My Boyfriend - Harry Styles

By MrsHariboStyles

691K 4.4K 522

Jess is your typical 22 year old girl. She's got a job that she loves, friends that make her smile everyday... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 15)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 16)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 17)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 18)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 19)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (The Last Chapter)

Chapter 3

31.5K 205 16
By MrsHariboStyles

Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying the story! Please comment and vote if you are! It's greatly appreciated ;) I love hearing what you guys think, sometimes you make me laugh. sometimes you make me nearly want to cry, they're so sweet! ;D Anyway, enjoy the next chapter 'cause it's a gooden! Lana xXxxXxXxXxxXxxXxxXx

Chapter 3

I lock my car and walk down the path to my front door, still puzzled at the flashback I'd had. I just can't get my head around it. For years I have managed to not think about Harry. Granted, it took me a while but eventually I moved on. Why all of sudden is everything coming back to me? Even before I found out about the interview I had a wierd flashback thing.

"Hey Filo!" I exclaim as I see my black and white cat sitting on the porch purring. I love him, he's one of those cats that let's you lift him and play about with him without scratching or hissing at you. He purrs as I lift him up in my arms, tickling his belly.


"Hey Filo!" Harry exclaimed as he walked through the front door.

He bent down to lift him up, literally just scooping him up with one hand. I laughed because Filo literally fitted into the palm of his hand, he was so small and cute. I got him for my birthday a few days ago from my brother, Keith. Filo loved Harry, they were like partners in crime the way they got on with each other.

"Hey gorgeous." He said, looking up at me with his beautiful green eyes.

I smiled, "Hey." I couldn't help but blush. We'd only been going out for a few months then so I still wasn't used to these pet names.

He set Filo back down on the ground and walked towards me. He cupped his hands around my face and brought my lips to his, kissing me gently.

"Hi Harry!" My mum shouted from the kitchen, interupting our special moment.


Sweet Lord! I must have some serious disease or something! I'm becoming crazy! I whack myself trying to wake up. This is seriously wierd! It actually feels real, his touch on my lips felt so real, it was scary! I carry on walking into my house and set Filo down. He isn't a small kitten anymore that's for sure. I walk into my kitchen and switch the lights on to find it the way I left it.

"Meow...." I look down at Filo who's now circling his food bowl eagerly.

"God Filo! The minute I come in the door and ZOOM! Straight to the food bowl. I swear, if you get any fatter, your going on a diet WITH me!" I fill his water and food bowl up as I put the kettle on for a hot chocolate.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing. "Hello?"

"Oh so you're not ignoring me then?!"

"Hi Mags. Sorry about that. I had a little dilema but it's all sorted now."

"What was it?"

"Oh nothing. Just forget about it. Anyway! I'm away for a bath now so I'll ring you later!" I lie. I just don't want to tell her. I know she'll wriggle it out of me some how, she always does.

"Look Jess, you should be happy about this interview! I mean you got Louis freakin' Tomlinson instead of Louis Walsh! If I were you I'd be well chuffed!" She says, making me smile as usual.

"I know I am." I lie again.

"Okay then. I''ll see you tomorow. Bye." She hangs up.

Awkward. I feel kind of bad but hey, what can you do? I pour the hot water into my mug and sip at my hot chocolate, careful not to burn my tongue. I need some serious cheering up right now. I look through my DVDs, hoping to find a joyful, feel good one.

"Oh! 'It's a Wonderful Life'! I love that movie!" I grab it off the shelf and run upstairs to put my sweats on. I place the DVD into my DVD player and let Filo curl up in my arms as I sit and watch it. The title starts to come up and I suddenly realise the last time I watched this movie.


"What's up?" He asked, knudging me.

"It's a girl thing." I replied with a knowing look.

"Oh, right." He laughed. "I know how to handle these things you know." He got up off my bed and pulled out a DVD called 'It's a Wonderful Life!'.

"I put this on when Mum and Gemma are feeling shit. By the end of it they're beaming." He said wrapping his arms around me tight and kissing the top of my head.


God. He was such a great boyfriend. I mean what guy do you know that would sit for hours and listen to you complain about how 'God should make boys go through pain once a month! Life sucks for girls, it's so easy for boys!' I certainly don't know one... a part from him of course. Well, I knew him. I'm sure he's changed now. He's probably moved on with his life, got himself a beautiful model girlfriend. Life must be so easy for him.


*Phone ringing*

"Woah!" I wake up and rub my eyes, answering the phone. "Hello?"

"Jess where the hell are you?! You should be here already!"

"What? Oh shit the interview! Gahhhh! Em, I'm on my way! Give me 15 minutes!"

I hang up and see my TV screen; it's still on. I must've fell asleep during the movie. I run upstairs and put on my tight black skinny jeans and my burgundy American football shirt. I quickly slap on some foundation, blusher, eyeliner and mascara, and then quickly brush my teeth.

I pull on my black converse and sprint to the car, turning the ignition on as soon as I'm in. I sigh and then realise where I'm going. Damn it. I should've made an effort, I want Harry to be like 'Wow! You've changed!' But no. Thanks to my shitty sleeping habits, that obviously isn't going to happen.

Fuck. I haven't even had a shower or anything. I probably look like death. I turn the ignition off and look up into my rear-view mirror trying to fix my hair. Actually it doesn't look too bad considering I just woke up but even though I have make-up on I still looked tired. I start the car up again and make my way to the studio reluctantly. Hopefully they won't be there yet and I'll be able to go to hair and make up briefly and sort myself out.

As arrive at the destination, I see a silver people carrier pull up outside the studio with black out windows. And there, getting out of the car is my ex-boyfriend, Harry Styles. I duck behind my steering wheel, trying to hide from him. My car doesn't have black out windows unfortunately, making it fairly obvious I'm there if I don't duck down. I peep up from my hiding place and see him standing with a really pretty brunette girl. Must be his girlfriend. She has short hair, like shaved at one side and long on the other. She must be a model.

I then see Louis get out. I loved Louis, he was so funny and he always knew how to make me smile; I miss that. I remember he was pretty pissed about the break up which made it even harder. Leaving them all was a stupid idea, but I had to do it if I wanted to lose contact with Harry completely. 

I then see Hannah holding his hand. She was my best friend. Let me repeat that; WAS my best friend. In fact they all were, but since the break up I never really kept in touch with them, I knew if I did I'd hear about how Harry was and I just wanted him out of my life so it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Of course I regret it all now, I mean I talk to myself for Christ sake. It would be nice now and again to be able to ring someone besides Maggie.

They were all out of the car now: Louis and Imogen, Harry and some girl I don't know, Niall, Liam and Zayn. Look at me. I'm hiding behind my own steering wheel, spying on my ex-boyfriend and his band members. You could call me crazy, yes, but you could also call me curious so, meh. 

A sudden knock at my car window startles me, "SWEET LORD!"

"What the hell are you doing?!" It's Maggie tapping my window. I must look like a right headcase.

"Oh erm, just checking my brakes!" I shout back.

I step out of the car, cautiously hiding myself.

"Right okay." She replies, raising her eye brows. I look around to see them all heading upstairs to the studio. Shit, here goes nothing...


Remember to comment guys! I need feedback ;) It's greatly appreciated! Thanks, Lana XxxXxxXxXxxxXx :)

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