Attack on titan x male neglec...

بواسطة Monksanto

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Y/n Gremory was always neglected by his family until the day that Zoticus Y/n's father told him that he shoul... المزيد

Growing up part 1
Growing up part 3
battle in kuoh
Titan testing
Return to kouh
Night out
Failed assassination
Rating game
Family reunion
Mikasa's love (Lemon)
First day at kouh
School sucks
New information
Mission in Marley
Punishment (Lemon)
Party & agreement
The angel
Return to Paradis
Teaser for a story later in time

Growing up part 2

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بواسطة Monksanto

Y/n P.O.V~

I sat in the chair in front of Jean as we played chess together. It had been three weeks since the female titan incident, and my hand had been healing up slowly but surely, and the rest of the scouts, including me, was put in holding camps until we could figure out who or if anyone else was a titan shifter. I moved my rook on the chessboard as I spoke.

Y/n:" Check."

Jean:" Damn it!"

I took a bite out of my green apple that I had gotten with my lunch, smirking as Jean placed his hands in front of his mouth as he thought to himself. Jean got himself out of check; smiling to himself, I quickly moved my knight piece, making him curse once again as I spoke.

Y/n:" Check."

Jean smashed his hands on the table we were sitting at while screaming.

Jean:" Fuck!"

Laughter was then heard throughout the room as it accrued to me that people were watching our game of chess. I moved my queen peace putting in a position that he could not get out of as I won.

Y/n:" Check, mate."

Jean growled as he spoke.

Jean:" You win this time."

I chuckled as Sasha sat down next to me.

Sasha:" Hey Y/n, are you going to eat that?"

Sasha pointed to my bread from my lunch witch I had not eaten. I smiled and gave Sasha my bread making her smile. Sasha slowly began to eat the bread, but then she pressed her head on the ground and spoke loudly.

Sasha:" Footsteps! Giant footsteps are coming this way!"

The camp guards then burst open the doors and told us that titans were coming this way. The guards told everyone to evacuate the camp except for me. I was given the mission to inform the garrison regiment that there could be a potential hole in wall rose and rotate through a few other squads. I had made my plans to meet up with everyone outside Connie's home village called Ragako. I got on a horse and rode away from the camp as I made my way through towns and other establishments. After about a day of riding, I had not encountered any titans at all. I made camp for the night and laid down going to sleep. I fell asleep peacefully until I found myself in a dark place as I heard a familiar voice.

Zeoticus:" What is it, kiddo?"

I turned my head to see a younger version of me talking to my father as I realized that it was that day, the day that my father told me what he really thought of me. I cried as I watched the memory play out in front of me. I then woke up covered in sweat and saw that the sun was rising; I woke up my horse and got up on it before riding out. I reached the outpost I was supposed to reach and informed them of my information before once again taking off. I rode through a town reading a book as I did so before hearing a voice.

???:" Sir!"

I looked down from my horse to see a little girl with blond hair running up towards me. I got off my horse, knelt down to her level, and spoke.

Y/n:" Ms., what's going on?"

???:" T-there is a girl s-she shaved me she needs help. She's fighting a titan."

Y/n:" Titan!"

I quickly got the girl on the horse and slapped the ass of the horse, making it go away as I grappled through the town and found that Sasha had killed a titan with another one behind her. I swooped down from the trees and cut the titans nape killing it; Sahsa looked at me in shock.

Sasha:" Y/n... what are you doing here? Did you save that little girl!?"

Y/n:" Don't worry, I did."

Sasha smiled as she spoke.

Sasha:" Thank you, Y/n... Can we get out of here?"

Y/n:" Yeah, just let me get my horse."

I wrestled, calling my horseback with the little girl still on the saddle. The two of us got my horse before riding out of the town; eventually, we regrouped with some people that came from the same village as the girl, which was also Sasha's hometown. After a few minutes of riding with the group, I had to leave to meet up with Connie and his group. I said goodbye to Sasha as she smiled at me.

Y/n:" Goodbye, Sasha."

Sahsa:" Bye Y/n good luck."

