Drowning Under 8'5 | Ranboo x...

بواسطة Dy-lexicgorl

234K 7.3K 13.3K

[Y/n] is a member of L'Manburg, a warrior trained under the wing of Philza Minecraft and raised by Wilbur Soo... المزيد

Character Description
Chapter One - Exiled
Chapter Two - Drowned
Chapter Three - Rescued
Chapter Four - Revived
Chapter Five - Dressed
Chapter Six - Thanked
Chapter Seven - Trusted
Chapter Eight - Loved
Chapter Nine - Mesmerized
Chapter Ten - Stained
Chapter Eleven - Forgiven
Chapter Twelve - Cusped
Chapter Thirteen - Betrayed
Chapter Fourteen - Warned
Chapter Fifteen - Executed Part 1
Chapter Sixteen - Executed Part 2
Chapter Seventeen - Lifted
Chapter Eighteen - Visited
Chapter Nineteen - Blued
Chapter Twenty - Reminisced
Chapter Twenty-one - Confessed
Chapter Twenty Three - Roped
Chapter Twenty Four - Souled
Chapter Twenty Five - Slept In
Chapter Twenty Six - Blinded
Chapter Twenty Seven - Absorbed
Chapter Twenty Eight - Epidermis
Chapter Twenty Nine - Immortalized
Chapter Thirty - Informed
Chapter Thirty One - Date Night, Part 1
Chapter Thirty Two - Date Night Part 2
Chapter Thirty-Three - Doomsday Part 1
😎QnA time!!!🤩
😭Another Milestone!!✨
Rest In Peace.

Chapter Twenty Two - Covered

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بواسطة Dy-lexicgorl

[A/n]: hey y'all, I'm really sorry I've been busy working and it's been exhausting. I've also been having a bit of writers block, and on top of that, motivation for writing in general has been low for me for the past few day. I've been a bit down lately so just... yeah. Please forgive my absence and give me some ideas for future chapters! ❤️

[Y/n] - Your name
[F/c] - favorite color
[E/c]- eye color (if you have two different colored eyes, go for it!)
[H/c] - hair color (if you have a certain type of hair in mind, use it!)
[H/l] - hair length
[Y/h] - your height (use whatever height you want!)
[F/f] - favorite flower
[Fi/fi] - first initial
[F/b] - breakfast
More will be added later!


Tommy looks down at the pair's hands and takes a deep breath as if about to scream. I grab the nearest soft object and rush over to him, as to muffle the sound of his screaming. He screams into the item and pushes it away from him.


[Y/n]'s pov

'Ohhhh boy... ProtectiveInnit joined the game..'

"Tommy...." Philza starts, his attempts to calm Tommy down were pushed aside when he continued being the protective brother figure he is.

"Ranboo I swear to Notch if you don't let—"

"TOMMY!! Chill out, I'm holding his hand as much as he is holding mine... jeez." I explain. I watch his face turn from angry to ✨e x t r e m e l y✨ confused.

"What do you mean?!" I give him a 'are-you-actually-serious-right-now?' look. He has a sudden realization and he points and look between us. "Wait... WOT?!?!"

"Bye, Tomathy!" I lead Ranboo out of the door, Tommy still dumbfounded. I close the door and we look at each. We begin to burst out laughing at the events that just now went down. We calm down and go on a little walk.

"When do you want to begin building your house?"

"When Techno gets back. He's in the nether at the moment, as to why, I have no clue."

He hums in understanding and we continue to walk.



"What now?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like... we confessed to each other and then kissed and did nothing else about it."

"I think we just wait until we have our first date! See which way the wind blows, y'know?"

I think about that for a second. 'That makes sense, I guess. We wouldn't want to rush anything.'

"Yeah that makes sense. So where are we gonna have the date?"

"You'll see. It's a surprise."

"Okayyyyy... when?"

"Umm... what's a good time for you?"

".... after my house is built?"

"Done." He smiles at me with excitement. I smile back. His smile is insanely contagious.

~time skip, 2 days later~

Ranboo and I decide to go in a walk to take a break from building. The house is already looking really nice, considering we've been building for two days. Our walk is calm and silent until we see Techno in the distance. He is running towards us.

"Techno?! Are you ok?" I question him concerned. Ranboo looks equally as concerned. He shakes his head out of breath.

"Dream just send me a message. He said he's on his way." He says loudly and rapidly. My eyes go wide and I whip my head in the direction Techno's house. I begin to bolt in that direction with Ranboo and Techno not far behind.

