tell me pretty lies: hope mik...

By mediocrewriter11

13K 556 79

In the town of Mystic Falls, one would think the supernatural beings held the most secrets. But for Adelyn Ri... More

part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9

part 1

2.1K 64 14
By mediocrewriter11

Of all elements, I'll say that I'm snow, melting on impact of your warmth.

Lili Reinhart

To me, we see our lives in many different ways. Some see it through music. Others through art. Others in a more practical way. But me? I read poetry as a way to relate to the world.

I see my life through the words of a poet when I'm incapable of expressing words myself. Because when I think that no one understands, someone always does.

The white lockers faded into the background of the shot we were about to take. Bustling students walking lazily to their homeroom. My best friend, Maya, pointed to the camera giving me the signal to start talking.

"Welcome back, Mystic Falls High! I know everyone had a crazy summer, but all I have to say to that is...let's make the best out of the year! A year full of adventures and laughter and maybe even falling in love..." I drew out, but there was a person who was walking right through the shot.

"Hey, you walked into our shot!" she exclaimed, frantically waving the camera at her to move out of the way.

She had long light brown hair and light blue eyes. And she seemed to be scanning the area on some sort of mission.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't know." she explained, finally looking at the two of us. She jumped back out of the camera's frame, "I wasn't looking where I was going. Actually, I'm kind of lost."

I ran my fingers through my hair as I broke out into a grin, "Distracted, were you?" I flirted, not so subtly.

And her serious face broke into a small little grin. Her eyebrows creasing and her lips quirking upwards, "Maybe, but not for the reason you're thinking. Just trying to find Principal Saltzman's office."

I clicked my tongue to the roof of my mouth, "It's okay Maya. I think our new friend here is perfect for our intro segment anyway."

"An intro segment? I don't think so." the new girl said and it was my turn to break into a smile.

"Take this as a return of favors. You help me film this and I will help you get to Principal Saltzman's office." I explained and she rolled her eyes before sighing softly.

She studied me for a little bit, but I didn't waver. I stood my ground with a big smile on my face or well the charming one that Maya says gets me in trouble with all of the girls and guys here.

"Picking on the new kid, already?" Maya's brother Ethan says, coming up and ruffling my hair.

"Really? Right before the shot?" I asked him, flipping him off as he walked over to behind the camera, "So do we have a deal mystery girl?" She sighed again before nodding. I stepped forward towards and held my hand out, flashing her my brilliant smile.

"Adelyn Rivers, Rivers for your short. It's much less formal than Adelyn and I will be at your lovely service today. You must be new though." I said, my eyes becoming captured with her blue ones. Gosh she was an attractive girl.

"I am, actually. You must be the class flirt." she shot back, a satisfied smile on her face.

My grin widened even more, "I am if you want me to be." I winked at her and she shook her head, rolling her eyes which I hoped to be in a playful manner.

"I'm Hope," she hesitated for a bit before continuing, "Hope Marshall."

"Hope?" I asked and she nodded, "It's cute. It fits you."

I motioned for Maya to keep rolling before turning back towards her.

"So, when did you move here, Hope?" I asked and she hesitated.

"Not too long ago. I get moved around a lot actually." she replied simply and you smiled at her sympathetically.

"Okay, serious you have what it takes to be a Timberwolf?" I asked looking at her dead in the eye, "This is a life or death question and it will determine your place at this school. So if you say now, we may have to just lock you up in detention for eternity." I joked and she rolled her eyes, yet again. But the little quirk of her lips didn't go unnoticed.

"I hate to break it to you, but school spirit is not really my thing. Like I said, I've moved around a lot, you don't really have the time to get attached to stuff like that." she explained, "But there's something about this place that's already gotten under my skin, so that answer might change. Just don't get your hopes up."

Me and Hope share a long look, my eyes twinkling mischievously, "And last, but not least. Are you single?"

"Are you sure this is for the morning announcements? I feel like you're compromising your reporter ethics if you're abusing your power like this." she shot back and I nodded.

