De SonamDiwakar2

313K 7.9K 3.2K

After fight outside animal clinic with Stiles, Scott fails to prove his friendship with him not first but las... Mais

5. Can I Call Your Dad
6. Unnerving Discoveries
7. Calling Noah
9. Isaac
1. Everything I Did Was For Nothing
10. Lab Buddies
11. We're Not What We Were
12. Thor
13. Scars He Hide
14. Step Toward Hell
15. She Saved Me Again
2. Uncle Phil
16. Survivers Are Left To Suffer
17. Beacon Hills
18. Season Four
19. All The Truth's Out
20. I'm Gonna Kill Them
21. Normal
3. Time To Meet The Avengers Kid
Thank you so much
22. Ah! Old Highschool Drama
23. He's My Son
24. A New Family
25. I'll Be Okay
26. Never Normal
4. What The Hell Heppend In Beacon Hills
27. I'm Not Your Son
28. A Long Day
29. A Long Day (P2)
30. Kyra
31. Web Of Lies
32. We Can't Tell Them
What do you think
New Book
34. Worthy
35. Stars And Moon
36. All Of Me
37. Mom
38. How It Feels Like
i need to say
39. Safe And Sound
40. Storm

33. We Can't Tell Them (P2)

3.1K 111 47
De SonamDiwakar2

Issac thinks about a right point to start this and tell in once what heppend with Boyd and Erica.

"They were kidnapped by the Alpha pack, who were coming to Beacon Hills and they had a leader named Deucalion. Me, Derek and Peter spend summer searching for them and Allison spend her's in France. Stiles spend it training Scott." Issac says, Fury didn't looks much suprised by mention of Alpha pack, he know now that anything can happen in that Town.

Issac again picks up the file to mark all the murders and sacrifices at that time. He marked them like, killed by Alpha pack or sacrificed by darach/jannifer/our English teacher/Derek's second psychopathic girlfriend. After he was done he slid the file in Fury's, who read it with different types of emotions. He looks up at them with looks that says, 'really' they again control their laughs.

Issac explained him about Deucalion and Gerard fiasco and then why jennifer wanted revenge. And what the sacrifices mean. He told him about his encounter with Alphas and what heppend with him. Then the ritual and finding out Erica is dead and finding Boyd with Derek's sister Cora. How Lydia was finding bodies everywhere and Stiles's struggle to find connection and trying to keep his father safe.

He told them about motel and how Stiles saved Scott. Fury was now feeling little guilty for suspecting Stiles in first place. How sheriff got kidnapped and Cora's worsening condition. He told about whole hospital drama in details, and mellisa getting kidnapped as second guardian sacrifice, how Scott betrayed them for the second time by leaving with Deucalion. End Chris being taken as last sacrifice.

"Why was this Deucalion after Stiles and Scott in first place?" Fury asks, for the first time since Issac started speaking.

"Scott was showing traits of becoming a true Alpha, which heppens only in every hundred years. A true Alpha don't have to kill to gain his power and he's more powerful then other Alphas. Deucalion wanted him in his pack. But with Stiles, he knew he can't make him part of his pack becouse Stiles's powers were out of his reach, so he wanted to kill him and absorb his Spark." Steve explains, giving Issac some rest.

"You guys just said that Stiles is human....then where did that Spark thing came from?" Fury looks lost.

"Stiles is human a way he isn't, like he is not counted as supernatural.... but he still have powers." Clint tries to explain but huffs in the end giving up.

"Just tell me what he can do?" Fury asks.

Issac thinks for second to decide where to start. Then he remembers.

"First time he did something abnormal was in that rave. He circled whole building but in the end he had only handful and still he covered whole alley. After that no supernatural creature can enter nor exit. Then in basement with Erica and Boyd he saw Boyd's memory from his wound that how they got caught. He kept seeing memories here and there after that and now he can control that. But he never tried to expand his powers." Issac says, he avoided telling Fury about more about Stiles's powers Fury nods understanding.

"How did you guys managed to save the perents and stop Deucalion and Jennifer while saving your own life too?" Maria asks, now genuinely conserne.

"They did world's biggest stupidity." Phil mutters, but everyone heard him. Fury simply asks.


