The Dark Lords Daughter 2: Sl...

StephaniexEdwards द्वारा

59.7K 2.3K 306

The second instalment of my Dark Lords Daughter series. When the chamber of Secrets is opened in Hogwarts Ann... अधिक

Diagon Alley
Train Tracks
Distant Memories
Livid Letters
Whispering Walls
Hallway encounters
Rough Bludger
Meet Myrtle
Family History
A Centaurs Promise
Nothing to Tell
Talk to Me
Favorite Colour
What isn't wrong?
Feeling Feline
Seasons Greeting
Good day
Thrown Books
Does Not!
His Name
Listen to Me
So Many Almosts
Dysfunctional family
Authors note

The Dark Lords Daughter 2: Slytherins Heir

4.7K 93 23
StephaniexEdwards द्वारा

My summer passed quickly mostly took up with long rides around the grounds on Grace and helping Hagrid out with jobs. I was currently laid on my bed, having done all Graces jobs and put her out in the pasture to graze, I had nothing left to do. I turned my head to look at the stack of completed homework piled on my desk and sighed. It was half way through the eighth week of the holidays and although I was excited for my friends to come back, I was anxious as well. I had received letters off Ron, Hermione, Seamus and Neville, all telling me of their fabulous holidays. Harry however, hadn't replied to a single one of my messages and it worried me. I stood and paced around the room, coming to a halt in front of the window. The pasture outside was full of rich green grass which swayed gently in the breeze, the evergreens in the distance, stood tall and proud in the last of the summer sun. A movement caught my attention. A dark speck of the horizon, I squinted trying to see what it was, it grew in size and my eyes widened in glee. An owl.

   I opened my window and waited for it to land, I quickly backed up out of the way however, when I realised which bird it was. Errol. With a puff of feathers  he landed in the middle of the floor and laid flat on his back for a moment. I crouched down beside him and prodded him carefully.

"Please be alive." I pleaded, I sighed in relief when it suddenly jumped back to its feet and shook itself. I plucked the letter from its beak and he hopped back to the window and took off once again. Looking down at the envelope I smiled, it was from Ron. Prising it open I took out the folded parchment and began to read.

"Dear Anna, no I still haven't had any word from Harry, either. I have however been bombarded with letters from Hermione, to the point that Errol nearly had a heart attack from flying all my replies. I'm now limited to two letters a week." I chuckled, imaging the wide-eyed owl, flopping into the floor in front of Hermione a letter still clutched in his beak.

"Anyway, with only a few days left of the holidays, before we come back to Hogwarts. We're all getting excited for visiting Diagon, especially Ginny." I laughed, thinking of Ron's little sister. A ball of energy, constantly jumping around.

"I am worried about Harry though and between you and me, me, Fred and George are planning on going over to his to find out what's going on." I gasped, the Weasleys in Little Whinging, Surrey.

"So hopefully I'll see him soon and we'll see you at school. From Ron.

P.S. My mum's put a letter in with this, sorry." I chuckled and grabbed the discarded envelope, it was heavy and I looked inside. There lay a smaller envelope with a red ribbon. I pulled it out and placed it on my hand. I smiled as it sprung to life, folding and twisting into a mouth, it floated just off of my hand and turned to me.

"Dear, Anna." It begun and I immediately recognised the voice is Mrs Weasley or Molly.

"I hope you are well, poppet and that you've been getting yourself ready for the new school year. However, I thought I best ask. We are planning to head to Diagon Alley tomorrow, to allow a day before we have to be at Kings Cross. This is an invitation to you to join us on our annual trip and stay at our house until we ship the whole brood off to Hogwarts on the 1st of September." I smiled at how she made her children sound like chickens.

"You are most welcome to come to our home tonight and stay. As long as it is ok with Hagrid and of course Minerva. Lots of love, The Weasleys." I giggled, my eyes shining in excitement. Gripping the letter I quickly ran down stairs and through the barn. I sprinted across the wooden bridge and down the hill to Hagrid's shack. I halted at the front door and knocked loudly.

"Hagrid!" I called when there was no answer.

"Hagrid!" I continued to knock when the wooden door suddenly pulled open.

"What? What's the matter?" I asked scanning the field for danger. I beamed up at my bearded friend and guardian.

"I got a letter." I shuffled past him in the doorway and walked into the cozy surroundings on the room. I patted Fang on the head as I passed and the dog whined in greeting.

"It's off the Weasleys, they want me to go to their house tonight so that I can go with them to Diagon Alley and get school supplies." I bounced on my toes in excitement.

"Oh Hagrid can I go please?" I pleaded clasping my hands together and staring up at him with my big icy blue eyes. He frowned and hummed in thought.

