Cheering for The Marauders

由 potterhead_fic

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The Marauders is a very well-known British Boy Band. They are on tour through Europe and in this tour, they w... 更多

Epilogue: Lily
Daily Prophet Article


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由 potterhead_fic

AN: Yes, yes, yes. I had to steal the song London Boy from The One and Only Queen Taylor Swift because the lyrics fitted so well. But the song is hers and only hers.

Also I love Jily so much, and the way I portraited them in this chapter is how I canonically  headcanon their relationship when they become friends.

Also, just one chapter left and an epilogue. Sorry, this was meant to be short. But more proyects to come

"Hello sophisticated British boy" Lily said in a very bad accent

James chuckled "Hey girl, how's it going?" he tried make a very good American accent but failed miserably.

Lily laughed on the phone; James smiled. Lily's laughter was the most wonderful thing in this planet. James loved it.

James couldn't believe his luck. He had been texting and talking with the girl of his dreams for almost a week. He had admired Lily for so long, that it seemed surreal that they were now friends, potentially more....

"Had English tea this morning" Lily continued "Though of you"

James was grateful Lily couldn't see his blush.

"Oh... Good thoughts I hope"

"I guess... You haven't done anything to make me think bad things"

Lily was so genuine and honest which made James like her even more.

"I would never do you harm, sweetheart" James smiled

"Sweetheart" Lily teased

James giggled.

"Do you have any idea about The Russian Revolution?"


"I'm studying for this history test that my tutor is giving me tomorrow"

James had found out that Lily was in homeschool. And since she was 17, she was cursing her last year. Very impressive when she was a famous singer with a very tight schedule.

"Amm... something about Karl Marx?"

Lily laughed "He was German"

"Same thing, princess. Anyways Russians were unhappy about some things and they killed each other pum pum. Like a million years ago, innit? Honestly, I don't know why we would need to know about that anyway... We have a job now, right? We skipped Uni, done. I don't know..."

Lily let out a soft giggle.

"Oh, James Potter thinks he has his life figure it out, does he?"

"Precisely" James lied in bed, he didn't think he could stand still talking with Lils.

"What if... what if you lose your precious voice or you become too old to sing, and you want to become a history teacher, or work in a museum..."

"Lils! That sounds boring"

"What would do then?" she asked "If you weren't a singer?"

James smiled "Okay don't laugh..."

Lily snorted

"I said don't laugh" James protested "A player for the Olympics, any sport. Maybe running. Or... a physical trainer"

It was true. James truly loved the sports world. The satisfaction of being active. The adrenaline that it gave him. James waited for Lily to laugh, but she didn't.

"Sounds good"

James smiled "Yeah?"

"Totally! I would cheer for you from the stands, though. I'm very lazy"

"What about you? What would you do?"

"Journalist" she answered "But I would write crude and realistic articles about real issues, you know?"

"Poverty? Racism? Discrimination?" James tried

"Bad politics, the reality in social groups, misogyny, stupid men in power..."


"I guess you're okay..."


"Maybe a little bit more than okay"

James' heart began beating fast. He made exciting noises out of the phone.

"Oh honey, you're making me blush" he tried to say confidently, although he was dying.

"You take compliments so easily" Lily tutted

James was so in love with this girl, it wasn't even a joke. Why did she have to be so perfect? James needed to tell her. Maybe she would like him back... Maybe she would laugh in his face, or through the phone. But James had hope. Perhaps they needed to go on a date first. Lily was a romantic girl after all. Lily deserve the romance she never had with that asshole of Snape.

"I might have a new song... It's on drafts but..."

"New song?" James gasped "As your number one fan I need to listen to it"

Lily laughed "Is not ready..."

"Well, how is it called then?"

Lily took her time to respond. James pictured her biting her lip embarrassed.

"Well?" he tried

"London boy..."

Oh, Fucking Tossers. James Potter melted right there. This was meant to be. They would get married and have tons of gorgeous babies who would sing too. They would be the best fucking adorable couple in the word.



"Is perhaps... you know. That song about me?"

Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes.

"I currently know 5 boys who are from London..." Lily replied "So die of curiosity"

"Lil..." he sighed "Oh Lils, Lils, Lils..."

"James, James, James..." Lily joked

"I want to take you out baby..."


"Sorry I was trying to sound confident"

Lily laughed

"Are you asking me on a date?" she asked


But before, he could continue, someone took the phone off his hand. Sirius.

"What the...

James had been so concentrated in talking with Lily that he didn't notice the three boys coming into the room. They were in Florence now. The last city in Europe. And they would be back to America. James had been hoping to bump into Lily in L.A where she lived. She had finished her video shooting two days ago and was back there.

"Hello ginger" Sirius said to the phone "James literally fancies you so much..."


