World Domination at its fines...

By Chimera_Regarion

152K 7.7K 4.7K

What happen when Izuku and Nezu get together and think that the world we know isn't worth living in anymore... More

The beginning
The fatefull meeting
A Lost Case!
Last second safe
Planning murder!
New Family!
School policy!
A normal school day
Not every Villain is a literal Villain
Welcome to the family
I adopted a new brother!
Right on Point!
I go to war with my family!
Finding out All Might's quirk
Don't judge a book by its cover!
I won the bet!
Field Trip or Murder Mystery?
How to tell someone you have a new hero killer friend!
Hero Killer in action!
UA entrence exam!
I gained access and full controll...
My family is growing!
Game over!
Ruler of Japan!
World Domination ✔

No hope left!

7.1K 332 465
By Chimera_Regarion

After I meet Nezu I sneaked back into the apartment and hopped that my mother wouldn't find out that I got back but I was wrong. She was waiting there in the living room for me and what's worse is that she was completely drunk.

Not again!

Did I had enough beatings for today?

At least I meet Nezu!

I like the chimera.

I hope I can keep my promise to him. My words are my promise and I wouldn't like to pass our meeting tomorrow. I think it will be fun. Well I am looking forward to it!

I slowly made my way to my room trying to be as quite as I can until someone grabbed my shoulder.


Inko: AND where the fuck do you think you are going?

Me: To my room.

Inko: After you just ditched me?

Me: I am sorry.

Inko: Where were you?

Me: Meet someone.

Inko: Who?

Me: A friend.

I at least think I can put him in this category for now.


She had a bottle in her hand and it was swaying dangerously close to my head.

Inko: WHO?

Me: Nezu.

Inko: Still lying I see!

She hit me with the bottle with enough force to let me fall down. As I was falling down I tried to regain balance by grabbing a hold of the small table on my left side. Unfortunately, I grabbed the end of it and my hand slipped making me fall on all four.

My mother than grabbed my hear and dragged me to the punishment room as she likes to call it. In truth, it was only a room with tinted windows and soundproof walls. In this room, she had all kinds of torture weapons and chains.

Once she opened the door, she threw me in and I simply accepted the fate knowing that if I would resist or not cooperate, the beating and the torture that was about to come would get a lot more painful.

Inko: You know the procedure!

I did and I hated it. I slowly stood up and went to the wall with the chains facing the wall. She than came to me chaining me to it. Next, she would use a whip. The whip was a custom made one with thorns in it. Every hit was guaranteed to rip my skin open. It was painful and I would have loved to scream only thing holding me back was my past experiences. I knew if I scream she would go all out on me. So I shut my mouth close and injured it.

After the daily bullying I receives and the beating from my former friend Katsuki, I couldn't see the good thing in humanity anymore.

What did the human ever do to me besides torture, beating, suicide baiting, stabbing, burning, hitting or throwing me against the wall?

Why do I deserve this?

I did nothing wrong!

What's wrong with this society!

I learned very quickly that if I disobeyed my mother, she would not only beat me up, until I couldn't stand anymore but she would also not give me any food. It was not as if I got any in the first place very often.

After the whip, she took out her favorite tool, the kitchen knife and began engraving the word USLESS on my back.

Inko: With this you will always remember what you are! USLESS; A MUT; A BASTARD; Just a waste of space!

After that, she left me hanging to the wall. At some point, my legs gave up and I was forced standing upwards because of the chains that was holding me in this position.

At first, I felt the burning pain from my skin that was cut open but after a while I didn't feel anything anymore.

At least she showed some kind of mercy.

I was left hanging there for the night and in the morning she came and released me from the chains. Once she did, I immediately fell down and she was looking down on me.

Inko: Get the fuck ready for school and don't you dare cause some trouble again. Do not test my patience.

Me: Yes!

With that, I wobbly stood up and hurried to the bathroom. Once in there I went to the shower and began scrubbing my body. I needed to get rid of the blood in my hair from the bottle she broke over it yesterday and the blood from my back. Then there were the injuries from Bakugo. I washed myself with hot water. Feeling it sting at the touch on my skin. I felt alive. Only moments ago, I couldn't feel anything.

After my shower, I tried to find some bandages. There were none and I sadly realized that I wanted to buy some yesterday. As a replacement, I took an old sleeveless shirt and put it under my uniform before I went to school.

School was like usual. Bakugo and his minions were waiting for me at the gate and attacked me before I was even getting inside. They dragged me behind the building and began beating me up. I could feel my injuries reopen and blood seeking out.

However this didn't stop them they only attacked even more, kicked, hitting and using their quirks on me.

At least it's not sunny!

This was the only thought I had before blacking out.

*flash back*

After my father left us when I was 6, my mom chained me in a room and looked me up so that I couldn't escape her wrath. This was the first time the punish room came to existence.

She started beating me until I couldn't feel anything. I stood there frozen in place. I know that I am not allowed to make a noise but I still can't help it. It hurts so much!


"What did you just say you useless brat?"

I instantly regretted talking to her. I didn't thought that she was ready to kill me. She unlocked the door and went straight out. I was relieved that I wouldn't feel more pain. 10 minutes later came in with a kitchen knife in her hand. Eyes wide open I began to shiver hard.


No that woman is not my mom ....

she will kill me ...

I am scared .....

I don't want to die!