"They were under the nematon -the magic tree I told you about- and we needed location, so deaton said he know a ritual but we needed Scott too. Stiles made him come back for ritual but Scott said he will go back after that. Me, Stiles, Scott, Allison, Lydia and deaton met at animal clinic."

"What was the retuial?" Fury asks.

"You should just watch, becouse I don't think any of us can say that again." Issac says, bringing out Stiles's laptop. Fury looks at him questioningly.

"Do you guys have footages of these things?" He says, weary.

"Stiles use to delete all the evidences of supernatural. That's why you never found anything in any of the camera footage or police records. But he still have most of them in his laptop, like motels footage which we didn't show you." Natasha says, Fury looks impressed.

Issac took the laptop and Played the footage where deaton told them about ritual and how to do that. They saw how they filled the tubs and took one of the thing related to their perents and choose someone with a connection. Then stepping in the tub and drowning. Issac kept laptop in Fury's direction so they don't have to see that again.

"Why aren't they coming bay. They were sapposed to come back in some seconds, it's been ten minutes." maria says, with hint of fear on her face.

"Fast forward." Issac simply said, after Maria's questioning look he adds. "Sixteen hours." Even Fury looks sick at his words and Maria fast forwards with shaking hand. And saw Stiles, Allison and Scott shoting up from water with big gasp for breath.

"They were dead for sixteen hours." Fury says, incredulously.

Issac just nods, he was hiding his emotions really well about this topic.

"After that so much shit went down and result was Scott becoming a True Alpha, but by Stiles powers, Thor told us about it, deaton lied to everyone and channeled Stiles spark to Scott without anyone's knowledge. Deucalion killed Jennifer and got his eyesight back and Scott let him go. Me Allison and Stiles somehow saved the perents from being burried alive. Cora left town. For some days we felt like everything was back to normal but the ritual had it's consequences. All three of them were having problems, and our next problem came out from same thing." Issac says, picking up file again.

"That foe must be someone dangerous, becouse there are more then hundred murders plus....some of your own." Fury says, but frowns when he sees their reaction.

Issac blinks rapidly trying to keep his tears from falling. Phil and Natasha looks saddest Fury have ever seen them. Steve looks like he's regretting coming here. Clint is sitting quietly without showing any emotion, Fury realised Clint have been completely silent since Issac started telling him about Alpha pack. What could have been so bad to gain reaction like this.

Issac skids file in his direction after five minutes and Fury looks down at it. Issac have written only one name in front of every dead person. Nogitsune.

"What is.... nogitsune?" Fury asks, Issac closes his eyes for a moment before answering.

"Nogitsune is a dark kitsune. They feed of chaos, stripe and pain. The nogitsune we face was a thousand years old and he was offended after being called on earth but getting trapped under nematon for more then seventy years by noshiko yukimara. She is a nine hundred years old kitsune and mom of our friend kira, who is also a thunder kitsune." Issac explains and Fury nods.

"What does this nogitsune wanted also why and how did he killed so many people?" Fury asks, Issac glances at Clint, who's is becoming uncomfortable by every passing second.

"Clint. I think you should come out with me.....and we can grab some coffee for everyone." Steve offers, Clint looks at him gladly and nods.

They both walks out of the room leaving a very bewildered Fury and Maria behind. Phil and Natasha sighs in relief.

"Why did Clint behaved like that. Only one thing make him act like that." Maria says, slowly trying to put pieces in the place.

"I will answer Fury's question and you will get your answer too." Issac says, and continues after they nod.

"Nogitsune just wanted to play with us.... killing was byproduct. Stiles, Alli and Scott.....all three of them were having problems. Allison was being haunted by Kate. Scott was scared to shift and Stiles couldn't differentiate between reality and dream." Fury nods with a frown.

"Actually three of them left a door in their minds, while they were dead. We thought they closed them in process of saving a girl. Malia Tate, who was stuck in her Coyote form from last eight years. We someone turned her back to humen and she went back to her dad. New girl kira joined school and became Scott's girlfriend. We found after that she was a kitsune. Whole town was going through some accidents some small some big but there was Chaos everywhere."

"The first big incident was an convicted mass murderer escaping and kidnapping kira. Stiles's condition started becoming worse but he still helped in saving her....there he was electrocuted by whole towns electricity....but none of us knew that." Fury inturupts Issac.