"He would want to be your husband.... And have your babies..."


James tried grabbing the phone but Sirius didn't let him. He passed it to Remus. These two assholes had been stupidly cheesy and inseparable since they became boyfriends in Venice.

"Hi Lily..." Remus smiled "Sorry for those assholes..."

James tackled Sirius into the floor and they both wrestled.

"Why did you tell her that!?"

"Because is true!... Arrg. Ouch!"

"Yeah, they are actually wrestling on the floor..." Remus continued "Wait what? Really? I'll tell him... Oh wait, hang on. Peter wants to say hi..."

Remus passed the phone to Peter.

"Hi Lily!" he said excitedly "Your hair is cute... Oh thank you... Oh and... JILY FOR LIFE" and he hung up.

James was speechless. He pushed Sirius on the floor.


The three Marauders looked at him innocently. James stood up; Sirius followed.

"What?" Remus asked amused, crossing his arms.


"Not quite..." Sirius replied


"You literally called Remus your brother in law when we were nothing..."


"Yeah..." Sirius winked at Remus who smiled blushing

"YOU TOLD HER I... I LOVE HER" James squealed, rubbing his head

"Don't you?" Peter asked


"Relax, lover boy..." Remus said "She told me to tell you she would love to go on a date with you once you arrive to L.A."

James anger was replaced by truly happiness.


Remus nodded "She also said that as truly as she believes you would be a good husband and father, she has to postpone the answer of marriage proposal into a few years, when you get to know each other better..."


"Soo.. What do you say?" Sirius asked "Thank you lads for arranging my love life..."


Remus nodded


"Amm... Not yet..." Peter tried

"I'LL TAKE THAT" James squealed like a little girl.

James crushed into the bed, sighing profoundly. Then he began squinting, and moving excitedly, giggling like a maniac. He didn't care. Lily freaking Evans liked him back. Him. And perhaps London Boy was about him. He was from London... Fucking hell. James' heart was about to explode.

James was sure Sirius, Remus and Peter were eyeing at him like he had gone mad.

"Look at our little Prongs..." Sirius joked "He is in love and we already lost him... He is going to replace The Marauders with a girl..."

"Will he?" Peter asked genuinely worried

"Nah... I was joking Pete"


"He sounds like pig..." Remus commented

James continued to squint and let out a few yells of excitement. He was so happy he couldn't take it anymore. James couldn't wait to get to L.A. Dumbledore would probably be hesitant about this thing. Specially since Remus was supposed to be paired with her, to hide his homosexuality and relationship with Sirius. But James couldn't care less what that man thought anymore. He was not going to control their lives forever. James was going to keep his hopes up.

"I haven't got your sexuality list yet, Pads" Peter commented, as James was hugging and kissing his pillow "But I know which one Prongs is.... Lilysexual"

Remus and Sirius laughed at this. James rolled his eyes.

"Proudly, I'm coming out to you" he declared

"And I guess I am Remusexual" Sirius smirked at his boyfriend

Remus raised an eyebrow.

"Should I stop looking then?" Peter asked

"Nah, keep going" Sirius said "I really want to discover myself"

Peter nodded. And Remus kissed his cheek. James smiled. He couldn't be prouder of his best friend. He loved Sirius. He loved all of The Marauders deeply.

James sighed again "I'M GOING ON A DATE WITH LILY!" he yelled


James had been freaking out all morning. He knew they had a press conference in less than an hour but he couldn't care less. He walked into the changing room when The Marauders were.

Remus and Sirius were all touchy touchy. And Peter was trying to ignore them checking his phone.

Sirius turned to look at him first. "Prongs?"

James was sure he looked pale and shaky. He took out his phone and pressed play to the last voice message.

"Hey James..." Lily's voice sounded through the speaker. The boys scooped closer to listen better. Now they were interested. "So... I know that you probably wouldn't care" she giggled, she sounded nervous but flirty which gave James hope "But I was going over and over my new song. The one I told you, remember? London Boy... I need an opinion of someone, preferably someone who is from London because that would be so much helpful... So anyway... I am gonna sing a piece and you can tell if it's good? Or a total piece of trash..." she laughed "Because I might be bad at songs... Anyway, I'm just gonna get into it before you get bored... Here it goes..."

They could listen at Lily adjusting her guitar and clearing her throat. A soft tune began playing. And then Lily's voice sang.

".....But something happened, I heard him laughing.....I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent.......They say home is where the heart is...

.... But that's not where mine lives...

.... You know I love a London boy...I enjoy walking Camden Market in the afternoon......He likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet.....Darling, I fancy you..."

Took me back to Highgate, met all of his best mates. .... So I guess all the rumors are true.... You know I love a London boy....

...Boy, I fancy you (Ooh)...."

The song ended and Lily laughed.

