Publicity (One Direction Fanf...


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How would you feel if you were hired to date someone... Someone you hate. Harry and Ashlynn dont get on very... More

Publicity (One Direction Fanfiction)
Heartbreak is the worst
Here She Is...
Settling into America
Taking the Blow
This will only work one way...
Pretending Isnt Easy
The Truth Hurts
This Is Going To Be Different
Dates, drama, departure
People to Talk to Are All We Need
Christmas Spirit
Piece of My Heart
Our Relationship Shouldn't Be A Decision?
I dont deserve this
This Will Always Be Hard
Wrong Timing
What Is It Going To Take?
Author's Note
Authors Note~~~
Back To Normal
I Just Met You
Dang You Do Have It Bad
Well Shit...
Meet Kat...

We cant live in the past, but we can bring it back.

2.2K 28 7

Fiesty chapter here!  I like it though!  I love the whole family feel going on right now!  I apologize that Niall and Ashlynn's drama hasn been around lately, but ill bring that back next chapter!  Thanks for reading guys!  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT AFTER YOUR DONE READING!  I love knowing what you have to say!  Oh yeah, dont forget to vote as well!  Love you! (: 



Ashlynn's P.O.V.

"So... are you going to tell me who this Claudia girl was?" I asked my boyfriend as I got undressed.  Harry and I had just said our goodnights and were getting ready for bed.  I slipped on a pair of pink fluffy pajama bottoms, and a white vneck tee.  Harry still didnt answer.  

"Harry.. you dont have to tell me.  I just thought we were strating to share everything with eachother now.." I said, deciding to stop pestering him about it.  Nobody likes a pesty girlfriend.  I crawled into bed next to him, and flipped off the light.  Harry was still sitting up.  He seemed to be in some sort of transe and it was starting to scare me.  This Claudia girl must have really made a big impact on him.  

"She was my ex." He spoke up suddenly.  I was drifting off to sleep but Harry's voice brought me back to consciencness.  

"Oh.." I replied, sitting up with him.  

"We dated all through highschool.  I thought I loved her.  Being with you kind of changed my mind though.  This is real love.  What I had with her wasnt real.  Anyways, she was with me all through x factor.  Once the band got put together, girls started to throw themselves at me.  Like any normal teenage boy, I took advantage of that.  Once I really cheated on her... like full on cheat, instead of breaking things off, or telling her, I began to ignore her.  I havent talked to her since.  

About a year after all of that I quit the player shit, and settled down with Caroline.  And well... you know the rest from there." Harry finished talking, and we sat there in silence.  I took it all in, my heart hurting for the poor girl.  He'd just... left her.  It wasnt somthing I would think Harry would ever do!  

"Well Harry atleast you can look back at that and know it was the wrong thing to do." I spoke up, feeling like I needed to try to say somthing!  

"But that doesnt change the fact that I did it." He mumbled, running his hands through his hair.  

"I just feeel even worse because I was mad at Lou for doing it to Heidi, and I did the same thing!  I had no liberty to get upset with him, but I did." Harry sighed, laying his head on my shoulder.  I gently played with his curls, trying my best to soothe him.  

"I need to find her.  I need to apologize for everything." Harry whispered, picking up my hand.  I froze at the words, not liking the idea.  What girlfriend would?  Letting your boyfriend go meet up with his ex that he was madly in love with once upon a time?  No, no way.  Dont get me wrong, I trust Harry, I just dont trust girls.  

"Harry... Are you.. are you sure you want to do that?" I asked, hoping he would instantly change his mind.  No such luck.  

"Yeah.  But Ashlynn I want you to come with me.  Dont you think for a second i would mess things up with you for her.  I love you.  I only thought I loved Claudia.  The feelings I have for you tell me it deffinitly wasnt love I felt for her." Harry whispered against my lips.  I nodded, suddenly feelin better about he situation.  I gave into my boyfriend, pressing my lips to his.

"So apprently she still lives in the same place, and shes back for Christmas.  I guess now all we have to do is go see her." Harry explained.  He'd been tracking down the girl all day today, and he'd finally found out where she was.  

"Yeah... I guess thats all thats left." I half smiled, twiddling my thumbs.  I still didnt like the idea of Harry seeing her.   And I didnt like that hed been ignoring me and his family all day, just so he could find her!

"Ashhhh, come on love.  You know all I want to do is apologize." Harry chuckled, scooping me up off the couch, and sitting down, me in his lap.  I wrapped my arms around his neck.  