"I don't know I'll have to ask the Professor." I gasped.

"Professor McGonagall arrived earlier to sort out her office and living quarters." I took off out of the door and up to the castle, forgetting the bored mood I had been in just minutes before. I could hear Hagrid calling me, but I carried on. I smiled as I ran, up stairways and down corridors, until I stood in front of a portrait. A young girl looked down at me, she smiled kindly.

"Good afternoon." She greeted in an overly sweet voice.

"Afternoon." I replied, "could you tell me if Professor McGonagall is inside?" The girl nodded and turned in her painting, walking away from me. She returned moments later and swung open. Behind the portrait stood Minerva.

"Anna?" She asked, confusion in her voice.

"Sorry to disturb, but I received a letter off Mrs Weasley." I handed it to her and she walked back into her quarters, gesturing for me to follow.

   We sat in the living area, having just listened to the message again. Minerva looked in deep thought.

"Well I cannot see any reason why you couldn't go, I mean you are in need of supplies."

"Is that a yes?" I asked hopefully and she sighed. Nodding her head, I jumped up and hugged her quickly.

"Thankyou!" I called over my shoulder as I ran out of the room. I returned to my barn and began to pack a few things and go through my trunk. I pulled out all the items that I wouldn't need and folded my robes carefully laying them into the bottom. Once done I walked over to my dresser, opening one of the draws I pulled out a small gold key on a chain necklace, I placed it over my head and hid it under my jumper. I sighed and opened the next draw, looking into it my eyes watered slightly. Reaching in my fingers brushed over the cold golden links of the bracelet. I picked it up and turned it in my hands the horse charm gleamed it's tiny emerald eye glittered. I took hold of the inscribed plate and felt a tear slip from my eye. Where it had one said "friends" it now was blank. It had happened after me and Oliver,s last argument through our letters. As if he had erased me from his life. I remembered opening the letter.

   We had been arguing over my decision to remain friends with him, even after his many attempts to advance our relationship. He called me a flirt and a tease, said I cared for Harry and that he wasn't coming second best even if it was to the "chosen one". As I'd finished reading the bracelet had glowed, the letters disappearing in front of my eyes. I had pulled the jewellery from my wrist and thrown it into the draw. I hadn't looked at it since.

   As it got late, I walked downstairs, Grace stood in her stable. As I had left the back door open so she could escape the sun. She looked at me expectantly and I smiled.

"Hey, darling." I greeted and she whickered quietly. I dropped her tea over the door and walked into the kitchen. Not particularly hungry I simply grabbed an apple from the ever full bowl on the table. I was about to walk back upstairs when a voice stopped me.

"Anna?" Turning round I noticed Hagrid stood at the barn doors. I smiled at him.

"The professor told me your going to the Weasleys." I nodded to him.

"How long?" He asked.

"Three days." I shrugged and he looked in thought

"I guess your wanting me to look after her." He gesture to Grace and I smiled sweetly at him.

"Please?" He chuckled.

"Got your things ready?" He asked, I ran upstairs and grabbed my large back pack from my bed.

"Ready." I chirped and Hagrid chuckled. I walked over to Grace and patted her neck.

"See you in a few days, Princess." She continued to eat her hay, oblivious and I smiled. Hagrid placed his hand in my shoulder and directed me out of the barn. We walked through the halls until we came to a closed door. He halted me and I looked up at him in confusion. He gestures for me to enter and I pushed open the heavy wooden door. I stated around the empty room the walls.

"Hagrid...there's nothing in here." He chuckled at my observation and stepped into the room behind me.

"Actually your mode I transportation is in this room." I quirks an eyebrow at his riddles.

"Hagrid." I spoke sternly and he chuckled.

"The fireplace." He pointed to one of the walls and sure enough there, stood a large fireplace.

"That's my mode of transportation?" I looked at it in confusion.

"Aye, Floo powder." He chirped happily, producing a small pouch from his pocket.

"Come on, now. Step into the fireplace." I swung my bag over my shoulder and took a breath. I ducked into the blackened bricked square.

"Right now take a handful of the powder." He held out the small pouch an I dug my hand deeply into it. I nodded to Hagrid once my hang was full of a coarse grey powder.

"Right now listen carefully. Speak your desired destination, very clearly. That's very important Anna. So you would say, The Weasley household. Once you've said you place, you need to throw the powder down onto the floor and poof, your off." I nodded and he smiled at me.

"I'll see you in a couple of days Hagrid." I smiled and took another breath.

"The Weasley household." I pronounced clearly and threw down the powder. My eyes widened as I was consumed by green flames, squeezing my eyes closed I gripped hold of my bags handle.