I run up the steps in two's and burst through the door. Phil isn't here. He is in L'Manburg, as to why, I'm not sure.

"TOMMY!! TOMMY ARE YOU HERE?!?!" I yell, my voice echos through the house.

"Up here!" I here from Techno's room. I climb the ladder to see him messing with the bell. "[Y/n], what's wrong? Are yo- WOAH!! Ouch!!" He exclaims as I interrupt him by grabbing his wrist and pulling him downstairs.

He regains his balance and he looks at all of us three confused.

"Tommy there is a particular individual that I spotted while I was at the scene of your exile." Techno explains.


"Uhh well it starts with D... and ends with 'eam'.."

"Wait what?! Dream is here?!"

"I mean, he messaged me that he was coming but he didn't tell me when and then I found him, 'hey I'm coming to your house soon need to have a chat with you'"

"IM AT YOUR HOUSE TECHNOBLADE!!!" He points to himself.

"IM AWARE OF THIS TOMMY! Just calm down, get in the box, I'll brew some invis for you and I'll give you some food just stay out of sight, alright?" He immediately begins brewing some potions.

Techno and Tommy were talking one day about ways to hide Tommy if Dream ever came along. They decided something that would make it like he was blending in perfectly and it wouldn't be suspicious. It was so smart, yet so obvious, no one would see it coming.

A box. A literal box made of trapdoors. Tommy would have invisibility on and hide in this box. He's done it a few times to test it and spooked me and Ranboo in the process, but it works so well, not even the most vigilant eyes can think to look here. It blends so well.

Techno tells me to keep a look out on the roof with his telescope, Ranboo is instructed to go back home. We do as we were told. Ranboo kisses my cheek before he teleports away.

I continuously crawl from one side of the house to the other, trying to keep a low profile. I look to the right of the front of the house and see a green blob in nether it's armor sprinting our way. I go to the back of the house and hang upside down and open the trapdoor window. "Techno, he's here." He nods and heads up the ladder.

I lift myself back onto the roof and lay on my stomach and keep watching Dream. I hear Techno hitting the bell to make himself seem busy. I chuckle at his childishness and army crawl to where the front door is to the house. I peak over the edge of the roof and see him knock. Luckily it's nighttime so he doesn't see me.

He starts being attacked by zombies and Technoblade comes out of the house and helps him. "Dream, you need some help there?"

They both chuckle, "you're just gettin' munched on."

"Yeah I was just trying to knock on the door so.."

"Yeah the zombies are very rude."

They continue to talk about how annoying the zombies are, and then I see Techno raise his hand in my direction and wave it, signaling me to back up a bit. Assuming I'm a bit visible I do as he says and continue to watch and listen.

I hear Tommy cough. My heart skips so I decide to crawl to the second floor window and act like I've been there the whole time. I quietly sit in the chair at the table drinking my water glass from earlier. I quickly grab a book from the stack at Techno's seat and open it.

"Who is it, Techno?" He peaks his head around the door. I look at him and wink. "It's just Dream."

"Ah ok." I look back down at the book and move my eyes along the words to make it look like I'm reading. I quickly glance at the box and see Tommy's invis potion waring off. I go to the chest to grab another one. I quickly formulate a plan.

I chuck the splash potion at the box and drop the glass of water on the floor at the same time. "Oh shoot!"

Techno comes in a bit startled at my exclamation. "[Y/n] what happened?" He sees the broken glass on the floor and I frantically start trying to clean up the glass, cutting my fingers in the process.

"I'm so sorry Techno, I'll replace it I know it was your favorite!" I look up at him and smile. He takes notice of my acting and goes along with it. He holds the bridge of his nose and sharply exhales. "It's ok [Y/n], just please be careful next time. And be careful, you're cutting yourself." Techno begins to help me clean the glass up.

Dream walks in and cackles lightly. "Well, maybe [Y/n] needs a sippy cup from now on." I snap my head at him and glare at him. "Put a dirty sock in it, Dream, we all know that you're codependent on your honey boo boo George for your bedtime stories." I sass back.

"Why you litt-"

"Ahem! Now that the glass is cleaned up, what's your business here, Dream?" Techno Intercedes. I stick my tongue out at Dream. He mumbled something, thinking I couldn't here it. "Child.." I roll my eyes. "Well you didn't deny it..." I mumble. He glared at me. I smirk back.

I swear if people start calling me a child I'm going to light Sapnap on fire.