"Your a great guy Harry Styles." I giggled, kissing his lips.  "Lets go!" I said, popping out of his lap and pulling him to the door.  Better to go ahead and get this thing over with.  

"So here we are." I whispered as Harry and I sat in the driveway of an unfamiliar house  We'de been sitting here for the past 15 minutes because Harry hadnt worked up the nerve to go in.  

"Harry, lets just go get it over with!  Theres no sense in dragging it out longer and making yourself feel worse about it all." I sighed, laying a reassuring hand ontop of his.  He flipped his large hand over and entwined his fingers with mine.  

"Your right, lets go." He smiled, climbing out of the car and walking around to get my door for me.  We silently walked to the front door, and I knocked on it immediatly, knowing it'd take Harry another 30 minutes to work up the courage.  We waited a few moments until locks began to click on the door.  Moments later, the giant wooden door swung open, revealing a very... VERY pretty girl.

Harry's P.O.V.

There she was.  Sitting right in front of me.  Her face looked more shocked than mine felt.  She hadnt changed a bit.  The same dark brown, long flowing hair.  Her eyes were just as sparkly blue as they had always been.  She didnt seem to have gained a pound still with holding her tall and slim figure.  

"Harry." She breathed, a smile twitching onto her lips.

"You must be Claudia?" I heard Ashlynn clear her throat from beside me.  The girl nodded.  

"And you are?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow at my girlfriend.  Before Ashlynn could respond, I cut in,

"This is Ashlynn.  Claudia, could we come in?" I asked, suddenly remembering just how cold it was.  I bet Ashlynn was shivering.  

"Sure ofcourse." Claudia nodded, motioning for us to enter.  As we walked into the warmth of the home, we made our way to a couch.  I looked around, and millions of memories flushed into my head.

"I'm alone for now.  The boys and mom went to the market, and dads out hunting with his brothers." Claudia explained, sitting down on a chair across from me and Ashlynn.  

"So harry... Long time no see.  How's the career going?" Claudia asked, forcing a smile onto her face.  

"Its good, real good.  I'm having fun touring and traveling." I nodded, trying to make my voice sound normal, but in all reality, Claudia was making me shitty nervous.  

"I see you've found yourself a model girl.  Ashley was it?" Claudia smirked at Ashlynn.  She was always one to judge by appearance.  Thats what made me know that the two wouldnt get along.  Ashlynn hated judgmental people.  

"Ashlynn."  She corrected, scooting closer to me.  

"So, why exactly are you two here?" Claudia quirked another eyebrow at us.  

"I came... I came to apologize Claudia.  The boys mentioned your name yesterday, and it brought back all the guilty feelings I had for leaving you behind.  I feel awful for letting things end the way they did, I guess I just felt so guilty for the terrible things I did when we were together." I confessed, getting off the couch to stand.  Sitting just didnt feel comfortable at the moment.  

"And youve come to take me back?  I thought this chick was your girlfriend?" Claudia pointed to Ashlynn.  

"Um, no he's not here to take you back.  He's here to apologize.  And yes I AM his girlfriend." Ashlynn snapped, and I could sense a catfight already forming.  Things were quickly taking a turn for the worst.

"Hey now listen.  What I did to you a few years ago was wrong, and I'm sorry.  The stardom got to my head for a while, but im over it.  I'm over the clubbing, the sex, the alcohol, and the playboy image.  will you accept my apology?" I asked, hoping she would so Ashlynn and I could just leave.  This was not going as planned.

 "So... you mean to tell me, that you thought that just walking in here after THREE years of ignoring me, coming here with your model, long legged, blonde bimbo girlfriend, that you want me to forgive you?  Hell to the fucking no." Claudia was steaming by this point, and she was taking the apology way out of context.  But unfortunatly she was right.  She had no reason to forgive me.    

"Hey!  Dont attack Ashlynn for this.  I know I dont deserve your forgivness but that doesnt mean I dont want it." I fought back, more ready to leave than ever.  

"Well Harry the answer is no.  Now if you could please take this trash out of here, and leave me alone." Claudia snarled, as she rose to her feet.  

"You know what Harry?  She doesnt deserve your apology, and you dont want her forgivness.  If this is the way she wants to act, who the hell needs her forgvness?" Ashlynn exclaimed, standing up too.  She grabbed my hand and we marched out f the room.  

"Lets just get out of here." I groaned.  

Ashlynn's P.O.V.

ever since we'de gotten back from Claudia's house, Harry's been silent.  I hate that he has to waste his break on that bitch of a girl!  But nothing I did seemed to cheer him up.  Seeing him down brought me down.  And the worst part was, I only wanted to go to one person for help... Louis.  He always knew how to make me feel better when Harry couldnt.  I went into me and Harry's bedroom and grabbed my phone, taking it outside.  I hastily dialed Louis' number, ready for a truce.  