We hugged before I left, waving goodbye to my friend. I rode my horse and shortly arrived at Ragako village and looked around to find that it was deserted, no people anywhere and no horses either all there was a deformed titan on top of a house. It was deformed to the point where it couldn't even walk. It was not a threat, so I did not have a reason to kill it. I moved on before night fell about an hour later, and I started to look for a place to sleep for the night; a scream echoed out through the land as I turned my head to see titan attacking a castle. What the hell! Titans aren't supposed to move during the night! I grappled off my horse and quickly cut a few of the titan's napes, killing them. I cut down the titans as quickly as I could before landing on top of the castle, seeing some of my friends.

Connie:" Y/n?"

Y/n:" Connie, how did you guys get here?"

Connie:" We were supposed to meet up at my hometown; what happened? Why weren't you there?"

Y/n:" I got sidetracked, but why are the titans attacking at night."

Connie:" We don't know."

I sighed as we settled down after the titans had been killed. I sat outside the tower as I looked down at the ground, thinking. I saw Reiner had an arm wrapped in bandages.

Y/n:" Hey Reiner, what happened to your arm?"

Reiner:" One of the damn titans got almost got in the tower and bit my arm."

I heard a monstrous scream as I looked to see another titan that I had never seen before.

I didn't know what this new titan was, but it didn't matter; somehow, it influenced the other titans to attack us. I jumped off the top of the tower and began to cut the titans down one by one. Blood spewed out as their limbs fell down the ground by my blade before I would slice their napes. I grappled onto the trees and attempted to slash off the new titan's hand, but as I shot the anchor, the titan caught it, and it hurled me into the tower of the abandoned castle. I got up as I felt pain in my chest.

Y/n:" Oh yeah, something's broken."

Jean rushed to my side as he helped me off the ground, and we sat down on the tower, and he helped me bandage myself. I had run out of blades and gas, so there was nothing I could do when titans began to climb up the tower looking to eat us. I sighed as I looked at my friends.

Ymir:" Connie, give me your knife."

Connie handed the freckled girl the knife in his hand as he spoke.

Connie:" What are you going to do?"

Ymir:" Simple Connie, I'm going to use this knife to fight."

Connie:" And how the hell do you plan on doing that?"

Ymir chuckled before she walked over to Christa and talked to her for a second before she leaped off the top of the abandoned castle, and using the knife she had been given, she sliced her palm, making yellow lightning strike her as she transformed into a titan.

As Ymir's titan fell, she grabbed onto the castle's wall and began to through the stones at the titans, beginning to kill them. Ymir began to rip apart all the titans, killing them all as the titans' blood and organs spilled onto the ground. After about ten minutes of Ymir fighting these titans, she began to lose due to the small size of her titan. The other titans began to rip Ymir to shreds pulling the arms of her titan as blood spewed out. Christa screamed out for Ymir; the castle's tower began to shake as it toppled over with serval people screaming out.

Connie:" Shit!"

Jean:" Son of a bitch!"

Y/n:" Fuck!"

The castle collapsed as titans began to walk over to our little group. A titan walking towards us fell over dead as its nape had been cut. Mikasa then landed on the ground, the blood of the titan on her blades.

Y/n:" Mikasa!"

Mikasa smiled before hugging me and getting back to killing titans as fast she could. After the scouts had killed all of the titans, I looked to see Christa and Ymir talking to one another Ymir had lost an arm and a leg. I heard Christa say one thing.

Christa:" I am Historia."

Ymir smiled before she closed her eyes before going to sleep. My group and I began to head home; we rode our horses back to wall rose and began to pack up my belongings. I saw Eren talking with Reiner and Bertholdt, with Mikasa standing close behind him. I didn't think much of it and began to walk away. I put in my hands my pockets as I walked away, wanting to go home so I could take a nice nap. I then heard yelling coming from the same place that Reiner and Bertholdt were.

Reiner:" We've been here too long for our own good. We were just kids; we didn't know what we were doing."

Reiner took his hand out of the sling as he held it, the cuts on his arm closed and healed as he spoke.

Reiner:" I must face this as a warrior no road left but the one ahead."

My eyes widened as Bertholdt spoke with worry in his voice.

Bertholdt:" Reiner! We're doing this!? Right now!"

Reiner:" Yeah! Right now, it time to finish this once and for all!"

