If you fall, you lose

بواسطة Stuckysmutter

23.3K 350 698

It all started with a bottle of Vodka, a dare from Mina and then a dare from Denki. Now they made a bet. Who... المزيد

✔ Chapter 2.
✔ Chapter 3.
✔ Chapter 4.
✔ Chapter 5.
✔ Chapter 6.
✔ Chapter 7.
✔ Chapter 8.
✔ Chapter 9.
✔ Chapter 10.
✔ Chapter 11.
✔ Chapter 12.
✔ Chapter 13.
✔ Chapter 14.

✔ Chapter 1.

3.5K 36 83
بواسطة Stuckysmutter

                                                                           *Kirishima's point of view*

We just moved into our new dorms, me and the rest of class 1a. We're all excited, and everybody is unpacking and decorating their rooms. 

One by one we gather in the common room. I meet Mina on my way there, but first she drags me with her, to show her room. 

After that we walk to the common room together and sit down next to Sero and Denki and we talk about this exciting new chapter in our lives. 

Because this really is something. The rest of the class is also excited, you can hear it, they're loud as hell I think. 

''Sero and Denki's rooms are next to each other, below me and Bakugou's rooms'' I tell Mina. She smiles and tells me where she sleeps, and after that she shifts her attention to a few girls. 

I smile while listening to the boys and girls, switching my attention between both. 

Then the hot headed blond walks in and the group falls a little more quiet. Bakugou doesn't like loud people, which is funny because he is, very, loud himself. 

I pat on the empty seat of the couch. He makes a ''Tch'' sound and walks over, crashing down next to me.

I give him a smile and try to start a conversation, asking him or he is happy with his room, but mister whips out his phone and starts playing Candy-Crush. 

After the whole kidnapping I've made a promise to myself,  which is that I am going to be the best friend to Bakugou, after everything he deserves that.

Bakugou lets out a groan which scares me out of my thoughts about him. ''I'm hungry'' he groans and I let out a chuckle and when I look back at him I see his eyes nearly start glowing from anger. 

Don't joke around an hungry Bakugou, noted. 

I quickly stand up, holding my hand out for him to grab, ''Let's go to the cafeteria then'' I say. Bakugou slaps my hand away and stands up. 

Well that's not so nice I think while we walk to the hall to get our coats. While Bakugou puts on his coat I hear footsteps behind us, it are Mina and Denki.

 ''Can we join you guys?'' They ask and I give them a nod. 

''Of course, let's go! But hurry up because Bakugou'' I point over to the already irritated man next to me, ''is very hungry.''

''Yeah you slow lazy fucks hurry the fuck up'' he yells out while already walking outside. I can't help but smile, this guy thinks he's all that with his yelling but I am not the slightest intimidated by it. And looking over at my friends, neither are they. 

We walk over to the cafeteria and honestly, it's all good vibes. We sit down at a table, and I wave to a few classmates while we walk over to the line, just Mina and I. 

''So,'' the pink girl starts, I look down at her, already scared of what she is going to say, ''I got us a little bit of, funny juice, to celebrate all moving in together.'' She whispers while on her toes, to reach my ear. I look at her a little shocked, Mina is, badass. 

I've always looked up to her. Which is funny since I'm now like, ten inches bigger than her. But she's always been a big inspiration to me, and it warms my heart to know I am a big inspiration to her. 

''Mina, that's... cool, what are you planning to do with it though.'' I ask her, she smiles. 

''I was thinking, tonight, we hang out with the squad, and extra, whatever. But not to many because we don't want someone to snitch.'' she looks over at Iida and Ochaco, who are a few places ahead of us in the line, I let out a laugh which might be a little too hard. 

"anyways, then we can just play a game and spice it up a little.'' She looks over at our friends and I follow her gaze, looking at Bakugou. She sees me looking and smiles, ''It would be fun to see that one drunk wouldn't it.'' 

Bakugou notices us looking and gives us the finger. Mina gives him one right back and I let out a laugh. 