Both Ethan and Maya looked at each other, jumping up and down like a pair of monkeys. I ran my hands through my hair, as much as I tried to fight the smile off my face it didn't go away. It stayed planted on there, "She got you there Rivers." Ethan said and I rolled my eyes, pushing him away.

The bell rang indicating time for class to start, "Saved by the bell, I guess."

"Who? You or Hope?" Maya asked and it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"I think it's my turn to hold up the end of our deal. I'll see you two later." I said to the pair of siblings, "Hope, shall we?"

I walked her towards the office which wasn't too far from where we first were, "This is your spot. Have a good first day, Hope." I replied with a smile, "I'll see you around."

Of course that had a hidden meaning behind it. It wasn't just a random phrase, it was a promise. I wanted to see this girl again.

I slipped into the announcement room just as the late bell rang. Settling behind the desk that sits in front of the greenscreen. I tried to focus on the tips Maya was giving me, but all I could think about was Hope.

"Earth to Adelyn Rivers!" Ethan exclaimed, clapping his hands right in front of my face, "I'm so gonna tease you about this later, but we're on the air in 3...2..." he points his finger and I start on the routine I've said so many times before.

A bright smile plastered on my face, "Gooooodddd morning, Mystic Falls High!" I exclaimed, drawing out the o's in good for God knows how long, "I apologize to each and every one of you that you can't get rid of me on the morning announcements. I know I must be such a bore, but really it's an honor to be nominated for another Mystic Falls High daytime Emmy." I joked and everyone behind the camera rolled their eyes and stifled a laugh.

"I'm gonna be here to bring you all of the important Timberwolf news floating around. Speaking of which the annual flag football game against the Salvatore Boarding School is taking place next week! See me or Maya or Ethan for more information and signing up. Hopefully, new coach Principal Saltzman will help us win yet another game against the Stallions. For lunch today, we have those amazing chicken nuggets with waffle fries. And in more bustling gossip we have an exclusive interview with Mystic Falls' newest student, Hope Marshall." the camera cuts onto the video and I smiled at the two siblings.

"A daytime Emmy? Really?" Maya asked, rolling her eyes.

Ethan shrugged, "I don't know. I thought it was pretty good." he went over to give you a high five as the interview still played in the background, "Speaking of, I saw that look you were giving the new girl. It's how everyone looks at you with the swoony dreamy, 'oh my gosh I'm in love with Adelyn Rivers' look."

"And what did that have to do with you saying my joke was good?" I asked him, curiously and he just shrugged.

"I don't know. But really you looked at her and I've never seen you look like anyone like that. You're always so friendly, but you were extremely friendly." he explained and I rolled my eyes.

"That's true Ads. You have to admit that you haven't looked at anyone since you-" she was about to continue when I could hear the interview with Hope end. Maya sighs before pressing on the camera button to continue rolling.

"And don't forget to have a great first day Timberwolves! Rivers, signing off!" I said, giving them my signature two finger salute.

"So what are you gonna do about the new girl?" the pair of siblings asked, sitting on the desk that you were sitting behind.

I've known these two for as long as I can remember. Our mom's were best friends for as long as I could remember. We practically shared a womb together. So we grew up together knowing the in's and out's of our lives. They were like the cousins who aren't actually your blood-related cousins, but in your heart they were.

"I don't know." I replied simply.

Maya placed a hand on my shoulder, "You can't keep living in the fear that if you love someone you'll-"

I shook my head, "Yes I can. We don't know what's gonna happen. Besides I just met her, let's not jump so far ahead. For all we know she could be a murderer." I said with a shrug.

"Or have a really bad fashion taste." Maya said, trying to joke around to lift up the mood.

"Or a vampire." Ethan pointed out and we both looked at him incredulously, "Do you guys not pay attention in history? There are so many myths about vampires in this town."

I pat his back, "Exactly, myths." I said and ruffled his hair.

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