"ASHLYNN!  Your finally returning my call!  I'm so sorry about my rude actions towards heidi.  I know you guys were becoming close and you were just defending her." Louis screeched into the phone before I could say anything.  

"Listen Lou its fine.  I over reacted.  All I want is for you to be happy.  Eleanor makes you happy so everythings good.  But listen, I need your help." I spoke quietly into the phone, just in case Harry walked outside.  

"What is it?" Louis asked, his voice a bit more concerned, now realizing there was a problem.

 "Harry and I went to see some girl named Claudia.  You know of her?" I asked lou, hoping he'd say yes so I wouldnt have to explain.  

"Yeah, Harry used to tell me all about her.  Well, before their split." Louis replied.  

"Yes well, he went to go apologize for everything.  She didnt take it very well, and now he's acting really depressed.  He feels awful Lou!  I hate seeing him this way!" I cried into the phone, hoping Louis could do somthing about his best friend.  I was desperate for Harry to feel better!  I hated seeing him upset, and  i didnt like the fact that he was wasting his whole break doing so.  

"Hmm..." Louis sighed into the phone.  I could tell he was thinking.  Good!  You think away Lou.  

"Listen, do you think you can pull through for about one more day?  I have an idea." Louis finally spoke up.  I nodded vigorously, before realizng he couldnt see me through the phone.  

"Yeah!  What exactly are you going to do?" I asked, curious to hear his plan.  

"You'll see." His voice became sly, and before I could say anything else, the line went dead.  

Oh great...


"HARRY GET YOUR LAZY ARSE UP!  YOU AND ASHLYNN GOT COMPANY!" Nick's voice came bellowing from outside of our room.  Harry rolled off the bed, and my head shot up off the pillow.  What a lovely way to be woken up.  

"NICK SHUTUP!" Harry yelled back.  

"HURRY!" Nick said before running off down the hallway.  

"Well, I've got to go to the bathroom.  You want to go see who it is? I cant imagine anyone visiting us here." Harry sighed, rubbing his eyes sleepily.  

'Sure." I nodded, kissing his cheek goodmorning before walking out of the room.  

"Would you be careful with those!  They've got my chinos in them!" I heard a very familiar voice yelping at someone.  There was a boom and a crash coming from the front door.  

"hey!  That's prada!" Another familiar voice yelled.  I ran down the rest of the hall, and when I turned the corner, my stomach fell to the floor in excitment.  

"LOUIS!" I screamed, runnning to my bestfriend.  I lept into his arms in a hug.  

"What the hell are you doing here!?" I squealed, thankful that someone was here to help get Harry back to his old self.  

"well, Eleanor and I had enough of our own family, so we came to crash you alls!" Louis laughed, setting me back on the ground.  I ran to Eleanor, pulling her in a hug as well.  

"Great to see you again El!" I laughed, liking the fact that there would be another girl here.  So far me Gemma and Ann had been outnumbered!  

"So... what was all the yelling for?" I quirked an eyebrow.  I looked around to find Nick Hayden and Will holding suitcases and bags in the arms.  

"This sassy ass and his girl were concerned we werent being gentle enough with their bags" Nick rolled his eyes, dropping the bag he was holding to the floor.  It fell with a loud PLUNK.  

"MY HAIR STRAIGHTNERS!" El squeaked, dropping to her knees and opening the bag.  

"Come on man!  Expensive stuff here!" Louis sighed, taking the bag from Will's hands.  

"Come on, their just bags!  toughen up my man!" Hayden chuckled, ruffling Louis' hair.  

"Oh fir heavens sake Not the hair!" Louis whined, running to hide behind me and El.  

"Look at this guy!  Who did you say you were again?" Will asked, quirking an eyebrow at Lou.  

"I'm Harry's bestfriend Louis. We're in the same band." Louis said 'matteroffactly'  

"Wow, Harry's changed more than we thought!' Hayden laughed, punching Nick's arm.

"And whats that supposed to mean!?" Louis asked with a sassytone.

"Well the old Harry used to be in a band with real men.  not sissys like you." Hayden laughed.

"Ashlynn!?  Whose here!?" Harry called to me from the hallway, interuppting the boys debacle.  Instead of answering, I just let him come to find out for himself.  As soon as he turned the corner, his face lit up.  

"LOU!" Harry laughed, running to give his bestfriend a hug.  