Mikasa quickly slashed Reiner cutting his arm before she slit Bertholdt's neck, making him choke. Reiner knocked Mikasa back as yellow lightning sparked around him and Bertholdt. Armin, Sasha, and I ran to the scene as Armin screamed out.

Armin:" Eren, get out of there!"

As yellow lightning struck the ground, a massive gust of wind sent many people, including me, flying back. I looked ahead to see that both Reiner and Bertholdt had transformed into the armored and colossal titan. The armored titan grabbed Eren and jumped off of the wall. Eren bit his hand as he screamed out, calling Reiner and Bertholdt traitors as he transformed.

Eren let out a scream as he punched the armored titan. I looked at the colossal titan witch was partially transformed on the wall. The colossal titan reached out, grabbing Ymir, who was still sleeping due to her fighting the titans at the abandoned castle and another scout before gobbling them both up. I grew angry as I fired my ODM gear and swung my way to the back of its neck before attempted to slash at its nape, but there was a massive burst of heat and steam blowing me back and burning my hand in the process. Hange ran to my side as she looked at my burnt hand before bandaging it up. After Hange had patched up my hand, a roar echoed out, and I turned my head to see the armored titan roaring. The colossal titan then screamed in response before it fell off the wall and landed on Eren and the armored titan as it created a massive amount of steam, making it so we could not see what was happening. After we regrouped and commander Erwin had arrived, we planned out a rescue operation; we had got out gear ready, got on our horses getting ready to save our friends. We rode our horses for about half an hour, and once we reached the forest of giant trees where we suspected Reiner and Bertholdt to be hiding. The scouts shot smoke signals letting our presence be known. We began to ride into the forest before grappling off our horses and through the woods. A bolt of yellow lightning struck the earth, signaling that someone had changed into a titan. I saw ahead of my group that Ymir was in her titan formed and perched on a tree. Christa smiled, seeing her friend, and rushed over to her.

Christa:" Ymir!"

Y/n:" Christa, wait!"

Ymir lept off the tree before eating Christa and running off.

Jean:" That thing just ate Christa after it!"

We pursued Ymir's titan as another bright light briefly shined through the forest as the armored titan ran through all the giant trees before Ymir hoped on its back the two titans running away. The group and I got back onto our horses, perusing after the armored titan. As we chased after the titan, I saw another group of titans following after commander Erwin and other scouts. The titans following the group then began to attack the armored titan, overwhelming it as it fell to the ground. Mikasa and Armin managed to revive Eren, while Sasha and Connie managed to get Christa from Ymir's grasp. As we made our escape, a shadow loomed over me as a titan slammed onto the ground next to me; somehow, it was raining titans. We all did our best to avoid getting crushed by titans, and as it looked like we were in the clear, I looked around and saw that Eren and Mikasa were missing.

Y/n:" Wheres Eren and Mikasa."

Jean:" Shit, they must have gotten thrown off their horse."

Y/n:" I'm going back to get them."

Hange:" I'll come with you."

Hange and I turned back to get our friends. Our horses galloped through the open space, desperately trying to find out friends. Suddenly I heard Eren scream out in anger as I titan jumped over me and began to attack another one; many other titans joining it, killing this one titan. I saw Eren with Mikasa and spoke while I approached them.

Y/n:" Eren, are you doing this!?"

Eren nodded before he got on my horse, and Mikasa got on the same horse as Hange. As we rode way the horses, Eren screamed out as Titans began to attack the armored titan. I briefly looked back at the armored titan before going back to the mission at hand.

*Two weeks later*

I sat in the barracks' mess hall; it was my turn to cook dinner tonight, things had finally gotten semi-normal again, and Eren had filled me in on everything that I missed. I was making beef stew. Sasha entered the kitchen as she spoke.

Sasha:" Hey Y/n, can I try some of that stew?"

Y/n:" No."

Sasha:" Please~."

I looked to see that Sasha was begging with a cute look in her eyes. I sighed held out my soup spoon, letting Sasha have a taste. Sasha smiled as she spoke.

Sasha:" That's really good!"

Y/n:" Well, I'm glad you like it."

Mikasa then burst through the door and spoke.

Mikasa:" Y/n, Sasha, there's a titan attack!"