"You're place is nice Technoblade." Dream comments, looking around. "You have a pet enderman?"

"Well no we're roommates, we're roommates."

"Ah.. hm"

He begins to inspect his house and goes down to the first floor. Techno follows him curiously and I glance at Tommy, pulling out a regular invis potion. I look down the ladder, they are nowhere in sight.

"I hand the potion to Tommy and he takes it quietly. "Drink that in 2 minutes." I whisper. He nods and opens the lid. I look downstairs to see Dream climbing back up.

"Well.. there's a bit of a problem." He begins.

"What's the problem?" Techno follows shortly after Dream.

"Uhhhh.. Tommy left." I tense very slightly at the sound of the information. So he is looking for Tommy.

"He left? What do you mean, like his exile?" I act, trying to sound concerned.

"Who? Oh right! Tommy, yeah that guy, he got exiled? That's pretty funny." He covers.

"Yeah, but now he's missing."

"Hm.." I say, acting informed.

"L'Manburg thinks that he's dead, I.. I know otherwise but-"

"Alright.. sounds good."

"Have you seen him?"

"I have not seen him." Techno answers. Dream looks at me as if asking me the same thing. I shake my head sadly. I'm so glad I'm a good liar. It's both a blessing and a curse sometimes.

"You sure?" Dream questioned us, not sounding completely convinced.

"I'm pretty confident." He says nonchalantly.

"You mind if I look around?" He says, inviting himself to inspect Techno's before we could say anything.

"Y-yeah you could look around." He looks at me and we both shrug. I follow Technoblade down the ladder where Dream. Before I begin to climb, I look at Tommy, who's looking at me with fear in his eyes.

"Drink." Is all I can say before I start heading down. I hear his gulping it and I look behind me once more to see he's vanished.

I climb all the way down with reassurance. I gain my balance and turn around to see Techno showing Dream around, then Dream pushes passed me to go down the ladder once more.

"Here's my cow, here's my to do list.." Dream glances at the list of signs on the wall. I tap my foot impatiently and nervously waiting to see what he's gonna say.

"Hmm 'minor terrorism in L'Manburg'." He read interestingly.

"I love minor terrorism, that's what I'm all about."

"'Sell foot', what is that about?" Dream asks. Techno pauses for a second.

"Don't pry into my personal life. I'm, I'm feelin' very judged right now, alright? Very judged."

I hear the sound of eating, my stomach drops. None of us here are eating.

'Tommy, I swear to Notch I will smite your arteries if you don't shut the heck up'

Dream looks around at the sound. I quickly take out some bread I snuck when Phil wasn't looking. I unwrapped it swiftly and ripped a chunk off, bit into the chunk, and hid it in my pocket to make it look like I've already taken a bite.

He notices me eating the bread. I raise it in the air a bit, "good bread. Phil's a good baker." I cover, though it's true. I'm not lying. Philza is an amazing cook.

He hums once, seemingly convinced. I continue to eat the bread. Dream climbs up the ladder. Techno looks at me and mouths, "good save..." I nod and toss a piece of bread into the air and it lands in my mouth.

Techno follows Dream upstairs. "You wanna see my channel member bell up here?" He continues the climb. "Sure". They go up the ladder once more. "Dream I'm gonna need you to ring this bell a bunch I'm gonna get—" his voice is cut off by the loud ringing of the bell and Dream's laughter.

I climb up the ladder and make sure they are occupied. I check to see how Tommy is doing. I see that he's still invisible. "How long left?" I whisper.

He I see two items appear in one hand, signifying he has two minutes left of invis. I go into the same chest to find one more potion. I grab it and hand it to him. He doesn't drink it yet though, so I'm assuming he'll consume it when he's low again.

I hear them coming down I swiftly sit on the box and pick at my nails acting bored. "Ok uh... wellll.. I'm glad to se you alive and well! I'm glad to see uh—"

"Alright, nice to meet you." Techno says monotoned. Dream chuckles. We suddenly hear a cough coming from Tommy. They both whip their heads in my direction and I quickly cough at the same voice depth and pitch as Tommy. "Sorry, the cold weather.." my voice trails off. They both seem convinced and continue their conversation.

I mentally high five myself and continue to listen while pushing my cuticles back. My nails look like they've been hacked off by a chainsaw and run through a wood chipper. Welp, there goes my attempt at quitting my nail picking habit.

"I didn't see Carl out there but I'm assuming Carl is safe."

"Carl is safe, Carl is safe." Techno reassures Dream.