She was watching me with amusement. I could tell she was having fun with this. I didn't know what I should do?

Should I scream?

Will she stop than?


I can't!

She didn'T like it when I spoke to her!

No, even if I wanted I couldn't. I was frozen in place. Fear is written all over my face.

"Let's see how you like this!"

She instantly started to come closer to me. I wanted to scream. I wanted to run. But my body failed me. I could only watch in horror what she is about to do next. She started cut me slightly on my legs. Blood began dripping down my wounds but that wouldn't stop her. She than began cutting me on my arms. I thought that it would hurt but I couldn't feel anything anymore. Not even a flinch, it was like I was already dead.

"You useless brat. If only I did never gave birth to you than everything would have been better. You are the reason he left me. You are the reason I lost my job. You are the reason my friends don't want to see me anymore. Why won't you scream brat?"

I knew better than to answer her taunting.

"Huh? Why aren't you saying anything stupid bastard?"

She than throws me on the floor and starts cutting my back. With each cut she would place more force on the blade so that each one is deeper. It hurt so bad! I could see little black dots. It became darker and darker each moment. Finally, I passed out.

At some point she must have left my room, because the next day I woke up covered in blood and thanking God I was still alive.

* end of flash back*

I woke up to thunder. Opening my eyes, I saw that it was raining heavily. I was still laying down on the ground. After 15 minutes of watching the clouds in the rain and just letting my body relax, I stood up and heard the sound of the schools bell. A quick glance on my broke phone screen told me that school was already over.

My mother won't like this!

As I was going home, I was attacked by a sludge villain. I didn't even realized it myself until I couldn't even breath anymore.

I endured so much!

I don't want to die.

I saw the jelly substance beginning to wrap around me. Holding my breath I tried to escape but I couldn't move.

Villain: Struggle as much as you want!

I than saw its eyes. The whole body was solid besides the eyes and so I grabbed his eye and squished it. The villains screamed in pain and threw me up. Gasping for air, I immediately tried to back up but the sludge had other plans for me and so he once again threw himself on to me

I will live no matter what!

Seeing as struggling won't help at all, I relaxed my body and focused on my heartbeat. If I could slow it down and endure it until someone passes this tunnel, then I would live. I was sure that a hero would come any minute. It was not like a sludge is attacking people every day and something about the villains rush behavior told that he needed a disguise and fast!

Knowing this he must be on a run. Which meant heroes where after him. All I needed to do was stall for time.

Villain: Why did you stop struggling?

No answer.

Villain: Wait... are you suicidal kid?

Again No answer from me. I wasn't so dump to give him an answer while I was in him. I would only waste my breath and die faster.

Villain: WHAT THE HECK YOU ARE TO YOUNG TO THI- you know what, thanks kid I appreciate it. I will do take care of your body instead of you!

I could feel my conscious slowly fading. I couldn't hold by breath any longer.


I heard someone scream and in the nest instant I was blown to the side and woke up to someone slapping me.

Took you long enough!

Looking at who saved me I saw it was the number one hero, the symbol of piece.

I wonder what he thinks about quirkless people and if he would have saved me if he knew.

If he answers how I think he will than society is really messed up!

But there is this small chance he will accept us quirkless kids.

He is the number one hero the symbol of piece after all!

All Might: I am glad you are ok young man. I thought I lost you there for a moment!

He began collecting the villain and was about to jump of.

Me: All Might wait!

I grabbed his leg before he jumped. Thinking about it, it was really stupid of me. In midair, he realized that I was with him. All Might brought us to a rooftop.

All Might: That was really reckless young man.

Me: I know and I am sorry about that but I have a question and I really need an answer!

All Might: Make it quick!

Me: What do you think about quirkless kids? Do they have the same chance in becoming a hero like someone with a quirk?

All Might: Quirkless, you say!!! In no universe can are they the same like us! They are below us! The bottom of the food chain you might even say. Worthless living piece of shits. In my opinion they don't deserve to live. We should have gotten rid of them long ago!

All Might: I want to see them try being one and then just get ripped to pieces by a villain. HAHA that would be sure a good sight to behold. So my answer is no, they don't stand a chance against us superiors! They should all die together!




Her goes the last small hope I had for humanity and this society!

I knew it but I hopped I was wrong!

Me: Well you just saved a quirkless child!

I watched his smile drop and his face morph to anger.

All Might: You are quirkless.

Me: Yes, Sir!

All Might: You don't deserve to live, I shouldn't have saved you, you mutt!

He then grabbed me by the collar and went to the edge of the building. There was a fence that prohibited anyone from jumping but that didn't matter for All Might. He used the fence and hang me to it. He was carefully placing my collar and my uniform on the fence so that it would rip with time.

All Might: Be happy I am giving you some time to think before you die!

I watched him jump over me to the next building and left me hanging there off the ground and dangling by my schools uniforms collar. It was choking me a little bit too.

I wanted to laugh so much but I couldn't. The reality was sad. The society I live in was screwed and If I could I would destroy it! I began thinking more about reality. Making a plan that would certainly make me a villain but if it meant saving this fucked up society than I would gladly be the villain it needed.

I could try scream for help!

Seeing as I didn't had any other choice, I screamed from the top of my lungs but no one came. Nothing happened at all. Everyone ignored it.

As I was hanging there all I could think off was Nezu and the meeting I was sure gonna miss.

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