   Before I knew it my feet met solid ground. I landed heavily and crumbled into a heap, coughing. Looking round the room, I was amazed by the strange spells and magic at work. A brush was scrubbing a dirtied pan and pair of needles were knitting quietly in the corner. I glanced at the clock and gasped, 6 AM. How had it taken that long? I laughed quietly as I realised that the clock wasn't ticking and was simply stuck in that time.

"Hello?" I rasped out, my throat still full of smoke. I stood and brushed myself off still in the fireplace.

"Hello?" I called again. I jumped as a figure appeared in front of me his wand drawn. I held up my hands eyes wide with fear.

"Anna?" I looked up at the wand holder and sighed in relief. Lowering my hands.

"Merlin. Percy! Is that how you greet all your guests?" I teased, he on the other hand looked totally bewildered.

"What are you doing here?" He whispered and I frowned.

"Your mum invited me." I whispered back, looking around the room I lent in to the Griffindor prefect.

"Why are we whispering?" He sighed.

"Mum's upstairs and Ron, Fred and George have taken the car to Harry's, with out her knowing." He hissed. My mouth formed an "O" shape as he explained.

"Wow, ok. Well why don't I go and see Ginny?" I asked and he smiled.

"Brilliant, yes first floor on the right." I nodded and began up the stairs. I approached the door and knocked quietly.

"Ginny?" I whispered and the door flew open, my hand still frozen in the air mid-knock.

"Hey." I smiled and she simply looked at me in confusion.

"I'm Anna, Anna Lockheart. I go to school with your brothers. Umm...your mum invited me." I tried to explain, when the door behind me began to open. Ginny suddenly lurched forward and pulled me into her room, slamming the door behind her.

"Sorry." She whispered as I looked at her, both eyebrows raised. "My mum would make everyone come greet you and of course their not all here."

"Oh okay." I smiled and she returned it. We chatted for awhile before we both began to yawn.

"I think it's time we got some sleep." She offered and  I nodded in agreement.  She leant over and switched off the lights. I laid on a quickly made bed, consisting of old couch cushions and a knitted blanket. I drowsily closed my eyes and drifted off the sleep.

    I woke late the next morning already hearing voices from downstairs. Ginny was still snoring quietly and I decide to wake her.

"Ginny," I shook her slightly and she groaned in her sleep.

"No, I don't want that cloak, Mum..." She mumbled in her sleep and I bit my lip in an attempt to stop laughing.

"Ginny!" I said louder and she shot upright.

"What?" She shouted back and I laughed.

"Morning." I joked and she flopped back down.

"Ginny, breakfast!" A voice came from downstairs. She jumped out of bed and pulled on her dressing gown. I pulled my hoodie over my head and leant on the wall waiting for her to finish. She seemed to search the cluttered room until eventually giving up and heading downstairs.

"Mum? Mummy, have you seen my jumper?" She called running quickly down each step.

"Yes dear. It was on the cat." I giggled walking slowly down each step. Suddenly Ginny ran back past me, knocking me out of the way. I touched the ground floor and walked towards the table, where everyone sat.

"What's up with her?" I asked pointing to the stairs.

"Anna?" Harry asked, looking wide eyed and beaming.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here!?" Ron exclaimed. My face dropped.

"Wow I feel so loved." I joked. "Hi to you too Ron. You mum invited me." He muttered a quick "Sorry" and resumed eating.

"Anna, dear. When did you get here?" Mrs Weasley asked coming over and wrapping me in a hug.

"Last night actually." I answered looking at Percy who shook his head and smiled. Molly followed my gaze and stated suspiciously at her second eldest son.

"Well never mind, sit please and have some breakfast." I nodded thankfully and took a seat in between Fred and George. I had just started tucking into some French toast, when the door flung open. An middle aged man with a slouched hat and wispy strands of red hair sticking out from under it strode in.

"Morning, Weasleys." He greeted happily and I smiled.

"Morning dad." The three youngest sons chimed as Molly added her "Morning Arthur". Mr Weasley turned to the kitchen counter and placed his briefcase upon it.

"What a night." He said breathlessly, "Nine raids. Nine!" I furrowed my brow and turned to Ron.

"Raids?" Harry asked and Ron swallowed his huge mouthful of food.

"Dad works in The Ministry of Magic, in The Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Dad loves Muggles, thinks their fascinating" Ron answered, as his dad turned and took his seat at the head of the table. He sighed and looked around.

"well now. Ahh..." He sighed, his eyes zeroing in on me and Harry.

"Who are you two?" He asked. Harry answered first.

"Oh, sorry sir. I'm Harry, sir. Harry Potter." I swallowed my giggle as I watched the mans eyes widen.

"Good Lord! Are you really? Well, Ron's told us all about you, of course. When did he get here?" Arthur asked looking round at his wife.