We finally reach the beginning of the line and pick food for ourselves and food for Denki and Bakugou. 

When Mina and I get back to the table Bakugou complains about how it took too long. I sit down and tell him to suck it and eat. And, he does. Which surprises me because Bakugou doesn't listen to anyone normally 

( ˘˘з)♬♪

It's loud and my head is hurting. I look down at my phone and see it's already eight! After me and the rest finished eating we went back to our dorm, and we came home to this chaos. 

It's something between Midoriya and Todoroki and they're yelling at each other but also laughing?

And of course Bakugou has to join in because imagine Deku having fun without him. That's one of the few things that annoy me about Bakugou, like let the man live 

I give Mina a look which translates to help, my head can't handle this. But instead of Mina, Bakugou catches it. 

We lock eyes and I blush. He looks around the room and then back to me. He then stands up and walks over to me. 

"what's going on shitty hair?'' I blush even more. Jesus what's going on with you?

''Oh, nothing Bakubro! it's just, loud...'' He rolls his eyes at the nickname but decides to not say anything about it, ''Aight bet'' is what he answers, and I raise a brow. 

Bakugou turns around and yells out ''Everybody, shut the fuck up and go to bed or something, stupid extra's. It's late, irresponsible fuckers, we have school.'' the group looks at him surprised but also agree, and a few stand up. 

That's Bakugou Katsuki for you

I look at him surprised, and even though his back is facing me, I know he knows I'm looking. 

''Take that look off your face'' he grunts as he turns around, ''I'm going to bed too.'' I think back to what Mina said and stop him, ''Baku wait''

He turns around at the nickname, ''What'' I blush because he looks me right into my eyes with an angry look, it's strangely... attractive. ''Mina had this plan and I'd like you to be there too..'' I say softly. 

A little backstory on me and Bakugou. Ever since the moment I got put into one class with him I've adored him, he's a little hard to get close to but that only made me want to be his friend more, and ever since he's accepted me as a friend I've been starting to appreciate him more and more. I don't know what it is.. Mina says it's a crush but, I don't think so. 

I mean nothing wrong with liking men. Hell, I am the manliest dude every, there is nothing more manly than liking men, but I don't think I like Bakugou, I mean... it's Bakugou, who wouldn't like him.. 

I just can't explain what it is, but I want to be around him, make sure he is okay, and be there for him at all times. I'm just a good friend, and one of his only friends and I take that job very seriously. 

He waves his hand in front of my face while I was spacing out, ''Hey shitty hair? Hello?'' I snap back into reality and look at him. ''Oh sorry dude!'' I say, scratching the back of my neck. He raises his brow and places his hands on his hips. 

''Shitty hair, what the fuck do you want from me now?'' he snaps at me. I look around and then back at him, smiling, and patting my hand on the couch.

''I want you to sit down, next to me, and chill down.'' I say, and he grunts, rolling his eyes and sitting down. ''Tch, I hate you shitty hair.'' 

I move my head to bump against his and whisper ''Nah, you don't.'''

''Hey love birds, cut it out!'' Denki yells while running over to them. He went to change into his more relaxed clothing. ''Okay Mina, tell us!'' he says while he wiggles himself between me and Bakugou. 

I don't mind it all to much but Bakugou isn't really that fond of someone entering his personal space, only I am ever allowed to. 

Mina smiles at Denki, ''One minute boys, I have to get it from my room real quick, stay put!''

Denki nods and when Mina's gone he looks at us, ''So, Bakugou, how do you like it here?'' he tries to start a conversation, Bakugou just gives him a look and Denki immediately stands up from in between us, walking over to Sero. 

My eyes follow him while I feel Bakugou's eyes staring at me. I don't have the balls to change my gaze and look at him, so I look down  at my hands, which are laying in my lap. 

When Mina comes back she has a bag in her hand, and she changed into sweats. ''Okay boys!'' she starts and claps in her hands. She holds up her pink bag and pulls out a bottle of vodka. 

