Misc. Stuff

بواسطة markschmoyer

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Random stuff that I have. المزيد

Spring Challenge
Haiku Challenge
I Am A Deer
Short Love Story
Christianity: Relationship or Religion?
Oh Mr. Truth, You Are Absolutely Relative
Theistic Evolution?

About Me

857 19 27
بواسطة markschmoyer

I figured I'd upload a note I recently did on Facebook. Its 100 truths about myself. So...if you wanna know a little more about me, check it out!! :)

-1. Last beverage: OJ!!!

-2. Last phone call: Probably Glory :D 

-3. Last text message: Ruth MacDonald 

-4. Last song you listened to: Listening now to the song Fight for Love

-5. Last time you cried: I got hit in practice the other day hard....


-6. Dated someone twice: nope. once? nope

-7. Been cheated on: naw

-8. Kissed someone & regretted it: grace was kinda slimy yesterday

-9. Lost someone special: hmmm

-10. Been depressed: not really

-11. Liked someone you know you shouldnt: hmmm


-12. Green (wow, these colors were already here, and they are my favorite also!!!)

-13. Blue 

-14. Orange


-15. Made a new friend: TOTES! college will do that to you 

-16. Fallen in love: i dont' think so?

-17. Laughed until you cried: hahahah yes

 -18. Met someone who changed you: yess

-19. Found out who your true friends were: I already knew

 -20. Found out someone was talking about you: people talk about me all the time. no big deal

-21. Been lied to: grace lies alot :)

-22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: um...most of them 

 -23. How many kids do you want? 3 and a third. 

 -25. Do you want to change your name? my middle yes. 

 -26. What did you do for your last birthday? uuhhh... i was at a camp...and all my friends were already there

-28. What were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping like a baby

-29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: uhhhh....this note to be over. hahah jk 

-30. Last time you saw your Mother: hour ago. and why is Mother capitalized?

-31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: my height. how awesome would it be to be 8 foot 9?

-33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: what does this have to do with ANYTHING?

-34. Who is getting on your nerves now? i would have to say frogs 

-35. Most visited webpage: tumblr, facebook, wattpad, gmail. 

-36. Whats your real name: If I told you, i'd have to kill you 

-37. Any nicknames? yes. 

-38. Relationship Status? idk, probably taken. 

-39. Zodiac sign: how do you ever find out?

-40. Male or female?: Do I need to answer this? Anybody confused on this question at all? If so, please message me, and I'll clear it right up. 

-41. Best friend?: Ruth, Grace (this is the part where you go "awww!"), Daniel, Chris 

 -42. What did you do last night? hhmm....hahahaha jk, bible study 

 -43. Who do you trust?Family, friends, God :) (God should be first, but i'm too lazy to edit it)

 -44. Hair color: What are the chances anybody actually reads THIS question?

 -45. Long or short: My body is long. 

 -46. Height: idk, 5 foot 7?

 -47. Do you have a crush on someone?: whats a crush? like orange crush?

 -48: What do you like about yourself? myself 

 -49. Piercings: shhhh

 -50: Tattoos: no need to tell 

 -51. Righty or lefty: bothy 


-52. First surgery: uhhh....disclosed

-53. First piercing: never

 -54. First best friend: Chris :)

 -55. First sport you joined: basketball

 -56. First vacation: florida? camping? idk!

 -58. First job: dog walking 

RIGHT NOW (fill in your own):

 -59. Typing

 -60.  Hightlighting text and then deleting it. 

 -61. Listening to Sent By Ravens 

 -62. Eyes are burning 

 -63.  dang it, had to hit the delete button twice


-64. Want kids?: answered already

 -65. Get married?: i won't have kids if i'm not married. 

 -66. Career: aurthor, musician, surgeon. idk. 

 -67. Lips or eyes: mouth 

 -68. Hugs or kisses? Chest Bumps  

 -69. Shorter or taller: Is it a problem that I'm not choosing their options?

 -70. Older or Younger: olddddd like, 77

 -71. Romantic or spontaneous: idk 

 -72. Nice stomach or nice arms: thats awk. 

 -73. Sensitive or loud: I'm a loud person in a sensitive way 

 -74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship


-76. Kissed a stranger: course not 

-77. Drank hard liquor: is there soft liquor? I guess so, but no to both. 

-78. Lost glasses/contacts: neithers 

-79. Hookup on first date: naw man 

-80. Broken someone's heart: probably hahaha jk 

-82. Been arrested: hmm....

-83. Turned someone down: yes

-84. Cried when someone died: not yet 

-85. Fallen for a friend: whoa 


-86. Yourself: yeah man 

 -88. Love at first sight: hhmmm...posisbly 

 -89. Heaven: heck yeah 

 -90. Santa Clause: i killed him (whoops)

 -91. Kiss on the first date: nopes

 -92. Angels: yeah man 


 -94. Had more than one boyfriend at a time: Why do you have to say that I have to answer truthfully? Are you assuming I"ve been lying this whole time? And do you really think just because you typed that extra word its actually going to make people answer for honestly?

 -95. Did you sing today?: oh yeah (thanks Ed)

 -96. Ever cheated on somebody?: I don't roll like that 

 -97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? Creation 

 -98. The moment you would choose to relive? idk

 -99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: this age? maybe. 

 -100. Are you afraid of posting this as 100 truths?: If i was, I would NOT be doing this note! duh. 

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