"How did he even survive. I know he have powers and everyone comes back from dead in that Town but he could have never survive that much electricity?" Fury says not believing. Issac sighs.

"During the ritual....his body and mind was left vulnerable.....and at the same time nogitsune was freed. Nogitsune needed a host to possess. He chose Stiles." Fury and Maria now understand why Steve took Clint outside. He don't know how Bucky and Clint were able to hear it when Stiles himself told them.

"There were these demons called the oni. Thay were sent by kira's mom to check who was possessed....they checked everyones. Me, Chris and Allison found from japanese yakuza about nogitsune and that he can't be killed. On other hand Stiles's condition was getting worse. He was completely unable to differentiate between dream and reality and was finding every crime's connection to himself. Nogitsune was able to overpower him after that electrocution incident. He admitted himself in hospital and mellisa thought he was having same disease as his mother."

"He was found positive for that disease but then it completely vanished. He also went missing one night before being diagnose and just after diagnosis. Same night hospital's wire broke and killed six people and you were in coma." Fury says.

"Nogitsune made Stiles do that, but after that Stiles was somewhere consious what was happening and he went in jungle in coldest night of the year so he will die and he won't hurt anyone." Issac says in protective manner. Phil and Natasha's stomach drops upon hearing that.

"But nogitsune tricked him in thinking that he sleep walked in some basement. Stiles called Scott and asked him to find him. Me, Scott, Lydia, Derek and twins with sheriff searched every place but mellisa and her ex ended up finding him in Malia's coyote den....he was nearly hypothermic. Nogitsune take over again during MRI and disappeared for two day."

"When he came back it was still nogitsune but he pretended to be Stiles and fooled everyone. He got coach shot and did a blast at station. Deaton found something to keep him under control for sometime. Stiles admitted himself in Eichen house to keep us safe and asked Scott to never let him out if we failed in finding a cure."

"There he found Malia but after some things a boy called Oliver from that place strapped them both on two chairs in basement and threatened to kill Malia if he didn't let nogitsune in. Stiles had no choice but to let him in. He fled from that place and after so many other things ended up taking the last kiken from noshiko. Those look like a black dagger but she used them to create oni. She had only one left and most powerful one too."

"He slashed Stiles across his stomach and created some fireflies. Those fireflies possessed all the werewolves except Scott and we all tried to kill eachother. Allison and kira somehow stopped us. At the same time Scott, Lydia, mellisa and deaton took Peter's help in saving Stiles. Scott and Lydia went inside his head from Scott's claws to gave him control over his body and mind.....but in result Stiles was thrown out of his body and nogitsune got his real one." That was enough for Fury to stop his explaination.

"How is that possible?" He asks, weirdly.

"Nogitsune did something.....but he was still feeding on Stiles's life force. He also used that as a distraction and ended up kidnapping Lydia. We spent whole day in searching for her and found where she was. Stiles made us promise in the way that we have to stop nogitsune and not care about him. Me, Stiles, Scott, Allison and kira met at the doors of that place and Stiles and Scott went to find Lydia while we tree faced kira's mom her onis." Issac stops realising what was next. He was so lost in explaining that he didn't realise he was so close to that point.

Fury and Maria looks at him questioningly at his sudden silence but Phil rubs his back for comfort. Issac looks at him and Phil nods. Phil starts speaking instead of Issac now.

"Stiles and Scott found Lydia but she wasn't happy. Nogitsune got control over onis and attacked Allison, Issac and kira outside. One of the oni was about to kill Issac but Allison killed him then another one stabbed her through stomach.... Stiles collapsed in the tunnels and Lydia stayed with him, Scott reached too late and Allison died in his arms. She made Scott promise her to keep Stiles, Issac and Lydia safe as her last words. Stiles still believes himself the reason for her death and Issac left that town with Argent." Phil says in a sad voice.

Issac was wiping his tears furiously but he stopped when he caught the scent of guilt. He glanced up to see Fury and Maria looking sympathetic but their scent was of guilt. Something was not right or why would they feel guilty about Allison's death. They might feel bad for suspecting Stiles but they were guilty and it make Issac feel like they were hiding something. He wished Stiles was here, so he can somehow made them confess but he have to work with himself.