"This morning," She huffed, "Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours, all the way to Surrey and back last night." His eyes widened in excitement.

"Did you really? How did it go?" He babbled and Ron, Harry, Fred and George overlapped each their with their praise of the car.

"Arthur!" Molly scolded, smacking her husband on the arm and I giggled. The man froze and straightened in his seat.

"I mean...that was very wrong, indeed, boys. Very wrong of you. Now, Harry, you must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly in the function of a rubber duck." I couldn't help but let out a laugh at that and Harry looked at me in a kind of "help me" look.

"Arthur, leave the boy alone, besides we have another guest as well." Molly smiled kindly at me, I returned it before looking towards Mr Weasley.

"Ah... Yes, terrible sorry. You would be?" He stuttered, I giggled.

"Anna, Anna Lockheart, sir." He smiled an looked to Ron.

"Your another one we've heard a lot about. Your Ron's girlfriend aren't you?" I laughed and blushed slightly. Ron looked mortified.

"Dad!" He scolded. "I said she was a girl, who is a friend."

"Oh..." Mr Weasley nodded, I continued to chuckle. A screech came from outside and Molly looked towards the window.

"Well, that'll be Errol with the post." I flinched as the bird flew straight into the closed half of the window.

"Oh, fetch that would you Percy please?" Molly asked brushing off the insistent as the bird reappeared on the window ledge.

"Errol." Percy greeted the bird, plucking an envelope from its beak and popping the seal open.

"He's always doing that." Ron complained and I turned to see Harry's bewildered expression.

"Oh look..." Percy exclaimed. "It's our Hogwarts letters and they've sent us Harry's and Anna's as well." I smiled as he handed me my letter.

"Dumbledore must know you two are here. Doesn't miss a trick, that man." Mr Weasley laughed and continued eating his breakfast.

"Oh no." Mrs Weasley added in agreement.

"This lot won't come cheap,Mum." Fred worried, having read the supplies list on his letter. "The spell books alone are very expensive." Molly simple smiled at him from over the mix-match table.

"We'll manage." Looking around at the rest of us. "There's only one place we're going to get all this, Diagon Alley." I smiled as the table erupted in whispers and all food left on plates quickly disappeared. We all ran upstairs and grabbed our cloaks and bags before regrouping in the kitchen. We stood before the fireplace and I smiled remembering my greeting from Percy last night.

"Right. Here we are, Harry." Molly said gesturing to my friend. "You go first, dear." Harry stood confusion veiling his face.

"But Harry's never travelled by Floo powder before, Mum." Ron intervened.

"Floo powder?" Harry asked looking passed Ron and to me. I nodded an looked to Mrs Weasley.

"Oh, well you go first Ron and show Harry how its done." Ron walked forward and ducked into the fireplace.

"Yes. That's you go." I watched as Ron took hold of his powder and stood with an outstretched hand. He took a breath.

"Diagon Alley!" He said loudly and threw the powder to the floor. I flinched as a huge green flame devoured him before dissipating, from the outside the flame look pretty impressive. I turned to Harry to see him practically shaking.

"You see! It quite easy, dear." Molly turned to him and noticed his wide eyes. "Don't be afraid. Come on." He hesitated and looked to me for help. I smiled and gave him a shove on his shoulder sending him forward.

"Come on. In you go. That's it, mind you head. That's right." Molly cooed as her climbed inside the fireplace. She then held out the plant pot looking dish containing the powder.

"Now take your Floo powder." She instructed, Harry dug his hand deep into the pot and allowed the excess powder to run from his fingers.

"That's it, very good." Mrs Weasley praised. "Now, dont forget to speak very, very clearly." He nodded. Closing his eyes he took a breath.

"Diagonilly!" He shouted, throwing down his powder and evaporated. Oh no, Harry! I stood wide eyed and confused as Molly stepped forward.

"What did he say dear?" She asked her husband, who sighed and rocked back on his heels.

"Diagonally." Oh dear! Molly gestured to me next and I clambered into the fireplace.

"Anna, you have travelled like this before haven't you?" She asked holding back the Floo powder.

"Yes Mrs Weasley, it's how I go here last night." I smiled and she held out the pot to me. I took a handful of grey powder and waited for them to back away before performing my task.

"Diagon Alley." I said clearly and threw down the powder. A green flash and my feet where no longer touching the stone of the Weasley kitchen fireplace. Instead my bum hit the wooden floor of a shop. I looked up and spotted Ron, who looked down at me in confusion.

"Where's Harry?" He asked, glancing behind me.

"Well unless there's a town called Diagonally, then God knows." I answered and Ron shook his head. Eventually the rest of the Weasley family joined us and as a group we wandered out into the alley and to find Harry.

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