"Hey man, heard you were having some ex troubles.  El and I are here to help." Louis chuckled. wrapping an arm around his girlfriend.  

"well, we're going to go back to bed.  9:30 is just to damn early." Nick sighed, patting Harry on the back.  The three boys shuffled off and disappeared into the hallway.  

"So, I'm guessing you being here is Ashlynn's doing?" Harry quirked an eyebrow at Lou then me.  

"She just called for help.  The surprise visit was my idea."  Louis shrugged.  Eleanor let a yawn escaped her lips, and Lou looked down at her.  

"Eleanor's pretty tired.  She refuses to sleep in the car leaving me alone.  Why dont we let the girls go back to bed, and we can get breakfast yeah?" Lou asked Harry.  I hoped he'd take the offer, knowing Harry needed a little Lou time tp himself.  

"Yeah man, sounds good.  I'll just go get dressed. Do mum and Gem know your here?" Harry asked.  Louis nodded.  

"Yeah, I called yesterday asking permission to come.  You know Ann's my second mum!  She almost loves me more than you." Louis winked at Harry wrapping an arm around his shoulder and walking to our room.  Eleanor and I watched our boys go.  

"Here, we can take these bags to me and Harry's room.  I'm guessing thats where you guys will be staying." I smiled, picking up two of the four extremly heavy bags.  

"Oh wow, you guys plan to stay for a while?  The weight of your bags kind of tells me so."  I laughed, heaving them in the direction of the room. 

"well, until we go back to the states I think." Eleanor laughed, following me.  

"Bye love!  I'll see you when you get back." Eleanor kissed Louis' cheek goodbye and the boys walked out of the room.  

"NAPTIME!" I singsonged, crawling under the covers of the amazingly comfortable bed.  Eleanor started to make a comfortable place on the floor.  

"Are you crazy?  You think I'm going to make you lay on the floor when theres a perfect amount of room on this bed!?  Get up here!" I laughed, rolling over to give Eleanor some room.  

"Thanks!  Now I'll get an extra good sleep!" She laughed, snuggling down into the warmth of the sheets as well.  

Harry's P.O.V.

I watched Louis as he took in all of the events that had happened the past few days.  What with the old band coming to visit, Claudia, and Ashlynn meeting the family, it took a while to get it all out there.  But now it was, and Louis sat, silent, just staring at me.  

"Lou... speak." I ordered, wanting to know all of his thoughts.  

"You want my honest words?" Louis quirked an eyebrow.  I nodded in response. 

"Your a fucking dumb arse Harry.  How dare you treat Ashlynn that way.  First you go visit your ex girlfriend, then you act all depressed when she doesnt accept your sorry ass apology?  How do you think that makes Ashlynn feel, huh?  Christmas is coming up, and its the first one shes ever celebrated with a family, and your going to ruin it for her by whining about some girl that is totally irrelevant to your life now?  You know she hates it when your upset, and you know that when your down she's down too.  So why are you acting so foolish?  Claudia is in the past.  And from your exlpanation of her, she sounds like a down right bitch.  I suggest you get your priorities straight, and figure out whats really important to you.  Your stunning and amazingly sweet girlfriend that loves you more than life, or the bitch ex that holds a grudge over you for somthing that happened years ago?  Get your head out of your ass Harry, and stop feeling bad for yourself." With that, Louis got out of his seat, and marched straight out of the starbucks we'de decided to stop at.  I was shocked by his explosion, but he left me with thoughts swirling around in my head.  I was greatful Lou had come though, because everything he said was true.  I need to wake up, and set things straight.  What the hell was I thinking?  I dont even care about Claudia.  I just need to grow a pair and forget about the bitvh rejecting my apology.  Who needs her when I've got a girl 100x better anyways? 

Ashlynn's P.O.V.

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS ITS 12:00 AND ITS TIME TO BAKE COOKIES!" Harry's old band mates came tearing into the silent room  that El and I had been napping in.  They started jumping all over the bed, sending us into a screaming fit.  

"OUT OUT GET OUT!" I yelled, trying to block out the loud yells.  It was no use.  

"Lets go make cookies!  Mrs. Ann bought all of the stuff and I'm CRAVING cookie dough!' Nick yelled, pulling me out of the bed.  Hayden got Eleanor and we all scrambled into the kitchn.  I noticed Louis had returned, and he was already helping Mrs. Styles get things ready.  

"Alright kids!  Time to ba-" But before she could finish her scentence, the boys tore into the kitchen, and thats when the giant mess of ingrediants was made! 

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