"Then how did you killed him?" Fury asks, breaking Issac out of his thoughts.

"We didn't. After finding that we can trap him inside the box made of nematon wood we all met at school. Me, Derek, Chris and twins fought Onis and others faced nogitsune. At first they were trapped in a hallucinations and nogitsune almost convinced Stiles to kill himself by telling him about Allison's death, but Stiles figured out that it was not real. Scott snuck up on him and bit him then kira stabbed him from behind. Stiles body destroyed and I trapped nogitsune in that box. We lost Aiden in process. Ethan and I left that town after that." Issac suddenly ended it there. Leaving Phil and Natasha confuced but they didn't question him.

"Can you tell all this in details?" Fury asks. He looks like he wants something more from this part but Issac wasn't in mood, spacially after Fury made him suspicious about something

"I would not even think about all this if I don't have to. You should be glad I'm saying that much." Issac says, making his point clear. Fury sighs in

"Then what heppend next?" He asks, moving forward.

"When Peter Hale was in coma for six years after fire, he was somehow able to communicate with a banshee. He was renting in his head about how he will use 117 million dollars worth of bearer bonds he have in Hale family's underground....something to wipe all the supernatural population from Beacon Hills. Then he forgot about it but that Banshee activated that Deadpool after nogitsune incident. Then all the supernatural were on a list with price on their heads to kill by anyone who can get their hands on that list. Pack also found that Kate Argent was alive and was now a supernatural creature and wanted revenge on Stiles and Scott for ruining her family legacy." Issa felt proud that he explained most of the things in that short way.

"Can someone just stay dead in that Town." Maria comments. Isaac, Natasha and Phil just scoffs.

"Scott also bit his first Beta. Liam Dunbar by mistake. There were assassins coming from everywhere but they somehow managed to survive. Some of the assassins were on your list too, if I'm Bomber, Orphans, Chemist and Mute, they all died in process of trying to kill and gain money. Malia also joined pack. Stiles, Malia and Liam somehow found a computer thing in Lydia's lake house and shut that down. I don't know much becouse I wasn't there at the time." Issac said and Fury nods.

Issac looked into laptop and showed Fury all four Deadpool lists. Fury just looked at it and looked back.

"Is there any reason Stiles is highest in this list and why his and Derek's name is one of the key.

"Stiles is a rare creature and only some are in this world he's also only one to ever survive nogitsune. And about key. Derek died and came back as involved werewolf and could shift in whole werewolf form. He also moved away with Cora and Breadan to find desert wolf- Malia's evil mom- and Kate. Stiles was becouse in a way he is dead.... becouse nogitsune got his real body and we destroyed it." Issac explains

"All of that is sooo fucked up." Maria commented. Phil and Natasha couldn't agree more.

"After that that town was calm for sometime but whatever started again was still going on until Stiles disappeared from there." Fury says, he is waiting to know about this part, to know what made Stiles leave and why people.... spacially teenagers were going missing without a trace and dead bodies were being stolen.

Issac, Natasha and Phil all turn serious at that. The thought of what was heppening with Stiles at that time is still making them sick.

Issac looks back when he heard door open. Steve and Clint came in with one-one coffee for everyone.

"Where are you guys right now?" Steve asks, knowing that they must have told nogitsune part by now. Clint sat in his place and Phil holds his hand if asking how he is, Clint smiles in response.

"Theo and Dread doctors." Phil replies, and Steve looks suprised, thay reached that part really fast.

"Theo? That boy is also missing since Stiles left Beacon Hills." Maria says, recognising the name. "And what is Dread doctors?" She adds.

But all five of them looks at her with big eyes. Theo is also gone?

"He must have gone underground after what he did with Stiles." Natasha comments, bitterly and other four agreed with her point.

"What have he done to gain that much hate from Natasha?" Fury asks.

"Theo used to be Stiles and Scott's classmate years ago, but at night of senior scribe he came back as an werewolf asking to be a part of pack. At the same time thase things called Dread doctors also came in town. Stiles wasn't buying his story. They were three two hundred years old scientists. They were taking teenagers and to make them supernatural creatures by non supernatural means by experiment." Fury makes a disgusted face and Maria looks sick. They sound like hydra but more evil and cruel.