"Well that's good, that's good. I will say you uh.. owe me a little bit." He gets quieter at the end. I'm assuming he's referring to the fact that he kinda saved Techno's butt back at the execution.

"Ah, that's true, that's true. See, you don't gotta worry Dream. I am a person that believes in absolute reciprocity." Techno explains.

"Okay, okay. Welp, if you catch wind of Tommy, let me know, 'cause I've been.. I've been out looking for him for the last.. I don't know, two days?"

"Alright. I'll keep an eye out."

"I mean, I've been wandering around. I found.. I was able to track down a forest that I'm pretty sure he chopped down, after he y'know left his exile, but that was the last of his trail and I couldn't figure out where he went after that so.."

They wrap up Dreams visit and Dream leaves. I stand up to peak out the window and watch until he completely disappears into the forest to search for Tommy.

When he is finally out of sight, I release a breath of relief that I didn't realize I was holding. "Ohh... my... God..."

"Is he gone..?" Tommy whispers. I hop off the box, go into a chest, grab a milk bucket and walk back over to Tommy. I violently splash the bucket of milk on him and watch as he turns visible. "Hey!" He retorts.

As soon as he gets situated and completely visible, I grab his shirt collar and pull his face down to my level. I grit my teeth.

"You owe me." I say through my teeth. I covered for him so many times, he owes me so much. Just that alone was exhausting. He looks at me in shock. I jerkily let go of his shirt collar, lightly shoving him backwards and immediately turning away.

I rub my temples and reach up to the cupboard above me to grab a glass. I fill the empty cup with water from the pitcher and gulp it down. "You have no idea how exhausting it is to consistently come up with lie after lie just to cover someone's a** who shouldn't even be here in the first place."

"I'm sorry [Y/n]—"

"Eating? Really? Are you serious?! You could've gotten yourself caught, or worse!" I interrupt him, slamming the glass on the counter. I turn towards him with my eyebrows furrowed. He looks down at his feet shamefully and holds his hands behind his back.

"Tommy what the hell were you even eating?!" I confront him. He stays silent.

"That wasn't rhetorical, Thomas. Answer me!" I demand. He pulls his hand out from behind his back and holds out a half eaten golden apple.

"Unbelievable!" I throw my arms up into the air in defeat.

"Well if you're so angry about it why did you lie to cover me in the first place?!?!" He defends himself.

"Why do you THINK, Tommy?! Because I care about you, you moron!! You're like my brother! You're lucky TECHNOBLADE even covered for you. He doesn't even like you all that much but here he is! Covering your arse because... well, I don't know why!!"

He stays silent. Techno is just standing there. Crossing his arms. "She's right. I don't know why I'm even helping you hide but here we are." Tommy looks at him and then back at me. He seems as if he's at a loss for words.

"Tommy please... please don't do this again. If someone is here who is targeting you, eat something softer. Like bread. I only ate bread because that's all I had on me! You're lucky it was even the slightest bit crunchy."

We go the rest of the day without saying anything to each other. We just do our own thing. Tommy mopes around the house and the lot, I continue building my house, and Techno goes out the scout the land for materials.

As I'm hammering a nail into a shingle on the roof, I let my thoughts run wild.

'What would happen if I let the hammer slam down on my thumb right now?'

'How is fire so pretty, yet so deadly?'

'I genuinely want to have the date now instead of later. I can't wait!'

That last though surprised me. I'm not even that girly. But Ranboo makes me all giddy inside. See, I'm not a girly girl, but I'm also not a bruh girl, like tomboyish. I'm like... right smack dab in the middle.

What's that thing that I heard someone say once? Oh, right! I'm a 'Meh Girl'. I actually kinda like that. I continue my building waiting for the sun to set completely over the landscape of the blanket of fluffy white snow.

To Be Continued...


[A/n]: hey my beauties, just wanted to say I'm sorry once again for my absence. I'm going to be completely honest.

1) I've been having a bit of writers block. Not only that, I haven't been feeling very motivated to write as of late. I'm not entirely sure why, but don't worry, I'm continuing the book until the end. Any words of encouragement?

2) I hate writing filler chapters because it makes me feel like things aren't moving along. I feel like nothing gets done. And I don't feel accomplished.

3) I've been working a lot have been super exhausted doing so.

4) I've also just been reading a bunch of fan fictions.

Anyway, I love you and stay safe out there! I hope you liked this big chapter.


Words: 3213 poggggg

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