"Shit... That was stupid... Amm anyway, let me know what you think... Oh and please don't share it to the public or I'll have to sue you" she laughed again "Well, bye... Prongs..."

The message ended there. James had to listen to it three times before acknowledging it was real. James was actually biting his nails right now.

"Nice song..." Remus began breaking the silence

"OH MY GOD REMUS" James finally yelled making everyone jump "NICE SONG? ARE YOU JOKING?"

Sirius laughed softly.

"What?" Peter asked unaware of the freaking event that just happened.


"Was it about you?" Sirius smiled


James took the nearest seat but his leg was still moving and he was biting his nail nervously.

"James..." Remus tried smiling, making fun of him "You know she fancies you, you very well knew that"


"So what?" Sirius shrugged "Moony wrote me a song as well, no big deal"

"Oh, I am very glad you liked your song, Sirius" Remus protested

Sirius grinned "I loved it" he grabbed Remus' hand. Remus rolled his eyes but smiled. James decided to ignore them.


"Hey hey..." Sirius approached grabbing James' face "Relax, breath... Calm down mate..."

"I love her so much Padfoot" James panted

Sirius smiled "I know" then he hugged him. James relaxed into the hug. Maybe he was overreacting but he couldn't believe this was still real.

"Prongs has the Lily fever..." Peter commented kind of scared for his friend.

In that moment, Dumbledore entered the room with a big smile on his face. The boys were more and more losing sympathy for him. He was no longer the charismatic man who gave them a chance. He was just like the others, hungry for money.

"Press conference is about to start" he announced happily "Everyone is waiting..."

The boys didn't answer. They had to dissimulate their anger.

"Oh, and Remus, Sirius" he said "I love you both, but better not sit together. The fans will notice something"

Dumbledore began walking expecting the boys to follow him.

"Fucking wanker..." Sirius murmured angrily

James smiled at him sympathetically. He couldn't agree more. He was tired.


The press conference was horrible. All that everyone wanted to know were questions about Marlene Mckinnon and her relationship with Sirius. Remus who was sitting next to James, moved uncomfortably squeezing his water bottle tightly, while Sirius tried to answer the best that he could.

"We're just getting to know each other... We're good friends" he would say

Then the questions went for Remus and his "relationship" with Lily. James was sick. He wanted to yell at everyone that Lily. His Lils had written a song about him. Or so he thought.

Remus was very upset. And James knew this was going to affect his glucose. Meanwhile, Dumbledore was sitting happily at the back of the room. James wanted to punch him.

"Has anyone have questions about our actual music or tour?" James said angrily into his mic.

Luckily the press changed the subject. Remus smiled at him gratefully.


After the Q&A was over, the boys declared themselves so tired to do anything else. They had used the excuse of Remus feeling a bit funny, which he hated but it worked. Minerva forbid Albus to make the boys do something more. No more meetings and Q&A's. Just fucking rest from all of that.

Sirius and Remus decided to spend the afternoon together, which James respected. Peter dissolved himself into his researches and practices. And James decided to call Lily. And give her his review about that song.

James' hands sweated while the phone rang.

"Good or bad criticism?" Lily immediately asked "Because I need to prepare myself..."

James smiled, now relaxing. Their conversations were never boring, always unexpected.

"All good, don't worry" he responded

"So?" Lily snorted nervously

"Ah... needs improving in some parts, but...."

Lily sighed "Yeah I understand..."

James laughed "Fuck's sake, love! I was joking. Are you kidding me? I loved it!! Amazing as all your songs... Amazing as you"

Lily laughed relaxing "Oh little piece of shit.... You actually scared me"

"Sorry sweety"

"You really liked it?"

"Yeah yeah I did!" James insisted "It is amazing. You're really talented..."

"Thanks, sweety" she joked "I'm so relieved you liked it"

James hissed "That London boy that you 'fancy'.... Must be really happy with his song"

"Must he?" Lily asked

"I mean you clearly have strong feelings for him..."

James was really praying to Allah, his mother's God that Lily would say it was him. That he was the London boy.


"Yes, honey?"

"Then you should ask him yourself because you know him pretty well" Lily laughed

"Oh... is it Remus then?" James teased


"Sirius? I don't think you're his type, love"

Lily snorted "Ouch... And no..."

"Peterboo?" James asked "He is really cute, isn't he?"

"Are you gonna make me say it?" Lily replied

James' heart began beating fast.

"Say it" he whispered

"James Potter... you complete 'wanker'" Lily laughed "You are the London boy from London boy... Happy?"

"Just a second hon..."

James covered the phone for a second. And muffed screaming, jumping like a freaking lunatic.

"Ok... James calm down... Calm down... Keep it together... Fuck..." he whispered to himself hoping Lily wouldn't hear.

He took a deep breath and place the phone on his ear again.

