn't take long for him, Aura and Ren to leave the gas station to walk back to where they left the truck, leaving the bodies of the men behind in there.

A few minutes later, they found the truck and John got to work with swiping the large amount of snow off of it while Ren managed to open the passenger side door, which was slightly frozen shut. She also let Aura in before taking a seat, waiting for John to finish up.

Eventually, he had cleared enough snow off of the truck and sat down on the driver's seat, taking a deep breath. "Come on baby... don't give up on me now." He said before pushing the key into the ignition, trying to start up the engine. It made a horrible noise at first but to his relief, the sound of the engine starting up was heard.

"Do I need to be jealous about the way you talk to your truck?" Asked Ren with an amused smirk.

John just chuckled in response to that, rolling his eyes with amusement as he began to carefully drive through the snow once again.

It only took a few more hours of driving for them to eventually pass through the Canadian border, making him glance over at Ren with a big smile. "You made it."

Ren had an even bigger smile on her face but she shook her head. "No, we did." She replied happily, taking one of John's hands in hers as she looked out the window of the moving car.

That made him very happy to hear and he held onto her hand tightly, keeping one hand to the wheel. Now all that was left to do was drive the rest of the way to the city of Montreal... which John could already see in the distance. He began to get a little nervous from the thought of what may happen when they arrived.


About an hour later, John pulled out in the middle of the city, getting out of his truck first to begin looking around. All he saw were many crumbling, abandoned buildings of the city... no sign of a community anywhere.

Ren got out next, also looking around the place. But she was very excited that she actually made it.

"Did they mention how to find them?" He asked, showing his confusion.

"No... the transmission just said to come to Montreal." Ren replied, also a little confused.

He was silent for a moment, looking around at the snow covered city. "Hmm... well, you said it was underground right? Maybe-" his sentence was cut short when he was suddenly tackled to the ground.

"We've got a human!" The wolf fur who was pinning John to the ground yelled, holding a knife to his neck.

Just then, a large number of furs appeared from behind cars, dumpsters, buildings... everywhere. All holding mostly sharp weapons and bows.

"Wait! Please!" Ren yelled desperately, trying to run over to John's aid, only to be held back by a very large bear fur.

"It's okay, the human scum can't hurt you anymore." Said the bear with a very thick Russian accent.

Aura jumped out of the truck, beginning to run over to the fur pinning John while growling violently, ready to attack.

"Aura, no! Stay!" John commanded as soon as he heard her growls.

Aura immediately stopped, clearly confused, but she would never disobey one of John's commands. She just looked on, whimpering due to not being able to help at all.

The group of furs were very surprised to see the large wolf, but they brushed it off.

"We're gonna kill you human, you should've known better than to cross onto our lands." Said the wolf fur pinning John as he began to inch the blade closer to his neck.

"Please just listen to me! I'm begging you!" Ren screamed at the top of her lungs, getting the attention of all of the furs, clearly they were confused. "He got me here! He risked his fucking life to get me here! Please don't kill him, just give him a chance to let him show you!" She pleaded, tears brimming in her eyes.

"Show us what? You're being delusional, girl. He's a human, nothin' but a human." Said the wolf fur, getting ready to drag the blade along John's neck.

"No! I'm being fucking serious!" Ren screamed, desperately trying to escape the bear fur's grip. "Please, just give him a chance!" She pleaded, beginning to sob.

The wolf fur looked over at Ren, clearly baffled as to why she was defending this human. But seeing her cry like that... told him that her pleas were genuine. "God dammit." He said with a sigh, getting off of John to begin speaking into his earpiece. "Ma'am, we've got a human here. But the fur he came here with is begging that we give him a chance, please advise."

John was fully prepared to die here after all of that, but he was surprised when the wolf fur got off of him, letting him slowly stand. He listened to the conversation he was having over the earpiece.

The wolf fur was clearly surprised by whatever was said over the comm link, but he shrugged. "Alright, looks like the boss is curious. You'll get your chance." He said, looking at John with a scowl. "Ivan." He said simply, looking over at the bear fur.

All that John felt was a sudden, very heavy blow to the back of his head, knocking him out cold which caused him to fall to the snowy ground. The last thing he heard from the wolf fur was a chuckle, and the words. "Welcome to Perseverance."

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