My face drops, vodka?! 

How did she get vodka.. Whenever I see people drink it's mostly beer..

''Oh no Ashido no, I'm not doing that'' Bakugou says while standing up, I look over to him. 

You wouldn't expect this but Bakugou is very much a good boy with good morals. He doesn't want to do bad. Hell, this man even has a bedtime. 

''come on Bakugou, can't we celebrate moving in here a little bit?'' She walks over to him, ''And enjoy ourselves.'' Bakugou backs up while Mina gets close. While she walks past me I stop her by softly grabbing her arm. 

We're already lucky Bakugou is still, here, and not in bed yet. And I don't want him to snap at her. ''Let me do it Mina, you convince the rest'' I say to her while I run after Bakugou, who has already made his way to the elevator.  

''Bro, bro wait for me.'' I put my hand on his shoulder, and he turns around in my grip. ''What. The. Fuck. DO YOU WANT SHITTY HAIR'' he yells, mostly to intimidate me. 

But I am far from intimidated, this man can yell his lungs out and I might just find it slightly attractive. 

Also, I once read that the people who yell the hardest are the most insecure and ever since that Instagram post I've been a changed man. 

''Bakubro, buddy, my dude'' I start, ''Please, join us having fun.'' I say. 

Honestly, I don't want to push Bakugou into doing something he doesn't want to do, but sometimes this man needs a little push. 

''I really want you there okay, it's no fun without you'' I try to use the fact that he cares about me a little bit, hoping it'll convince him.

''Shitty hair, you can give me those puppy eyes all you want but I'm not going to drink in the middle of the common-room at 8.30 in the evening.'' I sigh, ''And if we go to my room?'' I ask him, raising my brow playfully. 

He turns back around, facing the elevator and makes a "Tch'' sound. The elevator is on floor two, but I see it go down to one. 

''Bakugou please. If we do it my room? We'll put on some music and'' I grab his arm and turn him around while the elevator is on its way down. 

''and if you get wasted too badly you'll be allowed to sleep over'' I joke, and I give him a smile, ''Please, it's really no fun without my favorite hothead'' 

Normally I don't have the balls to talk to Bakugou like this but today, I'm feeling like it. And I can read Bakugou like a book, and today's page is accepting of my stupid behavior. 

''Shitty hair, I absolutely despise you and your stupid face do you know that.'' He grunts out while walking into the elevator. I feel my heart drop, I really thought I convinced him. 

''I'll see you all in 5.'' he says before the doors close, and my sad face turns into a smile. ''Thank you dude!'' I say quickly and run back to the others.

They all look at me curious for an answer. ''Sadly, he doesn't want to do it..." I start, seeing their faces drop, ''..here'' I then say. 

''what?'' Denki asks, looking around the group, seeing if they understood or not.. ''Kiri what do you mean.'' he then asks me.

Mina jumps up, clapping her hands, ''Denki you dummy, Bakugou wants to do it just not here in the common room.'' I can see her think for a moment, ''Which I somewhere understand.''

She puts the bottle back into her bag and walks over to me, grabbing Sero's hand while passing him, dragging him up. If you didn't know Mina all too well you'd think she likes Sero, but that's just the way she is. 

I look at her, ''He said he'd be in my room in five, so let's go kids.'' I say, flashing her smile. She pats my shoulder and laughs. ''Kiri I didn't know you're that good in giving head. You and Bakugou are gone for like three minutes and you come back and he's convinced, and it's past his bedtime too, yet he's coming! wow.''

I stand still and shake my head. The gay jokes in this group are infinite, and I love it. I make them too, and half of us have the right to say it. The only boring, sorry I mean straight, ones in our group are Bakugou and Sero, as far as we know...

''Yeah yeah Mina, now get your ass to the elevator.'' I say, ''The elevator?!'' Sero screams, ''You lazy fuckers we have stairs too.'' 

Mina and I give him a look before walking away, towards the elevator. 

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