"Yeah I'm back sweety..." he tried to sound confident but he sounded high-pitched.

Lily was laughing her ass out in the other line "You're so adorable" she said

"So, you fancy me?" James asked hopefully

"Darling, I fancy you" Lily said softly

James' heart jumped off his chest. And he was sure his legs were shaking.

"I fancy you too, L.A girl"

I love you actually....

But James didn't say that. He heard Lily giggling on the other line. James giggled as well. He was so happy.

"I guess you owe me a song now" Lily said

"I don't have the talent of writing... that's usually Moony..."

"Oh..." Lily sounded disappointed

"But I'll try!" James said "I promise"

"That's what I wanted to hear..." Lily laughed

They were silent for a while. Both overwhelmed. They should be in front of each other, this was the part when they would kiss passionately. But they couldn't. They'll have to wait a couple of days.

"I want to kiss you" James finally said

"I want to kiss you too"

"Oh, bloody hell..." James sighed "I... You... I can't believe this is happening...."

Lily chuckled "That's my London boy..."

James smiled. Her London boy. He liked that.

"Lils..." he said


"I don't give shit about what Dumbledore or your bloody sister want... I want you to be my girlfriend. Not Remus'. And I want to tell everyone. And be that adorable couple that everyone envies. And I want Remus and Sirius to do the same. And I want Peter to date anyone that he likes, if he likes it doesn't matter who it is..."

"I know..." Lily whispered "I love how you love your friends"

"Yeah I do..." James snorted "We should hang out so you can meet them properly... After our date of course"

"So, let me get this straight" Lily began "I am your girlfriend now?"

"What? I mean no... yes... Only if want to" James rubbed his hair

"You said that on your speech..." Lily snorted

"Oh, did I?" James laughed

"I'd love to be your girlfriend..." Lily said

James sighed profoundly again.

"Alright... Wicked..."

Lily laughed "Cool..."



"I'll see you in a few days, then"

"See ya, James"

Lily hung up. James was sure his cheeks were red because they were on fire. His heart was beating so fast, he might have heart attack and never get to L.A. No. He had to.

James melted into the floor. He was so in love; this was going to kill him.


Dumbledore was on the rehearsing room with his assistant Reginald Cattermole. Yeah, that was his name. The Marauders usually made clever jokes about it. Behind his back, of course. But James was not interested in that. He was interested in yelling at Dumbledore. He knew it was risky prior a concert but he needed to do it.

"Hello Dumbles..." James approached.

The Marauders were behind him, unsurely unaware of what was about to happen. For them, they were just going to rehearse.

"James..." Dumbledore replied not looking at him but at some parchment.

"So, we're fucking tired of you using us as pieces of shit..."

Now Dumbledore had turned. Actually, everyone did. Sirius smiled amused. Sirius understood him perfectly.

"Excuse me?" Dumbledore asked

"Just for everyone to know..." James continued looking around "I am now dating Lily Evans. Yes, we are boyfriend and girlfriend" James smirked at this last statement.

Sirius was the first one to cheer, James smiled pleased. Then the others followed.

"Thank you, thank you" James bowed, then he looked at Dumbledore "So I would appreciate if you didn't 'pair her up' with Remus please..."

"I would appreciate that too" Sirius remarked looking at Remus.

"Lads..." Dumbledore smiled "I'm not trying to make your life miserable, okay? This for your own good"

"Own good?" Remus spoke this time "How in the world not being ourselves is for our own good?"

Dumbledore didn't reply. He just sighed profoundly.

"Statics say that fans wouldn't care if he were gay or whatever..." Peter added

"You're all gay, then?" Dumbledore asked

"What? No! That's not the point" James continued angrily. This man just didn't understand, did he?

"Look boys..." Dumbledore stood up, looking around, telling everyone this conversation was private "You're famous. You know the costs of fame, you signed a contract, remember?"

"That's a bullshit excuse..." Sirius murmured

"I'm sorry boys... I really do" he said "Fine, James. You want to date Evans? Good. We'll find someone else for Remus..."

"I don't want someone other than Sirius" Remus rolled his eyes. Sirius smirked.

"There's a difference between public and private lives..." Dumbledore said "In the private you can do whatever you want... But in the public, you'll have to follow orders..."

"But..." Peter began

"I'm sorry Peter" Dumbledore said "Now, rehearsal please. The concert is in five hours"

Dumbledore walked away towards the rest of the crew, giving orders and asking questions as always. James was sick.

"Boys..." he spoke to The Marauders "Operation Humiliate Dumbles...are you in?" he smirked

The rest smirked as well. All of their eyes hungry for some good old mischief. They deserved it after so long. And the last concert in Europe merited it.

"Prongs... that's why you're the genius" Sirius winked.

"It's on" James smirked


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