Issac told them about everything like Stiles did with them. How Stiles didn't trusted Theo but everyone else did. About chimeras coming from everywhere and being killed by doctors as failures. Donovan's attack and death. Bodies being stole by perish. The hardest part was how Theo drugged Stiles and changed his meds. So Theo can manipulate and use Stiles as weapon. Fury felt sick at that. In the end Scott trusting Theo over Stiles and throwing him out of the pack that night. Then how Stiles in condition of dissociation left the town and walked until he reached Phil's old apartment, where by pure luck Clint found him.

Maria nearly cried after hearing that and Fury looked like he have pushed his emotions back for sake of his work.

"Is he ok now?" Maria asks, hesitantly.

An unreadable expression crossed all five's face.

"No.....but he will be." Phil says, after sitting in silence for five minutes Phil slowly leaves his chair.

"I think we're done for Today. Well be going back home now." Steve says, and Issac stands with him.

"I want information of all the activities going on in Beacon Hills soon." Natasha's voice is like a order.

"We already have our spies there." Maria reassures.

"I know where that Deaton guy is right now. I'm ordering my team to arrest him and bring here." Fury says and everyone freezes in their tracks.

"Where did you found him?" Issac asks, he isn't sure how he's feeling right now.

"He just came back to Beacon Hills and I can bring him here in next couple of days. Then you can decide what to with him." Fury answers and Issac feels a sence of relief.

"Brought him here.....I have something in my my mind for him." Phil says, a dangerous expression on his face.

"What?" Clint ask, he know they can't kill him, but he also have a perfect place for that guy in her mind.

"The place where we put our most wanteds." Phil replies. Everyone understands straight away what he's talking about, even Issac. No one can break out of that prison, you have to be Avenger to that. Even if you did you can't go anywhere becouse you'll be in middle of the pecific ocean.

"I would like to see him once before he'll go on his one way trip." Natasha says and Fury nods.

Four adults and one teenage walked towerd door to in hurry to go back to tower as soon as they can.

"I will make sure Stiles is safe, Phil. You don't have to worry." Fury called out when Phil was about to close the door behind him. Phil looks back and nods at his boss and friend with smiles.

As soon as door closed Maria turned to look at Fury but before she can open her mouth Fury raised his hand to silence her. She got the signal and waited for some time so Issac was far away to not listen in there conversation. She spoke when she knew they are gone and her patience gave out.

"When are you going to tell them about her?' she asks, almost demands.

Fury looks at her like she's stupid.

"We have to find her first before telling them." Fury answers, with no emotions.

"You heard them sir. Even our team, who never met her talked about her with so much grief. Even after one year that boy couldn't say that. I can't even imagine how Stiles would be coping after thinking he killed her." Maria was drowning on her guilt for hiding something like that from them.

"What do you want me to tell them! That one year ago we send our agents to arrest Stiles and his friends but found a sapposed dead girl alive in woods and brought her here! Then four months ago she woke up from coma and ran away from a highly advanced organization thinking we want to hurt Stiles after she saw his file, and now we don't have any idea where she is.....they will lose there trust in SHIELD." Fury said last line in dangerously low voice.

"But that's not a lie that we wanted to eliminate Stiles after we found that hospital footage." Maria shot back.

"Becouse we didn't know the truth that it was nogitsune and not Stiles. We saw that Stiles is standing there and making some ninjas slaughter people like nothing." Fury reminded her. She sighed.

"But what if they found from somewhere else about her....or she herself came back to them. What will we do then?" Maria asks.

"If she wanted to go back then she would have.... months ago. I don't know what she's up to, but we need to find her as soon as possible. Then we can go and tell them....that Allison Argent is not dead." With that Fury walk out if the room leaving a still conflicted Maria behind.

I was soooo exited for that one since I got that idea. But then my mobile phone broke and I have to wait for new one to deliver first.

I had two places from that place to turn my story one was about sirens and mermaid and other is this one. I thought that i should made another story about siren story line and I chose the Allison's storyline here.

Hope you liked it. Becouse there is going to some really big changes and some new characters in story ahead. We will aslo get to see Allison and Stiles bonding like brother and sister and some bad guys are also coming.

I will also write a whole flashback about who and how resurrected Allison and then how SHIELD found her and then where she is after she ran away and didn't came back.

Continue lendo

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