Sasha and I quickly got ready as the scouts rode to the titan attack in the Trost District. Reiner was rampaging through the streets. Everyone attempted to slash the armored titan, but our blades would break every time. After minutes of Reiner shoving his fist in the ground over and over again, he pulled his arm out, holding the titan crystal that contained Annie. Reiner began to run away as he broke through the wall once again running away. As we chased, Reiner Eren transformed into his titan form and began to fight with Reiner forcing him to drop the titan crystal as Reiner and Eren started to attack each other. After a long gurgling battle, Eren won, knocking out the armored titan. I went to go finish Reiner off, but Armin stopped me.

Armin:" Look, I know this isn't ideal, but we need to get Annie back first."

I sighed and gripped my blades as we loaded up Annie's crystal onto a wagon as we began to ride away; about halfway through the ride, a horde of titans began to fallow us due to us being outside the walls. The horde of titans chased after us as I sat in that wagon was the scouts, and I fled from the battlefield. Mikasa looked at Eren, who was passed out in the wagon after his fight with Reiner. I then looked at the crystal beside me, Anime lying motionless inside. The wave of titans gained closer and closer to us.

Armin:" Faster, Connie!"

Connie:" We can only so fast while something this heavy!"

I looked at Jean and Sasha, who were riding horses behind the wagon; I then looked at Mikasa and Eren before weakly smiling to myself, knowing what I had to do. A single tear dripped down my cheek as I grabbed my blades before standing up.

Mikasa:" Wait, what are you doing..?!"

I fired my Odm gear into a tree and grappled off the wagon and into the air as I swooped by a titan before cutting its nape, killing it. I did my best to lead the titans away from my friends as I watched the wagon disappear from my view. I then went back to killing all the titans I could as I spoke to myself.

Y/n:" Time to repay my debt to you, Grisha..."

I grappled under and titan's arm and up onto its neck before killing it as well.

Thrid person P.O.V~

The creaking of wooden boards was heard as Connie, Sasha, and Jean walked down the regiment barracks hallway; their heads hung low.

Connie:" He hasn't come back..."

Jean had a solemn look on his face as he spoke with a sad tone.

Jean:" Honestly, I'm not holding out much hope."

Sasha stopped in her tracks as she shouted out.

Sasha:" Y/n will come back!"

Jean and Connie were both shocked at Sasha's words as she counted.

Sasha:" I know he definitely will.."

Armin sat on top of wall, Rose thinking about what had happened; one of his best friends had died in battle today. Hange screamed out at Erwin, angry as she argued with him to send out a search party. Levi sat in the mess hall alone, drinking his cup of tea as he looked down at the ground, thinking to himself. Mikasa sat in Y/n's old bedroom, looking through the recipe book that he would use for cooking for his friends every time and that Carla had given him. Historia sat in her room looking outside her window at the night sky; she had lost Yimr, and now she had lost Y/n. Eren's fist shook as tears leaked out of his eyes; he had just lost another member of his family.

Y/n P.O.V~

I collapsed on the ground as my blood dripped onto the soil beneath me. I had killed all of the titans in the area, but I had lost my left arm completely and the right side of my abdomen; I gazed up at the sky, tears leaking out of my eyes as I lay dying. Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Everyone, I thank you for letting me be your friend and giving me a home, making me feel welcome, and everything else you have done for me. I raised my arm to the sky as I thought to myself. Mother, Father, I'm sorry I couldn't be a better son, and I'm sorry to Rias and Sirzex; I'm sorry I couldn't be a better brother. I then felt the footsteps of a titan approaching me as I closed my eyes, waiting for death.


I opened my eyes and looked down to see that someone had bandaged my injuries. I groaned in pain as I sat up before hearing a voice.

???:" So your finally awake."

I looked to see a man with blond hair and glasses sitting with Reiner and Bertholdt. I got up off the ground and began to run to attack Reiner and Bertholdt. I then heard the man speak with a bored tone in his voice.

???:" Laura, Pieck, could one of you please knock him out."

I was hit on the back of the head and fell to the ground blacking out.

Third-person P.O.V~

The group looked down at the knocked-out H/n and red-haired male as Luara spoke.

Laura:" I don't know why you even bothered to save him, Pieck."

Pieck:" Oh, it's simple, really; it's because he's cute."

Reiner sighed as he took a drink of his water.

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